Ejemplo n.º 1
    Replace an existing Instance from inst, using object-path op as reference.
CMPIStatus TestInstanceProviderModifyInstance  (
    CMPIInstanceMI * mi,
    const CMPIContext * ctx,
    const CMPIResult * rslt,
    const CMPIObjectPath * cop,
    const CMPIInstance * ci,
    const char **properties)
    CMPIStatus rc = { CMPI_RC_OK, NULL };
    CMPIInstance * inst;
    CMPIValue val1, val2;
    CMPIData key1, key2, retData1, retInst;
    CMPIObjectPath *obp;
    unsigned int j = 0, flag = 0;
        inst = CMClone(ci, &rc);
        /* get key from the object-path */
        key1 = CMGetKey(cop, "Identifier", &rc);
        val1.uint8 = key1.value.uint8;
        /* get the value of Message property */
        retData1 = CMGetProperty(inst, "Message", &rc);
        val2.string = retData1.value.string;
        for (j=0; j < numOfInst; j++)
            /* check for validity of Instance, that its not deleted */
            if (valid[j] == 1)
                /* get element(instance) from array */
                retInst = CMGetArrayElementAt(clone_arr_ptr, j, &rc);
                /* get object-path of instance */
                obp = CMGetObjectPath(retInst.value.inst, &rc);
                /* get key from this object-path */
                key2 = CMGetKey(obp, "Identifier", &rc);
                /*compare key values.
                  If they match then set the properties received from client */
                if(key1.value.uint8 == key2.value.uint8)
                    flag = 1;
        /*If match fails, throw exception, as instance to be mmodified is not
          found */
            CMReturn (CMPI_RC_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
    CMReturnDone (rslt);
    CMReturn (CMPI_RC_OK);
Ejemplo n.º 2
CMPIStatus TestInstanceProviderDeleteInstance (
    CMPIInstanceMI * mi,
    const CMPIContext * ctx,
    const CMPIResult * result,
    const CMPIObjectPath * cop)

    CMPIStatus rc = { CMPI_RC_OK, NULL };
    CMPIData key1, key2, retInst;
    CMPIObjectPath *obp;
    unsigned int j = 0, flag = 0;
    /* get key from the object-path */
    key1 = CMGetKey(cop, "Identifier", &rc);
    for (j=0; j < numOfInst ; j++)
        /*check for validity of Instance, that its not deleted */
        if(valid[j] == 1)
            /*get element(instance) from array */
            retInst = CMGetArrayElementAt(clone_arr_ptr, j, &rc);

            /*get object-path of instance */
            obp = CMGetObjectPath(retInst.value.inst, &rc);

            /*get key from this object-path */
            key2 = CMGetKey(obp, "Identifier" , &rc);

            /*compare key values.
              If they match, release the object(instance)
              Also set its validity to zero, marking it as deleted */
            if (key1.value.uint8 == key2.value.uint8)
                    flag =1;
                    valid[j] = 0;
        CMReturn (CMPI_RC_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
    CMReturn (CMPI_RC_OK);
Ejemplo n.º 3
CMPIStatus CWS_DirectoryGetInstance( CMPIInstanceMI * mi, 
                     const CMPIContext * ctx, 
                     const CMPIResult * rslt, 
                     const CMPIObjectPath * cop, 
                     const char ** properties) 
  CMPIInstance *in = NULL;
  CMPIStatus    st = {CMPI_RC_OK,NULL};
  CMPIData      nd = CMGetKey(cop,"Name",&st);
  CWS_FILE      filebuf;

  if (!silentMode()) fprintf(stderr,"--- CWS_DirectoryGetInstance() \n");

  if (st.rc == CMPI_RC_OK &&
      nd.type == CMPI_string &&
      CWS_Get_File(CMGetCharsPtr(nd.value.string, NULL),&filebuf))
    in = makeInstance(_broker,
              CMGetCharsPtr(CMGetNameSpace(cop,NULL), NULL),

  if (CMIsNullObject(in)) {
    CMSetStatusWithChars(_broker, &st, CMPI_RC_ERR_FAILED,
             "Could not find or construct instance");
  } else {

  return st;
Ejemplo n.º 4
    Create Instance from inst, using object-path op as reference.
CMPIStatus TestInstanceProviderCreateInstance (
    CMPIInstanceMI * mi,
    const CMPIContext * ctx,
    const CMPIResult * rslt,
    const CMPIObjectPath * cop,
    const CMPIInstance * ci)
    CMPIStatus rc = { CMPI_RC_OK, NULL };
    CMPIInstance * inst;
    CMPIValue value_inst;
    CMPIData key1,key2, retInst;
    CMPIObjectPath *obp;
    unsigned int j = 0;
        /* clone the instance to be added to the array */
        inst = CMClone(ci, &rc);
        key1 = CMGetProperty(inst, "Identifier", &rc);
        for (j=0; j < numOfInst ; j++)
            /* check for validity of Instance, that its not deleted */
            if (valid[j] == 1)
                /* get element(instance) from array */
                retInst = CMGetArrayElementAt(clone_arr_ptr, j, &rc);
                /* get object-path of instance */
                obp = CMGetObjectPath(retInst.value.inst, &rc);
                /* get key from this object-path */
                key2 = CMGetKey(obp, "Identifier", &rc);
                /*compare key values.
                  If they match throw exception as two instance with same key
                  properties cannot exists. */
                if(key1.value.uint8 == key2.value.uint8)
                    CMReturn (CMPI_RC_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS);
        value_inst.inst = inst;
        /* If instance doesnot exists in array add it */
        rc = CMSetArrayElementAt(
        /* return object-path of instance */
        CMReturnObjectPath(rslt, cop);
    CMReturn (CMPI_RC_OK);
Ejemplo n.º 5
    Get the Instances defined by object-path op.
CMPIStatus TestInstanceProviderGetInstance (
    CMPIInstanceMI * mi,
    const CMPIContext * ctx,
    const CMPIResult * rslt,
    const CMPIObjectPath * op,
    const char **properties)
    CMPIData data,key1,key2;
    CMPIObjectPath *local;
    unsigned int j = 0;
    CMPIBoolean flag = 0;
    CMPIStatus rc = {CMPI_RC_OK, NULL};
    /* get the kay from object-path */
    key1 = CMGetKey(op, "Identifier", &rc);
    /* get the element from array containing created instances */
    for(j = 0; j < numOfInst; j++)
        /* check for validity of Instance, that its not deleted */
        if (valid[j] == 1)
            /* get element(instance) from array */
            data = CMGetArrayElementAt(clone_arr_ptr, j, &rc);

