Ejemplo n.º 1
static boole KINAllocVectors(KINMem kin_mem, integer neq,
                             void *machEnv)
  /* Allocate unew, fval, pp, vtemp1 and vtemp2
   * Any future modifier of this code is advised to be wary
   *              --- watch scope carefully  --
   * unew, pp, vtemp1 and vtemp2 are used in  more than one context      */

  unew = N_VNew(neq, machEnv);
  if (unew == NULL)

  fval = N_VNew(neq, machEnv);
  if (fval == NULL)

  pp = N_VNew(neq, machEnv);
  if (pp == NULL)

  vtemp1 = N_VNew(neq, machEnv);
  if (vtemp1 == NULL)

  vtemp2 = N_VNew(neq, machEnv);
  if (vtemp2 == NULL)

Ejemplo n.º 2
  void CVodeInt::initialize(double t0, FuncEval& func) 
    m_neq = func.neq();
    m_t0  = t0;

    if (m_y) {
      N_VFree(nv(m_y));    // free solution vector if already allocated
    m_y = reinterpret_cast<void*>(N_VNew(m_neq, 0));   // allocate solution vector
    // check abs tolerance array size
    if (m_itol == 1 && m_nabs < m_neq) 
      throw CVodeErr("not enough absolute tolerance values specified.");
    func.getInitialConditions(m_t0, m_neq, N_VDATA(nv(m_y)));

    // set options
    m_iopt[MXSTEP] = m_maxsteps;
    m_iopt[MAXORD] = m_maxord;
    m_ropt[HMAX]   = m_hmax;

    if (m_cvode_mem) CVodeFree(m_cvode_mem);

    // pass a pointer to func in m_data 
    m_data = (void*)&func;

    if (m_itol) {
      m_cvode_mem = CVodeMalloc(m_neq, cvode_rhs, m_t0, nv(m_y), m_method, 
				m_iter, m_itol, &m_reltol,
				nv(m_abstol), m_data, NULL, TRUE, m_iopt, 
				DATA_PTR(m_ropt), NULL);
    else {
      m_cvode_mem = CVodeMalloc(m_neq, cvode_rhs, m_t0, nv(m_y), m_method, 
				m_iter, m_itol, &m_reltol,
				&m_abstols, m_data, NULL, TRUE, m_iopt, 
				DATA_PTR(m_ropt), NULL);

    if (!m_cvode_mem) throw CVodeErr("CVodeMalloc failed.");

    if (m_type == DENSE + NOJAC) {
      CVDense(m_cvode_mem, NULL, NULL);
    else if (m_type == DENSE + JAC) {
      CVDense(m_cvode_mem, cvode_jac, NULL);
    else if (m_type == DIAG) {
    else if (m_type == GMRES) {
      CVSpgmr(m_cvode_mem, NONE, MODIFIED_GS, 0, 0.0,
	      NULL, NULL, NULL);
    else {
      throw CVodeErr("unsupported option");
Ejemplo n.º 3
 void CVodeInt::setTolerances(double reltol, int n, double* abstol) {
   m_itol = 1;
   m_nabs = n;
   if (n != m_neq) {
     if (m_abstol) N_VFree(nv(m_abstol));
     m_abstol = reinterpret_cast<void*>(N_VNew(n, 0));
   for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
     N_VIth(nv(m_abstol), i) = abstol[i];
   m_reltol = reltol; 
Ejemplo n.º 4
SpgmrMem SpgmrMalloc(integer N, int l_max, void *machEnv)
  SpgmrMem mem;
  N_Vector *V, xcor, vtemp;
  real **Hes, *givens, *yg;
  int k, i;
  /* Check the input parameters */

  if ((N <= 0) || (l_max <= 0)) return(NULL);

  /* Get memory for the Krylov basis vectors V[0], ..., V[l_max] */
  V = (N_Vector *) malloc((l_max+1)*sizeof(N_Vector));
  if (V == NULL) return(NULL);

  for (k=0; k <= l_max; k++) {
    V[k] = N_VNew(N, (machEnvType)machEnv);
    if (V[k] == NULL) {
      FreeVectorArray(V, k-1);

  /* Get memory for the Hessenberg matrix Hes */

  Hes = (real **) malloc((l_max+1)*sizeof(real *)); 
  if (Hes == NULL) {
    FreeVectorArray(V, l_max);

  for (k=0; k <= l_max; k++) {
    Hes[k] = (real *) malloc(l_max*sizeof(real));
    if (Hes[k] == NULL) {
      for (i=0; i < k; i++) free(Hes[i]);
      FreeVectorArray(V, l_max);

  /* Get memory for Givens rotation components */

  givens = (real *) malloc(2*l_max*sizeof(real));
  if (givens == NULL) {
    for (i=0; i <= l_max; i++) free(Hes[i]);
    FreeVectorArray(V, l_max);

