Ejemplo n.º 1
CropTransformer::RatioJitterType CropTransformer::ParseJitterType(const std::string &src)
    if (src.empty() || AreEqualIgnoreCase(src, "none"))
        return RatioJitterType::None;

    if (AreEqualIgnoreCase(src, "uniratio"))
        return RatioJitterType::UniRatio;

    if (AreEqualIgnoreCase(src, "unilength"))
        return RatioJitterType::UniLength;

    if (AreEqualIgnoreCase(src, "uniarea"))
        return RatioJitterType::UniArea;

    RuntimeError("Invalid jitter type: %s.", src.c_str());
Ejemplo n.º 2
Cell* eval(Cell* const c)
	if (c == nil)
		throw RuntimeError("Empty list\n     : At Cell* eval()");
	string s;
	if (!listp(c) && symbolp(c) && fstack.empty())
		throw RuntimeError("Attempt to reference an unbound variable \"" + get_symbol(c) + "\"" + "\n     : At Cell* eval()");
	else if (!listp(c) && !fstack.empty() && symbolp(c)) {
		s = get_symbol(c);
		CellMap::iterator find_key;
		if (fstack.size() > 1) {
			find_key = fstack[1].find(s);
			if (find_key != fstack[1].end())
				return ceval(find_key->second);
		find_key = fstack[0].find(s);
		if (find_key == fstack[0].end())
			throw RuntimeError("Attempt to reference an unbound variable \"" + s + "\"" + "\n     : At Cell* eval()");
		return ceval(find_key->second);
	if (!listp(c) && !symbolp(c))
		return c;
	else if (listp(c) && !symbolp(car(c)) && !listp(car(c)))
		throw RuntimeError("Invalid operator\n     : At Cell* eval()");
	else if (listp(car(c))) {
		if (nullp(car(c)))
			throw RuntimeError("Cannot evaluate a null expression\n     : At Cell* eval()");
		return ceval(c); // pass it to ceval if it's a double list
	s = get_symbol(car(c));
	vector<string>::iterator find_op = locate(op.begin(), op.end(), s);
	if (find_op != op.end())
		return ceval(c);
	else if (fstack.size() > 1) {
		CellMap::iterator find_key = fstack[1].find(s);
		if (find_key != fstack[1].end())
			return ceval(c);// return apply(ceval(find_key->second), cdr(c));
	throw RuntimeError("Invalid operator \"" + s + "\"\n     : At Cell* eval()");
Ejemplo n.º 3
inline void AssertSameDist( const DistTypeA& distA, const DistTypeB& distB )
    if( distA.colDist != distB.colDist || distA.rowDist != distB.rowDist )
        RuntimeError("Matrices must have the same distribution");
Ejemplo n.º 4
// all constructors call this
void File::Init(const wchar_t* filename, int fileOptions)
    m_filename = filename;
    m_options = fileOptions;
    if (m_filename.empty())
        RuntimeError("File: filename is empty");
    const auto outputPipe = (m_filename.front() == '|');
    const auto inputPipe  = (m_filename.back()  == '|');
    // translate the options string into a string for fopen()
    const auto reading = !!(fileOptions & fileOptionsRead);
    const auto writing = !!(fileOptions & fileOptionsWrite);
    if (!reading && !writing)
        RuntimeError("File: either fileOptionsRead or fileOptionsWrite must be specified");
    // convert fileOptions to fopen()'s mode string
    wstring options = reading ? L"r" : L"";
    if (writing)
        // if we already are reading the file, change to read/write
        if (!outputPipe && m_filename != L"-")
            msra::files::make_intermediate_dirs(m_filename.c_str()); // writing to regular file -> also create the intermediate directories as a convenience
    if (fileOptions & fileOptionsBinary)
        options += L"b";
        options += L"t";
    // add sequential flag to allocate big read buffer
    if (fileOptions & fileOptionsSequential)
        options += L"S";
    // now open the file
    // Special path syntax understood here:
    //  - "-" refers to stdin or stdout
    //  - "|cmd" writes to a pipe
    //  - "cmd|" reads from a pipe
    m_pcloseNeeded = false;
    m_seekable = false;
    if (m_filename == L"-") // stdin/stdout
        if (writing && reading)
            RuntimeError("File: cannot specify fileOptionsRead and fileOptionsWrite at once with path '-'");
        m_file = writing ? stdout : stdin;
    else if (outputPipe || inputPipe) // pipe syntax
        if (inputPipe && outputPipe)
            RuntimeError("File: pipes cannot specify fileOptionsRead and fileOptionsWrite at once");
        if (inputPipe != reading)
            RuntimeError("File: pipes must use consistent fileOptionsRead/fileOptionsWrite");
        const auto command = inputPipe ? m_filename.substr(0, m_filename.size() - 1) : m_filename.substr(1);
        m_file = _wpopen(command.c_str(), options.c_str());
        if (!m_file)
            RuntimeError("File: error exexuting pipe command '%S': %s", command.c_str(), strerror(errno));
        m_pcloseNeeded = true;
        attempt([=]() // regular file: use a retry loop
                    m_file = fopenOrDie(filename, options.c_str());
                    m_seekable = true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
set_caps_aspect(ReferenceTarget* obj, Value* prop, TimeValue t, Value* val)
	throw RuntimeError (_T("Sorry, cannot directly set capsule aspect"));
Ejemplo n.º 6
void AngleControl::add_control(Rollout *ro, HWND parent, HINSTANCE hInstance, int& current_y)
   caption = caption->eval();

   HWND  label;
   int      left, top, width, height;
   SIZE  size;
   const TCHAR *label_text = caption->eval()->to_string();

   parent_rollout = ro;
   control_ID = next_id();
   WORD label_id = next_id();

   Value *val;
   if((val = control_param(diameter)) != &unsupplied)
      m_diameter = val->to_int();
   else if((val = control_param(width)) != &unsupplied)
      m_diameter = val->to_int();
   else if((val = control_param(height)) != &unsupplied)
      m_diameter = val->to_int();
      m_diameter = 64;

   val = control_param(degrees);
   if(val != &unsupplied)
      m_degrees = val->to_float();
      m_degrees = 0.f;

   val = control_param(radians);
   if(val != &unsupplied)
      m_degrees = RadToDeg(val->to_float());

   val = control_param(range);
   if (val == &unsupplied)
      m_min = -360.0f; m_max = 360.0f;
   else if (is_point3(val))
      Point3 p = val->to_point3();
      m_min = p.x; m_max = p.y; m_degrees = p.z;
      throw TypeError (MaxSDK::GetResourceStringAsMSTR(IDS_ANGLE_RANGE_MUST_BE_A_VECTOR), val);

   val = control_param(startDegrees);
   if(val != &unsupplied)

   val = control_param(startRadians);
   if(val != &unsupplied)

   val = control_param(dir);
   if(val != &unsupplied)
      if (val != n_CW && val != n_CCW)
         throw RuntimeError (MaxSDK::GetResourceStringAsMSTR(IDS_ANGLE_DIR_BAD_VALUE), val);
      m_dirCCW = val != n_CW;

   val = control_param(bitmap);
   if(val != &unsupplied)

   m_lButtonDown = FALSE;

   layout_data pos;
   compute_layout(ro, &pos, current_y);
   left = pos.left; top = pos.top;

   // place optional label
   int label_height = (_tcslen(label_text) != 0) ? ro->text_height + SPACING_BEFORE - 2 : 0;
   // LAM - defect 298613 - not creating the caption HWND was causing problems (whole screen redrawn
   // when control moved, setting caption text set wrong HWND). Now always create.
// if (label_height != 0)
// {
      DLGetTextExtent(ro->rollout_dc, label_text, &size);   
      width = min(size.cx, pos.width); height = ro->text_height;
      label = CreateWindow(_T("STATIC"),
                        WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD | WS_GROUP,
                        left, top, width, height,    
                        parent, (HMENU)label_id, hInstance, NULL);
// }

   // place angle box
   top = pos.top + label_height;
   width = pos.width;

   m_hWnd = CreateWindow(
      pos.left, top, width, m_diameter,    
      parent, (HMENU)control_ID, g_hInst, this);

   m_hToolTip = CreateWindow(
      TEXT(""), WS_POPUP,
      m_hWnd, (HMENU)NULL, g_hInst, NULL);

