Ejemplo n.º 1
/* Functional tests for Socket public functions */
void do_other_work(void) 
{ /* while waiting for nonblocking I/O to complete */
        (void) PR_Sleep(2*60);
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Test a message send????
nsresult nsEudoraCompose::SendTheMessage(nsIFile *pMailImportLocation, nsIFile **pMsg)
  nsresult rv = CreateComponents();
  if (NS_SUCCEEDED( rv))
    rv = CreateIdentity();
  if (NS_FAILED( rv))
    return( rv);

  // IMPORT_LOG0( "Outlook Compose created necessary components\n");

  nsString bodyType;
  nsString charSet;
  nsString headerVal;
  GetHeaderValue( m_pHeaders, m_headerLen, "From:", headerVal);
  if (!headerVal.IsEmpty())
    m_pMsgFields->SetFrom( headerVal);
  GetHeaderValue( m_pHeaders, m_headerLen, "To:", headerVal);
  if (!headerVal.IsEmpty())
    m_pMsgFields->SetTo( headerVal);
  GetHeaderValue( m_pHeaders, m_headerLen, "Subject:", headerVal);
  if (!headerVal.IsEmpty())
    m_pMsgFields->SetSubject( headerVal);
  GetHeaderValue( m_pHeaders, m_headerLen, "Content-type:", headerVal);
  bodyType = headerVal;
  ExtractType( bodyType);
  ExtractCharset( headerVal);
  // Use platform charset as default if the msg doesn't specify one
  // (ie, no 'charset' param in the Content-Type: header). As the last
  // resort we'll use the mail default charset.
  // (ie, no 'charset' param in the Content-Type: header) or if the
  // charset parameter fails a length sanity check.
  // As the last resort we'll use the mail default charset.
  if ( headerVal.IsEmpty() || (headerVal.Length() > kContentTypeLengthSanityCheck) )
    CopyASCIItoUTF16(nsMsgI18NFileSystemCharset(), headerVal);
    if (headerVal.IsEmpty())
    { // last resort
      if (m_defCharset.IsEmpty())
        nsString defaultCharset;
        NS_GetLocalizedUnicharPreferenceWithDefault(nsnull, "mailnews.view_default_charset",
                                                    NS_LITERAL_STRING("ISO-8859-1"), defaultCharset);
        m_defCharset = defaultCharset;
      headerVal = m_defCharset;
  m_pMsgFields->SetCharacterSet( NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII(headerVal).get() );
  charSet = headerVal;
  GetHeaderValue( m_pHeaders, m_headerLen, "CC:", headerVal);
  if (!headerVal.IsEmpty())
    m_pMsgFields->SetCc( headerVal);
  GetHeaderValue( m_pHeaders, m_headerLen, "Message-ID:", headerVal);
  if (!headerVal.IsEmpty())
    m_pMsgFields->SetMessageId( NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII(headerVal).get() );
  GetHeaderValue( m_pHeaders, m_headerLen, "Reply-To:", headerVal);
  if (!headerVal.IsEmpty())
    m_pMsgFields->SetReplyTo( headerVal);

  // what about all of the other headers?!?!?!?!?!?!
  char *pMimeType;
  if (!bodyType.IsEmpty())
    pMimeType = ToNewCString(bodyType);
    pMimeType = ToNewCString(m_bodyType);

  // IMPORT_LOG0( "Outlook compose calling CreateAndSendMessage\n");
  nsMsgAttachedFile *pAttach = GetLocalAttachments();

    l10n - I have the body of the message in the system charset,
    I need to "encode" it to be the charset for the message
    *UNLESS* of course, I don't know what the charset of the message
    should be?  How do I determine what the charset should
    be if it doesn't exist?


  nsString uniBody;
  NS_CopyNativeToUnicode( nsDependentCString(m_pBody), uniBody);

  nsCString body;

  rv = nsMsgI18NConvertFromUnicode( NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII(charSet).get(),
                                    uniBody, body);
  if (NS_FAILED( rv)) {
    // in this case, if we did not use the default compose
    // charset, then try that.
    if (!charSet.Equals( m_defCharset)) {
      rv = nsMsgI18NConvertFromUnicode( NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII(charSet).get(),
                                        uniBody, body);

  // See if it's a draft msg (ie, no From: or no To: AND no Cc: AND no Bcc:).
  // Eudora saves sent and draft msgs in Out folder (ie, mixed) and it does
  // store Bcc: header in the msg itself.
  nsMsgDeliverMode mode = nsIMsgSend::nsMsgDeliverNow;
  nsAutoString from, to, cc, bcc;
  rv = m_pMsgFields->GetFrom(from);
  rv = m_pMsgFields->GetTo(to);
  rv = m_pMsgFields->GetCc(cc);
  rv = m_pMsgFields->GetBcc(bcc);
  if ( from.IsEmpty() || to.IsEmpty() && cc.IsEmpty() && bcc.IsEmpty() )
    mode = nsIMsgSend::nsMsgSaveAsDraft;

  // We only get the editor interface when there's embedded content.
  // Otherwise pEditor remains NULL. That way we only import with the pseudo
  // editor when it helps.
  nsRefPtr<nsEudoraEditor>  pEudoraEditor = new nsEudoraEditor(m_pBody, pMailImportLocation);
  nsCOMPtr<nsIEditor>       pEditor;

  if (pEudoraEditor->HasEmbeddedContent())
    // There's embedded content that we need to import, so query for the editor interface
    pEudoraEditor->QueryInterface( NS_GET_IID(nsIEditor), getter_AddRefs(pEditor) );

  if (NS_FAILED( rv)) {

    rv = m_pSendProxy->CreateAndSendMessage(
                          pEditor.get(),                // pseudo editor shell when there's embedded content
                          s_pIdentity,                  // dummy identity
                          nsnull,                       // account key
                          m_pMsgFields,                 // message fields
                          PR_FALSE,                     // digest = NO
                          PR_TRUE,                      // dont_deliver = YES, make a file
                          mode,                         // mode
                          nsnull,                       // no message to replace
                          pMimeType,                    // body type
                          m_pBody,                      // body pointer
                          m_bodyLen,                    // body length
                          nsnull,                       // remote attachment data
                          pAttach,                      // local attachments
                          nsnull,                       // related part
                          nsnull,                       // parent window
                          nsnull,                       // progress listener
                          m_pListener,                  // listener
                          nsnull,                       // password
                          EmptyCString(),               // originalMsgURI
                          nsnull);                      // message compose type

  else {
    rv = m_pSendProxy->CreateAndSendMessage(
                          pEditor.get(),                // pseudo editor shell when there's embedded content
                          s_pIdentity,                  // dummy identity
                          nsnull,                       // account key
                          m_pMsgFields,                 // message fields
                          PR_FALSE,                     // digest = NO
                          PR_TRUE,                      // dont_deliver = YES, make a file
                          mode,                         // mode
                          nsnull,                       // no message to replace
                          pMimeType,                    // body type
                          body.get(),                   // body pointer
                          body.Length(),                // body length
                          nsnull,                       // remote attachment data
                          pAttach,                      // local attachments
                          nsnull,                       // related part
                          nsnull,                       // parent window
                          nsnull,                       // progress listener
                          m_pListener,                  // listener
                          nsnull,                       // password
                          EmptyCString(),               // originalMsgURI
                          nsnull);                      // message compose type


  // IMPORT_LOG0( "Returned from CreateAndSendMessage\n");

  if (pAttach)
    delete [] pAttach;

  EudoraSendListener *pListen = (EudoraSendListener *)m_pListener;
  if (NS_FAILED( rv)) {
    IMPORT_LOG1( "*** Error, CreateAndSendMessage FAILED: 0x%lx\n", rv);
    // IMPORT_LOG1( "Headers: %80s\n", m_pHeaders);
  else {
    // wait for the listener to get done!
    PRInt32 abortCnt = 0;
    PRInt32 cnt = 0;
    PRInt32 sleepCnt = 1;
    while (!pListen->m_done && (abortCnt < kHungAbortCount)) {
      PR_Sleep( sleepCnt);
      if (cnt > kHungCount) {
        sleepCnt *= 2;
        cnt = 0;

    if (abortCnt >= kHungAbortCount) {
      IMPORT_LOG0( "**** Create and send message hung\n");
      IMPORT_LOG1( "Headers: %s\n", m_pHeaders);
      IMPORT_LOG1( "Body: %s\n", m_pBody);
      rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE;


  if (pMimeType)
    NS_Free( pMimeType);

  if (pListen->m_location) {
    rv = NS_OK;
  else {
    IMPORT_LOG0( "*** Error, Outlook compose unsuccessful\n");


  return( rv);
main(int argc, char* argv[])
    if (test_common_init(&argc, &argv) != 0)
        return -1;

    nsresult rv;

    if (argc < 4) {
        printf("usage: TestSocketTransport <host> <port> <path>\n");
        return -1;

        nsCOMPtr<nsIServiceManager> servMan;
        NS_InitXPCOM2(getter_AddRefs(servMan), nullptr, nullptr);
        nsCOMPtr<nsIComponentRegistrar> registrar = do_QueryInterface(servMan);
        NS_ASSERTION(registrar, "Null nsIComponentRegistrar");
        if (registrar)

#if defined(PR_LOGGING)
        gTestLog = PR_NewLogModule("Test");

        // Make sure the DNS service is initialized on the main thread
        nsCOMPtr<nsIDNSService> dns =
                 do_GetService(NS_DNSSERVICE_CONTRACTID, &rv);
        if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;

        nsCOMPtr<nsPISocketTransportService> sts =
            do_GetService(kSocketTransportServiceCID, &rv);
        if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;

        LOG(("phase 1 tests...\n"));

        LOG(("flags = { OPEN_UNBUFFERED, OPEN_UNBUFFERED }\n"));
        rv = RunCloseTest(sts, argv[1], atoi(argv[2]),
        NS_ASSERTION(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "RunCloseTest failed");

        LOG(("flags = { OPEN_BUFFERED, OPEN_UNBUFFERED }\n"));
        rv = RunCloseTest(sts, argv[1], atoi(argv[2]),
                          0 /* nsITransport::OPEN_BUFFERED */,
        NS_ASSERTION(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "RunCloseTest failed");

        LOG(("flags = { OPEN_UNBUFFERED, OPEN_BUFFERED }\n"));
        rv = RunCloseTest(sts, argv[1], atoi(argv[2]),
                          0 /*nsITransport::OPEN_BUFFERED */);
        NS_ASSERTION(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "RunCloseTest failed");

        LOG(("flags = { OPEN_BUFFERED, OPEN_BUFFERED }\n"));
        rv = RunCloseTest(sts, argv[1], atoi(argv[2]),
                          0 /*nsITransport::OPEN_BUFFERED */,
                          0 /*nsITransport::OPEN_BUFFERED */);
        NS_ASSERTION(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "RunCloseTest failed");

        LOG(("calling Shutdown on socket transport service:\n"));

        LOG(("calling Init on socket transport service:\n"));

        LOG(("phase 2 tests...\n"));

        LOG(("flags = { OPEN_UNBUFFERED, OPEN_UNBUFFERED }\n"));
        rv = RunTest(sts, argv[1], atoi(argv[2]), argv[3],
        NS_ASSERTION(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "RunTest failed");

        LOG(("flags = { OPEN_BUFFERED, OPEN_UNBUFFERED }\n"));
        rv = RunTest(sts, argv[1], atoi(argv[2]), argv[3],
                     0 /* nsITransport::OPEN_BUFFERED */,
        NS_ASSERTION(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "RunTest failed");

        LOG(("flags = { OPEN_UNBUFFERED, OPEN_BUFFERED }\n"));
        rv = RunTest(sts, argv[1], atoi(argv[2]), argv[3],
                     0 /*nsITransport::OPEN_BUFFERED */);
        NS_ASSERTION(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "RunTest failed");

        LOG(("flags = { OPEN_BUFFERED, OPEN_BUFFERED }\n"));
        rv = RunTest(sts, argv[1], atoi(argv[2]), argv[3],
                     0 /*nsITransport::OPEN_BUFFERED */,
                     0 /*nsITransport::OPEN_BUFFERED */);
        NS_ASSERTION(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "RunTest failed");

        LOG(("waiting 1 second before calling Shutdown...\n"));

        LOG(("calling Shutdown on socket transport service:\n"));

