std::vector<ActorUId> Scene::shutdown() { Controller::get()->eventManager()->removeListener( fastdelegate::MakeDelegate(this, &Scene::handleSceneUpdate), SceneUpdateEvent::TYPE ); Controller::get()->eventManager()->removeListener( fastdelegate::MakeDelegate(this, &Scene::handleReturnActorCreate), ReturnActorCreatedEvent::TYPE ); Controller::get()->eventManager()->removeListener( fastdelegate::MakeDelegate(this, &Scene::handleScenePreDraw), ScenePreDrawEvent::TYPE ); Controller::get()->eventManager()->removeListener( fastdelegate::MakeDelegate(this, &Scene::handleSceneDraw), SceneDrawEvent::TYPE ); Controller::get()->eventManager()->removeListener( fastdelegate::MakeDelegate(this, &Scene::handleShutDown), ShutDownEvent::TYPE ); Controller::get()->eventManager()->removeListener(fastdelegate::MakeDelegate(this, &Scene::handleInitGUI), InitGUIEvent::TYPE); CI_LOG_V("shutting down scene..."); std::vector<ActorUId> persistent_actors; std::vector<ActorUId> uninit_gui; for( auto & a : mActors) { uninit_gui.push_back(a.first); if( auto actor = a.second.lock() ) { if(actor->isPersistent()) persistent_actors.push_back(a.first); else ec::Controller::get()->eventManager()->triggerEvent(DestoryActorEvent::create(a.first)); } } Controller::get()->eventManager()->triggerEvent(UninitGUIEvent::create(uninit_gui)); CI_LOG_V("returning "+std::to_string(persistent_actors.size())+" persistent actors"); mActors.clear(); mSceneManager->clear(); return persistent_actors; }
void Scene::handleReturnActorCreate( EventDataRef event ) { auto e = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ReturnActorCreatedEvent>(event); auto actorWeak = e->getActorWeakRef(); if ( auto actorStrong = actorWeak.lock() ) { CI_LOG_V("receieved actor create info: "+ actorStrong->getName()); mActors.insert( std::make_pair(actorStrong->getUId(), actorWeak) ); }else{ CI_LOG_V("receieved actor create info: FAILED TO CREATE ACTOR"); } }
Context::Context( const std::string &name ):mName(name),mState( State::create(this) ){ std::string packagePath = "package.path = \'"; std::string stream; stream = "Cinder-Luabind adding lua 'require' paths \n"; for( auto & path : ci::app::getAssetDirectories() ){ stream += path.string() + "\n"; packagePath += path.string()+"/?;"; packagePath += path.string()+"/?.lua;"; } ///need to add this one, how to get the name?? // std::string appResourcePath = ci::app::getAppPath().string() + "/"; // auto p1 = appResourcePath + "?;"; // auto p2 = appResourcePath + "?.lua;"; packagePath += "\' .. package.path"; runLuaScript(packagePath); CI_LOG_V( stream ); }
void VDFbo::setFragmentShader(unsigned int aShaderIndex, string aFragmentShaderString, string aName) { try { mFboTextureShader = gl::GlslProg::create(mVDSettings->getDefaultVextexShaderString(), aFragmentShaderString); mFboTextureFragmentShaderString = aFragmentShaderString; // set only if compiles successfully // 20161209 problem on Mac mFboTextureShader->setLabel(aName); mFboName = aName; mShaderIndex = aShaderIndex; } catch (gl::GlslProgCompileExc &exc) { mError = string(exc.what()); CI_LOG_V("unable to load/compile fragment shader:" + string(exc.what())); } catch (const std::exception &e) { mError = string(e.what()); CI_LOG_V("unable to load fragment shader:" + string(e.what())); } }
JsonManagerRef JsonManager::create( const std::string &fileName ) { auto contents = getFileContents( fileName ); sJsonManager = JsonManagerRef( new JsonManager( fileName, contents ) ); sJsonManagerInitialized = true; CI_LOG_V("Created JsonManager"); return JsonManager::get(); }
bool VDFbo::fromXml(const XmlTree &xml) { mId = xml.getAttributeValue<string>("id", ""); string mGlslPath = xml.getAttributeValue<string>("shadername", "0.frag"); mWidth = xml.getAttributeValue<int>("width", mVDSettings->mFboWidth); mHeight = xml.getAttributeValue<int>("height", mVDSettings->mFboHeight); mInputTextureIndex = xml.getAttributeValue<int>("inputtextureindex", 0); CI_LOG_V("fbo id " + mId + "fbo shadername " + mGlslPath); mShaderName = mGlslPath; // 20161209 problem on Mac mFboTextureShader->setLabel(mShaderName); return true; }
void ReymentaServerApp::cleanup() { // save warp settings Warp::writeSettings(mWarps, writeFile(mSettings)); CI_LOG_V("shutdown"); // save warp settings //mBatchass->getWarpsRef()->save(); // save params mParameterBag->save(); ui::Shutdown(); }
