Ejemplo n.º 1
enum plugin_status plugin_start(const void* parameter)
    int action, i;
    struct jackpot game;

        jackpot_display_slot_machine(&game, rb->screens[i]);
    /*Empty the event queue*/
    while (true)
        action = pluginlib_getaction(TIMEOUT_BLOCK,
                                plugin_contexts, ARRAYLEN(plugin_contexts));
        switch ( action )
            case PLA_CANCEL:
                return PLUGIN_OK;
            case PLA_SELECT:

                if (rb->default_event_handler_ex(action, jackpot_exit, NULL)
                    == SYS_USB_CONNECTED)
                    return PLUGIN_USB_CONNECTED;
    return PLUGIN_OK;
TEST(Utf8Utils, utf8IsValid) {
    static const struct {
        bool expected;
        const char* text;
        size_t textLen;
    } kData[] = {
        DATA(true, ""),
        DATA(true, "Hello World!"),
        DATA(true, "T\xC3\xA9l\xC3\xA9vision"),
        DATA(false, "\x80\x80"),
        DATA(true, "\xC1\xB6"),
        DATA(false, "\xC0\x7f"),
        DATA(true, "foo\xE0\x80\x80"),
        DATA(false, "foo\xE0\x80"),
    const size_t kDataSize = ARRAYLEN(kData);
    for (size_t n = 0; n < kDataSize; ++n) {
                              kData[n].textLen)) << "#" << n;
mxArray* popPage()
   size_t M,N,maxMN;
   double retVal;
   mxArray* tmp;
   biEntry* cmdStruct = lookupEntry("PageList", vars, ARRAYLEN(vars));
   if (cmdStruct->var == NULL)
      return cmdStruct->getter(cmdStruct);
      retVal = mxGetScalar(cmdStruct->var);
      M = mxGetM(cmdStruct->var);
      N = mxGetN(cmdStruct->var);
      maxMN = M > N ? M : N;
      tmp = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, maxMN - 1, mxREAL);
      memcpy(mxGetPr(tmp), mxGetPr(cmdStruct->var) + 1, (maxMN - 1)*sizeof(double));
      cmdStruct->setter(cmdStruct, tmp);
      return mxCreateDoubleScalar(retVal);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void settings_apply_skins(void)
    char buf[MAX_PATH];
    /* re-initialize the skin buffer before we start reloading skins */
    enum screen_type screen = SCREEN_MAIN;
    unsigned int i;
    for (i=0; i<ARRAYLEN(skins); i++)
        screen = skins[i].suffix[0] == 'r' ? SCREEN_REMOTE : SCREEN_MAIN;
        CHART2(">skin load ", skins[i].suffix);
        if (skins[i].setting[0] && skins[i].setting[0] != '-')
            snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, WPS_DIR "/%s.%s",
                     skins[i].setting, skins[i].suffix);
            skins[i].loadfunc(screen, buf, true);
            skins[i].loadfunc(screen, NULL, true);
        CHART2("<skin load ", skins[i].suffix);
Ejemplo n.º 5
void mspClientProcess(void)
    static uint8_t index = 0;

    bool busy = mspPorts[1].commandSenderFn != NULL;
    if (busy) {
    commandToSend = commandsToSend[index];
    mspPorts[1].commandSenderFn = mspRequestFCSimpleCommandSender;

    if (index >= ARRAYLEN(commandsToSend)) {
        index = 0;

    // handle timeout of received data.
    uint32_t now = micros();
    mspClientStatus.timeoutOccured = (cmp32(now, mspClientStatus.lastReplyAt) >= MSP_CLIENT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL);
/* Buffer a block of sound data for the given sound.  Return the number of
 * frames buffered, or a RageSoundReader return code. */
int RageSoundDriver::GetDataForSound( Sound &s )
	sound_block *p[2];
	unsigned psize[2];
	s.m_Buffer.get_write_pointers( p, psize );

	/* If we have no open buffer slot, we have a buffer overflow. */
	ASSERT( psize[0] > 0 );

	sound_block *pBlock = p[0];
	int size = ARRAYLEN(pBlock->m_Buffer)/channels;
	int iRet = s.m_pSound->GetDataToPlay( pBlock->m_Buffer, size, pBlock->m_iPosition, pBlock->m_FramesInBuffer );
	if( iRet > 0 )
		pBlock->m_BufferNext = pBlock->m_Buffer;
		s.m_Buffer.advance_write_pointer( 1 );

//	LOG->Trace( "incr fr wr %i (state %i) (%p)",
//		(int) pBlock->m_FramesInBuffer, s.m_State, s.m_pSound );

	return iRet;
Ejemplo n.º 7
bool dbg_hw_info_dma(void)
        int button = get_action(CONTEXT_STD, HZ / 25);
            case ACTION_STD_NEXT:
            case ACTION_STD_PREV:
            case ACTION_STD_OK:
            case ACTION_STD_MENU:
                return true;
            case ACTION_STD_CANCEL:
                return false;

        lcd_putsf(0, 0, "S C name bar      apb ahb una");
        for(unsigned i = 0; i < ARRAYLEN(dbg_channels); i++)
            struct imx233_dma_info_t info = imx233_dma_get_info(dbg_channels[i].chan, DMA_INFO_ALL);
            lcd_putsf(0, i + 1, "%c %c %4s %8x %3x %3x %3x",
                info.gated ? 'g' : info.freezed ? 'f' : ' ',
                !info.int_enabled ? '-' : info.int_error ? 'e' : info.int_cmdcomplt ? 'c' : ' ',
                dbg_channels[i].name, info.bar, info.apb_bytes, info.ahb_bytes,
Ejemplo n.º 8
// 移動通知
void Movable::notify( int gen_ftype )
    KServer *sessions[MAX_CLIENT];
    int n = g_listener->GetChildren((vce::Session**)sessions, ARRAYLEN(sessions));
    for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
        PlayerCharacter *pc = sessions[i]->getPC();
            // 同じフロアの近くにいるプレイヤーに伝える
            if( pc->floor != this->floor
                || pc->coord.distance( this->coord ) > NOTIFY_DISTANCE )continue;
        } else {
            // pcが無くても特別にwatchする状態だったら送る
            Coord c;
            vce::VUint32 flid;
            if( sessions[i]->isViewmode(&c, &flid ) == false ) continue;
            if( this->floor->id != flid
                || this->coord.distance( c ) > NOTIFY_DISTANCE )continue;

        switch( gen_ftype ){
        case k_proto::FUNCTION_MOVENOTIFY:
            sessions[i]->send_moveNotify( this->id,
                                          this->floor->id );

        case k_proto::FUNCTION_DISAPPEARNOTIFY:
            sessions[i]->send_disappearNotify( this->id );
Ejemplo n.º 9
const glyph &Font::GetGlyph( wchar_t c ) const
	//ASSERT(c >= 0 && c <= 0xFFFFFF);
	// shooting a blank really...DarkLink kept running into the stupid assert with non-roman song titles, 
	// and looking at it, I'm gonna guess that this is how ITG2 prevented crashing with them
	//  --infamouspat
	if (c < 0 || c > 0xFFFFFF)
		c = 1;

	/* Fast path: */
	if( c < (int) ARRAYLEN(m_iCharToGlyphCache) && m_iCharToGlyphCache[c] )
		return *m_iCharToGlyphCache[c];

	/* Try the regular character. */
	map<longchar,glyph*>::const_iterator it = m_iCharToGlyph.find(c);

	/* If that's missing, use the default glyph. */
	if(it == m_iCharToGlyph.end()) it = m_iCharToGlyph.find(DEFAULT_GLYPH);

	if(it == m_iCharToGlyph.end()) 
		RageException::Throw( "The default glyph is missing from the font '%s'", path.c_str() );
	return *it->second;
Ejemplo n.º 10
static bool clix_help(void)
    static char *help_text[] = {
        "Clix", "", "Aim", "",
        "Remove", "all", "blocks", "from", "the", "board", "to", "achieve",
        "the", "next", "level.", "You", "can", "only", "remove", "blocks,",
        "if", "at", "least", "two", "blocks", "with", "the", "same", "color",
        "have", "a", "direct", "connection.", "The", "more", "blocks", "you",
        "remove", "per", "turn,", "the", "more", "points", "you", "get."
    static struct style_text formation[]={
        { 2, C_RED },

    if (display_text(ARRAYLEN(help_text), help_text, formation, NULL, true))
        return true;

