SecurityLabel::SecurityLabel( QWidget *parent, QString _xmlDesc) : _QWidget(parent), xmlDesc(_xmlDesc) { setObjectName("Security-High"); modelLabel = new QLabel("Model:", this); model = new QComboBox(this); model->addItems(QStringList()<<"SELinux"<<"AppArmor"<<"DAC"); labelTypeLabel = new QComboBox(this); labelTypeLabel->addItems(QStringList()<<"Label"<<"BaseLabel"<<"ImageLabel"); label = new QLineEdit(this); relabelLabel = new QLabel("Relabel:", this); relabel = new QComboBox(this); relabel->addItems(QStringList()<<"Default"<<"Yes"<<"No"); baseLayout = new QGridLayout(); baseLayout->addWidget(modelLabel, 0, 0); baseLayout->addWidget(model, 0, 1); baseLayout->addWidget(labelTypeLabel, 1, 0); baseLayout->addWidget(label, 1, 1); baseLayout->addWidget(relabelLabel, 2, 0); baseLayout->addWidget(relabel, 2, 1); baseWdg = new QWidget(this); baseWdg->setLayout(baseLayout); baseWdg->setVisible(false); useSecLabel = new QCheckBox("Use Security Label", this); typeLabel = new QLabel("Type:", this); type = new QComboBox(this); type->addItems(QStringList()<<"None"<<"Dynamic"<<"Static"); typeLayout = new QHBoxLayout(this); typeLayout->addWidget(typeLabel); typeLayout->addWidget(type); typeWdg = new QWidget(this); typeWdg->setLayout(typeLayout); add = new QPushButton(QIcon::fromTheme("list-add"), "", this); del = new QPushButton(QIcon::fromTheme("list-remove"), "", this); list = new QListWidget(this); listLayout = new QGridLayout(); listLayout->addWidget(add, 0, 0); listLayout->addWidget(del, 0, 3); listLayout->addWidget(list, 1, 0, 2, 4); listWdg = new QWidget(this); listWdg->setLayout(listLayout); restorePanel = new RestorePanel(this); commonLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this); commonLayout->addWidget(restorePanel, 0, Qt::AlignRight); commonLayout->addWidget(useSecLabel); commonLayout->addWidget(typeWdg); commonLayout->addWidget(baseWdg); commonLayout->addWidget(listWdg); commonLayout->addStretch(-1); setLayout(commonLayout); usedStateChanged(false); connect(useSecLabel, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(usedStateChanged(bool))); connect(type, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(securityTypeChanged(QString))); connect(model, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(modelTypeChanged(QString))); connect(add, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(addSecLabel())); connect(del, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(delSecLabel())); readXMLDesciption(); // dataChanged connections connect(model, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(stateChanged())); connect(label, SIGNAL(textEdited(QString)), this, SLOT(stateChanged())); connect(labelTypeLabel, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(stateChanged())); connect(relabel, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(stateChanged())); connect(type, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(stateChanged())); connect(useSecLabel, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(stateChanged())); connect(this, SIGNAL(dataChanged()), restorePanel, SLOT(stateChanged())); // action connections connect(restorePanel, SIGNAL(resetData()), this, SLOT(resetSecData())); connect(restorePanel, SIGNAL(revertData()), this, SLOT(revertSecData())); connect(restorePanel, SIGNAL(saveData()), this, SLOT(saveSecData())); }
static QStringList themeNames() { return QStringList() << QLatin1String("generic_eglfs"); }
return children; } QString QgsGdalLayerItem::layerName() const { QFileInfo info( name() ); if ( info.suffix() == "gz" ) return info.baseName(); else return info.completeBaseName(); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- static QString filterString; static QStringList extensions = QStringList(); static QStringList wildcards = QStringList(); QGISEXTERN int dataCapabilities() { return QgsDataProvider::File | QgsDataProvider::Dir | QgsDataProvider::Net; } QGISEXTERN QgsDataItem * dataItem( QString thePath, QgsDataItem* parentItem ) { if ( thePath.isEmpty() ) return 0; QgsDebugMsgLevel( "thePath = " + thePath, 2 ); // zip settings + info
DeformPaintOpPlugin::DeformPaintOpPlugin(QObject *parent, const QVariantList &) : QObject(parent) { KisPaintOpRegistry *r = KisPaintOpRegistry::instance(); r->add(new KisSimplePaintOpFactory<KisDeformPaintOp, KisDeformPaintOpSettings, KisDeformPaintOpSettingsWidget>("deformbrush", i18n("Deform"), KisPaintOpFactory::categoryStable(), "krita-deform.png", QString(), QStringList(COMPOSITE_COPY), 16)); }
QgsRasterFormatSaveOptionsWidget::QgsRasterFormatSaveOptionsWidget( QWidget* parent, QString format, QgsRasterFormatSaveOptionsWidget::Type type, QString provider ) : QWidget( parent ), mFormat( format ), mProvider( provider ), mRasterLayer( 0 ), mRasterFileName( QString() ), mPyramids( false ), mPyramidsFormat( QgsRaster::PyramidsGTiff ) { setupUi( this ); setType( type ); if ( mBuiltinProfiles.isEmpty() ) { // key=profileKey values=format,profileName,options mBuiltinProfiles[ "z_adefault" ] = ( QStringList() << "" << tr( "Default" ) << "" ); // these GTiff profiles are based on Tim's benchmarks at // // big: no compression | medium: reasonable size/speed tradeoff | small: smallest size mBuiltinProfiles[ "z_gtiff_1big" ] = ( QStringList() << "GTiff" << tr( "No compression" ) << "COMPRESS=NONE BIGTIFF=IF_NEEDED" ); mBuiltinProfiles[ "z_gtiff_2medium" ] = ( QStringList() << "GTiff" << tr( "Low compression" ) << "COMPRESS=PACKBITS" ); mBuiltinProfiles[ "z_gtiff_3small" ] = ( QStringList() << "GTiff" << tr( "High compression" ) << "COMPRESS=DEFLATE PREDICTOR=2 ZLEVEL=9" ); mBuiltinProfiles[ "z_gtiff_4jpeg" ] = ( QStringList() << "GTiff" << tr( "JPEG compression" ) << "COMPRESS=JPEG JPEG_QUALITY=75" ); // overview compression schemes for GTiff format, see // and // TODO - should we offer GDAL_TIFF_OVR_BLOCKSIZE option here or in QgsRasterPyramidsOptionsWidget ? mBuiltinProfiles[ "z__pyramids_gtiff_1big" ] = ( QStringList() << "_pyramids" << tr( "No compression" ) << "COMPRESS_OVERVIEW=NONE BIGTIFF_OVERVIEW=IF_NEEDED" ); mBuiltinProfiles[ "z__pyramids_gtiff_2medium" ] = ( QStringList() << "_pyramids" << tr( "Low compression" ) << "COMPRESS_OVERVIEW=PACKBITS" ); mBuiltinProfiles[ "z__pyramids_gtiff_3small" ] = ( QStringList() << "_pyramids" << tr( "High compression" ) << "COMPRESS_OVERVIEW=DEFLATE PREDICTOR_OVERVIEW=2 ZLEVEL=9" ); // how to set zlevel? mBuiltinProfiles[ "z__pyramids_gtiff_4jpeg" ] = ( QStringList() << "_pyramids" << tr( "JPEG compression" ) << "JPEG_QUALITY_OVERVIEW=75 COMPRESS_OVERVIEW=JPEG PHOTOMETRIC_OVERVIEW=YCBCR INTERLEAVE_OVERVIEW=PIXEL" ); } connect( mProfileComboBox, SIGNAL( currentIndexChanged( const QString & ) ), this, SLOT( updateOptions() ) ); connect( mOptionsTable, SIGNAL( cellChanged( int, int ) ), this, SLOT( optionsTableChanged() ) ); connect( mOptionsHelpButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( helpOptions() ) ); connect( mOptionsValidateButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( validateOptions() ) ); // create eventFilter to map right click to swapOptionsUI() // mOptionsLabel->installEventFilter( this ); mOptionsLineEdit->installEventFilter( this ); mOptionsStackedWidget->installEventFilter( this ); updateControls(); updateProfiles(); QgsDebugMsg( "done" ); }
