Ejemplo n.º 1
jpeg_idct_float (j_decompress_ptr cinfo, jpeg_component_info * compptr,
     JCOEFPTR coef_block,
     JSAMPARRAY output_buf, JDIMENSION output_col)
  FAST_FLOAT tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, tmp5, tmp6, tmp7;
  FAST_FLOAT tmp10, tmp11, tmp12, tmp13;
  FAST_FLOAT z5, z10, z11, z12, z13;
  JCOEFPTR inptr;
  FLOAT_MULT_TYPE * quantptr;
  FAST_FLOAT * wsptr;
  JSAMPROW outptr;
  JSAMPLE *range_limit = IDCT_range_limit(cinfo);
  int ctr;
  FAST_FLOAT workspace[DCTSIZE2]; /* buffers data between passes */

  /* Pass 1: process columns from input, store into work array. */

  inptr = coef_block;
  quantptr = (FLOAT_MULT_TYPE *) compptr->dct_table;
  wsptr = workspace;
  for (ctr = DCTSIZE; ctr > 0; ctr--) {
    /* Due to quantization, we will usually find that many of the input
     * coefficients are zero, especially the AC terms.  We can exploit this
     * by short-circuiting the IDCT calculation for any column in which all
     * the AC terms are zero.  In that case each output is equal to the
     * DC coefficient (with scale factor as needed).
     * With typical images and quantization tables, half or more of the
     * column DCT calculations can be simplified this way.

    if (inptr[DCTSIZE*1] == 0 && inptr[DCTSIZE*2] == 0 &&
        inptr[DCTSIZE*3] == 0 && inptr[DCTSIZE*4] == 0 &&
        inptr[DCTSIZE*5] == 0 && inptr[DCTSIZE*6] == 0 &&
        inptr[DCTSIZE*7] == 0) {
      /* AC terms all zero */
      FAST_FLOAT dcval = DEQUANTIZE(inptr[DCTSIZE*0], quantptr[DCTSIZE*0]);

      wsptr[DCTSIZE*0] = dcval;
      wsptr[DCTSIZE*1] = dcval;
      wsptr[DCTSIZE*2] = dcval;
      wsptr[DCTSIZE*3] = dcval;
      wsptr[DCTSIZE*4] = dcval;
      wsptr[DCTSIZE*5] = dcval;
      wsptr[DCTSIZE*6] = dcval;
      wsptr[DCTSIZE*7] = dcval;

      inptr++;      /* advance pointers to next column */

    /* Even part */

    tmp0 = DEQUANTIZE(inptr[DCTSIZE*0], quantptr[DCTSIZE*0]);
    tmp1 = DEQUANTIZE(inptr[DCTSIZE*2], quantptr[DCTSIZE*2]);
    tmp2 = DEQUANTIZE(inptr[DCTSIZE*4], quantptr[DCTSIZE*4]);
    tmp3 = DEQUANTIZE(inptr[DCTSIZE*6], quantptr[DCTSIZE*6]);

    tmp10 = tmp0 + tmp2;  /* phase 3 */
    tmp11 = tmp0 - tmp2;

    tmp13 = tmp1 + tmp3;  /* phases 5-3 */
    tmp12 = (tmp1 - tmp3) * ((FAST_FLOAT) 1.414213562) - tmp13; /* 2*c4 */

    tmp0 = tmp10 + tmp13; /* phase 2 */
    tmp3 = tmp10 - tmp13;
    tmp1 = tmp11 + tmp12;
    tmp2 = tmp11 - tmp12;

    /* Odd part */

    tmp4 = DEQUANTIZE(inptr[DCTSIZE*1], quantptr[DCTSIZE*1]);
    tmp5 = DEQUANTIZE(inptr[DCTSIZE*3], quantptr[DCTSIZE*3]);
    tmp6 = DEQUANTIZE(inptr[DCTSIZE*5], quantptr[DCTSIZE*5]);
    tmp7 = DEQUANTIZE(inptr[DCTSIZE*7], quantptr[DCTSIZE*7]);

    z13 = tmp6 + tmp5;    /* phase 6 */
    z10 = tmp6 - tmp5;
    z11 = tmp4 + tmp7;
    z12 = tmp4 - tmp7;

    tmp7 = z11 + z13;   /* phase 5 */
    tmp11 = (z11 - z13) * ((FAST_FLOAT) 1.414213562); /* 2*c4 */

    z5 = (z10 + z12) * ((FAST_FLOAT) 1.847759065); /* 2*c2 */
    tmp10 = ((FAST_FLOAT) 1.082392200) * z12 - z5; /* 2*(c2-c6) */
    tmp12 = ((FAST_FLOAT) -2.613125930) * z10 + z5; /* -2*(c2+c6) */

    tmp6 = tmp12 - tmp7;  /* phase 2 */
    tmp5 = tmp11 - tmp6;
    tmp4 = tmp10 + tmp5;

    wsptr[DCTSIZE*0] = tmp0 + tmp7;
    wsptr[DCTSIZE*7] = tmp0 - tmp7;
    wsptr[DCTSIZE*1] = tmp1 + tmp6;
    wsptr[DCTSIZE*6] = tmp1 - tmp6;
    wsptr[DCTSIZE*2] = tmp2 + tmp5;
    wsptr[DCTSIZE*5] = tmp2 - tmp5;
    wsptr[DCTSIZE*4] = tmp3 + tmp4;
    wsptr[DCTSIZE*3] = tmp3 - tmp4;

    inptr++;      /* advance pointers to next column */

  /* Pass 2: process rows from work array, store into output array. */
  /* Note that we must descale the results by a factor of 8 == 2**3. */

  wsptr = workspace;
  for (ctr = 0; ctr < DCTSIZE; ctr++) {
    outptr = output_buf[ctr] + output_col;
    /* Rows of zeroes can be exploited in the same way as we did with columns.
     * However, the column calculation has created many nonzero AC terms, so
     * the simplification applies less often (typically 5% to 10% of the time).
     * And testing floats for zero is relatively expensive, so we don't bother.