VDFbo::VDFbo(VDSettingsRef aVDSettings, VDAnimationRef aVDAnimation) : mFilePathOrText("") , mFboName("fbo") { CI_LOG_V("VDFbo constructor"); mVDSettings = aVDSettings; mVDAnimation = aVDAnimation; mType = UNKNOWN; mInputTextureIndex = 0; mPosX = mPosY = 0.0f; mZoom = 1.0f; isReady = false; mFlipV = mFlipH = false; // init the fbo whatever happens next fboFmt.setColorTextureFormat(fmt); mFbo = gl::Fbo::create(mVDSettings->mFboWidth, mVDSettings->mFboHeight, fboFmt); mError = ""; // init with passthru shader mShaderName = "0"; // load feedback fragment shader try { mFboTextureShader = gl::GlslProg::create(mVDSettings->getDefaultVextexShaderString(), mVDSettings->getDefaultFragmentShaderString()); CI_LOG_V("fbo default vtx-frag compiled"); } catch (gl::GlslProgCompileExc &exc) { mError = string(exc.what()); CI_LOG_V("fbo unable to load/compile vtx-frag shader:" + string(exc.what())); } catch (const std::exception &e) { mError = string(e.what()); CI_LOG_V("fbo unable to load vtx-frag shader:" + string(e.what())); } mFboName = "default"; if (mError.length() > 0) mVDSettings->mMsg = mError; }
std::vector<Polygon> PolygonApproximator::approximatePolygonsFromContours( std::vector<Contour> const & contours ) { std::vector<int> contourCoords; std::vector<int> approximatedPolygonCoords; contourCoords.reserve(100); approximatedPolygonCoords.reserve(40); std::vector<Polygon> approximatedPolygons; for ( auto & contour : contours ) { contourCoords.clear(); approximatedPolygonCoords.clear(); for ( auto & pos : contour.mCoords ) { contourCoords.push_back( pos.x ); contourCoords.push_back( pos.y ); } std::vector<int>::const_iterator begin = contourCoords.begin(); std::vector<int>::const_iterator end = contourCoords.end(); // In original implementation, Epsilon was: // cvContourPerimeter(mInnerContours)*0.02 // Essentially the length of the contour * 0.02 CI_LOG_V("Contour to approximate to polygon with: " << contourCoords.size() << " num coords" ); psimpl::simplify_douglas_peucker<2>( begin, end, contour.calcPerimeter() * 0.02, std::back_inserter( approximatedPolygonCoords ) ); CI_LOG_V( "Approximated polygon with: " << approximatedPolygonCoords.size() << " num coords" ); approximatedPolygons.emplace_back( Polygon( approximatedPolygonCoords )); } return std::move( approximatedPolygons ); }
//! from json void WarpPerspectiveBilinear::fromJson(const JsonTree &json) { Warp::fromJson(json); if (json.hasChild("warp")) { JsonTree warp(json.getChild("warp")); // get corners JsonTree corners(warp.getChild("corners")); for (size_t i = 0; i < corners.getNumChildren(); i++) { JsonTree child = corners.getChild(i); float x = (child.hasChild("x")) ? child.getValueForKey<float>("x") : 0.0f; float y = (child.hasChild("y")) ? child.getValueForKey<float>("y") : 0.0f; mWarp->setControlPoint(i, vec2(x, y)); CI_LOG_V("corner:" + toString(x) + " " + toString(y)); } } }
// static void VM::readFileCallback(const uint8_t** data, intptr_t* fileLength, void* stream ) { CI_LOG_V( "bang" ); if (!stream) { *data = 0; *fileLength = 0; } else { FILE* file = reinterpret_cast<FILE*>(stream); // Get the file size. fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); *fileLength = ftell(file); rewind(file); // Allocate data buffer. *data = new uint8_t[*fileLength]; *fileLength = fread(const_cast<uint8_t*>(*data), 1, *fileLength, file); } }
// static bool VM::interruptIsolateCallback() { CI_LOG_V( "continuing.." ); return true; }
void PolygonApproximator::testSimplification() { mTestPoly1.push_back( ci::vec2( 20, 20 ) ); mTestPoly1.push_back( ci::vec2( 30, 40 ) ); mTestPoly1.push_back( ci::vec2( 70, 140 ) ); mTestPoly1.push_back( ci::vec2( 10, 99 ) ); for ( float x = 30; x < 500; ++x ) { mTestPoly1.push_back( ci::vec2( x, 200 + 200 * sin( x / 100 ) ) ); CI_LOG_V( "pos " << ci::vec2( x, 200 + 200 * sin( x / 100 ) ) ); } std::list<float> aList; for ( auto const & temp : mTestPoly1 ) { aList.push_back( temp.x ); aList.push_back( temp.y ); CI_LOG_V( "this a coord?" << temp ); } auto begin = aList.begin(); auto end = aList.end(); std::vector<float> aVec; psimpl::simplify_douglas_peucker<2>( begin, end, 100, std::back_inserter( aVec ) ); for ( int vecIndex = 0; vecIndex < aVec.size(); ) { mTestPoly1Reduced.push_back( ci::vec2( aVec[vecIndex], aVec[vecIndex + 1] ) ); vecIndex += 2; } mTestPoly2.push_back( ci::vec2( 20, 20 ) ); mTestPoly2.push_back( ci::vec2( 25, 15 ) ); mTestPoly2.push_back( ci::vec2( 30, 10 ) ); mTestPoly2.push_back( ci::vec2( 300, 10 ) ); mTestPoly2.push_back( ci::vec2( 305, 15 ) ); mTestPoly2.push_back( ci::vec2( 310, 20 ) ); mTestPoly2.push_back( ci::vec2( 310, 320 ) ); mTestPoly2.push_back( ci::vec2( 305, 325 ) ); mTestPoly2.push_back( ci::vec2( 300, 330 ) ); mTestPoly2.push_back( ci::vec2( 30, 330 ) ); mTestPoly2.push_back( ci::vec2( 25, 325 ) ); mTestPoly2.push_back( ci::vec2( 20, 320 ) ); mTestPoly2.push_back( ci::vec2( 20, 20 ) ); std::list<float> aList2; for ( auto const & temp : mTestPoly2 ) { aList2.push_back( temp.x ); aList2.push_back( temp.y ); } auto begin2 = aList2.begin(); auto end2 = aList2.end(); std::vector<float> aVec2; psimpl::simplify_douglas_peucker<2>( begin2, end2, 50, std::back_inserter( aVec2 ) ); for ( int vecIndex = 0; vecIndex < aVec2.size(); ) { mTestPoly2Reduced.push_back( ci::vec2( aVec2[vecIndex], aVec2[vecIndex + 1] ) ); vecIndex += 2; } }
void ReymentaServerApp::fileDrop(FileDropEvent event) { int index; string ext = ""; // use the last of the dropped files const fs::path &mPath = event.getFile(event.getNumFiles() - 1); string mFile = mPath.string(); int dotIndex = mFile.find_last_of("."); int slashIndex = mFile.find_last_of("\\"); if (dotIndex != std::string::npos && dotIndex > slashIndex) ext = mFile.substr(mFile.find_last_of(".") + 1); index = (int)(event.getX() / (margin + mParameterBag->mPreviewFboWidth + inBetween));// +1; //mBatchass->log(mFile + " dropped, currentSelectedIndex:" + toString(mParameterBag->currentSelectedIndex) + " x: " + toString(event.getX()) + " PreviewFboWidth: " + toString(mParameterBag->mPreviewFboWidth)); if (ext == "wav" || ext == "mp3") { //mAudio->loadWaveFile(mFile); } else if (ext == "png" || ext == "jpg") { if (index < 1) index = 1; if (index > 3) index = 3; //mTextures->loadImageFile(mParameterBag->currentSelectedIndex, mFile); mBatchass->getTexturesRef()->loadImageFile(index, mFile); } else if (ext == "glsl") { if (index < 4) index = 4; int rtn = mBatchass->getShadersRef()->loadPixelFragmentShaderAtIndex(mFile, index); if (rtn > -1 && rtn < mBatchass->getShadersRef()->getCount()) { mParameterBag->controlValues[22] = 1.0f; // TODO send content via websockets /*fs::path fr = mFile; string name = "unknown"; if (mFile.find_last_of("\\") != std::string::npos) name = mFile.substr(mFile.find_last_of("\\") + 1); if (fs::exists(fr)) { std::string fs = loadString(loadFile(mFile)); if (mParameterBag->mOSCEnabled) mOSC->sendOSCStringMessage("/fs", 0, fs, name); }*/ // save thumb //timeline().apply(&mTimer, 1.0f, 1.0f).finishFn([&]{ saveThumb(); }); } } else if (ext == "mov" || ext == "mp4") { /* if (index < 1) index = 1; if (index > 3) index = 3; mBatchass->getTexturesRef()->loadMovieFile(index, mFile);*/ } else if (ext == "fs") { //mShaders->incrementPreviewIndex(); mBatchass->getShadersRef()->loadFragmentShader(mPath); } else if (ext == "xml") { mBatchass->getWarpsRef()->loadWarps(mFile); } else if (ext == "patchjson") { // try loading patch try { JsonTree patchjson; try { patchjson = JsonTree(loadFile(mFile)); mParameterBag->mCurrentFilePath = mFile; } catch (cinder::JsonTree::Exception exception) { CI_LOG_V("patchjsonparser exception " + mFile + ": " + exception.what()); } //Assets int i = 1; // 0 is audio JsonTree jsons = patchjson.getChild("assets"); for (JsonTree::ConstIter jsonElement = jsons.begin(); jsonElement != jsons.end(); ++jsonElement) { string jsonFileName = jsonElement->getChild("filename").getValue<string>(); int channel = jsonElement->getChild("channel").getValue<int>(); if (channel < mBatchass->getTexturesRef()->getTextureCount()) { CI_LOG_V("asset filename: " + jsonFileName); mBatchass->getTexturesRef()->setTexture(channel, jsonFileName); } i++; } } catch (...) { CI_LOG_V("patchjson parsing error: " + mFile); } } else if (ext == "txt") { // try loading shader parts if (mBatchass->getShadersRef()->loadTextFile(mFile)) { } } else if (ext == "") { // try loading image sequence from dir if (index < 1) index = 1; if (index > 3) index = 3; mBatchass->getTexturesRef()->createFromDir(mFile + "/", index); // or create thumbs from shaders mBatchass->getShadersRef()->createThumbsFromDir(mFile + "/"); } }