    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 11
    CMainParams() {
        strNetworkID = "main";
        consensus.nSubsidyHalvingInterval = 100000; // Note: actual number of blocks per calendar year with DGW v3 is ~200700 (for example 449750 - 249050)
        consensus.nMasternodePaymentsStartBlock = 100000; // not true, but it's ok as long as it's less then nMasternodePaymentsIncreaseBlock
        consensus.nMasternodePaymentsIncreaseBlock = 158000; // actual historical value
        consensus.nMasternodePaymentsIncreasePeriod = 576*30; // 17280 - actual historical value
        consensus.nInstantSendKeepLock = 24;
        consensus.nBudgetPaymentsStartBlock = 328008; // actual historical value
        consensus.nBudgetPaymentsCycleBlocks = 16616; // ~(60*24*30)/2.6, actual number of blocks per month is 200700 / 12 = 16725
        consensus.nBudgetPaymentsWindowBlocks = 100;
        consensus.nBudgetProposalEstablishingTime = 60*60*24;
        consensus.nSuperblockStartBlock = 614820; // The block at which 12.1 goes live (end of final 12.0 budget cycle)
        consensus.nSuperblockCycle = 16616; // ~(60*24*30)/2.6, actual number of blocks per month is 200700 / 12 = 16725
        consensus.nGovernanceMinQuorum = 10;
        consensus.nGovernanceFilterElements = 20000;
        consensus.nMasternodeMinimumConfirmations = 15;
        consensus.nMajorityEnforceBlockUpgrade = 750;
        consensus.nMajorityRejectBlockOutdated = 950;
		nLastPOWBlock = 200;
        nMaturity = 50;

        consensus.nMajorityWindow = 1000;
        consensus.BIP34Height = 1;
        consensus.BIP34Hash = uint256S("0x000007d91d1254d60e2dd1ae580383070a4ddffa4c64c2eeb4a2f9ecc0414343");
        consensus.powLimit = uint256S("00000fffff000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000");
        consensus.nPowTargetTimespan = 24 * 60 * 60; // Gridcoin: 1 day
        consensus.nPowTargetSpacing = 2.5 * 60; // Gridcoin: 2.5 minutes
        consensus.fPowAllowMinDifficultyBlocks = false;
        consensus.fPowNoRetargeting = false;
        consensus.nRuleChangeActivationThreshold = 1916; // 95% of 2016
        consensus.nMinerConfirmationWindow = 2016; // nPowTargetTimespan / nPowTargetSpacing
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_TESTDUMMY].bit = 28;
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_TESTDUMMY].nStartTime = 1199145601; // January 1, 2008
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_TESTDUMMY].nTimeout = 1230767999; // December 31, 2008

        // Deployment of BIP68, BIP112, and BIP113.
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_CSV].bit = 0;
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_CSV].nStartTime = 1486252800; // Feb 5th, 2017
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_CSV].nTimeout = 1517788800; // Feb 5th, 2018

        // Deployment of DIP0001
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_DIP0001].bit = 1;
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_DIP0001].nStartTime = 1508025600; // Oct 15th, 2017
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_DIP0001].nTimeout = 1539561600; // Oct 15th, 2018
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_DIP0001].nWindowSize = 4032;
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_DIP0001].nThreshold = 3226; // 80% of 4032

        // The best chain should have at least this much work.
        consensus.nMinimumChainWork = uint256S("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000172210fe351643b3f1"); // 750000

        // By default assume that the signatures in ancestors of this block are valid.
        consensus.defaultAssumeValid = uint256S("0x00000000000000b4181bbbdddbae464ce11fede5d0292fb63fdede1e7c8ab21c"); //750000

         * The message start string is designed to be unlikely to occur in normal data.
         * The characters are rarely used upper ASCII, not valid as UTF-8, and produce
         * a large 32-bit integer with any alignment.
        pchMessageStart[0] = 0xbf;
        pchMessageStart[1] = 0x0c;
        pchMessageStart[2] = 0x6b;
        pchMessageStart[3] = 0xbd;
        vAlertPubKey = ParseHex("0x0");
        nDefaultPort = 32739;
        nMaxTipAge = 6 * 60 * 60; // ~144 blocks behind -> 2 x fork detection time, was 24 * 60 * 60 in bitcoin
        nDelayGetHeadersTime = 24 * 60 * 60;
        nPruneAfterHeight = 100000;
		genesis = CreateGenesisBlock(1511309700, 2033640, 0x1e0ffff0, 1, 50 * COIN, 0);
        consensus.hashGenesisBlock = genesis.GetHash();
		assert(consensus.hashGenesisBlock == uint256S("0x00000bbfdb174286fad36fa3e12bc0976c6181bb6fdf7b2a30caacc1b61b04b4"));
        assert(genesis.hashMerkleRoot == uint256S("0x4442ce0b92014dba69e4c6664ab88081b4d1d2eb6bcafa281f8d712a356011ce"));

        vSeeds.push_back(CDNSSeedData("gridcoin.org", "dnsseed.gridcoin.org"));
        vSeeds.push_back(CDNSSeedData("gridcoindot.io", "dnsseed.gridcoindot.io"));
        vSeeds.push_back(CDNSSeedData("masternode.io", "dnsseed.masternode.io"));
        vSeeds.push_back(CDNSSeedData("gridcoin.io", "dnsseed.gridcoin.io"));

        // Gridcoin addresses start with 'R' & 'S'
        base58Prefixes[PUBKEY_ADDRESS] = std::vector<unsigned char>(1,62);
        // Gridcoin script addresses start with Z
        base58Prefixes[SCRIPT_ADDRESS] = std::vector<unsigned char>(1,85);
        // Gridcoin private keys start with 'Z'
        base58Prefixes[SECRET_KEY] =     std::vector<unsigned char>(1,128+62);

        // Gridcoin BIP32 pubkeys start with 'xpub' (Bitcoin defaults)
        base58Prefixes[EXT_PUBLIC_KEY] = boost::assign::list_of(0x04)(0x88)(0xB2)(0x1E).convert_to_container<std::vector<unsigned char> >();
        // Gridcoin BIP32 prvkeys start with 'xprv' (Bitcoin defaults)
        base58Prefixes[EXT_SECRET_KEY] = boost::assign::list_of(0x04)(0x88)(0xAD)(0xE4).convert_to_container<std::vector<unsigned char> >();

        // Gridcoin BIP44 coin type is '5'
        nExtCoinType = 5;

        vFixedSeeds = std::vector<SeedSpec6>(pnSeed6_main, pnSeed6_main + ARRAYLEN(pnSeed6_main));

        fMiningRequiresPeers = false;
        fDefaultConsistencyChecks = false;
        fRequireStandard = true;
        fMineBlocksOnDemand = false;
        fTestnetToBeDeprecatedFieldRPC = false;

        nPoolMaxTransactions = 3;
        nFulfilledRequestExpireTime = 60*60; // fulfilled requests expire in 1 hour
        strSporkPubKey = "";

        checkpointData = (CCheckpointData) {
            (  0, uint256S("0x0"))
            ( 0, uint256S("0x0")),
            1507424630, // * UNIX timestamp of last checkpoint block
            3701128,    // * total number of transactions between genesis and last checkpoint
                        //   (the tx=... number in the SetBestChain debug.log lines)
            5000        // * estimated number of transactions per day after checkpoint
Ejemplo n.º 12
// Mode 3
int CmdHF15Demod(const char *Cmd) {
	char cmdp = param_getchar(Cmd, 0);
	if (cmdp == 'h' || cmdp == 'H') return usage_15_demod();
	// The sampling rate is 106.353 ksps/s, for T = 18.8 us
	int i, j;
	int max = 0, maxPos = 0;
	int skip = 4;

	if (GraphTraceLen < 1000) return 0;

	// First, correlate for SOF
	for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
		int corr = 0;
		for (j = 0; j < ARRAYLEN(FrameSOF); j += skip) {
			corr += FrameSOF[j] * GraphBuffer[i + (j / skip)];
		if (corr > max) {
			max = corr;
			maxPos = i;

	PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "SOF at %d, correlation %d", maxPos, max / (ARRAYLEN(FrameSOF) / skip));
	i = maxPos + ARRAYLEN(FrameSOF) / skip;
	int k = 0;
	uint8_t outBuf[20];
	memset(outBuf, 0, sizeof(outBuf));
	uint8_t mask = 0x01;
	for (;;) {
		int corr0 = 0, corr1 = 0, corrEOF = 0;
		for (j = 0; j < ARRAYLEN(Logic0); j += skip) {
			corr0 += Logic0[j] * GraphBuffer[i + (j / skip)];
		for (j = 0; j < ARRAYLEN(Logic1); j += skip) {
			corr1 += Logic1[j] * GraphBuffer[i + (j / skip)];
		for (j = 0; j < ARRAYLEN(FrameEOF); j += skip) {
			corrEOF += FrameEOF[j] * GraphBuffer[i + (j / skip)];
		// Even things out by the length of the target waveform.
		corr0 *= 4;
		corr1 *= 4;
		if (corrEOF > corr1 && corrEOF > corr0) {
			PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "EOF at %d", i);
		} else if (corr1 > corr0) {
			i += ARRAYLEN(Logic1) / skip;
			outBuf[k] |= mask;
		} else {
			i += ARRAYLEN(Logic0) / skip;
		mask <<= 1;
		if (mask == 0) {
			mask = 0x01;
		if ((i + (int)ARRAYLEN(FrameEOF)) >= GraphTraceLen) {
			PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "ran off end!");
	if (mask != 0x01) {
		PrintAndLogEx(WARNING, "Error, uneven octet! (discard extra bits!)");
		PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "   mask = %02x", mask);
	PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "%d octets", k);
	for (i = 0; i < k; i++)
		PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "# %2d: %02x ", i, outBuf[i]);

