Ejemplo n.º 1
    // Constructor
    Input(int argc, char **argv)
      : ec_(false), shortestOnly_(false), distances_(false), suppressRef_(false),
        overlaps_(true), delim_("|"), refFile_(""), nonRefFile_(""), chr_("all") {

      typedef Ext::UserError UE;
      if ( 1 == argc )
      int argcntr = 1;
      bool outoption = false; // may choose up to one type of non-default output option

      // [Process-Flags]
      std::string next = "";
      while ( argcntr < argc ) {
        next = argv[argcntr];
        if ( next == "--help" )
        else if ( next == "--version" )
        else if ( next == "--ec" || next == "--header" )
          ec_ = true;
        else if ( next == "--no-overlaps" )
          overlaps_ = false;
        else if ( next == "--delim" ) {
          Ext::Assert<UE>(++argcntr < argc, "No value given for --delim.");
          delim_ = argv[argcntr];
        else if ( next == "--chrom" ) {
          Ext::Assert<UE>(++argcntr < argc, "No value given for --chrome.");
          chr_ = argv[argcntr];
        else if ( next == "--closest" ) {
          Ext::Assert<UE>(!outoption, "Multiple output options not allowed.");
          shortestOnly_ = true;
          outoption = true;
        else if ( next == "--dist" )
          distances_ = true;
        else if ( next == "--no-ref" )
          suppressRef_ = true;
        else if ( next == "--help" )
        else if ( next == "--shortest" ) { // silently supported for bckwd compatibility
          Ext::Assert<UE>(!outoption, "Multiple output options not allowed.");
          shortestOnly_ = true;
          outoption = true;
        } else { // the rest are two input files?
          Ext::Assert<UE>(argcntr + 2 == argc, "Unknown option: " + next + ".");
      } // while

      Ext::Assert<UE>(argcntr + 2 == argc, "Not enough input files given.");
      refFile_ = argv[argcntr++];
      nonRefFile_ = argv[argcntr];
      Ext::Assert<UE>(refFile_.find("--") != 0, "Option given where file expected: " + refFile_ + ".");
      Ext::Assert<UE>(nonRefFile_.find("--") != 0, "Option given where file expected: " + nonRefFile_ + ".");
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: hmm.cpp Proyecto: sjneph/hmm
Input::Input(int argc, char** argv) : _niters(1), _nstates(1), _nsymbols(0),
                                      _verbose(false), _read_params(false),
                                      _seed(std::time(NULL)) {
  for ( int i = 1; i < argc; ++i ) {
    if ( std::string(argv[i]) == "--help" )
    else if ( std::string(argv[i]) == "--version" )
  } // for

  if ( argc == 1 )
  if ( argc < 4 )
    throw("Wrong number of args: see --help");

  const std::string ints = "0123456789";
  int nextc = 1;
  const std::string todo = argv[nextc++];
  std::string next = argv[nextc++];
  if ( todo == "train" || todo == "train-and-decode" ) {
    if ( (argc < 5) || (argc > 7) )
      throw("Wrong number of args for '" + todo + ".  See --help");
    _operation = Ops::TRAIN;
    if ( todo == "train-and-decode" )
      _operation = Ops::TRAIN_AND_DECODE;
    int count = argc;
    while ( next.find_first_of("--seed") == 0 || next.find_first_of("--verbose") == 0 ) {
      if ( --count == 0 )
      if ( next == "--verbose" ) {
        _verbose = true;
      } else {
        auto v = split(next, "=");
        if ( v.size() != 2 )
          throw("Bad number.  Expect a +integer for " + next + ".  See --help");
        if ( v[1].find_first_not_of(ints) != std::string::npos )
          throw("Bad number. Expect a +integer for " + next + ".  See --help");
        _seed = std::atoi(v[1].c_str());
      if ( nextc != argc )
        next = argv[nextc++];
    } // while
    if ( count != 5 )
      throw("Wrong number (or order) of arguments for " + todo + ".  See --help");
    if ( next.find_first_not_of(ints) != std::string::npos )
      throw("Bad argument: expect a +integer for <number-states>.  See --help");
    _nstates = std::atoi(next.c_str());
    next = argv[nextc++];
    if ( next.find_first_not_of(ints) != std::string::npos )
      throw("Bad argument - expect a +integer for <number-iterations>.  See --help");
    _niters = std::atoi(next.c_str());
  } else if ( todo == "probability" ) {
    if ( argc != 4 )
      throw("Wrong number of args for '" + todo + ".  See --help");
    _operation = Ops::PROB;
    _params = next;
    std::ifstream f(_params.c_str());
    if (!f)
      throw("Input file not found: " + _params);
  } else if ( todo == "decode" ) {
    if ( argc != 4 )
      throw("Wrong number of args for '" + todo + ".  See --help");
    _operation = Ops::DECODE;
    _params = next;
    std::ifstream f(_params.c_str());
    if (!f)
      throw("Input file not found: " + _params);
  } else {
    throw("Unknown operation: '" + todo + "'.  See --help.");

  if ( _niters <= 0 || _niters > _MAXITER )
    throw("Bad number of '" + todo + "' iterations");
  else if ( _nstates <= 0 || _nstates > _MAXSTATES )
    throw("Bad number of '" + todo + "' states");

  _src = argv[nextc++];
  std::ifstream f(_src.c_str());
  if (!f)
    throw("Input file not found: " + _src);

  read_data(); // read observations; get _nsymbols from the data

  if ( todo == "train" || todo == "train-and-decode" ) {
    initialize_parameters(); // only after read_data() due to _nsymbols
    if ( _nsymbols == 0 )
      throw("Didn't find any data");