  /* Get memory to hold the correction to z_tilde */

  xcor = N_VNew(N, (machEnvType)machEnv);
  if (xcor == NULL) {
    for (i=0; i <= l_max; i++) free(Hes[i]);
    FreeVectorArray(V, l_max);

  /* Get memory to hold SPGMR y and g vectors */

  yg = (real *) malloc((l_max+1)*sizeof(real));
  if (yg == NULL) {
    for (i=0; i <= l_max; i++) free(Hes[i]);
    FreeVectorArray(V, l_max);

  /* Get an array to hold a temporary vector */

  vtemp = N_VNew(N, (machEnvType)machEnv);
  if (vtemp == NULL) {
    for (i=0; i <= l_max; i++) free(Hes[i]);
    FreeVectorArray(V, l_max);

  /* Get memory for an SpgmrMemRec containing SPGMR matrices and vectors */

  mem = (SpgmrMem) malloc(sizeof(SpgmrMemRec));
  if (mem == NULL) {
    for (i=0; i <= l_max; i++) free(Hes[i]);
    FreeVectorArray(V, l_max);

  /* Set the fields of mem */

  mem->N = N;
  mem->l_max = l_max;
  mem->V = V;
  mem->Hes = Hes;
  mem->givens = givens;
  mem->xcor = xcor;
  mem->yg = yg;
  mem->vtemp = vtemp;

  /* Return the pointer to SPGMR memory */

Ejemplo n.º 5
integer main(integer argc, char *argv[])
    integer i, j, l, code;
    struct tm *newtime;
    time_t  long_time;

    if (argc <= 2) {
        sprintf(errmsg, "Usage: %s infile outfile1 [outfile2]\n", argv[0]);
    fp = fopen(argv[1], "rb");
    if (fp == NULL) {
        sprintf(errmsg, "Error reading problem definition file: %s\n", argv[1]);
    op = fopen(argv[2], "wb");

    if (op == NULL) {
        sprintf(errmsg, "Error writing output file: %s\n", argv[2]);
    photocurflag = (argc >= 4); /* Flag indicating if photocurrent record
                                 * needed */
    if (photocurflag) {
        php = fopen(argv[3], "wb");
        if (php == NULL) {
            sprintf(errmsg, "Error writing output file: %s\n", argv[3]);
    fread(&code, sizeof(integer), 1, fp);
    if (code != 3001) {
        sprintf(errmsg, "Invalid code in %s, expected %d, found %d.\n", argv[0], 3001, code);
    fread(&N, sizeof(integer), 1, fp);  /* Size of sparse matrices */
    RHS.N = N;
    fread(&RHS.nterms, sizeof(integer), 1, fp); /* Number of RHS terms */

    fread(&nhomodyne, sizeof(integer), 1, fp);  /* Number of homodyne
                                                 * operators */
    homodyne = (struct FS *) calloc(nhomodyne, sizeof(struct FS));
    for (i = 1; i <= nhomodyne; i++) {
        homodyne[i].N = N;
        fread(&homodyne[i].nterms, sizeof(integer), 1, fp);

    fread(&nheterodyne, sizeof(integer), 1, fp);  /* Number of heterodyne
                                                   * operators */
    heterodyne = (struct FS *) calloc(nheterodyne, sizeof(struct FS));
    for (i = 1; i <= nheterodyne; i++) {
        heterodyne[i].N = N;
        fread(&heterodyne[i].nterms, sizeof(integer), 1, fp);

    fread(&ncollapses, sizeof(integer), 1, fp); /* Number of collapse
                                                 * operators */
    if (ncollapses > 0) {
        fatal_error("Jump processes are not currently supported.");
    Cprobs = vector(1, ncollapses);
    collapses = (struct FS *) calloc(ncollapses, sizeof(struct FS));
    for (i = 1; i <= ncollapses; i++) {
        collapses[i].N = N;
        fread(&collapses[i].nterms, sizeof(integer), 1, fp);

    fread(&nopers, sizeof(integer), 1, fp); /* Number of operators for which
                                             * to calculate averages */
    opers = (struct FS *) calloc(nopers, sizeof(struct FS));
    for (i = 1; i <= nopers; i++) {
        opers[i].N = N;
        fread(&opers[i].nterms, sizeof(integer), 1, fp);

/* First read in terms on RHS of evolution equation */

    file2FS(fp, &RHS);