	PrintAndLogEx(NORMAL, "CRC %04x", Crc(outBuf, k - 2));
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 13
    CTestNetParams() {
        strNetworkID = "test";
        consensus.nSubsidyHalvingInterval = 210240;
        consensus.nMasternodePaymentsStartBlock = 4010; // not true, but it's ok as long as it's less then nMasternodePaymentsIncreaseBlock
        consensus.nMasternodePaymentsIncreaseBlock = 4030;
        consensus.nMasternodePaymentsIncreasePeriod = 10;
        consensus.nInstantSendKeepLock = 6;
        consensus.nBudgetPaymentsStartBlock = 4100;
        consensus.nBudgetPaymentsCycleBlocks = 50;
        consensus.nBudgetPaymentsWindowBlocks = 10;
        consensus.nBudgetProposalEstablishingTime = 60*20;
        consensus.nSuperblockStartBlock = 4200; // NOTE: Should satisfy nSuperblockStartBlock > nBudgetPeymentsStartBlock
        consensus.nSuperblockCycle = 24; // Superblocks can be issued hourly on testnet
        consensus.nGovernanceMinQuorum = 1;
        consensus.nGovernanceFilterElements = 500;
        consensus.nMasternodeMinimumConfirmations = 1;
        consensus.nMajorityEnforceBlockUpgrade = 51;
        consensus.nMajorityRejectBlockOutdated = 75;
        consensus.nMajorityWindow = 100;
        consensus.BIP34Height = 1;
        consensus.BIP34Hash = uint256S("0x0000047d24635e347be3aaaeb66c26be94901a2f962feccd4f95090191f208c1");
        consensus.powLimit = uint256S("00000fffff000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000");
        consensus.nPowTargetTimespan = 24 * 60 * 60; // Gridcoin: 1 day
        consensus.nPowTargetSpacing = 2.5 * 60; // Gridcoin: 2.5 minutes
        consensus.fPowAllowMinDifficultyBlocks = true;
        consensus.fPowNoRetargeting = false;
        consensus.nRuleChangeActivationThreshold = 1512; // 75% for testchains
        consensus.nMinerConfirmationWindow = 2016; // nPowTargetTimespan / nPowTargetSpacing
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_TESTDUMMY].bit = 28;
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_TESTDUMMY].nStartTime = 1199145601; // January 1, 2008
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_TESTDUMMY].nTimeout = 1230767999; // December 31, 2008

        // Deployment of BIP68, BIP112, and BIP113.
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_CSV].bit = 0;
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_CSV].nStartTime = 1506556800; // September 28th, 2017
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_CSV].nTimeout = 1538092800; // September 28th, 2018

        // Deployment of DIP0001
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_DIP0001].bit = 1;
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_DIP0001].nStartTime = 1505692800; // Sep 18th, 2017
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_DIP0001].nTimeout = 1537228800; // Sep 18th, 2018
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_DIP0001].nWindowSize = 100;
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_DIP0001].nThreshold = 50; // 50% of 100

        // The best chain should have at least this much work.
        consensus.nMinimumChainWork = uint256S("00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003cd72a542"); //4000

        // By default assume that the signatures in ancestors of this block are valid.
        consensus.defaultAssumeValid = uint256S("00000ce22113f3eb8636e225d6a1691e132fdd587aed993e1bc9b07a0235eea4"); //4000
		nLastPOWBlock = 200;
        nMaturity = 15;

        pchMessageStart[0] = 0xce;
        pchMessageStart[1] = 0xe2;
        pchMessageStart[2] = 0xca;
        pchMessageStart[3] = 0xff;
        vAlertPubKey = ParseHex("");
        nDefaultPort = 32748;
        nMaxTipAge = 0x7fffffff; // allow mining on top of old blocks for testnet
        nDelayGetHeadersTime = 24 * 60 * 60;
        nPruneAfterHeight = 1000;

        int iNonce;
		for (iNonce=1356250; iNonce < 99999999; iNonce++)
		    genesis = CreateGenesisBlock(1511309285, iNonce, 0x1e0ffff0, 1, 50 * COIN, 1);
            arith_uint256 hashTarget = arith_uint256().SetCompact(genesis.nBits);
		    if (UintToArith256(genesis.GetHash()) <= hashTarget)  break;
        consensus.hashGenesisBlock = genesis.GetHash();
        printf("Genesis Check testnet %f \n",(double)iNonce);
      	printf("Genesis hash %s, MerkleRoot %s \n",genesis.GetHash().GetHex().c_str(),
		assert(consensus.hashGenesisBlock == uint256S("0x0000094271fd4996a2be9951d2f45b1cf75da8dd59dbba009de2e44d0050843f"));
        assert(genesis.hashMerkleRoot == uint256S("0x4442ce0b92014dba69e4c6664ab88081b4d1d2eb6bcafa281f8d712a356011ce"));

        vSeeds.push_back(CDNSSeedData("gridcoindot.io",  "testnet-seed.gridcoindot.io"));
        vSeeds.push_back(CDNSSeedData("masternode.io", "test.dnsseed.masternode.io"));

        // Testnet Gridcoin addresses start with 'y'
        base58Prefixes[PUBKEY_ADDRESS] = std::vector<unsigned char>(1,140);
        // Testnet Gridcoin script addresses start with '8' or '9'
        base58Prefixes[SCRIPT_ADDRESS] = std::vector<unsigned char>(1,19);
        // Testnet private keys start with '9' or 'c' (Bitcoin defaults)
        base58Prefixes[SECRET_KEY] =     std::vector<unsigned char>(1,239);
        // Testnet Gridcoin BIP32 pubkeys start with 'tpub' (Bitcoin defaults)
        base58Prefixes[EXT_PUBLIC_KEY] = boost::assign::list_of(0x04)(0x35)(0x87)(0xCF).convert_to_container<std::vector<unsigned char> >();
        // Testnet Gridcoin BIP32 prvkeys start with 'tprv' (Bitcoin defaults)
        base58Prefixes[EXT_SECRET_KEY] = boost::assign::list_of(0x04)(0x35)(0x83)(0x94).convert_to_container<std::vector<unsigned char> >();

        // Testnet Gridcoin BIP44 coin type is '1' (All coin's testnet default)
        nExtCoinType = 1;

        vFixedSeeds = std::vector<SeedSpec6>(pnSeed6_test, pnSeed6_test + ARRAYLEN(pnSeed6_test));

        fMiningRequiresPeers = false;
        fDefaultConsistencyChecks = false;
        fRequireStandard = false;
        fMineBlocksOnDemand = false;
        fTestnetToBeDeprecatedFieldRPC = true;

        nPoolMaxTransactions = 3;
        nFulfilledRequestExpireTime = 5*60; // fulfilled requests expire in 5 minutes
        strSporkPubKey = "046f78dcf911fbd61910136f7f0f8d90578f68d0b3ac973b5040fb7afb501b5939f39b108b0569dca71488f5bbf498d92e4d1194f6f941307ffd95f75e76869f0e";

        checkpointData = (CCheckpointData) {
            (    0, uint256S("0x0"))
            (   0, uint256S("0x0")),

            1462856598, // * UNIX timestamp of last checkpoint block
            3094,       // * total number of transactions between genesis and last checkpoint
                        //   (the tx=... number in the SetBestChain debug.log lines)
            500         // * estimated number of transactions per day after checkpoint

Ejemplo n.º 14
enum plugin_status plugin_start(const void* parameter)
    int button;
    int lastbutton = BUTTON_NONE;
    int quit = 0;
    struct maze maze;

    /* Turn off backlight timeout */

    /* Seed the RNG */


    /* Draw the background */
#if LCD_DEPTH > 1
#if LCD_DEPTH >= 16
    rb->lcd_set_foreground(LCD_RGBPACK( 0, 0, 0));
    rb->lcd_set_background(LCD_RGBPACK(182, 198, 229)); /* rockbox blue */
#elif LCD_DEPTH == 2

    /* Initialize and draw the maze */
        maze_draw(&maze, rb->screens[i]);

    while(!quit) {
        button = pluginlib_getaction(TIMEOUT_BLOCK, plugin_contexts,
        button = rb->button_get(true);
        switch(button) {
        case MAZE_NEW:
            if(lastbutton != MAZE_NEW_PRE)
                maze_draw(&maze, rb->screens[i]);
        case MAZE_SOLVE:
                maze_draw(&maze, rb->screens[i]);
        case MAZE_UP:
        case MAZE_UP_REPEAT:
                maze_draw(&maze, rb->screens[i]);
        case MAZE_RIGHT:
        case MAZE_RIGHT_REPEAT:
                maze_draw(&maze, rb->screens[i]);
        case MAZE_DOWN:
        case MAZE_DOWN_REPEAT:
                maze_draw(&maze, rb->screens[i]);
        case MAZE_LEFT:
        case MAZE_LEFT_REPEAT:
                maze_draw(&maze, rb->screens[i]);
        case MAZE_QUIT:
            /* quit plugin */
            if (rb->default_event_handler(button) == SYS_USB_CONNECTED) {
                /* quit plugin */
        if( button != BUTTON_NONE )
            lastbutton = button;
    /* Turn on backlight timeout (revert to settings) */
    return ((quit == 1) ? PLUGIN_OK : PLUGIN_USB_CONNECTED);
Ejemplo n.º 15
#include "global.h"
#include "io/G15.h"
#include "RageLog.h"
#include "RageUtil.h"

#include "arch/USB/USBDriver_Impl.h"

const unsigned short G15_VENDOR_ID = 0x046D;
const unsigned short G15_PRODUCT_ID[] = { 0xC227, 0xC251 };


