Ejemplo n.º 1
void wxGCDCImpl::DoDrawSpline(const wxPointList *points)
    wxCHECK_RET( IsOk(), wxT("wxGCDC(cg)::DoDrawSpline - invalid DC") );

    if ( !m_logicalFunctionSupported )

    wxGraphicsPath path = m_graphicContext->CreatePath();

    wxPointList::compatibility_iterator node = points->GetFirst();
    if ( !node )
        // empty list

    const wxPoint *p = node->GetData();

    wxCoord x1 = p->x;
    wxCoord y1 = p->y;

    node = node->GetNext();
    p = node->GetData();

    wxCoord x2 = p->x;
    wxCoord y2 = p->y;
    wxCoord cx1 = ( x1 + x2 ) / 2;
    wxCoord cy1 = ( y1 + y2 ) / 2;

    path.MoveToPoint( x1 , y1 );
    path.AddLineToPoint( cx1 , cy1 );

    while ((node = node->GetNext()) != NULL)

    while ((node = node->GetNext()))

        p = node->GetData();
        x1 = x2;
        y1 = y2;
        x2 = p->x;
        y2 = p->y;
        wxCoord cx4 = (x1 + x2) / 2;
        wxCoord cy4 = (y1 + y2) / 2;

        path.AddQuadCurveToPoint(x1 , y1 ,cx4 , cy4 );

        cx1 = cx4;
        cy1 = cy4;

    path.AddLineToPoint( x2 , y2 );

    m_graphicContext->StrokePath( path );

    wxRect2DDouble box = path.GetBox();
    CalcBoundingBox(wxRound(box.m_x), wxRound(box.m_y));
    CalcBoundingBox(wxRound(box.m_x + box.m_width),
                    wxRound(box.m_y + box.m_height));
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool wxFont::GetStrikethrough() const
    wxCHECK_MSG( IsOk(), false, wxT("invalid font") );

    return M_FONTDATA->m_nativeFontInfo.GetStrikethrough();
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: pen.cpp Proyecto: beanhome/dev
int wxPen::GetDashCount() const
    wxCHECK_MSG( IsOk(), -1, wxT("invalid pen") );

    return (M_PENDATA->m_countDashes);
Ejemplo n.º 4
wxString wxFont::GetFaceName() const
    wxCHECK_MSG( IsOk(), wxEmptyString, wxT("invalid font") );

    return M_FONTDATA->m_nativeFontInfo.GetFaceName();
Ejemplo n.º 5
wxFontWeight wxFont::GetWeight() const
    wxCHECK_MSG( IsOk(), wxFONTWEIGHT_MAX, wxT("invalid font") );

    return M_FONTDATA->m_weight;
Ejemplo n.º 6
const wxNativeFontInfo *wxFont::GetNativeFontInfo() const
    wxCHECK_MSG( IsOk(), NULL, wxT("invalid font") );

    return &(M_FONTDATA->m_nativeFontInfo);
Ejemplo n.º 7
bool wxFont::GTKSetPangoAttrs(PangoLayout* layout) const
    if (!IsOk() || !(GetUnderlined() || GetStrikethrough()))
        return false;

    PangoAttrList* attrs = pango_attr_list_new();
    PangoAttribute* a;

    if (wx_pango_version_check(1,16,0))
        // a PangoLayout which has leading/trailing spaces with underlined font
        // is not correctly drawn by this pango version: Pango won't underline the spaces.
        // This can be a problem; e.g. wxHTML rendering of underlined text relies on
        // this behaviour. To workaround this problem, we use a special hack here
        // suggested by pango maintainer Behdad Esfahbod: we prepend and append two
        // empty space characters and give them a dummy colour attribute.
        // This will force Pango to underline the leading/trailing spaces, too.

        const char* text = pango_layout_get_text(layout);
        const size_t n = strlen(text);
        if ((n > 0 && text[0] == ' ') || (n > 1 && text[n - 1] == ' '))
            wxCharBuffer buf(n + 6);
            // copy the leading U+200C ZERO WIDTH NON-JOINER encoded in UTF8 format
            memcpy(buf.data(), "\342\200\214", 3);
            // copy the user string
            memcpy(buf.data() + 3, text, n);
            // copy the trailing U+200C ZERO WIDTH NON-JOINER encoded in UTF8 format
            memcpy(buf.data() + 3 + n, "\342\200\214", 3);

            pango_layout_set_text(layout, buf, n + 6);