void PosService::on_btSave_clicked() { QMessageBox box; QString fileToCopy = "db.sqlite3"; QProcess udisks; udisks.start("udisks", QStringList() << "--dump"); if (!udisks.waitForFinished()) { box.setText(_S("Ошибка получения списка дисков udisks --dump")); box.exec(); return; } QString result = QString::fromUtf8(udisks.readAll()); QStringList list = result.split(QRegularExpression("={72}")); QString interface; QString lastProperDevice; for(int i=0;i<list.count();++i) { QRegularExpressionMatch match; QString drv =; if(drv.contains("drive:")){ interface = ""; match = QRegularExpression("(?<interface>interface:.*)").match(drv); if (!match.hasMatch()) continue; interface = match.captured("interface").mid(10).replace(" ",""); continue; } if(interface!="usb") continue; match = QRegularExpression("(?<device>is mounted:.*)").match(drv); if (!match.hasMatch()) continue; QString isMounted = match.captured("device").mid(11).replace(" ",""); if(isMounted=="1") continue; match = QRegularExpression("(?<device>device-file:.*)").match(drv); if (!match.hasMatch()) continue; lastProperDevice = match.captured("device").mid(12).replace(" ",""); } if(lastProperDevice.isEmpty()) { box.setText(_S("Ошибка - нет подходящего устройства для сохранения")); box.exec(); return; } udisks.start("udisks", QStringList() << "--mount"<<lastProperDevice<<"/media"); if (!udisks.waitForFinished()) { box.setText(_S("Ошибка подключения диска udisks --mount %1 /media").arg(lastProperDevice)); box.exec(); return; } QString mountresult = QString::fromUtf8(udisks.readAll()); QRegularExpressionMatch match = QRegularExpression("(?<device>at .*)").match(mountresult); if (!match.hasMatch()) { box.setText(_S("Не удалось обнаружить подключенное устройство\n").arg(mountresult)); box.exec(); return; } QString mountpath = match.captured("device").mid(3).replace(" ",""); udisks.start("cp", QStringList()<<fileToCopy<<QStringLiteral("%1/db.sqlite").arg(mountpath)); if (!udisks.waitForFinished()) { box.setText(_S("Не удалось скопировать %1 в %2").arg(fileToCopy).arg(QStringLiteral("%1/db.sqlite").arg(mountpath))); box.exec(); return; } udisks.start("udisks", QStringList() << "--unmount"<<lastProperDevice); if (!udisks.waitForFinished()) { box.setText(_S("Не удалось отключить устройство")); box.exec(); return; } box.setText(_S("База данных успешно сохранена")); box.exec(); return; }
std::shared_ptr<const OsmAnd::EmbeddedFontFinder> OsmAnd::EmbeddedFontFinder::getDefaultInstance() { return s_embeddedFontFinderDefaultInstance; } void OsmAnd::EmbeddedFontFinder_initialize() { s_embeddedFontFinderDefaultInstance.reset(new EmbeddedFontFinder()); } void OsmAnd::EmbeddedFontFinder_release() { s_embeddedFontFinderDefaultInstance.reset(); } const QStringList OsmAnd::EmbeddedFontFinder::resources = QStringList() // OpenSans << QLatin1String("map/fonts/OpenSans/OpenSans-Regular.ttf") << QLatin1String("map/fonts/OpenSans/OpenSans-Italic.ttf") << QLatin1String("map/fonts/OpenSans/OpenSans-Semibold.ttf") << QLatin1String("map/fonts/OpenSans/OpenSans-SemiboldItalic.ttf") // Noto Kufi Arabic << QLatin1String("map/fonts/NotoKufi/NotoKufiArabic-Regular.ttf") << QLatin1String("map/fonts/NotoKufi/NotoKufiArabic-Bold.ttf") // Noto Naskh Arabic << QLatin1String("map/fonts/NotoNaskh/NotoNaskhArabic-Regular.ttf") << QLatin1String("map/fonts/NotoNaskh/NotoNaskhArabic-Bold.ttf") // NotoSans family, all fonts support regular and italic
Solver::Properties SecondOrderRungeKuttaSolverPlugin::solverProperties() const { // Return the properties supported by the solver Descriptions stepDescriptions; stepDescriptions.insert("en", QString::fromUtf8("Step")); stepDescriptions.insert("fr", QString::fromUtf8("Pas")); return Solver::Properties() << Solver::Property(Solver::Property::Double, StepId, stepDescriptions, QStringList(), StepDefaultValue, true); }
** ** $QT_END_LICENSE$ ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "sensorfwsensorbase.h" SensorManagerInterface* SensorfwSensorBase::m_remoteSensorManager = 0; //According to wikipedia link //const float sensorfwsensorbase::GRAVITY_EARTH = 9.812865328; const float SensorfwSensorBase::GRAVITY_EARTH_THOUSANDTH = 0.009812865328; const int SensorfwSensorBase::KErrNotFound=-1; const int SensorfwSensorBase::KErrInUse=-14; QStringList SensorfwSensorBase::m_bufferingSensors = QStringList() <<"sensorfw.accelerometer"<<"sensorfw.magnetometer" <<"sensorfw.gyroscope"<<"sensorfw.rotationsensor"; SensorfwSensorBase::SensorfwSensorBase(QSensor *sensor) : QSensorBackend(sensor), m_sensorInterface(0), m_bufferSize(-1), m_prevOutputRange(0), m_efficientBufferSize(1), m_maxBufferSize(1) { if (!m_remoteSensorManager) m_remoteSensorManager = &SensorManagerInterface::instance(); } SensorfwSensorBase::~SensorfwSensorBase() { if (m_sensorInterface) { stop(); delete m_sensorInterface, m_sensorInterface = 0;
RepositoryDialog::RepositoryDialog(KConfig& cfg, OrgKdeCervisia5CvsserviceCvsserviceInterface* cvsService, const QString& cvsServiceInterfaceName, QWidget* parent) : QDialog(parent) , m_partConfig(cfg) , m_cvsService(cvsService) , m_cvsServiceInterfaceName(cvsServiceInterfaceName) { setWindowTitle(i18n("Configure Access to Repositories")); setModal(true); QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout; setLayout(mainLayout); QDialogButtonBox *buttonBox = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel | QDialogButtonBox::Help); QPushButton *okButton = buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok); okButton->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL | Qt::Key_Return); connect(okButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotOk())); connect(buttonBox, SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(reject())); QBoxLayout* hbox = new QHBoxLayout; hbox->setMargin(0); mainLayout->addLayout(hbox); m_repoList = new QTreeWidget; hbox->addWidget(m_repoList, 10); m_repoList->setMinimumWidth(fontMetrics().width('0') * 60); m_repoList->setAllColumnsShowFocus(true); m_repoList->setRootIsDecorated(false); m_repoList->setHeaderLabels(QStringList() << i18n("Repository") << i18n("Method") << i18n("Compression") << i18n("Status")); m_repoList->setFocus(); connect(m_repoList, SIGNAL(itemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*, int)), this, SLOT(slotDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*, int))); connect(m_repoList, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()), this, SLOT(slotSelectionChanged())); QDialogButtonBox* actionbox = new QDialogButtonBox(Qt::Vertical); QPushButton* addbutton = actionbox->addButton(i18n("Add..."), QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole); m_modifyButton = actionbox->addButton(i18n("Modify..."), QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole); m_removeButton = actionbox->addButton(i18n("Remove"), QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole); m_loginButton = actionbox->addButton(i18n("Login..."), QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole); m_logoutButton = actionbox->addButton(i18n("Logout"), QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole); hbox->addWidget(actionbox, 0); m_loginButton->setEnabled(false); m_logoutButton->setEnabled(false); connect( addbutton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotAddClicked()) ); connect( m_modifyButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotModifyClicked()) ); connect( m_removeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotRemoveClicked()) ); connect( m_loginButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotLoginClicked()) ); connect( m_logoutButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotLogoutClicked()) ); // open cvs DBUS service configuration file m_serviceConfig = new KConfig("cvsservicerc"); readCvsPassFile(); readConfigFile(); if (QTreeWidgetItem *item = m_repoList->topLevelItem(0)) { m_repoList->setCurrentItem(item); item->setSelected(true); } else { // we have no item so disable modify and remove button slotSelectionChanged(); } connect(buttonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::helpRequested, this, &RepositoryDialog::slotHelp); setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true); KConfigGroup cg(&m_partConfig, "RepositoryDialog"); restoreGeometry(cg.readEntry<QByteArray>("geometry", QByteArray())); QByteArray state = cg.readEntry<QByteArray>("RepositoryListView", QByteArray()); m_repoList->header()->restoreState(state); mainLayout->addWidget(buttonBox); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { timer.start(); QString feature; if (!feature.isEmpty()) feature = I18N_NOOP("Compiled with the following settings:\n") + feature; KAboutData aboutData("kmymoney", 0, ki18n("KMyMoney"), VERSION, ki18n("\nKMyMoney, the Personal Finance Manager for KDE.\n\nPlease consider contributing to this project with code and/or suggestions."), KAboutData::License_GPL, ki18n("(c) 2000-2014 The KMyMoney development team"), /*feature*/KLocalizedString(), I18N_NOOP("")/*, "*****@*****.**")*/); //Temporarily, the product name to report bugs in BKO is different than the application name aboutData.setProductName("kmymoney4"); aboutData.addAuthor(ki18n("Michael Edwardes."), ki18n("Initial idea, much initial source code, Project admin"), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.addAuthor(ki18n("Thomas Baumgart"), ki18n("Core engine, Release Manager, Project admin"), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.addAuthor(ki18n("Ace Jones"), ki18n("Reporting logic, OFX Import"), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.addAuthor(ki18n("Tony Bloomfield"), ki18n("Database backend, maintainer stable branch"), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.addAuthor(ki18n("Alvaro Soliverez"), ki18n("Forecast, Reports"), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.addAuthor(ki18n("Felix Rodriguez"), ki18n("Project Admin"), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.addAuthor(ki18n("John C"), ki18n("Developer"), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.addAuthor(ki18n("Fernando Vilas"), ki18n("Database backend"), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.addAuthor(ki18n("Cristian Oneț"), ki18n("Developer"), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.addCredit(ki18n("Kevin Tambascio"), ki18n("Initial investment support"), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.addCredit(ki18n("Javier Campos Morales"), ki18n("Developer & Artist"), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.addCredit(ki18n("Robert Wadley"), ki18n("Icons & splash screen"), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.addCredit(ki18n("Laurent Montel"), ki18n("Patches and port to kde4"), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.addCredit(ki18n("Wolfgang Rohdewald"), ki18n("Patches"), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.addCredit(ki18n("Marko Käning"), ki18n("Patches and packaging for OS X"), "*****@*****.**"); aboutData.setOrganizationDomain(""); KCmdLineOptions options; options.add("lang <lang-code>", ki18n("language to be used")); options.add("n", ki18n("do not open last used file")); options.add("timers", ki18n("enable performance timers")); options.add("nocatch", ki18n("do not globally catch uncaught exceptions")); #ifdef KMM_DEBUG // The following options are only available when compiled in debug mode options.add("trace", ki18n("turn on program traces")); options.add("dump-actions", ki18n("dump the names of all defined KAction objects to stdout and quit")); #endif // INSERT YOUR COMMANDLINE OPTIONS HERE options.add("+[File]", ki18n("file to open")); KCmdLineArgs::init(argc, argv, &aboutData); KCmdLineArgs::addCmdLineOptions(options); // Add our own options. // create the singletons before we start memory checking // to avoid false error reports MyMoneyFile::instance(); KMyMoneyUtils::checkConstants(); KApplication* a = new KApplication(); if (KGlobal::locale()->monetaryDecimalSymbol().isEmpty()) { KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("The monetary decimal symbol is not correctly set in the KDE System Settings module Country/Region & Language. Please set it to a reasonable value and start KMyMoney again."), i18n("Invalid settings")); delete a; exit(1); } // show