    /* Even part */

    tmp10 = wsptr[0] + wsptr[4];
    tmp11 = wsptr[0] - wsptr[4];

    tmp13 = wsptr[2] + wsptr[6];
    tmp12 = (wsptr[2] - wsptr[6]) * ((FAST_FLOAT) 1.414213562) - tmp13;

    tmp0 = tmp10 + tmp13;
    tmp3 = tmp10 - tmp13;
    tmp1 = tmp11 + tmp12;
    tmp2 = tmp11 - tmp12;

    /* Odd part */

    z13 = wsptr[5] + wsptr[3];
    z10 = wsptr[5] - wsptr[3];
    z11 = wsptr[1] + wsptr[7];
    z12 = wsptr[1] - wsptr[7];

    tmp7 = z11 + z13;
    tmp11 = (z11 - z13) * ((FAST_FLOAT) 1.414213562);

    z5 = (z10 + z12) * ((FAST_FLOAT) 1.847759065); /* 2*c2 */
    tmp10 = ((FAST_FLOAT) 1.082392200) * z12 - z5; /* 2*(c2-c6) */
    tmp12 = ((FAST_FLOAT) -2.613125930) * z10 + z5; /* -2*(c2+c6) */

    tmp6 = tmp12 - tmp7;
    tmp5 = tmp11 - tmp6;
    tmp4 = tmp10 + tmp5;

    /* Final output stage: scale down by a factor of 8 and range-limit */

    outptr[0] = range_limit[(int) DESCALE((INT32) (tmp0 + tmp7), 3)
          & RANGE_MASK];
    outptr[7] = range_limit[(int) DESCALE((INT32) (tmp0 - tmp7), 3)
          & RANGE_MASK];
    outptr[1] = range_limit[(int) DESCALE((INT32) (tmp1 + tmp6), 3)
          & RANGE_MASK];
    outptr[6] = range_limit[(int) DESCALE((INT32) (tmp1 - tmp6), 3)
          & RANGE_MASK];
    outptr[2] = range_limit[(int) DESCALE((INT32) (tmp2 + tmp5), 3)
          & RANGE_MASK];
    outptr[5] = range_limit[(int) DESCALE((INT32) (tmp2 - tmp5), 3)
          & RANGE_MASK];
    outptr[4] = range_limit[(int) DESCALE((INT32) (tmp3 + tmp4), 3)
          & RANGE_MASK];
    outptr[3] = range_limit[(int) DESCALE((INT32) (tmp3 - tmp4), 3)
          & RANGE_MASK];

    wsptr += DCTSIZE;   /* advance pointer to next row */
Ejemplo n.º 2
jpeg_idct_islow (j_decompress_ptr cinfo, jpeg_component_info * compptr,
		 JCOEFPTR coef_block,
		 JSAMPARRAY output_buf, JDIMENSION output_col)
  IJG_INT32 tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3;
  IJG_INT32 tmp10, tmp11, tmp12, tmp13;
  IJG_INT32 z1, z2, z3, z4, z5;
  JCOEFPTR inptr;
  ISLOW_MULT_TYPE * quantptr;
  int * wsptr;
  JSAMPROW outptr;
  JSAMPLE *range_limit = IDCT_range_limit(cinfo);
  int ctr;
  int workspace[DCTSIZE2];	/* buffers data between passes */

  /* Pass 1: process columns from input, store into work array. */
  /* Note results are scaled up by sqrt(8) compared to a true IDCT; */
  /* furthermore, we scale the results by 2**PASS1_BITS. */

  inptr = coef_block;
  quantptr = (ISLOW_MULT_TYPE *) compptr->dct_table;
  wsptr = workspace;
  for (ctr = DCTSIZE; ctr > 0; ctr--) {
    /* Due to quantization, we will usually find that many of the input
     * coefficients are zero, especially the AC terms.  We can exploit this
     * by short-circuiting the IDCT calculation for any column in which all
     * the AC terms are zero.  In that case each output is equal to the
     * DC coefficient (with scale factor as needed).
     * With typical images and quantization tables, half or more of the
     * column DCT calculations can be simplified this way.
    if (inptr[DCTSIZE*1] == 0 && inptr[DCTSIZE*2] == 0 &&
	inptr[DCTSIZE*3] == 0 && inptr[DCTSIZE*4] == 0 &&
	inptr[DCTSIZE*5] == 0 && inptr[DCTSIZE*6] == 0 &&
	inptr[DCTSIZE*7] == 0) {
      /* AC terms all zero */
      int dcval = DEQUANTIZE(inptr[DCTSIZE*0], quantptr[DCTSIZE*0]) << PASS1_BITS;
      wsptr[DCTSIZE*0] = dcval;
      wsptr[DCTSIZE*1] = dcval;
      wsptr[DCTSIZE*2] = dcval;
      wsptr[DCTSIZE*3] = dcval;
      wsptr[DCTSIZE*4] = dcval;
      wsptr[DCTSIZE*5] = dcval;
      wsptr[DCTSIZE*6] = dcval;
      wsptr[DCTSIZE*7] = dcval;
      inptr++;			/* advance pointers to next column */
    /* Even part: reverse the even part of the forward DCT. */
    /* The rotator is sqrt(2)*c(-6). */
    z2 = DEQUANTIZE(inptr[DCTSIZE*2], quantptr[DCTSIZE*2]);
    z3 = DEQUANTIZE(inptr[DCTSIZE*6], quantptr[DCTSIZE*6]);
    z1 = MULTIPLY(z2 + z3, FIX_0_541196100);
    tmp2 = z1 + MULTIPLY(z3, - FIX_1_847759065);
    tmp3 = z1 + MULTIPLY(z2, FIX_0_765366865);
    z2 = DEQUANTIZE(inptr[DCTSIZE*0], quantptr[DCTSIZE*0]);
    z3 = DEQUANTIZE(inptr[DCTSIZE*4], quantptr[DCTSIZE*4]);

