Ejemplo n.º 1
gimp_image_crop_auto_shrink (GimpImage *image,
                             gint       x1,
                             gint       y1,
                             gint       x2,
                             gint       y2,
                             gboolean   active_drawable_only,
                             gint      *shrunk_x1,
                             gint      *shrunk_y1,
                             gint      *shrunk_x2,
                             gint      *shrunk_y2)
  GimpDrawable    *active_drawable = NULL;
  GimpPickable    *pickable;
  ColorsEqualFunc  colors_equal_func;
  guchar           bgcolor[MAX_CHANNELS] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
  gboolean         has_alpha;
  PixelRegion      PR;
  guchar          *buffer = NULL;
  gint             width, height;
  GimpImageType    type;
  gint             bytes;
  gint             x, y, abort;
  gboolean         retval = FALSE;

  g_return_val_if_fail (image != NULL, FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (GIMP_IS_IMAGE (image), FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (shrunk_x1 != NULL, FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (shrunk_y1 != NULL, FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (shrunk_x2 != NULL, FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (shrunk_y2 != NULL, FALSE);

  gimp_set_busy (image->gimp);

  /* You should always keep in mind that crop->tx2 and crop->ty2 are
     the NOT the coordinates of the bottomright corner of the area to
     be cropped. They point at the pixel located one to the right and
     one to the bottom.

  if (active_drawable_only)
      active_drawable = gimp_image_get_active_drawable (image);

      if (! active_drawable)
        goto FINISH;

      pickable = GIMP_PICKABLE (active_drawable);
      pickable = GIMP_PICKABLE (image->projection);

  gimp_pickable_flush (pickable);

  type      = gimp_pickable_get_image_type (pickable);
  bytes     = GIMP_IMAGE_TYPE_BYTES (type);
  has_alpha = GIMP_IMAGE_TYPE_HAS_ALPHA (type);

  switch (gimp_image_crop_guess_bgcolor (pickable,
                                         bytes, has_alpha, bgcolor,
                                         x1, x2-1, y1, y2-1))
      colors_equal_func = (ColorsEqualFunc) gimp_image_crop_colors_alpha;
      colors_equal_func = (ColorsEqualFunc) gimp_image_crop_colors_equal;
      goto FINISH;

  width  = x2 - x1;
  height = y2 - y1;

  pixel_region_init (&PR, gimp_pickable_get_tiles (pickable),
                     x1, y1, width, height, FALSE);

  /* The following could be optimized further by processing
   * the smaller side first instead of defaulting to width    --Sven

  buffer = g_malloc ((width > height ? width : height) * bytes);

  /* Check how many of the top lines are uniform/transparent. */
  abort = FALSE;
  for (y = y1; y < y2 && !abort; y++)
      pixel_region_get_row (&PR, x1, y, width, buffer, 1);
      for (x = 0; x < width && !abort; x++)
        abort = !(colors_equal_func) (bgcolor, buffer + x * bytes, bytes);
  if (y == y2 && !abort)
    goto FINISH;
  y1 = y - 1;

  /* Check how many of the bottom lines are uniform/transparent. */
  abort = FALSE;
  for (y = y2; y > y1 && !abort; y--)
      pixel_region_get_row (&PR, x1, y-1 , width, buffer, 1);
      for (x = 0; x < width && !abort; x++)
        abort = !(colors_equal_func) (bgcolor, buffer + x * bytes, bytes);
  y2 = y + 1;

  /* compute a new height for the next operations */
  height = y2 - y1;

  /* Check how many of the left lines are uniform/transparent. */
  abort = FALSE;
  for (x = x1; x < x2 && !abort; x++)
      pixel_region_get_col (&PR, x, y1, height, buffer, 1);
      for (y = 0; y < height && !abort; y++)
        abort = !(colors_equal_func) (bgcolor, buffer + y * bytes, bytes);
  x1 = x - 1;

  /* Check how many of the right lines are uniform/transparent. */
  abort = FALSE;
  for (x = x2; x > x1 && !abort; x--)
      pixel_region_get_col (&PR, x-1, y1, height, buffer, 1);
      for (y = 0; y < height && !abort; y++)
        abort = !(colors_equal_func) (bgcolor, buffer + y * bytes, bytes);
  x2 = x + 1;

