Ejemplo n.º 1
void fidelz80_state::update_display()
	// data for the 4x 7seg leds, bits are 0bxABCDEFG
	UINT8 out_digit = BITSWAP8( m_digit_data,7,0,1,2,3,4,5,6 ) & 0x7f;

	if (m_led_selected&0x04)
		output_set_digit_value(0, out_digit);

		output_set_led_value(1, m_led_data & 0x01);
	if (m_led_selected&0x08)
		output_set_digit_value(1, out_digit);

		output_set_led_value(0, m_led_data & 0x01);
	if (m_led_selected&0x10)
		output_set_digit_value(2, out_digit);
	if (m_led_selected&0x20)
		output_set_digit_value(3, out_digit);
Ejemplo n.º 2

static DRIVER_INIT( wink )
	unsigned int i;
	UINT8 *ROM = memory_region(REGION_CPU1);
	UINT8 *buffer = malloc(0x8000);

	// protection module reverse engineered by HIGHWAYMAN

	if (buffer)

		for (i = 0x0000; i <= 0x1fff; i++)
			ROM[i] = buffer[BITSWAP16(i,15,14,13, 11,12, 7, 9, 8,10, 6, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 0)];

		for (i = 0x2000; i <= 0x3fff; i++)
			ROM[i] = buffer[BITSWAP16(i,15,14,13, 10, 7,12, 9, 8,11, 6, 3, 1, 5, 2, 4, 0)];

		for (i = 0x4000; i <= 0x5fff; i++)
			ROM[i] = buffer[BITSWAP16(i,15,14,13,  7,10,11, 9, 8,12, 6, 1, 3, 4, 2, 5, 0)];

		for (i = 0x6000; i <= 0x7fff; i++)
			ROM[i] = buffer[BITSWAP16(i,15,14,13, 11,12, 7, 9, 8,10, 6, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 0)];


	for (i = 0; i < 0x8000; i++)
		ROM[i] += BITSWAP8(i & 0xff, 7,5,3,1,6,4,2,0);
Ejemplo n.º 3
static DRIVER_INIT( togenkyo )
#if 0
	UINT8 *prot = machine.region("protdata")->base();
	int i;

	/* this is one possible way to rearrange the protection ROM data to get the
       expected 0x5ece checksum. It's probably completely wrong! But since the
       game doesn't do anything else with that ROM, this is more than enough. I
       could just fill this are with fake data, the only thing that matters is
       the checksum. */
	for (i = 0;i < 0x20000;i++)
		prot[i] = BITSWAP8(prot[i],2,7,3,5,0,6,4,1);
	unsigned char *ROM = machine.region("maincpu")->base();

	// Protection ROM check skip
	ROM[0x010b] = 0x00;
	ROM[0x010c] = 0x00;
	ROM[0x010d] = 0x00;
	// Program ROM SUM check skip
//  ROM[0x025c] = 0x00;
//  ROM[0x025d] = 0x00;

	nb1413m3_type = NB1413M3_TOGENKYO;

//S init_nb1413m3(machine);
Ejemplo n.º 4

	int i;
	UINT8 *mem = memregion("maincpu")->base();
	int memsize = memregion("maincpu")->bytes();
	UINT8 *buf;

	// data swap
	for ( i = 0; i < memsize; i++ )
		mem[i] = BITSWAP8(mem[i],3,5,6,7,0,4,2,1);

	// address line swap
	buf = auto_alloc_array(machine(), UINT8, memsize);
	memcpy(buf, mem, memsize);
	for ( i = 0; i < memsize; i++ )
		mem[BITSWAP16(i,11,9,8,13,14,15,12,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0,10)] = buf[i];
	auto_free(machine(), buf);

Ejemplo n.º 5
UINT8 deco_cpu6_device::mi_decrypt::read_decrypted(UINT16 adr)
	if (adr&1)
		return BITSWAP8(direct->read_raw_byte(adr),6,4,7,5,3,2,1,0);
		return direct->read_raw_byte(adr);
Ejemplo n.º 6

	UINT32 i;
	UINT8 *ROM = memregion("maincpu")->base();
	dynamic_buffer buffer(0x8000);