            /* get object-path of instance */
            local = CMGetObjectPath(data.value.inst, &rc);

            /* get key from this object-path */
            key2 = CMGetKey(local, "Identifier", &rc);

            /* compare key values.
               If they match return instance */
            if (key1.value.uint8 == key2.value.uint8)
                CMReturnInstance(rslt, data.value.inst);
                flag =1;
    /* key values did not match so throw exception */
        CMReturn (CMPI_RC_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
    CMReturnDone (rslt);
    CMReturn (CMPI_RC_OK);
Ejemplo n.º 6
Get the Instances defined by <op>.

mi - Provider this pointer. 
ctx - Invocation Context. 
rslt - Result data container. 
cop - ObjectPath containing namespace, classname and key components. 

properties - If not NULL, the members of the array define one or more Property names. Each returned Object MUST NOT include elements for any Properties missing from this list. 

Function return status. The following CMPIrc codes shall be recognized: CMPI_RC_OK Operation successful. CMPI_RC_ERR_FAILED Unspecific error occurred. 
CMPI_RC_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED Operation not supported by this MI. CMPI_RC_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED Not authorized. CMPI_RC_ERR_NOT_FOUND Instance not found.
CMPIStatus GK_TestGetInstance( CMPIInstanceMI * mi, 
           CMPIContext * ctx, 
           CMPIResult * rslt, 
           CMPIObjectPath * cop, 
           char ** properties) {
	const CMPIInstance * ci = NULL;
	CMPIStatus     rc = {CMPI_RC_OK, NULL};

	CMPIString         * instanceId  = NULL;
	printf("--- %s CMPI GetInstance() called",_ClassName);

	instanceId  = CMGetKey( cop, "InstanceID", &rc).value.string;
	if( instanceId  == NULL ) {    
		CMSetStatusWithChars( _broker, &rc, 
					CMPI_RC_ERR_NOT_FOUND, "Could not get InstanceID." ); 
   goto exit;

   if ( strcmp(CMGetCharPtr(instanceId),_InstanceID) != 0){
      CMSetStatusWithChars( _broker, &rc,
                            CMPI_RC_ERR_NOT_FOUND, "This class name does not exist (wrong InstanceID)." );

		goto exit;


	ci = _makeInst_GK_Test(cop,  &rc );

	if( ci == NULL ){

		CMSetStatusWithChars(_broker, &rc, CMPI_RC_ERR_FAILED,
								"Couldn't build instance");
		goto exit;

	CMReturnInstance( rslt, ci );

  return rc;
Ejemplo n.º 7
CMPIBoolean KMatch(const CMPIObjectPath* cop1, const CMPIObjectPath* cop2)
    CMPIStatus st = KSTATUS_INIT;
    CMPICount count1;
    CMPICount count2;
    CMPICount i;

    if (!cop1 || !cop2)
        return 0;

    count1 = CMGetKeyCount(cop1, &st); 

    if (!KOkay(st))
        return 0;

    count2 = CMGetKeyCount(cop2, &st); 

    if (!KOkay(st))
        return 0;

    if (count1 != count2)
        return 0;

    for (i = 0; i < count1; i++)
        CMPIData cd1;
        CMPIData cd2;
        CMPIString* pn;

        cd1 = CMGetKeyAt(cop1, i, &pn, &st);

        if (!KOkay(st) || !pn)
            return 0;

        cd2 = CMGetKey(cop2, KChars(pn), &st);

        if (!KOkay(st))
            return 0;

        if (!_match_key(&cd1, &cd2))
            return 0;

    /* Identicial */
    return 1;
 * Provider export function
 * Execute an extrinsic method on the specified CIM instance.
static CMPIStatus xen_resource_invoke_method(
    CMPIMethodMI * self,            /* [in] Handle to this provider (i.e. 'self') */
    const CMPIBroker *broker,       /* [in] CMPI Factory services */
    const CMPIContext * context,    /* [in] Additional context info, if any */
    const CMPIResult * results,     /* [out] Results of this operation */
    const CMPIObjectPath * reference, /* [in] Contains the CIM namespace, classname and desired object path */
    const char * methodname,        /* [in] Name of the method to apply against the reference object */
    const CMPIArgs * argsin,        /* [in] Method input arguments */
    CMPIArgs * argsout)             /* [in] Method output arguments */
    CMPIStatus status = {CMPI_RC_OK, NULL};      /* Return status of CIM operations. */
    char * nameSpace = CMGetCharPtr(CMGetNameSpace(reference, NULL)); /* Target namespace. */
    unsigned long rc = 0;
    CMPIData argdata;
    xen_utils_session * session = NULL;
    _SBLIM_TRACE(_SBLIM_TRACE_LEVEL_INFO, ("--- self=\"%s\"", self->ft->miName));
    _SBLIM_TRACE(_SBLIM_TRACE_LEVEL_INFO, ("--- methodname=\"%s\"", methodname));
    _SBLIM_TRACE(_SBLIM_TRACE_LEVEL_INFO, ("--- namespace=\"%s\"", nameSpace));

    struct xen_call_context *ctx = NULL;
    if(!xen_utils_get_call_context(context, &ctx, &status)){
         goto Exit;

