Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Get the number of failed login attempts by the ip in the last minutes.
 * @param ip: ip to search attempt from
 * @param minutes: intervall to search
 * @return number of failed attempts
unsigned long loginlog_failedattempts(uint32 ip, unsigned int minutes) {
	unsigned long failures = 0;

	if( !enabled )
		return 0;

	if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle, "SELECT count(*) FROM `%s` WHERE `ip` = '%s' AND `rcode` = '1' AND `time` > NOW() - INTERVAL %d MINUTE",
		log_login_db, ip2str(ip,NULL), minutes) )// how many times failed account? in one ip.

	if( SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(sql_handle) )
		char* data;
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 0, &data, NULL);
		failures = strtoul(data, NULL, 10);
	return failures;
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Load account_reg from sql (type=2)
int inter_accreg_fromsql(uint32 account_id,uint32 char_id, struct accreg *reg, int type)
	char* data;
	size_t len;
	int i;

	if( reg == NULL)
		return 0;

	memset(reg, 0, sizeof(struct accreg));
	reg->account_id = account_id;
	reg->char_id = char_id;

	//`global_reg_value` (`type`, `account_id`, `char_id`, `str`, `value`)
	switch( type ) {
		case 3: //char reg
			if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle, "SELECT `str`, `value` FROM `%s` WHERE `type`=3 AND `char_id`='%d'", schema_config.reg_db, char_id) )
		case 2: //account reg
			if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle, "SELECT `str`, `value` FROM `%s` WHERE `type`=2 AND `account_id`='%d'", schema_config.reg_db, account_id) )
		case 1: //account2 reg
			ShowError("inter_accreg_fromsql: Char server shouldn't handle type 1 registry values (##). That is the login server's work!\n");
			return 0;
			ShowError("inter_accreg_fromsql: Invalid type %d\n", type);
			return 0;
	for( i = 0; i < MAX_REG_NUM && SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(sql_handle); ++i ) {
		struct global_reg* r = &reg->reg[i];
		// str
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 0, &data, &len);
		memcpy(r->str, data, min(len, sizeof(r->str)));
		// value
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 1, &data, &len);
		memcpy(r->value, data, min(len, sizeof(r->value)));
	reg->reg_num = i;
	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int inter_pet_fromsql(int pet_id, struct s_pet* p)
	char* data;
	size_t len;

#ifdef NOISY
	ShowInfo("Loading pet (%d)...\n",pet_id);
	memset(p, 0, sizeof(struct s_pet));

	//`pet` (`pet_id`, `class`,`name`,`account_id`,`char_id`,`level`,`egg_id`,`equip`,`intimate`,`hungry`,`rename_flag`,`incubate`)

	if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle, "SELECT `pet_id`, `class`,`name`,`account_id`,`char_id`,`level`,`egg_id`,`equip`,`intimate`,`hungry`,`rename_flag`,`incubate` FROM `%s` WHERE `pet_id`='%d'", schema_config.pet_db, pet_id) )
		return 0;

	if( SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(sql_handle) )
		p->pet_id = pet_id;
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle,  1, &data, NULL); p->class_ = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle,  2, &data, &len); memcpy(p->name, data, zmin(len, NAME_LENGTH));
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle,  3, &data, NULL); p->account_id = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle,  4, &data, NULL); p->char_id = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle,  5, &data, NULL); p->level = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle,  6, &data, NULL); p->egg_id = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle,  7, &data, NULL); p->equip = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle,  8, &data, NULL); p->intimate = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle,  9, &data, NULL); p->hungry = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 10, &data, NULL); p->rename_flag = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 11, &data, NULL); p->incubate = atoi(data);


		p->hungry = cap_value(p->hungry, 0, 100);
		p->intimate = cap_value(p->intimate, 0, 1000);

		if( charserv_config.save_log )
			ShowInfo("Pet loaded (%d - %s).\n", pet_id, p->name);
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * item_db table reading
static int itemdb_read_sqldb(void)
	const char* item_db_name[] = { item_db_db, item_db2_db };
	int fi;
	for( fi = 0; fi < ARRAYLENGTH(item_db_name); ++fi )
		uint32 lines = 0, count = 0;

		// retrieve all rows from the item database
		if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(mmysql_handle, "SELECT * FROM `%s`", item_db_name[fi]) )