        // give background threads a chance to finish whatever work they may
        // be doing.
        LOG(("waiting 1 second before exiting...\n"));
    } // this scopes the nsCOMPtrs
    // no nsCOMPtrs are allowed to be alive when you call NS_ShutdownXPCOM
    rv = NS_ShutdownXPCOM(nullptr);
    NS_ASSERTION(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "NS_ShutdownXPCOM failed");
    return 0;
static void PR_CALLBACK Thread(void *sleep)
    printf("Thread exiting\n");
/* Non-blocking I/O */
static void ClientNB(void *arg)
    PRFileDesc *sock;
    PRSocketOptionData opt;
    PRUint16 port = (PRUint16) arg;
    PRNetAddr addr;
    char buf[BUFFER_SIZE];
    PRPollDesc pd;
    PRInt32 npds;
    PRInt32 nbytes;
    int i;
    int j;

    sock = PR_OpenTCPSocket(PR_AF_INET6);
    if (NULL == sock) {
        fprintf(stderr, "PR_OpenTCPSocket failed\n");
    opt.option = PR_SockOpt_Nonblocking;
    opt.value.non_blocking = PR_TRUE;
    if (PR_SetSocketOption(sock, &opt) == PR_FAILURE) {
        fprintf(stderr, "PR_SetSocketOption failed\n");
    memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
    if (PR_SetNetAddr(PR_IpAddrLoopback, PR_AF_INET6, port, &addr)
            == PR_FAILURE) {
        fprintf(stderr, "PR_SetNetAddr failed\n");
    if (PR_Connect(sock, &addr, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT) == PR_FAILURE) {
        if (PR_GetError() != PR_IN_PROGRESS_ERROR) {
            fprintf(stderr, "PR_Connect failed\n");
        pd.fd = sock;
        pd.in_flags = PR_POLL_WRITE | PR_POLL_EXCEPT;
        npds = PR_Poll(&pd, 1, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
        if (-1 == npds) {
            fprintf(stderr, "PR_Poll failed\n");
        if (1 != npds) {
            fprintf(stderr, "PR_Poll returned %d, absurd!\n", npds);
        if (PR_GetConnectStatus(&pd) == PR_FAILURE) {
            fprintf(stderr, "PR_GetConnectStatus failed\n");

    for (i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
        memset(buf, 2*i, send_amount[i]);
        while ((nbytes = PR_Send(sock, buf, send_amount[i],
                0, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT)) == -1) {
            if (PR_GetError() != PR_WOULD_BLOCK_ERROR) {
                fprintf(stderr, "PR_Send failed\n");
            pd.fd = sock;
            pd.in_flags = PR_POLL_WRITE;
            npds = PR_Poll(&pd, 1, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
            if (-1 == npds) {
                fprintf(stderr, "PR_Poll failed\n");
            if (1 != npds) {
                fprintf(stderr, "PR_Poll returned %d, absurd!\n", npds);
        if (send_amount[i] != nbytes) {
            fprintf(stderr, "PR_Send returned %d, absurd!\n", nbytes);

        memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
        while ((nbytes = PR_Recv(sock, buf, recv_amount[i],
                PR_MSG_PEEK, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT)) == -1) {
            if (PR_GetError() != PR_WOULD_BLOCK_ERROR) {
                fprintf(stderr, "PR_Recv failed\n");
            pd.fd = sock;
            pd.in_flags = PR_POLL_READ;
            npds = PR_Poll(&pd, 1, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
            if (-1 == npds) {
                fprintf(stderr, "PR_Poll failed\n");
            if (1 != npds) {
                fprintf(stderr, "PR_Poll returned %d, absurd!\n", npds);
        if (send_amount[i] != nbytes) {
            fprintf(stderr, "PR_Recv returned %d, absurd!\n", nbytes);
        for (j = 0; j < nbytes; j++) {
            if (buf[j] != 2*i+1) {
                fprintf(stderr, "byte %d should be %d but is %d\n",
                        j, 2*i+1, buf[j]);
        fprintf(stderr, "client: peeked expected data\n");

        memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
        nbytes = PR_Recv(sock, buf, recv_amount[i],
        if (-1 == nbytes) {
            fprintf(stderr, "PR_Recv failed\n");
        if (send_amount[i] != nbytes) {
            fprintf(stderr, "PR_Recv returned %d, absurd!\n", nbytes);
        for (j = 0; j < nbytes; j++) {
            if (buf[j] != 2*i+1) {
                fprintf(stderr, "byte %d should be %d but is %d\n",
                        j, 2*i+1, buf[j]);
        fprintf(stderr, "client: peeked expected data\n");

        memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
        nbytes = PR_Recv(sock, buf, recv_amount[i],
                0, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
        if (-1 == nbytes) {
            fprintf(stderr, "PR_Recv failed\n");
        if (send_amount[i] != nbytes) {
            fprintf(stderr, "PR_Recv returned %d, absurd!\n", nbytes);
        for (j = 0; j < nbytes; j++) {
            if (buf[j] != 2*i+1) {
                fprintf(stderr, "byte %d should be %d but is %d\n",
                        j, 2*i+1, buf[j]);
        fprintf(stderr, "client: received expected data\n");
    if (PR_Close(sock) == PR_FAILURE) {
        fprintf(stderr, "PR_Close failed\n");
Ejemplo n.º 6
static void PR_CALLBACK
ClientThread(void *_action)
    PRInt32 action = * (PRInt32 *) _action;
    PRInt32 iterations = count;
    PRFileDesc *sock = NULL;

    serverAddr.inet.family = AF_INET;
    serverAddr.inet.port = PR_htons(BASE_PORT);
    serverAddr.inet.ip = PR_htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK);

    for (; iterations--;) {
        PRInt32 rv;
        char buf[CLIENT_DATA];

        sock = PR_NewTCPSocket();
        if (!sock) {
            if (!debug_mode)
                printf("client: unable to create socket\n");

        if (action != CLIENT_TIMEOUT_ACCEPT) {

            if ((rv = PR_Connect(sock, &serverAddr,
                timeoutTime)) < 0) {
                if (!debug_mode)
                        "client: unable to connect to server (%ld, %ld, %ld, %ld)\n",
                        iterations, rv, PR_GetError(),
                goto ErrorExit;

            if (action != CLIENT_TIMEOUT_SEND) {
                if ((rv = PR_Send(sock, buf, CLIENT_DATA,
                    0, timeoutTime))< 0) {
                    if (!debug_mode)
                        printf("client: unable to send to server (%d, %ld, %ld)\n",
                            CLIENT_DATA, rv,
                	goto ErrorExit;
            } else {
        } else {
        if (debug_mode)
    if (debug_mode)

	if (sock != NULL)
Ejemplo n.º 7
static void PR_CALLBACK unjoinable(void *arg)
Ejemplo n.º 8
main(int argc, char **argv)
    int numberOfThreads = 1;

    if (argc > 1)
        numberOfThreads = atoi(argv[1]);

    NS_InitXPCOM2(nsnull, nsnull, nsnull);

    // Scope code so everything is destroyed before we run call NS_ShutdownXPCOM
        nsCOMPtr<nsIComponentRegistrar> registrar;


        nsCOMPtr<nsIThread> eventLoopThread;

        nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable> test = new TestSyncProxyToSelf();
        eventLoopThread->Dispatch(test, NS_DISPATCH_NORMAL);

        PRThread *eventLoopPRThread;
        LOG(("TEST: Spawn Threads:\n"));
        nsCOMArray<nsIThread> threads;
        for (PRInt32 spawn = 0; spawn < numberOfThreads; spawn++)
            test = new ProxyTest(eventLoopPRThread, spawn);

            nsCOMPtr<nsIThread> thread;
            NS_NewThread(getter_AddRefs(thread), test);


            LOG(("TEST: \tThread (%d) spawned\n", spawn));

            PR_Sleep( PR_MillisecondsToInterval(250) );

        LOG(("TEST: All Threads Spawned.\n"));
        LOG(("TEST: Wait for threads.\n"));
        for (PRInt32 i = 0; i < numberOfThreads; i++)
            LOG(("TEST: Thread (%d) Join...\n", i));
            nsresult rv = threads[i]->Shutdown();
            LOG(("TEST: Thread (%d) Joined. (error: %x).\n", i, rv));

        LOG(("TEST: Shutting down event loop thread\n"));

    LOG(("TEST: Calling Cleanup.\n"));

    LOG(("TEST: Return zero.\n"));
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 9
// This will create two objects both descendants of a single IID.
void TestCase_TwoClassesOneInterface(void *arg)
    ArgsStruct *argsStruct = (ArgsStruct*) arg;

    nsCOMPtr<nsIProxyObjectManager> manager =

    printf("ProxyObjectManager: %p \n", (void *) manager.get());

    nsITestProxy         *proxyObject;
    nsITestProxy         *proxyObject2;

    nsTestXPCFoo*        foo   = new nsTestXPCFoo();
    nsTestXPCFoo2*       foo2  = new nsTestXPCFoo2();
    manager->GetProxyForObject(argsStruct->thread, NS_GET_IID(nsITestProxy), foo, NS_PROXY_SYNC, (void**)&proxyObject);
    manager->GetProxyForObject(argsStruct->thread, NS_GET_IID(nsITestProxy), foo2, NS_PROXY_SYNC, (void**)&proxyObject2);

    if (proxyObject && proxyObject2)
    // release ownership of the real object. 
        PRInt32 a;
        nsresult rv;
        PRInt32 threadNumber = argsStruct->threadNumber;
        printf("Deleting real Object (%d)\n", threadNumber);
        printf("Deleting real Object 2 (%d)\n", threadNumber);

        printf("Thread (%d) Prior to calling proxyObject->Test.\n", threadNumber);
        rv = proxyObject->Test(threadNumber, 0, &a);   
        printf("Thread (%d) error: %d.\n", threadNumber, rv);

        printf("Thread (%d) Prior to calling proxyObject->Test2.\n", threadNumber);
        rv = proxyObject->Test2();   
        printf("Thread (%d) error: %d.\n", threadNumber, rv);

        printf("Thread (%d) Prior to calling proxyObject2->Test2.\n", threadNumber);
        rv = proxyObject2->Test2();   
        printf("Thread (%d) proxyObject2 error: %d.\n", threadNumber, rv);

        printf("Deleting Proxy Object (%d)\n", threadNumber );

        printf("Deleting Proxy Object 2 (%d)\n", threadNumber );

    PR_Sleep( PR_MillisecondsToInterval(1000) );  // If your thread goes away, your stack goes away.  Only use ASYNC on calls that do not have out parameters
Ejemplo n.º 10
static PRIntn PR_CALLBACK RealMain( PRIntn argc, char **argv )
    PRFileDesc *listenSock, *sock;
    PRUint16 listenPort;
    PRNetAddr addr;
    char buf[CHUNK_SIZE];
    PRThread *clientThread;
    PRInt32 retVal;
    PRSocketOptionData optval;
    PRIntn i;
    PRIntervalTime unitTime = PR_MillisecondsToInterval(UNIT_TIME);

    /* Create a listening socket */
    if ((listenSock = PR_NewTCPSocket()) == NULL) {
	fprintf(stderr, "Can't create a new TCP socket\n");
    addr.inet.family = PR_AF_INET;
    addr.inet.ip = PR_htonl(PR_INADDR_ANY);
    addr.inet.port = PR_htons(0);
    if (PR_Bind(listenSock, &addr) == PR_FAILURE) {
	fprintf(stderr, "Can't bind socket\n");
    if (PR_GetSockName(listenSock, &addr) == PR_FAILURE) {
	fprintf(stderr, "PR_GetSockName failed\n");
    listenPort = PR_ntohs(addr.inet.port);
    if (PR_Listen(listenSock, 5) == PR_FAILURE) {
	fprintf(stderr, "Can't listen on a socket\n");

    PR_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
	    "The server thread is listening on port %hu\n\n",
    printf("%s", buf);

    clientThread = PR_CreateThread(PR_USER_THREAD,
	    clientThreadFunc, (void *) listenPort,
    if (clientThread == NULL) {
	fprintf(stderr, "can't create thread\n");

    printf("client thread created.\n");

    optval.option = PR_SockOpt_Nonblocking;
    optval.value.non_blocking = PR_TRUE;
    PR_SetSocketOption(listenSock, &optval);
    /* time 0 */
    sock = PR_Accept(listenSock, NULL, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
    if (sock != NULL || PR_GetError() != PR_WOULD_BLOCK_ERROR) {
        PL_PrintError("First Accept\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "First PR_Accept() xxx\n" );
    printf("accept: EWOULDBLOCK, good\n");
    /* time 2 */
    PR_Sleep(2 * unitTime);
    sock = PR_Accept(listenSock, NULL, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
    if (sock == NULL) {
        PL_PrintError("Second Accept\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "Second PR_Accept() failed: (%d, %d)\n",
                PR_GetError(), PR_GetOSError());
    printf("accept: succeeded, good\n");

    PR_SetSocketOption(sock, &optval);

    /* time 3, 5, 6, 8, etc. */
    for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_ROUNDS; i++) {
	retVal = PR_Recv(sock, buf, sizeof(buf), 0, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
	if (retVal != -1 || PR_GetError() != PR_WOULD_BLOCK_ERROR) {
        PL_PrintError("First Receive:\n");
	    fprintf(stderr, "First PR_Recv: retVal: %ld, Error: %ld\n",
            retVal, PR_GetError());
	printf("read: EWOULDBLOCK, good\n");
	PR_Sleep(2 * unitTime);
	retVal = PR_Recv(sock, buf, sizeof(buf), 0, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
	if (retVal != CHUNK_SIZE) {
        PL_PrintError("Second Receive:\n");
	    fprintf(stderr, "Second PR_Recv: retVal: %ld, Error: %ld\n", 
            retVal, PR_GetError());
	printf("read: %d bytes, good\n", retVal);

    printf("All tests finished\n");
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 11
static void PR_CALLBACK
clientThreadFunc(void *arg)
    PRUintn port = (PRUintn)arg;
    PRFileDesc *sock;
    PRNetAddr addr;
    char buf[CHUNK_SIZE];
    int i;
    PRIntervalTime unitTime = PR_MillisecondsToInterval(UNIT_TIME);
    PRSocketOptionData optval;
    PRStatus retVal;
    PRInt32 nBytes;

    /* Initialize the buffer so that Purify won't complain */
    memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));

    addr.inet.family = PR_AF_INET;
    addr.inet.port = PR_htons((PRUint16)port);
    addr.inet.ip = PR_htonl(PR_INADDR_LOOPBACK);
    PR_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%hu", addr.inet.ip);

    /* time 1 */
    sock = PR_NewTCPSocket();
    optval.option = PR_SockOpt_Nonblocking;
    optval.value.non_blocking = PR_TRUE;
    PR_SetSocketOption(sock, &optval);
    retVal = PR_Connect(sock, &addr, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
    if (retVal == PR_FAILURE && PR_GetError() == PR_IN_PROGRESS_ERROR) {
#if !defined(USE_PR_SELECT)
	PRPollDesc pd;
	PRInt32 n;
	fprintf(stderr, "connect: EWOULDBLOCK, good\n");
	pd.fd = sock;
	pd.in_flags = PR_POLL_WRITE;
	n = PR_Poll(&pd, 1, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
	PR_ASSERT(n == 1);
        PR_ASSERT(pd.out_flags == PR_POLL_WRITE);
        PR_fd_set writeSet;
        PRInt32 n;
        fprintf(stderr, "connect: EWOULDBLOCK, good\n");
        PR_FD_SET(sock, &writeSet);
        n = PR_Select(0, NULL, &writeSet, NULL, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
        PR_ASSERT(n == 1);
        PR_ASSERT(PR_FD_ISSET(sock, &writeSet));
    printf("client connected\n");

    /* time 4, 7, 11, etc. */
    for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_ROUNDS; i++) {
        PR_Sleep(3 * unitTime);
    	nBytes = PR_Write(sock, buf, sizeof(buf));
	    if (nBytes == -1) {
	    if (PR_GetError() == PR_WOULD_BLOCK_ERROR) {
		fprintf(stderr, "write: EWOULDBLOCK\n");
            } else {
		fprintf(stderr, "write: failed\n");
	printf("client sent %d bytes\n", nBytes);

