Ejemplo n.º 1
BOOLEAN MAPCREATE_STRUCT::Load(INT8** hBuffer, FLOAT dMajorMapVersion)
    if(dMajorMapVersion < 7.0)
        _OLD_MAPCREATE_STRUCT OldMapInformation;
        LOADDATA(&OldMapInformation, *hBuffer, sizeof(_OLD_MAPCREATE_STRUCT));
        *this = OldMapInformation;
        LOADDATA(this, *hBuffer, sizeof(MAPCREATE_STRUCT));
Ejemplo n.º 2
void LoadWorldItemsFromMap( INT8 **hBuffer, float dMajorMapVersion, int ubMinorMapVersion )
    // Start loading itmes...

    UINT32			i;
    WORLDITEM		dummyItem;
    INT32				iItemIndex;
    UINT32			uiNumWorldItems;
    //If any world items exist, we must delete them now.

    //Read the number of items that were saved in the map.
    LOADDATA( &uiNumWorldItems, *hBuffer, 4 );

    if( gTacticalStatus.uiFlags & LOADING_SAVED_GAME && !gfEditMode )
    {   //The sector has already been visited.	The items are saved in a different format that will be
        //loaded later on.	So, all we need to do is skip the data entirely.
        if (dMajorMapVersion >= 6.0 && ubMinorMapVersion > 26 ) {
            for (unsigned int x = 0; x < uiNumWorldItems; ++x)
                //ADB WORLDITEM's size on disk is unknown
                dummyItem.Load(hBuffer, dMajorMapVersion, ubMinorMapVersion);
            *hBuffer += sizeof ( OLD_WORLDITEM_101 ) * uiNumWorldItems;
    else for ( i = 0; i < uiNumWorldItems; i++ )
        {   //Add all of the items to the world indirectly through AddItemToPool, but only if the chance
            //associated with them succeed.
            dummyItem.Load(hBuffer, dMajorMapVersion, ubMinorMapVersion);
            gMapTrn.GetTrnCnt(dummyItem.sGridNo);//dnl ch44 270909 WORLDITEM translation

            if( dummyItem.object.usItem == OWNERSHIP )
                dummyItem.ubNonExistChance = 0;
            if( gfEditMode || dummyItem.ubNonExistChance <= PreRandom( 100 ) ||
                    (gGameExternalOptions.ubMapItemChanceOverride > 0 && (gGameExternalOptions.ubMapItemChanceOverride >= PreRandom(100)) ) ) //Madd: map item chance override, note this calc is done in reverse
                if( !gfEditMode )
                    //check for matching item existance modes and only add if there is a match!
                    //if we are in platinum mode, REALISTIC items are allowed, but not SCIFI items
                    if( dummyItem.usFlags & WORLD_ITEM_SCIFI_ONLY && !(gGameOptions.ubGameStyle == STYLE_SCIFI) ||
                            dummyItem.usFlags & WORLD_ITEM_REALISTIC_ONLY && (gGameOptions.ubGameStyle == STYLE_SCIFI) )
                    {   //no match, so don't add item to world
                    				if ( !gGameOptions.fGunNut )
                    					UINT16	usReplacement;

                    					// do replacements?
                    					if ( Item[ dummyItem.object.usItem ].usItemClass == IC_GUN )
                    						INT8		bAmmo, bNewAmmo;

                    						usReplacement = StandardGunListReplacement( dummyItem.object.usItem );
                    						if ( usReplacement )
                    							// everything else can be the same? no.
                    							bAmmo = dummyItem.object[0]->data.gun.ubGunShotsLeft;
                    							bNewAmmo = (Weapon[ usReplacement ].ubMagSize * bAmmo) / Weapon[ dummyItem.object.usItem ].ubMagSize;
                    							if ( bAmmo > 0 && bNewAmmo == 0 )
                    								bNewAmmo = 1;

                    							dummyItem.object.usItem = usReplacement;
                    							dummyItem.object[0]->data.gun.ubGunShotsLeft = bNewAmmo;
                    					if ( Item[ dummyItem.object.usItem ].usItemClass == IC_AMMO )
                    						usReplacement = StandardGunListAmmoReplacement( dummyItem.object.usItem );
                    						if ( usReplacement )
                    							UINT8 ubLoop;

                    							// go through status values and scale up/down
                    							for ( ubLoop = 0; ubLoop < dummyItem.object.ubNumberOfObjects; ubLoop++ )
                    								dummyItem.object.status.bStatus[ ubLoop ] = dummyItem.object.status.bStatus[ ubLoop ] * Magazine[ Item[ usReplacement ].ubClassIndex ].ubMagSize / Magazine[ Item[ dummyItem.object.usItem ].ubClassIndex ].ubMagSize;

                    							// then replace item #
                    							dummyItem.object.usItem = usReplacement;

                if( dummyItem.object.usItem == ACTION_ITEM && gfLoadPitsWithoutArming )
                {   //if we are loading a pit, they are typically loaded without being armed.
                    if( dummyItem.object[0]->data.misc.bActionValue == ACTION_ITEM_SMALL_PIT || dummyItem.object[0]->data.misc.bActionValue == ACTION_ITEM_LARGE_PIT )
                        dummyItem.usFlags &= ~WORLD_ITEM_ARMED_BOMB;
                        dummyItem.bVisible = BURIED;
                        dummyItem.object[0]->data.misc.bDetonatorType = 0;

                else if ( dummyItem.bVisible == HIDDEN_ITEM && dummyItem.object[0]->data.bTrap > 0 && ( Item[dummyItem.object.usItem].mine || dummyItem.object.usItem == TRIP_FLARE || dummyItem.object.usItem == TRIP_KLAXON) )
                    ArmBomb( &dummyItem.object, BOMB_PRESSURE );
                    dummyItem.usFlags |= WORLD_ITEM_ARMED_BOMB;
                    // this is coming from the map so the enemy must know about it.
                    gpWorldLevelData[ dummyItem.sGridNo ].uiFlags |= MAPELEMENT_ENEMY_MINE_PRESENT;


                if ( dummyItem.usFlags & WORLD_ITEM_ARMED_BOMB )
                {   //all armed bombs are buried
                    dummyItem.bVisible = BURIED;
#if 0//dnl ch74 201013 this is already done in OBJECTTYPE::Load()
                //Madd: ok, so this drives me nuts -- why bother with default attachments if the map isn't going to load them for you?
                //this should fix that...
                for(UINT8 cnt = 0; cnt < MAX_DEFAULT_ATTACHMENTS; cnt++)
                    if(Item [ dummyItem.object.usItem ].defaultattachments[cnt] == 0)

                    OBJECTTYPE defaultAttachment;
                    CreateItem(Item [ dummyItem.object.usItem ].defaultattachments[cnt],100,&defaultAttachment);
                    dummyItem.object.AttachObject(NULL,&defaultAttachment, FALSE);
                AddItemToPoolAndGetIndex( dummyItem.sGridNo, &dummyItem.object, dummyItem.bVisible, dummyItem.ubLevel, dummyItem.usFlags, dummyItem.bRenderZHeightAboveLevel, dummyItem.soldierID, &iItemIndex );
                gWorldItems[ iItemIndex ].ubNonExistChance = dummyItem.ubNonExistChance;

    if ( !gfEditMode )
        if ( gWorldSectorX == 3 && gWorldSectorY == MAP_ROW_P && gbWorldSectorZ == 1 )