Ejemplo n.º 1
void Ball::Collide3DWall(const Vertex3Ds& hitNormal, const float elasticity, float antifriction, float scatter_angle)
    //speed normal to wall
    float dot = vel.Dot(hitNormal);

	if (dot >= -C_LOWNORMVEL )							// nearly receding ... make sure of conditions
	{													// otherwise if clearly approaching .. process the collision
		if (dot > C_LOWNORMVEL) return;					//is this velocity clearly receding (i.e must > a minimum)

		if (m_coll.distance < -C_EMBEDDED)
			dot = -C_EMBEDSHOT;							// has ball become embedded???, give it a kick
		else return;
#ifdef C_DISP_GAIN 
	// correct displacements, mostly from low velocity, alternative to acceleration processing
	float hdist = -C_DISP_GAIN * m_coll.distance;	// limit delta noise crossing ramps,
	if (hdist > 1.0e-4f)					// when hit detection checked it what was the displacement
		if (hdist > C_DISP_LIMIT) 
			hdist = C_DISP_LIMIT;	// crossing ramps, delta noise
		pos += hdist * hitNormal;	// push along norm, back to free area
        // use the norm, but this is not correct, reverse time is correct

	dot *= -1.005f - elasticity; //!! some small minimum
	vel += dot * hitNormal;

	if (antifriction >= 1.0f || antifriction <= 0.0f) 
		antifriction = c_hardFriction; // use global

	//friction all axes
	vel *= antifriction;

	if (scatter_angle <= 0.0f) scatter_angle = c_hardScatter;			// if <= 0 use global value
	scatter_angle *= g_pplayer->m_ptable->m_globalDifficulty;			// apply difficulty weighting

	if (dot > 1.0f && scatter_angle > 1.0e-5f) //no scatter at low velocity 
		float scatter = rand_mt_m11();									// -1.0f..1.0f
		scatter *= (1.0f - scatter*scatter)*2.59808f * scatter_angle;	// shape quadratic distribution and scale
		const float radsin = sinf(scatter); // Green's transform matrix... rotate angle delta
		const float radcos = cosf(scatter); // rotational transform from current position to position at time t
		const float vxt = vel.x; 
		const float vyt = vel.y;
		vel.x = vxt *radcos - vyt *radsin;  // rotate to random scatter angle
		vel.y = vyt *radcos + vxt *radsin; 

    //calc new rolling dynamics
Ejemplo n.º 2
void Ball::UpdateDisplacements(const float dtime)
	if (!fFrozen)
        const Vertex3Ds ds = dtime * vel;
        pos += ds;

		drsq = ds.LengthSquared();                      // used to determine if static ball

		if (vel.z < 0.f && pos.z <= z_min)              //rolling point below the table and velocity driving deeper
			pos.z = z_min;								// set rolling point to table surface
			vel.z *= -0.2f;							    // reflect velocity  ...  dull bounce

			vel.x *= c_hardFriction;
			vel.y *= c_hardFriction;					//friction other axiz
			const Vertex3Ds vnormal(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f);
		else if (vel.z > 0.f && pos.z >= z_max)			//top glass ...contact and going higher
			pos.z = z_max;								// set diametric rolling point to top glass
			vel.z *= -0.2f;								// reflect velocity  ...  dull bounce

        // side walls are handled via actual collision objects set up in Player::CreateBoundingHitShapes

		Matrix3 mat3;
		Matrix3 addedorientation;
		addedorientation.MultiplyMatrix(&mat3, &m_orientation);


		m_orientation.AddMatrix(&addedorientation, &m_orientation);


		Matrix3 matTransposeOrientation;

        m_angularvelocity = m_inverseworldinertiatensor.MultiplyVector(m_angularmomentum);
Ejemplo n.º 3
int main()
//	double d;
//	cin >> d;
	Speed v1 = 10.m/2.5s;
	Speed v2 = 5.m/2.5s;
	Time dist = (v1+v2) * 10.s / v2;
	cout << v1 << endl;
	cout << v2 << endl;
	cout << 10.m << endl;
	cout << 20.s << endl;
	cout << dist << endl;
	Speed sum_v = v1 + v2;
	cout << (v1 + v2) / 2.s << endl;
	cout << AngularAcceleration(5000) << endl;
	return 0;