/* Next read in homodyne operator terms */

    if (nhomodyne > 0) {
        h**o = vector(1, nhomodyne);
        for (i = 1; i <= nhomodyne; i++)
            file2FS(fp, &homodyne[i]);
/* Next read in heterodyne operator terms */

    if (nheterodyne > 0) {
        heteror = vector(1, nheterodyne);
        heteroi = vector(1, nheterodyne);
        for (i = 1; i <= nheterodyne; i++)
            file2FS(fp, &heterodyne[i]);
/* Next read in collapse operator terms */

    if (ncollapses > 0) {
        for (i = 1; i <= ncollapses; i++)
            file2FS(fp, &collapses[i]);
/* Finally read in operator terms for averages */

    if (nopers > 0) {
        for (i = 1; i <= nopers; i++)
            file2FS(fp, &opers[i]);
/* Read in intial conditions */

    fread(&code, sizeof(integer), 1, fp);
    if (code != 2003) {
        sprintf(errmsg, "Invalid code in %s, expected %d, found %d.\n", argv[0], 2003, code);
    ystart = N_VNew(2 * N, NULL); /* Get memory for initial condition */
    if (ystart == NULL) {
        fatal_error("Memory allocation failure for initial condition.\n");
    y = N_VNew(2 * N, NULL);    /* Get memory for dependent vector */
    if (y == NULL) {
        fatal_error("Memory allocation failure for state vector.\n");
    fread(N_VDATA(ystart), sizeof(real), N, fp);  /* Read in real parts of
                                                   * initial value */
    fread(N_VDATA(ystart) + N, sizeof(real), N, fp);  /* Read in imaginary
                                                       * parts of initial
                                                       * value */

    fread(&ntimes, sizeof(integer), 1, fp);
    tlist = N_VNew(ntimes, NULL); /* Get memory for time vector */
    if (tlist == NULL) {
        fatal_error("Memory allocation failure for time vector.\n");
    fread(N_VDATA(tlist), sizeof(real), ntimes, fp);

/* Check that the list of times is equally spaced */

    top = Ith(tlist, 1);
    deltat = (Ith(tlist, ntimes) - top) / (ntimes - 1);
    for (i = 1; i <= ntimes; i++) {
        if (fabs(Ith(tlist, i) - top - (i - 1) * deltat) > 0.01 * deltat) {
            fatal_error("List of times must be equally spaced.\n");

    fread(&iseed, sizeof(integer), 1, fp);
    fread(&ntraj, sizeof(integer), 1, fp);  /* Number of trajectories to
                                             * compute */
    fread(&ftraj, sizeof(integer), 1, fp);  /* Frequency at which expectation
                                             * values are written */
    fread(&refine, sizeof(integer), 1, fp); /* Substeps between entries in
                                             * tlist over which noise is
                                             * constant */

    /* Calculate internal step size and noise amplitudes */
    dt = deltat / refine;
    namplr = 1.0 / sqrt(dt);
    namplc = 1.0 / sqrt(2.0 * dt);
    head = 0;

/* Allocate memory for noise buffers */

    if (nhomodyne > 0) {
        homnoise = N_VNew(nhomodyne, NULL);
        if (homnoise == NULL) {
            fatal_error("Memory allocation failure for homodyne noise buffer.\n");
    if (nheterodyne > 0) {
        hetnoiser = N_VNew(nheterodyne, NULL);
        hetnoisei = N_VNew(nheterodyne, NULL);
        if (hetnoiser == NULL || hetnoisei == NULL) {
            fatal_error("Memory allocation failure for heterodyne noise buffer.\n");
/* Read in options for differential equation solver */

    method = 0;
    itertype = 0;
    reltol = RELTOL;
    abstol = ABSTOL;
    abstolp = &abstol;
    nabstol = 1;

    if (fread(&code, sizeof(integer), 1, fp) > 0) {
        if (code != 1001) {
            sprintf(errmsg, "Invalid code in %s, expected %d, found %d.\n", argv[0], 1001, code);
        fread(&method, sizeof(integer), 1, fp);
        fread(&itertype, sizeof(integer), 1, fp);
        fread(&reltol, sizeof(real), 1, fp);
        fread(&nabstol, sizeof(integer), 1, fp);
        if (nabstol == 1)
            fread(&abstol, sizeof(real), 1, fp);
        else if (nabstol == N) {/* Vector of absolute tolerances */
            abstolv = N_VNew(2 * N, NULL);
            if (abstolv == NULL) {
                fatal_error("Memory allocation failure for absolute tolerance vector.\n");
            fread(N_VDATA(abstolv), sizeof(real), N, fp);
            for (i = 1; i <= N; i++)
                Ith(abstolv, N + i) = Ith(abstolv, i);
            abstolp = abstolv;
        } else {
            fatal_error("Absolute tolerance vector has invalid length.\n");
        fread(&iopt[MAXORD], sizeof(integer), 1, fp);
        fread(&iopt[MXSTEP], sizeof(integer), 1, fp);
        fread(&iopt[MXHNIL], sizeof(integer), 1, fp);
        fread(&ropt[H0],   sizeof(real), 1, fp);
        fread(&ropt[HMAX], sizeof(real), 1, fp);
        fread(&ropt[HMIN], sizeof(real), 1, fp);
/* Allocate arrays for expectation values */

    if (nopers > 0) {
        opr = (N_Vector *) calloc(nopers, sizeof(N_Vector));
        opi = (N_Vector *) calloc(nopers, sizeof(N_Vector));
        if (opr == NULL || opi == NULL) {
            fatal_error("Allocation failure for expectation value array pointers.\n");
        for (i = 1; i <= nopers; i++) {
            opr[i] = N_VNew(ntimes, NULL);
            opi[i] = N_VNew(ntimes, NULL);
            if (opr[i] == NULL || opi[i] == NULL) {
                fatal_error("Allocation failure for expectation value arrays.\n");
    /* Set up the random seeds */
    setall(abs(iseed ^ 1234567890L), abs(iseed ^ 987654321L));