		// process rows one by one
		while( SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(mmysql_handle) )
		{// wrap the result into a TXT-compatible format
			char* str[22];
			char* dummy = "";
			int i;
			for( i = 0; i < 22; ++i )
				Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, i, &str[i], NULL);
				if( str[i] == NULL ) str[i] = dummy; // get rid of NULL columns

			if (!itemdb_parse_dbrow(str, item_db_name[fi], lines, SCRIPT_IGNORE_EXTERNAL_BRACKETS))

		// free the query result

		ShowStatus("Done reading '"CL_WHITE"%lu"CL_RESET"' entries in '"CL_WHITE"%s"CL_RESET"'.\n", count, item_db_name[fi]);

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
// Search for the party according to its name
struct party_data *search_partyname (char *str)
	char esc_name[NAME_LENGTH * 2 + 1];
	char *data;
	struct party_data *p = NULL;

	Sql_EscapeStringLen (sql_handle, esc_name, str, safestrnlen (str, NAME_LENGTH));

	if (SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query (sql_handle, "SELECT `party_id` FROM `%s` WHERE `name`='%s'", party_db, esc_name))
		Sql_ShowDebug (sql_handle);
	else if (SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow (sql_handle))
		Sql_GetData (sql_handle, 0, &data, NULL);
		p = inter_party_fromsql (atoi (data));

	Sql_FreeResult (sql_handle);

	return p;
Ejemplo n.º 6
int32 Sql_QueryStr(Sql_t* self, const char* query)
	if( self == NULL )
		return SQL_ERROR;

	StringBuf_AppendStr(&self->buf, query);
	if( mysql_real_query(&self->handle, StringBuf_Value(&self->buf), (uint32)StringBuf_Length(&self->buf)) )
		ShowSQL("DB error - %s\n", mysql_error(&self->handle));
		return SQL_ERROR;
	self->result = mysql_store_result(&self->handle);
	if( mysql_errno(&self->handle) != 0 )
		ShowSQL("DB error - %s\n", mysql_error(&self->handle));
		return SQL_ERROR;
	return SQL_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 7
/// Executes a query.
int Sql_QueryV(Sql* self, const char* query, va_list args)
	if( self == NULL )
		return SQL_ERROR;

	StringBuf_Vprintf(&self->buf, query, args);
	if( mysql_real_query(&self->handle, StringBuf_Value(&self->buf), (unsigned long)StringBuf_Length(&self->buf)) )
		ShowSQL("DB error - %s\n", mysql_error(&self->handle));
		return SQL_ERROR;
	self->result = mysql_store_result(&self->handle);
	if( mysql_errno(&self->handle) != 0 )
		ShowSQL("DB error - %s\n", mysql_error(&self->handle));
		return SQL_ERROR;
	return SQL_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 8
void mapif_parse_Mail_receiver_check( int fd ){
	char name[NAME_LENGTH], esc_name[NAME_LENGTH * 2 + 1];
	uint32 char_id = 0;
	uint16 class_ = 0, base_level = 0;

	safestrncpy( name, RFIFOCP(fd, 6), NAME_LENGTH );

	// Try to find the Dest Char by Name
	Sql_EscapeStringLen( sql_handle, esc_name, name, strnlen( name, NAME_LENGTH ) );

	if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query( sql_handle, "SELECT `char_id`,`class`,`base_level` FROM `%s` WHERE `name` = '%s'", schema_config.char_db, esc_name ) ){
	}else if( SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(sql_handle) ){
		char *data;

		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 0, &data, NULL); char_id = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 1, &data, NULL); class_ = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 2, &data, NULL); base_level = atoi(data);

	mapif_Mail_receiver_send( fd, RFIFOL(fd, 2), char_id, class_, base_level, name );
Ejemplo n.º 9
static void mapif_parse_Mail_send(int fd)
	struct mail_message msg;
	char esc_name[NAME_LENGTH*2+1];
	int account_id = 0;

	if(RFIFOW(fd,2) != 8 + sizeof(struct mail_message))

	account_id = RFIFOL(fd,4);
	memcpy(&msg, RFIFOP(fd,8), sizeof(struct mail_message));