    if (!xen_utils_validate_session(&session, ctx)) {
        CMSetStatusWithChars(broker, &status, 
            CMPI_RC_ERR_METHOD_NOT_AVAILABLE, "Unable to connect to Xen");
        goto Exit;
    int argcount = CMGetArgCount(argsin, NULL);
    _SBLIM_TRACE(_SBLIM_TRACE_LEVEL_INFO, ("--- argsin=%d", argcount));
    argdata = CMGetKey(reference, "Name", &status);
    if((status.rc != CMPI_RC_OK) || CMIsNullValue(argdata)) {
                     ("Couldnt find the Virtual System Migration Service to invoke method on"));
        goto Exit;
    /* Check that the method has the correct number of arguments. */
    if(strcmp(methodname, "MigrateVirtualSystemToHost") == 0) {
        rc = MigrateVirtualSystem(broker, context, argsin, argsout, session, true, false, &status);
        //CMPIObjectPath* job_instance_op = NULL;
        //CMAddArg(argsout, "Job", (CMPIValue *)&job_instance_op, CMPI_ref);
    else if(strcmp(methodname, "MigrateVirtualSystemToSystem") == 0) {
        rc = MigrateVirtualSystem(broker, context, argsin, argsout, session, false, false, &status);
        //CMPIObjectPath* job_instance_op = NULL;
        //CMAddArg(argsout, "Job", (CMPIValue *)&job_instance_op, CMPI_ref);
        //CMPIObjectPath* newcomputersystem_instance_op = NULL;
        //CMAddArg(argsout, "NewComputerSystem", (CMPIValue *)&newcomputersystem_instance_op, CMPI_ref);
    else if(strcmp(methodname, "CheckVirtualSystemIsMigratableToHost") == 0) {
        rc = MigrateVirtualSystem(broker, context, argsin, argsout, session, true, true, &status);
    else if(strcmp(methodname, "CheckVirtualSystemIsMigratableToSystem") == 0) {
        rc = MigrateVirtualSystem(broker, context, argsin, argsout, session, false, true, &status);
        status.rc = CMPI_RC_ERR_METHOD_NOT_FOUND;

    CMReturnData(results, (CMPIValue *)&rc, CMPI_uint32);

* checks for migratability or actually does the migration
int MigrateVirtualSystem(
    const CMPIBroker *broker,   /* in - CMPI Broker that does most of the work */
    const CMPIContext *context, /* in - CMPI context for the caller */
    const CMPIArgs *argsin,     /* in - All the arguments for the method */
    const CMPIArgs *argsout,    /* out - All the output arguments for the method */
    xen_utils_session *session, /* in - Session for making xen calls */
    bool host_ip,               /* in - The host parameter is an IP address */
    bool migrate_check_only,    /* in -Check if migration is possible only, dont actually migrate */
    CMPIStatus *status)         /* out - Report CMPI status of method */
    char *hostid = NULL, *vm_uuid = NULL;
    CMPIData argdata;
    xen_vm vm = NULL;
    xen_host_set *host_set = NULL;
    CMPIInstance *msd = NULL;
    xen_host host = NULL;
    int rc = Xen_VirtualSystemMigrationService_MigrateVirtualSystemToSystem_Invalid_Parameter;
    char *error_msg = "ERROR: Unknown error";
    xen_string_string_map *other_config=NULL;

    /* For now only Live migrations are supported */
    if(_GetArgument(broker, argsin, "MigrationSettingData", CMPI_chars, &argdata, status)) {
        /* Argument passed in as a MOF string, parse it */
        msd = xen_utils_parse_embedded_instance(broker, CMGetCharPtr(argdata.value.string));
        if (msd == NULL) { // parser returns zero for success, non-zero for error
            error_msg = "ERROR: Couldnt parse the 'MigrationSettingData' parameter";
            goto Exit;
        /* Argument could have been passed in as an intance */
        if(_GetArgument(broker, argsin, "MigrationSettingData", CMPI_instance, &argdata, status))
            msd = argdata.value.inst;

    if(msd != NULL) {
        CMPIData data = CMGetProperty(msd, "MigrationType", status);
        if(data.value.uint16 != Xen_VirtualSystemMigrationSettingData_MigrationType_Live) {
            error_msg = "ERROR: 'MigrationSettingData' contains an invalid MigrationType (Live expected)";
            goto Exit;

    /* Host to migrate to */
    if(!host_ip) {
        /* required parameters */
        if(!_GetArgument(broker, argsin, "DestinationSystem", CMPI_ref, &argdata, status)){
            error_msg = "ERROR: 'DestionationSystem' parameter is missing";
            goto Exit;
        else {
            /* This is the CIM reference to an existing Host object */
            CMPIData key;
            key = CMGetKey(argdata.value.ref, "Name", status);
            if(status->rc != CMPI_RC_OK || CMIsNullValue(key)) {
                error_msg = "ERROR: 'DestinationSystem' is missing the required 'Name' key";
                goto Exit;
            hostid = CMGetCharPtr(key.value.string);
            if(!xen_host_get_by_uuid(session->xen, &host, hostid)) 
                goto Exit;
    else {
        if(!_GetArgument(broker, argsin, "DestinationHost", CMPI_string, &argdata, status)) {
            error_msg = "ERROR: 'DestinationHost' parameter is missing";
            goto Exit;
        else {
            /* Determing Xen host based on IP address,. Cannot use inet_pton() and so on since DNS may not have been configured properly */
            hostid = CMGetCharPtr(argdata.value.string);
            _SBLIM_TRACE(_SBLIM_TRACE_LEVEL_INFO, ("Trying to migrate to DestinationHost : %s", hostid));
            if(!xen_host_get_all(session->xen, &host_set))
                goto Exit;
            int i=0;
            for (i=0; i<host_set->size; i++) {
                xen_host_record *host_rec = NULL;
                if(!xen_host_get_record(session->xen, &host_rec, host_set->contents[i]))
                    goto Exit;
                /* DestinationHost could be an IP address or the hostname */
                if((host_rec->address &&  (strcmp(hostid, host_rec->address) == 0)) || 
                   (host_rec->hostname && (strcmp(hostid, host_rec->hostname) == 0)) ||
                   (host_rec->name_label && (strcmp(hostid, host_rec->name_label) == 0))) { 
                    host = host_set->contents[i];
                    host_set->contents[i] = NULL; /* dont free this one */