   SendMessage(label, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)ro->font, 0L);
   SendMessage(m_hToolTip, TTM_ADDTOOL, 0, (LPARAM)GetToolInfo());
Ejemplo n.º 7
void Object::deserialize( Object *parent , Object *o , SerializeObject& so ) {
	if( strcmp( so.getEffectiveObjectClass() , o -> getClass() ) )
		throw RuntimeError( "Object::deserialize: different object and so classes" );

	o -> deserialize( parent , so );
Ejemplo n.º 8
String Object::getPK() { 
	throw RuntimeError( "Object::getPK: virtual function undefined for class" );
Ejemplo n.º 9
CropTransformer::CropTransformer(const ConfigParameters& config) : ImageTransformerBase(config)
    intargvector cropSize = config(L"cropSize", "0"); 
    m_cropWidth = cropSize[0]; 
    m_cropHeight = cropSize[1]; 
    if (m_cropWidth < 0 || m_cropHeight < 0)
        RuntimeError("Invalid cropSize value, must be >= 0"); 

    m_useSideRatio = true;
    floatargvector sideRatio = config(L"sideRatio", "0.0");
    m_sideRatioMin = sideRatio[0];
    m_sideRatioMax = sideRatio[1];
    if (m_sideRatioMin == 0.0 && m_sideRatioMax == 0.0) // taking default value means not specified 
        m_useSideRatio = false;
    else if (!(m_sideRatioMin > 0 && m_sideRatioMax <= 1.0) ||
        m_sideRatioMin > m_sideRatioMax)
        RuntimeError("Invalid sideRatio value, must be > 0 and <= 1. sideMin must <= sideMax");

    m_useAreaRatio = true; 
    floatargvector areaRatio = config(L"areaRatio", "0.0");
    m_areaRatioMin = areaRatio[0];
    m_areaRatioMax = areaRatio[1];
    if (m_areaRatioMin == 0.0 && m_areaRatioMax == 0.0) // taking default value means not specified 
        m_useAreaRatio = false;
    else if (!(m_areaRatioMin > 0 && m_areaRatioMax <= 1.0) ||
        m_areaRatioMin > m_areaRatioMax)
        RuntimeError("Invalid areaRatio value, must be > 0 and <= 1. areaMin must <= areaMax");

    if (m_useSideRatio && m_useAreaRatio)
        RuntimeError("sideRatio and areaRatio cannot be specified simultaneously"); 

    floatargvector aspectRatio = config(L"aspectRatio", "1.0");
    m_aspectRatioMin = aspectRatio[0];
    m_aspectRatioMax = aspectRatio[1];
    if (!(m_aspectRatioMin > 0 && m_aspectRatioMax <= 1.0) ||  
        m_aspectRatioMin > m_aspectRatioMax)
        RuntimeError("Invalid aspectRatio value, must be > 0 and <= 1. aspectMin must <= aspectMax");

    m_jitterType = ParseJitterType(config(L"jitterType", ""));
    m_cropType = ImageConfigHelper::ParseCropType(config(L"cropType", ""));

    if (!config.ExistsCurrent(L"hflip"))
        m_hFlip = (m_cropType == CropType::RandomSide || m_cropType == CropType::RandomArea);
        m_hFlip = config(L"hflip");

    // for MultiView10 we need to set m_hflip = false, otherwise we might not get 5 unflipped image (see CropTransformer::Apply below)
    if (m_cropType == CropType::MultiView10)
        m_hFlip = false;
Ejemplo n.º 10
TextConfigHelper::TextConfigHelper(const ConfigParameters& config)
    if (!config.ExistsCurrent(L"input"))
        RuntimeError("CNTKTextFormatReader configuration does not contain \"input\" section.");

    const ConfigParameters& input = config(L"input");

    if (input.empty())
        RuntimeError("CNTKTextFormatReader configuration contains an empty \"input\" section.");

    string precision = config.Find("precision", "float");
    if (AreEqualIgnoreCase(precision, "double"))
        m_elementType = ElementType::tdouble;
    else if (AreEqualIgnoreCase(precision, "float"))
        m_elementType = ElementType::tfloat;
        RuntimeError("Not supported precision '%s'. Expected 'double' or 'float'.", precision.c_str());

    StreamId id = 0;
    map<string, wstring> aliasToInputMap;
    for (const pair<string, ConfigParameters>& section : input)
        ConfigParameters input = section.second;
        wstring name = msra::strfun::utf16(section.first);

        if (!input.ExistsCurrent(L"dim") || !input.ExistsCurrent(L"format"))
            RuntimeError("Input section for input '%ls' does not specify all the required parameters, "
                "\"dim\" and \"format\".", name.c_str());

        StreamDescriptor stream;
        stream.m_id = id++;
        stream.m_name = name;
        stream.m_sampleDimension = input(L"dim");
        string type = input(L"format");

        if (AreEqualIgnoreCase(type, "dense"))
            stream.m_storageType = StorageType::dense;
        else if (AreEqualIgnoreCase(type, "sparse"))
            stream.m_storageType = StorageType::sparse_csc;
            if (stream.m_sampleDimension > numeric_limits<IndexType>::max())
                RuntimeError("Sample dimension (%" PRIu64 ") for sparse input '%ls'"
                    " exceeds the maximum allowed value (%" PRIu64 ").\n",
                    stream.m_sampleDimension, name.c_str(), (size_t)numeric_limits<IndexType>::max());
            RuntimeError("'format' parameter must be set either to 'dense' or 'sparse'.");

        // alias is optional
        if (input.ExistsCurrent(L"alias"))
            stream.m_alias = input(L"alias");
            if (stream.m_alias.empty())
                RuntimeError("Alias value for input '%ls' is empty.", name.c_str());
            stream.m_alias = section.first;

        if (aliasToInputMap.find(stream.m_alias) != aliasToInputMap.end())
            RuntimeError("Alias %s is already mapped to input %ls.",
                stream.m_alias.c_str(), aliasToInputMap[stream.m_alias].c_str());
            aliasToInputMap[stream.m_alias] = stream.m_name;

        stream.m_elementType = m_elementType;

    m_filepath = msra::strfun::utf16(config(L"file"));

    if (config.Exists(L"randomize"))
        wstring randomizeString = config.CanBeString(L"randomize") ? config(L"randomize") : wstring();
        if (!_wcsicmp(randomizeString.c_str(), L"none"))
            m_randomizationWindow = randomizeNone;
        else if (!_wcsicmp(randomizeString.c_str(), L"auto"))
            m_randomizationWindow = randomizeAuto;
            m_randomizationWindow = config(L"randomize");
        m_randomizationWindow = randomizeAuto;

    m_skipSequenceIds = config(L"skipSequenceIds", false);
    m_maxErrors = config(L"maxErrors", 0);
    m_traceLevel = config(L"traceLevel", 0);
    m_chunkSizeBytes = config(L"chunkSizeInBytes", 32 * 1024 * 1024); // 32 MB by default
    m_chunkCacheSize = config(L"numChunksToCache", 32); // 32 * 32 MB = 1 GB of memory in total
Ejemplo n.º 11
void MatrixMarket( Matrix<T>& A, const string filename )
    typedef Base<T> Real;
    std::ifstream file( filename.c_str() );
    if( !file.is_open() )
        RuntimeError("Could not open ",filename);

    // Read the header
    // ===============
    // Attempt to pull in the various header components
    // ------------------------------------------------
    string line, stamp, object, format, field, symmetry;
    if( !std::getline( file, line ) )
        RuntimeError("Could not extract header line");
        std::stringstream lineStream( line );
        lineStream >> stamp; 
        if( stamp != string("%%MatrixMarket") )
            RuntimeError("Invalid Matrix Market stamp: ",stamp);
        if( !(lineStream >> object) ) 
            RuntimeError("Missing Matrix Market object");
        if( !(lineStream >> format) )
            RuntimeError("Missing Matrix Market format");
        if( !(lineStream >> field) )
            RuntimeError("Missing Matrix Market field");
        if( !(lineStream >> symmetry) )
            RuntimeError("Missing Matrix Market symmetry");
    // Ensure that the header components are individually valid
    // --------------------------------------------------------
    const bool isMatrix = ( object == string("matrix") );
    const bool isArray = ( format == string("array") );
    const bool isComplex = ( field == string("complex") );
    const bool isPattern = ( field == string("pattern") );
    const bool isGeneral = ( symmetry == string("general") );
    const bool isSymmetric = ( symmetry == string("symmetric") );
    const bool isSkewSymmetric = ( symmetry == string("skew-symmetric") );
    const bool isHermitian = ( symmetry == string("hermitian") );
    if( !isMatrix && object != string("vector") )
        RuntimeError("Invalid Matrix Market object: ",object);
    if( !isArray && format != string("coordinate") )
        RuntimeError("Invalid Matrix Market format: ",format);
    if( !isComplex && !isPattern && 
        field != string("real") && 
        field != string("double") &&
        field != string("integer") )
        RuntimeError("Invalid Matrix Market field: ",field);
    if( !isGeneral && !isSymmetric && !isSkewSymmetric && !isHermitian )
        RuntimeError("Invalid Matrix Market symmetry: ",symmetry);
    // Ensure that the components are consistent
    // -----------------------------------------
    if( isArray && isPattern )
        RuntimeError("Pattern field requires coordinate format");
    // NOTE: This constraint is only enforced because of the note located at
    //       http://people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/data/mm/mm.html
    if( isSkewSymmetric && isPattern )
        RuntimeError("Pattern field incompatible with skew-symmetry");
    if( isHermitian && !isComplex )
        RuntimeError("Hermitian symmetry requires complex data");