	// Try to find the Dest Char by Name
	Sql_EscapeStringLen(sql_handle, esc_name, msg.dest_name, strnlen(msg.dest_name, NAME_LENGTH));
	if ( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle, "SELECT `account_id`, `char_id` FROM `%s` WHERE `name` = '%s'", char_db, esc_name) )
	if ( SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(sql_handle) )
		char *data;
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 0, &data, NULL);
		if (atoi(data) != account_id)
		{ // Cannot send mail to char in the same account
			Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 1, &data, NULL);
			msg.dest_id = atoi(data);
	msg.status = MAIL_NEW;

	if( msg.dest_id > 0 )
		msg.id = mail_savemessage(&msg);

	mapif_Mail_send(fd, &msg); // notify sender
	mapif_Mail_new(&msg); // notify recipient
Ejemplo n.º 10
int quest_read_db(void)
	int QuestLoop, QueryLoop, MaxQuestLoop = 0;

	if(SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(dbmysql_handle, "SELECT * FROM `%s`", get_database_name(50))) {
		return -1;

	while(SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(dbmysql_handle) && MaxQuestLoop < MAX_QUEST_DB) {
		char *row[9];

		for(QueryLoop = 0; QueryLoop < 9; ++QueryLoop)
			Sql_GetData(dbmysql_handle, QueryLoop, &row[QueryLoop], NULL);

		memset(&quest_db[MaxQuestLoop], 0, sizeof(quest_db[0]));

		quest_db[MaxQuestLoop].id = atoi(row[0]);
		quest_db[MaxQuestLoop].time = atoi(row[1]);

		for(QuestLoop = 0; QuestLoop < MAX_QUEST_OBJECTIVES; QuestLoop++) {
			quest_db[MaxQuestLoop].mob[QuestLoop] = atoi(row[2*QuestLoop+2]);
			quest_db[MaxQuestLoop].count[QuestLoop] = atoi(row[2*QuestLoop+3]);

			if(!quest_db[MaxQuestLoop].mob[QuestLoop] || !quest_db[MaxQuestLoop].count[QuestLoop])

		quest_db[MaxQuestLoop].num_objectives = QuestLoop;

	ShowSQL("Leitura de '"CL_WHITE"%lu"CL_RESET"' entradas na tabela '"CL_WHITE"%s"CL_RESET"'.\n", MaxQuestLoop, get_database_name(50));
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 * Fetch a struct mmo_account from sql.
 * @param db: pointer to db
 * @param acc: pointer of mmo_account to fill
 * @param account_id: id of user account to take data from
 * @return true if successful, false if something has failed
static bool mmo_auth_fromsql(AccountDB_SQL* db, struct mmo_account* acc, uint32 account_id) {
	Sql* sql_handle = db->accounts;
	char* data;
	int i = 0;

	// retrieve login entry for the specified account
	if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle,
		"SELECT `account_id`,`userid`,`user_pass`,`sex`,`email`,`group_id`,`state`,`unban_time`,`expiration_time`,`logincount`,`lastlogin`,`last_ip`,`birthdate`,`character_slots`,`pincode`, `pincode_change`, `vip_time`, `old_group` FROM `%s` WHERE `account_id` = %d",
		"SELECT `account_id`,`userid`,`user_pass`,`sex`,`email`,`group_id`,`state`,`unban_time`,`expiration_time`,`logincount`,`lastlogin`,`last_ip`,`birthdate`,`character_slots`,`pincode`, `pincode_change` FROM `%s` WHERE `account_id` = %d",
		db->account_db, account_id )
	) {
		return false;

	if( SQL_SUCCESS != Sql_NextRow(sql_handle) )
	{// no such entry
		return false;

