Ejemplo n.º 1
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
    unsigned long tottime, starttime;
    double    filetime;
    size_t    counter;
    SKP_int32 args, totPackets, i, k;
    SKP_int16 ret, len, tot_len;
    SKP_int16 nBytes;
    SKP_uint8 payload[    MAX_BYTES_PER_FRAME * MAX_INPUT_FRAMES * ( MAX_LBRR_DELAY + 1 ) ];
    SKP_uint8 *payloadEnd = NULL, *payloadToDec = NULL;
    SKP_uint8 FECpayload[ MAX_BYTES_PER_FRAME * MAX_INPUT_FRAMES ], *payloadPtr;
    SKP_int16 nBytesFEC;
    SKP_int16 nBytesPerPacket[ MAX_LBRR_DELAY + 1 ], totBytes;
    SKP_int16 out[ ( ( FRAME_LENGTH_MS * MAX_API_FS_KHZ ) << 1 ) * MAX_INPUT_FRAMES ], *outPtr;
    char      speechOutFileName[ 150 ], bitInFileName[ 150 ];
    FILE      *bitInFile, *speechOutFile;
    SKP_int32 packetSize_ms=0, API_Fs_Hz = 0;
    SKP_int32 decSizeBytes;
    void      *psDec;
    SKP_float loss_prob;
    SKP_int32 frames, lost, quiet;
    SKP_SILK_SDK_DecControlStruct DecControl;

    if( argc < 3 ) {
        print_usage( argv );
        exit( 0 );

    /* default settings */
    quiet     = 0;
    loss_prob = 0.0f;

    /* get arguments */
    args = 1;
    strcpy( bitInFileName, argv[ args ] );
    strcpy( speechOutFileName, argv[ args ] );
    while( args < argc ) {
        if( SKP_STR_CASEINSENSITIVE_COMPARE( argv[ args ], "-loss" ) == 0 ) {
            sscanf( argv[ args + 1 ], "%f", &loss_prob );
            args += 2;
        } else if( SKP_STR_CASEINSENSITIVE_COMPARE( argv[ args ], "-Fs_API" ) == 0 ) {
            sscanf( argv[ args + 1 ], "%d", &API_Fs_Hz );
            args += 2;
        } else if( SKP_STR_CASEINSENSITIVE_COMPARE( argv[ args ], "-quiet" ) == 0 ) {
            quiet = 1;
        } else {
            printf( "Error: unrecognized setting: %s\n\n", argv[ args ] );
            print_usage( argv );
            exit( 0 );

    if( !quiet ) {
        printf("********** Silk Decoder (Fixed Point) v %s ********************\n", SKP_Silk_SDK_get_version());
        printf("********** Compiled for %d bit cpu *******************************\n", (int)sizeof(void*) * 8 );
        printf( "Input:                       %s\n", bitInFileName );
        printf( "Output:                      %s\n", speechOutFileName );

    /* Open files */
    bitInFile = fopen( bitInFileName, "rb" );
    if( bitInFile == NULL ) {
        printf( "Error: could not open input file %s\n", bitInFileName );
        exit( 0 );

    /* Check Silk header */
        char header_buf[ 50 ];
        fread(header_buf, sizeof(char), 1, bitInFile);
        header_buf[ strlen( "" ) ] = '\0'; /* Terminate with a null character */
        if( strcmp( header_buf, "" ) != 0 ) {
           counter = fread( header_buf, sizeof( char ), strlen( "!SILK_V3" ), bitInFile );
           header_buf[ strlen( "!SILK_V3" ) ] = '\0'; /* Terminate with a null character */
           if( strcmp( header_buf, "!SILK_V3" ) != 0 ) {
               /* Non-equal strings */
               printf( "Error: Wrong Header %s\n", header_buf );
               exit( 0 );
        } else {
           counter = fread( header_buf, sizeof( char ), strlen( "#!SILK_V3" ), bitInFile );
           header_buf[ strlen( "#!SILK_V3" ) ] = '\0'; /* Terminate with a null character */
           if( strcmp( header_buf, "#!SILK_V3" ) != 0 ) {
               /* Non-equal strings */
               printf( "Error: Wrong Header %s\n", header_buf );
               exit( 0 );

    speechOutFile = fopen( speechOutFileName, "wb" );
    if( speechOutFile == NULL ) {
        printf( "Error: could not open output file %s\n", speechOutFileName );
        exit( 0 );

    /* Set the samplingrate that is requested for the output */
    if( API_Fs_Hz == 0 ) {
        DecControl.API_sampleRate = 24000;
    } else {
        DecControl.API_sampleRate = API_Fs_Hz;

    /* Initialize to one frame per packet, for proper concealment before first packet arrives */
    DecControl.framesPerPacket = 1;

    /* Create decoder */
    ret = SKP_Silk_SDK_Get_Decoder_Size( &decSizeBytes );
    if( ret ) {
        printf( "\nSKP_Silk_SDK_Get_Decoder_Size returned %d", ret );
    psDec = malloc( decSizeBytes );

    /* Reset decoder */
    ret = SKP_Silk_SDK_InitDecoder( psDec );
    if( ret ) {
        printf( "\nSKP_Silk_InitDecoder returned %d", ret );

    totPackets = 0;
    tottime    = 0;
    payloadEnd = payload;