startup logo KStartupLogo* splash = new KStartupLogo(); a->processEvents(); args = KCmdLineArgs::parsedArgs(); // setup the MyMoneyMoney locale settings according to the KDE settings MyMoneyMoney::setThousandSeparator(KGlobal::locale()->monetaryThousandsSeparator()[0]); MyMoneyMoney::setDecimalSeparator(KGlobal::locale()->monetaryDecimalSymbol()[0]); MyMoneyMoney::setNegativeMonetarySignPosition(static_cast<MyMoneyMoney::signPosition>(KGlobal::locale()->negativeMonetarySignPosition())); MyMoneyMoney::setPositiveMonetarySignPosition(static_cast<MyMoneyMoney::signPosition>(KGlobal::locale()->positiveMonetarySignPosition())); MyMoneyMoney::setNegativePrefixCurrencySymbol(KGlobal::locale()->negativePrefixCurrencySymbol()); MyMoneyMoney::setPositivePrefixCurrencySymbol(KGlobal::locale()->positivePrefixCurrencySymbol()); QString language = args->getOption("lang"); if (!language.isEmpty()) { if (!KGlobal::locale()->setLanguage(QStringList() << language)) { qWarning("Unable to select language '%s'. This has one of two reasons:\n\ta) the standard KDE message catalog is not installed\n\tb) the KMyMoney message catalog is not installed", qPrintable(language)); } } #ifdef KMM_DEBUG if (args->isSet("trace")) MyMoneyTracer::on(); timersOn = args->isSet("timers"); #endif kmymoney = 0; kmymoney = new KMyMoneyApp(); #ifdef KMM_DEBUG if (args->isSet("dump-actions")) { kmymoney->dumpActions(); // Before we delete the application, we make sure that we destroy all // widgets by running the event loop for some time to catch all those // widgets that are requested to be destroyed using the deleteLater() method. //QApplication::eventLoop()->processEvents(QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInput, 10); QCoreApplication::processEvents(QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInputEvents, 10); delete kmymoney; delete splash; delete a; exit(0); } #endif int rc = 0; if (args->isSet("catch") == false) { qDebug("Running w/o global try/catch block"); rc = runKMyMoney(a, splash); } else { try { rc = runKMyMoney(a, splash); } catch (const MyMoneyException &e) { KMessageBox::detailedError(0, i18n("Uncaught error. Please report the details to the developers"), i18n("%1 in file %2 line %3", e.what(), e.file(), e.line())); throw e; } } delete a; return rc; }
//Put the system into the suspend state void LOS::systemSuspend(){ QString state = LUtils::getCmdOutput("sysctl -n hw.acpi.suspend_state").join("").simplified(); QProcess::startDetached("acpiconf", QStringList() << "-s" << state ); }
//Set the current volume void LOS::setAudioVolume(int percent){ if(percent<0){percent=0;} else if(percent>100){percent=100;} bool remoteSession = !QString(getenv("PICO_CLIENT_LOGIN")).isEmpty(); if(remoteSession){ LUtils::runCmd(QString("pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ ")+QString::number(percent)+"%"); }else{ QString info = LUtils::getCmdOutput("mixer -S vol").join(":").simplified(); //ignores any other lines if(!info.isEmpty()){ int L = info.section(":",1,1).toInt(); int R = info.section(":",2,2).toInt(); int diff = L-R; if((percent == L) && (L==R)){ return; } //already set to that volume if(diff<0){ R=percent; L=percent+diff; } //R Greater else{ L=percent; R=percent-diff; } //L Greater or equal //Check bounds if(L<0){L=0;}else if(L>100){L=100;} if(R<0){R=0;}else if(R>100){R=100;} //Run Command LUtils::runCmd("mixer vol "+QString::number(L)+":"+QString::number(R)); } } audiovolume = percent; //save for checking later LUtils::writeFile(QString(getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"))+"/lumina-desktop/.currentvolume", QStringList() << QString::number(percent), true); }
//Read the current volume int LOS::audioVolume(){ //Returns: audio volume as a percentage (0-100, with -1 for errors) int out = audiovolume; if(out < 0){ //First time session check: Load the last setting for this user QString info = LUtils::readFile(QString(getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"))+"/lumina-desktop/.currentvolume").join(""); if(!info.isEmpty()){ out = info.simplified().toInt(); audiovolume = out; //reset this internal flag return out; } } bool remoteSession = !QString(getenv("PICO_CLIENT_LOGIN")).isEmpty(); if(remoteSession){ QStringList info = LUtils::getCmdOutput("pactl list short sinks"); qDebug() << "Got PA sinks:" << info; out = 50; //TEMPORARY - still need to write up the info parsing audiovolume = out; }else{ //probe the system for the current volume (other utils could be changing it) QString info = LUtils::getCmdOutput("mixer -S vol").join(":").simplified(); //ignores any other lines if(!info.isEmpty()){ int L = info.section(":",1,1).toInt(); int R = info.section(":",2,2).toInt(); if(L>R){ out = L; } else{ out = R; } if(out != audiovolume){ //Volume changed by other utility: adjust the saved value as well LUtils::writeFile(QString(getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"))+"/lumina-desktop/.currentvolume", QStringList() << QString::number(out), true); } audiovolume = out; } } return out; }
QStringList MemcachedApi::callTips(const QStringList& context, int commas, QsciScintilla::CallTipsStyle style, QList<int>& shifts) { return QStringList(); }
QStringList MediaPlayer2::SupportedUriSchemes() const { return QStringList() << "lastfm"; }
QStringList QICOPlugin::keys() const { return QStringList() << QLatin1String("ico"); }
QStringList MediaPlayer2::SupportedMimeTypes() const { return QStringList(); }
QStringList LOS::DiskUsage(){ //Returns: List of current read/write stats for each device return QStringList(); //not implemented yet }