/* 10 ms */
const unsigned REQ_TIMEOUT = 10000;

void PixmapToLCDData( const unsigned char *pData, unsigned char *pLCD )

	memset(pLCD, 0, 992);
	pLCD[0] = 0x03;

	// ?_?
	for( unsigned row = 0; row < 43; row++ )
		for( unsigned col = 0; col < 160; col++ )
			if ( pData[row*160+col] == 0x01 )
				pLCD[(row/8)*160 + col + 32] |= 1 << (row%8);
Ejemplo n.º 16
    CMainParams() {
        strNetworkID = "main";
        consensus.nSubsidyHalvingInterval = 210000;
        consensus.BIP34Height = 227931;
        consensus.BIP34Hash = uint256S("0x000000000000024b89b42a942fe0d9fea3bb44ab7bd1b19115dd6a759c0808b8");
        consensus.BIP65Height = 388381; // 000000000000000004c2b624ed5d7756c508d90fd0da2c7c679febfa6c4735f0
        consensus.BIP66Height = 363725; // 00000000000000000379eaa19dce8c9b722d46ae6a57c2f1a988119488b50931
        consensus.powLimit = uint256S("00000000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff");
        consensus.nPowTargetTimespan = 14 * 24 * 60 * 60; // two weeks
        consensus.nPowTargetSpacing = 10 * 60;
        consensus.fPowAllowMinDifficultyBlocks = false;
        consensus.fPowNoRetargeting = false;
        consensus.nRuleChangeActivationThreshold = 1916; // 95% of 2016
        consensus.nMinerConfirmationWindow = 2016; // nPowTargetTimespan / nPowTargetSpacing
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_TESTDUMMY].bit = 28;
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_TESTDUMMY].nStartTime = 1199145601; // January 1, 2008
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_TESTDUMMY].nTimeout = 1230767999; // December 31, 2008

        // Deployment of BIP68, BIP112, and BIP113.
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_CSV].bit = 0;
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_CSV].nStartTime = 1462060800; // May 1st, 2016
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_CSV].nTimeout = 1493596800; // May 1st, 2017

        // Deployment of SegWit (BIP141, BIP143, and BIP147)
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_SEGWIT].bit = 1;
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_SEGWIT].nStartTime = 1479168000; // November 15th, 2016.
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_SEGWIT].nTimeout = 1510704000; // November 15th, 2017.

        // The best chain should have at least this much work.
        consensus.nMinimumChainWork = uint256S("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000002cb971dd56d1c583c20f90");

        // By default assume that the signatures in ancestors of this block are valid.
        consensus.defaultAssumeValid = uint256S("0x0000000000000000030abc968e1bd635736e880b946085c93152969b9a81a6e2"); //447235

         * The message start string is designed to be unlikely to occur in normal data.
         * The characters are rarely used upper ASCII, not valid as UTF-8, and produce
         * a large 32-bit integer with any alignment.
        pchMessageStart[0] = 0xf9;
        pchMessageStart[1] = 0xbe;
        pchMessageStart[2] = 0xb4;
        pchMessageStart[3] = 0xd9;
        nDefaultPort = 8333;
        nPruneAfterHeight = 100000;

        genesis = CreateGenesisBlock(1231006505, 2083236893, 0x1d00ffff, 1, 50 * COIN);
        consensus.hashGenesisBlock = genesis.GetHash();
        assert(consensus.hashGenesisBlock == uint256S("0x000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f"));
        assert(genesis.hashMerkleRoot == uint256S("0x4a5e1e4baab89f3a32518a88c31bc87f618f76673e2cc77ab2127b7afdeda33b"));

        // Note that of those with the service bits flag, most only support a subset of possible options
        vSeeds.push_back(CDNSSeedData("bitcoin.sipa.be", "seed.bitcoin.sipa.be", true)); // Pieter Wuille, only supports x1, x5, x9, and xd
        vSeeds.push_back(CDNSSeedData("bluematt.me", "dnsseed.bluematt.me", true)); // Matt Corallo, only supports x9
        vSeeds.push_back(CDNSSeedData("dashjr.org", "dnsseed.bitcoin.dashjr.org")); // Luke Dashjr
        vSeeds.push_back(CDNSSeedData("bitcoinstats.com", "seed.bitcoinstats.com", true)); // Christian Decker, supports x1 - xf
        vSeeds.push_back(CDNSSeedData("bitcoin.jonasschnelli.ch", "seed.bitcoin.jonasschnelli.ch", true)); // Jonas Schnelli, only supports x1, x5, x9, and xd

        base58Prefixes[PUBKEY_ADDRESS] = std::vector<unsigned char>(1,0);
        base58Prefixes[SCRIPT_ADDRESS] = std::vector<unsigned char>(1,5);
        base58Prefixes[SECRET_KEY] =     std::vector<unsigned char>(1,128);
        base58Prefixes[EXT_PUBLIC_KEY] = boost::assign::list_of(0x04)(0x88)(0xB2)(0x1E).convert_to_container<std::vector<unsigned char> >();
        base58Prefixes[EXT_SECRET_KEY] = boost::assign::list_of(0x04)(0x88)(0xAD)(0xE4).convert_to_container<std::vector<unsigned char> >();

        vFixedSeeds = std::vector<SeedSpec6>(pnSeed6_main, pnSeed6_main + ARRAYLEN(pnSeed6_main));

        fMiningRequiresPeers = true;
        fDefaultConsistencyChecks = false;
        fRequireStandard = true;
        fMineBlocksOnDemand = false;

        checkpointData = (CCheckpointData) {
            ( 11111, uint256S("0x0000000069e244f73d78e8fd29ba2fd2ed618bd6fa2ee92559f542fdb26e7c1d"))
            ( 33333, uint256S("0x000000002dd5588a74784eaa7ab0507a18ad16a236e7b1ce69f00d7ddfb5d0a6"))
            ( 74000, uint256S("0x0000000000573993a3c9e41ce34471c079dcf5f52a0e824a81e7f953b8661a20"))
            (105000, uint256S("0x00000000000291ce28027faea320c8d2b054b2e0fe44a773f3eefb151d6bdc97"))
            (134444, uint256S("0x00000000000005b12ffd4cd315cd34ffd4a594f430ac814c91184a0d42d2b0fe"))
            (168000, uint256S("0x000000000000099e61ea72015e79632f216fe6cb33d7899acb35b75c8303b763"))
            (193000, uint256S("0x000000000000059f452a5f7340de6682a977387c17010ff6e6c3bd83ca8b1317"))
            (210000, uint256S("0x000000000000048b95347e83192f69cf0366076336c639f9b7228e9ba171342e"))
            (216116, uint256S("0x00000000000001b4f4b433e81ee46494af945cf96014816a4e2370f11b23df4e"))
            (225430, uint256S("0x00000000000001c108384350f74090433e7fcf79a606b8e797f065b130575932"))
            (250000, uint256S("0x000000000000003887df1f29024b06fc2200b55f8af8f35453d7be294df2d214"))
            (279000, uint256S("0x0000000000000001ae8c72a0b0c301f67e3afca10e819efa9041e458e9bd7e40"))
            (295000, uint256S("0x00000000000000004d9b4ef50f0f9d686fd69db2e03af35a100370c64632a983"))

        chainTxData = ChainTxData{
            // Data as of block 00000000000000000166d612d5595e2b1cd88d71d695fc580af64d8da8658c23 (height 446482).
            1483472411, // * UNIX timestamp of last known number of transactions
            184495391,  // * total number of transactions between genesis and that timestamp
                        //   (the tx=... number in the SetBestChain debug.log lines)
            3.2         // * estimated number of transactions per second after that timestamp
Ejemplo n.º 17
void RegisterMiscRPCCommands(CRPCTable &t)
    for (unsigned int vcidx = 0; vcidx < ARRAYLEN(commands); vcidx++)
        t.appendCommand(commands[vcidx].name, &commands[vcidx]);
Ejemplo n.º 18
    CMainParams() {
        // The message start string is designed to be unlikely to occur in normal data.
        pchMessageStart[0] = 0xb6;
        pchMessageStart[1] = 0xb6;
        pchMessageStart[2] = 0xb6;
        pchMessageStart[3] = 0xb6;
        nDefaultPort = 48327;
        nRPCPort = 48328;
        bnProofOfWorkLimit = CBigNum(~uint256(0) >> 20);
        nSubsidyHalvingInterval = 100000;