void JsonManager::destroy() { CI_LOG_V("Destroying JsonManager"); sJsonManager = nullptr; sJsonManagerInitialized = false; }
void ReymentaServerApp::update() { if (mFirstLaunch) { CI_LOG_V("update begin"); CI_LOG_V(getElapsedFrames()); } mParameterBag->iFps = getAverageFps(); mParameterBag->sFps = toString(floor(mParameterBag->iFps)); getWindow()->setTitle("(" + mParameterBag->sFps + " fps) Server"); if (mParameterBag->iGreyScale) { mParameterBag->controlValues[1] = mParameterBag->controlValues[2] = mParameterBag->controlValues[3]; mParameterBag->controlValues[5] = mParameterBag->controlValues[6] = mParameterBag->controlValues[7]; } mParameterBag->iChannelTime[0] = getElapsedSeconds(); mParameterBag->iChannelTime[1] = getElapsedSeconds() - 1; mParameterBag->iChannelTime[3] = getElapsedSeconds() - 2; mParameterBag->iChannelTime[4] = getElapsedSeconds() - 3; // if (mParameterBag->mUseTimeWithTempo) { mParameterBag->iGlobalTime = mParameterBag->iTempoTime*mParameterBag->iTimeFactor; } else { mParameterBag->iGlobalTime = getElapsedSeconds(); } mParameterBag->iGlobalTime *= mParameterBag->iSpeedMultiplier; if (ui::GetDrawData() != NULL) { if (mBatchass->isRemoteClientActive()) { // Count int cmd_count = 0; int vtx_count = 0; for (int n = 0; n < ui::GetDrawData()->CmdListsCount; n++) { const ImDrawList * cmd_list = ui::GetDrawData()->CmdLists[n]; const ImDrawVert * vtx_src = cmd_list->VtxBuffer.begin(); cmd_count += cmd_list->CmdBuffer.size(); vtx_count += cmd_list->VtxBuffer.size(); } // Send static int sendframe = 0; if (sendframe++ >= 240) // every 2 frames, @TWEAK { sendframe = 0; if (cmd_count > 0 || vtx_count > 0) { mBatchass->preparePacketFrame(cmd_count, vtx_count); // Add all drawcmds Cmd cmd; for (int n = 0; n < ui::GetDrawData()->CmdListsCount; n++) { const ImDrawList* cmd_list = ui::GetDrawData()->CmdLists[n]; const ImDrawCmd* pcmd_end = cmd_list->CmdBuffer.end(); for (const ImDrawCmd* pcmd = cmd_list->CmdBuffer.begin(); pcmd != pcmd_end; pcmd++) { cmd.Set(*pcmd); mBatchass->Write(cmd); } } // Add all vtx Vtx vtx; for (int n = 0; n < ui::GetDrawData()->CmdListsCount; n++) { const ImDrawList* cmd_list = ui::GetDrawData()->CmdLists[n]; const ImDrawVert* vtx_src = cmd_list->VtxBuffer.begin(); int vtx_remaining = cmd_list->VtxBuffer.size(); while (vtx_remaining-- > 0) { vtx.Set(*vtx_src++); mBatchass->Write(vtx); } } // Send mBatchass->SendPacket(); } } } ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO(); // Setup resolution (every frame to accommodate for window resizing) int w, h; int display_w, display_h; // Setup time step static double time = 0.0f; const double current_time = getElapsedSeconds(); io.DeltaTime = (float)(current_time - time); time = current_time; } // @RemoteImgui begin /*ImGui::RemoteUpdate(); ImGui::RemoteInput input; if (ImGui::RemoteGetInput(input)) { ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO(); for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) io.KeysDown[i] = input.KeysDown[i]; io.KeyCtrl = input.KeyCtrl; io.KeyShift = input.KeyShift; io.MousePos = input.MousePos; io.MouseDown[0] = (input.MouseButtons & 1); io.MouseDown[1] = (input.MouseButtons & 2) != 0; io.MouseWheel = (float)input.MouseWheel; } else*/ // @RemoteImgui end { // Setup inputs // (we already got mouse wheel, keyboard keys & characters from glfw callbacks polled in glfwPollEvents()) //double mouse_x, mouse_y; //glfwGetCursorPos(window, &mouse_x, &mouse_y); //mouse_x *= (float)display_w / w; // Convert mouse coordinates to pixels //mouse_y *= (float)display_h / h; //io.MousePos = ImVec2((float)mouse_x, (float)mouse_y); // Mouse position, in pixels (set to -1,-1 if no mouse / on another screen, etc.) //io.MouseDown[0] = mousePressed[0] || glfwGetMouseButton(window, GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT) != 0; // If a mouse press event came, always pass it as "mouse held this frame", so we don't miss click-release events that are shorter than 1 frame. //io.MouseDown[1] = mousePressed[1] || glfwGetMouseButton(window, GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT) != 0; } mBatchass->update(); mProg->uniform("iGlobalTime", static_cast<float>(getElapsedSeconds())); //mProg->uniform("iMouse", mMouseCoord); //mProg->uniform("iChannel0", 0); if (mFirstLaunch) { CI_LOG_V("update end"); } }