    tmp0 = (z2 + z3) << CONST_BITS;
    tmp1 = (z2 - z3) << CONST_BITS;
    tmp10 = tmp0 + tmp3;
    tmp13 = tmp0 - tmp3;
    tmp11 = tmp1 + tmp2;
    tmp12 = tmp1 - tmp2;
    /* Odd part per figure 8; the matrix is unitary and hence its
     * transpose is its inverse.  i0..i3 are y7,y5,y3,y1 respectively.
    tmp0 = DEQUANTIZE(inptr[DCTSIZE*7], quantptr[DCTSIZE*7]);
    tmp1 = DEQUANTIZE(inptr[DCTSIZE*5], quantptr[DCTSIZE*5]);
    tmp2 = DEQUANTIZE(inptr[DCTSIZE*3], quantptr[DCTSIZE*3]);
    tmp3 = DEQUANTIZE(inptr[DCTSIZE*1], quantptr[DCTSIZE*1]);
    z1 = tmp0 + tmp3;
    z2 = tmp1 + tmp2;
    z3 = tmp0 + tmp2;
    z4 = tmp1 + tmp3;
    z5 = MULTIPLY(z3 + z4, FIX_1_175875602); /* sqrt(2) * c3 */
    tmp0 = MULTIPLY(tmp0, FIX_0_298631336); /* sqrt(2) * (-c1+c3+c5-c7) */
    tmp1 = MULTIPLY(tmp1, FIX_2_053119869); /* sqrt(2) * ( c1+c3-c5+c7) */
    tmp2 = MULTIPLY(tmp2, FIX_3_072711026); /* sqrt(2) * ( c1+c3+c5-c7) */
    tmp3 = MULTIPLY(tmp3, FIX_1_501321110); /* sqrt(2) * ( c1+c3-c5-c7) */
    z1 = MULTIPLY(z1, - FIX_0_899976223); /* sqrt(2) * (c7-c3) */
    z2 = MULTIPLY(z2, - FIX_2_562915447); /* sqrt(2) * (-c1-c3) */
    z3 = MULTIPLY(z3, - FIX_1_961570560); /* sqrt(2) * (-c3-c5) */
    z4 = MULTIPLY(z4, - FIX_0_390180644); /* sqrt(2) * (c5-c3) */
    z3 += z5;
    z4 += z5;
    tmp0 += z1 + z3;
    tmp1 += z2 + z4;
    tmp2 += z2 + z3;
    tmp3 += z1 + z4;
    /* Final output stage: inputs are tmp10..tmp13, tmp0..tmp3 */
    wsptr[DCTSIZE*0] = (int) DESCALE(tmp10 + tmp3, CONST_BITS-PASS1_BITS);
    wsptr[DCTSIZE*7] = (int) DESCALE(tmp10 - tmp3, CONST_BITS-PASS1_BITS);
    wsptr[DCTSIZE*1] = (int) DESCALE(tmp11 + tmp2, CONST_BITS-PASS1_BITS);
    wsptr[DCTSIZE*6] = (int) DESCALE(tmp11 - tmp2, CONST_BITS-PASS1_BITS);
    wsptr[DCTSIZE*2] = (int) DESCALE(tmp12 + tmp1, CONST_BITS-PASS1_BITS);
    wsptr[DCTSIZE*5] = (int) DESCALE(tmp12 - tmp1, CONST_BITS-PASS1_BITS);
    wsptr[DCTSIZE*3] = (int) DESCALE(tmp13 + tmp0, CONST_BITS-PASS1_BITS);
    wsptr[DCTSIZE*4] = (int) DESCALE(tmp13 - tmp0, CONST_BITS-PASS1_BITS);
    inptr++;			/* advance pointers to next column */
  /* Pass 2: process rows from work array, store into output array. */
  /* Note that we must descale the results by a factor of 8 == 2**3, */
  /* and also undo the PASS1_BITS scaling. */