        // Build the genesis block. Note that the output of the genesis coinbase cannot
        // be spent as it did not originally exist in the database.
        const char* pszTimestamp = "Nadecoin";
        CTransaction txNew;
        txNew.vin[0].scriptSig = CScript() << 486604799 << CBigNum(4) << vector<unsigned char>((const unsigned char*)pszTimestamp, (const unsigned char*)pszTimestamp + strlen(pszTimestamp));
        txNew.vout[0].nValue = 1 * COIN;
        txNew.vout[0].scriptPubKey = CScript() << ParseHex("") << OP_CHECKSIG;
        genesis.hashPrevBlock = 0;
        genesis.hashMerkleRoot = genesis.BuildMerkleTree();
        genesis.nVersion = 1;
        genesis.nTime    = 1300000000;
        genesis.nBits    = 0x1e0fffff;
        genesis.nNonce   = 0;
        //// debug print
        hashGenesisBlock = genesis.GetHash();
        //while (hashGenesisBlock > bnProofOfWorkLimit.getuint256()){
        //    if (++genesis.nNonce==0) break;
        //    hashGenesisBlock = genesis.GetHash();

        printf("%s\n", hashGenesisBlock.ToString().c_str());
        printf("%s\n", genesis.hashMerkleRoot.ToString().c_str());
        printf("%x\n", bnProofOfWorkLimit.GetCompact());
        assert(hashGenesisBlock == uint256("0x5c85b50a51b3437abdf0ed22d984278d4f95e60650966ecc179e84d7d1a1a271"));
        assert(genesis.hashMerkleRoot == uint256("0xc3ab53bcf6c4174ab22abec6923320e6f2af142fc3ec9c6c6f36065db7d02940"));

        vSeeds.push_back(CDNSSeedData("google.org", "google.org"));

        base58Prefixes[PUBKEY_ADDRESS] = 36;
        base58Prefixes[SCRIPT_ADDRESS] = 30;
        base58Prefixes[SECRET_KEY] = 224;

        // Convert the pnSeeds array into usable address objects.
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ARRAYLEN(pnSeed); i++)
            // It'll only connect to one or two seed nodes because once it connects,
            // it'll get a pile of addresses with newer timestamps.
            // Seed nodes are given a random 'last seen time' 
            const int64 nTwoDays = 2 * 24 * 60 * 60;
            struct in_addr ip;
            memcpy(&ip, &pnSeed[i], sizeof(ip));
            CAddress addr(CService(ip, GetDefaultPort()));
            addr.nTime = GetTime() - GetRand(nTwoDays) - nTwoDays;
Ejemplo n.º 19
void StopREST()
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ARRAYLEN(uri_prefixes); i++)
        UnregisterHTTPHandler(uri_prefixes[i].prefix, false);
Ejemplo n.º 20
int main() {
    int i, j;
    char* value;
    size_t valueSize;
    cl_uint platformCount = 0;
    cl_platform_id* platforms;
    cl_uint deviceCount;
    cl_device_id* devices;
    cl_uint maxComputeUnits;
    // get all platforms
    if (clGetPlatformIDs(0, NULL, &platformCount) != CL_SUCCESS) {
        printf("Unable to get platform IDs\n");
    platforms = (cl_platform_id*) malloc(sizeof(cl_platform_id) * platformCount);
    if (clGetPlatformIDs(platformCount, platforms, NULL) != CL_SUCCESS) {
        printf("Unable to get platform IDs\n");
    for (i = 0; i < platformCount; i++) {
        printf("%i. Platform\n", i+1);

        char data[1024];
        size_t retsize;
        for (int j=0; j<ARRAYLEN(platform_data_items); ++j) {
            if (clGetPlatformInfo(platforms[i], platform_data_items[j].id, sizeof(data), data, &retsize) != CL_SUCCESS || retsize == sizeof(data)) {
                printf("Unable to get platform %s\n", platform_data_items[j].name);
            printf("  %s: %s\n", platform_data_items[j].name, data);
        // get all devices
        if (clGetDeviceIDs(platforms[i], CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL, 0, NULL, &deviceCount) != CL_SUCCESS) {
            printf("Unable to get device IDs for platform %p\n", platforms[i]);
        devices = (cl_device_id*) malloc(sizeof(cl_device_id) * deviceCount);
        if (clGetDeviceIDs(platforms[i], CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL, deviceCount, devices, NULL) != CL_SUCCESS) {
            printf("Unable to get device IDs for platform %p\n", platforms[i]);
        // for each device print critical attributes
        for (j = 0; j < deviceCount; j++) {
            // print device name
            clGetDeviceInfo(devices[j], CL_DEVICE_NAME, 0, NULL, &valueSize);
            value = (char*) malloc(valueSize);
            clGetDeviceInfo(devices[j], CL_DEVICE_NAME, valueSize, value, NULL);
            printf("%d. Device: %s\n", j+1, value);
            // print hardware device version
            clGetDeviceInfo(devices[j], CL_DEVICE_VERSION, 0, NULL, &valueSize);
            value = (char*) malloc(valueSize);
            clGetDeviceInfo(devices[j], CL_DEVICE_VERSION, valueSize, value, NULL);
            printf(" %d.%d Hardware version: %s\n", j+1, 1, value);
            // print software driver version
            clGetDeviceInfo(devices[j], CL_DRIVER_VERSION, 0, NULL, &valueSize);
            value = (char*) malloc(valueSize);
            clGetDeviceInfo(devices[j], CL_DRIVER_VERSION, valueSize, value, NULL);
            printf(" %d.%d Software version: %s\n", j+1, 2, value);
            // print c version supported by compiler for device
            clGetDeviceInfo(devices[j], CL_DEVICE_OPENCL_C_VERSION, 0, NULL, &valueSize);
            value = (char*) malloc(valueSize);
            clGetDeviceInfo(devices[j], CL_DEVICE_OPENCL_C_VERSION, valueSize, value, NULL);
            printf(" %d.%d OpenCL C version: %s\n", j+1, 3, value);
            // print parallel compute units
            clGetDeviceInfo(devices[j], CL_DEVICE_MAX_COMPUTE_UNITS,
                    sizeof(maxComputeUnits), &maxComputeUnits, NULL);
            printf(" %d.%d Parallel compute units: %d\n", j+1, 4, maxComputeUnits);
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 21
bool StartREST()
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ARRAYLEN(uri_prefixes); i++)
        RegisterHTTPHandler(uri_prefixes[i].prefix, false, uri_prefixes[i].handler);
    return true;
bool RunTests( SoundReader *snd, const TestFile &tf )
	const char *fn = tf.fn;
		float len = snd->GetLength();
//		printf("%f\n", len);
		if( len < 1000.0f )
			LOG->Warn( "Test file %s is too short", fn );
			return false;

	/* Read the first second of the file.  Do this without calling any
	 * seek functions. */
	const int one_second_frames = snd->GetSampleRate();
	const int one_second=one_second_frames*sizeof(int16_t)*2;
	int16_t sdata[one_second_frames*2];
	char *data = (char *) sdata;
	memset( data, 0x42, one_second );
	ReadData( snd, -1, data, one_second );

		/* Find out how many frames of silence we have. */
		int SilentFrames = FramesOfSilence( sdata, one_second_frames );
		const int16_t *InitialData = sdata + SilentFrames*2;
		const int InitialDataSize = one_second_frames - SilentFrames;

		if( InitialDataSize < (int) sizeof(tf.initial) )
			LOG->Warn( "Not enough (%i<%i) data to check after %i frames of silence", InitialDataSize, sizeof(tf.initial), SilentFrames );
			return false;
		bool Failed = false;
		if( SilentFrames != tf.SilentFrames  )
			LOG->Trace( "Expected %i silence, got %i (%i too high)", tf.SilentFrames, SilentFrames, SilentFrames-tf.SilentFrames );
			Failed = true;
		bool Identical = !memcmp( InitialData, tf.initial, sizeof(tf.initial) );
		if( !Identical )
			LOG->Trace("Expected data:");
			dump( tf.initial, ARRAYLEN(tf.initial) );
			LOG->Trace(" ");
			Failed = true;
		if( Failed )
			LOG->Trace("Got data:");
			dump( InitialData, min( 16, 2*InitialDataSize ) );

		const int LaterOffsetFrames = one_second_frames/2; /* half second */
		const int LaterOffsetSamples = LaterOffsetFrames * channels;
		const int16_t *LaterData = sdata + LaterOffsetSamples;
		Identical = !memcmp( LaterData, tf.later, sizeof(tf.later) );
		if( !Identical )
			LOG->Trace("Expected half second data:");
                        dump( tf.later, ARRAYLEN(tf.later) );
			LOG->Trace("Got half second data:");
			dump( LaterData, 16 );
			Failed = true;

			/* See if we can find the half second data. */
			int16_t *p = (int16_t *) xmemsearch( sdata, one_second, tf.later, sizeof(tf.later), LaterOffsetSamples*sizeof(int16_t) );
			if( p )
				int SamplesOff = p-sdata;
				int FramesOff = SamplesOff/2;
				LOG->Trace("Found half second data at frame %i (wanted %i), ahead by %i samples",
						FramesOff, LaterOffsetFrames, FramesOff-LaterOffsetFrames );
//			else
//				dump( "foo", sdata, one_second/sizeof(int16_t) );


		if( Failed )
			return false;

	/* Make sure we're getting non-null data. */
		bool all_null=true;
		bool all_42=true;

		for( int i = 0; i < one_second; ++i )
			if( data[i] != 0 )
			if( data[i] != 0x42 )

		if( all_null || all_42 )
			LOG->Warn( "'%s': sanity check failed (%i %i)", fn, all_null, all_42 );
			return false;

	/* Read to EOF, discarding the data. */
		char buf[4096];
		int got = snd->Read( buf, sizeof(buf) );
		if( got < int(sizeof(buf)) )
	/* Now, make sure reading after an EOF returns another EOF. */
	if( !must_be_eof(snd) )
		LOG->Warn("Fail: Reading past EOF didn't EOF");
		return false;

	if( !must_be_eof(snd) )
		LOG->Warn("Fail: Reading past EOF twice didn't EOF");
		return false;