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    PRHostEnt he;
    PRStatus status;
    PRIntn next_index;
    PRUint16 port_number;
    char netdb_buf[PR_NETDB_BUF_SIZE];
    PRNetAddr client_addr, server_addr;
    PRThread *client_thread, *server_thread;
    PRIntervalTime delta = PR_MillisecondsToInterval(500);

    err_out = PR_STDERR;
    std_out = PR_STDOUT;
    accept_timeout = PR_SecondsToInterval(2);
    emu_layer_ident = PR_GetUniqueIdentity("Emulated AcceptRead");
    emu_layer_methods = *PR_GetDefaultIOMethods();
    emu_layer_methods.acceptread = emu_AcceptRead;

    if (argc != 2 && argc != 3) port_number = DEFAULT_PORT;
    else port_number = (PRUint16)atoi(argv[(argc == 2) ? 1 : 2]);

    status = PR_InitializeNetAddr(PR_IpAddrAny, port_number, &server_addr);
    if (PR_SUCCESS != status)
        PL_FPrintError(err_out, "PR_InitializeNetAddr failed");
    if (argc < 3)
        status = PR_InitializeNetAddr(
            PR_IpAddrLoopback, port_number, &client_addr);
        if (PR_SUCCESS != status)
            PL_FPrintError(err_out, "PR_InitializeNetAddr failed");
        status = PR_GetHostByName(
            argv[1], netdb_buf, sizeof(netdb_buf), &he);
        if (status == PR_FAILURE)
            PL_FPrintError(err_out, "PR_GetHostByName failed");
        next_index = PR_EnumerateHostEnt(0, &he, port_number, &client_addr);
        if (next_index == -1)
            PL_FPrintError(err_out, "PR_EnumerateHostEnt failed");

    for (
        write_dally = 0;
        write_dally < accept_timeout + (2 * delta);
        write_dally += delta)
            std_out, "Testing w/ write_dally = %d msec\n",
        server_thread = PR_CreateThread(
            PR_USER_THREAD, AcceptingThread, &server_addr,
        if (server_thread == NULL)
            PL_FPrintError(err_out, "PR_CreateThread (server) failed");

        PR_Sleep(delta);  /* let the server pot thicken */

        client_thread = PR_CreateThread(
            PR_USER_THREAD, ConnectingThread, &client_addr,
        if (client_thread == NULL)
            PL_FPrintError(err_out, "PR_CreateThread (client) failed");

        if (PR_JoinThread(client_thread) == PR_FAILURE)
            PL_FPrintError(err_out, "PR_JoinThread (client) failed");

        if (PR_JoinThread(server_thread) == PR_FAILURE)
            PL_FPrintError(err_out, "PR_JoinThread (server) failed");

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 13
    nsresult rv = Flush();
    if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv))
        rv = nsFileOutputStream::Close();

    // if there is no temp file, don't try to move it over the original target.
    // It would destroy the targetfile if close() is called twice.
    if (!mTempFile)
        return rv;

    // Only overwrite if everything was ok, and the temp file could be closed.
    if (NS_SUCCEEDED(mWriteResult) && NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {

        if (!mTargetFileExists) {
            // If the target file did not exist when we were initialized, then the
            // temp file we gave out was actually a reference to the target file.
            // since we succeeded in writing to the temp file (and hence succeeded
            // in writing to the target file), there is nothing more to do.
#ifdef DEBUG      
            PRBool equal;
            if (NS_FAILED(mTargetFile->Equals(mTempFile, &equal)) || !equal)
                NS_ERROR("mTempFile not equal to mTargetFile");
        else {
            nsCAutoString targetFilename;
            rv = mTargetFile->GetNativeLeafName(targetFilename);
            if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
                // This will replace target.
                // Celtx change: Antivirus software, or anything else that
                // monitors the filesystem for changes, can interfere with
                // frequent saves to the same file, manifesting itself in
                // a NS_ERROR_FILE_ACCESS_DENIED result.

                // The current delay setting
                PRIntervalTime delay = PR_MillisecondsToInterval(50);
                // Give up when we exceed this
                PRIntervalTime timeout = PR_SecondsToInterval(2)
                  + PR_IntervalNow();

#ifdef XP_MACOSX
                PRBool extensionHidden = PR_FALSE;
                nsCOMPtr<nsILocalFileMac> macFile =
                nsCOMPtr<nsILocalFileMac> macTempFile =
                if (macFile && macTempFile) {

                do {
                    rv = mTempFile->MoveToNative(nsnull, targetFilename);
                    if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv))
                    NS_ERROR("MoveToNative failed, backing off and retrying");
                    delay *= 2;
                while (PR_IntervalNow() < timeout);

                if (NS_FAILED(rv))
    else {

        // if writing failed, propagate the failure code to the caller.
        if (NS_FAILED(mWriteResult))
            rv = mWriteResult;
    mTempFile = nsnull;
    return rv;
Ejemplo n.º 14
static PRStatus ProcessRequest(PRFileDesc *fd, CSServer_t *server)
    PRStatus drv, rv;
    char buffer[1024];
    PRFileDesc *file = NULL;
    PRThread * me = PR_GetCurrentThread();
    PRInt32 bytes, descbytes, netbytes, filebytes = 0;
    CSDescriptor_t *descriptor = PR_NEW(CSDescriptor_t);
    PRIntervalTime timeout = PR_MillisecondsToInterval(DEFAULT_SERVER_TIMEOUT);

        cltsrv_log_file, TEST_LOG_VERBOSE,
        ("\tProcessRequest(0x%p): receiving desciptor\n", me));
    bytes = PR_Recv(
        fd, descriptor, sizeof(*descriptor), RECV_FLAGS, timeout);
    if (-1 == bytes)
        rv = PR_FAILURE;
        if (Aborted(rv)) goto exit;
        if (PR_IO_TIMEOUT_ERROR == PR_GetError())
                cltsrv_log_file, TEST_LOG_ERROR,
                ("\tProcessRequest(0x%p): receive timeout\n", me));
        goto exit;
    if (0 == bytes)
        rv = PR_FAILURE;
            cltsrv_log_file, TEST_LOG_ERROR,
            ("\tProcessRequest(0x%p): unexpected end of file\n", me));
        goto exit;
    descbytes = PR_ntohl(descriptor->size);
    TEST_ASSERT(sizeof(*descriptor) == bytes);

        cltsrv_log_file, TEST_LOG_VERBOSE, 
        ("\t\tProcessRequest(0x%p): read descriptor {%d, %s}\n",
        me, descbytes, descriptor->filename));

    file = PR_Open(
        descriptor->filename, (PR_CREATE_FILE | PR_WRONLY), 0666);
    if (NULL == file)
        rv = PR_FAILURE;
        if (Aborted(rv)) goto aborted;
        if (PR_IO_TIMEOUT_ERROR == PR_GetError())
                cltsrv_log_file, TEST_LOG_ERROR,
                ("\tProcessRequest(0x%p): open file timeout\n", me));
            goto aborted;
    TEST_ASSERT(NULL != file);

    filebytes = 0;
    while (filebytes < descbytes)
        netbytes = sizeof(buffer);
        if ((descbytes - filebytes) < netbytes)
            netbytes = descbytes - filebytes;
            cltsrv_log_file, TEST_LOG_VERBOSE,
            ("\tProcessRequest(0x%p): receive %d bytes\n", me, netbytes));
        bytes = PR_Recv(fd, buffer, netbytes, RECV_FLAGS, timeout);
        if (-1 == bytes)
            rv = PR_FAILURE;
            if (Aborted(rv)) goto aborted;
            if (PR_IO_TIMEOUT_ERROR == PR_GetError())
                    cltsrv_log_file, TEST_LOG_ERROR,
                    ("\t\tProcessRequest(0x%p): receive data timeout\n", me));
                goto aborted;
             * on NT here.  This is equivalent to ECONNRESET on Unix.
             *     -wtc
                cltsrv_log_file, TEST_LOG_WARNING,
                ("\t\tProcessRequest(0x%p): unexpected error (%d, %d)\n",
                me, PR_GetError(), PR_GetOSError()));
            goto aborted;
        if(0 == bytes)
                cltsrv_log_file, TEST_LOG_WARNING,
                ("\t\tProcessRequest(0x%p): unexpected end of stream\n", me));
            rv = PR_FAILURE;
            goto aborted;
        filebytes += bytes;
        netbytes = bytes;
        /* The byte count for PR_Write should be positive */
        MY_ASSERT(netbytes > 0);
            cltsrv_log_file, TEST_LOG_VERBOSE,
            ("\tProcessRequest(0x%p): write %d bytes to file\n", me, netbytes));
        bytes = PR_Write(file, buffer, netbytes);
        if (netbytes != bytes)
            rv = PR_FAILURE;
            if (Aborted(rv)) goto aborted;
            if (PR_IO_TIMEOUT_ERROR == PR_GetError())
                    cltsrv_log_file, TEST_LOG_ERROR,
                    ("\t\tProcessRequest(0x%p): write file timeout\n", me));
                goto aborted;
        TEST_ASSERT(bytes > 0);

    server->operations += 1;
    server->bytesTransferred += filebytes;

    rv = PR_Close(file);
    if (Aborted(rv)) goto aborted;
    file = NULL;

        cltsrv_log_file, TEST_LOG_VERBOSE,
        ("\t\tProcessRequest(0x%p): opening %s\n", me, descriptor->filename));
    file = PR_Open(descriptor->filename, PR_RDONLY, 0);
    if (NULL == file)
        rv = PR_FAILURE;
        if (Aborted(rv)) goto aborted;
        if (PR_IO_TIMEOUT_ERROR == PR_GetError())
                cltsrv_log_file, TEST_LOG_ERROR,
                ("\t\tProcessRequest(0x%p): open file timeout\n",
            goto aborted;
            cltsrv_log_file, TEST_LOG_ERROR,
            ("\t\tProcessRequest(0x%p): other file open error (%u, %u)\n",
            me, PR_GetError(), PR_GetOSError()));
        goto aborted;
    TEST_ASSERT(NULL != file);

    netbytes = 0;
    while (netbytes < descbytes)
        filebytes = sizeof(buffer);
        if ((descbytes - netbytes) < filebytes)
            filebytes = descbytes - netbytes;
            cltsrv_log_file, TEST_LOG_VERBOSE,
            ("\tProcessRequest(0x%p): read %d bytes from file\n", me, filebytes));
        bytes = PR_Read(file, buffer, filebytes);
        if (filebytes != bytes)
            rv = PR_FAILURE;
            if (Aborted(rv)) goto aborted;
            if (PR_IO_TIMEOUT_ERROR == PR_GetError())
                    cltsrv_log_file, TEST_LOG_ERROR,
                    ("\t\tProcessRequest(0x%p): read file timeout\n", me));
                    cltsrv_log_file, TEST_LOG_ERROR,
                    ("\t\tProcessRequest(0x%p): other file error (%d, %d)\n",
                    me, PR_GetError(), PR_GetOSError()));
            goto aborted;
        TEST_ASSERT(bytes > 0);
        netbytes += bytes;
        filebytes = bytes;
            cltsrv_log_file, TEST_LOG_VERBOSE,
            ("\t\tProcessRequest(0x%p): sending %d bytes\n", me, filebytes));
        bytes = PR_Send(fd, buffer, filebytes, SEND_FLAGS, timeout);
        if (filebytes != bytes)
            rv = PR_FAILURE;
            if (Aborted(rv)) goto aborted;
            if (PR_IO_TIMEOUT_ERROR == PR_GetError())
                    cltsrv_log_file, TEST_LOG_ERROR,
                    ("\t\tProcessRequest(0x%p): send data timeout\n", me));
                goto aborted;
       TEST_ASSERT(bytes > 0);
    server->bytesTransferred += filebytes;

    rv = PR_Shutdown(fd, PR_SHUTDOWN_BOTH);
    if (Aborted(rv)) goto aborted;

    rv = PR_Close(file);
    if (Aborted(rv)) goto aborted;
    file = NULL;

    if (NULL != file) PR_Close(file);
    drv = PR_Delete(descriptor->filename);
        cltsrv_log_file, TEST_LOG_VERBOSE,
        ("\t\tProcessRequest(0x%p): Finished\n", me));


#if defined(WIN95)
    PR_Sleep(PR_MillisecondsToInterval(200)); /* lth. see note [1] */
    return rv;
}  /* ProcessRequest */
Ejemplo n.º 15
// for nsIRunnable.  this thread spins in ldap_result() awaiting the next
// message.  once one arrives, it dispatches it to the nsILDAPMessageListener 
// on the main thread.
// XXX do all returns from this function need to do thread cleanup?
           ("nsLDAPConnection::Run() entered\n"));

    // wait for results
    while(1) {

        // Exit this thread if we no longer have an nsLDAPConnection
        // associated with it. We also aquire a lock here, to make sure
        // to avoid a possible race condition when the nsLDAPConnection
        // is destructed during the call to do_QueryReferent() (since that
        // function isn't MT safe).
        nsresult rv;

        nsCOMPtr<nsILDAPConnection> strongConn = 
            do_QueryReferent(mWeakConn, &rv);

        if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
            mWeakConn = 0;
            return NS_OK;
        // we use a raw connection because we need to call non-interface
        // methods
        mRawConn = static_cast<nsLDAPConnection *>(static_cast<nsILDAPConnection *>(strongConn.get()));

        // XXX deal with timeouts better
        NS_ASSERTION(mRawConn->mConnectionHandle, "nsLDAPConnection::Run(): "
                     "no connection created.\n");

        // We can't enumerate over mPendingOperations itself, because the
        // callback needs to modify mPendingOperations.  So we clone it first,
        // and enumerate over the clone.  It kinda sucks that we need to do
        // this everytime we poll, but the hashtable will pretty much always
        // be small.
        // only clone if the number of pending operations is non-zero
        // otherwise, put the LDAP connection thread to sleep (briefly)
        // until there is pending operations..
        if (mRawConn->mPendingOperations->Count()) {
          nsHashtable *hashtableCopy = mRawConn->mPendingOperations->Clone();
          if (hashtableCopy) {
            hashtableCopy->Enumerate(CheckLDAPOperationResult, this);
            delete hashtableCopy;
          } else {
            // punt and hope it works next time around
            NS_ERROR("nsLDAPConnectionLoop::Run() error cloning hashtable");
        else {

