Ejemplo n.º 1
eNetworkResponse CNetworkModule::Connect( String strHost, unsigned short usPort, String strPass )
	// Are we already connected?
	if( IsConnected() )
		// Disconnect

	// Store the connection info
	SetLastConnection( strHost, usPort, strPass );

#ifdef DEBUG
	CLogFile::Printf( "Connection to %s:%d, password: %s", strHost.Get(), usPort, strPass.Get() );

	// Attempt to connect
	int iConnectionResult = m_pRakPeer->Connect( strHost.Get(), usPort, strPass.Get(), strPass.GetLength() );

	// Set the network state

	// Did we fail to connect?
	if( iConnectionResult != RakNet::INVALID_PARAMETER )
		// Set the network state
		SetNetworkState( NETSTATE_NONE );

		// Set the last connection try
		m_uiLastConnectionTry = (unsigned int)SharedUtility::GetTime();

	return (eNetworkResponse)iConnectionResult;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void CNetworkManager::Connect(CString strHost, unsigned short usPort, CString strPass)
	// Are we already connected?
		// Disconnect

	// Store the connection info
	SetLastConnection(strHost, usPort, strPass);

	// Attempt to connect
	int iConnectionResult = m_pRakPeer->Connect(strHost.Get(), usPort, strPass.Get(), strPass.GetLength());

	// Set the network state

	// Create the string for the connection message
	CString strMessage("Failed to connected!");

	// Get the result from the connection
		case 0: strMessage.Format("Connecting to %s:%d...", strHost.Get(), usPort); break;
		case 1: strMessage.Set("Failed to connect! (Invalid parameter)"); break;
		case 2: strMessage.Set("Failed to connect! (Cannot resolve domain name)"); break;
		case 3: strMessage.Set("Failed to connect! (Already connected)"); break;
		case 4: strMessage.Set("Failed to connect! (Connection attempt already in progress)"); break;
		case 5: strMessage.Set("Failed to connect! (Security initialization failed)"); break;
		case 6: strMessage.Set("Failed to connect! (No host set)"); break;

	// Did we fail to connect?
	if(iConnectionResult != 0)
		// Set the network state

		// Set the last connection try
		m_uiLastConnectionTry = (unsigned int)SharedUtility::GetTime();

	CGUI* pGUI = g_pCore->GetGUI();
	if (pGUI)

	// Output the connection message
	g_pCore->GetChat()->Outputf(true, "#16C5F2%s", strMessage.Get());