	/* SetPosition_Accurate(0) must always reset properly. */
	snd->SetPosition_Accurate( 0 );
	if( !test_read( snd, data, one_second ) )
		LOG->Warn("Fail: SetPosition_Accurate(0) didn't work");
		return false;

	/* SetPosition_Fast(0) must always reset properly.   */
	snd->SetPosition_Fast( 0 );
	if( !test_read( snd, data, one_second ) )
		LOG->Warn("Fail: SetPosition_Fast(0) didn't work");
		return false;

	/* Seek to 1ms and make sure it gives us the correct data. */
	snd->SetPosition_Accurate( 1 );
	if( !test_read( snd, data + one_second * 1/1000, one_second * 1/1000 ) )
		LOG->Warn("Fail: SetPosition_Accurate(1) didn't work");
		return false;

	/* Seek to 500ms and make sure it gives us the correct data. */
	snd->SetPosition_Accurate( 500 );
	if( !test_read( snd, data+one_second * 500/1000, one_second * 500/1000 ) )
		LOG->Warn("Fail: seek(500) didn't work");
		return false;

	/* Make sure seeking past end of file returns 0. */
	int ret2 = snd->SetPosition_Fast( 10000000 );
	if( ret2 != 0 )
		LOG->Warn( "Fail: SetPosition_Fast(1000000) returned %i instead of 0", ret2 );
		return false;

	/* Make sure that reading after a seek past EOF returns EOF. */
	if( !must_be_eof(snd) )
		LOG->Warn("Fail: SetPosition_Fast EOF didn't EOF");
		return false;

	ret2 = snd->SetPosition_Accurate( 10000000 );
	if( ret2 != 0 )
		LOG->Warn( "Fail: SetPosition_Accurate(1000000) returned %i instead of 0", ret2 );
		return false;

	if( !must_be_eof(snd) )
		LOG->Warn("Fail: SetPosition_Fast EOF didn't EOF");
		return false;
	/* Seek to a spot that lies exactly on a TOC entry, to check the
	 * case that SetPosition_hard doesn't actually have to do anything. */
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 23
const static std::vector<std::string> allNetMessageTypesVec(allNetMessageTypes, allNetMessageTypes+ARRAYLEN(allNetMessageTypes));

CMessageHeader::CMessageHeader(const MessageStartChars& pchMessageStartIn)
    memcpy(pchMessageStart, pchMessageStartIn, MESSAGE_START_SIZE);
    memset(pchCommand, 0, sizeof(pchCommand));
    nMessageSize = -1;
    memset(pchChecksum, 0, CHECKSUM_SIZE);

CMessageHeader::CMessageHeader(const MessageStartChars& pchMessageStartIn, const char* pszCommand, unsigned int nMessageSizeIn)
    memcpy(pchMessageStart, pchMessageStartIn, MESSAGE_START_SIZE);
    memset(pchCommand, 0, sizeof(pchCommand));
    strncpy(pchCommand, pszCommand, COMMAND_SIZE);
    nMessageSize = nMessageSizeIn;
Ejemplo n.º 24
    CMainParams() {
        // The message start string is designed to be unlikely to occur in normal data.
        pchMessageStart[0] = 0xf7;
        pchMessageStart[1] = 0x26;
        pchMessageStart[2] = 0xa1;
        pchMessageStart[3] = 0xbf;
        vAlertPubKey = ParseHex("04e41db2a8b8dc3981f819d46060875ce483bf303613b108e673d7bb636f7786bd0458e2ced6e8b337be32d024562f3e69776412b55a7210396ad7a9944812b445");
        nDefaultPort = 48481;
        nRPCPort = 48480;
        bnProofOfWorkLimit = CBigNum(~uint256(0) >> 20);
        nSubsidyHalvingInterval = 262800;

        // Build the genesis block. Note that the output of the genesis coinbase cannot
        // be spent as it did not originally exist in the database.
        const char* pszTimestamp = "Tone Abbet Does it again";
        CTransaction txNew;
        txNew.vin[0].scriptSig = CScript() << 486604799 << CBigNum(4) << vector<unsigned char>((const unsigned char*)pszTimestamp, (const unsigned char*)pszTimestamp + strlen(pszTimestamp));
        txNew.vout[0].nValue = COIN / 10000;
        txNew.vout[0].scriptPubKey = CScript() << ParseHex("04678afdb0fe5548271967f1a67130b7105cd6a828e03909a67962e0ea1f61deb649f6bc3f4cef38c4f35504e51ec112de5c384df7ba0b8d578a4c702b6bf11d5f") << OP_CHECKSIG;
        genesis.hashPrevBlock = 0;
        genesis.hashMerkleRoot = genesis.BuildMerkleTree();
        genesis.nVersion = 1;
        genesis.nTime    = 1403852000;
        genesis.nBits    = 0x1e0fffff;
        genesis.nNonce   = 1376737;
        //// debug print
        hashGenesisBlock = genesis.GetHash();
        while (hashGenesisBlock > bnProofOfWorkLimit.getuint256()){
            if (++genesis.nNonce==0) break;
            hashGenesisBlock = genesis.GetHash();

        printf("%s\n", hashGenesisBlock.ToString().c_str());
        printf("%s\n", genesis.hashMerkleRoot.ToString().c_str());
        printf("%x\n", bnProofOfWorkLimit.GetCompact());

        /*if (false && (genesis.GetHash() != hashGenesisBlock)) {

        // This will figure out a valid hash and Nonce if you're
        // creating a different genesis block:
            uint256 hashTarget = CBigNum().SetCompact(genesis.nBits).getuint256();
            while (genesis.GetHash() > hashTarget)
                   if (genesis.nNonce == 0)
                       printf("NONCE WRAPPED, incrementing time");

        //// debug print
        printf("genesis.GetHash() == %s\n", genesis.GetHash().ToString().c_str());
        printf("genesis.hashMerkleRoot == %s\n", genesis.hashMerkleRoot.ToString().c_str());
        printf("genesis.nTime = %u \n", genesis.nTime);
        printf("genesis.nNonce = %u \n", genesis.nNonce);
        assert(hashGenesisBlock == uint256("0x00000dffc654ad0a8d9055536135b69d71dcd878d901508fc9381bde67bf0645"));
        assert(genesis.hashMerkleRoot == uint256("0x94076775c950c86d89bc2225c87bcb4e29621b57d5e9b430d7fa190078b0e980"));

        vSeeds.push_back(CDNSSeedData("", ""));
        vSeeds.push_back(CDNSSeedData("seed2.whirlcoin.org", "seed2.whirlcoin.org"));
        vSeeds.push_back(CDNSSeedData("seed3.whirlcoin.org", "seed3.whirlcoin.org"));
        vSeeds.push_back(CDNSSeedData("whirlcoin.zapto.org", "whirlcoin.zapto.org"));
        vSeeds.push_back(CDNSSeedData("whirlcoin.no-ip.org", "whirlcoin.no-ip.org"));
        vSeeds.push_back(CDNSSeedData("whirlcoin.strangled.net", "whirlcoin.strangled.net"));
        vSeeds.push_back(CDNSSeedData("whirlcoin.ignorelist.com", "whirlcoin.ignorelist.com"));

        base58Prefixes[PUBKEY_ADDRESS] = 73;
        base58Prefixes[SCRIPT_ADDRESS] = 12;
        base58Prefixes[SECRET_KEY] = 226;

        // Convert the pnSeeds array into usable address objects.
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ARRAYLEN(pnSeed); i++)
            // It'll only connect to one or two seed nodes because once it connects,
            // it'll get a pile of addresses with newer timestamps.
            // Seed nodes are given a random 'last seen time' 
            const int64 nTwoDays = 2 * 24 * 60 * 60;
            struct in_addr ip;
            memcpy(&ip, &pnSeed[i], sizeof(ip));
            CAddress addr(CService(ip, GetDefaultPort()));
            addr.nTime = GetTime() - GetRand(nTwoDays) - nTwoDays;
Ejemplo n.º 25
static inline int get_button(void) {
    return pluginlib_getaction(HZ/2, plugin_contexts,
Ejemplo n.º 26
    CTestNetParams() {
        strNetworkID = "test";
        consensus.nSubsidyHalvingInterval = 2100000;
        consensus.BIP34Height = 1;
        consensus.BIP34Hash = uint256S("0x1caab189318ac7a857f327ebc08fa9d2e9768f46b9f00cabc9a914a1184a29a2");
        consensus.BIP65Height = 451;
        consensus.BIP66Height = 451;
        consensus.powLimit = uint256S("00000fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff");
        consensus.powNeoScryptLimit = uint256S("0000003fffff0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000");
        consensus.nPowTargetTimespan = 3.5 * 24 * 60 * 60; // two weeks
        consensus.nPowTargetSpacing = 2.5 * 60;
        consensus.checkpointPubKey = "0421c27bb6580b05dcda1f47e59274489f094a3e85d96bbc38d5befd10eee97397ec8a93b6d8d79e8370239a8f39adf66322b41dafe83066bbcee6144e4c41a699";
        consensus.vAlertPubKey = ParseHex("04ee30d11e8de34c8c40410d7aefed4865e9d9978335239dd4869e62651030d9a18332537c03ff24580fe668cfcdf087341715b56b1c0788b600631ed4445d3280");
        consensus.fPowAllowMinDifficultyBlocks = true;
        consensus.fPowNoRetargeting = false;
        consensus.nRuleChangeActivationThreshold = 375; // 75% for testchains
        consensus.nMinerConfirmationWindow = 500;
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_TESTDUMMY].bit = 28;
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_TESTDUMMY].nStartTime = 1199145601; // January 1, 2008
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_TESTDUMMY].nTimeout = 1230767999; // December 31, 2008

