Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Initialise and instantiate DRBG based on selftest data
static int instantiate(RAND_DRBG *drbg, DRBG_SELFTEST_DATA *td,
                       TEST_CTX *t)
    if (!TEST_true(init(drbg, td, t))
            || !TEST_true(RAND_DRBG_instantiate(drbg, td->pers, td->perslen)))
        return 0;
    return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Allocates a new global DRBG on the secure heap (if enabled) and
 * initializes it with default settings.
 * A global lock for the DRBG is created with the given name.
 * Returns a pointer to the new DRBG instance on success, NULL on failure.
static RAND_DRBG *drbg_setup(const char *name, RAND_DRBG *parent)
    RAND_DRBG *drbg;

    if (name == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    drbg = OPENSSL_secure_zalloc(sizeof(RAND_DRBG));
    if (drbg == NULL)
        return NULL;

    drbg->lock = CRYPTO_THREAD_glock_new(name);
    if (drbg->lock == NULL) {
        goto err;

    if (RAND_DRBG_set(drbg,
                      RAND_DRBG_NID, RAND_DRBG_FLAG_CTR_USE_DF) != 1)
        goto err;
    if (RAND_DRBG_set_callbacks(drbg, rand_drbg_get_entropy,
                                rand_drbg_cleanup_entropy, NULL, NULL) != 1)
        goto err;

    if (parent == NULL) {
        drbg->reseed_interval = MASTER_RESEED_INTERVAL;
        drbg->reseed_time_interval = MASTER_RESEED_TIME_INTERVAL;
    } else {
        drbg->parent = parent;
        drbg->reseed_interval = SLAVE_RESEED_INTERVAL;
        drbg->reseed_time_interval = SLAVE_RESEED_TIME_INTERVAL;

    /* enable seed propagation */
    drbg->reseed_counter = 1;

     * Ignore instantiation error so support just-in-time instantiation.
     * The state of the drbg will be checked in RAND_DRBG_generate() and
     * an automatic recovery is attempted.
                          (const unsigned char *) ossl_pers_string,
                          sizeof(ossl_pers_string) - 1);
    return drbg;

    return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * This function is not part of RAND_METHOD, so if we're not using
 * the default method, then just call RAND_bytes().  Otherwise make
 * sure we're instantiated and use the private DRBG.
int RAND_priv_bytes(unsigned char *buf, int num)
    const RAND_METHOD *meth = RAND_get_rand_method();

    if (meth != RAND_OpenSSL())
        return RAND_bytes(buf, num);

    if (priv_drbg.state == DRBG_UNINITIALISED
            && RAND_DRBG_instantiate(&priv_drbg, NULL, 0) == 0)
        return 0;
    return RAND_DRBG_generate(&priv_drbg, buf, num, 0, NULL, 0);

Ejemplo n.º 4
 * Disable CRNG testing if it is enabled.
 * If the DRBG is ready or in an error state, this means an instantiate cycle
 * for which the default personalisation string is used.
static int disable_crngt(RAND_DRBG *drbg)
    static const char pers[] = DRBG_DEFAULT_PERS_STRING;
    const int instantiate = drbg->state != DRBG_UNINITIALISED;

    if (drbg->get_entropy != rand_crngt_get_entropy)
        return 1;

     if ((instantiate && !RAND_DRBG_uninstantiate(drbg))
        || !TEST_true(RAND_DRBG_set_callbacks(drbg, &rand_drbg_get_entropy,
        || (instantiate
            && !RAND_DRBG_instantiate(drbg, (const unsigned char *)pers,
                                      sizeof(pers) - 1)))
        return 0;
    return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * Perform extensive error checking as required by SP800-90.
 * Induce several failure modes and check an error condition is set.
static int error_check(DRBG_SELFTEST_DATA *td)
    static char zero[sizeof(RAND_DRBG)];
    RAND_DRBG *drbg = NULL;
    TEST_CTX t;
    unsigned char buff[1024];
    unsigned int generate_counter_tmp;
    int ret = 0;

    if (!TEST_ptr(drbg = RAND_DRBG_new(0, 0, NULL)))
        goto err;

