Ejemplo n.º 1
Real SEDistance<Real, TVector>::GetDerivativeSquared(Real fT, 
    const TVector& rVelocity0, const TVector& rVelocity1)
    // 派生类如果有更快的方法计算距离平方的导数,则应重载这个函数.
    Real fDistance = Get(fT, rVelocity0, rVelocity1);
    Real fDerivative = GetDerivative(fT, rVelocity0, rVelocity1);

    return ((Real)2.0)*fDistance*fDerivative;
Ejemplo n.º 2
Real Distance<Real,TVector>::GetDerivativeSquared (Real t,
    const TVector& velocity0, const TVector& velocity1)
    // A derived class should override this only if there is a faster method
    // to compute the derivative of the squared distance for the specific
    // class.
    Real distance = Get(t, velocity0, velocity1);
    Real derivative = GetDerivative(t, velocity0, velocity1);
    return ((Real)2)*distance*derivative;
Ejemplo n.º 3
Real SEDistance<Real, TVector>::Get(Real fTMin, Real fTMax, 
    const TVector& rVelocity0, const TVector& rVelocity1)
    // 假设基于函数f(t)是convex function的前提下.
    // 如果f'(tmin) >= 0,则最小值在tmin处.
    // 如果f'(tmax) <= 0,则最小值在tmax处.
    // 否则,f'(tmin) < 0且f'(tmax) > 0,最小值在(tmin,tmax)区间内.

    Real fT0 = fTMin;
    Real fF0 = Get(fT0, rVelocity0, rVelocity1);
    if( fF0 <= ZeroThreshold )
        // 距离几乎为零.
        // 对象初始时刻接触.
        m_fContactTime = fT0;

        return (Real)0.0;
    Real fDF0 = GetDerivative(fT0, rVelocity0, rVelocity1);
    if( fDF0 >= (Real)0.0 )
        // 距离在[tmin, tmax]上持续增大.
        m_fContactTime = fT0;

        return fF0;

    Real fT1 = fTMax;
    Real fF1 = Get(fT1, rVelocity0, rVelocity1);
    if( fF1 <= ZeroThreshold )
        // 距离几乎为零.
        m_fContactTime = fT1;

        return (Real)0.0;
    Real fDF1 = GetDerivative(fT1, rVelocity0, rVelocity1);
    if( fDF1 <= (Real)0.0 )
        // 距离在[tmin, tmax]上持续减小.
        m_fContactTime = fT1;

        return fF1;

    // 用牛顿法计算函数值为0时的自变量t值.
    // 在该过程中,如果距离不能达到0值,则切换到一个numerical minimizer.
    int i;
    for( i = 0; i < MaximumIterations; i++ )
        // 计算下一次牛顿迭代位置.
        Real fT = fT0 - fF0/fDF0;
        if( fT >= fTMax )
            // 函数图形的凸性确保当这种情况发生时,距离总是正值.
            // 切换到一个numerical minimizer.

        Real fF = Get(fT, rVelocity0, rVelocity1);
        if( fF <= ZeroThreshold )
            // 距离几乎为零.
            m_fContactTime = fT;

            return (Real)0.0;

        Real fDF = GetDerivative(fT, rVelocity0, rVelocity1);
        if( fDF >= (Real)0.0 )
            // 函数图形的凸性确保当这种情况发生时,距离总是正值.
            // 切换到一个numerical minimizer.

        fT0 = fT;
        fF0 = fF;
        fDF0 = fDF;

    if( i == MaximumIterations )
        // 在指定迭代次数内函数没能收敛到0值附近.
        // 到达这里时,函数的导数必定都为负值,
        // 因此把最后一次迭代时刻t的函数值作为距离值返回.
        m_fContactTime = fT0;

        return fF0;

    // 距离总是正值.
    // 用二分法查找导函数的根.
    Real fTm = fT0;
    for( i = 0; i < MaximumIterations; i++ )
        fTm = ((Real)0.5)*(fT0 + fT1);
        Real fDFm = GetDerivative(fTm, rVelocity0, rVelocity1);
        Real fProduct = fDFm*fDF0;
        if( fProduct < -ZeroThreshold )
            fT1 = fTm;
            fDF1 = fDFm;
        else if( fProduct > ZeroThreshold )
            fT0 = fTm;
            fDF0 = fDFm;

    // 这是函数发生最小值的t值,但不是contact time.
    // 存储该值用于debugging.
    m_fContactTime = fTm;
    Real fFm = Get(fTm, rVelocity0, rVelocity1);

    return fFm;
Ejemplo n.º 4
Real Distance<Real,TVector>::Get (Real tmin, Real tmax,
    const TVector& velocity0, const TVector& velocity1)
    // The assumption is that distance f(t) is a convex function.  If
    // f'(tmin) >= 0, then the minimum occurs at tmin.  If f'(tmax) <= 0,
    // then the minimum occurs at tmax.  Otherwise, f'(0) < 0 and
    // f'(tmax) > 0 and the minimum occurs at some t in (tmin,tmax).