    /* Simulate the jitter buffer holding MAX_FEC_DELAY packets */
    for( i = 0; i < MAX_LBRR_DELAY; i++ ) {
        /* Read payload size */
        counter = fread( &nBytes, sizeof( SKP_int16 ), 1, bitInFile );
        swap_endian( &nBytes, 1 );
        /* Read payload */
        counter = fread( payloadEnd, sizeof( SKP_uint8 ), nBytes, bitInFile );

        if( ( SKP_int16 )counter < nBytes ) {
        nBytesPerPacket[ i ] = nBytes;
        payloadEnd          += nBytes;

    while( 1 ) {
        /* Read payload size */
        counter = fread( &nBytes, sizeof( SKP_int16 ), 1, bitInFile );
        swap_endian( &nBytes, 1 );
        if( nBytes < 0 || counter < 1 ) {

        /* Read payload */
        counter = fread( payloadEnd, sizeof( SKP_uint8 ), nBytes, bitInFile );
        if( ( SKP_int16 )counter < nBytes ) {

        /* Simulate losses */
        rand_seed = SKP_RAND( rand_seed );
        if( ( ( ( float )( ( rand_seed >> 16 ) + ( 1 << 15 ) ) ) / 65535.0f >= ( loss_prob / 100.0f ) ) && ( counter > 0 ) ) {
            nBytesPerPacket[ MAX_LBRR_DELAY ] = nBytes;
            payloadEnd                       += nBytes;
        } else {
            nBytesPerPacket[ MAX_LBRR_DELAY ] = 0;

        if( nBytesPerPacket[ 0 ] == 0 ) {
            /* Indicate lost packet */
            lost = 1;

            /* Packet loss. Search after FEC in next packets. Should be done in the jitter buffer */
            payloadPtr = payload;
            for( i = 0; i < MAX_LBRR_DELAY; i++ ) {
                if( nBytesPerPacket[ i + 1 ] > 0 ) {
                    starttime = GetHighResolutionTime();
                    SKP_Silk_SDK_search_for_LBRR( payloadPtr, nBytesPerPacket[ i + 1 ], ( i + 1 ), FECpayload, &nBytesFEC );
                    tottime += GetHighResolutionTime() - starttime;
                    if( nBytesFEC > 0 ) {
                        payloadToDec = FECpayload;
                        nBytes = nBytesFEC;
                        lost = 0;
                payloadPtr += nBytesPerPacket[ i + 1 ];
        } else {
            lost = 0;
            nBytes = nBytesPerPacket[ 0 ];
            payloadToDec = payload;

        /* Silk decoder */
        outPtr = out;
        tot_len = 0;
        starttime = GetHighResolutionTime();

        if( lost == 0 ) {
            /* No Loss: Decode all frames in the packet */
            frames = 0;
            do {
                /* Decode 20 ms */
                ret = SKP_Silk_SDK_Decode( psDec, &DecControl, 0, payloadToDec, nBytes, outPtr, &len );
                if( ret ) {
                    printf( "\nSKP_Silk_SDK_Decode returned %d", ret );

                outPtr  += len;
                tot_len += len;
                if( frames > MAX_INPUT_FRAMES ) {
                    /* Hack for corrupt stream that could generate too many frames */
                    outPtr  = out;
                    tot_len = 0;
                    frames  = 0;
                /* Until last 20 ms frame of packet has been decoded */
            } while( DecControl.moreInternalDecoderFrames );
        } else {
            /* Loss: Decode enough frames to cover one packet duration */
            for( i = 0; i < DecControl.framesPerPacket; i++ ) {
                /* Generate 20 ms */
                ret = SKP_Silk_SDK_Decode( psDec, &DecControl, 1, payloadToDec, nBytes, outPtr, &len );
                if( ret ) {
                    printf( "\nSKP_Silk_Decode returned %d", ret );
                outPtr  += len;
                tot_len += len;

        packetSize_ms = tot_len / ( DecControl.API_sampleRate / 1000 );
        tottime += GetHighResolutionTime() - starttime;

        /* Write output to file */
        swap_endian( out, tot_len );
        fwrite( out, sizeof( SKP_int16 ), tot_len, speechOutFile );

        /* Update buffer */
        totBytes = 0;
        for( i = 0; i < MAX_LBRR_DELAY; i++ ) {
            totBytes += nBytesPerPacket[ i + 1 ];
        SKP_memmove( payload, &payload[ nBytesPerPacket[ 0 ] ], totBytes * sizeof( SKP_uint8 ) );
        payloadEnd -= nBytesPerPacket[ 0 ];
        SKP_memmove( nBytesPerPacket, &nBytesPerPacket[ 1 ], MAX_LBRR_DELAY * sizeof( SKP_int16 ) );

        if( !quiet ) {
            fprintf( stderr, "\rPackets decoded:             %d", totPackets );
SKP_int SKP_Silk_encode_frame_FLP( 
    SKP_Silk_encoder_state_FLP      *psEnc,             /* I/O  Encoder state FLP                       */
          SKP_uint8                 *pCode,             /* O    Payload                                 */
          SKP_int16                 *pnBytesOut,        /* I/O  Number of payload bytes;                */
                                                        /*      input: max length; output: used         */
    const SKP_int16                 *pIn                /* I    Input speech frame                      */
    SKP_Silk_encoder_control_FLP sEncCtrl;
    SKP_int     k, nBytes, ret = 0;
    SKP_float   *x_frame, *res_pitch_frame;
    SKP_int16   pIn_HP[    MAX_FRAME_LENGTH ];
    SKP_int16   pIn_HP_LP[ MAX_FRAME_LENGTH ];
    SKP_float   xfw[       MAX_FRAME_LENGTH ];
    SKP_float   res_pitch[ 2 * MAX_FRAME_LENGTH + LA_PITCH_MAX ];
    SKP_int     LBRR_idx, frame_terminator;