            // Add dummy attributes (use colour as it's invisible anyhow for 0
            // width spaces) to ensure that the spaces in the beginning/end of the
            // string are underlined too.
            a = pango_attr_foreground_new(0x0057, 0x52A9, 0xD614);
            a->start_index = 0;
            a->end_index = 3;
            pango_attr_list_insert(attrs, a);

            a = pango_attr_foreground_new(0x0057, 0x52A9, 0xD614);
            a->start_index = n + 3;
            a->end_index = n + 6;
            pango_attr_list_insert(attrs, a);
    if (GetUnderlined())
        a = pango_attr_underline_new(PANGO_UNDERLINE_SINGLE);
        pango_attr_list_insert(attrs, a);
    if (GetStrikethrough())
        a = pango_attr_strikethrough_new(true);
        pango_attr_list_insert(attrs, a);

    pango_layout_set_attributes(layout, attrs);

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 8
bool wxGCDCImpl::DoStretchBlit(
    wxCoord xdest, wxCoord ydest, wxCoord dstWidth, wxCoord dstHeight,
    wxDC *source, wxCoord xsrc, wxCoord ysrc, wxCoord srcWidth, wxCoord srcHeight,
    wxRasterOperationMode logical_func , bool useMask,
    wxCoord xsrcMask, wxCoord ysrcMask )
    wxCHECK_MSG( IsOk(), false, wxT("wxGCDC(cg)::DoStretchBlit - invalid DC") );
    wxCHECK_MSG( source->IsOk(), false, wxT("wxGCDC(cg)::DoStretchBlit - invalid source DC") );

    if ( logical_func == wxNO_OP )
        return true;

    wxCompositionMode mode = TranslateRasterOp(logical_func);
    if ( mode == wxCOMPOSITION_INVALID )
        wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("Blitting is not supported with this logical operation.") );
        return false;

    wxRect subrect(source->LogicalToDeviceX(xsrc),
    const wxRect subrectOrig = subrect;
    // clip the subrect down to the size of the source DC
    wxRect clip;
    source->GetSize(&clip.width, &clip.height);
    if (subrect.width == 0)
        return true;

    bool retval = true;

    wxCompositionMode formerMode = m_graphicContext->GetCompositionMode();
    if (m_graphicContext->SetCompositionMode(mode))
        wxAntialiasMode formerAa = m_graphicContext->GetAntialiasMode();
        if (mode == wxCOMPOSITION_XOR)

        if (xsrcMask == -1 && ysrcMask == -1)
            xsrcMask = xsrc;
            ysrcMask = ysrc;

        wxBitmap blit = source->GetAsBitmap( &subrect );

        if ( blit.IsOk() )
            if ( !useMask && blit.GetMask() )

            double x = xdest;
            double y = ydest;
            double w = dstWidth;
            double h = dstHeight;
            // adjust dest rect if source rect is clipped
            if (subrect.width != subrectOrig.width || subrect.height != subrectOrig.height)
                x += (subrect.x - subrectOrig.x) / double(subrectOrig.width) * dstWidth;
                y += (subrect.y - subrectOrig.y) / double(subrectOrig.height) * dstHeight;
                w *= double(subrect.width) / subrectOrig.width;
                h *= double(subrect.height) / subrectOrig.height;
            m_graphicContext->DrawBitmap(blit, x, y, w, h);
            wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("Cannot Blit. Unable to get contents of DC as bitmap.") );
            retval = false;

        if (mode == wxCOMPOSITION_XOR)
    // reset composition

    return retval;
Ejemplo n.º 9
bool wxGCDCImpl::CanGetTextExtent() const
    wxCHECK_MSG( IsOk(), false, wxT("wxGCDC(cg)::CanGetTextExtent - invalid DC") );

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 10
void wxGCDCImpl::SetTextBackground( const wxColour &col )
    wxCHECK_RET( IsOk(), wxT("wxGCDC(cg)::SetTextBackground - invalid DC") );

    m_textBackgroundColour = col;
Ejemplo n.º 11
void wxGCDCImpl::DoDrawPoint( wxCoord x, wxCoord y )
    wxCHECK_RET( IsOk(), wxT("wxGCDC(cg)::DoDrawPoint - invalid DC") );