    // This will never happen, but here just in case.
    return NS_OK;
 * this handles modules that do not support C_WaitForSlotEvent().
 * The internal flags are stored. Note that C_WaitForSlotEvent() does not
 * have a timeout, so we don't have one for handleWaitForSlotEvent() either.
PK11SlotInfo *
secmod_HandleWaitForSlotEvent(SECMODModule *mod,  unsigned long flags,
						PRIntervalTime latency)
    PRBool removableSlotsFound = PR_FALSE;
    int i;
    int error = SEC_ERROR_NO_EVENT;

    if (!moduleLock) {
	return NULL;
    if (mod->evControlMask & SECMOD_END_WAIT) {
	mod->evControlMask &= ~SECMOD_END_WAIT;
	return NULL;
    mod->evControlMask |= SECMOD_WAIT_SIMULATED_EVENT;
    while (mod->evControlMask & SECMOD_WAIT_SIMULATED_EVENT) {
	/* now is a good time to see if new slots have been added */

	/* loop through all the slots on a module */
	for (i=0; i < mod->slotCount; i++) {
	    PK11SlotInfo *slot = mod->slots[i];
	    PRUint16 series;
	    PRBool present;

	    /* perm modules do not change */
	    if (slot->isPerm) {
	    removableSlotsFound = PR_TRUE;
	    /* simulate the PKCS #11 module flags. are the flags different
	     * from the last time we called? */
	    series = slot->series;
	    present = PK11_IsPresent(slot);
	    if ((slot->flagSeries != series) || (slot->flagState != present)) {
		slot->flagState = present;
		slot->flagSeries = series;
		mod->evControlMask &= ~SECMOD_END_WAIT;
		return PK11_ReferenceSlot(slot);
	/* if everything was perm modules, don't lock up forever */
	if ((mod->slotCount !=0) && !removableSlotsFound) {
	if (flags & CKF_DONT_BLOCK) {
    mod->evControlMask &= ~SECMOD_END_WAIT;
    return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 17
// Test a message send????
nsresult nsEudoraCompose::SendTheMessage(nsIFile *pMailImportLocation, nsIFile **pMsg)
  nsresult rv = CreateComponents();
  if (NS_FAILED(rv))
    return rv;

  // IMPORT_LOG0("Outlook Compose created necessary components\n");

  nsString bodyType;
  nsString charSet;
  nsString headerVal;
  GetHeaderValue(m_pHeaders, m_headerLen, "From:", headerVal);
  if (!headerVal.IsEmpty())
  GetHeaderValue(m_pHeaders, m_headerLen, "To:", headerVal);
  if (!headerVal.IsEmpty())
  GetHeaderValue(m_pHeaders, m_headerLen, "Subject:", headerVal);
  if (!headerVal.IsEmpty())
  GetHeaderValue(m_pHeaders, m_headerLen, "Content-type:", headerVal);
  bodyType = headerVal;
  // Use platform charset as default if the msg doesn't specify one
  // (ie, no 'charset' param in the Content-Type: header). As the last
  // resort we'll use the mail default charset.
  // (ie, no 'charset' param in the Content-Type: header) or if the
  // charset parameter fails a length sanity check.
  // As the last resort we'll use the mail default charset.
  if (headerVal.IsEmpty() || (headerVal.Length() > kContentTypeLengthSanityCheck))
    if (headerVal.IsEmpty())
    { // last resort
      if (m_defCharset.IsEmpty())
        nsString defaultCharset;
        NS_GetLocalizedUnicharPreferenceWithDefault(nullptr, "mailnews.view_default_charset",
                                                    NS_LITERAL_STRING("ISO-8859-1"), defaultCharset);
        m_defCharset = defaultCharset;
      headerVal = m_defCharset;
  charSet = headerVal;
  GetHeaderValue(m_pHeaders, m_headerLen, "CC:", headerVal);
  if (!headerVal.IsEmpty())
  GetHeaderValue(m_pHeaders, m_headerLen, "Message-ID:", headerVal);
  if (!headerVal.IsEmpty())
  GetHeaderValue(m_pHeaders, m_headerLen, "Reply-To:", headerVal);
  if (!headerVal.IsEmpty())

  // what about all of the other headers?!?!?!?!?!?!
  char *pMimeType;
  if (!bodyType.IsEmpty())
    pMimeType = ToNewCString(NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII(bodyType));
    pMimeType = ToNewCString(m_bodyType);

  nsCOMPtr<nsIArray> pAttach;
  nsEudoraEditor eudoraEditor(m_pBody, pMailImportLocation);
  nsCOMPtr<nsIArray> embeddedObjects;
  if (eudoraEditor.HasEmbeddedContent())

  nsString uniBody;
  NS_CopyNativeToUnicode(nsDependentCString(m_pBody), uniBody);

    l10n - I have the body of the message in the system charset,
    I need to "encode" it to be the charset for the message
    *UNLESS* of course, I don't know what the charset of the message
    should be?  How do I determine what the charset should
    be if it doesn't exist?


  nsCString body;

  rv = nsMsgI18NConvertFromUnicode(NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII(charSet).get(),
                                    uniBody, body);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv) && !charSet.Equals(m_defCharset)) {
    // in this case, if we did not use the default compose
    // charset, then try that.
    rv = nsMsgI18NConvertFromUnicode(NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII(charSet).get(),
                                     uniBody, body);

  // See if it's a draft msg (ie, no From: or no To: AND no Cc: AND no Bcc:).
  // Eudora saves sent and draft msgs in Out folder (ie, mixed) and it does
  // store Bcc: header in the msg itself.
  nsAutoString from, to, cc, bcc;
  rv = m_pMsgFields->GetFrom(from);
  rv = m_pMsgFields->GetTo(to);
  rv = m_pMsgFields->GetCc(cc);
  rv = m_pMsgFields->GetBcc(bcc);
  bool createAsDraft = from.IsEmpty() || (to.IsEmpty() && cc.IsEmpty() && bcc.IsEmpty());

  nsCOMPtr<nsIImportService> impService(do_GetService(NS_IMPORTSERVICE_CONTRACTID, &rv));

  rv = impService->CreateRFC822Message(
                        s_pIdentity,                  // dummy identity
                        m_pMsgFields,                 // message fields
                        pMimeType,                    // body type
                        body,                         // body pointer
                        pAttach,                      // local attachments
                        m_pListener);                 // listener

  EudoraSendListener *pListen = (EudoraSendListener *)m_pListener;
  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
    IMPORT_LOG1("*** Error, CreateAndSendMessage FAILED: 0x%lx\n", rv);
    // IMPORT_LOG1("Headers: %80s\n", m_pHeaders);
  else {
    // wait for the listener to get done!
    int32_t abortCnt = 0;
    int32_t cnt = 0;
    int32_t sleepCnt = 1;
    while (!pListen->m_done && (abortCnt < kHungAbortCount)) {
      if (cnt > kHungCount) {
        sleepCnt *= 2;
        cnt = 0;

    if (abortCnt >= kHungAbortCount) {
      IMPORT_LOG0("**** Create and send message hung\n");
      IMPORT_LOG1("Headers: %s\n", m_pHeaders);
      IMPORT_LOG1("Body: %s\n", m_pBody);
      rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE;


  if (pMimeType)

  if (pListen->m_location) {
    rv = NS_OK;
  else {
    IMPORT_LOG0("*** Error, Outlook compose unsuccessful\n");


  return rv;
Ejemplo n.º 18
int poll(struct pollfd *filedes, unsigned long nfds, int timeout)
#ifdef AIX
    struct pollfd *filedes = (struct pollfd *) listptr;
    struct pollfd *pfd, *epfd;
    _PRUnixPollDesc *unixpds, *unixpd, *eunixpd;
    PRIntervalTime ticks;
    PRInt32 pdcnt;
    int ready;

     * Easy special case: zero timeout.  Simply call the native
     * poll() with no fear of blocking.
    if (timeout == 0) {
#if defined(AIX)
        return _MD_POLL(listptr, nfds, timeout);
        return _MD_POLL(filedes, nfds, timeout);

    if (!_pr_initialized) {

    	return _MD_POLL(filedes, nfds, timeout);

    /* We do not support the pollmsg structures on AIX */
#ifdef AIX
    PR_ASSERT((nfds & 0xff00) == 0);

    if (timeout < 0 && timeout != -1) {
        errno = EINVAL;
        return -1;

    /* Convert timeout from miliseconds to ticks */
    if (timeout == -1) {
        ticks = PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT;
    } else {
        ticks = PR_MillisecondsToInterval(timeout);

    /* Check for no descriptor case (just do a timeout) */
    if (nfds == 0) {
        return 0;

    unixpds = (_PRUnixPollDesc *)
            PR_MALLOC(nfds * sizeof(_PRUnixPollDesc));
    if (NULL == unixpds) {
        errno = EAGAIN;
        return -1;

    pdcnt = 0;
    epfd = filedes + nfds;
    unixpd = unixpds;
    for (pfd = filedes; pfd < epfd; pfd++) {
         * poll() ignores negative fd's.
        if (pfd->fd >= 0) {
            unixpd->osfd = pfd->fd;
#ifdef _PR_USE_POLL
            unixpd->in_flags = pfd->events;
             * Map the poll events to one of the three that can be
             * represented by the select fd_sets:
             *     POLLIN, POLLRDNORM  ===> readable
             *     POLLOUT, POLLWRNORM ===> writable
             *     POLLPRI, POLLRDBAND ===> exception
             *     POLLNORM, POLLWRBAND (and POLLMSG on some platforms)
             *     are ignored.
             * The output events POLLERR and POLLHUP are never turned on.
             * POLLNVAL may be turned on.
            unixpd->in_flags = 0;
            if (pfd->events & (POLLIN
                    | POLLRDNORM
                    )) {
                unixpd->in_flags |= _PR_UNIX_POLL_READ;
            if (pfd->events & (POLLOUT
                    | POLLWRNORM
                    )) {
                unixpd->in_flags |= _PR_UNIX_POLL_WRITE;
            if (pfd->events & (POLLPRI
                    | POLLRDBAND
                    )) {
                unixpd->in_flags |= PR_POLL_EXCEPT;
#endif  /* _PR_USE_POLL */
            unixpd->out_flags = 0;

    ready = _PR_WaitForMultipleFDs(unixpds, pdcnt, ticks);
    if (-1 == ready) {
        if (PR_GetError() == PR_PENDING_INTERRUPT_ERROR) {
            errno = EINTR;  /* XXX we aren't interrupted by a signal, but... */
        } else {
            errno = PR_GetOSError();
    if (ready <= 0) {
        goto done;

     * Copy the out_flags from the _PRUnixPollDesc structures to the
     * user's pollfd structures and free the allocated memory
    unixpd = unixpds;
    for (pfd = filedes; pfd < epfd; pfd++) {
        pfd->revents = 0;
        if (pfd->fd >= 0) {
#ifdef _PR_USE_POLL
            pfd->revents = unixpd->out_flags;
            if (0 != unixpd->out_flags) {
                if (unixpd->out_flags & _PR_UNIX_POLL_READ) {
                    if (pfd->events & POLLIN) {
                        pfd->revents |= POLLIN;
                    if (pfd->events & POLLRDNORM) {
                        pfd->revents |= POLLRDNORM;
                if (unixpd->out_flags & _PR_UNIX_POLL_WRITE) {
                    if (pfd->events & POLLOUT) {
                        pfd->revents |= POLLOUT;
                    if (pfd->events & POLLWRNORM) {
                        pfd->revents |= POLLWRNORM;
                if (unixpd->out_flags & _PR_UNIX_POLL_EXCEPT) {
                    if (pfd->events & POLLPRI) {
                        pfd->revents |= POLLPRI;
                    if (pfd->events & POLLRDBAND) {
                        pfd->revents |= POLLRDBAND;
                if (unixpd->out_flags & _PR_UNIX_POLL_ERR) {
                    pfd->revents |= POLLERR;
                if (unixpd->out_flags & _PR_UNIX_POLL_NVAL) {
                    pfd->revents |= POLLNVAL;
                if (unixpd->out_flags & _PR_UNIX_POLL_HUP) {
                    pfd->revents |= POLLHUP;
#endif  /* _PR_USE_POLL */

    return ready;
Ejemplo n.º 19
main(int32_t argc, char *argv[])
    if (test_common_init(&argc, &argv) != 0)
        return -1;

    bool allTestsPassed = true;

    ScopedXPCOM xpcom("TestCookie");

      nsresult rv0;

      nsCOMPtr<nsICookieService> cookieService =
        do_GetService(kCookieServiceCID, &rv0);
      if (NS_FAILED(rv0)) return -1;

      nsCOMPtr<nsIPrefBranch> prefBranch =
        do_GetService(kPrefServiceCID, &rv0);
      if (NS_FAILED(rv0)) return -1;


      bool rv[20];
      nsCString cookie;

      /* The basic idea behind these tests is the following:
       * we set() some cookie, then try to get() it in various ways. we have
       * several possible tests we perform on the cookie string returned from
       * get():
       * a) check whether the returned string is null (i.e. we got no cookies
       *    back). this is used e.g. to ensure a given cookie was deleted
       *    correctly, or to ensure a certain cookie wasn't returned to a given
       *    host.
       * b) check whether the returned string exactly matches a given string.
       *    this is used where we want to make sure our cookie service adheres to
       *    some strict spec (e.g. ordering of multiple cookies), or where we
       *    just know exactly what the returned string should be.
       * c) check whether the returned string contains/does not contain a given
       *    string. this is used where we don't know/don't care about the
       *    ordering of multiple cookies - we just want to make sure the cookie
       *    string contains them all, in some order.
       * the results of each individual testing operation from CheckResult() is
       * stored in an array of bools, which is then checked against the expected
       * outcomes (all successes), by PrintResult(). the overall result of all
       * tests to date is kept in |allTestsPassed|, for convenient display at the
       * end.
       * Interpreting the output:
       * each setting/getting operation will print output saying exactly what
       * it's doing and the outcome, respectively. this information is only
       * useful for debugging purposes; the actual result of the tests is
       * printed at the end of each block of tests. this will either be "all
       * tests passed" or "tests X Y Z failed", where X, Y, Z are the indexes
       * of rv (i.e. zero-based). at the conclusion of all tests, the overall
       * passed/failed result is printed.
       * NOTE: this testsuite is not yet comprehensive or complete, and is
       * somewhat contrived - still under development, and needs improving!