    // Skip the comment lines
    // ======================
    while( file.peek() == '%' ) 
        std::getline( file, line );
    int m, n;
    if( !std::getline( file, line ) )
        RuntimeError("Could not extract the size line");
    if( isArray )
        // Read in the matrix dimensions
        // =============================
        if( isMatrix )
            std::stringstream lineStream( line );
            if( !(lineStream >> m) )
                RuntimeError("Missing matrix height: ",line);
            if( !(lineStream >> n) )
                RuntimeError("Missing matrix width: ",line);
            std::stringstream lineStream( line );
            if( !(lineStream >> m) )
                RuntimeError("Missing vector height: ",line);
            n = 1;

        // Resize the matrix
        // =================
        Zeros( A, m, n );

        // Now read in the data
        // ====================
        Real realPart, imagPart;
        for( Int j=0; j<n; ++j )
            for( Int i=0; i<m; ++i )
                if( !std::getline( file, line ) )
                    RuntimeError("Could not get entry (",i,",",j,")");
                std::stringstream lineStream( line );
                if( !(lineStream >> realPart) )
                    ("Could not extract real part of entry (",i,",",j,")");
                A.SetRealPart( i, j, realPart );
                if( isComplex )
                    if( !(lineStream >> imagPart) )
                        ("Could not extract imag part of entry (",i,",",j,")");
                    A.SetImagPart( i, j, imagPart );
Ejemplo n.º 12
inline void DynamicCastCheck( T* A )
{ if( A == nullptr ) RuntimeError("Dynamic cast failed"); }
Ejemplo n.º 13
    ImageConfigHelper::ImageConfigHelper(const ConfigParameters& config)
        : m_dataFormat(CHW)
        std::vector<std::string> featureNames = GetSectionsWithParameter(config, "width");
        std::vector<std::string> labelNames = GetSectionsWithParameter(config, "labelDim");

        // REVIEW alexeyk: currently support only one feature and label section.
        if (featureNames.size() != 1 || labelNames.size() != 1)
                "ImageReader currently supports a single feature and label stream. '%d' features , '%d' labels found.",

        ConfigParameters featureSection = config(featureNames[0]);
        size_t w = featureSection("width");
        size_t h = featureSection("height");
        size_t c = featureSection("channels");

        std::string mbFmt = featureSection("mbFormat", "nchw");
        if (AreEqualIgnoreCase(mbFmt, "nhwc") || AreEqualIgnoreCase(mbFmt, "legacy"))
            m_dataFormat = HWC;
        else if (!AreEqualIgnoreCase(mbFmt, "nchw") || AreEqualIgnoreCase(mbFmt, "cudnn"))
            RuntimeError("ImageReader does not support the sample format '%s', only 'nchw' and 'nhwc' are supported.", mbFmt.c_str());

        auto features = std::make_shared<StreamDescription>();
        features->m_id = 0;
        features->m_name = msra::strfun::utf16(featureSection.ConfigName());
        features->m_sampleLayout = std::make_shared<TensorShape>(ImageDimensions(w, h, c).AsTensorShape(m_dataFormat));

        ConfigParameters label = config(labelNames[0]);
        size_t labelDimension = label("labelDim");

        auto labelSection = std::make_shared<StreamDescription>();
        labelSection->m_id = 1;
        labelSection->m_name = msra::strfun::utf16(label.ConfigName());
        labelSection->m_sampleLayout = std::make_shared<TensorShape>(labelDimension);

        m_mapPath = config(L"file");

        std::string rand = config(L"randomize", "auto");

        if (AreEqualIgnoreCase(rand, "auto"))
            m_randomize = true;
        else if (AreEqualIgnoreCase(rand, "none"))
            m_randomize = false;
            RuntimeError("'randomize' parameter must be set to 'auto' or 'none'");

        // Identify precision
        string precision = config.Find("precision", "float");
        if (AreEqualIgnoreCase(precision, "float"))
            features->m_elementType = ElementType::tfloat;
            labelSection->m_elementType = ElementType::tfloat;
        else if (AreEqualIgnoreCase(precision, "double"))
            features->m_elementType = ElementType::tdouble;
            labelSection->m_elementType = ElementType::tdouble;
            RuntimeError("Not supported precision '%s'. Expected 'double' or 'float'.", precision.c_str());

        m_cpuThreadCount = config(L"numCPUThreads", 0);
Ejemplo n.º 14
QString SystemInfo::getProcessNameByPid(qint64 pid) {
  QString processName;
#if defined(Q_OS_OSX)  // Mac OS X
  // From:
  // http://code.qt.io/cgit/qt/qtbase.git/tree/src/corelib/io/qlockfile_unix.cpp
  errno           = 0;
  char name[1024] = {0};
  int  retval     = proc_name(pid, name, sizeof(name) / sizeof(char));
  if (retval > 0) {
    processName = QFile::decodeName(name);
  } else if ((retval == 0) &&
             (errno == static_cast<int>(std::errc::no_such_process))) {
    return QString();  // process not running
  } else {
    throw RuntimeError(
        __FILE__, __LINE__,
        QString(tr("proc_name() failed with error %1.")).arg(errno));
#elif defined(Q_OS_FREEBSD)
  char exePath[64];
  char buf[PATH_MAX + 1];
  sprintf(exePath, "/proc/%lld/file", pid);
  size_t len = (size_t)readlink(exePath, buf, sizeof(buf));
  if (len >= sizeof(buf)) {
    return QString();  // process not running
  buf[len] = 0;
  processName = QFileInfo(QFile::decodeName(buf)).fileName();
#elif defined(Q_OS_LINUX)

  // From:
  // http://code.qt.io/cgit/qt/qtbase.git/tree/src/corelib/io/qlockfile_unix.cpp
  if (!FilePath("/proc/version").isExistingFile()) {
    throw RuntimeError(__FILE__, __LINE__,
                       tr("Could not find the file \"/proc/version\"."));
  char exePath[64];
  char buf[PATH_MAX + 1];
  sprintf(exePath, "/proc/%lld/exe", pid);
  size_t len = (size_t)readlink(exePath, buf, sizeof(buf));
  if (len >= sizeof(buf)) {
    return QString();  // process not running
  buf[len] = 0;
  processName = QFileInfo(QFile::decodeName(buf)).fileName();
  // If the executable does no longer exist, the string " (deleted)" is added to
  // the end of the symlink, so we need to remove that to get the naked process
  // name.
  if (processName.endsWith(" (deleted)"))
    processName.chop(strlen(" (deleted)"));
#elif defined(Q_OS_WIN32) || defined(Q_OS_WIN64)  // Windows
  // Originally from:
  // http://code.qt.io/cgit/qt/qtbase.git/tree/src/corelib/io/qlockfile_win.cpp
  // But then saw this article:
  // https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20150716-00/?p=45131/ And
  // therefore switched from GetModuleFileNameExW() to
  // QueryFullProcessImageNameW()
  HANDLE hProcess = OpenProcess(
  if ((!hProcess) && (GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER)) {
    return QString();  // process not running
  } else if (!hProcess) {
    throw RuntimeError(
        __FILE__, __LINE__,
        QString(tr("OpenProcess() failed with error %1.")).arg(GetLastError()));
  wchar_t buf[MAX_PATH];
  DWORD   length  = MAX_PATH;
  BOOL    success = QueryFullProcessImageNameW(hProcess, 0, buf, &length);
  if ((!success) || (!length)) {
    throw RuntimeError(
        __FILE__, __LINE__,
        QString(tr("QueryFullProcessImageNameW() failed with error %1."))
  processName = QString::fromWCharArray(buf, length);
  int i       = processName.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('\\'));
  if (i >= 0) processName.remove(0, i + 1);
  i = processName.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('.'));
  if (i >= 0) processName.truncate(i);
#error "Unknown operating system!"