    pl = vector(1, 2 * N);      /* Storage for complex wave function */
    q = vector(1, 2 * N);       /* Temporary complex storage */

    fprintf(stderr, "Integrating stochastic differential equation, %d trajectories, %d times:\n", ntraj, ntimes);
    progress = 0;
    fprintf(stderr, "Progress: ");

    if (nopers == 0)
        for (i = 1; i <= ntraj; i++)
            sdesim(i, ntraj);
    else {
        j = 0;
        while (j < ntraj) {
            for (i = 1; i <= ftraj; i++) {
                sdesim(j, ntraj);

    fprintf(stderr, "\n");

/* Tidy up at end of algorithm */

    if (nopers > 0) {
        for (i = 1; i <= nopers; i++) {


    free_vector(q, 1, 2 * N);
    free_vector(pl, 1, 2 * N);

    if (photocurflag)
    if (clrecflag)

    /* Indicate successful completion */
    time(&long_time);           /* Get time as long integer. */
    newtime = localtime(&long_time);  /* Convert to local time. */
    fp = fopen("success.qo", "w");
    fprintf(fp, "SOLVESDE succeeded at %19s\n", asctime(newtime));

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 6
integer main(int argc, char *argv[])
    integer i, j, k, code, dummy;
    struct tm *newtime;
    time_t  long_time;

    if (argc <= 2) {
        sprintf(errmsg, "Usage: %s infile outfile1 [outfile2]\n", argv[0]);
    fp = fopen(argv[1], "rb");
    if (fp == NULL) {
        sprintf(errmsg, "Error reading problem definition file: %s\n", argv[1]);
    op = fopen(argv[2], "wb");
    if (op == NULL) {
        sprintf(errmsg, "Error writing output file: %s\n", argv[2]);
    clrecflag = (argc >= 4);    /* Flag indicating if classical record needed */
    if (clrecflag) {
        cp = fopen(argv[3], "wb");
        if (cp == NULL) {
            sprintf(errmsg, "Error writing output file: %s\n", argv[3]);
    fread(&code, sizeof(integer), 1, fp);
    if (code != 2001) {
        sprintf(errmsg, "Invalid code in %s, expected %d, found %d.\n", argv[0], 2001, code);
    fread(&N, sizeof(integer), 1, fp);  /* Size of sparse matrices */
    if (N <= 0) {
        fatal_error("Size of problem must be >0.\n");
    RHS.N = N;
    fread(&RHS.nterms, sizeof(integer), 1, fp); /* Number of RHS terms */
    if (RHS.nterms <= 0) {
        fatal_error("Number of terms on RHS must be >0.\n");
    fread(&ncollapses, sizeof(integer), 1, fp); /* Number of collapse
                                                 * operators */
    if (ncollapses < 0) {
        fatal_error("Number of collapse operators must be >=0.\n");
    if (ncollapses > 0) {
        Cprobs = vector(1, ncollapses);
        collapses = (struct FS *) calloc(ncollapses, sizeof(struct FS));
        for (i = 1; i <= ncollapses; i++) {
            collapses[i].N = N;
            fread(&collapses[i].nterms, sizeof(integer), 1, fp);
            if (collapses[i].nterms <= 0) {
                sprintf(errmsg, "Invalid number of terms for collapse operator %d.\n", i);
    fread(&nopers, sizeof(integer), 1, fp);
    opers = (struct FS *) calloc(nopers, sizeof(struct FS));
    for (i = 1; i <= nopers; i++) {
        opers[i].N = N;
        fread(&opers[i].nterms, sizeof(integer), 1, fp);
        if (opers[i].nterms <= 0) {
            sprintf(errmsg, "Invalid number of terms for average operator %d.\n", i);

/* First read in terms on RHS of evolution equation */

    file2FS(fp, &RHS);

/* Next read in collapse operator terms */

    if (ncollapses > 0) {
        for (i = 1; i <= ncollapses; i++)
            file2FS(fp, &collapses[i]);
/* Next read in operator terms for averages */

    if (nopers > 0) {
        for (i = 1; i <= nopers; i++)
            file2FS(fp, &opers[i]);
    /* Read in intial conditions */

    fread(&code, sizeof(integer), 1, fp);
    if (code != 2003) {
        sprintf(errmsg, "Invalid code in %s, expected %d, found %d.\n", argv[0], 2003, code);
    ystart = N_VNew(2 * N, NULL); /* Get memory for initial condition */
    if (ystart == NULL) {
        fatal_error("Memory allocation failure for initial condition.\n");
    y = N_VNew(2 * N, NULL);    /* Get memory for dependent vector */
    if (y == NULL) {
        fatal_error("Memory allocation failure for state vector.\n");
    fread(N_VDATA(ystart), sizeof(real), N, fp);  /* Read in real parts of
                                                   * initial value */
    fread(N_VDATA(ystart) + N, sizeof(real), N, fp);  /* Read in imaginary
                                                       * parts of initial
                                                       * value */

