Ejemplo n.º 1
void G2_TraceModels(CGhoul2Info_v &ghoul2, vec3_t rayStart, vec3_t rayEnd, CCollisionRecord *collRecMap, int entNum, EG2_Collision eG2TraceType, int useLod, float fRadius)
	int				i, lod;
	skin_t			*skin;
	shader_t		*cust_shader;

	// walk each possible model for this entity and try tracing against it
	for (i=0; i<ghoul2.size(); i++)
		// don't bother with models that we don't care about.
		if (!ghoul2[i].mValid)
		// do we really want to collide with this object?
		if (ghoul2[i].mFlags & GHOUL2_NOCOLLIDE) 
		if (ghoul2[i].mCustomShader)
			cust_shader = R_GetShaderByHandle(ghoul2[i].mCustomShader );
			cust_shader = NULL;

		// figure out the custom skin thing
		if ( ghoul2[i].mSkin > 0 && ghoul2[i].mSkin < tr.numSkins ) 
			skin = R_GetSkinByHandle( ghoul2[i].mSkin );
			skin = NULL;

		lod = G2_DecideTraceLod(ghoul2[i],useLod);

		//reset the quick surface override lookup
		G2_FindOverrideSurface(-1, ghoul2[i].mSlist); 

		CTraceSurface TS(ghoul2[i].mSurfaceRoot, ghoul2[i].mSlist,  ghoul2[i].currentModel, lod, rayStart, rayEnd, collRecMap, entNum, i, skin, cust_shader, ghoul2[i].mTransformedVertsArray, eG2TraceType, fRadius);
		// start the surface recursion loop

		// if we've hit one surface on one model, don't bother doing the rest
		if (TS.hitOne)
Ejemplo n.º 2
// main calling point for the model transform for collision detection. At this point all of the skeleton has been transformed.
void G2_TransformModel(CGhoul2Info_v &ghoul2, const int frameNum, vec3_t scale, CMiniHeap *G2VertSpace, int useLod)
	int				i, lod;
	vec3_t			correctScale;

	VectorCopy(scale, correctScale);
	// check for scales of 0 - that's the default I believe
	if (!scale[0])
		correctScale[0] = 1.0;
	if (!scale[1])
		correctScale[1] = 1.0;
	if (!scale[2])
		correctScale[2] = 1.0;

	// walk each possible model for this entity and try rendering it out
	for (i=0; i<ghoul2.size(); i++)
		CGhoul2Info &g=ghoul2[i];
		// don't bother with models that we don't care about.
		if (!g.mValid)
		// stop us building this model more than once per frame
		g.mMeshFrameNum = frameNum;

		// decide the LOD
		lod = G2_DecideTraceLod(g, useLod);

		// give us space for the transformed vertex array to be put in
		ghoul2[i].mTransformedVertsArray = (int*)G2VertSpace->MiniHeapAlloc(g.currentModel->mdxm->numSurfaces * 4);
		if (!g.mTransformedVertsArray)
			Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Ran out of transform space for Ghoul2 Models. Adjust MiniHeapSize in SV_SpawnServer.\n");

		memset(g.mTransformedVertsArray, 0,(g.currentModel->mdxm->numSurfaces * 4)); 

		G2_FindOverrideSurface(-1,g.mSlist); //reset the quick surface override lookup;
		// recursively call the model surface transform
		G2_TransformSurfaces(g.mSurfaceRoot, g.mSlist, g.mBoneCache,  g.currentModel, lod, correctScale, G2VertSpace, g.mTransformedVertsArray, false);
Ejemplo n.º 3
int G2_DecideTraceLod(CGhoul2Info &ghoul2, int useLod)
	int returnLod = useLod;

   	// if we are overriding the LOD at top level, then we can afford to only check this level of model
   	if (ghoul2.mLodBias > returnLod)
   		returnLod =  ghoul2.mLodBias;
	//what about r_lodBias?