  wsptr = workspace;
  for (ctr = 0; ctr < DCTSIZE; ctr++) {
    outptr = output_buf[ctr] + output_col;
    /* Rows of zeroes can be exploited in the same way as we did with columns.
     * However, the column calculation has created many nonzero AC terms, so
     * the simplification applies less often (typically 5% to 10% of the time).
     * On machines with very fast multiplication, it's possible that the
     * test takes more time than it's worth.  In that case this section
     * may be commented out.
    if (wsptr[1] == 0 && wsptr[2] == 0 && wsptr[3] == 0 && wsptr[4] == 0 &&
	wsptr[5] == 0 && wsptr[6] == 0 && wsptr[7] == 0) {
      /* AC terms all zero */
      JSAMPLE dcval = range_limit[(int) DESCALE((IJG_INT32) wsptr[0], PASS1_BITS+3)
				  & RANGE_MASK];
      outptr[0] = dcval;
      outptr[1] = dcval;
      outptr[2] = dcval;
      outptr[3] = dcval;
      outptr[4] = dcval;
      outptr[5] = dcval;
      outptr[6] = dcval;
      outptr[7] = dcval;

      wsptr += DCTSIZE;		/* advance pointer to next row */
    /* Even part: reverse the even part of the forward DCT. */
    /* The rotator is sqrt(2)*c(-6). */
    z2 = (IJG_INT32) wsptr[2];
    z3 = (IJG_INT32) wsptr[6];
    z1 = MULTIPLY(z2 + z3, FIX_0_541196100);
    tmp2 = z1 + MULTIPLY(z3, - FIX_1_847759065);
    tmp3 = z1 + MULTIPLY(z2, FIX_0_765366865);
    tmp0 = ((IJG_INT32) wsptr[0] + (IJG_INT32) wsptr[4]) << CONST_BITS;
    tmp1 = ((IJG_INT32) wsptr[0] - (IJG_INT32) wsptr[4]) << CONST_BITS;
    tmp10 = tmp0 + tmp3;
    tmp13 = tmp0 - tmp3;
    tmp11 = tmp1 + tmp2;
    tmp12 = tmp1 - tmp2;
    /* Odd part per figure 8; the matrix is unitary and hence its
     * transpose is its inverse.  i0..i3 are y7,y5,y3,y1 respectively.
    tmp0 = (IJG_INT32) wsptr[7];
    tmp1 = (IJG_INT32) wsptr[5];
    tmp2 = (IJG_INT32) wsptr[3];
    tmp3 = (IJG_INT32) wsptr[1];
    z1 = tmp0 + tmp3;
    z2 = tmp1 + tmp2;
    z3 = tmp0 + tmp2;
    z4 = tmp1 + tmp3;
    z5 = MULTIPLY(z3 + z4, FIX_1_175875602); /* sqrt(2) * c3 */
    tmp0 = MULTIPLY(tmp0, FIX_0_298631336); /* sqrt(2) * (-c1+c3+c5-c7) */
    tmp1 = MULTIPLY(tmp1, FIX_2_053119869); /* sqrt(2) * ( c1+c3-c5+c7) */
    tmp2 = MULTIPLY(tmp2, FIX_3_072711026); /* sqrt(2) * ( c1+c3+c5-c7) */
    tmp3 = MULTIPLY(tmp3, FIX_1_501321110); /* sqrt(2) * ( c1+c3-c5-c7) */
    z1 = MULTIPLY(z1, - FIX_0_899976223); /* sqrt(2) * (c7-c3) */
    z2 = MULTIPLY(z2, - FIX_2_562915447); /* sqrt(2) * (-c1-c3) */
    z3 = MULTIPLY(z3, - FIX_1_961570560); /* sqrt(2) * (-c3-c5) */
    z4 = MULTIPLY(z4, - FIX_0_390180644); /* sqrt(2) * (c5-c3) */
    z3 += z5;
    z4 += z5;
    tmp0 += z1 + z3;
    tmp1 += z2 + z4;
    tmp2 += z2 + z3;
    tmp3 += z1 + z4;
    /* Final output stage: inputs are tmp10..tmp13, tmp0..tmp3 */
    outptr[0] = range_limit[(int) DESCALE(tmp10 + tmp3,
			    & RANGE_MASK];
    outptr[7] = range_limit[(int) DESCALE(tmp10 - tmp3,
			    & RANGE_MASK];
    outptr[1] = range_limit[(int) DESCALE(tmp11 + tmp2,
			    & RANGE_MASK];
    outptr[6] = range_limit[(int) DESCALE(tmp11 - tmp2,
			    & RANGE_MASK];
    outptr[2] = range_limit[(int) DESCALE(tmp12 + tmp1,
			    & RANGE_MASK];
    outptr[5] = range_limit[(int) DESCALE(tmp12 - tmp1,
			    & RANGE_MASK];
    outptr[3] = range_limit[(int) DESCALE(tmp13 + tmp0,
			    & RANGE_MASK];
    outptr[4] = range_limit[(int) DESCALE(tmp13 - tmp0,
			    & RANGE_MASK];
    wsptr += DCTSIZE;		/* advance pointer to next row */
Ejemplo n.º 3
openexif_jpeg_idct_4x4 (oe_j_decompress_ptr cinfo, openexif_jpeg_component_info * compptr,
	       OE_JCOEFPTR coef_block,
	       OE_JSAMPARRAY output_buf, OE_JDIMENSION output_col)
  INT32 tmp0, tmp2, tmp10, tmp12;
  INT32 z1, z2, z3, z4;
  OE_JCOEFPTR inptr;
  ISLOW_MULT_TYPE * quantptr;
  int * wsptr;
  OE_JSAMPROW outptr;
  OE_JSAMPLE *range_limit = IDCT_range_limit(cinfo);
  int ctr;
  int workspace[DCTSIZE*4];	/* buffers data between passes */