    fread(&ntimes, sizeof(integer), 1, fp);
    tlist = N_VNew(ntimes, NULL); /* Get memory for time vector */
    if (tlist == NULL) {
        fatal_error("Memory allocation failure for time vector.\n");
    fread(N_VDATA(tlist), sizeof(real), ntimes, fp);
    fread(&iseed, sizeof(integer), 1, fp);
    fread(&ntraj, sizeof(integer), 1, fp);  /* Number of trajectories to
                                             * compute */
    fread(&ftraj, sizeof(integer), 1, fp);  /* Frequency at which expectation */
    /* values are written */
    fread(&dummy, sizeof(integer), 1, fp);  /* Unused parameter */

/* Read in options for differential equation solver */

    method = 0;
    itertype = 0;
    reltol = RELTOL;
    abstol = ABSTOL;
    abstolp = &abstol;
    nabstol = 1;

    if (fread(&code, sizeof(integer), 1, fp) > 0) {
        if (code != 1001) {
            sprintf(errmsg, "Invalid code in %s, expected %d, found %d.\n", argv[0], 1001, code);
        fread(&method, sizeof(integer), 1, fp);
        fread(&itertype, sizeof(integer), 1, fp);
        fread(&reltol, sizeof(real), 1, fp);
        fread(&nabstol, sizeof(integer), 1, fp);
        if (nabstol == 1)
            fread(&abstol, sizeof(real), 1, fp);
        else if (nabstol == N) {/* Vector of absolute tolerances */
            abstolv = N_VNew(2 * N, NULL);
            if (abstolv == NULL) {
                fatal_error("Memory allocation failure for absolute tolerance vector.\n");
            fread(N_VDATA(abstolv), sizeof(real), N, fp);
            for (i = 1; i <= N; i++)
                Ith(abstolv, N + i) = Ith(abstolv, i);
            abstolp = abstolv;
        } else {
            fatal_error("Absolute tolerance vector has invalid length.\n");
        fread(&iopt[MAXORD], sizeof(integer), 1, fp);
        fread(&iopt[MXSTEP], sizeof(integer), 1, fp);
        fread(&iopt[MXHNIL], sizeof(integer), 1, fp);
        fread(&ropt[H0],   sizeof(real), 1, fp);
        fread(&ropt[HMAX], sizeof(real), 1, fp);
        fread(&ropt[HMIN], sizeof(real), 1, fp);
/* Allocate arrays for expectation values */

    if (nopers > 0) {
        opr = (N_Vector *) calloc(nopers, sizeof(N_Vector));
        opi = (N_Vector *) calloc(nopers, sizeof(N_Vector));
        if (opr == NULL || opi == NULL) {
            fatal_error("Allocation failure for expectation value array pointers.\n");
        for (i = 1; i <= nopers; i++) {
            opr[i] = N_VNew(ntimes, NULL);
            opi[i] = N_VNew(ntimes, NULL);
            if (opr[i] == NULL || opi[i] == NULL) {
                fatal_error("Allocation failure for expectation value arrays.\n");
/* Set up the random seeds */
    setall(abs(iseed ^ 1234567890L), abs(iseed ^ 987654321L));
    progress = 0;
    if (ncollapses > 0) {       /* Use quantum trajectory algorithm */
        fprintf(stderr, "Integrating differential equation, %d trajectories, %d times.\n", ntraj, ntimes);
        fprintf(stderr, "Progress: ");
        q = N_VNew(2 * N, NULL);/* Get memory for temporary storage */
        if (nopers == 0)        /* Calculate and store wave functions */
            for (i = 1; i <= ntraj; i++)
                mcwfalg(i, ntraj);
        else {                  /* Only store averages of specified operators */
            j = 0;
            while (j < ntraj) {
                for (i = 1; i <= ftraj; i++) {
                    mcwfalg(j, ntraj);
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "Integrating differential equation, %d times.\n", ntimes);
        fprintf(stderr, "Progress: ");
        integrate();            /* Use direct integration */
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");

/* Tidy up at end of algorithm */

    if (nopers > 0) {
        for (i = 1; i <= nopers; i++) {

    if (clrecflag)

    /* Indicate successful completion */
    time(&long_time);           /* Get time as long integer. */
    newtime = localtime(&long_time);  /* Convert to local time. */
    fp = fopen("success.qo", "w");
    fprintf(fp, "SUCCESS\nSOLVEMC succeeded at %19s\n", asctime(newtime));

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 7
void    mcwfalg(integer itraj, integer ntraj)
    integer i, N, exflag, flag;
    real    eps = 1.0e-6, t, temp;
    real    nl, nr, na, tl, tr, taim, thresh;
    double  sum = 0.0;

