Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Adds a new element to the list, the new element will be the first element.
 * @param list The list for which to add an element in its start
 * @param element The element to insert. A copy of the element will be
 * inserted as supplied by the copying function which is stored in the list
 * @return
 * LIST_NULL_ARGUMENT if a NULL was sent as list
 * LIST_OUT_OF_MEMORY if an allocation failed (Meaning the function for copying
 * an element failed)
 * LIST_SUCCESS the element has been inserted successfully
ListResult listInsertFirst( List list, ListElement element ) {
	if ((list == NULL) || (element == NULL)) return LIST_NULL_ARGUMENT;
	ListItem new_list_item = CreateListItem(list->copyElementFunc, element);
	if (new_list_item == NULL) return LIST_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
	new_list_item->Next = list->First;
	list->First = new_list_item;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void C4FileSelDlg::UpdateFileList() {
  // reload files
  C4GUI::Element *pEl;
  while (pEl = pFileListBox->GetFirst()) delete pEl;
  // file items
  StdStrBuf sSearch;
  const char *szFileMask = GetFileMask();
  for (DirectoryIterator iter(sPath.getData()); *iter; ++iter)
    if (!szFileMask || WildcardListMatch(szFileMask, *iter))
  // none-item?
  if (HasNoneItem()) {
  // list now done
  // path into title
  const char *szPath = sPath.getData();
  SetTitle(*szPath ? FormatString("%s [%s]", sTitle.getData(), szPath).getData()
                   : sTitle.getData());
  // initial no-selection
Ejemplo n.º 3
* Adds a new element to the list, the new element will be place right after
* the current element (As pointed by the inner iterator be of the list)
* @param list The list for which to add an element after its current element
* @param element The element to insert. A copy of the element will be
* inserted as supplied by the copying function which is stored in the list
* @return
* LIST_NULL_ARGUMENT if a NULL was sent as list
* LIST_INVALID_CURRENT if the list's iterator is in an invalid state (Does
* not point to a legal element in the list)
* LIST_OUT_OF_MEMORY if an allocation failed (Meaning the function for copying
* an element failed)
* LIST_SUCCESS the element has been inserted successfully
ListResult listInsertAfterCurrent(List list, ListElement element) {
	if (list == NULL || element == NULL){
	if (list->Current == NULL){
	ListItem newListItem = CreateListItem(list->copyElementFunc, element);
	if (newListItem == NULL){
	newListItem->Next = list->Current->Next;
	list->Current->Next = newListItem;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * Adds a new element to the list, the new element will be the last element
 * @param list The list for which to add an element in its end
 * @param element The element to insert. A copy of the element will be
 * inserted as supplied by the copying function which is stored in the list
 * @return
 * LIST_NULL_ARGUMENT if a NULL was sent as list
 * LIST_OUT_OF_MEMORY if an allocation failed (Meaning the function for copying
 * an element failed)
 * LIST_SUCCESS the element has been inserted successfully
ListResult listInsertLast( List list, ListElement element ) {
	if ((list == NULL) || (element == NULL)) return LIST_NULL_ARGUMENT;
	ListItem new_list_item = CreateListItem(list->copyElementFunc, element);
	if (new_list_item == NULL) return LIST_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
	if (list->First == NULL) {
		list->First = new_list_item;
	} else {
		ListItem last_item = list->First;
		while ( last_item->Next != NULL ) {

			last_item = last_item->Next;
		last_item->Next = new_list_item;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * Adds a new element to the list, the new element will be place right before
 * the current element (As pointed by the inner iterator of the list)
 * @param list The list for which to add an element before its current element
 * @param element The element to insert. A copy of the element will be
 * inserted as supplied by the copying function which is stored in the list
 * @return
 * LIST_NULL_ARGUMENT if a NULL was sent as list
 * LIST_INVALID_CURRENT if the list's iterator is in an invalid state (Does
 * not point to a legal element in the list)
 * LIST_OUT_OF_MEMORY if an allocation failed (Meaning the function for copying
 * an element failed)
 * LIST_SUCCESS the element has been inserted successfully
ListResult listInsertBeforeCurrent( List list, ListElement element ) {
	if ((list == NULL) || (element == NULL)) return LIST_NULL_ARGUMENT;
	if (list->Current == NULL) return LIST_INVALID_CURRENT;
	ListItem new_list_item = CreateListItem(list->copyElementFunc, element);
	if (new_list_item == NULL) return LIST_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
	if (list->First == list->Current) {
		new_list_item->Next = list->First;
		list->First = new_list_item;
	} else {
		ListItem item_before_current = list->First;
		while (item_before_current->Next != list->Current) {
			item_before_current = item_before_current->Next;
		new_list_item->Next = item_before_current->Next;
		item_before_current->Next = new_list_item;
Ejemplo n.º 6
* Adds a new element to the list, the new element will be the last element
* @param list The list for which to add an element in its end
* @param element The element to insert. A copy of the element will be
* inserted as supplied by the copying function which is stored in the list
* @return
* LIST_NULL_ARGUMENT if a NULL was sent as list
* LIST_OUT_OF_MEMORY if an allocation failed (Meaning the function for copying
* an element failed)
* LIST_SUCCESS the element has been inserted successfully
ListResult listInsertLast(List list, ListElement element) {
	if (list == NULL || element == NULL){
	ListItem newListItem = CreateListItem(list->copyElementFunc, element);
	if (newListItem == NULL){
	if (list->First == NULL) {
		list->First = newListItem;
	} else {
		ListItem toAddTo = list->First;
		while (toAddTo->Next != NULL) {
			toAddTo = toAddTo->Next;
		toAddTo->Next = newListItem;
Ejemplo n.º 7
LRESULT CDlgIgnoredVuls::OnDoneScan( UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled )
	SetItemVisible(201, FALSE);
	SetItemVisible(300, TRUE);
	int count = 0;
	const CSimpleArray<LPTUpdateItem>& arr = theEngine->m_pVulScanIgnored->GetResults();
	for(int i=0; i<arr.GetSize(); ++i)
		LPTUpdateItem pItem = arr[i];
			AppendItemIgnoredList( m_wndListCtrlVul, CreateListItem(pItem) );

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 8
* Adds a new element to the list, the new element will be place right before
* the current element (As pointed by the inner iterator of the list)
* @param list The list for which to add an element before its current element
* @param element The element to insert. A copy of the element will be
* inserted as supplied by the copying function which is stored in the list
* @return
* LIST_NULL_ARGUMENT if a NULL was sent as list
* LIST_INVALID_CURRENT if the list's iterator is in an invalid state (Does
* not point to a legal element in the list)
* LIST_OUT_OF_MEMORY if an allocation failed (Meaning the function for copying
* an element failed)
* LIST_SUCCESS the element has been inserted successfully
ListResult listInsertBeforeCurrent(List list, ListElement element) {
	if (list == NULL || element == NULL){
	if (list->Current == NULL){
	ListItem newListItem = CreateListItem(list->copyElementFunc, element);
	if (newListItem == NULL){
	if (list->First == list->Current) {
		newListItem->Next = list->First;
		list->First = newListItem;
	} else {
		ListItem toAddTo = list->First;
		while (toAddTo->Next != list->Current) {
			toAddTo = toAddTo->Next;
		newListItem->Next = toAddTo->Next;
		toAddTo->Next = newListItem;