    /* VM to migrate - required parameter */
    if(!_GetArgument(broker, argsin, "ComputerSystem", CMPI_ref, &argdata, status)) {
        if(!_GetArgument(broker, argsin, "ComputerSystem", CMPI_string, &argdata, status)) {
            error_msg = "ERROR: Missing the required 'ComputerSystem' parameter";
            goto Exit;
            vm_uuid = CMGetCharPtr(argdata.value.string);
    } else {
        argdata = CMGetKey(argdata.value.ref, "Name", status);
        if(status->rc != CMPI_RC_OK || CMIsNullValue(argdata)) {
            error_msg = "ERROR: ComputerSystem is missing the required 'Name' key";
            goto Exit;
        vm_uuid = CMGetCharPtr(argdata.value.string);
    status->rc = CMPI_RC_ERR_FAILED;
    rc = Xen_VirtualSystemMigrationService_MigrateVirtualSystemToSystem_Failed;
    if(xen_vm_get_by_uuid(session->xen, &vm, vm_uuid)) {
        _SBLIM_TRACE(_SBLIM_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, ("Migrating %s to %s", vm_uuid, hostid));
        if(migrate_check_only) {
            /* Check to see if migration is possible */
            statusrc = CMPI_RC_OK;
            rc = Xen_VirtualSystemMigrationService_MigrateVirtualSystemToSystem_Completed_with_No_Error;
            bool migratable = xen_vm_assert_can_boot_here(session->xen, vm, host);
            if(migratable == false || !session->xen->ok) {
                migratable = false;

                // Workaround for kvp migration
                if(session->xen->error_description_count==1) {
                    if(xen_vm_get_other_config(session->xen, &other_config, vm)) {
                         if(xen_utils_get_from_string_string_map(other_config, "kvp_enabled")) {
                            _SBLIM_TRACE(_SBLIM_TRACE_LEVEL_INFO, ("Overwriting migratable to mark kvp vm as migratable, although its network"));
                    } else {
                       _SBLIM_TRACE(_SBLIM_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, ("Could not get other config."));

                if(migratable == false && session->xen->error_description) {
                    /* This is not part of the MOF (and is not documented), but nice to have */
                    char *xen_error = xen_utils_get_xen_error(session->xen);
                    CMAddArg(argsout, "Reason", (CMPIValue *)xen_error, CMPI_chars);
            CMAddArg(argsout, "IsMigratable", (CMPIValue *)&migratable, CMPI_boolean);
        else {
            /* Do the actual migration, this could take a few minutes */
            CMPIObjectPath* job_instance_op = NULL;
            migrate_job_context *job_context = calloc(1, sizeof(migrate_job_context));
            if(!job_context) {
                error_msg = "ERROR: Couldn't allocate memory for the migrate job.";
                goto Exit;
            job_context->vm = vm;
            job_context->host = host;
            if(!job_create(broker, context, session, MIGRATE_VM_TASK_NAME, vm_uuid, 
                           migrate_task, job_context, &job_instance_op, status)) {
                error_msg = "ERROR: Couldn't prepare the Migrate job. Job wasnt started.";
                goto Exit;
            statusrc = CMPI_RC_OK;
            rc = Xen_VirtualSystemMigrationService_MigrateVirtualSystemToHost_Method_Parameters_Checked___Job_Started;
            CMAddArg(argsout, "Job", (CMPIValue *)&job_instance_op, CMPI_ref);
            vm = NULL;      /* freed by async thread */
            host = NULL;    /* freed by async thread */


    xen_utils_set_status(broker, status, statusrc, error_msg, session->xen);
    return rc;
int assoc_ServiceProcess( const CMPIBroker * _broker,
			  const CMPIContext * ctx,
			  const CMPIResult * rslt,
			  const CMPIObjectPath * ref,
			  int assocType,
			  CMPIStatus * rc )
  CMPIString     * sourceClass = NULL;
  CMPIData         serviceName;
  CMPIObjectPath * op          = NULL;
  CMPIObjectPath * rop         = NULL;
  CMPIInstance   * rci         = NULL;
  CMPIInstance   * sci         = NULL;
  LXS_Handle       lhdl;
  LXS_Service    * lxssvc      = NULL;
  int              i           = 0;

  _OSBASE_TRACE(2,("--- assoc_ServiceProcess() called"));

  /* check if source instance does exist */
  sci = CBGetInstance(_broker, ctx, ref, NULL, rc);
  if( sci == NULL ) {
    if( rc->rc == CMPI_RC_ERR_FAILED ) {
      CMSetStatusWithChars( _broker, rc,
			    CMPI_RC_ERR_FAILED, "GetInstance of source object failed.");
    if( rc->rc == CMPI_RC_ERR_NOT_FOUND ) {
      CMSetStatusWithChars( _broker, rc,
			    CMPI_RC_ERR_NOT_FOUND, "Source object not found.");
    _OSBASE_TRACE(2,("--- assoc_ServiceProcess() failed : %s",CMGetCharPtr(rc->msg)));
    return -1;

  sourceClass = CMGetClassName(ref, rc);
  if (CMGetCharPtr(sourceClass) == NULL) {
    CMSetStatusWithChars( _broker, rc,
			  CMPI_RC_ERR_FAILED, "Could not get source class name.");
    _OSBASE_TRACE(2,("--- assoc_ServiceProcess() failed : %s",CMGetCharPtr(rc->msg)));
    return -1;

  /* source class is Linux_UnixProcess; target class is Linux_Service */
  if( strcasecmp(CMGetCharPtr(sourceClass),_RefRightClass) == 0 ) {
    /* NOT_SUPPORTED - association is uni-directional */
  /* source class is Linux_Service; target class is Linux_UnixProcess */
  else if( strcasecmp(CMGetCharPtr(sourceClass),_RefLeftClass) == 0 ) {

    serviceName = CMGetKey(ref, "Name", rc);
    if( serviceName.value.string == NULL ) { 
      CMSetStatusWithChars( _broker, rc, 
			    CMPI_RC_ERR_FAILED, "Could not get Name of Service" ); 
      _OSBASE_TRACE(2,("--- assoc_ServiceProcess() failed : %s",CMGetCharPtr(rc->msg)));
      return -1;
    if (lhdl==NULL) {
      _OSBASE_TRACE(2,("--- assoc_ServiceProcess() exited : Could not find associated Service."));
      return 0;
    if (lxssvc==NULL) {
      _OSBASE_TRACE(2,("--- assoc_ServiceProcess() exited : Could not find associated Service."));
      return 0;