    /* Low bitrate redundancy parameters */
    SKP_uint8   LBRRpayload[ MAX_ARITHM_BYTES ];
    SKP_int16   nBytesLBRR;

    const SKP_uint16 *FrameTermination_CDF;

    sEncCtrl.sCmn.Seed = psEnc->sCmn.frameCounter++ & 3;
    /* Setup Input Pointers, and insert frame in input buffer    */
    /* pointers aligned with start of frame to encode */
    x_frame         = psEnc->x_buf + psEnc->sCmn.frame_length; // start of frame to encode
    res_pitch_frame = res_pitch    + psEnc->sCmn.frame_length; // start of pitch LPC residual frame

    /* Voice Activity Detection */
    SKP_Silk_VAD_FLP( psEnc, &sEncCtrl, pIn );

    /* High-pass filtering of the input signal */
    /* Variable high-pass filter */
    SKP_Silk_HP_variable_cutoff_FLP( psEnc, &sEncCtrl, pIn_HP, pIn );
    SKP_memcpy( pIn_HP, pIn, psEnc->sCmn.frame_length * sizeof( SKP_int16 ) );

    /* Ensure smooth bandwidth transitions */
    SKP_Silk_LP_variable_cutoff( &psEnc->sCmn.sLP, pIn_HP_LP, pIn_HP, psEnc->sCmn.frame_length );
    SKP_memcpy( pIn_HP_LP, pIn_HP, psEnc->sCmn.frame_length * sizeof( SKP_int16 ) );

    /* Copy new frame to front of input buffer */
    SKP_short2float_array( x_frame + LA_SHAPE_MS * psEnc->sCmn.fs_kHz, pIn_HP_LP, psEnc->sCmn.frame_length );

    /* Add tiny signal to avoid high CPU load from denormalized floating point numbers */
    for( k = 0; k < 8; k++ ) {
        x_frame[ LA_SHAPE_MS * psEnc->sCmn.fs_kHz + k * ( psEnc->sCmn.frame_length >> 3 ) ] += ( 1 - ( k & 2 ) ) * 1e-6f;

    /* Find pitch lags, initial LPC analysis */
    SKP_Silk_find_pitch_lags_FLP( psEnc, &sEncCtrl, res_pitch, x_frame );

    /* Noise shape analysis */
    SKP_Silk_noise_shape_analysis_FLP( psEnc, &sEncCtrl, res_pitch_frame, x_frame );

    /* Prefiltering for noise shaper         */
    SKP_Silk_prefilter_FLP( psEnc, &sEncCtrl, xfw, x_frame );

    /* Find linear prediction coefficients (LPC + LTP) */
    SKP_Silk_find_pred_coefs_FLP( psEnc, &sEncCtrl, res_pitch );

    /* Process gains                        */
    SKP_Silk_process_gains_FLP( psEnc, &sEncCtrl );
    /* Low Bitrate Redundant Encoding       */
    SKP_Silk_LBRR_encode_FLP( psEnc, &sEncCtrl, LBRRpayload, &nBytesLBRR, xfw );

    /* Noise shaping quantization            */
    SKP_Silk_NSQ_wrapper_FLP( psEnc, &sEncCtrl, xfw, psEnc->sCmn.q, 0 );

    /* Convert speech activity into VAD and DTX flags */
    if( psEnc->speech_activity < SPEECH_ACTIVITY_DTX_THRES ) {
        psEnc->sCmn.vadFlag = NO_VOICE_ACTIVITY;
        if( psEnc->sCmn.noSpeechCounter > NO_SPEECH_FRAMES_BEFORE_DTX ) {
            psEnc->sCmn.inDTX = 1;
        if( psEnc->sCmn.noSpeechCounter > MAX_CONSECUTIVE_DTX + NO_SPEECH_FRAMES_BEFORE_DTX ) {
            psEnc->sCmn.noSpeechCounter = NO_SPEECH_FRAMES_BEFORE_DTX;
            psEnc->sCmn.inDTX           = 0;
    } else {
        psEnc->sCmn.noSpeechCounter = 0;
        psEnc->sCmn.inDTX           = 0;
        psEnc->sCmn.vadFlag         = VOICE_ACTIVITY;

    /* Initialize range coder               */
    if( psEnc->sCmn.nFramesInPayloadBuf == 0 ) {
        SKP_Silk_range_enc_init( &psEnc->sCmn.sRC );
        psEnc->sCmn.nBytesInPayloadBuf = 0;

    /* Encode Parameters                    */
    SKP_Silk_encode_parameters( &psEnc->sCmn, &sEncCtrl.sCmn, &psEnc->sCmn.sRC, psEnc->sCmn.q );
    FrameTermination_CDF = SKP_Silk_FrameTermination_CDF;