ServerChoice::ServerChoice(TeamHolder* team) : ui(new Ui::ServerChoice), wasConnected(false), team(team) { ui->setupUi(this); ui->announcement->hide(); ServerChoiceModel *model = new ServerChoiceModel(); model->setParent(ui->serverList); filter = new QSortFilterProxyModel(ui->serverList); filter->setSourceModel(model); filter->setSortRole(ServerChoiceModel::SortRole); ui->serverList->setModel(filter); connect(ui->description, SIGNAL(anchorClicked(QUrl)), SLOT(anchorClicked(QUrl))); QSettings settings; registry_connection = new Analyzer(true); connect(registry_connection, SIGNAL(connected()), SLOT(connected())); registry_connection->connectTo( settings.value("ServerChoice/RegistryServer", "").toString(), settings.value("ServerChoice/RegistryPort", 5090).toUInt() ); registry_connection->setParent(this); ui->switchPort->setIcon(QApplication::style()->standardIcon(QStyle::SP_BrowserReload)); connect(registry_connection, SIGNAL(connectionError(int,QString)), SLOT(connectionError(int , QString))); connect(registry_connection, SIGNAL(regAnnouncementReceived(QString)), ui->announcement, SLOT(setText(QString))); connect(registry_connection, SIGNAL(regAnnouncementReceived(QString)), ui->announcement, SLOT(show())); connect(registry_connection, SIGNAL(serverReceived(ServerInfo)), model, SLOT(addServer(ServerInfo))); connect(this, SIGNAL(clearList()), model, SLOT(clear())); connect(registry_connection, SIGNAL(serverReceived(ServerInfo)), SLOT(serverAdded())); //TO-DO: Make the item 0 un-resizable and unselectable - Latios ui->serverList->setColumnWidth(0, settings.value("ServerChoice/PasswordProtectedWidth", 26).toInt()); ui->serverList->setColumnWidth(1, settings.value("ServerChoice/ServerNameWidth", 152).toInt()); if (settings.contains("ServerChoice/PlayersInfoWidth")) { ui->serverList->setColumnWidth(2, settings.value("ServerChoice/PlayersInfoWidth").toInt()); } ui->serverList->horizontalHeader()->setStretchLastSection(true); connect(ui->serverList, SIGNAL(activated(QModelIndex)), SLOT(regServerChosen(QModelIndex))); connect(ui->serverList, SIGNAL(currentCellChanged(QModelIndex)), SLOT(showDetails(QModelIndex))); ui->nameEdit->setText(team->name()); ui->advServerEdit->addItem(settings.value("ServerChoice/DefaultServer").toString()); connect(ui->nameEdit, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), SLOT(advServerChosen())); connect(ui->advServerEdit->lineEdit(), SIGNAL(returnPressed()), SLOT(advServerChosen())); QCompleter *completer = new QCompleter(ui->advServerEdit); completer->setCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseInsensitive); QStringList res = settings.value("ServerChoice/SavedServers").toStringList(); foreach (QString r, res) { if (r.contains("-")) { savedServers.push_back(QStringList() << r.section("-", -1).trimmed() << r.section("-", 0, -2).trimmed()); } else { savedServers.push_back(QStringList() << r << ""); } } QStringListModel *m = new QStringListModel(res, completer); completer->setModel(m); ui->advServerEdit->setCompleter(completer); ui->advServerEdit->setModel(m); connect(ui->goBack, SIGNAL(clicked()), SIGNAL(rejected())); connect(ui->advancedConnection, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(advServerChosen())); QTimer *t = new QTimer(this); t->singleShot(5000, this, SLOT(timeout())); #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(4,8,0) ui->serverList->sortByColumn(ServerChoiceModel::Players, Qt::SortOrder(filter->headerData(ServerChoiceModel::Players, Qt::Horizontal, Qt::InitialSortOrderRole).toInt())); #else ui->serverList->sortByColumn(ServerChoiceModel::Players, Qt::DescendingOrder); #endif }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // Fix for Issue 1377, if locale is not set to the default one, some // numbers will be displayed in the systems default locale: setlocale(LC_ALL, "C"); // Fix of Issue with Text centering on OSX Mavericks #ifdef Q_OS_MACX if (QSysInfo::MacintoshVersion > QSysInfo::MV_10_8) { // fix Mac OS X 10.9 (mavericks) font issue // QFont::insertSubstitution(".Lucida Grande UI", "Lucida Grande"); } #endif CQCopasiApplication a(argc, argv); a.setAttribute(Qt::AA_DontShowIconsInMenus, false); Q_INIT_RESOURCE(copasi); // Parse the commandline options try { // Create the root container. CCopasiRootContainer::init(argc, argv, true); } catch (copasi::option_error & msg) { CQMessageBox::critical(NULL, "Initialization Error", msg.what(), QMessageBox::Ok , QMessageBox::Ok); return 1; } #ifdef Darwin std::string PluginDir; COptions::getValue("CopasiDir", PluginDir); PluginDir += "/Contents/plugins"; QApplication::setLibraryPaths(QStringList(FROM_UTF8(PluginDir))); #endif // Darwin // Create the global data model. CCopasiRootContainer::addDatamodel(); // Create the main application window. CopasiUI3Window *pWindow = CopasiUI3Window::create(); #ifdef COPASI_SBW_INTEGRATION if (COptions::compareValue("SBWRegister", true)) goto finish; #endif // COPASI_SBW_INTEGRATION if (pWindow != NULL) { a.setMainWindow(pWindow); a.exec(); } finish: try // To suppress any access violations during destruction works only under Windows { pdelete(pWindow); CCopasiRootContainer::destroy(); } catch (...) {} return 0; }
QWidget *MiscEditor::buildPage2() { QWidget *ret = new QWidget(this); QFont font; font.setPointSize(10); tutoE_list = new QTreeWidget(ret); tutoE_list->setFont(font); tutoE_list->setHeaderLabel(tr("Catégorie")); tutoE_list->setIndentation(0); tutoE_list->setUniformRowHeights(true); QStringList tutoStrings; tutoStrings << tr("Lieux/Mine de souffre") << tr("Lieux/Dollet") << tr("Lieux/Timber") << tr("Lieux/Chaîne TV Timber") << tr("Lieux/Galbadia") << tr("Lieux/Tombe du roi inconnu") << tr("Lieux/Winhill") << tr("Lieux/Prison du désert") << tr("Lieux/Base des missiles") << tr("Lieux/Aqueduc d'Horizon") << tr("Lieux/Horizon") << tr("Lieux/Trabia") << tr("Lieux/Esthar(1)") << tr("Lieux/Esthar(2)") << tr("Lieux/Esthar(3)") << tr("Lieux/Station balnéaire") << tr("Lieux/Salt Lake") << tr("Lieux/Lune") << tr("Lieux/Labo de Deep Sea") << tr("Lieux/Fouilles de Deep Sea") << tr("Termes/Compression Temporelle") << tr("Termes/Origine de la BGU") << tr("Termes/Ondes hertziennes(1)") << tr("Termes/Ondes hertziennes(2)") << tr("Termes/Larme sélénite") << tr("Termes/Centra") << tr("Termes/Compteur Geyser") << tr("Termes/Mages et sorcières") << tr("Termes/Pouvoirs magiques") << tr("Termes/Monolithe") << tr("Termes/Lunatic Pandora") << tr("Termes/Tears Point") << tr("Termes/Sanctuaire d'Adel") << tr("Termes/L'Hydre") << tr("Termes/Niveau MD") << tr("Termes/Refuge de Centra") << tr("Termes/Timber Maniacs") << tr("Termes/Eyes On Me") << tr("Personnages/Dr. Geyser") << tr("Personnages/Hyne") << tr("Personnages/Seeds Blancs") << tr("Personnages/Moomba") << tr("Personnages/Tribu Shumi") << tr("Personnages/Chocobo") << tr("Personnages/Maire Dobe") << tr("Zell") << tr("Quistis") << tr("Seifer") << tr("Selphie") << tr("Linoa") << tr("Irvine") << tr("Edea") << tr("Laguna") << tr("Kiros") << tr("Ward") << tr("Linoa 2 (Canonisation)") << tr("Inutilisé") << tr("Inutilisé") << tr("Termes/Réincarnation occulte") << tr("Rapport de combat") << tr("Rapport Perso") << tr("Rapport G-Force") << tr("Actions/Association G-Force (inutilisé)") << tr("Actions/Association magique") << tr("Actions/Association élémentale") << tr("Actions/Association mentale") << tr("Actions/Tutorial G-Forces") << tr("Actions/Écran situation Squall") << tr("Actions/Écran