        // Deployment of BIP68, BIP112, and BIP113.
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_CSV].bit = 0;
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_CSV].nStartTime = 1514764800; // Jan 1st, 2018
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_CSV].nTimeout = 1546300800; // Jan 1st, 2019

        // Deployment of SegWit (BIP141, BIP143, and BIP147)
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_SEGWIT].bit = 1;
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_SEGWIT].nStartTime = 1514764800; // Jan 1st, 2018
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_SEGWIT].nTimeout = 1546300800; // Jan 1st, 2019

        // The best chain should have at least this much work.
        consensus.nMinimumChainWork = uint256S("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100010");

        // By default assume that the signatures in ancestors of this block are valid.
        consensus.defaultAssumeValid = uint256S("0x54fe00bf048fffe073889abebe84f11a616053ed1e43c3954a0a7e0e20c76219");

        pchMessageStart[0] = 0x91;
        pchMessageStart[1] = 0x65;
        pchMessageStart[2] = 0x6a;
        pchMessageStart[3] = 0x71;

        pchMessageStartOld[0] = 0xda;
        pchMessageStartOld[1] = 0xaf;
        pchMessageStartOld[2] = 0xa5;
        pchMessageStartOld[3] = 0xba;

        nDefaultPort = 19336;
        nPruneAfterHeight = 1000;

        consensus.nForkTwo = 0;
        consensus.nForkThree = 0;
        consensus.nForkFour = 0;
        consensus.nTimeLimit = 100;
        consensus.nNeoScryptFork = 1486758327;

        genesis = CreateGenesisBlock(1396255061, 677449, 0x1e0ffff0, 1, 50 * COIN);
        consensus.hashGenesisBlock = genesis.GetHash();
        assert(consensus.hashGenesisBlock == uint256S("0x7734b3734ab1f0d0758e6c274622a377092549df05f6a4fe6939cbc754939169"));
        assert(genesis.hashMerkleRoot == uint256S("0x97ddfbbae6be97fd6cdf3e7ca13232a3afff2353e29badfab7f73011edd4ced9"));

        // nodes with support for servicebits filtering should be at the top

        base58Prefixes[PUBKEY_ADDRESS] = std::vector<unsigned char>(1,111);
        base58Prefixes[SCRIPT_ADDRESS] = std::vector<unsigned char>(1,196);
        base58Prefixes[SECRET_KEY] =     std::vector<unsigned char>(1,239);
        base58Prefixes[EXT_PUBLIC_KEY] = {0x04, 0x35, 0x87, 0xCF};
        base58Prefixes[EXT_SECRET_KEY] = {0x04, 0x35, 0x83, 0x94};

        bech32_hrp = "tf";

        vFixedSeeds = std::vector<SeedSpec6>(pnSeed6_test, pnSeed6_test + ARRAYLEN(pnSeed6_test));

        fDefaultConsistencyChecks = false;
        fRequireStandard = false;
        fMineBlocksOnDemand = false;

        checkpointData = {
                {6000, uint256S("488c04227b4bf26dfd9ae3b39f0f4ded29573e96530c7a161d57ff53af0c88d0")},

        chainTxData = ChainTxData{

        /* enable fallback fee on testnet */
        m_fallback_fee_enabled = true;
Ejemplo n.º 27
    CTestNetParams() {
        strNetworkID = "test";
        consensus.nSubsidyHalvingInterval = 210000;
        consensus.BIP34Height = 21111;
        consensus.BIP34Hash = uint256S("0x0000000023b3a96d3484e5abb3755c413e7d41500f8e2a5c3f0dd01299cd8ef8");
        consensus.BIP65Height = 581885; // 00000000007f6655f22f98e72ed80d8b06dc761d5da09df0fa1dc4be4f861eb6
        consensus.BIP66Height = 330776; // 000000002104c8c45e99a8853285a3b592602a3ccde2b832481da85e9e4ba182
        consensus.powLimit = uint256S("00000000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff");
        consensus.nPowTargetTimespan = 14 * 24 * 60 * 60; // two weeks
        consensus.nPowTargetSpacing = 10 * 60;
        consensus.fPowAllowMinDifficultyBlocks = true;
        consensus.fPowNoRetargeting = false;
        consensus.nRuleChangeActivationThreshold = 1512; // 75% for testchains
        consensus.nMinerConfirmationWindow = 2016; // nPowTargetTimespan / nPowTargetSpacing
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_TESTDUMMY].bit = 28;
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_TESTDUMMY].nStartTime = 1199145601; // January 1, 2008
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_TESTDUMMY].nTimeout = 1230767999; // December 31, 2008

        // Deployment of BIP68, BIP112, and BIP113.
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_CSV].bit = 0;
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_CSV].nStartTime = 1456790400; // March 1st, 2016
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_CSV].nTimeout = 1493596800; // May 1st, 2017

        // Deployment of SegWit (BIP141, BIP143, and BIP147)
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_SEGWIT].bit = 1;
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_SEGWIT].nStartTime = 1462060800; // May 1st 2016
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_SEGWIT].nTimeout = 1493596800; // May 1st 2017

        // The best chain should have at least this much work.
        consensus.nMinimumChainWork = uint256S("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000198b4def2baa9338d6");

        // By default assume that the signatures in ancestors of this block are valid.
        consensus.defaultAssumeValid = uint256S("0x000000000871ee6842d3648317ccc8a435eb8cc3c2429aee94faff9ba26b05a0"); //1043841

        pchMessageStart[0] = 0x0b;
        pchMessageStart[1] = 0x11;
        pchMessageStart[2] = 0x09;
        pchMessageStart[3] = 0x07;
        nDefaultPort = 18333;
        nPruneAfterHeight = 1000;

        genesis = CreateGenesisBlock(1296688602, 414098458, 0x1d00ffff, 1, 50 * COIN);
        consensus.hashGenesisBlock = genesis.GetHash();
        assert(consensus.hashGenesisBlock == uint256S("0x000000000933ea01ad0ee984209779baaec3ced90fa3f408719526f8d77f4943"));
        assert(genesis.hashMerkleRoot == uint256S("0x4a5e1e4baab89f3a32518a88c31bc87f618f76673e2cc77ab2127b7afdeda33b"));

        // nodes with support for servicebits filtering should be at the top
        vSeeds.push_back(CDNSSeedData("testnetbitcoin.jonasschnelli.ch", "testnet-seed.bitcoin.jonasschnelli.ch", true));
        vSeeds.push_back(CDNSSeedData("petertodd.org", "seed.tbtc.petertodd.org", true));
        vSeeds.push_back(CDNSSeedData("bluematt.me", "testnet-seed.bluematt.me"));
        vSeeds.push_back(CDNSSeedData("bitcoin.schildbach.de", "testnet-seed.bitcoin.schildbach.de"));

        base58Prefixes[PUBKEY_ADDRESS] = std::vector<unsigned char>(1,111);
        base58Prefixes[SCRIPT_ADDRESS] = std::vector<unsigned char>(1,196);
        base58Prefixes[SECRET_KEY] =     std::vector<unsigned char>(1,239);
        base58Prefixes[EXT_PUBLIC_KEY] = boost::assign::list_of(0x04)(0x35)(0x87)(0xCF).convert_to_container<std::vector<unsigned char> >();
        base58Prefixes[EXT_SECRET_KEY] = boost::assign::list_of(0x04)(0x35)(0x83)(0x94).convert_to_container<std::vector<unsigned char> >();

        vFixedSeeds = std::vector<SeedSpec6>(pnSeed6_test, pnSeed6_test + ARRAYLEN(pnSeed6_test));

        fMiningRequiresPeers = true;
        fDefaultConsistencyChecks = false;
        fRequireStandard = false;
        fMineBlocksOnDemand = false;

        checkpointData = (CCheckpointData) {
            ( 546, uint256S("000000002a936ca763904c3c35fce2f3556c559c0214345d31b1bcebf76acb70")),

        chainTxData = ChainTxData{
            // Data as of block 00000000c2872f8f8a8935c8e3c5862be9038c97d4de2cf37ed496991166928a (height 1063660)

