Ejemplo n.º 1
//all messageboxes need to be modal, updater closes immeadiately when receiving the UpdateFinished event
void UpdaterClass::OnDownloadEvent( wxCommandEvent& event )
    int code = event.GetInt();
    if ( code != 0)
        customMessageBox(SL_MAIN_ICON, _("There was an error downloading for the latest version.\nPlease try again later.\nIf the problem persists, please use Help->Report Bug to report this bug."), _("Error"));
    else {
        if (!PostMinGW44( m_newexe ) ) {
            customMessageBox(SL_MAIN_ICON, _("Automatic update failed\n\nyou will be redirected to a web page with instructions and the download link will be opened in your browser."), _("Updater error.") );
			OpenWebBrowser( _T("http://projects.springlobby.info/wiki/springlobby/Install#Windows-Binary") );
            OpenWebBrowser( GetDownloadUrl( m_latest_version ) );
        if ( !UpdateExe( m_newexe , false ) ) {
							 wxFormat( _("There was an error while trying to replace the current executable version.\n Please manually copy springlobby.exe from: %s\n to: %s\n") )
											   % m_newexe
											   % m_currentexe,
							 _("Error") );
        else {
            bool locale_ok = UpdateLocale( m_newexe, false );
            if ( locale_ok ) {
				customMessageBox(SL_MAIN_ICON, IdentityString( _("Update complete. \nPlease restart %s now.") ), _("Success"));
            else {
								 IdentityString( _("Binary updated successfully. \nSome translation files could not be updated.\nPlease report this in #springlobby. \nPlease restart %s now.") ),
								 _("Partial success") );
            wxRmdir( m_newexe );
    GetGlobalEventSender( GlobalEvents::UpdateFinished ).SendEvent( 0 );
Ejemplo n.º 2
//! @brief Initializes the logging functions.
///initializes logging in an hidden stream and std::cout/gui messages
wxLogWindow* InitializeLoggingTargets( wxWindow* parent, bool console, const wxString&  logfilepath, bool showgui, int verbosity, wxLogChain* logChain )
	wxLogWindow* loggerwin = NULL;
	if ( console ) {
		///std::cout logging
		logChain = new wxLogChain( new wxLogStream( &std::cout ) );
		///std::cerr logging
		logChain = new wxLogChain( new  wxLogStderr( 0 ) );

	if (showgui) {
		///gui window logging
		loggerwin = new wxLogWindow(parent, IdentityString( _("%s error console") ), showgui );
		logChain = new wxLogChain( loggerwin );

	if (!console && !showgui) {
		new wxLogNull(); //memleak but disables logging as no log target exists
		//FIXME: there should be a cleaner way (like just not showing message boxes)

	if (!logfilepath.empty()) {
		FILE* logfile = fopen(C_STRING(logfilepath), "w"); // even if it returns null, wxLogStderr will switch to stderr logging, so it's fine
		logChain = new wxLogChain( new  wxLogStderr( logfile ) );

	///hidden stream logging for crash reports
	wxLog *loggercrash = new wxLogStream( &CrashReport::instance().crashlog );
	logChain = new wxLogChain( loggercrash );

//	logCrashChain->SetLogLevel( wxLOG_Trace );
//	logCrashChain->SetVerbose( true );

	if (logChain!=NULL) {
	switch (verbosity) {
		case 0: case 1:
			logChain->SetLogLevel( wxLOG_FatalError ); break;
		case 2:
			logChain->SetLogLevel( wxLOG_Error ); break;
		case 3:
			logChain->SetLogLevel( wxLOG_Warning ); break;
		case 4:
			logChain->SetLogLevel( wxLOG_Message ); break;
		case 5:
			logChain->SetLogLevel( wxLOG_Trace );
			logChain->SetVerbose( true ); break;
		default://meaning loglevel < 0 or > 5 , == 0 is handled seperately
			logChain->SetLogLevel( wxLOG_Warning ); break;