    /* get the list of associated processe */
    for (i=0;lxssvc->svProcesses[i]!=NULL;i++) {

      op = CMNewObjectPath( _broker, CMGetCharPtr(CMGetNameSpace(ref,rc)), 
			    _RefRightClass, rc );
      if( CMIsNullObject(op) ) { 
	CMSetStatusWithChars( _broker, rc, 
			      CMPI_RC_ERR_FAILED, "Create CMPIObjectPath failed." ); 
	_OSBASE_TRACE(2,("--- assoc_ServiceProcess() failed : %s",CMGetCharPtr(rc->msg)));
	return -1;
      CMAddKey(op, "CSCreationClassName", CSCreationClassName, CMPI_chars);
      CMAddKey(op, "CSName", get_system_name(), CMPI_chars);
      CMAddKey(op, "OSCreationClassName", OSCreationClassName, CMPI_chars);
      CMAddKey(op, "OSName", get_os_name(), CMPI_chars);
      CMAddKey(op, "CreationClassName", _RefRightClass, CMPI_chars);
      CMAddKey(op, "Handle", lxssvc->svProcesses[i], CMPI_chars);

      if (assocType&ATYPE_ASSOC) {
	/* the process (name) */
	if (assocType&ATYPE_NAME) {
	  CMReturnObjectPath(rslt, op); 
	else {	  
	  rci = CBGetInstance(_broker, ctx, op, NULL, rc);
	  if(rci==NULL) { return -1; }
	  CMReturnInstance( rslt, rci );
      else {
	/* the reference object (name) */
	if (assocType&ATYPE_NAME) {
	  rop = _makePath_ServiceProcess(_broker, ref, op, rc);
	  CMReturnObjectPath(rslt, rop); 
	else {
	  rci = _makeInst_ServiceProcess(_broker, ref, op, rc);
	  CMReturnInstance( rslt, rci );


  _OSBASE_TRACE(2,("--- assoc_ServiceProcess() exited"));
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 11
* disk_rasd_to_vbd
* This function attempts to parse a Xen_Disk CIM instance and populate a new
* VBD record. It also gets the record to the VDI that the VBD attaches to (could
* be a newly created VDI, if requested) and a handle to an existing SR as
* pointed to by the PoolID field in the CIM instance
* Returns 1 on Success and 0 on failure.
int disk_rasd_to_vbd(
    const CMPIBroker *broker,
    xen_utils_session* session,
    CMPIInstance *disk_rasd,
    xen_vbd_record **vbd_rec,
    xen_vdi_record **vdi_rec,
    xen_sr  *sr,
    CMPIStatus *status)
    CMPIData propertyvalue;
    char *error_msg = "ERROR: Unknown error";
    char *sr_label = NULL, *vdi_name_label = NULL, *vdi_name_desc = NULL;
    char *vbd_device = NULL, *vbd_uuid = NULL, *vdi_uuid = NULL;
    enum xen_vbd_type vbd_type = XEN_VBD_TYPE_DISK; /* default with Disk (as opposed to CDRom) */
    enum xen_vdi_type vdi_type = XEN_VDI_TYPE_USER;
    bool vbd_readonly = false, vbd_bootable = false;/* defaults for Disk type */
    int vbd_mode= XEN_VBD_MODE_RW;                  /* defaults for Disk type */
    int64_t disk_size = -1;                         /* for CDRoms - this is the size expected */
    char buf[MAX_INSTANCEID_LEN];

    *vbd_rec  = NULL;
    *vdi_rec  = NULL;

    /* only resource types of 15,16 and 19 are currently supported */
    propertyvalue = CMGetProperty(disk_rasd, "ResourceType", status);
    if ((status->rc != CMPI_RC_OK) || CMIsNullValue(propertyvalue)) {
        error_msg = "ERROR: Xen_DiskSettingData has no ResourceType";
        goto Error;
    int res_type = propertyvalue.value.uint16;
    if ((res_type == DMTF_ResourceType_CD_Drive) || (res_type == DMTF_ResourceType_DVD_drive)) {
        vbd_mode = XEN_VBD_MODE_RO;
        vbd_type = XEN_VBD_TYPE_CD;
    else if ((res_type == DMTF_ResourceType_Storage_Extent) || (res_type == DMTF_ResourceType_Disk_Drive))
        vbd_type = XEN_VBD_TYPE_DISK;
    else {
        error_msg = "ERROR: Xen_DiskSettingData has unsupported ResourceType";
        goto Error;

    /* Get the instance ID which has the device's UUID in it, if its available
      This will be usd during deletes and not used during create*/
    propertyvalue = CMGetProperty(disk_rasd, "InstanceID", status);
    if ((status->rc == CMPI_RC_OK) && !CMIsNullValue(propertyvalue)) {
        _CMPIStrncpyDeviceNameFromID(buf, CMGetCharPtr(propertyvalue.value.string),
        vbd_uuid = strdup(buf);

    /* The HostResource property is used to identify the VDI, if available */
    propertyvalue = CMGetProperty(disk_rasd, "HostResource", status);
    if ((status->rc == CMPI_RC_OK) && !CMIsNullValue(propertyvalue)) {
        /* HostResource is always in WBEM URI format and it points to a 
          Xen_DiskImage object reference. Convert it to CMPIObjectPath */
        CMPIData data = CMGetArrayElementAt(propertyvalue.value.array, 0, NULL);
        CMPIObjectPath *obj_path = xen_utils_WBEM_URI_to_CMPIObjectPath(
        if (obj_path) {
            /* this should be a Xen_DiskImage object reference */
            /* Get the DeviceID key */
            propertyvalue = CMGetKey(obj_path, "DeviceID", status);
            if ((status->rc == CMPI_RC_OK) && 
                !CMIsNullValue(propertyvalue) && 
                propertyvalue.type == CMPI_string) {
                memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
                _CMPIStrncpyDeviceNameFromID(buf, CMGetCharPtr(propertyvalue.value.string),
                vdi_uuid = strdup(buf);
    if (!vdi_uuid) {
        /* second chance, Try the HostExtentName */
        propertyvalue = CMGetProperty(disk_rasd, "HostExtentName", status);
        if ((status->rc == CMPI_RC_OK) && !CMIsNullValue(propertyvalue))
            vdi_uuid = strdup(CMGetCharPtr(propertyvalue.value.string));
    /* Device is specified as the address on the host bus */
    propertyvalue = CMGetProperty(disk_rasd, "AddressOnParent", status);
    if ((status->rc == CMPI_RC_OK) && !CMIsNullValue(propertyvalue))
        vbd_device = strdup(CMGetCharPtr(propertyvalue.value.string));

    propertyvalue = CMGetProperty(disk_rasd, "Bootable", status);
    if ((status->rc == CMPI_RC_OK) && !CMIsNullValue(propertyvalue))
        vbd_bootable = propertyvalue.value.boolean;

    propertyvalue = CMGetProperty(disk_rasd, "Access", status);
    if ((status->rc == CMPI_RC_OK) && !CMIsNullValue(propertyvalue)) {
        if (propertyvalue.value.uint16 == Access_Readable)
            vbd_mode = XEN_VBD_MODE_RO;