      // *** basic tests
      sBuffer = PR_sprintf_append(sBuffer, "*** Beginning basic tests...\n");

      // test some basic variations of the domain & path
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://www.basic.com", nullptr, "test=basic", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://www.basic.com", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[0] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=basic");
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://www.basic.com/testPath/testfile.txt", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[1] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=basic");
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://www.basic.com./", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[2] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://www.basic.com.", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[3] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://www.basic.com./testPath/testfile.txt", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[4] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://www.basic2.com/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[5] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://www.basic.com", nullptr, "test=basic; max-age=-1", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://www.basic.com/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[6] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);

      allTestsPassed = PrintResult(rv, 7) && allTestsPassed;

      // *** domain tests
      sBuffer = PR_sprintf_append(sBuffer, "*** Beginning domain tests...\n");

      // test some variations of the domain & path, for different domains of
      // a domain cookie
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://www.domain.com", nullptr, "test=domain; domain=domain.com", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://domain.com", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[0] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=domain");
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://domain.com.", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[1] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://www.domain.com", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[2] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=domain");
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://foo.domain.com", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[3] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=domain");
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://www.domain.com", nullptr, "test=domain; domain=domain.com; max-age=-1", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://domain.com", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[4] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);

      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://www.domain.com", nullptr, "test=domain; domain=.domain.com", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://domain.com", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[5] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=domain");
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://www.domain.com", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[6] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=domain");
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://bah.domain.com", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[7] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=domain");
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://www.domain.com", nullptr, "test=domain; domain=.domain.com; max-age=-1", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://domain.com", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[8] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);

      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://www.domain.com", nullptr, "test=domain; domain=.foo.domain.com", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://foo.domain.com", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[9] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);

      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://www.domain.com", nullptr, "test=domain; domain=moose.com", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://foo.domain.com", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[10] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);

      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://www.domain.com", nullptr, "test=domain; domain=domain.com.", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://foo.domain.com", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[11] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);

      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://www.domain.com", nullptr, "test=domain; domain=..domain.com", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://foo.domain.com", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[12] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);

      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://www.domain.com", nullptr, "test=domain; domain=..domain.com.", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://foo.domain.com", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[13] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);

      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://path.net/path/file", nullptr, "test=taco; path=\"/bogus\"", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://path.net/path/file", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[14] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=taco");
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://path.net/path/file", nullptr, "test=taco; max-age=-1", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://path.net/path/file", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[15] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);

      allTestsPassed = PrintResult(rv, 16) && allTestsPassed;

      // *** path tests
      sBuffer = PR_sprintf_append(sBuffer, "*** Beginning path tests...\n");

      // test some variations of the domain & path, for different paths of
      // a path cookie
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://path.net/path/file", nullptr, "test=path; path=/path", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://path.net/path", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[0] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=path");
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://path.net/path/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[1] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=path");
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://path.net/path/hithere.foo", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[2] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=path");
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://path.net/path?hithere/foo", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[3] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=path");
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://path.net/path2", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[4] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://path.net/path2/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[5] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://path.net/path/file", nullptr, "test=path; path=/path; max-age=-1", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://path.net/path/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[6] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);

      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://path.net/path/file", nullptr, "test=path; path=/path/", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://path.net/path", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[7] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=path");
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://path.net/path/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[8] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=path");
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://path.net/path/file", nullptr, "test=path; path=/path/; max-age=-1", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://path.net/path/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[9] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);

      // note that a site can set a cookie for a path it's not on.
      // this is an intentional deviation from spec (see comments in
      // nsCookieService::CheckPath()), so we test this functionality too
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://path.net/path/file", nullptr, "test=path; path=/foo/", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://path.net/path", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[10] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://path.net/foo", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[11] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=path");
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://path.net/path/file", nullptr, "test=path; path=/foo/; max-age=-1", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://path.net/foo/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[12] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);

      // bug 373228: make sure cookies with paths longer than 1024 bytes,
      // and cookies with paths or names containing tabs, are rejected.
      // the following cookie has a path > 1024 bytes explicitly specified in the cookie
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://path.net/", nullptr, "test=path; path=/1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890/", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://path.net/1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[13] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);
      // the following cookie has a path > 1024 bytes implicitly specified by the uri path
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://path.net/1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890/", nullptr, "test=path", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://path.net/1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[14] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);
      // the following cookie includes a tab in the path
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://path.net/", nullptr, "test=path; path=/foo\tbar/", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://path.net/foo\tbar/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[15] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);
      // the following cookie includes a tab in the name
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://path.net/", nullptr, "test\ttabs=tab", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://path.net/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[16] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);
      // the following cookie includes a tab in the value - allowed
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://path.net/", nullptr, "test=tab\ttest", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://path.net/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[17] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=tab\ttest");
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://path.net/", nullptr, "test=tab\ttest; max-age=-1", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://path.net/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[18] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);

      allTestsPassed = PrintResult(rv, 19) && allTestsPassed;

      // *** expiry & deletion tests
      // XXX add server time str parsing tests here
      sBuffer = PR_sprintf_append(sBuffer, "*** Beginning expiry & deletion tests...\n");

      // test some variations of the expiry time,
      // and test deletion of previously set cookies
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://expireme.org/", nullptr, "test=expiry; max-age=-1", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://expireme.org/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[0] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://expireme.org/", nullptr, "test=expiry; max-age=0", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://expireme.org/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[1] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://expireme.org/", nullptr, "test=expiry; expires=bad", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://expireme.org/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[2] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=expiry");
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://expireme.org/", nullptr, "test=expiry; expires=Thu, 10 Apr 1980 16:33:12 GMT", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://expireme.org/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[3] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://expireme.org/", nullptr, "test=expiry; expires=\"Thu, 10 Apr 1980 16:33:12 GMT", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://expireme.org/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[4] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://expireme.org/", nullptr, "test=expiry; expires=\"Thu, 10 Apr 1980 16:33:12 GMT\"", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://expireme.org/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[5] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);

      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://expireme.org/", nullptr, "test=expiry; max-age=60", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://expireme.org/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[6] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=expiry");
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://expireme.org/", nullptr, "test=expiry; max-age=-20", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://expireme.org/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[7] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://expireme.org/", nullptr, "test=expiry; max-age=60", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://expireme.org/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[8] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=expiry");
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://expireme.org/", nullptr, "test=expiry; expires=Thu, 10 Apr 1980 16:33:12 GMT", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://expireme.org/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[9] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://expireme.org/", nullptr, "test=expiry; max-age=60", nullptr);
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://expireme.org/", nullptr, "newtest=expiry; max-age=60", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://expireme.org/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[10] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_CONTAIN, "test=expiry");
      rv[11] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_CONTAIN, "newtest=expiry");
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://expireme.org/", nullptr, "test=differentvalue; max-age=0", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://expireme.org/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[12] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "newtest=expiry");
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://expireme.org/", nullptr, "newtest=evendifferentvalue; max-age=0", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://expireme.org/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[13] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);

      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://foo.expireme.org/", nullptr, "test=expiry; domain=.expireme.org; max-age=60", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://expireme.org/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[14] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=expiry");
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://bar.expireme.org/", nullptr, "test=differentvalue; domain=.expireme.org; max-age=0", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://expireme.org/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[15] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);

      allTestsPassed = PrintResult(rv, 16) && allTestsPassed;

      // *** multiple cookie tests
      sBuffer = PR_sprintf_append(sBuffer, "*** Beginning multiple cookie tests...\n");

      // test the setting of multiple cookies, and test the order of precedence
      // (a later cookie overwriting an earlier one, in the same header string)
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://multiple.cookies/", nullptr, "test=multiple; domain=.multiple.cookies \n test=different \n test=same; domain=.multiple.cookies \n newtest=ciao \n newtest=foo; max-age=-6 \n newtest=reincarnated", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://multiple.cookies/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[0] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_NOT_CONTAIN, "test=multiple");
      rv[1] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_CONTAIN, "test=different");
      rv[2] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_CONTAIN, "test=same");
      rv[3] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_NOT_CONTAIN, "newtest=ciao");
      rv[4] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_NOT_CONTAIN, "newtest=foo");
      rv[5] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_CONTAIN, "newtest=reincarnated");
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://multiple.cookies/", nullptr, "test=expiry; domain=.multiple.cookies; max-age=0", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://multiple.cookies/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[6] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_NOT_CONTAIN, "test=same");
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://multiple.cookies/", nullptr,  "\n test=different; max-age=0 \n", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://multiple.cookies/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[7] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_NOT_CONTAIN, "test=different");
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://multiple.cookies/", nullptr,  "newtest=dead; max-age=0", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://multiple.cookies/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[8] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);

      allTestsPassed = PrintResult(rv, 9) && allTestsPassed;

      // *** parser tests
      sBuffer = PR_sprintf_append(sBuffer, "*** Beginning parser tests...\n");

      // test the cookie header parser, under various circumstances.
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://parser.test/", nullptr, "test=parser; domain=.parser.test; ;; ;=; ,,, ===,abc,=; abracadabra! max-age=20;=;;", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://parser.test/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[0] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=parser");
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://parser.test/", nullptr, "test=parser; domain=.parser.test; max-age=0", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://parser.test/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[1] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://parser.test/", nullptr, "test=\"fubar! = foo;bar\\\";\" parser; domain=.parser.test; max-age=6\nfive; max-age=2.63,", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://parser.test/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[2] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_CONTAIN, "test=\"fubar! = foo");
      rv[3] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_CONTAIN, "five");
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://parser.test/", nullptr, "test=kill; domain=.parser.test; max-age=0 \n five; max-age=0", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://parser.test/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[4] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);

      // test the handling of VALUE-only cookies (see bug 169091),
      // i.e. "six" should assume an empty NAME, which allows other VALUE-only
      // cookies to overwrite it
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://parser.test/", nullptr, "six", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://parser.test/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[5] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "six");
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://parser.test/", nullptr, "seven", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://parser.test/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[6] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "seven");
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://parser.test/", nullptr, " =eight", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://parser.test/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[7] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "eight");
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://parser.test/", nullptr, "test=six", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://parser.test/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[9] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_CONTAIN, "test=six");

      allTestsPassed = PrintResult(rv, 10) && allTestsPassed;

      // *** path ordering tests
      sBuffer = PR_sprintf_append(sBuffer, "*** Beginning path ordering tests...\n");

      // test that cookies are returned in path order - longest to shortest.
      // if the header doesn't specify a path, it's taken from the host URI.
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://multi.path.tests/", nullptr, "test1=path; path=/one/two/three", nullptr);
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://multi.path.tests/", nullptr, "test2=path; path=/one \n test3=path; path=/one/two/three/four \n test4=path; path=/one/two \n test5=path; path=/one/two/", nullptr);
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://multi.path.tests/one/two/three/four/five/", nullptr, "test6=path", nullptr);
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://multi.path.tests/one/two/three/four/five/six/", nullptr, "test7=path; path=", nullptr);
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://multi.path.tests/", nullptr, "test8=path; path=/", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://multi.path.tests/one/two/three/four/five/six/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[0] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test7=path; test6=path; test3=path; test1=path; test5=path; test4=path; test2=path; test8=path");

      allTestsPassed = PrintResult(rv, 1) && allTestsPassed;

      // *** httponly tests
      sBuffer = PR_sprintf_append(sBuffer, "*** Beginning httponly tests...\n");

      // Since this cookie is NOT set via http, setting it fails
      SetACookieNoHttp(cookieService, "http://httponly.test/", "test=httponly; httponly");
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://httponly.test/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[0] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);
      // Since this cookie is set via http, it can be retrieved
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://httponly.test/", nullptr, "test=httponly; httponly", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://httponly.test/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[1] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=httponly");
      // ... but not by web content
      GetACookieNoHttp(cookieService, "http://httponly.test/", getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[2] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);
      // Non-Http cookies should not replace HttpOnly cookies
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://httponly.test/", nullptr, "test=httponly; httponly", nullptr);
      SetACookieNoHttp(cookieService, "http://httponly.test/", "test=not-httponly");
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://httponly.test/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[3] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=httponly");
      // ... and, if an HttpOnly cookie already exists, should not be set at all
      GetACookieNoHttp(cookieService, "http://httponly.test/", getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[4] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);
      // Non-Http cookies should not delete HttpOnly cookies
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://httponly.test/", nullptr, "test=httponly; httponly", nullptr);
      SetACookieNoHttp(cookieService, "http://httponly.test/", "test=httponly; max-age=-1");
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://httponly.test/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[5] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=httponly");
      // ... but HttpOnly cookies should
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://httponly.test/", nullptr, "test=httponly; httponly; max-age=-1", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://httponly.test/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[6] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);
      // Non-Httponly cookies can replace HttpOnly cookies when set over http
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://httponly.test/", nullptr, "test=httponly; httponly", nullptr);
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://httponly.test/", nullptr, "test=not-httponly", nullptr);
      GetACookieNoHttp(cookieService, "http://httponly.test/", getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[7] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=not-httponly");
      // scripts should not be able to set httponly cookies by replacing an existing non-httponly cookie
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://httponly.test/", nullptr, "test=not-httponly", nullptr);
      SetACookieNoHttp(cookieService, "http://httponly.test/", "test=httponly; httponly");
      GetACookieNoHttp(cookieService, "http://httponly.test/", getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[8] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "test=not-httponly");

      allTestsPassed = PrintResult(rv, 9) && allTestsPassed;

      // *** Cookie prefix tests
      sBuffer = PR_sprintf_append(sBuffer, "*** Beginning cookie prefix tests...\n");

      // prefixed cookies can't be set from insecure HTTP
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://prefixed.test/", nullptr, "__Secure-test1=test", nullptr);
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://prefixed.test/", nullptr, "__Secure-test2=test; secure", nullptr);
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://prefixed.test/", nullptr, "__Host-test1=test", nullptr);
      SetACookie(cookieService, "http://prefixed.test/", nullptr, "__Host-test2=test; secure", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://prefixed.test/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[0] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);

      // prefixed cookies won't be set without the secure flag
      SetACookie(cookieService, "https://prefixed.test/", nullptr, "__Secure-test=test", nullptr);
      SetACookie(cookieService, "https://prefixed.test/", nullptr, "__Host-test=test", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "https://prefixed.test/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[1] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);