     * Personalisation string tests

    /* Test detection of too large personlisation string */
    if (!init(drbg, td, &t)
            || RAND_DRBG_instantiate(drbg, td->pers, drbg->max_perslen + 1) > 0)
        goto err;

     * Entropy source tests

    /* Test entropy source failure detecion: i.e. returns no data */
    t.entropylen = 0;
    if (TEST_int_le(RAND_DRBG_instantiate(drbg, td->pers, td->perslen), 0))
        goto err;

    /* Try to generate output from uninstantiated DRBG */
    if (!TEST_false(RAND_DRBG_generate(drbg, buff, td->exlen, 0,
                                       td->adin, td->adinlen))
            || !uninstantiate(drbg))
        goto err;

    /* Test insufficient entropy */
    t.entropylen = drbg->min_entropylen - 1;
    if (!init(drbg, td, &t)
            || RAND_DRBG_instantiate(drbg, td->pers, td->perslen) > 0
            || !uninstantiate(drbg))
        goto err;

    /* Test too much entropy */
    t.entropylen = drbg->max_entropylen + 1;
    if (!init(drbg, td, &t)
            || RAND_DRBG_instantiate(drbg, td->pers, td->perslen) > 0
            || !uninstantiate(drbg))
        goto err;

     * Nonce tests

    /* Test too small nonce */
    if (drbg->min_noncelen) {
        t.noncelen = drbg->min_noncelen - 1;
        if (!init(drbg, td, &t)
                || RAND_DRBG_instantiate(drbg, td->pers, td->perslen) > 0
                || !uninstantiate(drbg))
            goto err;

    /* Test too large nonce */
    if (drbg->max_noncelen) {
        t.noncelen = drbg->max_noncelen + 1;
        if (!init(drbg, td, &t)
                || RAND_DRBG_instantiate(drbg, td->pers, td->perslen) > 0
                || !uninstantiate(drbg))
            goto err;

    /* Instantiate with valid data, Check generation is now OK */
    if (!instantiate(drbg, td, &t)
            || !TEST_true(RAND_DRBG_generate(drbg, buff, td->exlen, 0,
                                             td->adin, td->adinlen)))
        goto err;

    /* Request too much data for one request */
    if (!TEST_false(RAND_DRBG_generate(drbg, buff, drbg->max_request + 1, 0,
                                       td->adin, td->adinlen)))
        goto err;

    /* Try too large additional input */
    if (!TEST_false(RAND_DRBG_generate(drbg, buff, td->exlen, 0,
                                       td->adin, drbg->max_adinlen + 1)))
        goto err;

     * Check prediction resistance request fails if entropy source
     * failure.
    t.entropylen = 0;
    if (TEST_false(RAND_DRBG_generate(drbg, buff, td->exlen, 1,
                                      td->adin, td->adinlen))
            || !uninstantiate(drbg))
        goto err;

    /* Instantiate again with valid data */
    if (!instantiate(drbg, td, &t))
        goto err;
    generate_counter_tmp = drbg->generate_counter;
    drbg->generate_counter = drbg->reseed_interval;

    /* Generate output and check entropy has been requested for reseed */
    t.entropycnt = 0;
    if (!TEST_true(RAND_DRBG_generate(drbg, buff, td->exlen, 0,
                                      td->adin, td->adinlen))
            || !TEST_int_eq(t.entropycnt, 1)
            || !TEST_int_eq(drbg->generate_counter, generate_counter_tmp + 1)
            || !uninstantiate(drbg))
        goto err;

     * Check prediction resistance request fails if entropy source
     * failure.
    t.entropylen = 0;
    if (!TEST_false(RAND_DRBG_generate(drbg, buff, td->exlen, 1,
                                       td->adin, td->adinlen))
            || !uninstantiate(drbg))
        goto err;