  /* Pass 1: process columns from input, store into work array. */

  inptr = coef_block;
  quantptr = (ISLOW_MULT_TYPE *) compptr->dct_table;
  wsptr = workspace;
  for (ctr = DCTSIZE; ctr > 0; inptr++, quantptr++, wsptr++, ctr--) {
    /* Don't bother to process column 4, because second pass won't use it */
    if (ctr == DCTSIZE-4)
    if (inptr[DCTSIZE*1] == 0 && inptr[DCTSIZE*2] == 0 &&
	inptr[DCTSIZE*3] == 0 && inptr[DCTSIZE*5] == 0 &&
	inptr[DCTSIZE*6] == 0 && inptr[DCTSIZE*7] == 0) {
      /* AC terms all zero; we need not examine term 4 for 4x4 output */
      int dcval = DEQUANTIZE(inptr[DCTSIZE*0], quantptr[DCTSIZE*0]) << PASS1_BITS;
      wsptr[DCTSIZE*0] = dcval;
      wsptr[DCTSIZE*1] = dcval;
      wsptr[DCTSIZE*2] = dcval;
      wsptr[DCTSIZE*3] = dcval;
    /* Even part */
    tmp0 = DEQUANTIZE(inptr[DCTSIZE*0], quantptr[DCTSIZE*0]);
    tmp0 <<= (CONST_BITS+1);
    z2 = DEQUANTIZE(inptr[DCTSIZE*2], quantptr[DCTSIZE*2]);
    z3 = DEQUANTIZE(inptr[DCTSIZE*6], quantptr[DCTSIZE*6]);

    tmp2 = MULTIPLY(z2, FIX_1_847759065) + MULTIPLY(z3, - FIX_0_765366865);
    tmp10 = tmp0 + tmp2;
    tmp12 = tmp0 - tmp2;
    /* Odd part */
    z1 = DEQUANTIZE(inptr[DCTSIZE*7], quantptr[DCTSIZE*7]);
    z2 = DEQUANTIZE(inptr[DCTSIZE*5], quantptr[DCTSIZE*5]);
    z3 = DEQUANTIZE(inptr[DCTSIZE*3], quantptr[DCTSIZE*3]);
    z4 = DEQUANTIZE(inptr[DCTSIZE*1], quantptr[DCTSIZE*1]);
    tmp0 = MULTIPLY(z1, - FIX_0_211164243) /* sqrt(2) * (c3-c1) */
	 + MULTIPLY(z2, FIX_1_451774981) /* sqrt(2) * (c3+c7) */
	 + MULTIPLY(z3, - FIX_2_172734803) /* sqrt(2) * (-c1-c5) */
	 + MULTIPLY(z4, FIX_1_061594337); /* sqrt(2) * (c5+c7) */
    tmp2 = MULTIPLY(z1, - FIX_0_509795579) /* sqrt(2) * (c7-c5) */
	 + MULTIPLY(z2, - FIX_0_601344887) /* sqrt(2) * (c5-c1) */
	 + MULTIPLY(z3, FIX_0_899976223) /* sqrt(2) * (c3-c7) */
	 + MULTIPLY(z4, FIX_2_562915447); /* sqrt(2) * (c1+c3) */

    /* Final output stage */
    wsptr[DCTSIZE*0] = (int) DESCALE(tmp10 + tmp2, CONST_BITS-PASS1_BITS+1);
    wsptr[DCTSIZE*3] = (int) DESCALE(tmp10 - tmp2, CONST_BITS-PASS1_BITS+1);
    wsptr[DCTSIZE*1] = (int) DESCALE(tmp12 + tmp0, CONST_BITS-PASS1_BITS+1);
    wsptr[DCTSIZE*2] = (int) DESCALE(tmp12 - tmp0, CONST_BITS-PASS1_BITS+1);
  /* Pass 2: process 4 rows from work array, store into output array. */

  wsptr = workspace;
  for (ctr = 0; ctr < 4; ctr++) {
    outptr = output_buf[ctr] + output_col;
    /* It's not clear whether a zero row test is worthwhile here ... */

    if (wsptr[1] == 0 && wsptr[2] == 0 && wsptr[3] == 0 &&
	wsptr[5] == 0 && wsptr[6] == 0 && wsptr[7] == 0) {
      /* AC terms all zero */
      OE_JSAMPLE dcval = range_limit[(int) DESCALE((INT32) wsptr[0], PASS1_BITS+3)
				  & RANGE_MASK];
      outptr[0] = dcval;
      outptr[1] = dcval;
      outptr[2] = dcval;
      outptr[3] = dcval;
      wsptr += DCTSIZE;		/* advance pointer to next row */
    /* Even part */
    tmp0 = ((INT32) wsptr[0]) << (CONST_BITS+1);
    tmp2 = MULTIPLY((INT32) wsptr[2], FIX_1_847759065)
	 + MULTIPLY((INT32) wsptr[6], - FIX_0_765366865);
    tmp10 = tmp0 + tmp2;
    tmp12 = tmp0 - tmp2;
    /* Odd part */
    z1 = (INT32) wsptr[7];
    z2 = (INT32) wsptr[5];
    z3 = (INT32) wsptr[3];
    z4 = (INT32) wsptr[1];
    tmp0 = MULTIPLY(z1, - FIX_0_211164243) /* sqrt(2) * (c3-c1) */
	 + MULTIPLY(z2, FIX_1_451774981) /* sqrt(2) * (c3+c7) */
	 + MULTIPLY(z3, - FIX_2_172734803) /* sqrt(2) * (-c1-c5) */
	 + MULTIPLY(z4, FIX_1_061594337); /* sqrt(2) * (c5+c7) */
    tmp2 = MULTIPLY(z1, - FIX_0_509795579) /* sqrt(2) * (c7-c5) */
	 + MULTIPLY(z2, - FIX_0_601344887) /* sqrt(2) * (c5-c1) */
	 + MULTIPLY(z3, FIX_0_899976223) /* sqrt(2) * (c3-c7) */
	 + MULTIPLY(z4, FIX_2_562915447); /* sqrt(2) * (c1+c3) */