      // prefixed cookies can be set when done correctly
      SetACookie(cookieService, "https://prefixed.test/", nullptr, "__Secure-test=test; secure", nullptr);
      SetACookie(cookieService, "https://prefixed.test/", nullptr, "__Host-test=test; secure", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "https://prefixed.test/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[2] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_CONTAIN, "__Secure-test=test");
      rv[3] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_CONTAIN, "__Host-test=test");

      // but when set must not be returned to the host insecurely
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://prefixed.test/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[4] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);

      // Host-prefixed cookies cannot specify a domain
      SetACookie(cookieService, "https://host.prefixed.test/", nullptr, "__Host-a=test; secure; domain=prefixed.test", nullptr);
      SetACookie(cookieService, "https://host.prefixed.test/", nullptr, "__Host-b=test; secure; domain=.prefixed.test", nullptr);
      SetACookie(cookieService, "https://host.prefixed.test/", nullptr, "__Host-c=test; secure; domain=host.prefixed.test", nullptr);
      SetACookie(cookieService, "https://host.prefixed.test/", nullptr, "__Host-d=test; secure; domain=.host.prefixed.test", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "https://host.prefixed.test/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[5] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_BE_NULL);

      // Host-prefixed cookies can only have a path of "/"
      SetACookie(cookieService, "https://host.prefixed.test/some/path", nullptr, "__Host-e=test; secure", nullptr);
      SetACookie(cookieService, "https://host.prefixed.test/some/path", nullptr, "__Host-f=test; secure; path=/", nullptr);
      SetACookie(cookieService, "https://host.prefixed.test/some/path", nullptr, "__Host-g=test; secure; path=/some", nullptr);
      GetACookie(cookieService, "https://host.prefixed.test/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[6] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, "__Host-f=test");

      allTestsPassed = PrintResult(rv, 7) && allTestsPassed;

      // *** nsICookieManager{2} interface tests
      sBuffer = PR_sprintf_append(sBuffer, "*** Beginning nsICookieManager{2} interface tests...\n");
      nsCOMPtr<nsICookieManager> cookieMgr = do_GetService(NS_COOKIEMANAGER_CONTRACTID, &rv0);
      if (NS_FAILED(rv0)) return -1;
      nsCOMPtr<nsICookieManager2> cookieMgr2 = do_QueryInterface(cookieMgr);
      if (!cookieMgr2) return -1;

      mozilla::NeckoOriginAttributes attrs;

      // first, ensure a clean slate
      rv[0] = NS_SUCCEEDED(cookieMgr->RemoveAll());
      // add some cookies
      rv[1] = NS_SUCCEEDED(cookieMgr2->AddNative(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("cookiemgr.test"), // domain
                                           NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("/foo"),           // path
                                           NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("test1"),          // name
                                           NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("yes"),            // value
                                           false,                             // is secure
                                           false,                             // is httponly
                                           true,                              // is session
                                           INT64_MAX,                            // expiry time
                                           &attrs));                         // originAttributes
      rv[2] = NS_SUCCEEDED(cookieMgr2->AddNative(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("cookiemgr.test"), // domain
                                           NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("/foo"),           // path
                                           NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("test2"),          // name
                                           NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("yes"),            // value
                                           false,                             // is secure
                                           true,                              // is httponly
                                           true,                              // is session
                                           PR_Now() / PR_USEC_PER_SEC + 2,       // expiry time
                                           &attrs));                         // originAttributes
      rv[3] = NS_SUCCEEDED(cookieMgr2->AddNative(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("new.domain"),     // domain
                                           NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("/rabbit"),        // path
                                           NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("test3"),          // name
                                           NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("yes"),            // value
                                           false,                             // is secure
                                           false,                             // is httponly
                                           true,                              // is session
                                           INT64_MAX,                            // expiry time
                                           &attrs));                         // originAttributes
      // confirm using enumerator
      nsCOMPtr<nsISimpleEnumerator> enumerator;
      rv[4] = NS_SUCCEEDED(cookieMgr->GetEnumerator(getter_AddRefs(enumerator)));
      int32_t i = 0;
      bool more;
      nsCOMPtr<nsICookie2> expiredCookie, newDomainCookie;
      while (NS_SUCCEEDED(enumerator->HasMoreElements(&more)) && more) {
        nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> cookie;
        if (NS_FAILED(enumerator->GetNext(getter_AddRefs(cookie)))) break;

        // keep tabs on the second and third cookies, so we can check them later
        nsCOMPtr<nsICookie2> cookie2(do_QueryInterface(cookie));
        if (!cookie2) break;
        nsAutoCString name;
        if (name.EqualsLiteral("test2"))
          expiredCookie = cookie2;
        else if (name.EqualsLiteral("test3"))
          newDomainCookie = cookie2;
      rv[5] = i == 3;
      // check the httpOnly attribute of the second cookie is honored
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://cookiemgr.test/foo/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[6] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_CONTAIN, "test2=yes");
      GetACookieNoHttp(cookieService, "http://cookiemgr.test/foo/", getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[7] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_NOT_CONTAIN, "test2=yes");
      // check CountCookiesFromHost()
      uint32_t hostCookies = 0;
      rv[8] = NS_SUCCEEDED(cookieMgr2->CountCookiesFromHost(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("cookiemgr.test"), &hostCookies)) &&
              hostCookies == 2;
      // check CookieExists() using the third cookie
      bool found;
      rv[9] = NS_SUCCEEDED(cookieMgr2->CookieExists(newDomainCookie, &found)) && found;

      // remove the cookie, block it, and ensure it can't be added again
      rv[10] = NS_SUCCEEDED(cookieMgr->RemoveNative(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("new.domain"), // domain
                                                    NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("test3"),      // name
                                                    NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("/rabbit"),    // path
                                                    true,                             // is blocked
                                                    &attrs));                         // originAttributes
      rv[11] = NS_SUCCEEDED(cookieMgr2->CookieExists(newDomainCookie, &found)) && !found;
      rv[12] = NS_SUCCEEDED(cookieMgr2->AddNative(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("new.domain"),     // domain
                                            NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("/rabbit"),        // path
                                            NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("test3"),          // name
                                            NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("yes"),            // value
                                            false,                             // is secure
                                            false,                             // is httponly
                                            true,                              // is session
                                            INT64_MIN,                            // expiry time
                                            &attrs));                         // originAttributes
      rv[13] = NS_SUCCEEDED(cookieMgr2->CookieExists(newDomainCookie, &found)) && !found;
      // sleep four seconds, to make sure the second cookie has expired
      PR_Sleep(4 * PR_TicksPerSecond());
      // check that both CountCookiesFromHost() and CookieExists() count the
      // expired cookie
      rv[14] = NS_SUCCEEDED(cookieMgr2->CountCookiesFromHost(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("cookiemgr.test"), &hostCookies)) &&
              hostCookies == 2;
      rv[15] = NS_SUCCEEDED(cookieMgr2->CookieExists(expiredCookie, &found)) && found;
      // double-check RemoveAll() using the enumerator
      rv[16] = NS_SUCCEEDED(cookieMgr->RemoveAll());
      rv[17] = NS_SUCCEEDED(cookieMgr->GetEnumerator(getter_AddRefs(enumerator))) &&
               NS_SUCCEEDED(enumerator->HasMoreElements(&more)) &&

      allTestsPassed = PrintResult(rv, 18) && allTestsPassed;

      // *** eviction and creation ordering tests
      sBuffer = PR_sprintf_append(sBuffer, "*** Beginning eviction and creation ordering tests...\n");

      // test that cookies are
      // a) returned by order of creation time (oldest first, newest last)
      // b) evicted by order of lastAccessed time, if the limit on cookies per host (50) is reached
      nsAutoCString name;
      nsAutoCString expected;
      for (int32_t i = 0; i < 60; ++i) {
        name = NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("test");
        name += NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("=creation");
        SetACookie(cookieService, "http://creation.ordering.tests/", nullptr, name.get(), nullptr);

        if (i >= 10) {
          expected += name;
          if (i < 59)
            expected += NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("; ");
      GetACookie(cookieService, "http://creation.ordering.tests/", nullptr, getter_Copies(cookie));
      rv[0] = CheckResult(cookie.get(), MUST_EQUAL, expected.get());

      allTestsPassed = PrintResult(rv, 1) && allTestsPassed;

      // XXX the following are placeholders: add these tests please!
      // *** "noncompliant cookie" tests
      // *** IP address tests
      // *** speed tests

      sBuffer = PR_sprintf_append(sBuffer, "\n*** Result: %s!\n\n", allTestsPassed ? "all tests passed" : "TEST(S) FAILED");

    if (!allTestsPassed) {
      // print the entire log
      printf("%s", sBuffer);
      return 1;

    sBuffer = nullptr;

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 20
int select(int width, fd_set *rd, fd_set *wr, fd_set *ex, struct timeval *tv)
    int osfd;
    _PRUnixPollDesc *unixpds, *unixpd, *eunixpd;
    PRInt32 pdcnt;
    PRIntervalTime timeout;
    int retVal;
#if defined(HPUX9) || defined(AIX_RENAME_SELECT)
    fd_set *rd = (fd_set*) rl;
    fd_set *wr = (fd_set*) wl;
    fd_set *ex = (fd_set*) el;

#if 0
     * Easy special case: zero timeout.  Simply call the native
     * select() with no fear of blocking.
    if (tv != NULL && tv->tv_sec == 0 && tv->tv_usec == 0) {
#if defined(HPUX9) || defined(AIX_RENAME_SELECT)
        return _MD_SELECT(width, rl, wl, el, tv);
        return _MD_SELECT(width, rd, wr, ex, tv);

    if (!_pr_initialized) {
        return _MD_SELECT(width, rd, wr, ex, tv);	

    if (width < 0 || width > FD_SETSIZE) {
        errno = EINVAL;
        return -1;

    /* Compute timeout */
    if (tv) {
         * These acceptable ranges for t_sec and t_usec are taken
         * from the select() man pages.
        if (tv->tv_sec < 0 || tv->tv_sec > 100000000
                || tv->tv_usec < 0 || tv->tv_usec >= 1000000) {
            errno = EINVAL;
            return -1;

        /* Convert microseconds to ticks */
        timeout = PR_MicrosecondsToInterval(1000000*tv->tv_sec + tv->tv_usec);
    } else {
        /* tv being a NULL pointer means blocking indefinitely */
        timeout = PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT;

    /* Check for no descriptors case (just doing a timeout) */
    if ((!rd && !wr && !ex) || !width) {
        return 0;

     * Set up for PR_Poll().  The PRPollDesc array is allocated
     * dynamically.  If this turns out to have high performance
     * penalty, one can change to use a large PRPollDesc array
     * on the stack, and allocate dynamically only when it turns
     * out to be not large enough.
     * I allocate an array of size 'width', which is the maximum
     * number of fds we may need to poll.
    unixpds = (_PRUnixPollDesc *) PR_CALLOC(width * sizeof(_PRUnixPollDesc));
    if (!unixpds) {
        errno = ENOMEM;
        return -1;

    pdcnt = 0;
    unixpd = unixpds;
    for (osfd = 0; osfd < width; osfd++) {
        int in_flags = 0;
        if (rd && FD_ISSET(osfd, rd)) {
            in_flags |= _PR_UNIX_POLL_READ;
        if (wr && FD_ISSET(osfd, wr)) {
            in_flags |= _PR_UNIX_POLL_WRITE;
        if (ex && FD_ISSET(osfd, ex)) {
            in_flags |= _PR_UNIX_POLL_EXCEPT;
        if (in_flags) {
            unixpd->osfd = osfd;
            unixpd->in_flags = in_flags;
            unixpd->out_flags = 0;

     * see comments in mozilla/cmd/xfe/mozilla.c (look for
     * "PR_XGetXtHackFD")
     int needToLockXAgain;
     needToLockXAgain = 0;
     if (rd && (_pr_xt_hack_fd != -1)
             && FD_ISSET(_pr_xt_hack_fd, rd) && PR_XIsLocked()
             && (!_pr_xt_hack_okayToReleaseXLock
             || _pr_xt_hack_okayToReleaseXLock())) {
         needToLockXAgain = 1;

    /* This is the potentially blocking step */
    retVal = _PR_WaitForMultipleFDs(unixpds, pdcnt, timeout);

     if (needToLockXAgain) {

    if (retVal > 0) {
        /* Compute select results */
        if (rd) ZAP_SET(rd, width);
        if (wr) ZAP_SET(wr, width);
        if (ex) ZAP_SET(ex, width);

         * The return value can be either the number of ready file
         * descriptors or the number of set bits in the three fd_set's.
        retVal = 0;  /* we're going to recompute */
        eunixpd = unixpds + pdcnt;
        for (unixpd = unixpds; unixpd < eunixpd; unixpd++) {
            if (unixpd->out_flags) {
                int nbits = 0;  /* The number of set bits on for this fd */

                if (unixpd->out_flags & _PR_UNIX_POLL_NVAL) {
                    errno = EBADF;
                    PR_LOG(_pr_io_lm, PR_LOG_ERROR,
                            ("select returns EBADF for %d", unixpd->osfd));
                    retVal = -1;
                 * If a socket has a pending error, it is considered
                 * both readable and writable.  (See W. Richard Stevens,
                 * Unix Network Programming, Vol. 1, 2nd Ed., Section 6.3,
                 * pp. 153-154.)  We also consider a socket readable if
                 * it has a hangup condition.
                if (rd && (unixpd->in_flags & _PR_UNIX_POLL_READ)
                        && (unixpd->out_flags & (_PR_UNIX_POLL_READ
                        | _PR_UNIX_POLL_ERR | _PR_UNIX_POLL_HUP))) {
                    FD_SET(unixpd->osfd, rd);
                if (wr && (unixpd->in_flags & _PR_UNIX_POLL_WRITE)
                        && (unixpd->out_flags & (_PR_UNIX_POLL_WRITE
                        | _PR_UNIX_POLL_ERR))) {
                    FD_SET(unixpd->osfd, wr);
                if (ex && (unixpd->in_flags & _PR_UNIX_POLL_WRITE)
                        && (unixpd->out_flags & PR_POLL_EXCEPT)) {
                    FD_SET(unixpd->osfd, ex);
                PR_ASSERT(nbits > 0);
#if defined(HPUX) || defined(SOLARIS) || defined(SUNOS4) || defined(OSF1) || defined(AIX)
                retVal += nbits;
#else /* IRIX */
                retVal += 1;