    N = RHS.N;
    for (i = 1; i <= 2 * N; i++)
        Ith(y, i) = Ith(ystart, i);

    /* Initialize ODE solver */
    cvode_mem = CVodeMalloc(2 * N, derivs, Ith(tlist, 1), y,
                            (method == 0) ? ADAMS : BDF,
                            (itertype == 0) ? FUNCTIONAL : NEWTON,
                            (nabstol == 1) ? SS : SV,
                     	     &reltol, abstolp, NULL, NULL, TRUE, iopt, ropt, NULL);
    if (cvode_mem == NULL) {
        fatal_error("CVodeMalloc failed.\n");
    /* Call CVDiag */

    q = N_VNew(2 * N, NULL);
    thresh = genunf(0.0, 1.0);  /* Generate target value of norm^2 */
    if (nopers == 0)
        fwrite(&itraj, sizeof(integer), 1, op);
    if (clrecflag) {
        temp = itraj;
        fwrite(&temp, sizeof(real), 1, cp);
        temp = 0.0;
        fwrite(&temp, sizeof(real), 1, cp);
    tr = Ith(tlist, 1);
    nr = norm2(N_VDATA(y) - 1, N);
    if (nopers == 0)
        fwrite(N_VDATA(y), sizeof(real), 2 * N, op);
        operAccum(N_VDATA(y) - 1, N_VDATA(q) - 1, N, tr, 1);

    for (i = 2; i <= ntimes;) {
        taim = Ith(tlist, i);
        tl = tr;
        nl = nr;
        flag = CVode1(cvode_mem, taim, y, &tr, ONE_STEP);
        if (flag != SUCCESS) {
            sprintf(errmsg, "CVode failed, flag=%d.\n", flag);
        nr = norm2(N_VDATA(y) - 1, N);
        for (; i <= ntimes;) {
            if (tr < taim) {
                if (nr < thresh) {
                    tr = docollapse(tl, nl, tr, nr, thresh);  /* A collapse has
                                                               * occured */
                    nr = 1.0;
                    thresh = genunf(0.0, 1.0);  /* Generate target value of
                                                 * norm^2 */
            } else {
                flag = CVode1(cvode_mem, taim, y, &t, NORMAL); /* Interpolate */
                if (flag != SUCCESS) {
                    sprintf(errmsg, "CVode failed, flag=%d.\n", flag);
                na = norm2(N_VDATA(y) - 1, N);
                if (na < thresh) {
                    tr = docollapse(tl, nl, taim, na, thresh);  /* A collapse has
                                                                 * occured */
                    nr = 1.0;
                    thresh = genunf(0.0, 1.0);  /* Generate target value of
                                                 * norm^2 */
                } else {        /* Write out results */
                    tl = taim;
                    nl = na;
                    if (nopers == 0)
                        fwrite(N_VDATA(y), sizeof(real), 2 * N, op);
                        operAccum(N_VDATA(y) - 1, N_VDATA(q) - 1, N, taim, i);
                    i += 1;
                    progress += NHASH;
                    while (progress >= (ntimes - 1) * ntraj) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "#");
                        progress -= (ntimes - 1) * ntraj;
                    taim = Ith(tlist, i);
Ejemplo n.º 8
int main()
  M_Env machEnv;
  realtype abstol, reltol, t, tout, ropt[OPT_SIZE];
  long int iopt[OPT_SIZE];
  N_Vector y;
  UserData data;
  CVBandPreData bpdata;
  void *cvode_mem;
  int ml, mu, iout, flag, jpre;

  /* Initialize serial machine environment */
  machEnv = M_EnvInit_Serial(NEQ);

  /* Allocate and initialize y, and set problem data and tolerances */ 

  y = N_VNew(NEQ, machEnv);
  data = (UserData) malloc(sizeof *data);
  SetInitialProfiles(y, data->dx, data->dz);
  abstol = ATOL; reltol = RTOL;

  /* Call CVodeMalloc to initialize CVODE: 
     NEQ     is the problem size = number of equations
     f       is the user's right hand side function in y'=f(t,y)
     T0      is the initial time
     y       is the initial dependent variable vector
     BDF     specifies the Backward Differentiation Formula
     NEWTON  specifies a Newton iteration
     SS      specifies scalar relative and absolute tolerances
     &reltol and &abstol are pointers to the scalar tolerances
     data    is the pointer to the user-defined block of coefficients
     FALSE   indicates there are no optional inputs in iopt and ropt
     iopt    and ropt arrays communicate optional integer and real input/output

     A pointer to CVODE problem memory is returned and stored in cvode_mem.  */

  cvode_mem = CVodeMalloc(NEQ, f, T0, y, BDF, NEWTON, SS, &reltol,
                          &abstol, data, NULL, FALSE, iopt, ropt, machEnv);
  if (cvode_mem == NULL) { printf("CVodeMalloc failed."); return(1); }