    /* Final output stage */
    outptr[0] = range_limit[(int) DESCALE(tmp10 + tmp2,
			    & RANGE_MASK];
    outptr[3] = range_limit[(int) DESCALE(tmp10 - tmp2,
			    & RANGE_MASK];
    outptr[1] = range_limit[(int) DESCALE(tmp12 + tmp0,
			    & RANGE_MASK];
    outptr[2] = range_limit[(int) DESCALE(tmp12 - tmp0,
			    & RANGE_MASK];
    wsptr += DCTSIZE;		/* advance pointer to next row */
Ejemplo n.º 4
openexif_jpeg_idct_2x2 (oe_j_decompress_ptr cinfo, openexif_jpeg_component_info * compptr,
	       OE_JCOEFPTR coef_block,
	       OE_JSAMPARRAY output_buf, OE_JDIMENSION output_col)
  INT32 tmp0, tmp10, z1;
  OE_JCOEFPTR inptr;
  ISLOW_MULT_TYPE * quantptr;
  int * wsptr;
  OE_JSAMPROW outptr;
  OE_JSAMPLE *range_limit = IDCT_range_limit(cinfo);
  int ctr;
  int workspace[DCTSIZE*2];	/* buffers data between passes */

  /* Pass 1: process columns from input, store into work array. */

  inptr = coef_block;
  quantptr = (ISLOW_MULT_TYPE *) compptr->dct_table;
  wsptr = workspace;
  for (ctr = DCTSIZE; ctr > 0; inptr++, quantptr++, wsptr++, ctr--) {
    /* Don't bother to process columns 2,4,6 */
    if (ctr == DCTSIZE-2 || ctr == DCTSIZE-4 || ctr == DCTSIZE-6)
    if (inptr[DCTSIZE*1] == 0 && inptr[DCTSIZE*3] == 0 &&
	inptr[DCTSIZE*5] == 0 && inptr[DCTSIZE*7] == 0) {
      /* AC terms all zero; we need not examine terms 2,4,6 for 2x2 output */
      int dcval = DEQUANTIZE(inptr[DCTSIZE*0], quantptr[DCTSIZE*0]) << PASS1_BITS;
      wsptr[DCTSIZE*0] = dcval;
      wsptr[DCTSIZE*1] = dcval;
    /* Even part */
    z1 = DEQUANTIZE(inptr[DCTSIZE*0], quantptr[DCTSIZE*0]);
    tmp10 = z1 << (CONST_BITS+2);
    /* Odd part */

    z1 = DEQUANTIZE(inptr[DCTSIZE*7], quantptr[DCTSIZE*7]);
    tmp0 = MULTIPLY(z1, - FIX_0_720959822); /* sqrt(2) * (c7-c5+c3-c1) */
    z1 = DEQUANTIZE(inptr[DCTSIZE*5], quantptr[DCTSIZE*5]);
    tmp0 += MULTIPLY(z1, FIX_0_850430095); /* sqrt(2) * (-c1+c3+c5+c7) */
    z1 = DEQUANTIZE(inptr[DCTSIZE*3], quantptr[DCTSIZE*3]);
    tmp0 += MULTIPLY(z1, - FIX_1_272758580); /* sqrt(2) * (-c1+c3-c5-c7) */
    z1 = DEQUANTIZE(inptr[DCTSIZE*1], quantptr[DCTSIZE*1]);
    tmp0 += MULTIPLY(z1, FIX_3_624509785); /* sqrt(2) * (c1+c3+c5+c7) */

    /* Final output stage */
    wsptr[DCTSIZE*0] = (int) DESCALE(tmp10 + tmp0, CONST_BITS-PASS1_BITS+2);
    wsptr[DCTSIZE*1] = (int) DESCALE(tmp10 - tmp0, CONST_BITS-PASS1_BITS+2);
  /* Pass 2: process 2 rows from work array, store into output array. */

  wsptr = workspace;
  for (ctr = 0; ctr < 2; ctr++) {
    outptr = output_buf[ctr] + output_col;
    /* It's not clear whether a zero row test is worthwhile here ... */

    if (wsptr[1] == 0 && wsptr[3] == 0 && wsptr[5] == 0 && wsptr[7] == 0) {
      /* AC terms all zero */
      OE_JSAMPLE dcval = range_limit[(int) DESCALE((INT32) wsptr[0], PASS1_BITS+3)
				  & RANGE_MASK];
      outptr[0] = dcval;
      outptr[1] = dcval;
      wsptr += DCTSIZE;		/* advance pointer to next row */
    /* Even part */
    tmp10 = ((INT32) wsptr[0]) << (CONST_BITS+2);
    /* Odd part */

    tmp0 = MULTIPLY((INT32) wsptr[7], - FIX_0_720959822) /* sqrt(2) * (c7-c5+c3-c1) */
	 + MULTIPLY((INT32) wsptr[5], FIX_0_850430095) /* sqrt(2) * (-c1+c3+c5+c7) */
	 + MULTIPLY((INT32) wsptr[3], - FIX_1_272758580) /* sqrt(2) * (-c1+c3-c5-c7) */
	 + MULTIPLY((INT32) wsptr[1], FIX_3_624509785); /* sqrt(2) * (c1+c3+c5+c7) */