	return loggerwin;
Ejemplo n.º 3
OptionsDialog::OptionsDialog( wxWindow* parent )
	: wxDialog( parent, -1, IdentityString(_("%s Preferences") ), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize( 700,430 ), wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wxRESIZE_BORDER | wxMAXIMIZE_BOX ),
	WindowAttributesPickle( _T("preferences"), this, wxSize( 700,430 ) )
	m_options = new MainOptionsTab( this );
	m_main_sizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL );
	m_main_sizer->Add( m_options, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 0 );
	SetSizer( m_main_sizer );
Ejemplo n.º 4
wxString slConfig::GlobalConfigPath() const
#ifdef __WXMSW__
    wxString p (wxFileName::GetPathSeparator());
    wxString global_config_path = wxFormat( _T("%s%s%s.global.conf") )
                                  % GetExecutableFolder()
                                  % p
                                  % ::GetAppName( true );
    wxString global_config_path = IdentityString( _T("/etc/default/%s.conf"), true );
#endif //__WXMSW__
    return global_config_path;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void SpringOptionsTab::OnApply( wxCommandEvent& /*unused*/ )
	sett().SetSpringBinary( sett().GetCurrentUsedSpringIndex(), m_exec_edit->GetValue() );
	sett().SetUnitSync( sett().GetCurrentUsedSpringIndex(), m_sync_edit->GetValue() );
	sett().SetSearchSpringOnlyInSLPath( m_dontsearch_chkbox->IsChecked() );
	sett().SetOldSpringLaunchMethod( m_oldlaunch_chkbox->IsChecked() );

	if ( sett().IsFirstRun() ) return;

	UiEvents::ScopedStatusMessage( _("Reloading unitsync"), 0 );
	if ( !usync().LoadUnitSyncLib( sett().GetCurrentUsedUnitSync() ) )
		wxLogWarning( _T( "Cannot load UnitSync" ) );
		customMessageBox( SL_MAIN_ICON,
						  IdentityString( _( "%s is unable to load your UnitSync library.\n\nYou might want to take another look at your unitsync setting." ) ),
		                  _( "Spring error" ), wxOK );
Ejemplo n.º 6
//! @brief Initializes the logging functions.
///initializes logging in an hidden stream and std::cout/gui messages
wxLogWindow* InitializeLoggingTargets( wxFrame* parent, bool console, const wxString&  logfilepath, bool showgui, bool /*logcrash*/, int verbosity, wxLogChain* logChain )
    wxLogWindow* loggerwin = 0;

    if (  console && verbosity != 0 )
        ///std::cout logging
        logChain = new wxLogChain( new wxLogStream( &std::cout ) );
	if (  console && verbosity != 0 )
		///std::cerr logging
		logChain = new wxLogChain( new  wxLogStderr( 0 ) );

	if ( logfilepath.size() != 0 && verbosity != 0 )
		FILE* logfile = fopen(C_STRING(logfilepath), "w"); // even if it returns null, wxLogStderr will switch to stderr logging, so it's fine
		logChain = new wxLogChain( new  wxLogStderr( logfile ) );

    if ( showgui && verbosity != 0 )
        ///gui window logging
		loggerwin = new wxLogWindow( (wxWindow*) parent, IdentityString( _("%s error console") ), showgui );
        logChain = new wxLogChain( loggerwin );

        ///hidden stream logging for crash reports
        wxLog *loggercrash = new wxLogStream( &CrashReport::instance().crashlog );
        logChain = new wxLogChain( loggercrash );

//        logCrashChain->SetLogLevel( wxLOG_Trace );
//        logCrashChain->SetVerbose( true );

    if ( !(  console || showgui ) || verbosity == 0 ){
        new wxLogNull;
        return loggerwin;

    if ( logChain )
        switch (verbosity)
            case 1:
                logChain->SetLogLevel( wxLOG_FatalError ); break;
            case 2:
                logChain->SetLogLevel( wxLOG_Error ); break;
            case 3:
                logChain->SetLogLevel( wxLOG_Warning ); break;
            case 4:
                logChain->SetLogLevel( wxLOG_Message ); break;
            case 5:
                logChain->SetLogLevel( wxLOG_Trace );
                logChain->SetVerbose( true ); break;
            default://meaning loglevel < 0 or > 5 , == 0 is handled seperately
                logChain->SetLogLevel( wxLOG_Warning ); break;

    return loggerwin;