  // check if the process name is not empty
  if (processName.isEmpty()) {
    throw RuntimeError(
        __FILE__, __LINE__,
        tr("Could not determine the process name of another process."));

  return processName;
Ejemplo n.º 15
void CNTKEvalExtended<ElemType>::ForwardPassT(const std::vector<ValueBuffer<ElemType, ValueContainer> >& inputs, std::vector<ValueBuffer<ElemType, ValueContainer> >& outputs, bool resetRNN)
    if (!m_started)
        RuntimeError("ForwardPass() called before StartForwardEvaluation()");

    if (inputs.size() != (size_t)std::distance(m_inputMatrices.begin(), m_inputMatrices.end()))
        RuntimeError("Expected %d inputs, but got %d.", (int)std::distance(m_inputMatrices.begin(), m_inputMatrices.end()), (int)inputs.size());

    if (outputs.size() != m_outputNodes.size())
        RuntimeError("Expected %d outputs, but got %d.", (int)m_outputNodes.size(), (int)outputs.size());

    size_t i = 0;
    for (auto& inputNode : m_inputNodes)
        // const cast: The matrix class takes this over without copying and could theoretically change the contents,
        // though it doesn't in this case.
        auto& buffer = const_cast<ValueBuffer<ElemType, ValueContainer>&>(inputs[i]);
        auto matrix = dynamic_pointer_cast<Matrix<ElemType>>(inputNode->ValuePtr());
        auto type = matrix->GetMatrixType();
        size_t numRows = inputNode->GetSampleLayout().GetNumElements();

        if (buffer.m_buffer.data() == nullptr)
            RuntimeError("Input %ls: Buffer is not allocated.", m_inputNodes[i]->GetName().c_str());
        if (type == MatrixType::DENSE)
            if (buffer.m_buffer.size() % numRows != 0)
                RuntimeError("Input %ls: Expected input data to be a multiple of %" PRIu64 ", but it is %" PRIu64 ".", 
                             m_inputNodes[i]->GetName().c_str(), numRows, buffer.m_buffer.size());
            if (buffer.m_buffer.size() == 0)
                RuntimeError("Input %ls: Expected at least one element.", m_inputNodes[i]->GetName().c_str());
        else if (type == MatrixType::SPARSE)
            if (buffer.m_colIndices.data() == nullptr)
                RuntimeError("Input %ls: Due to sparse input format, expected colIndices array, but was nullptr.", m_inputNodes[i]->GetName().c_str());
            if (buffer.m_indices.data() == nullptr)
                RuntimeError("Input %ls: Due to sparse input format, expected Indices array, but was nullptr.", m_inputNodes[i]->GetName().c_str());
            if (buffer.m_colIndices.size() < 2)
                RuntimeError("Input %ls: Expected at least one element (2 entries in colIndices array).", m_inputNodes[i]->GetName().c_str());
            if (buffer.m_colIndices[0] != 0)
                RuntimeError("Input %ls: First element of column indices must be 0", m_inputNodes[i]->GetName().c_str());
            if (buffer.m_colIndices[buffer.m_colIndices.size() - 1] != buffer.m_indices.size())
                RuntimeError("Input %ls: Last element of column indices must be equal to the size of indices (%ld), but was %d", 
                             m_inputNodes[i]->GetName().c_str(), buffer.m_indices.size(), 
                             buffer.m_colIndices[buffer.m_colIndices.size() - 1]);

        int numCols = type == MatrixType::DENSE ? buffer.m_buffer.size() / numRows : buffer.m_colIndices.size() - 1;
        if (numCols < 1)
            RuntimeError("Input: the number of column must be greater than or equal to 1.");
        inputNode->GetMBLayout()->Init(1, numCols);
        // SentinelValueIndicatingUnspecifedSequenceBeginIdx is used to specify the lower bound of look-back step of recurrent nodes
        inputNode->GetMBLayout()->AddSequence(0, 0, resetRNN ? 0 : SentinelValueIndicatingUnspecifedSequenceBeginIdx, numCols);

        if (type == MatrixType::DENSE)
            matrix->SetValue(numRows, numCols, matrix->GetDeviceId(), buffer.m_buffer.data(), matrixFlagNormal);
        else if (type == MatrixType::SPARSE)
            // In the sparse case the m_data layout is identical to CUDA's CSC layout
            // (see http://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cusparse/#compressed-sparse-column-format-csc).
            matrix->SetMatrixFromCSCFormat(buffer.m_colIndices.data(), buffer.m_indices.data(), buffer.m_buffer.data(),
                                           buffer.m_buffer.size(), numRows, numCols);



    for (size_t i2 = 0; i2 < m_outputNodes.size(); ++i2)
        auto node = m_outputNodes[i2];
        shared_ptr<Matrix<ElemType>> outputMatrix = dynamic_pointer_cast<Matrix<ElemType>>(node->ValuePtr());
        auto pMBLayout = node->GetMBLayout();
        if (!pMBLayout)
            pMBLayout = make_shared<MBLayout>();
            pMBLayout->InitAsFrameMode(1); // treat this as if we have one single sample

        const auto& seq = pMBLayout->GetAllSequences();
        if (seq.size() != 1)
            RuntimeError("Only 1 output sequence supported by this API");

        ValueContainer<ElemType>& vec = outputs[i2].m_buffer;

        size_t numElements = outputMatrix->GetNumElements();

        if (vec.capacity() < numElements)
            // Bad luck - we can't reallocate memory of an external object at this point.
            RuntimeError("Not enough space in output buffer for output '%ls'.", node->GetName().c_str());

        ElemType* data = const_cast<ElemType*>(vec.data());
        outputMatrix->CopyToArray(data, numElements);
Ejemplo n.º 16
// Creates chunk descriptions based on chunks of underlying deserializers.
void Bundler::CreateChunkDescriptions()
    auto chunks = m_driver->GetChunkDescriptions();
    if (chunks.size() < 1)
        RuntimeError("Driving deserializer should at least provide one chunk.");


    // If there is not cleaning required simply build chunks based on the chunk descriptions of the primary deserializer.
    if (!m_cleanse)
        for (const auto& c : chunks)
            auto cd = std::make_shared<BundlerChunkDescription>();
            cd->m_numberOfSamples = c->m_numberOfSamples;
            cd->m_numberOfSequences = c->m_numberOfSequences;
            cd->m_id = m_chunks.size();
            cd->m_original = c;

    // Otherwise build bundling chunks using underlying deserializers.
    std::vector<SequenceDescription> sequenceDescriptions;
    SequenceDescription s;
    for (size_t chunkIndex = 0; chunkIndex < chunks.size(); ++chunkIndex)
        size_t numberOfSamples = 0;
        size_t numberOfSequences = 0;

        // Iterating thru all sequences and identifying whether they are valid among all deserializers.
        m_driver->GetSequencesForChunk(chunks[chunkIndex]->m_id, sequenceDescriptions);
        std::set<size_t> invalid;
        for (size_t sequenceIndex = 0; sequenceIndex < sequenceDescriptions.size(); ++sequenceIndex)
            auto sequence = sequenceDescriptions[sequenceIndex];
            bool isValid = true;
            for (size_t deserializerIndex = 1; deserializerIndex < m_deserializers.size(); ++deserializerIndex)
                m_deserializers[deserializerIndex]->GetSequenceDescriptionByKey(sequenceDescriptions[sequenceIndex].m_key, s);
                if (!s.m_isValid)
                    isValid = false;

            if (isValid)
                numberOfSamples += sequence.m_numberOfSamples;

        // Build a chunk for valid sequences.
        if (numberOfSamples > 0)
            auto cd = std::make_shared<BundlerChunkDescription>();
            cd->m_numberOfSamples = numberOfSamples;
            cd->m_numberOfSequences = numberOfSequences;
            cd->m_id = m_chunks.size();
            cd->m_original = chunks[chunkIndex];
            cd->m_invalid = std::move(invalid);
Ejemplo n.º 17
( Matrix<Real>& H,
  Matrix<Complex<Real>>& w,
  Matrix<Real>& Z,
  const HessenbergSchurCtrl& ctrl )
    const Real realZero(0);
    const Int maxIter=30;    
    // Cf. LAPACK for these somewhat arbitrary constants
    const Real exceptScale0=Real(3)/Real(4),
    const Int n = H.Height();
    const Int nZ = Z.Height();
    Int winBeg = ( ctrl.winBeg==END ? n : ctrl.winBeg );
    Int winEnd = ( ctrl.winEnd==END ? n : ctrl.winEnd );
    const Int windowSize = winEnd - winBeg;
    HessenbergSchurInfo info;

    w.Resize( n, 1 );

    if( windowSize == 0 )
        return info;
    if( windowSize == 1 )
        w(winBeg) = H(winBeg,winBeg);
        return info;