    /* Update Buffers and State             */
    /* Update input buffer */
    SKP_memmove( psEnc->x_buf, &psEnc->x_buf[ psEnc->sCmn.frame_length ], 
        ( psEnc->sCmn.frame_length + LA_SHAPE_MS * psEnc->sCmn.fs_kHz ) * sizeof( SKP_float ) );
    /* Parameters needed for next frame */
    psEnc->sCmn.prev_sigtype = sEncCtrl.sCmn.sigtype;
    psEnc->sCmn.prevLag      = sEncCtrl.sCmn.pitchL[ NB_SUBFR - 1];
    psEnc->sCmn.first_frame_after_reset = 0;

    if( psEnc->sCmn.sRC.error ) {
        /* Encoder returned error: Clear payload buffer */
        psEnc->sCmn.nFramesInPayloadBuf = 0;
    } else {

    /* Finalize payload and copy to output  */
    if( psEnc->sCmn.nFramesInPayloadBuf * FRAME_LENGTH_MS >= psEnc->sCmn.PacketSize_ms ) {

        LBRR_idx = ( psEnc->sCmn.oldest_LBRR_idx + 1 ) & LBRR_IDX_MASK;

        /* Check if FEC information should be added */
        frame_terminator = SKP_SILK_LAST_FRAME;
        if( psEnc->sCmn.LBRR_buffer[ LBRR_idx ].usage == SKP_SILK_ADD_LBRR_TO_PLUS1 ) {
            frame_terminator = SKP_SILK_LBRR_VER1;
        if( psEnc->sCmn.LBRR_buffer[ psEnc->sCmn.oldest_LBRR_idx ].usage == SKP_SILK_ADD_LBRR_TO_PLUS2 ) {
            frame_terminator = SKP_SILK_LBRR_VER2;
            LBRR_idx = psEnc->sCmn.oldest_LBRR_idx;

        /* Add the frame termination info to stream */
        SKP_Silk_range_encoder( &psEnc->sCmn.sRC, frame_terminator, FrameTermination_CDF );

        /* Payload length so far */
        SKP_Silk_range_coder_get_length( &psEnc->sCmn.sRC, &nBytes );

        /* Check that there is enough space in external output buffer, and move data */
        if( *pnBytesOut >= nBytes ) {
            SKP_Silk_range_enc_wrap_up( &psEnc->sCmn.sRC );
            SKP_memcpy( pCode, psEnc->sCmn.sRC.buffer, nBytes * sizeof( SKP_uint8 ) );

            if( frame_terminator > SKP_SILK_MORE_FRAMES && 
                    *pnBytesOut >= nBytes + psEnc->sCmn.LBRR_buffer[ LBRR_idx ].nBytes ) {
                /* Get old packet and add to payload. */
                SKP_memcpy( &pCode[ nBytes ],
                    psEnc->sCmn.LBRR_buffer[ LBRR_idx ].payload,
                    psEnc->sCmn.LBRR_buffer[ LBRR_idx ].nBytes * sizeof( SKP_uint8 ) );
                nBytes += psEnc->sCmn.LBRR_buffer[ LBRR_idx ].nBytes;
            *pnBytesOut = nBytes;

            /* Update FEC buffer */
            SKP_memcpy( psEnc->sCmn.LBRR_buffer[ psEnc->sCmn.oldest_LBRR_idx ].payload, LBRRpayload, 
                nBytesLBRR * sizeof( SKP_uint8 ) );
            psEnc->sCmn.LBRR_buffer[ psEnc->sCmn.oldest_LBRR_idx ].nBytes = nBytesLBRR;
            /* The line below describes how FEC should be used */
            psEnc->sCmn.LBRR_buffer[ psEnc->sCmn.oldest_LBRR_idx ].usage = sEncCtrl.sCmn.LBRR_usage;
            psEnc->sCmn.oldest_LBRR_idx = ( ( psEnc->sCmn.oldest_LBRR_idx + 1 ) & LBRR_IDX_MASK );

        } else {
            /* Not enough space: Payload will be discarded */
            *pnBytesOut = 0;
            nBytes      = 0;

        /* Reset the number of frames in payload buffer */         
        psEnc->sCmn.nFramesInPayloadBuf = 0;
    } else {
        /* No payload this time */
        *pnBytesOut = 0;

        /* Encode that more frames follows */
        frame_terminator = SKP_SILK_MORE_FRAMES;
        SKP_Silk_range_encoder( &psEnc->sCmn.sRC, frame_terminator, FrameTermination_CDF );

        /* Payload length so far */
        SKP_Silk_range_coder_get_length( &psEnc->sCmn.sRC, &nBytes );

    /* Check for arithmetic coder errors */
    if( psEnc->sCmn.sRC.error ) {

    /* Simulate number of ms buffered in channel because of exceeding TargetRate */
    psEnc->BufferedInChannel_ms   += ( 8.0f * 1000.0f * ( nBytes - psEnc->sCmn.nBytesInPayloadBuf ) ) / psEnc->sCmn.TargetRate_bps;
    psEnc->BufferedInChannel_ms   -= FRAME_LENGTH_MS;
    psEnc->BufferedInChannel_ms    = SKP_LIMIT_float( psEnc->BufferedInChannel_ms, 0.0f, 100.0f );
    psEnc->sCmn.nBytesInPayloadBuf = nBytes;

    if( psEnc->speech_activity > WB_DETECT_ACTIVE_SPEECH_LEVEL_THRES ) {
        psEnc->sCmn.sSWBdetect.ActiveSpeech_ms = SKP_ADD_POS_SAT32( psEnc->sCmn.sSWBdetect.ActiveSpeech_ms, FRAME_LENGTH_MS ); 