	Sql_GetData(sql_handle,  0, &data, NULL); acc->account_id = atoi(data);
	Sql_GetData(sql_handle,  1, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(acc->userid, data, sizeof(acc->userid));
	Sql_GetData(sql_handle,  2, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(acc->pass, data, sizeof(acc->pass));
	Sql_GetData(sql_handle,  3, &data, NULL); acc->sex = data[0];
	Sql_GetData(sql_handle,  4, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(acc->email, data, sizeof(acc->email));
	Sql_GetData(sql_handle,  5, &data, NULL); acc->group_id = atoi(data);
	Sql_GetData(sql_handle,  6, &data, NULL); acc->state = strtoul(data, NULL, 10);
	Sql_GetData(sql_handle,  7, &data, NULL); acc->unban_time = atol(data);
	Sql_GetData(sql_handle,  8, &data, NULL); acc->expiration_time = atol(data);
	Sql_GetData(sql_handle,  9, &data, NULL); acc->logincount = strtoul(data, NULL, 10);
	Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 10, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(acc->lastlogin, data, sizeof(acc->lastlogin));
	Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 11, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(acc->last_ip, data, sizeof(acc->last_ip));
	Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 12, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(acc->birthdate, data, sizeof(acc->birthdate));
	Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 13, &data, NULL); acc->char_slots = atoi(data);
	Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 14, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(acc->pincode, data, sizeof(acc->pincode));
	Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 15, &data, NULL); acc->pincode_change = atol(data);
	Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 16, &data, NULL); acc->vip_time = atol(data);
	Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 17, &data, NULL); acc->old_group = atoi(data);
	// retrieve account regs for the specified user
	if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle, "SELECT `str`,`value` FROM `%s` WHERE `type`='1' AND `account_id`='%d'", db->accreg_db, acc->account_id) )
		return false;

	acc->account_reg2_num = (int)Sql_NumRows(sql_handle);

	while( SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(sql_handle) )
		char* data_tmp;
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 0, &data_tmp, NULL); safestrncpy(acc->account_reg2[i].str, data_tmp, sizeof(acc->account_reg2[i].str));
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 1, &data_tmp, NULL); safestrncpy(acc->account_reg2[i].value, data_tmp, sizeof(acc->account_reg2[i].value));

	if( i != acc->account_reg2_num )
		return false;

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 12
void inter_auctions_fromsql(void)
	int i;
	struct auction_data *auction;
	struct item *item;
	char *data;
	StringBuf buf;
	unsigned int tick = gettick(), endtick;
	time_t now = time(NULL);

	StringBuf_AppendStr(&buf, "SELECT `auction_id`,`seller_id`,`seller_name`,`buyer_id`,`buyer_name`,"
	for( i = 0; i < MAX_SLOTS; i++ )
		StringBuf_Printf(&buf, ",`card%d`", i);
	StringBuf_Printf(&buf, " FROM `%s` ORDER BY `auction_id` DESC", auction_db);

	if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle, StringBuf_Value(&buf)) )


	while( SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(sql_handle) )
		CREATE(auction, struct auction_data, 1);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 0, &data, NULL); auction->auction_id = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 1, &data, NULL); auction->seller_id = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 2, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(auction->seller_name, data, NAME_LENGTH);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 3, &data, NULL); auction->buyer_id = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 4, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(auction->buyer_name, data, NAME_LENGTH);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 5, &data, NULL); auction->price	= atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 6, &data, NULL); auction->buynow = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 7, &data, NULL); auction->hours = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 8, &data, NULL); auction->timestamp = atoi(data);

		item = &auction->item;
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 9, &data, NULL); item->nameid = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle,10, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(auction->item_name, data, ITEM_NAME_LENGTH);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle,11, &data, NULL); auction->type = atoi(data);

		Sql_GetData(sql_handle,12, &data, NULL); item->refine = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle,13, &data, NULL); item->attribute = atoi(data);

		item->identify = 1;
		item->amount = 1;
		item->expire_time = 0;

		for( i = 0; i < MAX_SLOTS; i++ )
			Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 14 + i, &data, NULL);
			item->card[i] = atoi(data);

		if( auction->timestamp > now )
			endtick = ((unsigned int)(auction->timestamp - now) * 1000) + tick;
			endtick = tick + 10000; // 10 Second's to process ended auctions

		auction->auction_end_timer = add_timer(endtick, auction_end_timer, auction->auction_id, 0);
		idb_put(auction_db_, auction->auction_id, auction);

Ejemplo n.º 13
// Read party from mysql
struct party_data *inter_party_fromsql(int party_id)
	int leader_id = 0;
	int leader_char = 0;
	struct party_data* p;
	struct party_member* m;
	char* data;
	size_t len;
	int i;