    // Follow LAPACK's suit and clear the two diagonals below the subdiagonal
    for( Int j=winBeg; j<winEnd-3; ++j ) 
        H(j+2,j) = realZero;
        H(j+3,j) = realZero;
    if( winBeg <= winEnd-3 )
        H(winEnd-1,winEnd-3) = realZero;
    // Attempt to converge the eigenvalues one or two at a time
    auto ctrlSweep( ctrl );
    while( winBeg < winEnd )
        Int iterBeg = winBeg;
        Int iter;
        for( iter=0; iter<maxIter; ++iter )
            auto winInd = IR(iterBeg,winEnd);
            iterBeg += DetectSmallSubdiagonal( H(winInd,winInd) );
            if( iterBeg > winBeg )
                H(iterBeg,iterBeg-1) = realZero;
            if( iterBeg == winEnd-1 )
                w(iterBeg) = H(iterBeg,iterBeg);
            else if( iterBeg == winEnd-2 )
                Real c, s;
                ( H(winEnd-2,winEnd-2), H(winEnd-2,winEnd-1),
                  H(winEnd-1,winEnd-2), H(winEnd-1,winEnd-1),
                  w(iterBeg), w(iterBeg+1),
                  c, s );
                if( ctrl.fullTriangle )
                    if( n > winEnd )
                        ( n-winEnd,
                          &H(winEnd-2,winEnd), H.LDim(),
                          &H(winEnd-1,winEnd), H.LDim(),
                          c, s );
                    ( winEnd-2,
                      &H(0,winEnd-2), 1,
                      &H(0,winEnd-1), 1,
                      c, s );
                if( ctrl.wantSchurVecs )
                    ( nZ,
                      &Z(0,winEnd-2), 1,
                      &Z(0,winEnd-1), 1,
                      c, s );
                winEnd -= 2;

            // Pick either the Francis shifts or exceptional shifts
            Real eta00, eta01, eta10, eta11;
            if( iter == maxIter/3 )
                const Real scale =
                  Abs(H(iterBeg+1,iterBeg)) + Abs(H(iterBeg+2,iterBeg+1));
                eta00 = exceptScale0*scale + H(iterBeg,iterBeg);
                eta01 = exceptScale1*scale;
                eta10 = scale;
                eta11 = eta00; 
            else if( iter == 2*maxIter/3 )
                const Real scale = 
                  Abs(H(winEnd-1,winEnd-2)) + Abs(H(winEnd-2,winEnd-3));
                eta00 = exceptScale0*scale + H(winEnd-1,winEnd-1);
                eta01 = exceptScale1*scale;
                eta10 = scale;
                eta11 = eta00;
                eta00 = H(winEnd-2,winEnd-2);
                eta01 = H(winEnd-2,winEnd-1);
                eta10 = H(winEnd-1,winEnd-2);
                eta11 = H(winEnd-1,winEnd-1);
            Complex<Real> shift0, shift1;
            ( eta00, eta01,
              eta10, eta11,
              shift0, shift1 );
            ctrlSweep.winBeg = iterBeg;
            ctrlSweep.winEnd = winEnd;
            double_shift::SweepOpt( H, shift0, shift1, Z, ctrlSweep );
        if( iter == maxIter )
            if( ctrl.demandConverged )
                RuntimeError("QR iteration did not converge");
    if( ctrl.progress )
        Output(info.numIterations," iterations");
    info.numUnconverged = winEnd-winBeg;
    return info;
Ejemplo n.º 18
SequenceDataPtr TransposeTransformer::TypedTranspose<TElementTo>::Apply(ImageSequenceData* inputSequence)
    auto shape = m_parent->m_inputStream.m_sampleLayout;
    if (shape.IsUnknown()) // Taking the shape from the sequence.
        shape = inputSequence->m_sampleShape;

    if (shape.IsUnknown())
        RuntimeError("Unknown shape of the sample in stream '%ls'.", m_parent->m_inputStream.m_name.c_str());

    assert(inputSequence->m_numberOfSamples == 1);

    size_t count = shape.TotalSize();

    ImageDimensions dimensions(TensorShape(shape.Dimensions()), ImageLayoutKind::HWC);
    size_t rowCount = dimensions.m_height * dimensions.m_width;
    size_t channelCount = dimensions.m_numChannels;

    auto dims = dimensions.AsTensorShape(CHW).GetDims();
    NDShape resultShape(std::vector<size_t>(dims.begin(), dims.end()));
    auto result = std::make_shared<DenseSequenceWithBuffer<TElementTo>>(m_memBuffers, count, resultShape);
    result->m_key = inputSequence->m_key;

    auto dst = result->GetBuffer();

    if (channelCount == 3) // Unrolling for BGR, the most common case.
        size_t nRows = inputSequence->m_image.rows;
        size_t nCols = inputSequence->m_image.cols;

        TElementTo* b = dst;
        TElementTo* g = dst + rowCount;
        TElementTo* r = dst + 2 * rowCount;

        for (size_t i = 0; i < nRows; ++i)
            auto* x = inputSequence->m_image.ptr<TElementFrom>((int)i);
            for (size_t j = 0; j < nCols; ++j)
                auto row = j * 3;
                *b++ = static_cast<TElementTo>(x[row]);
                *g++ = static_cast<TElementTo>(x[row + 1]);
                *r++ = static_cast<TElementTo>(x[row + 2]);
        auto src = reinterpret_cast<const TElementFrom*>(inputSequence->GetDataBuffer());
        for (size_t irow = 0; irow < rowCount; irow++)
            for (size_t icol = 0; icol < channelCount; icol++)
                dst[icol * rowCount + irow] = static_cast<TElementTo>(src[irow * channelCount + icol]);

    result->m_numberOfSamples = inputSequence->m_numberOfSamples;
    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 19
const char *Object::getClass() { 
	throw RuntimeError( "Object::getClass: virtual function undefined for class" );
void ElementaryStreamDescriptorBox::parseBox(BitStream& bitstr)

    //      Fill in struct ES_Descriptor        //
    mES_Descriptor.ES_DescrTag = bitstr.read8Bits();
    if (mES_Descriptor.ES_DescrTag != 3)  // ES_DescrTag
        throw RuntimeError("ElementaryStreamDescritorBox ES_Descriptor.ES_DescrTag not valid");
    /* Expandable class... need to find out size based on (from ISO/IEC 14496-1)
     * int sizeOfInstance = 0;
     * bit(1) nextByte;
     * bit(7) sizeOfInstance;
     * while(nextByte) {
     *      bit(1) nextByte;
     *      bit(7) sizeByte;
     *      sizeOfInstance = sizeOfInstance<<7 | sizeByte; }
    std::uint8_t readByte = 0;
    std::uint32_t size    = 0;
        readByte              = bitstr.read8Bits();
        std::uint8_t sizeByte = (readByte & 0x7F);
        size                  = (size << 7) | sizeByte;
    } while (readByte & 0x80);

    mES_Descriptor.size  = size;
    mES_Descriptor.ES_ID = bitstr.read16Bits();
    mES_Descriptor.flags = bitstr.read8Bits();

    if (mES_Descriptor.flags & 0x80)  // streamDependenceFlag as defined in of ISO/IEC 14486-1:2010(E)
        mES_Descriptor.dependsOn_ES_ID = bitstr.read16Bits();

    if (mES_Descriptor.flags & 0x40)  // URL_Flag as defined in of ISO/IEC 14486-1:2010(E)
        mES_Descriptor.URLlength = bitstr.read8Bits();
        if (mES_Descriptor.URLlength)
            bitstr.readStringWithLen(mES_Descriptor.URLstring, mES_Descriptor.URLlength);

    if (mES_Descriptor.flags & 0x20)  // OCRstreamFlag as defined in of ISO/IEC 14486-1:2010(E)
        mES_Descriptor.OCR_ES_Id = bitstr.read16Bits();

    //      Fill in struct ES_Descriptor.DecoderConfigDescriptor    //
    mES_Descriptor.decConfigDescr.DecoderConfigDescrTag = bitstr.read8Bits();
    if (mES_Descriptor.decConfigDescr.DecoderConfigDescrTag != 4)  // DecoderConfigDescrTag
        throw RuntimeError("ElementaryStreamDescritorBox DecoderConfigDescriptor.DecoderConfigDescrTag not valid");

    readByte = 0;
    size     = 0;
        readByte              = bitstr.read8Bits();
        std::uint8_t sizeByte = (readByte & 0x7f);
        size                  = (size << 7) | sizeByte;
    } while (readByte & 0x80);

    mES_Descriptor.decConfigDescr.size                 = size;
    mES_Descriptor.decConfigDescr.objectTypeIndication = bitstr.read8Bits();
    mES_Descriptor.decConfigDescr.streamType           = (bitstr.read8Bits() >> 2);
    mES_Descriptor.decConfigDescr.bufferSizeDB         = bitstr.read24Bits();
    mES_Descriptor.decConfigDescr.maxBitrate           = bitstr.read32Bits();
    mES_Descriptor.decConfigDescr.avgBitrate           = bitstr.read32Bits();