    * The Pool ID property is used to identify the Xen SR
    * This could be NULL if VDIs are reused or if
    * the VBD has to be created on the default SR.
    propertyvalue = CMGetProperty(disk_rasd, "PoolID", status);
    if ((status->rc == CMPI_RC_OK) && !CMIsNullValue(propertyvalue)) {
        char *poolid = CMGetCharPtr(propertyvalue.value.string);
        if (poolid && (*poolid != '\0'))
            sr_label = strdup(poolid);

    propertyvalue = CMGetProperty(disk_rasd, "ElementName", status);
    if ((status->rc == CMPI_RC_OK) && !CMIsNullValue(propertyvalue))
        vdi_name_label = strdup(CMGetCharPtr(propertyvalue.value.string));

    propertyvalue = CMGetProperty(disk_rasd, "Description", status);
    if ((status->rc == CMPI_RC_OK) && !CMIsNullValue(propertyvalue))
        vdi_name_desc = strdup(CMGetCharPtr(propertyvalue.value.string));

    /* Get the disk size from the CIM instance -
    * If this is a new disk, this property is required
    * If we are instantiating a CDRom VDI, this is not required */
    int64_t multiplier = 1; /* default to bytes */
    propertyvalue = CMGetProperty(disk_rasd, "AllocationUnits", status);
    if ((status->rc == CMPI_RC_OK) && !CMIsNullValue(propertyvalue)) {
        char *units = CMGetCharPtr(propertyvalue.value.string);
        if ((multiplier = xen_utils_get_alloc_units(units)) == 0) {
            error_msg = "ERROR: Xen_DiskSettingData has unsupported AllocationUnits";
            goto Error;

    /* Limit and VirtualQuantity properties mean the same when we create the VBD */
    propertyvalue = CMGetProperty(disk_rasd, "VirtualQuantity", status);
    if ((status->rc == CMPI_RC_OK) && !CMIsNullValue(propertyvalue))
        disk_size = (propertyvalue.value.uint64) * multiplier;

    if (vbd_type == XEN_VBD_TYPE_CD)
        vdi_type = XEN_VDI_TYPE_USER;

    /* We have enough information... create the Xen device records so we can */
    /* create new devices or identify existing ones */
    /* Create the VDI device record */
    *vdi_rec = xen_vdi_record_alloc();
    if (*vdi_rec == NULL) {
        error_msg = "ERROR: Unable to malloc memory";
        goto Error;

    (*vdi_rec)->virtual_size  = disk_size;
    (*vdi_rec)->other_config  = xen_string_string_map_alloc(0);
    vdi_location = "";
    (*vdi_rec)->other_config->contents[0].key= strdup("location");
    (*vdi_rec)->other_config->contents[0].val = strdup(vdi_location);
    (*vdi_rec)->other_config->size = 1;
    (*vdi_rec)->other_config  = xen_string_string_map_alloc(0);
    (*vdi_rec)->other_config->size = 0;
    (*vdi_rec)->type          = vdi_type;
    (*vdi_rec)->read_only     = vbd_readonly;
    (*vdi_rec)->name_label    = vdi_name_label;
    (*vdi_rec)->name_description = vdi_name_desc;

    (*vdi_rec)->managed = true;

    /* If VDI has already been created, use it */
    if (vdi_uuid) {
        _SBLIM_TRACE(_SBLIM_TRACE_LEVEL_INFO, ("VDI specified in the RASD: -%s-", vdi_uuid));
        (*vdi_rec)->uuid = vdi_uuid;

    /* create the VBD record */
    *vbd_rec = xen_vbd_record_alloc();
    if (*vbd_rec == NULL) {
        error_msg = "ERROR: Unable to malloc memory";
        goto Error;

    if (vbd_uuid)
        (*vbd_rec)->uuid = vbd_uuid;

    if (vbd_device)
        (*vbd_rec)->userdevice = vbd_device;
    (*vbd_rec)->other_config = xen_string_string_map_alloc(0);
    (*vbd_rec)->bootable = vbd_bootable;
    (*vbd_rec)->mode = vbd_mode;
    (*vbd_rec)->type = vbd_type;
    (*vbd_rec)->qos_algorithm_params = xen_string_string_map_alloc(0);

    if (vbd_type == XEN_VBD_TYPE_CD)
        (*vdi_rec)->sharable = true;
        (*vdi_rec)->sharable = false;

    /* Identify the Storage Repository where this VDI will be created (if its being created) */
    if (sr_label) {
        if (!_get_sr(broker, session, sr_label, true, sr, status)) {
                ("--- getting SR for %s failed", sr_label));
            goto Error;
    return 1;

    if (sr_label)
    if (vdi_name_label) {
        if (*vdi_rec)
            (*vdi_rec)->name_label = NULL;
    if(vdi_name_desc) {
    if(vbd_device) {
    if(vbd_uuid) {

    /* frees fields as well */
    if (*vbd_rec) {
        *vbd_rec = NULL;
    if (*vdi_rec) {
        *vdi_rec = NULL;
    xen_utils_set_status(broker, status, rc, error_msg, session->xen);
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 12
CMPIStatus Linux_FanProviderSetInstance( CMPIInstanceMI * mi,
           const CMPIContext * ctx,
           const CMPIResult * rslt,
           const CMPIObjectPath * cop,
           const CMPIInstance * ci,
           const char ** properties) {
    UNUSED(mi); UNUSED(ctx); UNUSED(rslt); UNUSED(properties);

    CMPIStatus             rc    = {CMPI_RC_OK, NULL};
    CMPIData               data;
    char const           * device_id = NULL;
    struct cim_fan       * sptr;
    cim_fan_prop_value_t   cfpv;
    cim_fan_error_t        cmdrc;
    char const           * tmp = NULL;
    char buf[200];