    /* Final output stage */
    outptr[0] = range_limit[(int) DESCALE(tmp10 + tmp0,
			    & RANGE_MASK];
    outptr[1] = range_limit[(int) DESCALE(tmp10 - tmp0,
			    & RANGE_MASK];
    wsptr += DCTSIZE;		/* advance pointer to next row */
Ejemplo n.º 5
jpeg_idct_ifast (j_decompress_ptr cinfo, jpeg_component_info * compptr,
		 JCOEFPTR coef_block,
		 JSAMPARRAY output_buf, JDIMENSION output_col)
  DCTELEM tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, tmp5, tmp6, tmp7;
  DCTELEM tmp10, tmp11, tmp12, tmp13;
  DCTELEM z5, z10, z11, z12, z13;
  JCOEFPTR inptr;
  IFAST_MULT_TYPE * quantptr;
  int * wsptr;
  JSAMPROW outptr;
  JSAMPLE *range_limit = IDCT_range_limit(cinfo);
  int ctr;
  int workspace[DCTSIZE2];	/* buffers data between passes */

  /* Pass 1: process columns from input, store into work array. */

  inptr = coef_block;
  quantptr = (IFAST_MULT_TYPE *) compptr->dct_table;
  wsptr = workspace;
  for (ctr = DCTSIZE; ctr > 0; ctr--) {
    /* Due to quantization, we will usually find that many of the input
     * coefficients are zero, especially the AC terms.  We can exploit this
     * by short-circuiting the IDCT calculation for any column in which all
     * the AC terms are zero.  In that case each output is equal to the
     * DC coefficient (with scale factor as needed).
     * With typical images and quantization tables, half or more of the
     * column DCT calculations can be simplified this way.
    if (inptr[DCTSIZE*1] == 0 && inptr[DCTSIZE*2] == 0 &&
	inptr[DCTSIZE*3] == 0 && inptr[DCTSIZE*4] == 0 &&
	inptr[DCTSIZE*5] == 0 && inptr[DCTSIZE*6] == 0 &&
	inptr[DCTSIZE*7] == 0) {
      /* AC terms all zero */
      int dcval = (int) DEQUANTIZE(inptr[DCTSIZE*0], quantptr[DCTSIZE*0]);

      wsptr[DCTSIZE*0] = dcval;
      wsptr[DCTSIZE*1] = dcval;
      wsptr[DCTSIZE*2] = dcval;
      wsptr[DCTSIZE*3] = dcval;
      wsptr[DCTSIZE*4] = dcval;
      wsptr[DCTSIZE*5] = dcval;
      wsptr[DCTSIZE*6] = dcval;
      wsptr[DCTSIZE*7] = dcval;
      inptr++;			/* advance pointers to next column */
    /* Even part */

    tmp0 = DEQUANTIZE(inptr[DCTSIZE*0], quantptr[DCTSIZE*0]);
    tmp1 = DEQUANTIZE(inptr[DCTSIZE*2], quantptr[DCTSIZE*2]);
    tmp2 = DEQUANTIZE(inptr[DCTSIZE*4], quantptr[DCTSIZE*4]);
    tmp3 = DEQUANTIZE(inptr[DCTSIZE*6], quantptr[DCTSIZE*6]);

    tmp10 = tmp0 + tmp2;	/* phase 3 */
    tmp11 = tmp0 - tmp2;

    tmp13 = tmp1 + tmp3;	/* phases 5-3 */
    tmp12 = MULTIPLY(tmp1 - tmp3, FIX_1_414213562) - tmp13; /* 2*c4 */

    tmp0 = tmp10 + tmp13;	/* phase 2 */
    tmp3 = tmp10 - tmp13;
    tmp1 = tmp11 + tmp12;
    tmp2 = tmp11 - tmp12;
    /* Odd part */

    tmp4 = DEQUANTIZE(inptr[DCTSIZE*1], quantptr[DCTSIZE*1]);
    tmp5 = DEQUANTIZE(inptr[DCTSIZE*3], quantptr[DCTSIZE*3]);
    tmp6 = DEQUANTIZE(inptr[DCTSIZE*5], quantptr[DCTSIZE*5]);
    tmp7 = DEQUANTIZE(inptr[DCTSIZE*7], quantptr[DCTSIZE*7]);

    z13 = tmp6 + tmp5;		/* phase 6 */
    z10 = tmp6 - tmp5;
    z11 = tmp4 + tmp7;
    z12 = tmp4 - tmp7;

    tmp7 = z11 + z13;		/* phase 5 */
    tmp11 = MULTIPLY(z11 - z13, FIX_1_414213562); /* 2*c4 */

    z5 = MULTIPLY(z10 + z12, FIX_1_847759065); /* 2*c2 */
    tmp10 = MULTIPLY(z12, FIX_1_082392200) - z5; /* 2*(c2-c6) */
    tmp12 = MULTIPLY(z10, - FIX_2_613125930) + z5; /* -2*(c2+c6) */