    //      Fill in struct ES_Descriptor.DecoderConfigDescriptor.DecoderSpecificInfo   //
    while (bitstr.numBytesLeft())  // DecoderSpecificInfo is optional.
        std::uint8_t tag = bitstr.read8Bits();

        readByte = 0;
        size     = 0;
            readByte              = bitstr.read8Bits();
            std::uint8_t sizeByte = (readByte & 0x7f);
            size                  = (size << 7) | sizeByte;
        } while (readByte & 0x80);

        DecoderSpecificInfo decSpecificInfo;

        decSpecificInfo.DecSpecificInfoTag = tag;
        decSpecificInfo.size               = size;
        bitstr.read8BitsArray(decSpecificInfo.DecSpecificInfo, decSpecificInfo.size);

        if (tag == 5)  // DecSpecificInfoTag
            mES_Descriptor.decConfigDescr.decSpecificInfo = std::move(decSpecificInfo);
Ejemplo n.º 21
void Object::serialize( SerializeObject& so ) {
	throw RuntimeError( "Object::serialize: virtual function undefined for class" );
Ejemplo n.º 22
bool ReaderShim<ElemType>::GetMinibatch(StreamMinibatchInputs& matrices)
    // TODO: verify that the set of matrix names is identical 
    // to the set of reader input names. Warn if it's a subset, throw
    // if it's a superset.

    if (m_endOfEpoch)
        return false;

    // Check that all matrices have the same device id.
    // If not we should inject the IMemoryProvider per stream.
    int deviceId = matrices.begin()->second.matrix->GetDeviceId();
    for (auto mx : matrices)
        assert(mx.second.matrix->GetDeviceId() == deviceId), UNUSED(deviceId);


    Minibatch minibatch = m_prefetchTask.get();
    if (minibatch.m_endOfEpoch)
        m_endOfEpoch = true;
        if (minibatch.m_data.empty())
            return false;

    // Reset stale mb layouts.
    // BUGBUG: This seems incorrect. (1) layouts should all be updated below, and (2) some of these layouts are the same, we are resetting them twice.
    for (const auto& iter : matrices)
        iter.second.pMBLayout->Init(1, 0);

    // a map to generate error messages when checking layout constraints. 
    map<wstring, wstring> layoutToInputMap;
    if (!minibatch.m_data.empty())
        // TODO: Use alternating pinned buffer in the packer, do not copy anything, but pack into the pinned memory.
        // Copy returned minibatch to the matrices.
        for (const auto& mx : matrices)
            if (m_nameToStreamId.find(mx.first) == m_nameToStreamId.end())
                string inputNames = EnumerateInputs(m_nameToStreamId);
                RuntimeError("Could not map input '%ls' to the reader. Reader outputs only [%s].", 
                    mx.first.c_str(), inputNames.c_str());

            size_t streamId = m_nameToStreamId[mx.first];
            const auto& stream = minibatch.m_data[streamId];

            m_numParallelSequences = stream->m_layout->GetNumParallelSequences();

            // This assert no longer holds - different inputs have different sequence lengths, resulting in different number 
            // of parallel samples.
            // assert(m_numParallelSequences == minibatch.m_data.front()->m_layout->GetNumParallelSequences());

            auto& layout = mx.second.pMBLayout;

            if (layout->GetNumCols() == 0)
                // layout is empty, copy layout info from the reader
                layout->CopyFrom(stream->m_layout, /*keepName*/ true);
                layoutToInputMap[layout->GetAxisName()] = mx.first;
            else if (*layout != *stream->m_layout) // this does a deep value-level comparison
                RuntimeError("Dynamic axis layout '%ls' is shared between inputs '%ls' and '%ls', but layouts generated "
                    "from the input data are incompatible on this axis. Are you using different sequence lengths? "
                    "Did you consider adding a DynamicAxis() to the Input nodes?",
                    layout->GetAxisName(), layoutToInputMap[layout->GetAxisName()].c_str(), mx.first.c_str());

            size_t sampleSize = m_streams[streamId]->m_sampleLayout->GetNumElements();
            auto& matrix = matrices.GetInputMatrix<ElemType>(mx.first);
            FillMatrixFromStream(m_streams[streamId]->m_storageType, &matrix, sampleSize, stream);

    if (!m_endOfEpoch)
        // Starting the prefetch task. There is always a single async read in flight.
        // When the network requests a new minibatch, we wait for the current async to finish,
        // return the result and kick off a new one.
        m_prefetchTask = std::async(m_launchType, [this]()
            return m_reader->ReadMinibatch();

    return !minibatch.m_data.empty();
Ejemplo n.º 23
// ============================================================================
Value* AngleControl::set_property(Value** arg_list, int count)
   Value* val = arg_list[0];
   Value* prop = arg_list[1];

   if (prop == n_text || prop == n_caption)
      const TCHAR* text = val->to_string();
      caption = val->get_heap_ptr();
      if (parent_rollout != NULL && parent_rollout->page != NULL)
         set_text(text, GetDlgItem(parent_rollout->page, control_ID +1), n_left);
   else if(prop == n_diameter ||
      prop == n_width ||
      prop == n_height)
      if(parent_rollout && parent_rollout->page)
   else if(prop == n_degrees)
      if(parent_rollout && parent_rollout->page)
   else if(prop == n_radians)
      if(parent_rollout && parent_rollout->page)
   else if (prop == n_range)
      if(parent_rollout && parent_rollout->page)
      {  Point3 p;
         if (is_point3(val))
            p = val->to_point3();
            throw TypeError (MaxSDK::GetResourceStringAsMSTR(IDS_ANGLE_RANGE_MUST_BE_A_VECTOR), val);
         m_min = p.x; m_max = p.y; 
         SetDegrees(m_degrees = p.z);
   else if(prop == n_startDegrees)
      if(parent_rollout && parent_rollout->page)
   else if(prop == n_startRadians)
      if(parent_rollout && parent_rollout->page)
   else if(prop == n_dir)
      if (val != n_CW && val != n_CCW)
         throw RuntimeError (MaxSDK::GetResourceStringAsMSTR(IDS_ANGLE_DIR_BAD_VALUE), val);
      if(parent_rollout && parent_rollout->page)
         m_dirCCW = val != n_CW;
   else if(prop == n_color)
      if(parent_rollout && parent_rollout->page)
   else if(prop == n_bitmap)
      if(parent_rollout && parent_rollout->page)
      return RolloutControl::set_property(arg_list, count);

   return val;
Ejemplo n.º 24
// TODO: Add the ability to set a maximum number of iterations
inline BigInt FindFactor
( const BigInt& n,
  Int a,
  const PollardRhoCtrl& ctrl )
    if( a == 0 || a == -2 )
        Output("WARNING: Problematic choice of Pollard rho shift");
    BigInt tmp, gcd;
    BigInt one(1);

    auto xAdvance =
      [&]( BigInt& x )
        if( ctrl.numSteps == 1 )
            // TODO: Determine if there is a penalty to x *= x
            tmp = x;
            tmp *= x;
            tmp += a;
            x = tmp;
            x %= n;
            x *= x;
            x += a;
            x %= n;
            PowMod( x, 2*ctrl.numSteps, n, x );
            x += a;
            x %= n;

    auto QAdvance =
      [&]( const BigInt& x, const BigInt& x2, BigInt& Q )
        tmp = x2;
        tmp -= x;
        Q *= tmp;
        Q %= n;

    Int gcdDelay = ctrl.gcdDelay;
    BigInt xi=ctrl.x0;
    BigInt x2i(xi);
    BigInt xiSave=xi, x2iSave=x2i;
    BigInt Qi(1);
    Int k=1, i=1; // it is okay for i to overflow since it is just for printing
    while( true )
        // Advance xi once
        xAdvance( xi );

        // Advance x2i twice
        xAdvance( x2i );
        xAdvance( x2i );

        // Advance Qi
        QAdvance( xi, x2i, Qi );

        if( k >= gcdDelay )
            GCD( Qi, n, gcd );
            if( gcd > one )
                // NOTE: This was not suggested by Pollard's original paper
                if( gcd == n )
                    if( gcdDelay == 1 )
                        RuntimeError("(x) converged before (x mod p) at i=",i);
                        if( ctrl.progress )
                            Output("Backtracking at i=",i);
                        i = Max( i-(gcdDelay+1), 0 );
                        gcdDelay = 1;
                        xi = xiSave;
                        x2i = x2iSave;
                    if( ctrl.progress )
                        Output("Found factor ",gcd," at i=",i); 
                    return gcd;