    _OSBASE_TRACE(1, ("--- %s CMPI SetInstance() called", _ClassName));
    _check_system_key_value_pairs(_broker, cop, "SystemCreationClassName",
            "SystemName", &rc);
    if (rc.rc != CMPI_RC_OK) {
        _OSBASE_TRACE(1, ("--- %s CMPI SetInstance() failed : %s",
                _ClassName, CMGetCharPtr(rc.msg)));
        return rc;

    data = CMGetKey(cop, "DeviceID", &rc);
    if (data.value.string == NULL) {
        CMSetStatusWithChars(_broker, &rc,
                CMPI_RC_ERR_FAILED, "Could not get fan ID." );
        _OSBASE_TRACE(1, ("--- %s CMPI SetInstance() failed : %s",
                _ClassName, CMGetCharPtr(rc.msg)));
    device_id = CMGetCharPtr(data.value.string);
    if (device_id) {
        cmdrc = get_fan_data_by_id(device_id, &sptr);
    if (cmdrc || !sptr) {
        CMSetStatusWithChars(_broker, &rc,
                CMPI_RC_ERR_NOT_FOUND, cim_fan_strerror(cmdrc));
        _OSBASE_TRACE(1, ("--- %s CMPI SetInstance() exited : %s",
        return rc;

    data = CMGetProperty(ci, "MinSpeed", &rc);
    if (!rc.rc && data.value.uint64 != (uint64_t) sptr->min_speed) {
        tmp = "MinSpeed";
        cfpv.min_speed = data.value.uint64;
        cmdrc = set_fan_prop_by_id(device_id, CIM_FAN_MIN_SPEED, &cfpv);
    data = CMGetProperty(ci , "MaxSpeed", &rc);
    if (!cmdrc && !rc.rc && data.value.uint64 != (uint64_t) sptr->max_speed) {
        tmp = "MaxSpeed";
        cfpv.max_speed = data.value.uint64;
        set_fan_prop_by_id(device_id, CIM_FAN_MAX_SPEED, &cfpv);
    data = CMGetProperty(ci, "Divisor", &rc);
    if (!cmdrc && !rc.rc && data.value.uint32 != sptr->divisor) {
        tmp = "Divisor";
        cfpv.divisor = data.value.uint32;
        set_fan_prop_by_id(device_id, CIM_FAN_DIV, &cfpv);
    data = CMGetProperty(ci, "Pulses", &rc);
    if (!cmdrc && !rc.rc && data.value.uint32 != sptr->pulses) {
        tmp = "Pulses";
        cfpv.pulses = data.value.uint32;
        set_fan_prop_by_id(device_id, CIM_FAN_PULSES, &cfpv);
    data = CMGetProperty(ci, "Beep", &rc);
    if (!cmdrc && !rc.rc && data.value.boolean != sptr->beep) {
        tmp = "Beep";
        cfpv.beep = data.value.uint32;
        set_fan_prop_by_id(device_id, CIM_FAN_BEEP, &cfpv);

    if (cmdrc) {
        if (tmp && cmdrc == CIM_FAN_SEN_NO_ENTRY) {
            snprintf(buf, 200,
                "System interface for fan(name=\"%s\", chip=\"%s\") does not"
               " provide a way to set \"%s\".", sptr->name, sptr->chip_name,
            CMSetStatusWithChars(_broker, &rc,
                    CMPI_RC_ERR_FAILED, buf);
        }else {
            CMSetStatusWithChars(_broker, &rc,
                    CMPI_RC_ERR_FAILED, cim_fan_strerror(cmdrc))
        _OSBASE_TRACE(2, ("--- %s CMPI SetInstance() exited : %s",
                _ClassName, CMGetCharPtr(rc.msg)));
    }else {
Ejemplo n.º 13
CMPIStatus Linux_FanProviderGetInstance( CMPIInstanceMI * mi,
           const CMPIContext * ctx,
           const CMPIResult * rslt,
           const CMPIObjectPath * cop,
           const char **properties) {

    CMPIInstance       * ci    = NULL;
    CMPIStatus           rc    = {CMPI_RC_OK, NULL};
    struct cim_fan * sptr  = NULL;
    CMPIData             data;
    CMPIArray          * other_identifying_info = NULL;
    CMPIString         * sys_path  = NULL;
    CMPIString         * fan_name = NULL;
    CMPIString         * device_id = NULL;
    cim_fan_error_t      cmdrc;

    _OSBASE_TRACE(1,("--- %s CMPI GetInstance() called",_ClassName));

    _check_system_key_value_pairs(_broker, cop, "SystemCreationClassName",
            "SystemName", &rc);
    if (rc.rc != CMPI_RC_OK) {
        _OSBASE_TRACE(1, ("--- %s CMPI GetInstance() failed : %s",
                _ClassName, CMGetCharPtr(rc.msg)));
        return rc;

    data = CMGetKey(cop, "OtherIdentifyingInfo", &rc);
    if (  !rc.rc
       && data.type == CMPI_stringA
       && (other_identifying_info = data.value.array)
       && !rc.rc
       && (CMGetArrayCount(other_identifying_info, &rc) > 1)
       && !rc.rc)
        data = CMGetArrayElementAt(other_identifying_info, 0, &rc);
        if (!rc.rc) sys_path = data.value.string;
        data = CMGetArrayElementAt(other_identifying_info, 1, &rc);
        if (!rc.rc) fan_name = data.value.string;
    device_id = CMGetKey(cop, "DeviceID", &rc).value.string;
    if ((sys_path == NULL || fan_name == NULL) && (device_id == NULL)) {
        CMSetStatusWithChars(_broker, &rc,
                CMPI_RC_ERR_FAILED, "Could not get fan ID." );
        _OSBASE_TRACE(1, ("--- %s CMPI GetInstance() failed : %s",
                _ClassName, CMGetCharPtr(rc.msg)));
        return rc;

    if (sys_path && fan_name) {
        cmdrc = get_fan_data(CMGetCharPtr(sys_path), CMGetCharPtr(fan_name),
    if ((cmdrc || !sptr) && device_id) {
        cmdrc = get_fan_data_by_id(CMGetCharPtr(device_id), &sptr);
    if (cmdrc || !sptr) {
        CMSetStatusWithChars(_broker, &rc,
                CMPI_RC_ERR_NOT_FOUND, cim_fan_strerror(cmdrc));
        _OSBASE_TRACE(1, ("--- %s CMPI GetInstance() exited : %s",
        return rc;

    ci = _makeInst_Fan(_broker, ctx, cop, properties, sptr, &rc);
    if (sptr) free_fan(sptr);

    if (ci == NULL) {
        if (rc.msg != NULL) {
            _OSBASE_TRACE(1, ("--- %s CMPI GetInstance() failed : %s",
                    _ClassName, CMGetCharPtr(rc.msg)));
        }else {
            _OSBASE_TRACE(1, ("--- %s CMPI GetInstance() failed", _ClassName));
        return rc;