    DoDrawLine( x , y , x + 1 , y + 1 );
Ejemplo n.º 12
wxBitmap *wxBrush::GetStipple() const
    wxCHECK_MSG( IsOk(), NULL, wxT("invalid brush") );

    return &M_BRUSHDATA->m_stipple;
Ejemplo n.º 13
wxColour wxBrush::GetColour() const
    wxCHECK_MSG( IsOk(), wxNullColour, wxT("invalid brush") );

    return M_BRUSHDATA->m_colour;
Ejemplo n.º 14
wxBrushStyle wxBrush::GetStyle() const
    wxCHECK_MSG( IsOk(), wxBRUSHSTYLE_INVALID, wxT("invalid brush") );

    return M_BRUSHDATA->m_style;
Ejemplo n.º 15
int wxPen::GetWidth() const
    wxCHECK_MSG( IsOk(), -1, wxT("invalid pen") );

    return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 16
int CSocket::ReadLine ( CString& szDest )
    int iSize;

    if ( !IsOk () )
        return -1;

        if ( m_bufferSize > 0 )
            char* p = strchr ( m_buffer, '\n' );
            if ( p && ( p <= ( m_buffer + m_bufferSize ) ) )
                char* p2 = p;
                while ( p2 > m_buffer && ( *p2 == '\n' || *p2 == '\r' ) )
                    *p2-- = '\0';

                size_t len = static_cast < size_t > ( p2 - m_buffer + 1 );
                if ( len > 1 || ( *p2 != '\n' && *p2 != '\r' ) )
                    szDest.assign ( m_buffer, len );

                size_t len2 = static_cast < size_t > ( p - m_buffer );
                assert ( m_bufferSize >= len2 );
                memcpy ( m_buffer, p + 1, m_bufferSize - len2 );
                m_bufferSize -= len2 + 1;
                m_buffer [ m_bufferSize ] = '\0';

                return len2;

        // Llamamos a select para establecer un timeout
        fd_set fds;
        FD_ZERO ( &fds );
        FD_SET ( m_socket, &fds );

        struct timeval* tvTimeout = 0;
        struct timeval __tvTimeout;
        if ( m_uiTimeout > 0 )
            __tvTimeout.tv_sec = m_uiTimeout / 1000;
            __tvTimeout.tv_usec = (m_uiTimeout - ( __tvTimeout.tv_sec * 1000 )) * 1000;
            tvTimeout = &__tvTimeout;

        int nChanged = select ( m_socket + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, tvTimeout );

        // Comprobamos que todo ha ido bien en el select
        if ( nChanged == -1 )
            m_iErrno = errno;
            m_szError = strerror ( errno );
            InternalClose ( true );
            return -1;
        else if ( nChanged == 0 )
            return 0;
            // Leemos datos desde el socket
            iSize = recv ( m_socket, m_buffer + m_bufferSize, BUFFER_SIZE - m_bufferSize, 0 );

            if ( iSize > 0 )
                m_bufferSize += iSize;
    } while ( iSize > 0 );

    m_iErrno = CPortability::SocketErrno ();
    CPortability::SocketError ( m_iErrno, m_szError );
    InternalClose ( true );

    return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 17
wxColour wxPen::GetColour() const
    wxCHECK_MSG( IsOk(), wxNullColour, wxT("invalid pen") );

    return M_PENDATA->m_colour;
Ejemplo n.º 18
void CComponentPlayerController::UpdatePostPhysX(float _fDeltaTime)
  CComponentVida*   l_pComponentVida   = GetEntity()->GetComponent<CComponentVida>();
  CComponentEnergy* l_pComponentEnergy = GetEntity()->GetComponent<CComponentEnergy>();

  const vector<CMaterial*>& l_vMaterials = m_pAnimatedModel->GetAnimatedInstanceModel()->GetAnimatedCoreModel()->GetMaterials();

  CRenderer *l_pRenderer = CORE->GetRenderer();

