Ejemplo n.º 1
// Pick a splitter poly then split a pool of polygons into front and back polygons and
// recurse.
// iParent = Parent Bsp node, or INDEX_NONE if this is the root node.
// IsFront = 1 if this is the front node of iParent, 0 of back (undefined if iParent==INDEX_NONE)
void FBSPOps::SplitPolyList
	UModel				*Model,
	int32                 iParent,
	ENodePlace			NodePlace,
	int32                 NumPolys,
	FPoly				**PolyList,
	EBspOptimization	Opt,
	int32					Balance,
	int32					PortalBias,
	int32					RebuildSimplePolys
	FMemMark Mark(FMemStack::Get());

	// Keeping track of allocated FPoly structures to delete later on.
	TArray<FPoly*> AllocatedFPolys;

	// To account for big EdPolys split up.
	int32 NumPolysToAlloc = NumPolys + 8 + NumPolys/4;
	int32 NumFront=0; FPoly **FrontList = new(FMemStack::Get(),NumPolysToAlloc)FPoly*;
	int32 NumBack =0; FPoly **BackList  = new(FMemStack::Get(),NumPolysToAlloc)FPoly*;

	FPoly *SplitPoly = FindBestSplit( NumPolys, PolyList, Opt, Balance, PortalBias );

	// Add the splitter poly to the Bsp with either a new BspSurf or an existing one.
	if( RebuildSimplePolys )
		SplitPoly->iLink = Model->Surfs.Num();

	int32 iOurNode	= bspAddNode(Model,iParent,NodePlace,0,SplitPoly);
	int32 iPlaneNode	= iOurNode;

	// Now divide all polygons in the pool into (A) polygons that are
	// in front of Poly, and (B) polygons that are in back of Poly.
	// Coplanar polys are inserted immediately, before recursing.

	// If any polygons are split by Poly, we ignrore the original poly,
	// split it into two polys, and add two new polys to the pool.
	FPoly *FrontEdPoly = new FPoly;
	FPoly *BackEdPoly  = new FPoly;
	// Keep track of allocations.
	AllocatedFPolys.Add( FrontEdPoly );
	AllocatedFPolys.Add( BackEdPoly );

	for( int32 i=0; i<NumPolys; i++ )
		FPoly *EdPoly = PolyList[i];
		if( EdPoly == SplitPoly )

		switch( EdPoly->SplitWithPlane( SplitPoly->Vertices[0], SplitPoly->Normal, FrontEdPoly, BackEdPoly, 0 ) )
			case SP_Coplanar:
	            if( RebuildSimplePolys )
					EdPoly->iLink = Model->Surfs.Num()-1;
				iPlaneNode = bspAddNode( Model, iPlaneNode, NODE_Plane, 0, EdPoly );
			case SP_Front:
	            FrontList[NumFront++] = PolyList[i];
			case SP_Back:
	            BackList[NumBack++] = PolyList[i];
			case SP_Split:

				// Create front & back nodes.
				FrontList[NumFront++] = FrontEdPoly;
				BackList [NumBack ++] = BackEdPoly;

				FrontEdPoly = new FPoly;
				BackEdPoly  = new FPoly;
				// Keep track of allocations.
				AllocatedFPolys.Add( FrontEdPoly );
				AllocatedFPolys.Add( BackEdPoly );


	// Recursively split the front and back pools.
	if( NumFront > 0 ) SplitPolyList( Model, iOurNode, NODE_Front, NumFront, FrontList, Opt, Balance, PortalBias, RebuildSimplePolys );
	if( NumBack  > 0 ) SplitPolyList( Model, iOurNode, NODE_Back,  NumBack,  BackList,  Opt, Balance, PortalBias, RebuildSimplePolys );

	// Delete FPolys allocated above. We cannot use FMemStack::Get() for FPoly as the array data FPoly contains will be allocated in regular memory.
	for( int32 i=0; i<AllocatedFPolys.Num(); i++ )
		FPoly* AllocatedFPoly = AllocatedFPolys[i];
		delete AllocatedFPoly;

Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Builds Bsp from the editor polygon set (EdPolys) of a model.
 * Opt     = Bsp optimization, BSP_Lame (fast), BSP_Good (medium), BSP_Optimal (slow)
 * Balance = 0-100, 0=only worry about minimizing splits, 100=only balance tree.
void FBSPOps::bspBuild( UModel* Model, enum EBspOptimization Opt, int32 Balance, int32 PortalBias, int32 RebuildSimplePolys, int32 iNode )
	int32 OriginalPolys = Model->Polys->Element.Num();

	// Empty the model's tables.
	if( RebuildSimplePolys==1 )
		// Empty everything but polys.
		Model->EmptyModel( 1, 0 );
	else if( RebuildSimplePolys==0 )
		// Empty node vertices.
		for( int32 i=0; i<Model->Nodes.Num(); i++ )
			Model->Nodes[i].NumVertices = 0;

		// Refresh the Bsp.
		// Empty nodes.
		Model->EmptyModel( 0, 0 );
	if( Model->Polys->Element.Num() )
		// Allocate polygon pool.
		FMemMark Mark(FMemStack::Get());
		FPoly** PolyList = new( FMemStack::Get(), Model->Polys->Element.Num() )FPoly*;

		// Add all FPolys to active list.
		for( int32 i=0; i<Model->Polys->Element.Num(); i++ )
			if( Model->Polys->Element[i].Vertices.Num() )
				PolyList[i] = &Model->Polys->Element[i];

		// Now split the entire Bsp by splitting the list of all polygons.

		// Now build the bounding boxes for all nodes.
		if( RebuildSimplePolys==0 )
			// Remove unreferenced things.
			bspRefresh( Model, 1 );

			// Rebuild all bounding boxes.
			bspBuildBounds( Model );


//	UE_LOG(LogBSPOps, Log,  TEXT("bspBuild built %i convex polys into %i nodes"), OriginalPolys, Model->Nodes.Num() );