Ejemplo n.º 1
nsSMILNullType::Assign(nsSMILValue& aDest, const nsSMILValue& aSrc) const
  NS_PRECONDITION(aDest.mType == aSrc.mType, "Incompatible SMIL types");
  NS_PRECONDITION(aSrc.mType == this, "Unexpected source type");
  aDest.mU    = aSrc.mU;
  aDest.mType = Singleton();
  return NS_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 2
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
    ui(new Ui::MainWindow)
    Singleton( );

    pSettings = CCommonFunction::GetSettings( CommonDataType::CfgSystem );
    pTextCodec = CCommonFunction::GetTextCodec( );

    pLocalComm = CLocalSvrCommunication::GetInstance( pTextCodec );
    connect( pLocalComm, SIGNAL( NotifyMsg( QString ) ), this, SLOT( DisplayMessage( QString ) ) );
    pLocalComm->StartupServer( );

    g_pLocalCltComm = new CLocalCltCommunication( pTextCodec, this );
    g_pLocalCltComm->Connect2Server( );

    CNetProcessData::GetCommonParams( );

    netServer = CSvrThread::GetInstance( this );
    connect( netServer, SIGNAL( Notify( QString ) ), this, SLOT(DisplayMessage( QString ) ) );
    netServer->start( );
    netServer->StartupUdpServer( true );
    netServer->StartupTcpServer( true );

    qRegisterMetaType< QAbstractSocket::SocketError >( "QAbstractSocket::SocketError" );
    sysTrayIcon = NULL;
    NotifyIcon( );

    Qt::WindowFlags flags = windowFlags( );
    flags &= ( ~Qt::WindowMinimizeButtonHint );
    setWindowFlags( flags );

    //setWindowState( Qt::WindowMinimized );
    //close( );
Ejemplo n.º 3
#include "Cello/Type.h"
#include "Cello/Bool.h"
#include "Cello/None.h"
#include "Cello/Exception.h"
#include "Cello/File.h"
#include "Cello/String.h"
#include "Cello/Number.h"
#include "Cello/Char.h"
#include "Cello/Reference.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

var Undefined = Singleton(Undefined);

** The type_of a Type object is just "Type" again.
** But because "Type" is extern it isn't a constant expression.
** This means it cannot be set at compile time.
** So by convention at compile time the type_of a Type object is set to NULL.
** So if we access a struct and it tells us NULL is the type, assume "Type".

var type_of(var self) {
  /* Test against Builtins */
  if (self is Undefined) return throw(ValueError, "Received 'Undefined' as value to 'type_of'");
  if (self is True) return Bool;
Ejemplo n.º 4
#include "Cello/Exception.h"

#include "Cello/Type.h"
#include "Cello/None.h"
#include "Cello/File.h"
#include "Cello/String.h"
#include "Cello/Number.h"
#include "Cello/Thread.h"

#include <signal.h>

var TypeError = Singleton(TypeError);
var ValueError = Singleton(ValueError);
var ClassError = Singleton(ClassError);
var IndexOutOfBoundsError = Singleton(IndexOutOfBoundsError);
var KeyError = Singleton(KeyError);
var OutOfMemoryError = Singleton(OutOfMemoryError);
var IOError = Singleton(IOError);
var FormatError = Singleton(FormatError);
var BusyError = Singleton(BusyError);
var ResourceError = Singleton(ResourceError);

var ProgramAbortedError = Singleton(ProgramAbortedError);
var DivisionByZeroError = Singleton(DivisionByZeroError);
var IllegalInstructionError = Singleton(IllegalInstructionError);
var ProgramInterruptedError = Singleton(ProgramInterruptedError);
var SegmentationError = Singleton(SegmentationError);
var ProgramTerminationError = Singleton(ProgramTerminationError);

static void Exception_Signal(int sig) {
  switch(sig) {
Ejemplo n.º 5
#include "ptest.h"
#include "Cello.h"

local var DivideByZeroError = Singleton(DivideByZeroError);
local var OtherError = Singleton(OtherError);

local int exception_divide(int x, int y) {
  if (y == 0) {
    throw(DivideByZeroError, "%i / %i", $(Int, x), $(Int, y));
    return 0;
  } else {
    return x / y;

PT_SUITE(suite_exception) {
  PT_TEST(test_throw) {
    int r0 = exception_divide(2, 1);
    int r1 = exception_divide(4, 2);
    int r2 = exception_divide(9, 3);
    PT_ASSERT(r0 == 2);
    PT_ASSERT(r1 == 2);
    PT_ASSERT(r2 == 3);
    PT_ASSERT(__exc_depth is -1);
Ejemplo n.º 6
float TimeGlobals::TimeScale()
	return Singleton()->timeScale->data;
Ejemplo n.º 7
UInt32 TimeGlobals::GameDaysPassed()
	return Singleton()->gameDaysPassed->data;
Ejemplo n.º 8
float TimeGlobals::GameHour()
	return Singleton()->gameHour->data;
Ejemplo n.º 9
UInt32 TimeGlobals::GameMonth()
	return Singleton()->gameMonth->data;
Ejemplo n.º 10
UInt32 TimeGlobals::GameYear()
	return Singleton()->gameYear->data;
Ejemplo n.º 11
UInt32 TimeGlobals::GameDay()
	return Singleton()->gameDay->data;