  *shrunk_x1 = x1;
  *shrunk_y1 = y1;
  *shrunk_x2 = x2;
  *shrunk_y2 = y2;

  retval = TRUE;

  g_free (buffer);
  gimp_unset_busy (image->gimp);

  return retval;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static gboolean
gimp_perspective_clone_get_source (GimpSourceCore   *source_core,
                                   GimpDrawable     *drawable,
                                   GimpPaintOptions *paint_options,
                                   GimpPickable     *src_pickable,
                                   gint              src_offset_x,
                                   gint              src_offset_y,
                                   TempBuf          *paint_area,
                                   gint             *paint_area_offset_x,
                                   gint             *paint_area_offset_y,
                                   gint             *paint_area_width,
                                   gint             *paint_area_height,
                                   PixelRegion      *srcPR)
  GimpPerspectiveClone *clone      = GIMP_PERSPECTIVE_CLONE (source_core);
  GimpPaintCore        *paint_core = GIMP_PAINT_CORE (source_core);
  GimpSourceOptions    *options    = GIMP_SOURCE_OPTIONS (paint_options);
  GimpImage            *src_image;
  GimpImage            *image;
  GimpImageType         src_type;
  gint                  x1d, y1d, x2d, y2d;
  gdouble               x1s, y1s, x2s, y2s, x3s, y3s, x4s, y4s;
  gint                  xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax;
  TileManager          *src_tiles;
  TileManager          *orig_tiles;
  PixelRegion           origPR;
  PixelRegion           destPR;
  GimpMatrix3           matrix;
  gint                  bytes;

  src_image = gimp_pickable_get_image (src_pickable);
  image     = gimp_item_get_image (GIMP_ITEM (drawable));

  src_type  = gimp_pickable_get_image_type (src_pickable);
  src_tiles = gimp_pickable_get_tiles (src_pickable);

  /* Destination coordinates that will be painted */
  x1d = paint_area->x;
  y1d = paint_area->y;
  x2d = paint_area->x + paint_area->width;
  y2d = paint_area->y + paint_area->height;

  /* Boundary box for source pixels to copy: Convert all the vertex of
   * the box to paint in destination area to its correspondent in
   * source area bearing in mind perspective
  gimp_perspective_clone_get_source_point (clone, x1d, y1d, &x1s, &y1s);
  gimp_perspective_clone_get_source_point (clone, x1d, y2d, &x2s, &y2s);
  gimp_perspective_clone_get_source_point (clone, x2d, y1d, &x3s, &y3s);
  gimp_perspective_clone_get_source_point (clone, x2d, y2d, &x4s, &y4s);

  xmin = floor (MIN4 (x1s, x2s, x3s, x4s));
  ymin = floor (MIN4 (y1s, y2s, y3s, y4s));
  xmax = ceil  (MAX4 (x1s, x2s, x3s, x4s));
  ymax = ceil  (MAX4 (y1s, y2s, y3s, y4s));

  xmin = CLAMP (xmin - 1, 0, tile_manager_width  (src_tiles));
  ymin = CLAMP (ymin - 1, 0, tile_manager_height (src_tiles));
  xmax = CLAMP (xmax + 1, 0, tile_manager_width  (src_tiles));
  ymax = CLAMP (ymax + 1, 0, tile_manager_height (src_tiles));

  /* if the source area is completely out of the image */
  if (!(xmax - xmin) || !(ymax - ymin))
    return FALSE;

  /*  If the source image is different from the destination,
   *  then we should copy straight from the source image
   *  to the canvas.
   *  Otherwise, we need a call to get_orig_image to make sure
   *  we get a copy of the unblemished (offset) image
  if ((  options->sample_merged && (src_image                 != image)) ||
      (! options->sample_merged && (source_core->src_drawable != drawable)))
      pixel_region_init (&origPR, src_tiles,
                         xmin, ymin, xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin, FALSE);
      TempBuf *orig;

      /*  get the original image  */
      if (options->sample_merged)
        orig = gimp_paint_core_get_orig_proj (paint_core,
                                              xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);
        orig = gimp_paint_core_get_orig_image (paint_core,
                                               GIMP_DRAWABLE (src_pickable),
                                               xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);

      pixel_region_init_temp_buf (&origPR, orig,
                                  0, 0, xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin);

  /*  copy the original image to a tile manager, adding alpha if needed  */


  orig_tiles = tile_manager_new (xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin, bytes);

  tile_manager_set_offsets (orig_tiles, xmin, ymin);

  pixel_region_init (&destPR, orig_tiles,
                     0, 0, xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin,

  if (bytes > origPR.bytes)
    add_alpha_region (&origPR, &destPR);
    copy_region (&origPR, &destPR);

  clone->src_area = temp_buf_resize (clone->src_area,
                                     tile_manager_bpp (orig_tiles),
                                     0, 0,
                                     x2d - x1d, y2d - y1d);

  pixel_region_init_temp_buf (&destPR, clone->src_area,
                              0, 0,
                              x2d - x1d, y2d - y1d);

  gimp_perspective_clone_get_matrix (clone, &matrix);

  gimp_transform_region (src_pickable,
                         GIMP_CONTEXT (paint_options),
                         x1d, y1d, x2d, y2d,
                         GIMP_INTERPOLATION_LINEAR, 0, NULL);

  tile_manager_unref (orig_tiles);

  pixel_region_init_temp_buf (srcPR, clone->src_area,
                              0, 0, x2d - x1d, y2d - y1d);

  return TRUE;