    PR_ASSERT(tv || retVal != 0);
    PR_LOG(_pr_io_lm, PR_LOG_MIN, ("select returns %d", retVal));

    return retVal;
Ejemplo n.º 21
    DBG("nsPluginInstance::threadMain started\n");
    DBG("URL: %s\n", _url.c_str());


    // Initialize Gnash core library.
    DBG("Gnash core initialized.\n");
    // Init logfile.
    gnash::RcInitFile& rcinit = gnash::RcInitFile::getDefaultInstance();
    std::string logfilename = std::string("T:npgnash.log");
    gnash::LogFile& dbglogfile = gnash::LogFile::getDefaultInstance();
    DBG("Gnash logging initialized: %s\n", logfilename.c_str());

    // Init sound.
    DBG("Gnash sound initialized.\n");

    // Init GUI.
    int old_mouse_x = 0, old_mouse_y = 0, old_mouse_buttons = 0;
    _render_handler =
        (gnash::render_handler *) gnash::create_render_handler_agg("BGR24");
    // _memaddr = (unsigned char *) malloc(getMemSize());
    static_cast<gnash::render_handler_agg_base *>(_render_handler)->init_buffer(
            getMemAddr(), getMemSize(), _width, _height, _rowstride);
    DBG("Gnash GUI initialized: %ux%u\n", _width, _height);

    gnash::URL url(_url);

    VariableMap vars;
    gnash::URL::parse_querystring(url.querystring(), vars);
    for (VariableMap::iterator i = vars.begin(), ie = vars.end(); i != ie; i++) {
        _flashVars[i->first] = i->second;


    gnash::movie_definition* md = NULL;
    try {
        md = gnash::createMovie(url, _url.c_str(), false);
    } catch (const gnash::GnashException& err) {
        md = NULL;
    if (!md) {
         * N.B. Can't use the goto here, as C++ complains about "jump to
         * label 'done' from here crosses initialization of ..." a bunch
         * of things.  Sigh.  So, instead, I duplicate the cleanup code
         * here.  TODO: Remove this duplication.
        // goto done;


        DBG("Clean up Gnash.\n");

        DBG("nsPluginInstance::threadMain exiting\n");
    DBG("Movie created: %s\n", _url.c_str());

    int movie_width = static_cast<int>(md->get_width_pixels());
    int movie_height = static_cast<int>(md->get_height_pixels());
    float movie_fps = md->get_frame_rate();
    DBG("Movie dimensions: %ux%u (%.2f fps)\n",
            movie_width, movie_height, movie_fps);

    gnash::SystemClock clock; // use system clock here...
    gnash::movie_root& root = gnash::VM::init(*md, clock).getRoot();
    DBG("Gnash VM initialized.\n");
    // Register this plugin as listener for FsCommands from the core
    // (movie_root)
#if 0
    /* Commenting out for now as registerFSCommandCallback() has changed. */
    // Register a static function to handle ActionScript events such
    // as Mouse.hide, Stage.align etc.
    // root.registerEventCallback(&staticEventHandlingFunction);

    DBG("Movie loaded.\n");

    std::auto_ptr<gnash::Movie> mr(md->createMovie());
    //root.set_display_viewport(0, 0, _width, _height);
    gnash::Movie* mi = root.getRootMovie();
    DBG("Movie instance created.\n");

    //ShowWindow(_window, SW_SHOW);
    for (;;) {
        // DBG("Inside main thread loop.\n");

        if (_shutdown) {
            DBG("Main thread shutting down.\n");

        size_t cur_frame = mi->get_current_frame();
        // DBG("Got current frame number: %d.\n", cur_frame);
        size_t tot_frames = mi->get_frame_count();
        // DBG("Got total frame count: %d.\n", tot_frames);

        // DBG("Advancing one frame.\n");
        // DBG("Going to next frame.\n");
        root.goto_frame(cur_frame + 1);
        // DBG("Ensuring frame is loaded.\n");
        // DBG("Setting play state to PLAY.\n");

        if (old_mouse_x != mouse_x || old_mouse_y != mouse_y) {
            old_mouse_x = mouse_x;
            old_mouse_y = mouse_y;
            //root.notify_mouse_moved(mouse_x, mouse_y);
        if (old_mouse_buttons != mouse_buttons) {
            old_mouse_buttons = mouse_buttons;
            int mask = 1;
            //root.notify_mouse_clicked(mouse_buttons > 0, mask);


#if 0
        RECT rt;
        GetClientRect(_window, &rt);
        InvalidateRect(_window, &rt, FALSE);

        InvalidatedRanges ranges;
        root.add_invalidated_bounds(ranges, false);

        if (!ranges.isNull()) {
            InvalidateRect(_window, &rt, FALSE);


        // DBG("Unlocking playerLock mutex.\n");
        // DBG("Sleeping.\n");
        // DBG("Acquiring playerLock mutex.\n");


    DBG("Clean up Gnash.\n");

     * N.B.  As per server/impl.cpp:clear(), all of Gnash's threads aren't
     * guaranteed to be terminated by this, yet.  Therefore, when Firefox
     * unloads npgnash.dll after calling NS_PluginShutdown(), and there are
     * still Gnash threads running, they will try and access memory that was
     * freed as part of the unloading of npgnash.dll, resulting in a process
     * abend.


    DBG("nsPluginInstance::threadMain exiting\n");
Ejemplo n.º 22
bool ObtainSpoolLock(const char *aSpoolName,
                       int aSeconds /* number of seconds to retry */,
                       bool *aUsingLockFile)
  NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aUsingLockFile, false);

   * Locking procedures:
   * If the directory is not writable, we want to use the appropriate system
   * utilites to lock the file.
   * If the directory is writable, we want to go through the create-and-link
   * locking procedures to make it atomic for certain networked file systems.
   * This involves creating a .mozlock file and attempting to hard-link it to
   * the customary .lock file.
  nsCOMPtr<nsILocalFile> spoolFile;
  nsresult rv = NS_NewNativeLocalFile(nsDependentCString(aSpoolName),
  NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false);

  nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> directory;
  rv = spoolFile->GetParent(getter_AddRefs(directory));
  NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false);

  rv = directory->IsWritable(aUsingLockFile);
  NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false);

  if (!*aUsingLockFile) {
    LOG(("Attempting to use kernel file lock"));
    PRFileDesc *fd;
    rv = spoolFile->OpenNSPRFileDesc(PR_RDWR, 0, &fd);
    NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false);
    PRStatus lock_result;
    int retry_count = 0;

    do {
      lock_result = PR_TLockFile(fd);
      LOG(("Attempt %d of %d to lock file", retry_count, aSeconds));
      if (aSeconds > 0 && lock_result == PR_FAILURE) {
        // pause 1sec, waiting for .lock to go away
        PRIntervalTime sleepTime = 1000; // 1 second
    } while (lock_result == PR_FAILURE && retry_count < aSeconds);
    LOG(("Lock result: %d", lock_result));
    return lock_result == PR_SUCCESS;
  // How to lock using files:
  // step 1: create SPOOLNAME.mozlock
  //        1a: can remove it if it already exists (probably crash-droppings)
  // step 2: hard-link SPOOLNAME.mozlock to SPOOLNAME.lock for NFS atomicity
  //        2a: if SPOOLNAME.lock is >60sec old then nuke it from orbit
  //        2b: repeat step 2 until retry-count expired or hard-link succeeds
  // step 3: remove SPOOLNAME.mozlock
  // step 4: If step 2 hard-link failed, fail hard; we do not hold the lock
  // DONE.
  // (step 2a not yet implemented)

  nsCAutoString mozlockstr(aSpoolName);
  nsCAutoString lockstr(aSpoolName);

  // Create nsILocalFile for the spool.mozlock file
  nsCOMPtr<nsILocalFile> tmplocfile;
  rv = NS_NewNativeLocalFile(mozlockstr, true, getter_AddRefs(tmplocfile));
  if (NS_FAILED(rv))
    return false;
  // THOUGHT: hmm, perhaps use MakeUnique to generate us a unique mozlock?
  // ... perhaps not, MakeUnique implementation looks racey -- use mktemp()?

  // step 1: create SPOOLNAME.mozlock
  rv = tmplocfile->Create(nsIFile::NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, 0666);
    // can't create our .mozlock file... game over already
    LOG(("Failed to create file %s\n", mozlockstr.get()));
    return false;

  // step 2: hard-link .mozlock file to .lock file (this wackiness
  //         is necessary for non-racey locking on NFS-mounted spool dirs)
  // n.b. XPCOM utilities don't support hard-linking yet, so we
  // skip out to <unistd.h> and the POSIX interface for link()
  int link_result = 0;
  int retry_count = 0;

  do {
    link_result = link(mozlockstr.get(),lockstr.get());

    LOG(("Attempt %d of %d to create lock file", retry_count, aSeconds));

    if (aSeconds > 0 && link_result == -1) {
      // pause 1sec, waiting for .lock to go away
      PRIntervalTime sleepTime = 1000; // 1 second
  } while (link_result == -1 && retry_count < aSeconds);
  LOG(("Link result: %d", link_result));

  // step 3: remove .mozlock file, in any case
  rv = tmplocfile->Remove(false /* non-recursive */);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
    // Could not delete our .mozlock file... very unusual, but
    // not fatal.
    LOG(("Unable to delete %s", mozlockstr.get()));

  // step 4: now we know whether we succeeded or failed
  return link_result == 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    PLOptStatus os;
    PRBool cleanup = PR_FALSE;
	PRThreadScope type = PR_LOCAL_THREAD;
    PRFileDesc *err = PR_GetSpecialFD(PR_StandardError);
    PLOptState *opt = PL_CreateOptState(argc, argv, "Ghs:S:t:cC:");
    PRIntn concurrency = 1, child_sleep = 10, main_sleep = 5, threads = 1;

    while (PL_OPT_EOL != (os = PL_GetNextOpt(opt)))
        if (PL_OPT_BAD == os) continue;
        switch (opt->option)
        case 'c':  /* call PR_Cleanup() before exiting */
            cleanup = PR_TRUE;
        case 'G':  /* local vs global threads */
            type = PR_GLOBAL_THREAD;
        case 's':  /* time to sleep */
            child_sleep = atoi(opt->value);
        case 'S':  /* time to sleep */
            main_sleep = atoi(opt->value);
        case 'C':  /* number of cpus to create */
            concurrency = atoi(opt->value);
        case 't':  /* number of threads to create */
            threads = atoi(opt->value);
        case 'h':  /* user wants some guidance */
            Help();  /* so give him an earful */
            return 2;  /* but not a lot else */

    PR_fprintf(err, "Cleanup settings\n");
    PR_fprintf(err, "\tThread type: %s\n",
        (PR_LOCAL_THREAD == type) ? "LOCAL" : "GLOBAL");
    PR_fprintf(err, "\tConcurrency: %d\n", concurrency);
    PR_fprintf(err, "\tNumber of threads: %d\n", threads);
    PR_fprintf(err, "\tThread sleep: %d\n", child_sleep);
    PR_fprintf(err, "\tMain sleep: %d\n", main_sleep); 
    PR_fprintf(err, "\tCleanup will %sbe called\n\n", (cleanup) ? "" : "NOT "); 


	while (threads-- > 0)
        	PR_USER_THREAD, Thread, (void*)child_sleep, PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL,
       		type, PR_UNJOINABLE_THREAD, 0);

    if (cleanup) PR_Cleanup();

    PR_fprintf(err, "main() exiting\n");
    return 0;
}  /* main */
Ejemplo n.º 24
NSAPI_PUBLIC void systhread_yield(void)
/* Blocking I/O */
static void ServerB(void *arg)
    PRFileDesc *listenSock = (PRFileDesc *) arg;
    PRFileDesc *sock;
    char buf[BUFFER_SIZE];
    PRInt32 nbytes;
    int i;
    int j;

    sock = PR_Accept(listenSock, NULL, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
    if (NULL == sock) {
        fprintf(stderr, "PR_Accept failed\n");

    for (i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
        memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
        nbytes = PR_Recv(sock, buf, recv_amount[i],
        if (-1 == nbytes) {
            fprintf(stderr, "PR_Recv failed\n");
        if (send_amount[i] != nbytes) {
            fprintf(stderr, "PR_Recv returned %d, absurd!\n", nbytes);
        for (j = 0; j < nbytes; j++) {
            if (buf[j] != 2*i) {
                fprintf(stderr, "byte %d should be %d but is %d\n",
                        j, 2*i, buf[j]);
        fprintf(stderr, "server: peeked expected data\n");

        memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
        nbytes = PR_Recv(sock, buf, recv_amount[i],
        if (-1 == nbytes) {
            fprintf(stderr, "PR_Recv failed\n");
        if (send_amount[i] != nbytes) {
            fprintf(stderr, "PR_Recv returned %d, absurd!\n", nbytes);
        for (j = 0; j < nbytes; j++) {
            if (buf[j] != 2*i) {
                fprintf(stderr, "byte %d should be %d but is %d\n",
                        j, 2*i, buf[j]);
        fprintf(stderr, "server: peeked expected data\n");

        memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
        nbytes = PR_Recv(sock, buf, recv_amount[i],
                0, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
        if (-1 == nbytes) {
            fprintf(stderr, "PR_Recv failed\n");
        if (send_amount[i] != nbytes) {
            fprintf(stderr, "PR_Recv returned %d, absurd!\n", nbytes);
        for (j = 0; j < nbytes; j++) {
            if (buf[j] != 2*i) {
                fprintf(stderr, "byte %d should be %d but is %d\n",
                        j, 2*i, buf[j]);
        fprintf(stderr, "server: received expected data\n");

        memset(buf, 2*i+1, send_amount[i]);
        nbytes = PR_Send(sock, buf, send_amount[i],
                0, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
        if (-1 == nbytes) {
            fprintf(stderr, "PR_Send failed\n");
        if (send_amount[i] != nbytes) {
            fprintf(stderr, "PR_Send returned %d, absurd!\n", nbytes);
    if (PR_Close(sock) == PR_FAILURE) {
        fprintf(stderr, "PR_Close failed\n");
PRStatus RCThread::Sleep(const RCInterval& ticks)
    { PRIntervalTime tmo = ticks; return PR_Sleep(tmo); }
Ejemplo n.º 27
static void PR_CALLBACK Clientel(void *arg)
    PRStatus rv;
    PRFileDesc *xport;
    PRInt32 bytes, sampled;
    PRIntervalTime now, interval;
    PRBool do_display = PR_FALSE;
    Shared *shared = (Shared*)arg;
    char *buffer = (char*)PR_Malloc(buffer_size);
    PRNetAddr *server_address = &shared->server_address;
    PRIntervalTime connect_timeout = PR_SecondsToInterval(5);
    PRIntervalTime sampling_interval = PR_SecondsToInterval(SAMPLING_INTERVAL);