    CMReturnInstance(rslt, ci);
    _OSBASE_TRACE(1, ("--- %s CMPI GetInstance() exited", _ClassName));
    return rc;
Ejemplo n.º 14
static int
  CMPIStatus      rc = { CMPI_RC_OK, NULL };

  CMPIObjectPath *objPath = NULL;
  CMPIObjectPath *clonedObjPath = NULL;
  CMPIObjectPath *otherObjPath = NULL;
  CMPIObjectPath *fakeObjPath = NULL;

  const char     *hostName = "HOSTNAME";
  const char     *nameSpace = "root/dummy";
  const char     *className = "classname";

  CMPIString     *returnedHostname = NULL;
  CMPIBoolean     equalHostname = 0;
  CMPIString     *returnedNamespace = NULL;
  CMPIBoolean     equalNamespace = 0;
  CMPIString     *returnedClassName;
  CMPIBoolean     equalClassName = 0;
  CMPIString     *returnedObjectPath;
  CMPIBoolean     cloneSuccessful = 0;
  CMPIBoolean     getKeySuccessful = 0;
  CMPIBoolean     getKeyCountSuccessful = 0;
  CMPIBoolean     getKeyAtSuccessful = 0;
  const char     *objectPath1 = NULL;
  const char     *objectPath2 = NULL;
  CMPIData        data;
  CMPIValue       value;
  unsigned int    keyCount = 0;
  objPath = make_ObjectPath(_broker, _Namespace, _ClassName);
  rc = CMSetHostname(objPath, hostName);
  returnedHostname = CMGetHostname(objPath, &rc);
  if (strcmp(hostName, CMGetCharsPtr(returnedHostname, &rc)) == 0) {
    equalHostname = 1;
  rc = CMSetNameSpace(objPath, nameSpace);
  returnedNamespace = CMGetNameSpace(objPath, &rc);
  if (strcmp(nameSpace, CMGetCharsPtr(returnedNamespace, &rc)) == 0) {
    equalNamespace = 1;
  rc = CMSetClassName(objPath, className);
  returnedClassName = CMGetClassName(objPath, &rc);
  if (strcmp(className, CMGetCharsPtr(returnedClassName, &rc)) == 0) {
    equalClassName = 1;
  otherObjPath = make_ObjectPath(_broker, _Namespace, _ClassName);
  returnedNamespace = CMGetNameSpace(otherObjPath, &rc);
  rc = CMSetNameSpaceFromObjectPath(otherObjPath, objPath);
  returnedNamespace = CMGetNameSpace(otherObjPath, &rc);
  if (strcmp(nameSpace, CMGetCharsPtr(returnedNamespace, &rc)) == 0) {
    equalNamespace = 1;
  returnedHostname = CMGetHostname(otherObjPath, &rc);
  rc = CMSetHostAndNameSpaceFromObjectPath(otherObjPath, objPath);
  returnedHostname = CMGetHostname(otherObjPath, &rc);
  if (strcmp(hostName, CMGetCharsPtr(returnedHostname, &rc)) == 0) {
    equalHostname = 1;
  returnedObjectPath = CMObjectPathToString(objPath, &rc);
  objectPath1 = CMGetCharsPtr(returnedObjectPath, &rc);
  clonedObjPath = objPath->ft->clone(objPath, &rc);
  returnedObjectPath = CMObjectPathToString(clonedObjPath, &rc);
  rc = clonedObjPath->ft->release(clonedObjPath);
  objectPath2 = CMGetCharsPtr(returnedObjectPath, &rc);
  if (strcmp(objectPath1, objectPath2) == 0) {
    cloneSuccessful = 1;
  } else {
    cloneSuccessful = 0;
  fakeObjPath = CMNewObjectPath(_broker, "root#cimv2",
                                "Sample_Instance", &rc);
  rc = CMAddKey(fakeObjPath, "ElementName",
                (CMPIValue *) "Fake", CMPI_chars);
  rc = CMAddKey(otherObjPath, "ElementName1",
                (CMPIValue *) "otherObjPath", CMPI_chars);
  data = CMGetKey(fakeObjPath, "ElementName", &rc);
  if (strcmp(CMGetCharsPtr(data.value.string, &rc), "Fake") == 0) {
    getKeySuccessful = 1;
  keyCount = CMGetKeyCount(fakeObjPath, &rc);
  if (keyCount == 1) {
    getKeyCountSuccessful = 1;
  data = CMGetKeyAt(fakeObjPath, 0, NULL, &rc);
  if (rc.rc == 0) {
    getKeyAtSuccessful = 1;
  value.uint16 = 67;
  rc = CMAddKey(fakeObjPath, "Numeric_key_unsigned",
                (CMPIValue *) & value, CMPI_uint16);
  data = CMGetKey(fakeObjPath, "Numeric_key_unsigned", &rc);
  value.sint16 = -67;
  rc = CMAddKey(fakeObjPath, "Numeric_key_signed",
                (CMPIValue *) & value, CMPI_sint16);
  data = CMGetKey(fakeObjPath, "Numeric_key_signed", &rc);
  value.boolean = 1;
  rc = CMAddKey(fakeObjPath, "Boolean_key",
                (CMPIValue *) & value, CMPI_boolean);
  data = CMGetKey(fakeObjPath, "Boolean_key", &rc);
  CMGetKeyAt(objPath, 500, NULL, &rc);
  if (rc.rc != CMPI_RC_ERR_NO_SUCH_PROPERTY) {
    return 1;
  rc = objPath->ft->release(objPath);
  rc = fakeObjPath->ft->release(fakeObjPath);
  return 0;