	// now ensure that we haven't selected a lod that doesn't exist for this model
	if ( returnLod >= ghoul2.currentModel->mdxm->numLODs )
 		returnLod = ghoul2.currentModel->mdxm->numLODs - 1;

	return returnLod;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * G2_FindSurface
 *    find a surface in a ghoul2 surface override list based on it's name
 * Input
 *    filename of model, surface list of model instance, name of surface, int to be filled in
 * with the index of this surface (defaults to NULL)
 * Output
 *    pointer to surface if successful, false otherwise
const mdxmSurface_t *G2_FindSurface(CGhoul2Info *ghlInfo, surfaceInfo_v &slist, const char *surfaceName,
							 int *surfIndex/*NULL*/)
	int						i = 0;
	// find the model we want

	const mdxmHierarchyOffsets_t *surfIndexes = (mdxmHierarchyOffsets_t *)((byte *)ghlInfo->currentModel->mdxm + sizeof(mdxmHeader_t));
 	// first find if we already have this surface in the list
	for (i = slist.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
		if ((slist[i].surface != 10000) && (slist[i].surface != -1))
			const mdxmSurface_t	*surf = (mdxmSurface_t *)G2_FindSurface(ghlInfo->currentModel, slist[i].surface, 0);
			// back track and get the surfinfo struct for this surface
			const mdxmSurfHierarchy_t	*surfInfo = (mdxmSurfHierarchy_t *)((byte *)surfIndexes + surfIndexes->offsets[surf->thisSurfaceIndex]);

  			// are these the droids we're looking for?
			if (!Q_stricmp (surfInfo->name, surfaceName))
				// yup
				if (surfIndex)
					*surfIndex = i;
				return surf;
	// didn't find it
	if (surfIndex)
		*surfIndex = -1;
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
int G2_Add_Bolt(CGhoul2Info *ghlInfo, boltInfo_v &bltlist, surfaceInfo_v &slist, const char *boneName)
	int					surfNum = -1;
	mdxaSkel_t			*skel;
	mdxaSkelOffsets_t	*offsets;
	boltInfo_t			tempBolt;
	uint32_t			flags;


	// first up, we'll search for that which this bolt names in all the surfaces
	surfNum = G2_IsSurfaceLegal(ghlInfo->currentModel, boneName, &flags);

	// did we find it as a surface?
	if (surfNum != -1)
		 // look through entire list - see if it's already there first
		for(size_t i=0; i<bltlist.size(); i++)
			// already there??
			if (bltlist[i].surfaceNumber == surfNum)
				// increment the usage count
				return i;

		 // look through entire list - see if we can re-use one
		for(size_t i=0; i<bltlist.size(); i++)
			// if this surface entry has info in it, bounce over it
		  	if (bltlist[i].boneNumber == -1 && bltlist[i].surfaceNumber == -1)
				// if we found an entry that had a -1 for the bone / surface number, then we hit a surface / bone slot that was empty
				bltlist[i].surfaceNumber = surfNum;
				bltlist[i].boltUsed = 1;
				bltlist[i].surfaceType = 0;
		 		return i;

		// ok, we didn't find an existing surface of that name, or an empty slot. Lets add an entry
		tempBolt.surfaceNumber = surfNum;
		tempBolt.boneNumber = -1;
		tempBolt.boltUsed = 1;
		tempBolt.surfaceType = 0;
		return bltlist.size()-1;

	// no, check to see if it's a bone then

   	offsets = (mdxaSkelOffsets_t *)((byte *)ghlInfo->aHeader + sizeof(mdxaHeader_t));

	int x;
 	// walk the entire list of bones in the gla file for this model and see if any match the name of the bone we want to find
 	for (x=0; x< ghlInfo->aHeader->numBones; x++)
 		skel = (mdxaSkel_t *)((byte *)ghlInfo->aHeader + sizeof(mdxaHeader_t) + offsets->offsets[x]);
 		// if name is the same, we found it
 		if (!Q_stricmp(skel->name, boneName))

	// check to see we did actually make a match with a bone in the model
	if (x == ghlInfo->aHeader->numBones)
		// didn't find it? Error
		//assert(0&&x == mod_a->mdxa->numBones);
#if _DEBUG
		return -1;

	// look through entire list - see if it's already there first
	for(size_t i=0; i<bltlist.size(); i++)
		// already there??
		if (bltlist[i].boneNumber == x)
			// increment the usage count
			return i;

	// look through entire list - see if we can re-use it
	for(size_t i=0; i<bltlist.size(); i++)
		// if this bone entry has info in it, bounce over it
		if (bltlist[i].boneNumber == -1 && bltlist[i].surfaceNumber == -1)
			// if we found an entry that had a -1 for the bonenumber, then we hit a bone slot that was empty
			bltlist[i].boneNumber = x;
			bltlist[i].boltUsed = 1;
			bltlist[i].surfaceType = 0;
	 		return i;

	// ok, we didn't find an existing bone of that name, or an empty slot. Lets add an entry
	tempBolt.boneNumber = x;
	tempBolt.surfaceNumber = -1;
	tempBolt.boltUsed = 1;
 	tempBolt.surfaceType = 0;
	return bltlist.size()-1;