JsonManager::~JsonManager() { CI_LOG_V("JsonManagerDestroyed"); }
void ReymentaServerApp::draw() { if (mFirstLaunch) { CI_LOG_V("draw begin"); } // clear the window and set the drawing color to white gl::clear(); gl::color(Color::white()); // draw the fbos mBatchass->getTexturesRef()->draw(); gl::enableAlphaBlending(); //gl::setMatricesWindow(mParameterBag->mRenderWidth, mParameterBag->mRenderHeight); if (mImage) { // iterate over the warps and draw their content for (auto &warp : mWarps) { // there are two ways you can use the warps: if (mUseBeginEnd) { // a) issue your draw commands between begin() and end() statements warp->begin(); // in this demo, we want to draw a specific area of our image, // but if you want to draw the whole image, you can simply use: gl::draw( mImage ); gl::draw(mImage, mSrcArea, warp->getBounds()); warp->end(); } else { // b) simply draw a texture on them (ideal for video) // in this demo, we want to draw a specific area of our image, // but if you want to draw the whole image, you can simply use: warp->draw( mImage ); warp->draw(mBatchass->getTexturesRef()->getTexture(11), mSrcArea); } } } gl::disableAlphaBlending(); //imgui ui::NewFrame(); gl::setMatricesWindow(getWindowSize()); xPos = margin; yPos = margin + 30; #pragma region Info ui::SetNextWindowSize(ImVec2(largePreviewW + 20, largePreviewH), ImGuiSetCond_Once); ui::SetNextWindowPos(ImVec2(xPos, yPos), ImGuiSetCond_Once); sprintf_s(buf, "Fps %c %d###fps", "|/-\\"[(int)(ImGui::GetTime() / 0.25f) & 3], (int)mParameterBag->iFps); ui::Begin(buf); { ImGui::PushItemWidth(mParameterBag->mPreviewFboWidth); // fps static ImVector<float> values; if (values.empty()) { values.resize(100); memset(&values.front(), 0, values.size()*sizeof(float)); } static int values_offset = 0; static float refresh_time = -1.0f; if (ui::GetTime() > refresh_time + 1.0f / 6.0f) { refresh_time = ui::GetTime(); values[values_offset] = mParameterBag->iFps; values_offset = (values_offset + 1) % values.size(); } if (mParameterBag->iFps < 12.0) ui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, ImVec4(1, 0, 0, 1)); ui::PlotLines("FPS", &values.front(), (int)values.size(), values_offset, mParameterBag->sFps.c_str(), 0.0f, 300.0f, ImVec2(0, 30)); if (mParameterBag->iFps < 12.0) ui::PopStyleColor(); // Checkbox ui::Checkbox("Tex", &showTextures); ui::SameLine(); ui::Checkbox("Fbos", &showFbos); ui::SameLine(); ui::Checkbox("Shada", &showShaders); ui::Checkbox("Audio", &showAudio); ui::SameLine(); ui::Checkbox("Cmd", &showConsole); ui::SameLine(); ui::Checkbox("OSC", &showOSC); ui::Checkbox("MIDI", &showMidi); ui::SameLine(); ui::Checkbox("Test", &showTest); if (ui::Button("Save Params")) { // save warp settings mBatchass->getWarpsRef()->save("warps1.xml"); // save params mParameterBag->save(); } mParameterBag->iDebug ^= ui::Button("Debug"); ui::SameLine(); mParameterBag->mRenderThumbs ^= ui::Button("Thumbs"); ui::PopItemWidth(); if (ui::Button("Stop Loading")) mBatchass->stopLoading(); } ui::End(); xPos += largePreviewW + 20 + margin; #pragma endregion Info #pragma region WebSockets // websockets ui::SetNextWindowSize(ImVec2(largePreviewW + 20, largePreviewH), ImGuiSetCond_Once); ui::SetNextWindowPos(ImVec2(xPos, yPos), ImGuiSetCond_Once); ui::Begin("WebSockets server"); { if (mParameterBag->mIsWebSocketsServer) { ui::Text("WS Server %d", mParameterBag->mWebSocketsPort); ui::Text("IP %s", mParameterBag->mWebSocketsHost.c_str()); } else { ui::Text("WS Client %d", mParameterBag->mWebSocketsPort); ui::Text("IP %s", mParameterBag->mWebSocketsHost.c_str()); } if (ui::Button("Connect")) { mBatchass->wsConnect(); } ui::SameLine(); if (ui::Button("Ping")) { mBatchass->wsPing(); } } ui::End(); xPos += largePreviewW + 20 + margin; #pragma endregion WebSockets // console if (showConsole) { ui::SetNextWindowSize(ImVec2((w + margin) * mParameterBag->MAX, largePreviewH), ImGuiSetCond_Once); ui::SetNextWindowPos(ImVec2(xPos, yPos), ImGuiSetCond_Once); ShowAppConsole(&showConsole); if (mParameterBag->newMsg) { mParameterBag->newMsg = false; mConsole->AddLog(mParameterBag->mMsg.c_str()); } } if (showTest) { ui::ShowTestWindow(); ui::ShowStyleEditor(); } #pragma region MIDI // MIDI window if (showMidi) { ui::SetNextWindowSize(ImVec2(largePreviewW + 20, largePreviewH), ImGuiSetCond_Once); ui::SetNextWindowPos(ImVec2(xPos, yPos), ImGuiSetCond_Once); ui::Begin("MIDI"); { sprintf_s(buf, "Enable"); if (ui::Button(buf)) mBatchass->midiSetup(); if (ui::CollapsingHeader("MidiIn", "20", true, true)) { ui::Columns(2, "data", true); ui::Text("Name"); ui::NextColumn(); ui::Text("Connect"); ui::NextColumn(); ui::Separator(); for (int i = 0; i < mBatchass->midiInCount(); i++) { ui::Text(mBatchass->midiInPortName(i).c_str()); ui::NextColumn(); if (mBatchass->midiInConnected(i)) { sprintf_s(buf, "Disconnect %d", i); } else { sprintf_s(buf, "Connect %d", i); } if (ui::Button(buf)) { if (mBatchass->midiInConnected(i)) { mBatchass->midiInClosePort(i); } else { mBatchass->midiInOpenPort(i); } } ui::NextColumn(); ui::Separator(); } ui::Columns(1); } } ui::End(); xPos += largePreviewW + 20 + margin; yPos = margin; } #pragma endregion MIDI #pragma region OSC if (showOSC && mParameterBag->mOSCEnabled) { ui::SetNextWindowSize(ImVec2(largeW, largeH), ImGuiSetCond_Once); ui::SetNextWindowPos(ImVec2(xPos, yPos), ImGuiSetCond_Once); ui::Begin("OSC router"); { ui::Text("Sending to host %s", mParameterBag->mOSCDestinationHost.c_str()); ui::SameLine(); ui::Text(" on port %d", mParameterBag->mOSCDestinationPort); ui::Text("Sending to 2nd host %s", mParameterBag->mOSCDestinationHost2.c_str()); ui::SameLine(); ui::Text(" on port %d", mParameterBag->mOSCDestinationPort2); ui::Text(" Receiving on port %d", mParameterBag->mOSCReceiverPort); static char str0[128] = "/live/play"; static int i0 = 0; static float f0 = 0.0f; ui::InputText("address", str0, IM_ARRAYSIZE(str0)); ui::InputInt("track", &i0); ui::InputFloat("clip", &f0, 0.01f, 1.0f); if (ui::Button("Send")) { mBatchass->sendOSCIntMessage(str0, i0); } } ui::End(); xPos += largeW + margin; } #pragma endregion OSC ui::Render(); gl::ScopedGlslProg shader(mBatchass->getShadersRef()->getLiveShader()); //gl::ScopedGlslProg shader(mProg); gl::draw(mMesh); if (mFirstLaunch) { CI_LOG_V("draw end"); mFirstLaunch = false; } }
// static void VM::closeFileCallback(void* file) { CI_LOG_V( "bang" ); fclose(reinterpret_cast<FILE*>(file)); }
// static void VM::shutdownIsolateCallback( void *callbackData ) { CI_LOG_V( "bang" ); }
void ReymentaServerApp::setup() { // parameters mParameterBag = ParameterBag::create(); mParameterBag->mLiveCode = true; mParameterBag->mRenderThumbs = false; loadShader(getAssetPath("default.fs")); // utils mBatchass = Batchass::create(mParameterBag); CI_LOG_V("reymenta setup"); mFirstLaunch = true; setWindowSize(mParameterBag->mMainWindowWidth, mParameterBag->mMainWindowHeight); // 12 fps is enough for a router setFrameRate(120.0f); setWindowPos(ivec2(0, 40)); // setup shaders and textures mBatchass->setup(); mParameterBag->mMode = MODE_WARP; mParameterBag->iResolution.x = mParameterBag->mRenderWidth; mParameterBag->iResolution.y = mParameterBag->mRenderHeight; mParameterBag->mRenderResolution = ivec2(mParameterBag->mRenderWidth, mParameterBag->mRenderHeight); CI_LOG_V("createRenderWindow, resolution:" + toString(mParameterBag->iResolution.x) + "x" + toString(mParameterBag->iResolution.y)); mParameterBag->mRenderResoXY = vec2(mParameterBag->mRenderWidth, mParameterBag->mRenderHeight); mParameterBag->mRenderPosXY = ivec2(mParameterBag->mRenderX, mParameterBag->mRenderY); // instanciate the console class mConsole = AppConsole::create(mParameterBag, mBatchass); // imgui margin = 3; inBetween = 3; // mPreviewFboWidth 80 mPreviewFboHeight 60 margin 10 inBetween 15 mPreviewWidth = 160;mPreviewHeight = 120; w = mParameterBag->mPreviewFboWidth + margin; h = mParameterBag->mPreviewFboHeight * 2.3; largeW = (mParameterBag->mPreviewFboWidth + margin) * 4; largeH = (mParameterBag->mPreviewFboHeight + margin) * 5; largePreviewW = mParameterBag->mPreviewWidth + margin; largePreviewH = (mParameterBag->mPreviewHeight + margin) * 2.4; displayHeight = mParameterBag->mMainDisplayHeight - 50; mouseGlobal = false; showConsole = showGlobal = showTextures = showAudio = showMidi = showChannels = showShaders = true; showTest = showTheme = showOSC = showFbos = false; /* set ui window