  CPostSceneRendererStep* l_pDamage = l_pRenderer->GetPostSceneRendererStep("damage_gui");
  CPostSceneRendererStep* l_pBlood  = l_pRenderer->GetPostSceneRendererStep("blood_gui");

  float l_fHP = 100.f;
  float l_fMaxHP = 100.f;
  if(l_pComponentVida && !m_bGodMode)
    l_fHP = l_pComponentVida->GetHP();
    l_fMaxHP = l_pComponentVida->GetMaxHP();
  float l_fEnergy = 100.f;
  float l_fMaxEnergy = 100.f;

  if(l_pComponentEnergy && !m_bGodMode)
    l_fEnergy = l_pComponentEnergy->GetEnergy();
    l_fMaxEnergy = l_pComponentEnergy->GetMaxEnergy();
  float l_fMin = 0.0f;
  float l_fMax = 1.0f;
  float l_fGlowIntensity = l_fEnergy/l_fMaxEnergy * (l_fMax - l_fMin) + l_fMin;

  vector<CMaterial*>::const_iterator l_itMaterial = l_vMaterials.begin();

  while(l_itMaterial != l_vMaterials.end())

    if(l_fHP < l_fMaxHP)
      float l_fDamageAlpha = 1.0f - (l_fHP/l_fMaxHP);
      l_fDamageAlpha = l_fDamageAlpha + abs(l_fDamageAlpha*0.8f*sinf(5.0f*m_fBloodTime));
      if(l_fDamageAlpha > 1.0f)
        l_fDamageAlpha = 1.0f;


  if(m_fBloodFadeOutTime > 0.0f)

    m_fBloodFadeOutTime -= _fDeltaTime;

    m_fBloodFadeOutTime = 0.0f;

  m_fBloodTime += _fDeltaTime;

  CPostSceneRendererStep* l_pShockWave = l_pRenderer->GetPostSceneRendererStep("shock_wave");
  if(m_fForceTime < 3.f)
    m_fForceTime += _fDeltaTime;


    if(m_fForceTime > 3.0f)

  if(l_fHP > 0.0f && l_fHP < l_fMaxHP)
    float l_fDamageVolume = 1.0f - (l_fHP/l_fMaxHP);

    if(l_fDamageVolume > 1.0f)
      l_fDamageVolume = 1.0f;

    if(l_fDamageVolume < 0.0f)
      l_fDamageVolume = 0.0f;


Ejemplo n.º 19
bool wxFont::IsFixedWidth() const
    wxCHECK_MSG( IsOk(), false, wxT("invalid font") );

    return wxFontBase::IsFixedWidth();
Ejemplo n.º 20
wxFontEncoding wxFont::GetEncoding() const
    wxCHECK_MSG( IsOk(), wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT, wxT("invalid font") );

    return M_FONTDATA->GetEncoding();
Ejemplo n.º 21
int wxFont::GetPointSize() const
    wxCHECK_MSG( IsOk(), 0, wxT("invalid font") );

    return M_FONTDATA->m_nativeFontInfo.GetPointSize();
Ejemplo n.º 22
bool wxFont::IsFixedWidth() const
    wxCHECK_MSG( IsOk(), false, wxT("invalid font") );

    return M_FONTDATA->IsFixedWidth();
Ejemplo n.º 23
wxFontStyle wxFont::GetStyle() const
    wxCHECK_MSG( IsOk(), wxFONTSTYLE_MAX, wxT("invalid font") );

    return M_FONTDATA->m_style;
Ejemplo n.º 24
void wxOverlayImpl::Clear(wxWindowDC* dc)
    wxASSERT_MSG( IsOk() , _("You cannot Clear an overlay that is not inited") );
    CGRect box  = CGRectMake( m_x - 1, m_y - 1 , m_width + 2 , m_height + 2 );
    CGContextClearRect( m_overlayContext, box );
Ejemplo n.º 25
bool wxFont::GetUnderlined() const
    wxCHECK_MSG( IsOk(), false, wxT("invalid font") );

    return M_FONTDATA->m_nativeFontInfo.GetUnderlined();
Ejemplo n.º 26
bool wxLocale::Init(int language, int flags)
                  wxS("wxLOCALE_CONV_ENCODING is no longer supported, add charset to your catalogs") );

    bool ret = true;

    int lang = language;
    if (lang == wxLANGUAGE_DEFAULT)
        // auto detect the language
        lang = GetSystemLanguage();