    /* Test reseed counter works */
    if (!instantiate(drbg, td, &t))
        goto err;
    generate_counter_tmp = drbg->generate_counter;
    drbg->generate_counter = drbg->reseed_interval;

    /* Generate output and check entropy has been requested for reseed */
    t.entropycnt = 0;
    if (!TEST_true(RAND_DRBG_generate(drbg, buff, td->exlen, 0,
                                      td->adin, td->adinlen))
            || !TEST_int_eq(t.entropycnt, 1)
            || !TEST_int_eq(drbg->generate_counter, generate_counter_tmp + 1)
            || !uninstantiate(drbg))
        goto err;

     * Explicit reseed tests

    /* Test explicit reseed with too large additional input */
    if (!init(drbg, td, &t)
            || RAND_DRBG_reseed(drbg, td->adin, drbg->max_adinlen + 1, 0) > 0)
        goto err;

    /* Test explicit reseed with entropy source failure */
    t.entropylen = 0;
    if (!TEST_int_le(RAND_DRBG_reseed(drbg, td->adin, td->adinlen, 0), 0)
            || !uninstantiate(drbg))
        goto err;

    /* Test explicit reseed with too much entropy */
    if (!init(drbg, td, &t))
        goto err;
    t.entropylen = drbg->max_entropylen + 1;
    if (!TEST_int_le(RAND_DRBG_reseed(drbg, td->adin, td->adinlen, 0), 0)
            || !uninstantiate(drbg))
        goto err;

    /* Test explicit reseed with too little entropy */
    if (!init(drbg, td, &t))
        goto err;
    t.entropylen = drbg->min_entropylen - 1;
    if (!TEST_int_le(RAND_DRBG_reseed(drbg, td->adin, td->adinlen, 0), 0)
            || !uninstantiate(drbg))
        goto err;

    /* Standard says we have to check uninstantiate really zeroes */
    if (!TEST_mem_eq(zero, sizeof(drbg->data), &drbg->data, sizeof(drbg->data)))
        goto err;

    ret = 1;

    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * Do a single KAT test.  Return 0 on failure.
static int single_kat(DRBG_SELFTEST_DATA *td)
    RAND_DRBG *drbg = NULL;
    TEST_CTX t;
    int failures = 0;
    unsigned char buff[1024];

     * Test without PR: Instantiate DRBG with test entropy, nonce and
     * personalisation string.
    if (!TEST_ptr(drbg = RAND_DRBG_new(td->nid, td->flags, NULL)))
        return 0;
    if (!TEST_true(RAND_DRBG_set_callbacks(drbg, kat_entropy, NULL,
                                           kat_nonce, NULL))) {
        goto err;
    memset(&t, 0, sizeof(t));
    t.entropy = td->entropy;
    t.entropylen = td->entropylen;
    t.nonce = td->nonce;
    t.noncelen = td->noncelen;
    RAND_DRBG_set_ex_data(drbg, app_data_index, &t);

    if (!TEST_true(RAND_DRBG_instantiate(drbg, td->pers, td->perslen))
            || !TEST_true(RAND_DRBG_generate(drbg, buff, td->exlen, 0,
                                             td->adin, td->adinlen))
            || !TEST_mem_eq(td->expected, td->exlen, buff, td->exlen))

    /* Reseed DRBG with test entropy and additional input */
    t.entropy = td->entropyreseed;
    t.entropylen = td->entropyreseedlen;
    if (!TEST_true(RAND_DRBG_reseed(drbg, td->adinreseed, td->adinreseedlen, 0)
            || !TEST_true(RAND_DRBG_generate(drbg, buff, td->kat2len, 0,
                                             td->adin2, td->adin2len))
            || !TEST_mem_eq(td->kat2, td->kat2len, buff, td->kat2len)))