  /* Call CVBandPreAlloc to initialize band preconditioner */
  ml = mu = 2;
  bpdata = CVBandPreAlloc (NEQ, f, data, mu, ml, cvode_mem);

  /* Call CVSpgmr to specify the CVODE linear solver CVSPGMR with
     left preconditioning, modified Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization,
     default values for the maximum Krylov dimension maxl and the tolerance
     parameter delt, preconditioner setup and solve routines CVBandPrecond
     and CVBandPSolve, the pointer to the user-defined block data, and
     NULL for the user jtimes routine and Jacobian data pointer.             */

  flag = CVSpgmr(cvode_mem, LEFT, MODIFIED_GS, 0, 0.0, CVBandPrecond,
                  CVBandPSolve, bpdata, NULL, NULL);
  if (flag != SUCCESS) { printf("CVSpgmr failed."); return(1); }

  printf("2-species diurnal advection-diffusion problem, %d by %d mesh\n",
         MX, MZ);
  printf("SPGMR solver; band preconditioner; mu = %d, ml = %d\n\n",
         mu, ml);

  /* Loop over jpre (= LEFT, RIGHT), and solve the problem */

  for (jpre = LEFT; jpre <= RIGHT; jpre++) {

  /* On second run, re-initialize y, CVODE, CVBANDPRE, and CVSPGMR */

  if (jpre == RIGHT) {

    SetInitialProfiles(y, data->dx, data->dz);

    flag = CVReInit(cvode_mem, f, T0, y, BDF, NEWTON, SS, &reltol,
                    &abstol, data, NULL, FALSE, iopt, ropt, machEnv);
    if (flag != SUCCESS) { printf("CVReInit failed."); return(1); }

    flag = CVReInitBandPre(bpdata, NEQ, f, data, mu, ml);

    flag = CVReInitSpgmr(cvode_mem, jpre, MODIFIED_GS, 0, 0.0,
                         CVBandPrecond, CVBandPSolve, bpdata, NULL, NULL);
    if (flag != SUCCESS) { printf("CVReInitSpgmr failed."); return(1); }


    printf("\n\nPreconditioner type is:  jpre = %s\n\n",
           (jpre == LEFT) ? "LEFT" : "RIGHT");

  /* In loop over output points, call CVode, print results, test for error */

  for (iout = 1, tout = TWOHR; iout <= NOUT; iout++, tout += TWOHR) {
    flag = CVode(cvode_mem, tout, y, &t, NORMAL);
    PrintOutput(iopt, ropt, y, t);
    if (flag != SUCCESS) {
      printf("CVode failed, flag = %d.\n", flag);

