Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Function: RegisterRuleOption(char *, void (*func)(), enum OptionType)
 * Purpose:  Associates a rule option keyword with an option setup/linking
 *           function.
 * Arguments: keyword => The option keyword to associate with the option
 *                       handler
 *            *func => function pointer to the handler
 *            type => used to determine where keyword is allowed
 * Returns: void function
void RegisterRuleOption(char *opt_name, RuleOptConfigFunc ro_config_func,
                        RuleOptOverrideInitFunc override_init_func,
                        RuleOptType opt_type,
                        RuleOptOtnHandler otn_handler)
    RuleOptConfigFuncNode *node;

    DEBUG_WRAP(DebugMessage(DEBUG_PLUGIN, "Registering keyword:func => %s/%s:%p\n",
                            ENUM2STR(opt_type, optTypeMap), opt_name, ro_config_func););
Ejemplo n.º 2
const char *packet_proto_name(Protocol *proto)
    return ENUM2STR(proto->protocol, proto_map);