     * Now test with PR: Instantiate DRBG with test entropy, nonce and
     * personalisation string.
    if (!TEST_true(RAND_DRBG_set(drbg, td->nid, td->flags))
            || !TEST_true(RAND_DRBG_set_callbacks(drbg, kat_entropy, NULL,
                                                  kat_nonce, NULL)))
    RAND_DRBG_set_ex_data(drbg, app_data_index, &t);
    t.entropy = td->entropy_pr;
    t.entropylen = td->entropylen_pr;
    t.nonce = td->nonce_pr;
    t.noncelen = td->noncelen_pr;
    t.entropycnt = 0;
    t.noncecnt = 0;
    if (!TEST_true(RAND_DRBG_instantiate(drbg, td->pers_pr, td->perslen_pr)))

     * Now generate with PR: we need to supply entropy as this will
     * perform a reseed operation.
    t.entropy = td->entropypr_pr;
    t.entropylen = td->entropyprlen_pr;
    if (!TEST_true(RAND_DRBG_generate(drbg, buff, td->katlen_pr, 1,
                                      td->adin_pr, td->adinlen_pr))
            || !TEST_mem_eq(td->kat_pr, td->katlen_pr, buff, td->katlen_pr))

     * Now generate again with PR: supply new entropy again.
    t.entropy = td->entropyg_pr;
    t.entropylen = td->entropyglen_pr;

    if (!TEST_true(RAND_DRBG_generate(drbg, buff, td->kat2len_pr, 1,
                                      td->ading_pr, td->adinglen_pr))
                || !TEST_mem_eq(td->kat2_pr, td->kat2len_pr,
                                buff, td->kat2len_pr))

    return failures == 0;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 * Restart |drbg|, using the specified entropy or additional input
 * Tries its best to get the drbg instantiated by all means,
 * regardless of its current state.
 * Optionally, a |buffer| of |len| random bytes can be passed,
 * which is assumed to contain at least |entropy| bits of entropy.
 * If |entropy| > 0, the buffer content is used as entropy input.
 * If |entropy| == 0, the buffer content is used as additional input
 * Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure.
 * This function is used internally only.
int rand_drbg_restart(RAND_DRBG *drbg,
                      const unsigned char *buffer, size_t len, size_t entropy)
    int reseeded = 0;
    const unsigned char *adin = NULL;
    size_t adinlen = 0;

    if (drbg->pool != NULL) {
        drbg->pool = NULL;

    if (buffer != NULL) {
        if (entropy > 0) {
            if (drbg->max_entropylen < len) {
                return 0;

            if (entropy > 8 * len) {
                return 0;

            /* will be picked up by the rand_drbg_get_entropy() callback */
            drbg->pool = rand_pool_new(entropy, len, len);
            if (drbg->pool == NULL)
                return 0;

            rand_pool_add(drbg->pool, buffer, len, entropy);
        } else {
            if (drbg->max_adinlen < len) {
                return 0;
            adin = buffer;
            adinlen = len;

    /* repair error state */
    if (drbg->state == DRBG_ERROR)

    /* repair uninitialized state */
    if (drbg->state == DRBG_UNINITIALISED) {
        /* reinstantiate drbg */
                              (const unsigned char *) ossl_pers_string,
                              sizeof(ossl_pers_string) - 1);
        /* already reseeded. prevent second reseeding below */
        reseeded = (drbg->state == DRBG_READY);

    /* refresh current state if entropy or additional input has been provided */
    if (drbg->state == DRBG_READY) {
        if (adin != NULL) {
             * mix in additional input without reseeding
             * Similar to RAND_DRBG_reseed(), but the provided additional
             * data |adin| is mixed into the current state without pulling
             * entropy from the trusted entropy source using get_entropy().
             * This is not a reseeding in the strict sense of NIST SP 800-90A.
            drbg->meth->reseed(drbg, adin, adinlen, NULL, 0);
        } else if (reseeded == 0) {
            /* do a full reseeding if it has not been done yet above */
            RAND_DRBG_reseed(drbg, NULL, 0, 0);

    /* check whether a given entropy pool was cleared properly during reseed */
    if (drbg->pool != NULL) {
        drbg->state = DRBG_ERROR;
        drbg->pool = NULL;
        return 0;

    return drbg->state == DRBG_READY;