    return( ret );
Ejemplo n.º 3
/* Updates CNG estimate, and applies the CNG when packet was lost   */
void SKP_Silk_CNG(
    SKP_Silk_decoder_state      *psDec,             /* I/O  Decoder state                               */
    SKP_Silk_decoder_control    *psDecCtrl,         /* I/O  Decoder control                             */
    SKP_int16                   signal[],           /* I/O  Signal                                      */
    SKP_int                     length              /* I    Length of residual                          */
    SKP_int   i, subfr;
    SKP_int32 tmp_32, Gain_Q26, max_Gain_Q16;
    SKP_int16 LPC_buf[ MAX_LPC_ORDER ];
    SKP_int16 CNG_sig[ MAX_FRAME_LENGTH ];
    SKP_Silk_CNG_struct *psCNG;
    psCNG = &psDec->sCNG;

    if( psDec->fs_kHz != psCNG->fs_kHz ) {
        /* Reset state */
        SKP_Silk_CNG_Reset( psDec );

        psCNG->fs_kHz = psDec->fs_kHz;
    if( psDec->lossCnt == 0 && psDec->vadFlag == NO_VOICE_ACTIVITY ) {
        /* Update CNG parameters */

        /* Smoothing of LSF's  */
        for( i = 0; i < psDec->LPC_order; i++ ) {
            psCNG->CNG_smth_NLSF_Q15[ i ] += SKP_SMULWB( psDec->prevNLSF_Q15[ i ] - psCNG->CNG_smth_NLSF_Q15[ i ], CNG_NLSF_SMTH_Q16 );
        /* Find the subframe with the highest gain */
        max_Gain_Q16 = 0;
        subfr        = 0;
        for( i = 0; i < NB_SUBFR; i++ ) {
            if( psDecCtrl->Gains_Q16[ i ] > max_Gain_Q16 ) {
                max_Gain_Q16 = psDecCtrl->Gains_Q16[ i ];
                subfr        = i;
        /* Update CNG excitation buffer with excitation from this subframe */
        SKP_memmove( &psCNG->CNG_exc_buf_Q10[ psDec->subfr_length ], psCNG->CNG_exc_buf_Q10, ( NB_SUBFR - 1 ) * psDec->subfr_length * sizeof( SKP_int32 ) );
        SKP_memcpy(   psCNG->CNG_exc_buf_Q10, &psDec->exc_Q10[ subfr * psDec->subfr_length ], psDec->subfr_length * sizeof( SKP_int32 ) );

        /* Smooth gains */
        for( i = 0; i < NB_SUBFR; i++ ) {
            psCNG->CNG_smth_Gain_Q16 += SKP_SMULWB( psDecCtrl->Gains_Q16[ i ] - psCNG->CNG_smth_Gain_Q16, CNG_GAIN_SMTH_Q16 );

    /* Add CNG when packet is lost and / or when low speech activity */
    if( psDec->lossCnt ) {//|| psDec->vadFlag == NO_VOICE_ACTIVITY ) {

        /* Generate CNG excitation */
        SKP_Silk_CNG_exc( CNG_sig, psCNG->CNG_exc_buf_Q10, 
                psCNG->CNG_smth_Gain_Q16, length, &psCNG->rand_seed );

        /* Convert CNG NLSF to filter representation */
        SKP_Silk_NLSF2A_stable( LPC_buf, psCNG->CNG_smth_NLSF_Q15, psDec->LPC_order );

        Gain_Q26 = ( SKP_int32 )1 << 26; /* 1.0 */
        /* Generate CNG signal, by synthesis filtering */
        if( psDec->LPC_order == 16 ) {
            SKP_Silk_LPC_synthesis_order16( CNG_sig, LPC_buf, 
                Gain_Q26, psCNG->CNG_synth_state, CNG_sig, length );
        } else {
            SKP_Silk_LPC_synthesis_filter( CNG_sig, LPC_buf, 
                Gain_Q26, psCNG->CNG_synth_state, CNG_sig, length, psDec->LPC_order );
        /* Mix with signal */
        for( i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
            tmp_32 = signal[ i ] + CNG_sig[ i ];
            signal[ i ] = SKP_SAT16( tmp_32 );
    } else {
        SKP_memset( psCNG->CNG_synth_state, 0, psDec->LPC_order *  sizeof( SKP_int32 ) );
Ejemplo n.º 4
int SKP_Silk_encode_frame_FIX(SKP_Silk_encoder_state_FIX * psEnc,	/* I/O  Pointer to Silk FIX encoder state           */
			      uint8_t * pCode,	/* O    Pointer to payload                          */
			      int16_t * pnBytesOut,	/* I/O  Pointer to number of payload bytes          */
			      /*      input: max length; output: used             */
			      const int16_t * pIn	/* I    Pointer to input speech frame               */
    ) {
	SKP_Silk_encoder_control_FIX sEncCtrl;
	int i, nBytes, ret = 0;
	int16_t *x_frame, *res_pitch_frame;
	int16_t xfw[MAX_FRAME_LENGTH];
	int16_t pIn_HP[MAX_FRAME_LENGTH];
	int16_t res_pitch[2 * MAX_FRAME_LENGTH + LA_PITCH_MAX];
	int LBRR_idx, frame_terminator, SNR_dB_Q7;
	const uint16_t *FrameTermination_CDF;