    // We failed to detect system language, so we will use English:
    if (lang == wxLANGUAGE_UNKNOWN)
        return false;

    const wxLanguageInfo *info = GetLanguageInfo(lang);

    // Unknown language:
    if (info == NULL)
        wxLogError(wxS("Unknown language %i."), lang);
        return false;

    wxString name = info->Description;
    wxString canonical = info->CanonicalName;
    wxString locale;

    // Set the locale:
#if defined(__OS2__)
    const char *retloc = wxSetlocale(LC_ALL , wxEmptyString);
#elif defined(__UNIX__) && !defined(__WXMAC__)
    if (language != wxLANGUAGE_DEFAULT)
        locale = info->CanonicalName;

    const char *retloc = wxSetlocaleTryUTF8(LC_ALL, locale);

    const wxString langOnly = ExtractLang(locale);
    if ( !retloc )
        // Some C libraries don't like xx_YY form and require xx only
        retloc = wxSetlocaleTryUTF8(LC_ALL, langOnly);

    // some systems (e.g. FreeBSD and HP-UX) don't have xx_YY aliases but
    // require the full xx_YY.encoding form, so try using UTF-8 because this is
    // the only thing we can do generically
    // TODO: add encodings applicable to each language to the lang DB and try
    //       them all in turn here
    if ( !retloc )
        const wxChar **names =
        while ( *names )
            retloc = wxSetlocale(LC_ALL, locale + wxS('.') + *names++);
            if ( retloc )
#endif // wxUSE_FONTMAP

    if ( !retloc )
        // Some C libraries (namely glibc) still use old ISO 639,
        // so will translate the abbrev for them
        wxString localeAlt;
        if ( langOnly == wxS("he") )
            localeAlt = wxS("iw") + ExtractNotLang(locale);
        else if ( langOnly == wxS("id") )
            localeAlt = wxS("in") + ExtractNotLang(locale);
        else if ( langOnly == wxS("yi") )
            localeAlt = wxS("ji") + ExtractNotLang(locale);
        else if ( langOnly == wxS("nb") )
            localeAlt = wxS("no_NO");
        else if ( langOnly == wxS("nn") )
            localeAlt = wxS("no_NY");

        if ( !localeAlt.empty() )
            retloc = wxSetlocaleTryUTF8(LC_ALL, localeAlt);
            if ( !retloc )
                retloc = wxSetlocaleTryUTF8(LC_ALL, ExtractLang(localeAlt));

    if ( !retloc )
        ret = false;

#ifdef __AIX__
    // at least in AIX 5.2 libc is buggy and the string returned from
    // setlocale(LC_ALL) can't be passed back to it because it returns 6
    // strings (one for each locale category), i.e. for C locale we get back
    // "C C C C C C"
    // this contradicts IBM own docs but this is not of much help, so just work
    // around it in the crudest possible manner
    char* p = const_cast<char*>(wxStrchr(retloc, ' '));
    if ( p )
        *p = '\0';
#endif // __AIX__

#elif defined(__WIN32__)
    const char *retloc = "C";
    if ( language != wxLANGUAGE_DEFAULT )
        if ( info->WinLang == 0 )
            wxLogWarning(wxS("Locale '%s' not supported by OS."), name.c_str());
            // retloc already set to "C"
        else // language supported by Windows
            // Windows CE doesn't have SetThreadLocale() and there doesn't seem
            // to be any equivalent
#ifndef __WXWINCE__
            const wxUint32 lcid = info->GetLCID();

            // change locale used by Windows functions

            // and also call setlocale() to change locale used by the CRT
            locale = info->GetLocaleName();
            if ( locale.empty() )
                ret = false;
            else // have a valid locale
                retloc = wxSetlocale(LC_ALL, locale);
    else // language == wxLANGUAGE_DEFAULT
        retloc = wxSetlocale(LC_ALL, wxEmptyString);