Ejemplo n.º 28
    CMainParams() {
        strNetworkID = "main";
        consensus.nSubsidyHalvingInterval = 2100000;
        consensus.BIP34Height = 344407;
        consensus.BIP34Hash = uint256S("0x9ca8e68e34ccdeeb35a52176155a7d524c8216a82450d696abcfda340129e271");
        consensus.BIP65Height = 2120750;
        consensus.BIP66Height = 2120750;
        consensus.powLimit = uint256S("00000fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff");
        consensus.powNeoScryptLimit = uint256S("0000003fffff0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000");
        consensus.nPowTargetTimespan = 3.5 * 24 * 60 * 60; // two weeks
        consensus.nPowTargetSpacing = 2.5 * 60;
        consensus.checkpointPubKey = "04c67c0114bc7cb8bb84ee0f3319e1df3339d335a15bdb04605cf2655d19212848a66d4535f3c91e943061474b7cacfd4eaa10835d35a8d4e431c68a4c4f5450ba";
        consensus.vAlertPubKey = ParseHex("043c19a29fe8f763369aea68107e82854af7b072fc7d2d2adb87d2a3b40b51ab0d0e77805096e255a87388b175fd4a49d93d9b6c878004975e41222a3b85086eef");
        consensus.fPowAllowMinDifficultyBlocks = false;
        consensus.fPowNoRetargeting = false;
        consensus.nRuleChangeActivationThreshold = 15120; // 75% of 20160
        consensus.nMinerConfirmationWindow = 20160;
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_TESTDUMMY].bit = 28;
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_TESTDUMMY].nStartTime = 1199145601; // January 1, 2008
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_TESTDUMMY].nTimeout = 1230767999; // December 31, 2008

        // Deployment of BIP68, BIP112, and BIP113.
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_CSV].bit = 0;
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_CSV].nStartTime = 1519862400; // March 1st, 2018
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_CSV].nTimeout = 1551398400; // March 1st, 2019

        // Deployment of SegWit (BIP141, BIP143, and BIP147)
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_SEGWIT].bit = 1;
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_SEGWIT].nStartTime = 1519862400; // March 1st, 2018
        consensus.vDeployments[Consensus::DEPLOYMENT_SEGWIT].nTimeout = 1551398400; // March 1st, 2019

        // The best chain should have at least this much work.
        consensus.nMinimumChainWork = uint256S("0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005383a3c6486afe6");

        // By default assume that the signatures in ancestors of this block are valid.
        consensus.defaultAssumeValid = uint256S("0xbb4955cff435b39df717aeb144d60ecc2c47b8a133ca7663df66bace6dea97c6"); // 2124200

         * The message start string is designed to be unlikely to occur in normal data.
         * The characters are rarely used upper ASCII, not valid as UTF-8, and produce
         * a large 32-bit integer with any alignment.
        pchMessageStart[0] = 0x41;
        pchMessageStart[1] = 0x15;
        pchMessageStart[2] = 0x1a;
        pchMessageStart[3] = 0x21;

        // End of the bridge from old to new pchMessageStart
        pchMessageStartOld[0] = 0xfb;
        pchMessageStartOld[1] = 0xc0;
        pchMessageStartOld[2] = 0xb6;
        pchMessageStartOld[3] = 0xdb;

        nDefaultPort = 9336;
        nPruneAfterHeight = 100000;

        consensus.nForkOne = 33000;
        consensus.nForkTwo = 87948;
        consensus.nForkThree = 204639;
        consensus.nForkFour = 432000;
        consensus.nTimeLimit = 2313000;
        consensus.nNeoScryptFork = 1414346265;

        genesis = CreateGenesisBlock(1317972665, 2084524493, 0x1e0ffff0, 1, 50 * COIN);
        consensus.hashGenesisBlock = genesis.GetHash();
        assert(consensus.hashGenesisBlock == uint256S("0x12a765e31ffd4059bada1e25190f6e98c99d9714d334efa41a195a7e7e04bfe2"));
        assert(genesis.hashMerkleRoot == uint256S("0x97ddfbbae6be97fd6cdf3e7ca13232a3afff2353e29badfab7f73011edd4ced9"));

        // Note that of those which support the service bits prefix, most only support a subset of
        // possible options.
        // This is fine at runtime as we'll fall back to using them as a oneshot if they don't support the
        // service bits we want, but we should get them updated to support all service bits wanted by any
        // release ASAP to avoid it where possible.

        base58Prefixes[PUBKEY_ADDRESS] = std::vector<unsigned char>(1,14);
        base58Prefixes[SCRIPT_ADDRESS] = std::vector<unsigned char>(1,5);
        base58Prefixes[SECRET_KEY] =     std::vector<unsigned char>(1,142);
        base58Prefixes[EXT_PUBLIC_KEY] = {0x04, 0x88, 0xBC, 0x26};
        base58Prefixes[EXT_SECRET_KEY] = {0x04, 0x88, 0xDA, 0xEE};

        bech32_hrp = "fc";

        vFixedSeeds = std::vector<SeedSpec6>(pnSeed6_main, pnSeed6_main + ARRAYLEN(pnSeed6_main));

        fDefaultConsistencyChecks = false;
        fRequireStandard = true;
        fMineBlocksOnDemand = false;

        checkpointData = {
                {  22267, uint256S("0x23dc7d871fc2a9b994112e978019f6370bab0b8979f557afe77a7ab620224b70")},
                {  31846, uint256S("0xba7d5c0e6d46f6448253290ce037e13975c13ca9c375ae854b6b2f85044fc0f9")},
                {  41300, uint256S("0x8c4e02f6c0d20e856fd7e952a147fee30ce145ca6932a284f354924362d2b408")},
                { 500000, uint256S("0x2b7ea20e3899deb9591015b0a5a589b9f6032ab82e018014fafe11637b1a2daf")},
                {1000000, uint256S("0xb9e03dffe6b43cac38191d1bbb0d74fec21223e0de052928c96f498ba305f918")},
                {1593400, uint256S("0xe97230c788e7240eb325576810fee62f5162905f63a832f15928b88ac6a938c6")},
                {1776411, uint256S("0x4f6de194bd2f4580e2ac9337289c7cca348d3f35c9079af2760b288315b82feb")},
                {2124270, uint256S("0x4f6de194bd2f4580e2ac9337289c7cca348d3f35c9079af2760b288315b82feb")},

        chainTxData = ChainTxData{
            // Data as of block 0000000000000000002d6cca6761c99b3c2e936f9a0e304b7c7651a993f461de (height 506081).
            1520948476, // * UNIX timestamp of last known number of transactions
            4229159,  // * total number of transactions between genesis and that timestamp
                        //   (the tx=... number in the ChainStateFlushed debug.log lines)
            0.03         // * estimated number of transactions per second after that timestamp

        /* disable fallback fee on mainnet */
        m_fallback_fee_enabled = true;
Ejemplo n.º 29
bool CInv::IsKnownType() const
    return (type >= 1 && type < ARRAYLEN(ppszTypeName));
Ejemplo n.º 30
    CMainParams() {
        // The message start string is designed to be unlikely to occur in normal data.
        pchMessageStart[0] = 0x04;
        pchMessageStart[1] = 0x05;
        pchMessageStart[2] = 0x05;
        pchMessageStart[3] = 0x04;
        nDefaultPort = 25536;
        nRPCPort = 25537;
        bnProofOfWorkLimit = CBigNum(~uint256(0) >> 20);
        nSubsidyHalvingInterval = 100000;

        // Build the genesis block. Note that the output of the genesis coinbase cannot
        // be spent as it did not originally exist in the database.
        const char* pszTimestamp = "Scotcoin!";
        CTransaction txNew;
        txNew.vin[0].scriptSig = CScript() << 486604799 << CBigNum(4) << vector<unsigned char>((const unsigned char*)pszTimestamp, (const unsigned char*)pszTimestamp + strlen(pszTimestamp));
        txNew.vout[0].nValue = 1 * COIN;
        txNew.vout[0].scriptPubKey = CScript() << ParseHex("") << OP_CHECKSIG;
        genesis.hashPrevBlock = 0;
        genesis.hashMerkleRoot = genesis.BuildMerkleTree();
        genesis.nVersion = 1;
        genesis.nTime    = 1392946703;
        genesis.nBits    = 0x1e0fffff;
        genesis.nNonce   = 168193;
        //// debug print
        hashGenesisBlock = genesis.GetHash();
        //while (hashGenesisBlock > bnProofOfWorkLimit.getuint256()){
        //    if (++genesis.nNonce==0) break;
        //    hashGenesisBlock = genesis.GetHash();

        printf("%s\n", hashGenesisBlock.ToString().c_str());
        printf("%s\n", genesis.hashMerkleRoot.ToString().c_str());
        printf("%x\n", bnProofOfWorkLimit.GetCompact());
        assert(hashGenesisBlock == uint256("0x0000020b9d4db902554e1131eee9d0a016e201215b2fd6e7279e4321f99a3e15"));
        assert(genesis.hashMerkleRoot == uint256("0xa887ab6f2204b79e5af2878efc78e5da804013f94f4e23cb73239b6abbf95ce4"));

        vSeeds.push_back(CDNSSeedData("someaddress.com or IP addy", "someaddress.com"));

        base58Prefixes[PUBKEY_ADDRESS] = 63;
        base58Prefixes[SCRIPT_ADDRESS] = 30;
        base58Prefixes[SECRET_KEY] = 224;

        // Convert the pnSeeds array into usable address objects.
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ARRAYLEN(pnSeed); i++)
            // It'll only connect to one or two seed nodes because once it connects,
            // it'll get a pile of addresses with newer timestamps.
            // Seed nodes are given a random 'last seen time' 
            const int64 nTwoDays = 2 * 24 * 60 * 60;
            struct in_addr ip;
            memcpy(&ip, &pnSeed[i], sizeof(ip));
            CAddress addr(CService(ip, GetDefaultPort()));
            addr.nTime = GetTime() - GetRand(nTwoDays) - nTwoDays;