Ejemplo n.º 1
/// Initialize Memory Pool with variable block size.
/// \param[in]  mem             pointer to memory pool.
/// \param[in]  size            size of a memory pool in bytes.
/// \return 1 - success, 0 - failure.
__WEAK uint32_t osRtxMemoryInit (void *mem, uint32_t size) {
  mem_head_t  *head;
  mem_block_t *ptr;

  // Check parameters
  //lint -e{923} "cast from pointer to unsigned int" [MISRA Note 7]
  if ((mem == NULL) || (((uint32_t)mem & 7U) != 0U) || ((size & 7U) != 0U) ||
      (size < (sizeof(mem_head_t) + (2U*sizeof(mem_block_t))))) {
    EvrRtxMemoryInit(mem, size, 0U);
    //lint -e{904} "Return statement before end of function" [MISRA Note 1]
    return 0U;

  // Initialize memory pool header
  head = MemHeadPtr(mem);
  head->size = size;
  head->used = sizeof(mem_head_t) + sizeof(mem_block_t);

  // Initialize first and last block header
  ptr = MemBlockPtr(mem, sizeof(mem_head_t));
  ptr->next = MemBlockPtr(mem, size - sizeof(mem_block_t));
  ptr->next->next = NULL;
  ptr->next->info = sizeof(mem_head_t) + sizeof(mem_block_t);
  ptr->info = 0U;

  EvrRtxMemoryInit(mem, size, 1U);

  return 1U;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/// Initialize Memory Pool with variable block size.
/// \param[in]  mem             pointer to memory pool.
/// \param[in]  size            size of a memory pool in bytes.
/// \return 1 - success, 0 - failure.
__WEAK uint32_t osRtxMemoryInit (void *mem, uint32_t size) {
  mem_head_t  *head;
  mem_block_t *ptr;

  if ((mem == NULL) || ((uint32_t)mem & 7U) || (size & 7U) ||
      (size < (sizeof(mem_head_t) + 2*sizeof(mem_block_t)))) {
    EvrRtxMemoryInit(mem, size, 0U);
    return 0U;

  head = (mem_head_t *)mem;
  head->size = size;
  head->used = sizeof(mem_head_t) + sizeof(mem_block_t);

  ptr = (mem_block_t *)((uint32_t)mem + sizeof(mem_head_t));
  ptr->next = (mem_block_t *)((uint32_t)mem + size - sizeof(mem_block_t));
  ptr->next->next = NULL;
  ptr->info = 0U;

  EvrRtxMemoryInit(mem, size, 1U);

  return 1U;