Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Get new XID. For global transaction is it previsly set by dtm_begin_transaction or dtm_join_transaction.
 * Local transactions are using range of local Xids obtains from DTM.
static TransactionId DtmGetNextXid()
	TransactionId xid;
	LWLockAcquire(dtm->xidLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
	if (TransactionIdIsValid(DtmNextXid))
		XTM_INFO("Use global XID %d\n", DtmNextXid);
		xid = DtmNextXid;

		if (TransactionIdPrecedesOrEquals(ShmemVariableCache->nextXid, xid))
			/* Advance ShmemVariableCache->nextXid formward until new Xid */
			while (TransactionIdPrecedes(ShmemVariableCache->nextXid, xid))
				XTM_INFO("Extend CLOG for global transaction to %d\n", ShmemVariableCache->nextXid);
			dtm->nReservedXids = 0;
		if (dtm->nReservedXids == 0)
            XTM_INFO("%d: reserve new XID range\n", getpid());
			dtm->nReservedXids = ArbiterReserve(ShmemVariableCache->nextXid, DtmLocalXidReserve, &dtm->nextXid);
			Assert(dtm->nReservedXids > 0);
			Assert(TransactionIdFollowsOrEquals(dtm->nextXid, ShmemVariableCache->nextXid));

			/* Advance ShmemVariableCache->nextXid formward until new Xid */
			while (TransactionIdPrecedes(ShmemVariableCache->nextXid, dtm->nextXid))
				XTM_INFO("Extend CLOG for local transaction to %d\n", ShmemVariableCache->nextXid);
		Assert(ShmemVariableCache->nextXid == dtm->nextXid);
		xid = dtm->nextXid++;
		dtm->nReservedXids -= 1;
		XTM_INFO("Obtain new local XID %d\n", xid);
	return xid;
Ejemplo n.º 2
	TransactionId desiredXid = PG_GETARG_UINT32(0);
	TransactionId oldXid = ShmemVariableCache->nextXid;
	ShmemVariableCache->nextXid = desiredXid;

	 * If we're raising the xid, the intent is presumably to cross some
	 * threshold and make assertions about expected behavior.
	 * On the other hand, lowering the xid is meant to be a tear down of
	 * a completed test case. Because of this distinction, only when
	 * we're raising the xid, do we take extra precaution to zero out
	 * the new pg_clog/pg_subtrans/pg_distributedlog files. (We don't
	 * want to zero out existing files...)
	if (TransactionIdFollows(desiredXid, oldXid))
		 * The nature of xid arithmetic is such that we only bother zeroing out
		 * new pages of transaction files when we've crossed page boundaries.
		 * So, here we fool the following routines into zeroing out the desired
		 * pages of transaction metadata by lowering the input xid to the first
		 * of its corresponding page.
#define TransactionIdToPgIndex(xid) ((xid) % (TransactionId) CLOG_XACTS_PER_PAGE)
		ExtendCLOG(desiredXid - TransactionIdToPgIndex(desiredXid));
#define SUBTRANS_XACTS_PER_PAGE (BLCKSZ / sizeof(SubTransData))
#define TransactionIdToEntry(xid) ((xid) % (uint32) SUBTRANS_XACTS_PER_PAGE)
		ExtendSUBTRANS(desiredXid - TransactionIdToEntry(desiredXid));
#undef TransactionIdToEntry
#define ENTRIES_PER_PAGE (BLCKSZ / sizeof(DistributedLogEntry))
#define TransactionIdToEntry(localXid) ((localXid) % (TransactionId) ENTRIES_PER_PAGE)
		DistributedLog_Extend(desiredXid - TransactionIdToEntry(desiredXid));

Ejemplo n.º 3
 * We have to cut&paste copde of GetNewTransactionId from varsup because we change way of advancing ShmemVariableCache->nextXid
DtmGetNewTransactionId(bool isSubXact)
	TransactionId xid;

	XTM_INFO("%d: GetNewTransactionId\n", getpid());
	 * Workers synchronize transaction state at the beginning of each parallel
	 * operation, so we can't account for new XIDs after that point.
	if (IsInParallelMode())
		elog(ERROR, "cannot assign TransactionIds during a parallel operation");

	 * During bootstrap initialization, we return the special bootstrap
	 * transaction id.
	if (IsBootstrapProcessingMode())
		MyPgXact->xid = BootstrapTransactionId;
		return BootstrapTransactionId;

	/* safety check, we should never get this far in a HS slave */
	if (RecoveryInProgress())
		elog(ERROR, "cannot assign TransactionIds during recovery");

	LWLockAcquire(XidGenLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
	xid = DtmGetNextXid();

	 * Check to see if it's safe to assign another XID.  This protects against
	 * catastrophic data loss due to XID wraparound.  The basic rules are:
	 * If we're past xidVacLimit, start trying to force autovacuum cycles.
	 * If we're past xidWarnLimit, start issuing warnings.
	 * If we're past xidStopLimit, refuse to execute transactions, unless
	 * we are running in single-user mode (which gives an escape hatch
	 * to the DBA who somehow got past the earlier defenses).
	 * Note that this coding also appears in GetNewMultiXactId.
	if (TransactionIdFollowsOrEquals(xid, ShmemVariableCache->xidVacLimit))
		 * For safety's sake, we release XidGenLock while sending signals,
		 * warnings, etc.  This is not so much because we care about
		 * preserving concurrency in this situation, as to avoid any
		 * possibility of deadlock while doing get_database_name(). First,
		 * copy all the shared values we'll need in this path.
		TransactionId xidWarnLimit = ShmemVariableCache->xidWarnLimit;
		TransactionId xidStopLimit = ShmemVariableCache->xidStopLimit;
		TransactionId xidWrapLimit = ShmemVariableCache->xidWrapLimit;
		Oid			oldest_datoid = ShmemVariableCache->oldestXidDB;