	/* Low bitrate redundancy parameters */
	uint8_t LBRRpayload[MAX_ARITHM_BYTES];
	int16_t nBytesLBRR;

	//int32_t   Seed[ MAX_LAYERS ];
	sEncCtrl.sCmn.Seed = psEnc->sCmn.frameCounter++ & 3;

	/* Setup Input Pointers, and insert frame in input buffer    */
	x_frame = psEnc->x_buf + psEnc->sCmn.frame_length;	/* start of frame to encode */
	res_pitch_frame = res_pitch + psEnc->sCmn.frame_length;	/* start of pitch LPC residual frame */

	/* Voice Activity Detection */
	ret =
	    SKP_Silk_VAD_GetSA_Q8(&psEnc->sCmn.sVAD, &psEnc->speech_activity_Q8,
				  &SNR_dB_Q7, sEncCtrl.input_quality_bands_Q15,
				  &sEncCtrl.input_tilt_Q15, pIn,

	/* High-pass filtering of the input signal */
	/* Variable high-pass filter */
	SKP_Silk_HP_variable_cutoff_FIX(psEnc, &sEncCtrl, pIn_HP, pIn);
	SKP_memcpy(pIn_HP, pIn, psEnc->sCmn.frame_length * sizeof(int16_t));

	/* Ensure smooth bandwidth transitions */
				    x_frame + psEnc->sCmn.la_shape, pIn_HP,
	SKP_memcpy(x_frame + psEnc->sCmn.la_shape, pIn_HP,
		   psEnc->sCmn.frame_length * sizeof(int16_t));

	/* Find pitch lags, initial LPC analysis */
	SKP_Silk_find_pitch_lags_FIX(psEnc, &sEncCtrl, res_pitch, x_frame);

	/* Noise shape analysis */
	SKP_Silk_noise_shape_analysis_FIX(psEnc, &sEncCtrl, res_pitch_frame,

	/* Prefiltering for noise shaper         */
	SKP_Silk_prefilter_FIX(psEnc, &sEncCtrl, xfw, x_frame);

	/* Find linear prediction coefficients (LPC + LTP) */
	SKP_Silk_find_pred_coefs_FIX(psEnc, &sEncCtrl, res_pitch);

	/* Process gains                        */
	SKP_Silk_process_gains_FIX(psEnc, &sEncCtrl);

	psEnc->sCmn.sigtype[psEnc->sCmn.nFramesInPayloadBuf] =
	psEnc->sCmn.QuantOffsetType[psEnc->sCmn.nFramesInPayloadBuf] =

	/* Low Bitrate Redundant Encoding       */
	SKP_Silk_LBRR_encode_FIX(psEnc, &sEncCtrl, LBRRpayload, &nBytesLBRR,

	/* Noise shaping quantization            */
	psEnc->NoiseShapingQuantizer(&psEnc->sCmn, &sEncCtrl.sCmn, &psEnc->sNSQ,
						    nFramesInPayloadBuf *
				     sEncCtrl.LTPCoef_Q14, sEncCtrl.AR2_Q13,
				     sEncCtrl.Tilt_Q14, sEncCtrl.LF_shp_Q14,
				     sEncCtrl.Gains_Q16, sEncCtrl.Lambda_Q10,

	/* Convert speech activity into VAD and DTX flags */
	if (psEnc->speech_activity_Q8 < SPEECH_ACTIVITY_DTX_THRES_Q8) {
		psEnc->sCmn.vadFlag = NO_VOICE_ACTIVITY;
		if (psEnc->sCmn.noSpeechCounter > NO_SPEECH_FRAMES_BEFORE_DTX) {
			psEnc->sCmn.inDTX = 1;
		if (psEnc->sCmn.noSpeechCounter > MAX_CONSECUTIVE_DTX) {
			psEnc->sCmn.noSpeechCounter = 0;
			psEnc->sCmn.inDTX = 0;
	} else {
		psEnc->sCmn.noSpeechCounter = 0;
		psEnc->sCmn.inDTX = 0;
		psEnc->sCmn.vadFlag = VOICE_ACTIVITY;

	/* Initialize arithmetic coder          */
	if (psEnc->sCmn.nFramesInPayloadBuf == 0) {
		psEnc->sCmn.nBytesInPayloadBuf = 0;

	/* Encode Parameters                    */
	if (psEnc->sCmn.bitstream_v == BIT_STREAM_V4) {
		SKP_Silk_encode_parameters_v4(&psEnc->sCmn, &sEncCtrl.sCmn,
		FrameTermination_CDF = SKP_Silk_FrameTermination_v4_CDF;
	} else {
		SKP_Silk_encode_parameters(&psEnc->sCmn, &sEncCtrl.sCmn,
							  nFramesInPayloadBuf *
		FrameTermination_CDF = SKP_Silk_FrameTermination_CDF;

	/* Update Buffers and State             */
	/* Update Input buffer */
	SKP_memmove(psEnc->x_buf, &psEnc->x_buf[psEnc->sCmn.frame_length],
		    (psEnc->sCmn.frame_length +
		     psEnc->sCmn.la_shape) * sizeof(int16_t));

	/* parameters needed for next frame */
	psEnc->sCmn.prev_sigtype = sEncCtrl.sCmn.sigtype;
	psEnc->sCmn.prevLag = sEncCtrl.sCmn.pitchL[NB_SUBFR - 1];
	psEnc->sCmn.first_frame_after_reset = 0;

	if (psEnc->sCmn.sRC.error) {
		/* encoder returned error: clear payload buffer */
		psEnc->sCmn.nFramesInPayloadBuf = 0;
	} else {