	// protection module reverse engineered by HIGHWAYMAN


	for (i = 0x0000; i <= 0x1fff; i++)
		ROM[i] = buffer[BITSWAP16(i,15,14,13, 11,12, 7, 9, 8,10, 6, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 0)];

	for (i = 0x2000; i <= 0x3fff; i++)
		ROM[i] = buffer[BITSWAP16(i,15,14,13, 10, 7,12, 9, 8,11, 6, 3, 1, 5, 2, 4, 0)];

	for (i = 0x4000; i <= 0x5fff; i++)
		ROM[i] = buffer[BITSWAP16(i,15,14,13,  7,10,11, 9, 8,12, 6, 1, 3, 4, 2, 5, 0)];

	for (i = 0x6000; i <= 0x7fff; i++)
		ROM[i] = buffer[BITSWAP16(i,15,14,13, 11,12, 7, 9, 8,10, 6, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 0)];

	for (i = 0; i < 0x8000; i++)
		ROM[i] += BITSWAP8(i & 0xff, 7,5,3,1,6,4,2,0);
Ejemplo n.º 7

static DRIVER_INIT( hnfubuki )
	UINT8 *rom = memory_region(REGION_GFX1);
	int len = memory_region_length(REGION_GFX1);
	int i,j;

	/* interestingly, the blitter data has a slight encryption */

	/* swap address bits 4 and 5 */
	for (i = 0;i < len;i += 0x40)
		for (j = 0;j < 0x10;j++)
			UINT8 t = rom[i + j + 0x10];
			rom[i + j + 0x10] = rom[i + j + 0x20];
			rom[i + j + 0x20] = t;

	/* swap data bits 0 and 1 */
	for (i = 0;i < len;i++)
		rom[i] = BITSWAP8(rom[i],7,6,5,4,3,2,0,1);
Ejemplo n.º 8

static DRIVER_INIT( wink )
	UINT32 i;
	UINT8 *ROM = memory_region(machine, "maincpu");
	UINT8 *buffer = auto_alloc_array(machine, UINT8, 0x8000);

	// protection module reverse engineered by HIGHWAYMAN


	for (i = 0x0000; i <= 0x1fff; i++)
		ROM[i] = buffer[BITSWAP16(i,15,14,13, 11,12, 7, 9, 8,10, 6, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 0)];

	for (i = 0x2000; i <= 0x3fff; i++)
		ROM[i] = buffer[BITSWAP16(i,15,14,13, 10, 7,12, 9, 8,11, 6, 3, 1, 5, 2, 4, 0)];

	for (i = 0x4000; i <= 0x5fff; i++)
		ROM[i] = buffer[BITSWAP16(i,15,14,13,  7,10,11, 9, 8,12, 6, 1, 3, 4, 2, 5, 0)];

	for (i = 0x6000; i <= 0x7fff; i++)
		ROM[i] = buffer[BITSWAP16(i,15,14,13, 11,12, 7, 9, 8,10, 6, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 0)];

	auto_free(machine, buffer);

	for (i = 0; i < 0x8000; i++)
		ROM[i] += BITSWAP8(i & 0xff, 7,5,3,1,6,4,2,0);
Ejemplo n.º 9
void elwro800_state::elwro800jr_mmu_w(UINT8 data)
	UINT8 *prom = memregion("proms")->base() + 0x200;
	UINT8 *messram = m_ram->pointer();
	UINT8 cs;
	UINT8 ls175;

	ls175 = BITSWAP8(data, 7, 6, 5, 4, 4, 5, 7, 6) & 0x0f;

	cs = prom[((0x0000 >> 10) | (ls175 << 6)) & 0x1ff];
	if (!BIT(cs,0))
		// rom BAS0
		membank("bank1")->set_base(memregion("maincpu")->base() + 0x0000); /* BAS0 ROM */
		m_maincpu->space(AS_PROGRAM).nop_write(0x0000, 0x1fff);
		m_ram_at_0000 = 0;
	else if (!BIT(cs,4))
		// rom BOOT
		membank("bank1")->set_base(memregion("maincpu")->base() + 0x4000); /* BOOT ROM */
		m_maincpu->space(AS_PROGRAM).nop_write(0x0000, 0x1fff);
		m_ram_at_0000 = 0;
		// RAM
		m_maincpu->space(AS_PROGRAM).install_write_bank(0x0000, 0x1fff, "bank1");
		m_ram_at_0000 = 1;