situation Zell") << tr("Actions/Écran situation Linoa") << tr("Actions/Intervertir") << tr("Inutilisé") << tr("Minimog") << tr("Rapport G-Force/Golgotha") << tr("Rapport G-Force/Shiva") << tr("Rapport G-Force/Ifrit") << tr("Rapport G-Force/Ondine") << tr("Rapport G-Force/Taurus") << tr("Rapport G-Force/Nosferatu") << tr("Rapport G-Force/Ahuri") << tr("Rapport G-Force/Leviathan") << tr("Rapport G-Force/Zéphyr") << tr("Rapport G-Force/Cerberus") << tr("Rapport G-Force/Alexander") << tr("Rapport G-Force/Helltrain") << tr("Rapport G-Force/Bahamut") << tr("Rapport G-Force/Pampa") << tr("Rapport G-Force/Tomberry") << tr("Rapport G-Force/Orbital") << tr("Créa-Mgi-Cél") << tr("Créa-Mgi-Cél 2") << tr("Créa-Mgi-Gla") << tr("Créa-Mgi-Gla 2") << tr("Créa-Mgi-Inc") << tr("Créa-Mgi-Inc 2") << tr("Créa-Mgi-Méd") << tr("Créa-Mgi-Méd 2") << tr("Créa-Mgi-Temp") << tr("Créa-Mgi-Temp 2") << tr("Créa-Mgi-Mtl") << tr("Créa-Mgi-Mtl 2") << tr("Créa-Mgi-Pro") << tr("Créa-Mgi-Pro 2") << tr("Créa-Mgi-Tab") << tr("Créa-Mgi-Tab 2") << tr("Créa-Mgi-Thér") << tr("Créa-Mgi-Thér 2") << tr("Créa-Mgi-Ana") << tr("Créa-Mgi-Ana 2") << tr("Créa-balles") << tr("Créa-balles 2") << tr("Créa-outils") << tr("Créa-outils 2") << tr("Créa-Thér-Tab") << tr("Créa-Thér-Tab 2") << tr("Créa-Thér-GF") << tr("Créa-Thér-GF 2") << tr("Créa-Capa-GF") << tr("Créa-Capa-GF 2") << tr("Créa-Mgi-Plus") << tr("Créa-Mgi-Plus 2") << tr("Thér-Niv +") << tr("Thér-Niv + 2") << tr("Freud") << tr("Créa-Mgi-Max") << tr("Créa-Mgi-Max 2") << tr("Inutilisé") << tr("Diplôme Minotaure"); QTreeWidgetItem *item; foreach(QString tutoString, tutoStrings) { item = new QTreeWidgetItem(QStringList(tutoString)); item->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled); tutoE_list->addTopLevelItem(item); }
extern "C" Q_DECL_EXPORT int kdemain( int argc, char* argv[] ) { sanity_check(argc, argv); putenv((char*)"SESSION_MANAGER="); checkComposite(); // force xcb QPA plugin as ksmserver is very X11 specific const QByteArray origQpaPlatform = qgetenv("QT_QPA_PLATFORM"); qputenv("QT_QPA_PLATFORM", QByteArrayLiteral("xcb")); QQuickWindow::setDefaultAlphaBuffer(true); QCoreApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_DisableHighDpiScaling); QApplication *a = new QApplication(argc, argv); // now the QPA platform is set, unset variable again to not launch apps with incorrect environment if (origQpaPlatform.isEmpty()) { qunsetenv("QT_QPA_PLATFORM"); } else { qputenv("QT_QPA_PLATFORM", origQpaPlatform); } QApplication::setApplicationName( QStringLiteral( "ksmserver") ); QApplication::setApplicationVersion( QString::fromLatin1( version ) ); QApplication::setOrganizationDomain( QStringLiteral( "") ); fcntl(ConnectionNumber(QX11Info::display()), F_SETFD, 1); a->setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(false); // #169486 QCommandLineParser parser; parser.setApplicationDescription(i18n(description)); parser.addHelpOption(); parser.addVersionOption(); QCommandLineOption restoreOption(QStringList() << QStringLiteral("r") << QStringLiteral("restore"), i18n("Restores the saved user session if available")); parser.addOption(restoreOption); QCommandLineOption wmOption(QStringList() << QStringLiteral("w") << QStringLiteral("windowmanager"), i18n("Starts <wm> in case no other window manager is \nparticipating in the session. Default is 'kwin'"), i18n("wm")); parser.addOption(wmOption); QCommandLineOption nolocalOption(QStringLiteral("nolocal"), i18n("Also allow remote connections")); parser.addOption(nolocalOption); QCommandLineOption lockscreenOption(QStringLiteral("lockscreen"), i18n("Starts the session in locked mode")); parser.addOption(lockscreenOption); QCommandLineOption noLockscreenOption(QStringLiteral("no-lockscreen"), i18n("Starts without lock screen support. Only needed if other component provides the lock screen.")); parser.addOption(noLockscreenOption); parser.process(*a); //TODO: should we still use this? // if( !QDBusConnection::sessionBus().interface()-> // registerService( QStringLiteral( "org.kde.ksmserver" ), // QDBusConnectionInterface::DontQueueService ) ) // { // qCWarning(KSMSERVER, "Could not register with D-BUS. Aborting."); // return 1; // } QString wm = parser.value(wmOption); bool only_local = !parser.isSet(nolocalOption); #ifndef HAVE__ICETRANSNOLISTEN /* this seems strange, but the default is only_local, so if !only_local * the option --nolocal was given, and we warn (the option --nolocal * does nothing on this platform, as here the default is reversed) */ if (!only_local) { qCWarning(KSMSERVER, "--nolocal is not supported on your platform. Sorry."); } only_local = false; #endif KSMServer::InitFlags flags = KSMServer::InitFlag::None; if (only_local) { flags |= KSMServer::InitFlag::OnlyLocal; } if (parser.isSet(lockscreenOption)) { flags |= KSMServer::InitFlag::ImmediateLockScreen; } if (parser.isSet(noLockscreenOption)) { flags |= KSMServer::InitFlag::NoLockScreen; } KSMServer *server = new KSMServer( wm, flags); // for the KDE-already-running check in startkde KSelectionOwner kde_running( "_KDE_RUNNING", 0 ); kde_running.claim( false ); IceSetIOErrorHandler( IoErrorHandler ); KConfigGroup config(KSharedConfig::openConfig(), "General"); int realScreenCount = ScreenCount( QX11Info::display() ); bool screenCountChanged = ( config.readEntry( "screenCount", realScreenCount ) != realScreenCount ); QString loginMode = config.readEntry( "loginMode", "restorePreviousLogout" ); if ( parser.isSet( restoreOption ) && ! screenCountChanged ) server->restoreSession( QStringLiteral( SESSION_BY_USER ) ); else if ( loginMode == QStringLiteral( "default" ) || screenCountChanged ) server->startDefaultSession(); else if ( loginMode == QStringLiteral( "restorePreviousLogout" ) ) server->restoreSession( QStringLiteral( SESSION_PREVIOUS_LOGOUT ) ); else if ( loginMode == QStringLiteral( "restoreSavedSession" ) ) server->restoreSession( QStringLiteral( SESSION_BY_USER ) ); else server->startDefaultSession(); KDBusService service(KDBusService::Unique); int ret = a->exec(); kde_running.release(); // needs to be done before QApplication destruction delete a; return ret; }