	/* finalize payload and copy to output  */
	if (psEnc->sCmn.nFramesInPayloadBuf * FRAME_LENGTH_MS >=
	    psEnc->sCmn.PacketSize_ms) {

		LBRR_idx = (psEnc->sCmn.oldest_LBRR_idx + 1) & LBRR_IDX_MASK;

		/* Check if FEC information should be added */
		frame_terminator = SKP_SILK_LAST_FRAME;
		if (psEnc->sCmn.LBRR_buffer[LBRR_idx].usage ==
			frame_terminator = SKP_SILK_LBRR_VER1;
		if (psEnc->sCmn.LBRR_buffer[psEnc->sCmn.oldest_LBRR_idx].
		    usage == SKP_SILK_ADD_LBRR_TO_PLUS2) {
			frame_terminator = SKP_SILK_LBRR_VER2;
			LBRR_idx = psEnc->sCmn.oldest_LBRR_idx;
		/* Add the frame termination info to stream */
		SKP_Silk_range_encoder(&psEnc->sCmn.sRC, frame_terminator,

		if (psEnc->sCmn.bitstream_v == BIT_STREAM_V4) {
			/* Code excitation signal */
			for (i = 0; i < psEnc->sCmn.nFramesInPayloadBuf; i++) {
						       &psEnc->sCmn.q[i *
		/* payload length so far */
		SKP_Silk_range_coder_get_length(&psEnc->sCmn.sRC, &nBytes);

		/* check that there is enough space in external output buffer, and move data */
		if (*pnBytesOut >= nBytes) {
			SKP_memcpy(pCode, psEnc->sCmn.sRC.buffer,
				   nBytes * sizeof(uint8_t));

			if (frame_terminator > SKP_SILK_MORE_FRAMES &&
			    *pnBytesOut >=
			    nBytes + psEnc->sCmn.LBRR_buffer[LBRR_idx].nBytes) {
				/* Get old packet and add to payload. */
					   nBytes * sizeof(uint8_t));
				nBytes +=

			*pnBytesOut = nBytes;

			/* Update FEC buffer */
				   payload, LBRRpayload,
				   nBytesLBRR * sizeof(uint8_t));
			    nBytes = nBytesLBRR;
			/* This line tells describes how FEC should be used */
			    usage = sEncCtrl.sCmn.LBRR_usage;
			psEnc->sCmn.oldest_LBRR_idx =
			    (psEnc->sCmn.oldest_LBRR_idx + 1) & LBRR_IDX_MASK;

			/* Reset number of frames in payload buffer */
			psEnc->sCmn.nFramesInPayloadBuf = 0;
		} else {
			/* Not enough space: Payload will be discarded */
			*pnBytesOut = 0;
			nBytes = 0;
			psEnc->sCmn.nFramesInPayloadBuf = 0;
	} else {
		/* no payload for you this time */
		*pnBytesOut = 0;

		/* Encode that more frames follows */
		frame_terminator = SKP_SILK_MORE_FRAMES;
		SKP_Silk_range_encoder(&psEnc->sCmn.sRC, frame_terminator,

		/* payload length so far */
		SKP_Silk_range_coder_get_length(&psEnc->sCmn.sRC, &nBytes);

		if (psEnc->sCmn.bitstream_v == BIT_STREAM_V4) {
			/* Take into account the q signal that isnt in the bitstream yet */
			nBytes += SKP_Silk_pulses_to_bytes(&psEnc->sCmn,
							      1) *

	/* Check for arithmetic coder errors */
	if (psEnc->sCmn.sRC.error) {

	/* simulate number of ms buffered in channel because of exceeding TargetRate */
	assert((8 * 1000 *
		    ((int64_t) nBytes -
		     (int64_t) psEnc->sCmn.nBytesInPayloadBuf)) ==
		   SKP_SAT32(8 * 1000 *
			     ((int64_t) nBytes -
			      (int64_t) psEnc->sCmn.nBytesInPayloadBuf)));
	assert(psEnc->sCmn.TargetRate_bps > 0);
	psEnc->BufferedInChannel_ms +=
	    SKP_DIV32(8 * 1000 * (nBytes - psEnc->sCmn.nBytesInPayloadBuf),
	psEnc->BufferedInChannel_ms -= FRAME_LENGTH_MS;
	psEnc->BufferedInChannel_ms =
	    SKP_LIMIT(psEnc->BufferedInChannel_ms, 0, 100);
	psEnc->sCmn.nBytesInPayloadBuf = nBytes;

	if (psEnc->speech_activity_Q8 > WB_DETECT_ACTIVE_SPEECH_LEVEL_THRES_Q8) {
		psEnc->sCmn.sSWBdetect.ActiveSpeech_ms =

	return (ret);
Ejemplo n.º 5
SKP_int SKP_Silk_decode_frame(
    SKP_Silk_decoder_state      *psDec,             /* I/O  Pointer to Silk decoder state               */
    ec_dec                      *psRangeDec,        /* I/O  Compressor data structure                   */
    SKP_int16                   pOut[],             /* O    Pointer to output speech frame              */
    SKP_int32                   *pN,                /* O    Pointer to size of output frame             */
    const SKP_int               nBytes,             /* I    Payload length                              */
    SKP_int                     lostFlag            /* I    0: no loss, 1 loss, 2 decode fec            */
    SKP_Silk_decoder_control sDecCtrl;
    SKP_int         i, L, mv_len, ret = 0;
    SKP_int8        flags;
    SKP_int32       LBRR_symbol;
    SKP_int         pulses[ MAX_FRAME_LENGTH ];