	cs = prom[((0x2000 >> 10) | (ls175 << 6)) & 0x1ff];
	if (!BIT(cs,1))
		membank("bank2")->set_base(memregion("maincpu")->base() + 0x2000); /* BAS1 ROM */
		m_maincpu->space(AS_PROGRAM).nop_write(0x2000, 0x3fff);
		membank("bank2")->set_base(messram + 0x2000); /* RAM */
		m_maincpu->space(AS_PROGRAM).install_write_bank(0x2000, 0x3fff, "bank2");

	if (BIT(ls175,2))
		// relok
		m_screen_location = messram + 0xe000;
		m_screen_location = messram + 0x4000;

	m_NR = BIT(ls175,3);
	if (BIT(ls175,3))
		logerror("Reading network number\n");
Ejemplo n.º 10

	UINT8 *rom = machine().root_device().memregion("gfx1")->base();
	int len = machine().root_device().memregion("gfx1")->bytes();
	int i, j;

	/* interestingly, the blitter data has a slight encryption */

	/* swap address bits 4 and 5 */
	for (i = 0; i < len; i += 0x40)
		for (j = 0; j < 0x10; j++)
			UINT8 t = rom[i + j + 0x10];
			rom[i + j + 0x10] = rom[i + j + 0x20];
			rom[i + j + 0x20] = t;

	/* swap data bits 0 and 1 */
	for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
		rom[i] = BITSWAP8(rom[i],7,6,5,4,3,2,0,1);
Ejemplo n.º 11

*            Driver Init              *

/* This reflect how was connected the bus to the EPROM
   inside the epoxy CPU block. They used ultra-thin wires,
   just to melt down with the epoxy in case someone try to
   use a heat gun for epoxy removal purposes...

   Bus / Eprom

    D0-> D5
    D1-> D6
    D2-> D0
    D3-> D7
    D4-> D2
    D5-> D4
    D6-> D3
    D7-> D1

   A00-> A10
   A01-> A08
   A02-> A01
   A03-> A11
   A04-> A05
   A05-> A13
   A06-> A12
   A07-> A04
   A08-> A02
   A09-> A07
   A10-> A03
   A11-> A00
   A12-> A09
   A13-> A06
   A14-> A14
	int i;
	uint8_t *mem = memregion("maincpu")->base();
	int memsize = memregion("maincpu")->bytes();

	/* Unscrambling data lines */
	for ( i = 0; i < memsize; i++ )
		mem[i] = BITSWAP8(mem[i], 3, 1, 0, 5, 6, 4, 7, 2);

	/* Unscrambling address lines */
	std::vector<uint8_t> buf(memsize);
	memcpy(&buf[0], mem, memsize);
	for ( i = 0; i < memsize; i++ )
		mem[BITSWAP16(i, 15, 14, 5, 6, 3, 0, 12, 1, 9, 13, 4, 7, 10, 8, 2, 11)] = buf[i];
Ejemplo n.º 12
// this should be correct, the areas of the ROM that differ to the original
// after this decode look like intentional changes
static DRIVER_INIT( mk3mdb )
	UINT8 *rom = machine->region("maincpu")->base();

	for (int x = 0x000001; x < 0x100001; x += 2)
		if (x & 0x80000)
			rom[x] = rom[x] ^ 0xff;
			rom[x] = BITSWAP8(rom[x], 0,3,2,5,4,6,7,1);
			rom[x] = rom[x] ^ 0xff;
			rom[x] = BITSWAP8(rom[x], 4,0,7,1,3,6,2,5);

	for (int x = 0x100001; x < 0x400000; x += 2)
		if (x & 0x80000)
			rom[x] = rom[x] ^ 0xff;
			rom[x] = BITSWAP8(rom[x], 2,7,5,4,1,0,3,6);
			rom[x] = BITSWAP8(rom[x], 6,1,4,2,7,0,3,5);