            // NOTE: This was not suggested by Pollard's original paper
            k = 0;
            xiSave = xi;
            x2iSave = x2i;
            Qi = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 25
 size_t get_opposite_vertex(const Vector3I& f, const Vector2I& e) {
     if (f[0] != e[0] && f[0] != e[1]) return f[0];
     if (f[1] != e[0] && f[1] != e[1]) return f[1];
     if (f[2] != e[0] && f[2] != e[1]) return f[2];
     throw RuntimeError("Face must be topologically degnerated!");
Ejemplo n.º 26
void DataWriter::InitFromConfig(const ConfigRecordType& /*config*/)
    RuntimeError("Init shouldn't be called, use constructor");
    // not implemented, calls the underlying class instead
Ejemplo n.º 27
 // Private work function.
 WingedEdge WingedEdge::Subdivide(bool linear, bool pascal, std::map<Vertex, std::vector<Vertex> > &derivations)
     WingedEdge mesh;
     std::set<Edge> edges;
     for (auto face = faceList.begin(); face != faceList.end(); ++face)
         /* massive assumption that there is 3 edges in our face */
         Edge e1 = face -> first.E1();
         Edge e2 = face -> first.E2();
         Edge e3 = face -> first.E3();
         /* might need to verify this doesn't pick duplicates */
         Vertex v1 = e1.V1();
         Vertex v2 = e1.V2();
         Vertex v3 = (e2.V1() == v1 || e2.V1() == v2) ? e2.V2() : e2.V1();
         /* guarantee we know what e2 is */
         if (v1 == e3.V1() || v1 == e3.V2())
             Edge tmp = e3;
             e3 = e2;
             e2 = tmp;
         int f1, f2, f3;
         f1 = getNumAdjacentFaces(e1);
         f2 = getNumAdjacentFaces(e2);
         f3 = getNumAdjacentFaces(e3);
         // Do not subdivide and do not incorporate non boundary faces.
         // This is the part the creates the pascal behavior,
         if(pascal && f1 == 2 && f2 == 2 && f3 == 2)
         bool success = true;
         Vertex v4 = SubdivideEdge(face->first, e1, GetAdjacentVertex(face->first, e1, success), linear, derivations);
         Vertex v5 = SubdivideEdge(face->first, e2, GetAdjacentVertex(face->first, e2, success), linear, derivations);
         Vertex v6 = SubdivideEdge(face->first, e3, GetAdjacentVertex(face->first, e3, success), linear, derivations);
         // A half hearted success check.
             throw RuntimeError("WindgedEdge Error: Something is wrong with the mesh to be subdivided.");
             e1 = mesh.AddEdge(v1, v4);
             e2 = mesh.AddEdge(v1, v5);
             e3 = mesh.AddEdge(v5, v4);
             mesh.AddFace(e1, e2, e3);
             e1 = mesh.AddEdge(v4, v2);
             e2 = mesh.AddEdge(v4, v6);
             e3 = mesh.AddEdge(v6, v2);
             mesh.AddFace(e1, e2, e3);
             e1 = mesh.AddEdge(v5, v6);
             e2 = mesh.AddEdge(v5, v3);
             e3 = mesh.AddEdge(v3, v6);
             mesh.AddFace(e1, e2, e3);
             e1 = mesh.AddEdge(v6, v5);
             e2 = mesh.AddEdge(v6, v4);
             e3 = mesh.AddEdge(v4, v5);
             mesh.AddFace(e1, e2, e3);
      std::cout << "Subdivide info: " << std::endl;
      std::cout << "VertexList: " << mesh.NumVertices() << std::endl;
      std::cout << "EdgeList: " << mesh.NumEdges() << std::endl;
      std::cout << "FaceList: " << mesh.NumFaces() << std::endl;
     return mesh;
Ejemplo n.º 28
( DistMatrix<F,MC,MR,BLOCK>& H,
  DistMatrix<Complex<Base<F>>,STAR,STAR>& w,
  DistMatrix<F,MC,MR,BLOCK>& Z,
  const HessenbergSchurCtrl& ctrl )
    typedef Base<F> Real;
    const Real zero(0);
    const Grid& grid = H.Grid();

    const Int n = H.Height();
    Int winBeg = ( ctrl.winBeg==END ? n : ctrl.winBeg );
    Int winEnd = ( ctrl.winEnd==END ? n : ctrl.winEnd );
    const Int winSize = winEnd - winBeg;
    const Int blockSize = H.BlockHeight();

    // TODO(poulson): Implement a more reasonable/configurable means of deciding
    // when to call the sequential implementation
    Int minMultiBulgeSize = Max( ctrl.minMultiBulgeSize, 2*blockSize );
    // This maximum is meant to account for parallel overheads and needs to be
    // more principled (and perhaps based upon the number of workers and the 
    // cluster characteristics)
    // TODO(poulson): Re-enable this
    //minMultiBulgeSize = Max( minMultiBulgeSize, 500 );

    HessenbergSchurInfo info;

    w.Resize( n, 1 );
    if( winSize < minMultiBulgeSize )
        return multibulge::RedundantlyHandleWindow( H, w, Z, ctrl );

    auto ctrlShifts( ctrl );
    ctrlShifts.winBeg = 0;
    ctrlShifts.winEnd = END;
    ctrlShifts.fullTriangle = false;

    Int numIterSinceDeflation = 0;
    const Int numStaleIterBeforeExceptional = 5;
    // Cf. LAPACK's DLAQR0 for this choice
    const Int maxIter =
      Max(30,2*numStaleIterBeforeExceptional) * Max(10,winSize);

    Int iterBegLast=-1, winEndLast=-1;
    DistMatrix<F,STAR,STAR> hMainWin(grid), hSuperWin(grid);
    DistMatrix<Real,STAR,STAR> hSubWin(grid);
    while( winBeg < winEnd )
        if( info.numIterations >= maxIter )
            if( ctrl.demandConverged )
                RuntimeError("MultiBulge QR iteration did not converge");
        auto winInd = IR(winBeg,winEnd);

        // Detect an irreducible Hessenberg window, [iterBeg,winEnd)
        // ---------------------------------------------------------
        // TODO(poulson): Have the interblock chase from the previous sweep
        // collect the main and sub diagonal of H along the diagonal workers 
        // and then broadcast across the "cross" communicator.
        util::GatherTridiagonal( H, winInd, hMainWin, hSubWin, hSuperWin );
        Output("winBeg=",winBeg,", winEnd=",winEnd);
        Print( H, "H" );
        Print( hMainWin, "hMainWin" );
        Print( hSubWin, "hSubWin" );
        Print( hSuperWin, "hSuperWin" );

        const Int iterOffset =
          ( hMainWin.Matrix(), hSubWin.Matrix(), hSuperWin.Matrix() );
        const Int iterBeg = winBeg + iterOffset;
        const Int iterWinSize = winEnd-iterBeg;
        if( iterOffset > 0 )
            H.Set( iterBeg, iterBeg-1, zero );
            hSubWin.Set( iterOffset-1, 0, zero );
        if( iterWinSize == 1 )
            if( ctrl.progress )
                Output("One-by-one window at ",iterBeg);
            w.Set( iterBeg, 0, hMainWin.GetLocal(iterOffset,0) );

            winEnd = iterBeg;
            numIterSinceDeflation = 0;
        else if( iterWinSize == 2 )
            if( ctrl.progress )
                Output("Two-by-two window at ",iterBeg);
            const F eta00 = hMainWin.GetLocal(iterOffset,0);
            const F eta01 = hSuperWin.GetLocal(iterOffset,0);
            const Real eta10 = hSubWin.GetLocal(iterOffset,0);
            const F eta11 = hMainWin.GetLocal(iterOffset+1,0);
            ( H, eta00, eta01, eta10, eta11, w, Z, iterBeg, ctrl );

            winEnd = iterBeg;
            numIterSinceDeflation = 0;
        else if( iterWinSize < minMultiBulgeSize )
            // The window is small enough to switch to the simple scheme
            if( ctrl.progress )
                Output("Redundantly handling window [",iterBeg,",",winEnd,"]");
            auto ctrlIter( ctrl );
            ctrlIter.winBeg = iterBeg;
            ctrlIter.winEnd = winEnd;
            auto iterInfo =
              multibulge::RedundantlyHandleWindow( H, w, Z, ctrlIter );
            info.numIterations += iterInfo.numIterations;
            winEnd = iterBeg;
            numIterSinceDeflation = 0;

        const Int numShiftsRec = ctrl.numShifts( n, iterWinSize );
        if( ctrl.progress )
            Output("Iter. ",info.numIterations,": ");
            Output("  window is [",iterBeg,",",winEnd,")");
            Output("  recommending ",numShiftsRec," shifts");

        // NOTE(poulson): In the case where exceptional shifts are used, the
        // main and subdiagonals of H in the window are currently redundantly
        // gathered. It could be worthwhile to pass in hMainWin and hSubWin.
        const Int shiftBeg = multibulge::ComputeShifts
        ( H, w, iterBeg, winBeg, winEnd, numShiftsRec, numIterSinceDeflation,
          numStaleIterBeforeExceptional, ctrlShifts );
        auto shiftInd = IR(shiftBeg,winEnd);
        auto wShifts = w(shiftInd,ALL);