    L = psDec->frame_length;
    sDecCtrl.LTP_scale_Q14 = 0;

    /* Safety checks */
    SKP_assert( L > 0 && L <= MAX_FRAME_LENGTH );

    /* Decode Frame if packet is not lost       */
    if( lostFlag != PACKET_LOST && psDec->nFramesDecoded == 0 ) {
        /* First decoder call for this payload */
        /* Decode VAD flags and LBRR flag */
        flags = SKP_RSHIFT( psRangeDec->buf[ 0 ], 7 - psDec->nFramesPerPacket ) & 
            ( SKP_LSHIFT( 1, psDec->nFramesPerPacket + 1 ) - 1 );
        psDec->LBRR_flag = flags & 1;
        for( i = psDec->nFramesPerPacket - 1; i >= 0 ; i-- ) {
            flags = SKP_RSHIFT( flags, 1 );
            psDec->VAD_flags[ i ] = flags & 1;
        for( i = 0; i < psDec->nFramesPerPacket + 1; i++ ) {
            ec_dec_icdf( psRangeDec, SKP_Silk_uniform2_iCDF, 8 );
        /* Decode LBRR flags */
        SKP_memset( psDec->LBRR_flags, 0, sizeof( psDec->LBRR_flags ) );
        if( psDec->LBRR_flag ) {
            if( psDec->nFramesPerPacket == 1 ) {
                psDec->LBRR_flags[ 0 ] = 1;
            } else {
                LBRR_symbol = ec_dec_icdf( psRangeDec, SKP_Silk_LBRR_flags_iCDF_ptr[ psDec->nFramesPerPacket - 2 ], 8 ) + 1;
                for( i = 0; i < psDec->nFramesPerPacket; i++ ) {
                    psDec->LBRR_flags[ i ] = SKP_RSHIFT( LBRR_symbol, i ) & 1;

        if( lostFlag == DECODE_NORMAL ) {
            /* Regular decoding: skip all LBRR data */
            for( i = 0; i < psDec->nFramesPerPacket; i++ ) {
                if( psDec->LBRR_flags[ i ] ) {
                    SKP_Silk_decode_indices( psDec, psRangeDec, i, 1 );
                    SKP_Silk_decode_pulses( psRangeDec, pulses, psDec->indices.signalType, 
                        psDec->indices.quantOffsetType, psDec->frame_length );


    if( lostFlag == DECODE_LBRR && psDec->LBRR_flags[ psDec->nFramesDecoded ] == 0 ) {
        /* Treat absent LBRR data as lost frame */
        lostFlag = PACKET_LOST;

    if( lostFlag != PACKET_LOST ) {
        /* Decode quantization indices of side info  */
        SKP_Silk_decode_indices( psDec, psRangeDec, psDec->nFramesDecoded, lostFlag );

        /* Decode quantization indices of excitation */
        SKP_Silk_decode_pulses( psRangeDec, pulses, psDec->indices.signalType, 
                psDec->indices.quantOffsetType, psDec->frame_length );

        /* Decode parameters and pulse signal       */
        SKP_Silk_decode_parameters( psDec, &sDecCtrl );

        /* Update length. Sampling frequency may have changed */
        L = psDec->frame_length;

        /* Run inverse NSQ                                      */
        SKP_Silk_decode_core( psDec, &sDecCtrl, pOut, pulses );

        /* Update PLC state                                     */
        SKP_Silk_PLC( psDec, &sDecCtrl, pOut, L, 0 );

        psDec->lossCnt = 0;
        psDec->prevSignalType = psDec->indices.signalType;
        SKP_assert( psDec->prevSignalType >= 0 && psDec->prevSignalType <= 2 );

        /* A frame has been decoded without errors */
        psDec->first_frame_after_reset = 0;
    } else {
        /* Handle packet loss by extrapolation */
        SKP_Silk_PLC( psDec, &sDecCtrl, pOut, L, 1 );

    /* Update output buffer. */
    SKP_assert( psDec->ltp_mem_length >= psDec->frame_length );
    mv_len = psDec->ltp_mem_length - psDec->frame_length;
    SKP_memmove( psDec->outBuf, &psDec->outBuf[ psDec->frame_length ], mv_len * sizeof(SKP_int16) );
    SKP_memcpy( &psDec->outBuf[ mv_len ], pOut, psDec->frame_length * sizeof( SKP_int16 ) );

    /* Ensure smooth connection of extrapolated and good frames     */
    SKP_Silk_PLC_glue_frames( psDec, &sDecCtrl, pOut, L );

    /* Comfort noise generation / estimation        */
    SKP_Silk_CNG( psDec, &sDecCtrl, pOut, L );

    /* HP filter output                            */
    SKP_Silk_biquad_alt( pOut, psDec->HP_B, psDec->HP_A, psDec->HPState, pOut, L );

    /* Update some decoder state variables */
    psDec->lagPrev = sDecCtrl.pitchL[ psDec->nb_subfr - 1 ];

    /* set output frame length                    */
    *pN = ( SKP_int16 )L;


    return ret;