	// boot vectors don't seem to be valid, so they are patched...
	rom[0x01] = 0x01;
	rom[0x00] = 0x00;
	rom[0x03] = 0x00;
	rom[0x02] = 0x00;
	rom[0x05] = 0x00;
	rom[0x04] = 0x00;
	rom[0x07] = 0x02;
	rom[0x06] = 0x10;

	memory_install_read16_handler(cputag_get_address_space(machine, "maincpu", ADDRESS_SPACE_PROGRAM), 0x770070, 0x770075, 0, 0, mk3mdb_dsw_r );

	megadrive_6buttons_pad = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 13
static void decrypt_snd(running_machine *machine)
	int i;
	UINT8 *ROM = memory_region(machine, "t5182");

		ROM[i] = BITSWAP8(ROM[i], 7,1,2,3,4,5,6,0);
Ejemplo n.º 14
static void decrypt_snd(running_machine &machine)
	int i;
	UINT8 *ROM = machine.region("t5182")->base();

		ROM[i] = BITSWAP8(ROM[i], 7,1,2,3,4,5,6,0);
Ejemplo n.º 15
void fidel68k_state::eag_prepare_display()
	// Excel 68000: 4*7seg leds, 8*8 chessboard leds
	// EAG: 8*7seg leds(2 panels), (8+1)*8 chessboard leds
	uint8_t seg_data = BITSWAP8(m_7seg_data,0,1,3,2,7,5,6,4);
	set_display_segmask(0x1ff, 0x7f);
	display_matrix(16, 9, m_led_data << 8 | seg_data, m_inp_mux);
Ejemplo n.º 16

static DRIVER_INIT(mv4in1)
	int i;
Ejemplo n.º 17
void darkmist_state::decrypt_snd()
	int i;
	UINT8 *ROM = memregion("t5182_z80")->base();

		ROM[i] = BITSWAP8(ROM[i], 7,1,2,3,4,5,6,0);
Ejemplo n.º 18
// this should be correct, the areas of the ROM that differ to the original
// after this decode look like intentional changes
	UINT8 *rom = machine().root_device().memregion("maincpu")->base();

	for (int x = 0x000001; x < 0x100001; x += 2)
		if (x & 0x80000)
			rom[x] = rom[x] ^ 0xff;
			rom[x] = BITSWAP8(rom[x], 0,3,2,5,4,6,7,1);
			rom[x] = rom[x] ^ 0xff;
			rom[x] = BITSWAP8(rom[x], 4,0,7,1,3,6,2,5);

	for (int x = 0x100001; x < 0x400000; x += 2)
		if (x & 0x80000)
			rom[x] = rom[x] ^ 0xff;
			rom[x] = BITSWAP8(rom[x], 2,7,5,4,1,0,3,6);
			rom[x] = BITSWAP8(rom[x], 6,1,4,2,7,0,3,5);

	// boot vectors don't seem to be valid, so they are patched...
	rom[0x01] = 0x01;
	rom[0x00] = 0x00;
	rom[0x03] = 0x00;
	rom[0x02] = 0x00;
	rom[0x05] = 0x00;
	rom[0x04] = 0x00;
	rom[0x07] = 0x02;
	rom[0x06] = 0x10;

	machine().device("maincpu")->memory().space(AS_PROGRAM)->install_legacy_read_handler(0x770070, 0x770075, FUNC(mk3mdb_dsw_r) );

	megadrive_6buttons_pad = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 19

static DRIVER_INIT(mv4in1)
	int i;
	UINT8 *rom = machine.root_device().memregion("maincpu")->base();
Ejemplo n.º 20
static UINT8 decrypt_opcode(int a,int src)
	if ( BIT(a,9)  &  BIT(a,8))             src ^= 0x80;
	if ( BIT(a,11) &  BIT(a,4) &  BIT(a,1)) src ^= 0x40;
	if (~BIT(a,13) & BIT(a,12))             src ^= 0x20;
	if (~BIT(a,6)  &  BIT(a,1))             src ^= 0x10;
	if (~BIT(a,12) &  BIT(a,2))             src ^= 0x08;
	if ( BIT(a,11) & ~BIT(a,8) &  BIT(a,1)) src ^= 0x04;
	if ( BIT(a,13) & ~BIT(a,6) &  BIT(a,4)) src ^= 0x02;
	if (~BIT(a,11) &  BIT(a,9) &  BIT(a,2)) src ^= 0x01;

	if (BIT(a,13) &  BIT(a,4)) src = BITSWAP8(src,7,6,5,4,3,2,0,1);
	if (BIT(a, 8) &  BIT(a,4)) src = BITSWAP8(src,7,6,5,4,2,3,1,0);
	if (BIT(a,12) &  BIT(a,9)) src = BITSWAP8(src,7,6,4,5,3,2,1,0);
	if (BIT(a,11) & ~BIT(a,6)) src = BITSWAP8(src,6,7,5,4,3,2,1,0);

	return src;
Ejemplo n.º 21


	return BITSWAP8(m_sound_command2, 7,2,4,5,3,6,1,0);
Ejemplo n.º 22
static DRIVER_INIT( shtridra )
	int A;
	UINT8 *rom = memory_region(REGION_CPU1);