and io events callbacks with autorender == false, we have to use NewFrame and Render but we have access to DrawData to send to remoteImGui void Renderer::initFontTexture() { unsigned char* pixels; int width, height; ImGui::GetIO().Fonts->GetTexDataAsRGBA32(&pixels, &width, &height); mFontTexture = gl::Texture::create( pixels, GL_RGBA, width, height, gl::Texture::Format().magFilter(GL_LINEAR).minFilter(GL_LINEAR) ); ImGui::GetIO().Fonts->ClearTexData(); ImGui::GetIO().Fonts->TexID = (void *)(intptr_t) mFontTexture->getId(); } ui::initialize(ui::Options().autoRender(false).fonts({ { getAssetPath("KontrapunktBob-Light.ttf"), 12 }, { getAssetPath("KontrapunktBob-Bold.ttf"), 20 }, { getAssetPath("DroidSans.ttf"), 12 } }) .fontGlyphRanges("DroidSans", { 0xf000, 0xf06e, 0 })); */ ui::initialize(ui::Options().autoRender(false)); // warping mUseBeginEnd = false; updateWindowTitle(); disableFrameRate(); // initialize warps mSettings = getAssetPath("") / "warps.xml"; if (fs::exists(mSettings)) { // load warp settings from file if one exists mWarps = Warp::readSettings(loadFile(mSettings)); } else { // otherwise create a warp from scratch mWarps.push_back(WarpBilinear::create()); mWarps.push_back(WarpPerspective::create()); mWarps.push_back(WarpPerspectiveBilinear::create()); } // load test image try { mImage = gl::Texture::create(loadImage(loadAsset("help.jpg")), gl::Texture2d::Format().loadTopDown().mipmap(true).minFilter(GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR)); //mSrcArea = mImage->getBounds(); // adjust the content size of the warps Warp::setSize(mWarps, mImage->getSize()); } catch (const std::exception &e) { console() << e.what() << std::endl; } mSrcArea = Area(0, 0, mParameterBag->mFboWidth*4, mParameterBag->mFboHeight*4); mMesh = gl::VboMesh::create(geom::Rect()); }
gl::GlslProgRef VDFbo::getShader() { auto &uniforms = mFboTextureShader->getActiveUniforms(); for (const auto &uniform : uniforms) { //CI_LOG_V(mFboTextureShader->getLabel() + ", getShader uniform name:" + uniform.getName()); if (mVDAnimation->isExistingUniform(uniform.getName())) { int uniformType = mVDAnimation->getUniformType(uniform.getName()); switch (uniformType) { case 0: // float mFboTextureShader->uniform(uniform.getName(), mVDAnimation->getFloatUniformValueByName(uniform.getName())); break; case 1: // sampler2D mFboTextureShader->uniform(uniform.getName(), mInputTextureIndex); break; case 2: // vec2 mFboTextureShader->uniform(uniform.getName(), mVDAnimation->getVec2UniformValueByName(uniform.getName())); break; case 3: // vec3 mFboTextureShader->uniform(uniform.getName(), mVDAnimation->getVec3UniformValueByName(uniform.getName())); break; case 4: // vec4 mFboTextureShader->uniform(uniform.getName(), mVDAnimation->getVec4UniformValueByName(uniform.getName())); break; case 5: // int mFboTextureShader->uniform(uniform.getName(), mVDAnimation->getIntUniformValueByName(uniform.getName())); break; case 6: // bool mFboTextureShader->uniform(uniform.getName(), mVDAnimation->getBoolUniformValueByName(uniform.getName())); break; default: break; } } else { if (uniform.getName() != "ciModelViewProjection") { mVDSettings->mMsg = mShaderName + ", uniform not found:" + uniform.getName(); CI_LOG_V(mVDSettings->mMsg); } } } // feedback /*auto &fbuniforms = mFeedbackShader->getActiveUniforms(); for (const auto &uniform : fbuniforms) { //CI_LOG_V(mFboTextureShader->getLabel() + ", getShader uniform name:" + uniform.getName()); if (mVDAnimation->isExistingUniform(uniform.getName())) { int uniformType = mVDAnimation->getUniformType(uniform.getName()); switch (uniformType) { case 0: // float mFeedbackShader->uniform(uniform.getName(), mVDAnimation->getFloatUniformValueByName(uniform.getName())); break; case 1: // sampler2D mFeedbackShader->uniform(uniform.getName(), mCurrentFeedbackIndex); break; case 2: // vec2 mFeedbackShader->uniform(uniform.getName(), mVDAnimation->getVec2UniformValueByName(uniform.getName())); break; case 3: // vec3 mFeedbackShader->uniform(uniform.getName(), mVDAnimation->getVec3UniformValueByName(uniform.getName())); break; case 4: // vec4 mFeedbackShader->uniform(uniform.getName(), mVDAnimation->getVec4UniformValueByName(uniform.getName())); break; case 5: // int mFeedbackShader->uniform(uniform.getName(), mVDAnimation->getIntUniformValueByName(uniform.getName())); break; case 6: // bool mFeedbackShader->uniform(uniform.getName(), mVDAnimation->getBoolUniformValueByName(uniform.getName())); break; default: break; } } else { if (uniform.getName() != "ciModelViewProjection") { mVDSettings->mMsg = "feedback shader, uniform not found:" + uniform.getName(); CI_LOG_V(mVDSettings->mMsg); } } }*/ return mFboTextureShader; }