        // Perform a small-bulge sweep
        auto ctrlSweep( ctrl );
        ctrlSweep.winBeg = iterBeg;
        ctrlSweep.winEnd = winEnd;
        multibulge::Sweep( H, wShifts, Z, ctrlSweep );

        if( iterBeg == iterBegLast && winEnd == winEndLast )
        iterBegLast = iterBeg;
        winEndLast = winEnd;
    info.numUnconverged = winEnd-winBeg;
    return info;
Ejemplo n.º 29
// Generate summary report.
void ProfilerGenerateReport(const std::wstring& fileName, struct tm* timeInfo)
    FILE* f = _wfopen(fileName.c_str(), L"wt");
    if (f == NULL)
        RuntimeError("Error: ProfilerGenerateReport: Cannot create file <%ls>.\n", fileName.c_str());

    fprintfOrDie(f, "CNTK Performance Profiler Summary Report\n\n");
    char timeStr[32];
    strftime(timeStr, sizeof(timeStr), "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", timeInfo);
    fprintfOrDie(f, "Time Stamp: %s\n\n", timeStr);

    fprintfOrDie(f, "Description................ ............Mean ..........StdDev .............Min .............Max ...........Count ...........Total\n\n");

    for (int evtIdx = 0; evtIdx < profilerEvtMax; evtIdx++)
        bool printLine = false;

        switch (c_fixedEvtDesc[evtIdx].eventType)
        case profilerEvtTime:
            if (g_profilerState->fixedEvents[evtIdx].cnt > 0)
                printLine = true;
                fprintfOrDie(f, "%-26s: ", c_fixedEvtDesc[evtIdx].eventDescription);

                char str[32];

                double mean = TicksToSeconds(g_profilerState->fixedEvents[evtIdx].sum) / g_profilerState->fixedEvents[evtIdx].cnt;
                FormatTimeStr(str, sizeof(str), mean);
                fprintfOrDie(f, "%s ", str);

                double sum = TicksToSeconds(g_profilerState->fixedEvents[evtIdx].sum);
                double sumsq = TicksSqToSecondsSq(g_profilerState->fixedEvents[evtIdx].sumsq);
                double stdDev = sumsq - (pow(sum, 2.0) / g_profilerState->fixedEvents[evtIdx].cnt);
                if (stdDev < 0.0) stdDev = 0.0;
                stdDev = sqrt(stdDev / (double)g_profilerState->fixedEvents[evtIdx].cnt);
                FormatTimeStr(str, sizeof(str), stdDev);
                fprintfOrDie(f, "%s ", str);

                FormatTimeStr(str, sizeof(str), TicksToSeconds(g_profilerState->fixedEvents[evtIdx].min));
                fprintfOrDie(f, "%s ", str);

                FormatTimeStr(str, sizeof(str), TicksToSeconds(g_profilerState->fixedEvents[evtIdx].max));
                fprintfOrDie(f, "%s ", str);

                fprintfOrDie(f, "%16d ", g_profilerState->fixedEvents[evtIdx].cnt);

                FormatTimeStr(str, sizeof(str), TicksToSeconds(g_profilerState->fixedEvents[evtIdx].sum));
                fprintfOrDie(f, "%s", str);

        case profilerEvtThroughput:
            if (g_profilerState->fixedEvents[evtIdx].cnt > 0)
                printLine = true;
                fprintfOrDie(f, "%-26s: ", c_fixedEvtDesc[evtIdx].eventDescription);

                char str[32];

                double mean = ((double)g_profilerState->fixedEvents[evtIdx].sum / (double)g_profilerState->fixedEvents[evtIdx].cnt);
                FormatThroughputStr(str, sizeof(str), mean);
                fprintfOrDie(f, "%s ", str);

                double stdDev = g_profilerState->fixedEvents[evtIdx].sumsq - (pow((double)g_profilerState->fixedEvents[evtIdx].sum, 2.0) / (double)g_profilerState->fixedEvents[evtIdx].cnt);
                if (stdDev < 0.0) stdDev = 0.0;
                stdDev = sqrt(stdDev / (double)g_profilerState->fixedEvents[evtIdx].cnt);
                FormatThroughputStr(str, sizeof(str), stdDev);
                fprintfOrDie(f, "%s ", str);

                FormatThroughputStr(str, sizeof(str), (double)g_profilerState->fixedEvents[evtIdx].min);
                fprintfOrDie(f, "%s ", str);

                FormatThroughputStr(str, sizeof(str), (double)g_profilerState->fixedEvents[evtIdx].max);
                fprintfOrDie(f, "%s ", str);

                fprintfOrDie(f, "%16d ", g_profilerState->fixedEvents[evtIdx].cnt);

                FormatBytesStr(str, sizeof(str), g_profilerState->fixedEvents[evtIdx].totalBytes);
                fprintfOrDie(f, "%s", str);
        case profilerEvtSeparator:
            printLine = true;
            fprintfOrDie(f, "%s", c_fixedEvtDesc[evtIdx].eventDescription);

        if (printLine) fprintfOrDie(f, "\n");

Ejemplo n.º 30
( Matrix<F>& H,
  Matrix<Complex<Base<F>>>& w,
  Matrix<F>& Z,
  const HessenbergSchurCtrl& ctrl )
    typedef Base<F> Real;
    const Real zero(0);

    const Int n = H.Height();
    Int winBeg = ( ctrl.winBeg==END ? n : ctrl.winBeg );
    Int winEnd = ( ctrl.winEnd==END ? n : ctrl.winEnd );
    const Int winSize = winEnd - winBeg;
    const Int minMultiBulgeSize = Max( ctrl.minMultiBulgeSize, 4 );
    HessenbergSchurInfo info;

    if( winSize < minMultiBulgeSize )
        return Simple( H, w, Z, ctrl );

    w.Resize( n, 1 );
    Matrix<F> U, W, WAccum;

    auto ctrlShifts( ctrl );
    ctrlShifts.winBeg = 0;
    ctrlShifts.winEnd = END;
    ctrlShifts.fullTriangle = false;

    Int numIterSinceDeflation = 0;
    const Int numStaleIterBeforeExceptional = 5;
    // Cf. LAPACK's DLAQR0 for this choice
    const Int maxIter =
      Max(30,2*numStaleIterBeforeExceptional) * Max(10,winSize);

    Int iterBegLast=-1, winEndLast=-1;
    while( winBeg < winEnd )
        if( info.numIterations >= maxIter )
            if( ctrl.demandConverged )
                RuntimeError("MultiBulge QR iteration did not converge");
        auto winInd = IR(winBeg,winEnd);

        // Detect an irreducible Hessenberg window, [iterBeg,winEnd)
        // ---------------------------------------------------------
        const Int iterOffset = DetectSmallSubdiagonal( H(winInd,winInd) );
        const Int iterBeg = winBeg + iterOffset;
        const Int iterWinSize = winEnd-iterBeg;
        if( iterOffset > 0 )
            H(iterBeg,iterBeg-1) = zero;
        if( iterWinSize == 1 )
            w(iterBeg) = H(iterBeg,iterBeg);
            numIterSinceDeflation = 0;
        else if( iterWinSize == 2 )
            multibulge::TwoByTwo( H, w, Z, iterBeg, ctrl );
            winEnd -= 2;
            numIterSinceDeflation = 0;
        else if( iterWinSize < minMultiBulgeSize )
            // The window is small enough to switch to the simple scheme
            auto ctrlSub( ctrl );
            ctrlSub.winBeg = iterBeg;
            ctrlSub.winEnd = winEnd;
            Simple( H, w, Z, ctrlSub );
            winEnd = iterBeg;

        const Int numShiftsRec = ctrl.numShifts( n, iterWinSize );
        if( ctrl.progress )
            Output("Iter. ",info.numIterations,": ");
            Output("  window is [",iterBeg,",",winEnd,")");
            Output("  recommending ",numShiftsRec," shifts");

        const Int shiftBeg = multibulge::ComputeShifts
        ( H, w, iterBeg, winBeg, winEnd, numShiftsRec, numIterSinceDeflation,
          numStaleIterBeforeExceptional, ctrlShifts );
        auto shiftInd = IR(shiftBeg,winEnd);
        auto wShifts = w(shiftInd,ALL);

        // Perform a small-bulge sweep
        auto ctrlSweep( ctrl );
        ctrlSweep.winBeg = iterBeg;
        ctrlSweep.winEnd = winEnd;
        multibulge::Sweep( H, wShifts, Z, U, W, WAccum, ctrlSweep );

        if( iterBeg == iterBegLast && winEnd == winEndLast )
        iterBegLast = iterBeg;
        winEndLast = winEnd;
    info.numUnconverged = winEnd-winBeg;
    return info;