void MythUtilCommandLineParser::LoadArguments(void) { CommandLineArg::AllowOneOf( QList<CommandLineArg*>() // fileutils.cpp << add("--copyfile", "copyfile", false, "Copy a MythTV Storage Group file", "") ->SetGroup("File") ->SetRequiredChild(QStringList("infile") << "outfile") // mpegutils.cpp << add("--pidcounter", "pidcounter", false, "Count pids in a MythTV Storage Group file", "") ->SetGroup("MPEG-TS") ->SetRequiredChild("infile") << add("--pidfilter", "pidfilter", false, "Filter pids in a MythTV Storage Group file", "") ->SetGroup("MPEG-TS") ->SetRequiredChild(QStringList("infile") << "outfile") << add("--pidprinter", "pidprinter", false, "Print PSIP pids in a MythTV Storage Group file", "") ->SetGroup("MPEG-TS") ->SetRequiredChild("infile") ->SetChild("outfile") // markuputils.cpp << add("--gencutlist", "gencutlist", false, "Copy the commercial skip list to the cutlist.", "") ->SetGroup("Recording Markup") ->SetRequiredChild(QStringList("chanid") << "starttime") << add("--getcutlist", "getcutlist", false, "Display the current cutlist.", "") ->SetGroup("Recording Markup") ->SetRequiredChild(QStringList("chanid") << "starttime") << add("--setcutlist", "setcutlist", "", "Set a new cutlist in the form:\n" "#-#[,#-#]... (ie, 1-100,1520-3012,4091-5094)", "") ->SetGroup("Recording Markup") ->SetRequiredChild(QStringList("chanid") << "starttime") << add("--clearcutlist", "clearcutlist", false, "Clear the cutlist.", "") ->SetGroup("Recording Markup") ->SetRequiredChild(QStringList("chanid") << "starttime") << add("--getskiplist", "getskiplist", false, "Display the current commercial skip list.", "") ->SetGroup("Recording Markup") ->SetRequiredChild(QStringList("chanid") << "starttime") << add("--setskiplist", "setskiplist", "", "Set a new commercial skip list in the form:\n" "#-#[,#-#]... (ie, 1-100,1520-3012,4091-5094)", "") ->SetGroup("Recording Markup") ->SetRequiredChild(QStringList("chanid") << "starttime") << add("--clearskiplist", "clearskiplist", false, "Clear the commercial skip list.", "") ->SetGroup("Recording Markup") ->SetRequiredChild(QStringList("chanid") << "starttime") // backendutils.cpp << add("--resched", "resched", false, "Trigger a run of the recording scheduler on the existing " "master backend.", "This command will connect to the master backend and trigger " "a run of the recording scheduler. The call will return " "immediately, however the scheduler run may take several " "seconds to a minute or longer to complete.") ->SetGroup("Backend") << add("--scanvideos", "scanvideos", false, "Trigger a rescan of media content in MythVideo.", "This command will connect to the master backend and trigger " "a run of the Video scanner. The call will return " "immediately, however the scanner may take several seconds " "to tens of minutes, depending on how much new or moved " "content it has to hash, and how quickly the scanner can " "access those files to do so. If enabled, this will also " "trigger the bulk metadata scanner upon completion.") ->SetGroup("Backend") << add("--event", "event", QVariant::StringList, "Send a backend event test message.", "") ->SetGroup("Backend") << add("--systemevent", "systemevent", "", "Send a backend SYSTEM_EVENT test message.", "") ->SetGroup("Backend") << add("--clearcache", "clearcache", false, "Trigger a cache clear on all connected MythTV systems.", "This command will connect to the master backend and trigger " "a cache clear event, which will subsequently be pushed to " "all other connected programs. This event will clear the " "local database settings cache used by each program, causing " "options to be re-read from the database upon next use.") ->SetGroup("Backend") << add("--parse-video-filename", "parsevideo", "", "", "Diagnostic tool for testing filename formats against what " "the Video Library name parser will detect them as.") ->SetGroup("Backend") // jobutils.cpp << add("--queuejob", "queuejob", "", "Insert a new job into the JobQueue.", "Schedule the specified job type (transcode, commflag, " "metadata, userjob1, userjob2, userjob3, userjob4) to run " "for the recording with the given chanid and starttime.") ->SetGroup("JobQueue") ->SetRequiredChild("chanid") ->SetRequiredChild("starttime") // messageutils.cpp << add("--message", "message", false, "Display a message on a frontend", "") ->SetGroup("Messaging") << add("--print-template", "printtemplate", false, "Print the template to be sent to the frontend", "") ->SetGroup("Messaging") ); // mpegutils.cpp add("--pids", "pids", "", "Pids to process", "") ->SetRequiredChildOf("pidfilter") ->SetRequiredChildOf("pidprinter"); add("--ptspids", "ptspids", "", "Pids to extract PTS from", "") ->SetGroup("MPEG-TS"); add("--packetsize", "packetsize", 188, "TS Packet Size", "") ->SetChildOf("pidcounter") ->SetChildOf("pidfilter"); add("--noautopts", "noautopts", false, "Disables PTS discovery", "") ->SetChildOf("pidprinter"); add("--xml", "xml", false, "Enables XML output of PSIP", "") ->SetChildOf("pidprinter"); // messageutils.cpp add("--udpport", "udpport", 6948, "(optional) UDP Port to send to", "") ->SetChildOf("message"); add("--bcastaddr", "bcastaddr", "", "(optional) IP address to send to", "") ->SetChildOf("message"); // Generic Options used by more than one utility addRecording(); addInFile(true); addSettingsOverride(); addHelp(); addVersion(); addLogging(); allowExtras(); }
PlatformInfo PlatformInfo::localHostInfo() { PlatformInfo pi; pi.insert(PI_HostName, QHostInfo::localHostName()); pi.insert(PI_QtVersion, QLS(qVersion())); pi.insert(PI_QMakeSpec, QString(QLS(QMAKESPEC)).remove(QRegExp(QLS("^.*mkspecs/")))); #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000 pi.insert(PI_QtBuildMode, QLibraryInfo::isDebugBuild() ? QLS("QtDebug") : QLS("QtRelease")); #endif #if defined(Q_OS_LINUX) pi.insert(PI_OSName, QLS("Linux")); QProcess uname; uname.start(QLS("uname"), QStringList() << QLS("-r")); if (uname.waitForFinished(3000)) pi.insert(PI_OSVersion, QString::fromLocal8Bit(uname.readAllStandardOutput().constData()).simplified()); #elif defined(Q_OS_WINCE) pi.insert(PI_OSName, QLS("WinCE")); pi.insert(PI_OSVersion, QString::number(QSysInfo::windowsVersion())); #elif defined(Q_OS_WIN) pi.insert(PI_OSName, QLS("Windows")); pi.insert(PI_OSVersion, QString::number(QSysInfo::windowsVersion())); #elif defined(Q_OS_MAC) pi.insert(PI_OSName, QLS("MacOS")); pi.insert(PI_OSVersion, QString::number(QSysInfo::macVersion())); #else pi.insert(PI_OSName, QLS("Other")); #endif #ifndef QT_NO_PROCESS QProcess git; QString cmd; QStringList args; #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) cmd = QLS("cmd.exe"); args << QLS("/c") << QLS("git"); #else cmd = QLS("git"); #endif args << QLS("log") << QLS("--max-count=1") << QLS("--pretty=%H [%an] [%ad] %s"); git.start(cmd, args); git.waitForFinished(3000); if (!git.exitCode()) pi.insert(PI_GitCommit, QString::fromLocal8Bit(git.readAllStandardOutput().constData()).simplified()); else pi.insert(PI_GitCommit, QLS("Unknown")); QByteArray gb = qgetenv("PULSE_GIT_BRANCH"); if (!gb.isEmpty()) { pi.insert(PI_PulseGitBranch, QString::fromLatin1(gb)); pi.setAdHocRun(false); } QByteArray tb = qgetenv("PULSE_TESTR_BRANCH"); if (!tb.isEmpty()) { pi.insert(PI_PulseTestrBranch, QString::fromLatin1(tb)); pi.setAdHocRun(false); } if (!qgetenv("JENKINS_HOME").isEmpty()) { pi.setAdHocRun(false); gb = qgetenv("GIT_BRANCH"); if (!gb.isEmpty()) { // FIXME: the string "Pulse" should be eliminated, since that is not the used tool. pi.insert(PI_PulseGitBranch, QString::fromLatin1(gb)); } } #endif // !QT_NO_PROCESS return pi; }