    tmp6 = tmp12 - tmp7;	/* phase 2 */
    tmp5 = tmp11 - tmp6;
    tmp4 = tmp10 + tmp5;

    wsptr[DCTSIZE*0] = (int) (tmp0 + tmp7);
    wsptr[DCTSIZE*7] = (int) (tmp0 - tmp7);
    wsptr[DCTSIZE*1] = (int) (tmp1 + tmp6);
    wsptr[DCTSIZE*6] = (int) (tmp1 - tmp6);
    wsptr[DCTSIZE*2] = (int) (tmp2 + tmp5);
    wsptr[DCTSIZE*5] = (int) (tmp2 - tmp5);
    wsptr[DCTSIZE*4] = (int) (tmp3 + tmp4);
    wsptr[DCTSIZE*3] = (int) (tmp3 - tmp4);

    inptr++;			/* advance pointers to next column */
  /* Pass 2: process rows from work array, store into output array. */
  /* Note that we must descale the results by a factor of 8 == 2**3, */
  /* and also undo the PASS1_BITS scaling. */

  wsptr = workspace;
  for (ctr = 0; ctr < DCTSIZE; ctr++) {
    outptr = output_buf[ctr] + output_col;
    /* Rows of zeroes can be exploited in the same way as we did with columns.
     * However, the column calculation has created many nonzero AC terms, so
     * the simplification applies less often (typically 5% to 10% of the time).
     * On machines with very fast multiplication, it's possible that the
     * test takes more time than it's worth.  In that case this section
     * may be commented out.
    if (wsptr[1] == 0 && wsptr[2] == 0 && wsptr[3] == 0 && wsptr[4] == 0 &&
	wsptr[5] == 0 && wsptr[6] == 0 && wsptr[7] == 0) {
      /* AC terms all zero */
      JSAMPLE dcval = range_limit[IDESCALE(wsptr[0], PASS1_BITS+3)
				  & RANGE_MASK];
      outptr[0] = dcval;
      outptr[1] = dcval;
      outptr[2] = dcval;
      outptr[3] = dcval;
      outptr[4] = dcval;
      outptr[5] = dcval;
      outptr[6] = dcval;
      outptr[7] = dcval;

      wsptr += DCTSIZE;		/* advance pointer to next row */
    /* Even part */

    tmp10 = ((DCTELEM) wsptr[0] + (DCTELEM) wsptr[4]);
    tmp11 = ((DCTELEM) wsptr[0] - (DCTELEM) wsptr[4]);

    tmp13 = ((DCTELEM) wsptr[2] + (DCTELEM) wsptr[6]);
    tmp12 = MULTIPLY((DCTELEM) wsptr[2] - (DCTELEM) wsptr[6], FIX_1_414213562)
	    - tmp13;

    tmp0 = tmp10 + tmp13;
    tmp3 = tmp10 - tmp13;
    tmp1 = tmp11 + tmp12;
    tmp2 = tmp11 - tmp12;

    /* Odd part */

    z13 = (DCTELEM) wsptr[5] + (DCTELEM) wsptr[3];
    z10 = (DCTELEM) wsptr[5] - (DCTELEM) wsptr[3];
    z11 = (DCTELEM) wsptr[1] + (DCTELEM) wsptr[7];
    z12 = (DCTELEM) wsptr[1] - (DCTELEM) wsptr[7];

    tmp7 = z11 + z13;		/* phase 5 */
    tmp11 = MULTIPLY(z11 - z13, FIX_1_414213562); /* 2*c4 */

    z5 = MULTIPLY(z10 + z12, FIX_1_847759065); /* 2*c2 */
    tmp10 = MULTIPLY(z12, FIX_1_082392200) - z5; /* 2*(c2-c6) */
    tmp12 = MULTIPLY(z10, - FIX_2_613125930) + z5; /* -2*(c2+c6) */

    tmp6 = tmp12 - tmp7;	/* phase 2 */
    tmp5 = tmp11 - tmp6;
    tmp4 = tmp10 + tmp5;

    /* Final output stage: scale down by a factor of 8 and range-limit */

    outptr[0] = range_limit[IDESCALE(tmp0 + tmp7, PASS1_BITS+3)
			    & RANGE_MASK];
    outptr[7] = range_limit[IDESCALE(tmp0 - tmp7, PASS1_BITS+3)
			    & RANGE_MASK];
    outptr[1] = range_limit[IDESCALE(tmp1 + tmp6, PASS1_BITS+3)
			    & RANGE_MASK];
    outptr[6] = range_limit[IDESCALE(tmp1 - tmp6, PASS1_BITS+3)
			    & RANGE_MASK];
    outptr[2] = range_limit[IDESCALE(tmp2 + tmp5, PASS1_BITS+3)
			    & RANGE_MASK];
    outptr[5] = range_limit[IDESCALE(tmp2 - tmp5, PASS1_BITS+3)
			    & RANGE_MASK];
    outptr[4] = range_limit[IDESCALE(tmp3 + tmp4, PASS1_BITS+3)
			    & RANGE_MASK];
    outptr[3] = range_limit[IDESCALE(tmp3 - tmp4, PASS1_BITS+3)
			    & RANGE_MASK];

    wsptr += DCTSIZE;		/* advance pointer to next row */