  /* Print final statistics */


  } /* End of jpre loop */

  /* Free memory */  


Ejemplo n.º 9
Archivo: ihm10.c Proyecto: geoxuan/PIHM
/* Main Function */
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  char *filename = "shalehills";        /* Input file name prefix    */
  char *StateFile;                /* Output file name string   */
  char *FluxFile;
  char *ETISFile;  
  char *QFile;  
  Model_Data mData;               /* Model Data                */
  Control_Data cData;             /* Solver Control Data       */
  N_Vector CV_Y;                  /* State Variables Vector    */
  M_Env machEnv;                  /* Machine Environments      */
  realtype ropt[OPT_SIZE];        /* Optional real type and integer type  */
  long int iopt[OPT_SIZE];        /* vecter for Message Passing to solver */
  void *cvode_mem;                /* Model Data Pointer        */
  int flag;                       /* flag to test return value */
  FILE *res_state_file;           /* Output file for States    */
  FILE *res_flux_file;            /* Output file for Flux      */
  FILE *res_etis_file;            /* Output file for ET and IS */
  FILE *res_q_file;
  int N;                          /* Problem size              */
  int i;                          /* loop index                */
  realtype t;                     /* simulation time           */
  realtype NextPtr, StepSize;     /* stress period & step size */
  clock_t start, end_r, end_s;    /* system clock at points    */
  realtype cputime_r, cputime_s;  /* for duration in realtype  */
  /* allocate memory for model data structure */
  mData = (Model_Data)malloc(sizeof *mData);
  start = clock();
  /* get user specified file name in command line */
  if(argc >= 2)
    filename = (char *)malloc(strlen(argv[1])*sizeof(char));
    strcpy(filename, argv[1]);
  printf("\nBelt up!  PIHM 1.0 is starting ... \n");
  /* read in 7 input files with "filename" as prefix */
  read_alloc(filename, mData, &cData); 
  /* problem size */
  N = 3*mData->NumEle + mData->NumRiv;
  /* initial machine environment variable */
  machEnv = M_EnvInit_Serial(N);
  /* initial state variable depending on machine*/
  CV_Y = N_VNew(N, machEnv);
  /* initialize mode data structure */
  initialize(filename, mData, &cData, CV_Y);
  if(cData.Debug == 1) {PrintModelData(mData);}  
  end_r = clock();
  cputime_r = (end_r - start)/(realtype)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
  printf("\nSolving ODE system ... \n");
  /* initial control parameter for CVODE solver. Otherwise the default value by C could cause problems. */
  for(i=0; i<OPT_SIZE; i++)
    ropt[i] = 0.0;
    iopt[i] = 0;
  /* set user specified control parameter */
  ropt[H0] = cData.InitStep;  
  ropt[HMAX] = cData.MaxStep; 
  /* allocate memory for solver */
  cvode_mem = CVodeMalloc(N, f, cData.StartTime, CV_Y, BDF, NEWTON, SS, &cData.reltol, 
                          &cData.abstol, mData, NULL, TRUE, iopt, ropt, machEnv);
  if(cvode_mem == NULL) {printf("CVodeMalloc failed. \n"); return(1);}
  if(cData.Solver == 1)
    /* using dense direct solver */
    flag = CVDense(cvode_mem, NULL, NULL);
    if(flag != SUCCESS) {printf("CVDense failed. \n"); return(1);}
  else if(cData.Solver == 2)
    /* using iterative solver */
    flag = CVSpgmr(cvode_mem, NONE, cData.GSType, cData.MaxK, cData.delt, NULL, NULL,
                       mData, NULL, NULL);
    if (flag != SUCCESS) {printf("CVSpgmr failed."); return(1);}
  /*allocate and copy to get output file name */
  StateFile = (char *)malloc((strlen(filename)+4)*sizeof(char));
  strcpy(StateFile, filename);
  FluxFile  = (char *)malloc((strlen(filename)+5)*sizeof(char));
  strcpy(FluxFile, filename);
  ETISFile  = (char *)malloc((strlen(filename)+5)*sizeof(char));
  strcpy(ETISFile, filename);
  QFile = (char *)malloc((strlen(filename)+2)*sizeof(char));
  strcpy(QFile, filename);
  /* open output file */
  if (cData.res_out == 1) {res_state_file = fopen(strcat(StateFile, ".res"), "w");}
  if (cData.flux_out == 1) {res_flux_file = fopen(strcat(FluxFile, ".flux"), "w");}
  if (cData.etis_out == 1) {res_etis_file = fopen(strcat(ETISFile, ".etis"), "w");}
  if (cData.q_out == 1) {res_q_file = fopen(strcat(QFile, ".q"), "w");}
  /* print header of output file */
  if (cData.res_out == 1) {FPrintYheader(res_state_file, mData);}
  if (cData.etis_out == 1) {FPrintETISheader(res_etis_file, mData);}
  if (cData.q_out == 1) {FPrintETISheader(res_q_file, mData);}
  /* set start time */
  t = cData.StartTime;
  /* start solver in loops */
  for(i=0; i<cData.NumSteps; i++)
    /* prompt information in non-verbose mode */
    if (cData.Verbose != 1)
      printf("  Running: %-4.1f%% ... ", (100*(i+1)/((realtype) cData.NumSteps))); 
    /* inner loops to next output points with ET step size control */
    while(t < cData.Tout[i+1])
      if (t + cData.ETStep >= cData.Tout[i+1])
        NextPtr = cData.Tout[i+1];
        NextPtr = t + cData.ETStep;
      StepSize = NextPtr - t; 
      /* calculate Interception Storage */
      calIS(t, StepSize, mData);
      /* solving ODE system */
      flag = CVode(cvode_mem, NextPtr, CV_Y, &t, NORMAL);  
      /* calculate ET and adjust states variables*/
      calET(t, StepSize, CV_Y, mData);
    if(cData.Verbose == 1) {PrintVerbose(i, t, iopt, ropt);}

    /* uncomment it if user need it verbose mode */  
    /* if(cData.Verbose == 1) {PrintY(mData, CV_Y, t);} */
    /* print out results to files at every output time */
    if (cData.res_out == 1) {FPrintY(mData, CV_Y, t, res_state_file);}
    if (cData.flux_out == 1) {FPrintFlux(mData, t, res_flux_file);}
    if (cData.etis_out == 1) {FPrintETIS(mData, t, res_etis_file);}
    if (cData.q_out == 1) {FPrintQ(mData, t, res_q_file);}
    if (cData.Verbose != 1) {printf("\r");}  
    if(flag != SUCCESS) {printf("CVode failed, flag = %d. \n", flag); return(flag);} 
    /* clear buffer */
  /* free memory */
  /* capture time */
  end_s = clock();
  cputime_s = (end_s - end_r)/(realtype)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
  /* print out simulation statistics */
  PrintFarewell(cData, iopt, ropt, cputime_r, cputime_s);
  if (cData.res_out == 1) {FPrintFarewell(cData, res_state_file, iopt, ropt, cputime_r, cputime_s);}
  /* close output files */
  if (cData.res_out == 1)  {fclose(res_state_file);}
  if (cData.flux_out == 1) {fclose(res_flux_file);}
  if (cData.etis_out == 1) {fclose(res_etis_file);}
  if (cData.q_out == 1)    {fclose(res_q_file);}
  return 0;