// file callbacks have been copied verbatum from included sample... plus verbose logging. don't event know yet if we need them // static void* VM::openFileCallback(const char* name, bool write) { CI_LOG_V( "name: " << name << ", write mode: " << boolalpha << write << dec ); return fopen(name, write ? "w" : "r"); }
void Scene::update() { CI_LOG_V("base scene updating..."); mSceneManager->update(); CI_LOG_V("base scene updated"); }
// static void VM::writeFileCallback(const void* data, intptr_t length, void* file) { CI_LOG_V( "bang" ); fwrite(data, 1, length, reinterpret_cast<FILE*>(file)); }
NanoTexture::~NanoTexture() { CI_LOG_V("NanoTexture Destroyed"); }
NanoTexture::NanoTexture() { CI_LOG_V("NanoTexture Created"); }
void Scene::initialize( const std::vector<ActorUId>& persistent_actors ) { mSceneManager = EventManager::create("Scene "+mName+" Manager"); Controller::get()->eventManager()->addListener(fastdelegate::MakeDelegate(this, &Scene::handleInitGUI), InitGUIEvent::TYPE); Controller::get()->eventManager()->addListener( fastdelegate::MakeDelegate(this, &Scene::handleSceneUpdate), SceneUpdateEvent::TYPE ); Controller::get()->eventManager()->addListener( fastdelegate::MakeDelegate(this, &Scene::handleReturnActorCreate), ReturnActorCreatedEvent::TYPE ); Controller::get()->eventManager()->addListener( fastdelegate::MakeDelegate(this, &Scene::handleScenePreDraw), ScenePreDrawEvent::TYPE ); Controller::get()->eventManager()->addListener( fastdelegate::MakeDelegate(this, &Scene::handleSceneDraw), SceneDrawEvent::TYPE ); Controller::get()->eventManager()->addListener( fastdelegate::MakeDelegate(this, &Scene::handleShutDown), ShutDownEvent::TYPE ); if( !persistent_actors.empty() ){ for(auto &id : persistent_actors) { auto actor_weak = ActorManager::get()->retreiveUnique(id); mActors.insert( std::make_pair(id, actor_weak) ); } } auto init = ConfigManager::get()->retreiveActorsForScene( mName ); ///call to inherited initialize for sub classes to pulll custom shit out of the config initialize( ConfigManager::get()->retreiveScene(mName) ); try { //TODO: the problem with persistent actors is how to manage state across scenes, how to identify actors of the same type across scenes that are persistent, one solution is destroy all and reload referencing a serialized state file that is written out and read back in or something //for now, just sending across actors marked 'persistent' and not including them in the config for the next scene, the state has to be handled at runtime then auto & actors = init.getChildren(); auto it = actors.begin(); auto end = actors.end(); for(;it!=end;++it){ auto actor_name = it->getValueForKey("name"); CI_LOG_V("found actor: "+actor_name); auto onInit = it->getValueForKey<bool>( "create_on_scene_init" ); auto persistent = it->getValueForKey<bool>( "persistent" ); if( persistent ){ //make sure its not already in there if( !ec::ActorManager::get()->actorExists( ec::getHash(actor_name) ) ){ if( onInit ){ //make sure it shuld be created on scene init CI_LOG_V("creating actor: "+actor_name); Controller::get()->eventManager()->triggerEvent( CreateActorEvent::create( mName, actor_name) ); } } }else if (onInit){ //make sure it shuld be created on scene init CI_LOG_V("creating actor: "+actor_name); Controller::get()->eventManager()->triggerEvent( CreateActorEvent::create( mName, actor_name) ); } } } catch (const ci::JsonTree::ExcChildNotFound &e) { CI_LOG_E("actors not found in init"); } ///POST INITIALIZE ALL ACTORS auto actor = mActors.begin(); auto end = mActors.end(); while( actor != end ) { if(auto a = (*actor).second.lock()){ a->postInit(); ++actor; }else{ CI_LOG_E("Actor is missing"); ec::Controller::get()->eventManager()->triggerEvent(DestoryActorEvent::create((*actor).first)); actor = mActors.erase(actor); } } postInit(); ///run setup events; manager()->update(); }