    PR_fprintf(err, "Client connecting to ");

        xport = PR_Socket(domain, PR_SOCK_STREAM, protocol);
        if (NULL == xport)
            PL_FPrintError(err, "PR_Socket");

        if (xport_buffer != -1)
            PRSocketOptionData data;
            data.option = PR_SockOpt_RecvBufferSize;
            data.value.recv_buffer_size = (PRSize)xport_buffer;
            rv = PR_SetSocketOption(xport, &data);
            if (PR_FAILURE == rv)
                PL_FPrintError(err, "PR_SetSocketOption - ignored");
            data.option = PR_SockOpt_SendBufferSize;
            data.value.send_buffer_size = (PRSize)xport_buffer;
            rv = PR_SetSocketOption(xport, &data);
            if (PR_FAILURE == rv)
                PL_FPrintError(err, "PR_SetSocketOption - ignored");

        rv = PR_Connect(xport, server_address, connect_timeout);
        if (PR_FAILURE == rv)
            PL_FPrintError(err, "PR_Connect");
            if (PR_IO_TIMEOUT_ERROR != PR_GetError())
            PR_Close(xport);  /* delete it and start over */
    } while (PR_FAILURE == rv);

        bytes = PR_Recv(
            xport, buffer, buffer_size, 0, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);
        now = PR_IntervalNow();
        shared->sampled += bytes;
        interval = now - shared->timein;
        if (interval > sampling_interval)
            sampled = shared->sampled;
            shared->timein = now;
            shared->sampled = 0;
            do_display = PR_TRUE;

        if (do_display)
            PRUint32 rate = sampled / PR_IntervalToMilliseconds(interval);
            PR_fprintf(err, "%u streams @ %u Kbytes/sec\n", shared->threads, rate);
            do_display = PR_FALSE;

    } while (bytes > 0);
}  /* Clientel */
Ejemplo n.º 28
// typedef PRBool
// (* nsHashtableEnumFunc)
//      (nsHashKey *aKey, void *aData, void* aClosure);
CheckLDAPOperationResult(nsHashKey *aKey, void *aData, void* aClosure)
    int lderrno;
    nsresult rv;
    PRInt32 returnCode;
    LDAPMessage *msgHandle;
    nsCOMPtr<nsILDAPMessage> msg;
    PRBool operationFinished = PR_TRUE;
    struct timeval timeout = { 0, 0 }; 
    PRIntervalTime sleepTime = PR_MillisecondsToInterval(40);

    // we need to access some of the connection loop's objects
    nsLDAPConnectionLoop *loop = 
        static_cast<nsLDAPConnectionLoop *>(aClosure);

    // get the console service so we can log messages
    nsCOMPtr<nsIConsoleService> consoleSvc = 
        do_GetService(kConsoleServiceContractId, &rv);
    if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
        NS_ERROR("CheckLDAPOperationResult() couldn't get console service");
        return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

    returnCode = ldap_result(loop->mRawConn->mConnectionHandle,
                             aKey->HashCode(), LDAP_MSG_ONE,
                                 &timeout, &msgHandle);

        // if we didn't error or timeout, create an nsILDAPMessage
        switch (returnCode) {

        case 0: // timeout

            // the connection may not exist yet.  sleep for a while
            // to avoid a problem where the LDAP connection/thread isn't 
            // ready quite yet, and we want to avoid a very busy loop.
            return PR_TRUE;

        case -1: // something went wrong 

        lderrno = ldap_get_lderrno(loop->mRawConn->mConnectionHandle, 0, 0);

            // Sleep briefly, to avoid a very busy loop again.

            switch (lderrno) {

            case LDAP_SERVER_DOWN:
                // We might want to shutdown the thread here, but it has
                // implications to the user of the nsLDAPConnection, so
                // for now we just ignore it. It's up to the owner of
                // the nsLDAPConnection to detect the error, and then
                // create a new connection.
                PR_LOG(gLDAPLogModule, PR_LOG_DEBUG, 
                       ("CheckLDAPOperationResult(): ldap_result returned" 
                        " LDAP_SERVER_DOWN"));

            case LDAP_DECODING_ERROR:
                    NS_LITERAL_STRING("LDAP: WARNING: decoding error; possible corrupt data received").get());
                NS_WARNING("CheckLDAPOperationResult(): ldaperrno = "
                           "LDAP_DECODING_ERROR after ldap_result()");

            case LDAP_NO_MEMORY:
                NS_ERROR("CheckLDAPOperationResult(): Couldn't allocate memory"
                         " while getting async operation result");
                // punt and hope things work out better next time around

            case LDAP_PARAM_ERROR:
                // I think it's possible to hit a race condition where we're
                // continuing to poll for a result after the C SDK connection
                // has removed the operation because the connection has gone
                // dead.  In theory we should fix this.  Practically, it's
                // unclear to me whether it matters.
                NS_WARNING("CheckLDAPOperationResult(): ldap_result returned"
                           " LDAP_PARAM_ERROR");

                NS_ERROR("CheckLDAPOperationResult(): lderrno set to "
                           "unexpected value after ldap_result() "
                           "call in nsLDAPConnection::Run()");
                PR_LOG(gLDAPLogModule, PR_LOG_ERROR, 
                       ("lderrno = 0x%x", lderrno));

            // XXX what should we do with LDAP_RES_SEARCH_EXTENDED?

            // not done yet, so we shouldn't remove the op from the conn q
            operationFinished = PR_FALSE;

            // fall through to default case

        default: // initialize the message and call the callback

            // we want nsLDAPMessage specifically, not a compatible, since
            // we're sharing native objects used by the LDAP C SDK
            nsLDAPMessage *rawMsg;
            NS_NEWXPCOM(rawMsg, nsLDAPMessage);
            if (!rawMsg) {
            NS_ERROR("CheckLDAPOperationResult(): couldn't allocate memory"
                     " for new LDAP message; search entry dropped");
                // punt and hope things work out better next time around

            // initialize the message, using a protected method not available
            // through nsILDAPMessage (which is why we need the raw pointer)
            rv = rawMsg->Init(loop->mRawConn, msgHandle);

            // now let the scoping mechanisms provided by nsCOMPtr manage
            // the reference for us.
            msg = rawMsg;
            switch (rv) {

            case NS_OK: {
                PRInt32 errorCode;
                // maybe a version error, e.g., using v3 on a v2 server.
                // if we're using v3, try v2.
                if (errorCode == LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR && 
                   loop->mRawConn->mVersion == nsILDAPConnection::VERSION3) {
                    nsCAutoString password;
                    loop->mRawConn->mVersion = nsILDAPConnection::VERSION2;
                          LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, &loop->mRawConn->mVersion);
                    nsCOMPtr <nsILDAPOperation> operation = 
                      static_cast<nsILDAPOperation *>(static_cast<nsISupports *>(aData));
                    // we pass in an empty password to tell the operation that 
                    // it should use the cached password.
                    rv = operation->SimpleBind(password);
                    if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
                        operationFinished = PR_FALSE;
                        // we don't want to notify callers that we're done...
                        return PR_TRUE;
                // If we're midway through a SASL Bind, we need to continue
                // without letting our caller know what we're up to!
                if (errorCode == LDAP_SASL_BIND_IN_PROGRESS) {
                    struct berval *creds;
                      loop->mRawConn->mConnectionHandle, msgHandle, 
                      &creds, 0);

                    nsCOMPtr <nsILDAPOperation> operation =
                      static_cast<nsILDAPOperation *>
                      (static_cast<nsISupports *>(aData));

                    rv = operation->SaslStep(creds->bv_val, creds->bv_len);
                    if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
                        return PR_TRUE;

                    NS_LITERAL_STRING("LDAP: WARNING: decoding error; possible corrupt data received").get());
            NS_WARNING("CheckLDAPOperationResult(): ldaperrno = "
                           "LDAP_DECODING_ERROR after ldap_result()");
            return PR_TRUE;

            case NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY:
                // punt and hope things work out better next time around
            return PR_TRUE;

            case NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE:
            case NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED:
                // shouldn't happen; internal error
            NS_ERROR("CheckLDAPOperationResult(): nsLDAPMessage::Init() "
                           "returned unexpected value.");

                // punt and hope things work out better next time around
            return PR_TRUE;

            // invoke the callback on the nsILDAPOperation corresponding to 
            // this message
        rv = loop->mRawConn->InvokeMessageCallback(msgHandle, msg, 
            if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
            NS_ERROR("CheckLDAPOperationResult(): error invoking message"
                     " callback");
                // punt and hope things work out better next time around
            return PR_TRUE;


    return PR_TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 29
    PRInt32 unused, PR_fd_set *pr_rd, PR_fd_set *pr_wr, 
    PR_fd_set *pr_ex, PRIntervalTime timeout)

#if !defined(NEED_SELECT)
    PRInt32 npds = 0; 
    ** Find out how many fds are represented in the three lists.
    ** Then allocate a polling descriptor for the logical union
    ** (there can't be any overlapping) and call PR_Poll().

    PRPollDesc *copy, *poll;

    static PRBool warning = PR_TRUE;
    if (warning) warning = _PR_Obsolete( "PR_Select()", "PR_Poll()");

    /* try to get an initial guesss at how much space we need */
    npds = 0;
    if ((NULL != pr_rd) && ((pr_rd->hsize + pr_rd->nsize - npds) > 0))
        npds = pr_rd->hsize + pr_rd->nsize;
    if ((NULL != pr_wr) && ((pr_wr->hsize + pr_wr->nsize - npds) > 0))
        npds = pr_wr->hsize + pr_wr->nsize;
    if ((NULL != pr_ex) && ((pr_ex->hsize + pr_ex->nsize - npds) > 0))
        npds = pr_ex->hsize + pr_ex->nsize;

    if (0 == npds)
        return 0;

    copy = poll = (PRPollDesc*)PR_Calloc(npds + PD_INCR, sizeof(PRPollDesc));
    if (NULL == poll) goto out_of_memory;
    poll[npds + PD_INCR - 1].fd = (PRFileDesc*)-1;

    poll = _pr_setfd(pr_rd, PR_POLL_READ, poll);
    if (NULL == poll) goto out_of_memory;
    poll = _pr_setfd(pr_wr, PR_POLL_WRITE, poll);
    if (NULL == poll) goto out_of_memory;
    poll = _pr_setfd(pr_ex, PR_POLL_EXCEPT, poll);
    if (NULL == poll) goto out_of_memory;
    unused = 0;
    while (NULL != poll[unused].fd && (PRFileDesc*)-1 != poll[unused].fd)

    PR_ASSERT(unused > 0);
    npds = PR_Poll(poll, unused, timeout);

    if (npds > 0)
        /* Copy the results back into the fd sets */
        if (NULL != pr_rd) pr_rd->nsize = pr_rd->hsize = 0;
        if (NULL != pr_wr) pr_wr->nsize = pr_wr->hsize = 0;
        if (NULL != pr_ex) pr_ex->nsize = pr_ex->hsize = 0;
        for (copy = &poll[unused - 1]; copy >= poll; --copy)
            if (copy->out_flags & PR_POLL_NVAL)
                PR_SetError(PR_BAD_DESCRIPTOR_ERROR, 0);
                npds = -1;
            if (copy->out_flags & PR_POLL_READ)
                if (NULL != pr_rd) pr_rd->harray[pr_rd->hsize++] = copy->fd;
            if (copy->out_flags & PR_POLL_WRITE)
                if (NULL != pr_wr) pr_wr->harray[pr_wr->hsize++] = copy->fd;
            if (copy->out_flags & PR_POLL_EXCEPT)
                if (NULL != pr_ex) pr_ex->harray[pr_ex->hsize++] = copy->fd;

    return npds;
    return -1;    

#endif /* !defined(NEED_SELECT) */
main(int argc, char* argv[])
    if (test_common_init(&argc, &argv) != 0)
        return -1;

    nsresult rv;

    if (argc < 2) {
        printf("usage: %s <file-to-read>\n", argv[0]);
        return -1;
    char* fileName = argv[1];
        nsCOMPtr<nsIServiceManager> servMan;
        NS_InitXPCOM2(getter_AddRefs(servMan), nullptr, nullptr);
        nsCOMPtr<nsIComponentRegistrar> registrar = do_QueryInterface(servMan);
        NS_ASSERTION(registrar, "Null nsIComponentRegistrar");
        if (registrar)

#if defined(PR_LOGGING)
        gTestLog = PR_NewLogModule("Test");

        nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> srcFile;
        rv = NS_NewNativeLocalFile(nsDependentCString(fileName), false, getter_AddRefs(srcFile));
        if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;

        nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> destFile;
        rv = srcFile->Clone(getter_AddRefs(destFile));
        if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;

        nsCAutoString leafName;
        rv = destFile->GetNativeLeafName(leafName);
        if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;

        nsCAutoString newName(leafName);
        rv = destFile->SetNativeLeafName(newName);
        if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;

        rv = RunTest(srcFile, destFile);
        NS_ASSERTION(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "RunTest failed");

        newName = leafName;
        rv = destFile->SetNativeLeafName(newName);
        if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;

        rv = RunBlockingTest(srcFile, destFile);
        NS_ASSERTION(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "RunBlockingTest failed");

        // give background threads a chance to finish whatever work they may
        // be doing.
    } // this scopes the nsCOMPtrs
    // no nsCOMPtrs are allowed to be alive when you call NS_ShutdownXPCOM
    rv = NS_ShutdownXPCOM(nullptr);
    NS_ASSERTION(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "NS_ShutdownXPCOM failed");
    return NS_OK;