		 * To avoid swamping the postmaster with signals, we issue the autovac
		 * request only once per 64K transaction starts.  This still gives
		 * plenty of chances before we get into real trouble.
		if (IsUnderPostmaster && (xid % 65536) == 0)

		if (IsUnderPostmaster && TransactionIdFollowsOrEquals(xid, xidStopLimit))
			char *oldest_datname = get_database_name(oldest_datoid);

			/* complain even if that DB has disappeared */
			if (oldest_datname)
					errmsg("database is not accepting commands to avoid wraparound data loss in database \"%s\"",
					errhint("Stop the postmaster and vacuum that database in single-user mode.\n"
						"You might also need to commit or roll back old prepared transactions.")));
					errmsg("database is not accepting commands to avoid wraparound data loss in database with OID %u",
					errhint("Stop the postmaster and vacuum that database in single-user mode.\n"
						"You might also need to commit or roll back old prepared transactions.")));
		if (TransactionIdFollowsOrEquals(xid, xidWarnLimit))
			char *oldest_datname = get_database_name(oldest_datoid);

			/* complain even if that DB has disappeared */
			if (oldest_datname)
					(errmsg("database \"%s\" must be vacuumed within %u transactions",
						xidWrapLimit - xid),
					errhint("To avoid a database shutdown, execute a database-wide VACUUM in that database.\n"
						"You might also need to commit or roll back old prepared transactions.")));
					(errmsg("database with OID %u must be vacuumed within %u transactions",
						xidWrapLimit - xid),
					errhint("To avoid a database shutdown, execute a database-wide VACUUM in that database.\n"
						"You might also need to commit or roll back old prepared transactions.")));

		/* Re-acquire lock and start over */
		LWLockAcquire(XidGenLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
		xid = DtmGetNextXid();

	 * If we are allocating the first XID of a new page of the commit log,
	 * zero out that commit-log page before returning. We must do this while
	 * holding XidGenLock, else another xact could acquire and commit a later
	 * XID before we zero the page.  Fortunately, a page of the commit log
	 * holds 32K or more transactions, so we don't have to do this very often.
	 * Extend pg_subtrans and pg_commit_ts too.
	if (TransactionIdFollowsOrEquals(xid, ShmemVariableCache->nextXid))
	 * Now advance the nextXid counter.  This must not happen until after we
	 * have successfully completed ExtendCLOG() --- if that routine fails, we
	 * want the next incoming transaction to try it again.  We cannot assign
	 * more XIDs until there is CLOG space for them.
	if (xid == ShmemVariableCache->nextXid)
		Assert(TransactionIdPrecedes(xid, ShmemVariableCache->nextXid));

	 * We must store the new XID into the shared ProcArray before releasing
	 * XidGenLock.  This ensures that every active XID older than
	 * latestCompletedXid is present in the ProcArray, which is essential for
	 * correct OldestXmin tracking; see src/backend/access/transam/README.
	 * XXX by storing xid into MyPgXact without acquiring ProcArrayLock, we
	 * are relying on fetch/store of an xid to be atomic, else other backends
	 * might see a partially-set xid here.  But holding both locks at once
	 * would be a nasty concurrency hit.  So for now, assume atomicity.
	 * Note that readers of PGXACT xid fields should be careful to fetch the
	 * value only once, rather than assume they can read a value multiple
	 * times and get the same answer each time.
	 * The same comments apply to the subxact xid count and overflow fields.
	 * A solution to the atomic-store problem would be to give each PGXACT its
	 * own spinlock used only for fetching/storing that PGXACT's xid and
	 * related fields.
	 * If there's no room to fit a subtransaction XID into PGPROC, set the
	 * cache-overflowed flag instead.  This forces readers to look in
	 * pg_subtrans to map subtransaction XIDs up to top-level XIDs. There is a
	 * race-condition window, in that the new XID will not appear as running
	 * until its parent link has been placed into pg_subtrans. However, that
	 * will happen before anyone could possibly have a reason to inquire about
	 * the status of the XID, so it seems OK.  (Snapshots taken during this
	 * window *will* include the parent XID, so they will deliver the correct
	 * answer later on when someone does have a reason to inquire.)
		 * Use volatile pointer to prevent code rearrangement; other backends
		 * could be examining my subxids info concurrently, and we don't want
		 * them to see an invalid intermediate state, such as incrementing
		 * nxids before filling the array entry.  Note we are assuming that
		 * TransactionId and int fetch/store are atomic.
		volatile PGPROC *myproc = MyProc;
		volatile PGXACT *mypgxact = MyPgXact;

		if (!isSubXact)
			mypgxact->xid = xid;
			int nxids = mypgxact->nxids;

				myproc->subxids.xids[nxids] = xid;
				mypgxact->nxids = nxids + 1;
				mypgxact->overflowed = true;


	return xid;