	/* D3/D4  and  D5/D6 swapped */
	for (A = 0; A < 0x2000; A++)
		rom[A] = BITSWAP8(rom[A],7,5,6,3,4,2,1,0);
Ejemplo n.º 23
	int A;
	UINT8 *rom = memregion("maincpu")->base();

	/* D3/D4  and  D5/D6 swapped */
	for (A = 0; A < 0x2000; A++)
		rom[A] = BITSWAP8(rom[A],7,5,6,3,4,2,1,0);
Ejemplo n.º 24

	int i;
	UINT8 *rom = memregion("maincpu")->base();
Ejemplo n.º 25
static DRIVER_INIT( shtridra )
	int A;
	UINT8 *rom = machine.region("maincpu")->base();

	/* D3/D4  and  D5/D6 swapped */
	for (A = 0; A < 0x2000; A++)
		rom[A] = BITSWAP8(rom[A],7,5,6,3,4,2,1,0);
Ejemplo n.º 26
void victor21_bitswaps(UINT8 *decrypt, int i)
	if ((i&7) == 0) decrypt[i] = BITSWAP8(decrypt[i], 7,2,1,0,3,6,5,4 );
	if ((i&7) == 1) decrypt[i] = BITSWAP8(decrypt[i], 3,6,1,4,7,2,5,0 );
	if ((i&7) == 2) decrypt[i] = BITSWAP8(decrypt[i], 3,2,1,4,7,6,5,0 );
	if ((i&7) == 3) decrypt[i] = BITSWAP8(decrypt[i], 7,2,5,4,3,6,1,0 );
	if ((i&7) == 4) decrypt[i] = BITSWAP8(decrypt[i], 7,2,5,4,3,6,1,0 );
	if ((i&7) == 5) decrypt[i] = BITSWAP8(decrypt[i], 3,6,5,0,7,2,1,4 );
	if ((i&7) == 6) decrypt[i] = BITSWAP8(decrypt[i], 7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0 );
	if ((i&7) == 7) decrypt[i] = BITSWAP8(decrypt[i], 3,2,1,4,7,6,5,0 );
Ejemplo n.º 27
uint8_t deco_cpu7_device::mi_decrypt::read_sync(uint16_t adr)
	uint8_t res = direct->read_byte(adr);
	if(had_written) {
		had_written = false;
		if((adr & 0x0104) == 0x0104)
			res = BITSWAP8(res, 6,5,3,4,2,7,1,0);
	return res;
Ejemplo n.º 28
void nmk16_state::nmk16_draw_sprites_swap_flipsupported(bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect, int *bittbl)
	int i;

	for ( i = 0; i < 0x100; i++ )
		int spr = BITSWAP8(i, bittbl[0], bittbl[1], bittbl[2], bittbl[3], bittbl[4], bittbl[5], bittbl[6], bittbl[7]);
		nmk16_draw_sprite_flipsupported(bitmap, cliprect, m_spriteram_old2.get() + (spr * 16/2));
Ejemplo n.º 29
void seibu_adpcm_device::decrypt(const char *region)
	UINT8 *ROM = machine().root_device().memregion(region)->base();
	int len = machine().root_device().memregion(region)->bytes();

	for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
		ROM[i] = BITSWAP8(ROM[i], 7, 5, 3, 1, 6, 4, 2, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 30
UINT8 deco_cpu7_device::mi_decrypt::read_decrypted(UINT16 adr)
	UINT8 res = direct->read_raw_byte(adr);
	if(had_written) {
		had_written = false;
		if((adr & 0x0104) == 0x0104)
			res = BITSWAP8(res, 6,5,3,4,2,7,1,0);
	return res;