#if wxUSE_UNICODE && (defined(__VISUALC__) || defined(__MINGW32__))
    // VC++ setlocale() (also used by Mingw) can't set locale to languages that
    // can only be written using Unicode, therefore wxSetlocale() call fails
    // for such languages but we don't want to report it as an error -- so that
    // at least message catalogs can be used.
    if ( !retloc )
        if ( wxGetANSICodePageForLocale(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT).empty() )
            // we set the locale to a Unicode-only language, don't treat the
            // inability of CRT to use it as an error
            retloc = "C";
#endif // CRT not handling Unicode-only languages

    if ( !retloc )
        ret = false;
#elif defined(__WXMAC__)
    if (lang == wxLANGUAGE_DEFAULT)
        locale = wxEmptyString;
        locale = info->CanonicalName;

    const char *retloc = wxSetlocale(LC_ALL, locale);

    if ( !retloc )
        // Some C libraries don't like xx_YY form and require xx only
        retloc = wxSetlocale(LC_ALL, ExtractLang(locale));
    return false;

    if ( !ret )
        wxLogWarning(_("Cannot set locale to language \"%s\"."), name.c_str());

        // continue nevertheless and try to load at least the translations for
        // this language

    if ( !DoInit(name, canonical, retloc) )
        ret = false;

    if (IsOk()) // setlocale() succeeded
        m_language = lang;

    // NB: don't use 'lang' here, 'language'
    wxTranslations *t = wxTranslations::Get();
    if ( t )

        if ( flags & wxLOCALE_LOAD_DEFAULT )

    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 27
GLTexture::~GLTexture() {
    if ( IsOk() ) {
        glDeleteTextures( 1, &m_texture );
Ejemplo n.º 28
wxPenStyle wxPen::GetStyle() const
    wxCHECK_MSG( IsOk(), wxPENSTYLE_INVALID, wxT("invalid pen") );

    return M_PENDATA->m_style;
Ejemplo n.º 29
Archivo: pen.cpp Proyecto: beanhome/dev
wxDash* wxPen::GetDash() const
    wxCHECK_MSG( IsOk(), NULL, wxT("invalid pen") );

    return (wxDash*)M_PENDATA->m_dash;
Ejemplo n.º 30
size_t wxZlibInputStream::OnSysRead(void *buffer, size_t size)
  wxASSERT_MSG(m_inflate && m_z_buffer, wxT("Inflate stream not open"));

  if (!m_inflate || !m_z_buffer)
    m_lasterror = wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR;
  if (!IsOk() || !size)
    return 0;

  int err = Z_OK;
  m_inflate->next_out = (unsigned char *)buffer;
  m_inflate->avail_out = size;

#if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && 1 /* VDM auto patch */
#   pragma ivdep
#   pragma swp
#   pragma unroll
#   pragma prefetch
#   if 0
#       pragma simd noassert
#   endif
#endif /* VDM auto patch */
  while (err == Z_OK && m_inflate->avail_out > 0) {
    if (m_inflate->avail_in == 0 && m_parent_i_stream->IsOk()) {
      m_parent_i_stream->Read(m_z_buffer, m_z_size);
      m_inflate->next_in = m_z_buffer;
      m_inflate->avail_in = m_parent_i_stream->LastRead();
    err = inflate(m_inflate, Z_SYNC_FLUSH);

  switch (err) {
    case Z_OK:

    case Z_STREAM_END:
      if (m_inflate->avail_out) {
        // Unread any data taken from past the end of the deflate stream, so that
        // any additional data can be read from the underlying stream (the crc
        // in a gzip for example)
        if (m_inflate->avail_in) {
          m_parent_i_stream->Ungetch(m_inflate->next_in, m_inflate->avail_in);
          m_inflate->avail_in = 0;
        m_lasterror = wxSTREAM_EOF;

    case Z_BUF_ERROR:
      // Indicates that zlib was expecting more data, but the parent stream
      // has none. Other than Eof the error will have been already reported
      // by the parent strean,
      m_lasterror = wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR;
      if (m_parent_i_stream->Eof())
          wxLogError(_("Can't read inflate stream: unexpected EOF in underlying stream."));

      wxString msg(m_inflate->msg, *wxConvCurrent);
      if (!msg)
        msg = wxString::Format(_("zlib error %d"), err);
      wxLogError(_("Can't read from inflate stream: %s"), msg.c_str());
      m_lasterror = wxSTREAM_READ_ERROR;

  size -= m_inflate->avail_out;
  m_pos += size;
  return size;