    Real t0 = tmin;
    Real f0 = Get(t0, velocity0, velocity1);
    if (f0 <= ZeroThreshold)
        // The distance is effectively zero.  The objects are initially in
        // contact.
        mContactTime = t0;
        return (Real)0;
    Real df0 = GetDerivative(t0, velocity0, velocity1);
    if (df0 >= (Real)0)
        // The distance is increasing on [0,tmax].
        mContactTime = t0;
        return f0;

    Real t1 = tmax;
    Real f1 = Get(t1, velocity0, velocity1);
    if (f1 <= ZeroThreshold)
        // The distance is effectively zero.
        mContactTime = t1;
        return (Real)0;
    Real df1 = GetDerivative(t1, velocity0, velocity1);
    if (df1 <= (Real)0)
        // The distance is decreasing on [0,tmax].
        mContactTime = t1;
        return f1;

    // Start the process with Newton's method for computing a time when the
    // distance is zero.  During this process we will switch to a numerical
    // minimizer if we decide that the distance cannot be zero.
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < MaximumIterations; ++i)
        // Compute the next Newton's iterate.
        Real t = t0 - f0/df0;
        if (t >= tmax)
            // The convexity of the graph guarantees that when this condition
            // happens, the distance is always positive.  Switch to a
            // numerical minimizer.

        Real f = Get(t, velocity0, velocity1);
        if (f <= ZeroThreshold)
            // The distance is effectively zero.
            mContactTime = t;
            return (Real)0;

        Real df = GetDerivative(t, velocity0, velocity1);
        if (df >= (Real)0)
            // The convexity of the graph guarantees that when this condition
            // happens, the distance is always positive.  Switch to a
            // numerical minimizer.

        t0 = t;
        f0 = f;
        df0 = df;

    if (i == MaximumIterations)
        // Failed to converge within desired number of iterations.  To
        // reach here, the derivative values were always negative, so report
        // the distance at the last time.
        mContactTime = t0;
        return f0;

    // The distance is always positive.  Use bisection to find the root of
    // the derivative function.
    Real tm = t0;
    for (i = 0; i < MaximumIterations; ++i)
        tm = ((Real)0.5)*(t0 + t1);
        Real dfm = GetDerivative(tm, velocity0, velocity1);
        Real product = dfm*df0;
        if (product < -ZeroThreshold)
            t1 = tm;
            df1 = dfm;
        else if (product > ZeroThreshold)
            t0 = tm;
            df0 = dfm;

    // This is the time at which the minimum occurs and is not the contact
    // time.  Store it anyway for debugging purposes.
    mContactTime = tm;
    Real fm = Get(tm, velocity0, velocity1);
    return fm;
Ejemplo n.º 5
Real Distance<Real,TVector>::Get (Real fTMin, Real fTMax,
    const TVector& rkVelocity0, const TVector& rkVelocity1)
    // The assumption is that distance f(t) is a convex function.  If
    // f'(tmin) >= 0, then the minimum occurs at tmin.  If f'(tmax) <= 0,
    // then the minimum occurs at tmax.  Otherwise, f'(0) < 0 and
    // f'(tmax) > 0 and the minimum occurs at some t in (tmin,tmax).

    Real fT0 = fTMin;
    Real fF0 = Get(fT0,rkVelocity0,rkVelocity1);
    if (fF0 <= ZeroThreshold)
        // The distance is effectively zero.  The objects are initially in
        // contact.
        m_fContactTime = fT0;
        return (Real)0.0;
    Real fDF0 = GetDerivative(fT0,rkVelocity0,rkVelocity1);
    if (fDF0 >= (Real)0.0)
        // The distance is increasing on [0,tmax].
        m_fContactTime = fT0;
        return fF0;

    Real fT1 = fTMax;
    Real fF1 = Get(fT1,rkVelocity0,rkVelocity1);
    if (fF1 <= ZeroThreshold)
        // The distance is effectively zero.
        m_fContactTime = fT1;
        return (Real)0.0;
    Real fDF1 = GetDerivative(fT1,rkVelocity0,rkVelocity1);
    if (fDF1 <= (Real)0.0)
        // The distance is decreasing on [0,tmax].
        m_fContactTime = fT1;
        return fF1;

    // Start the process with Newton's method for computing a time when the
    // distance is zero.  During this process we will switch to a numerical
    // minimizer if we decide that the distance cannot be zero.
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < MaximumIterations; i++)
        // compute the next Newton's iterate
        Real fT = fT0 - fF0/fDF0;
        if (fT >= fTMax)
            // The convexity of the graph guarantees that when this condition
            // happens, the distance is always positive.  Switch to a
            // numerical minimizer.

        Real fF = Get(fT,rkVelocity0,rkVelocity1);
        if (fF <= ZeroThreshold)
            // The distance is effectively zero.
            m_fContactTime = fT;
            return (Real)0.0;

        Real fDF = GetDerivative(fT,rkVelocity0,rkVelocity1);
        if (fDF >= (Real)0.0)
            // The convexity of the graph guarantees that when this condition
            // happens, the distance is always positive.  Switch to a
            // numerical minimizer.

        fT0 = fT;
        fF0 = fF;
        fDF0 = fDF;

    if (i == MaximumIterations)
        // Failed to converge within desired number of iterations.  To
        // reach here, the derivative values were always negative, so report
        // the distance at the last time.
        m_fContactTime = fT0;
        return fF0;

    // The distance is always positive.  Use bisection to find the root of
    // the derivative function.
    Real fTm = fT0;
    for (i = 0; i < MaximumIterations; i++)
        fTm = ((Real)0.5)*(fT0 + fT1);
        Real fDFm = GetDerivative(fTm,rkVelocity0,rkVelocity1);
        Real fProduct = fDFm*fDF0;
        if (fProduct < -ZeroThreshold)
            fT1 = fTm;
            fDF1 = fDFm;
        else if (fProduct > ZeroThreshold)
            fT0 = fTm;
            fDF0 = fDFm;

    // This is the time at which the minimum occurs and is not the contact
    // time.  Store it anyway for debugging purposes.
    m_fContactTime = fTm;
    Real fFm = Get(fTm,rkVelocity0,rkVelocity1);
    return fFm;