QStringList ServerView::mimeTypes() const { QStringList qsl; qsl << QStringList(QLatin1String("text/uri-list")); qsl << QStringList(QLatin1String("text/plain")); return qsl; }
QStringList StateServiceNull::getAllApplicationStateNames() const { return QStringList(); }
QStringList FreqHistParser::functions() const { return QStringList() << "Freq Hist Parser"; }
QGISEXTERN QgsDataItem * dataItem( QString thePath, QgsDataItem* parentItem ) { if ( thePath.isEmpty() ) return 0; QgsDebugMsgLevel( "thePath = " + thePath, 2 ); // zip settings + info QSettings settings; QString scanZipSetting = settings.value( "/qgis/scanZipInBrowser2", "basic" ).toString(); QString vsiPrefix = QgsZipItem::vsiPrefix( thePath ); bool is_vsizip = ( vsiPrefix == "/vsizip/" ); bool is_vsigzip = ( vsiPrefix == "/vsigzip/" ); bool is_vsitar = ( vsiPrefix == "/vsitar/" ); // should we check ext. only? // check if scanItemsInBrowser2 == extension or parent dir in scanItemsFastScanUris // TODO - do this in dir item, but this requires a way to inform which extensions are supported by provider // maybe a callback function or in the provider registry? bool scanExtSetting = false; if (( settings.value( "/qgis/scanItemsInBrowser2", "extension" ).toString() == "extension" ) || ( settings.value( "/qgis/scanItemsFastScanUris", QStringList() ).toStringList().contains( parentItem->path() ) ) || (( is_vsizip || is_vsitar ) && parentItem && parentItem->parent() && settings.value( "/qgis/scanItemsFastScanUris", QStringList() ).toStringList().contains( parentItem->parent()->path() ) ) ) { scanExtSetting = true; } // get suffix, removing .gz if present QString tmpPath = thePath; //path used for testing, not for layer creation if ( is_vsigzip ) tmpPath.chop( 3 ); QFileInfo info( tmpPath ); QString suffix = info.suffix().toLower(); // extract basename with extension info.setFile( thePath ); QString name = info.fileName(); QgsDebugMsgLevel( "thePath= " + thePath + " tmpPath= " + tmpPath + " name= " + name + " suffix= " + suffix + " vsiPrefix= " + vsiPrefix, 3 ); // allow only normal files or VSIFILE items to continue if ( !info.isFile() && vsiPrefix == "" ) return 0; // get supported extensions if ( extensions.isEmpty() ) { buildSupportedRasterFileFilterAndExtensions( filterString, extensions, wildcards ); QgsDebugMsgLevel( "extensions: " + extensions.join( " " ), 2 ); QgsDebugMsgLevel( "wildcards: " + wildcards.join( " " ), 2 ); } // skip *.aux.xml files (GDAL auxilary metadata files), // *.shp.xml files (ESRI metadata) and *.tif.xml files (TIFF metadata) // unless that extension is in the list (*.xml might be though) if ( thePath.endsWith( ".aux.xml", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) && !extensions.contains( "aux.xml" ) ) return 0; if ( thePath.endsWith( ".shp.xml", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) && !extensions.contains( "shp.xml" ) ) return 0; if ( thePath.endsWith( ".tif.xml", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) && !extensions.contains( "tif.xml" ) ) return 0; // Filter files by extension if ( !extensions.contains( suffix ) ) { bool matches = false; foreach ( QString wildcard, wildcards ) { QRegExp rx( wildcard, Qt::CaseInsensitive, QRegExp::Wildcard ); if ( rx.exactMatch( info.fileName() ) ) { matches = true; break; } }
void tst_treeviewfind::columns() { // set up tree // search for FOO in // * HEADER1 | HEADER1 // * FOO1 | A // * HEADER2 | FOOHEADER2 // * FOO2 | FOO3 // * HEADER3 | HEADER2 // * A | FOO4 QTreeWidget *tree = new QTreeWidget; tree->setColumnCount(2); QList<QTreeWidgetItem *> toplevelitems; QTreeWidgetItem *item; item = new QTreeWidgetItem((QTreeWidget *)0, QStringList() << QLatin1String("HEADER1") << QLatin1String("HEADER1")); item->addChild(new QTreeWidgetItem((QTreeWidget *)0, QStringList() << QLatin1String("FOO1") << QLatin1String("A"))); toplevelitems << item; item = new QTreeWidgetItem((QTreeWidget *)0, QStringList() << QLatin1String("HEADER2") << QLatin1String("FOOHEADER2")); item->addChild(new QTreeWidgetItem((QTreeWidget *)0, QStringList() << QLatin1String("FOO2") << QLatin1String("FOO3"))); toplevelitems << item; item = new QTreeWidgetItem((QTreeWidget *)0, QStringList() << QLatin1String("HEADER3") << QLatin1String("HEADER3")); item->addChild(new QTreeWidgetItem((QTreeWidget *)0, QStringList() << QLatin1String("A") << QLatin1String("FOO4"))); toplevelitems << item; tree->addTopLevelItems(toplevelitems); // set up Core::ItemViewFind *findSupport = new Core::ItemViewFind(tree); tree->setCurrentItem(; QCOMPARE(tree->currentItem()->text(0), QString::fromLatin1("HEADER1")); // find in first column findSupport->findStep(QLatin1String("FOO"), 0); QCOMPARE(tree->currentItem(),>child(0)); // find in second column of node with children findSupport->findStep(QLatin1String("FOO"), 0); QCOMPARE(tree->currentItem(),; // again find in first column findSupport->findStep(QLatin1String("FOO"), 0); QCOMPARE(tree->currentItem(),>child(0)); // don't stay in item if multiple columns match, and find in second column findSupport->findStep(QLatin1String("FOO"), 0); QCOMPARE(tree->currentItem(),>child(0)); // wrap findSupport->findStep(QLatin1String("FOO"), 0); QCOMPARE(tree->currentItem(),>child(0)); // backwards tree->setCurrentItem(>child(0)); QCOMPARE(tree->currentItem()->text(0), QString::fromLatin1("A")); findSupport->findStep(QLatin1String("FOO"), Core::FindBackward); QCOMPARE(tree->currentItem(),>child(0)); findSupport->findStep(QLatin1String("FOO"), Core::FindBackward); QCOMPARE(tree->currentItem(),; findSupport->findStep(QLatin1String("FOO"), Core::FindBackward); QCOMPARE(tree->currentItem(),>child(0)); findSupport->findStep(QLatin1String("FOO"), Core::FindBackward); QCOMPARE(tree->currentItem(),>child(0)); // clean up delete findSupport; delete tree; }