#ifdef NOISY
	ShowInfo("Load party request ("CL_BOLD"%d"CL_RESET")\n", party_id);
	if( party_id <= 0 )
		return NULL;
	//Load from memory
	p = (struct party_data*)idb_get(party_db_, party_id);
	if( p != NULL )
		return p;

	p = party_pt;
	memset(p, 0, sizeof(struct party_data));

	if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle, "SELECT `party_id`, `name`,`exp`,`item`, `leader_id`, `leader_char` FROM `%s` WHERE `party_id`='%d'", party_db, party_id) )
		return NULL;

	if( SQL_SUCCESS != Sql_NextRow(sql_handle) )
		return NULL;

	p->party.party_id = party_id;
	Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 1, &data, &len); memcpy(p->party.name, data, min(len, NAME_LENGTH));
	Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 2, &data, NULL); p->party.exp = (atoi(data) ? 1 : 0);
	Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 3, &data, NULL); p->party.item = atoi(data);
	Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 4, &data, NULL); leader_id = atoi(data);
	Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 5, &data, NULL); leader_char = atoi(data);

	// Load members
	if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle, "SELECT `account_id`,`char_id`,`name`,`base_level`,`last_map`,`online`,`class` FROM `%s` WHERE `party_id`='%d'", char_db, party_id) )
		return NULL;
	for( i = 0; i < MAX_PARTY && SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(sql_handle); ++i )
		m = &p->party.member[i];
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 0, &data, NULL); m->account_id = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 1, &data, NULL); m->char_id = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 2, &data, &len); memcpy(m->name, data, min(len, NAME_LENGTH));
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 3, &data, NULL); m->lv = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 4, &data, NULL); m->map = mapindex_name2id(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 5, &data, NULL); m->online = (atoi(data) ? 1 : 0);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 6, &data, NULL); m->class_ = atoi(data);
		m->leader = (m->account_id == leader_id && m->char_id == leader_char ? 1 : 0);

	if( save_log )
		ShowInfo("Party loaded (%d - %s).\n", party_id, p->party.name);
	//Add party to memory.
	CREATE(p, struct party_data, 1);
	memcpy(p, party_pt, sizeof(struct party_data));
	//init state
	idb_put(party_db_, party_id, p);
	return p;
Ejemplo n.º 14
// Wisp/page request to send
int mapif_parse_WisRequest(int fd)
	struct WisData *wd;
	static int wisid = 0;
	char name[NAME_LENGTH];
	char esc_name[NAME_LENGTH*2+1];// escaped name
	char *data;
	size_t len;

	if(fd <= 0) {
		return 0;   // check if we have a valid fd

	if(RFIFOW(fd,2)-52 >= sizeof(wd->msg)) {
		return 0;
	} else if(RFIFOW(fd,2)-52 <= 0) {  // normaly, impossible, but who knows...
		return 0;

	safestrncpy(name, (char *)RFIFOP(fd,28), NAME_LENGTH); //Received name may be too large and not contain \0! [Skotlex]

	Sql_EscapeStringLen(sql_handle, esc_name, name, strnlen(name, NAME_LENGTH));
	if(SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle, "SELECT `name` FROM `%s` WHERE `name`='%s'", char_db, esc_name))

	// search if character exists before to ask all map-servers
	if(SQL_SUCCESS != Sql_NextRow(sql_handle)) {
		unsigned char buf[27];
		WBUFW(buf, 0) = 0x3802;
		memcpy(WBUFP(buf, 2), RFIFOP(fd, 4), NAME_LENGTH);
		WBUFB(buf,26) = 1; // flag: 0: success to send wisper, 1: target character is not loged in?, 2: ignored by target
		mapif_send(fd, buf, 27);
	} else {
		// Character exists. So, ask all map-servers
		// to be sure of the correct name, rewrite it
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 0, &data, &len);
		memset(name, 0, NAME_LENGTH);
		memcpy(name, data, min(len, NAME_LENGTH));
		// if source is destination, don't ask other servers.
		if(strncmp((const char *)RFIFOP(fd,4), name, NAME_LENGTH) == 0) {
			uint8 buf[27];
			WBUFW(buf, 0) = 0x3802;
			memcpy(WBUFP(buf, 2), RFIFOP(fd, 4), NAME_LENGTH);
			WBUFB(buf,26) = 1; // flag: 0: success to send wisper, 1: target character is not loged in?, 2: ignored by target
			mapif_send(fd, buf, 27);
		} else {

			CREATE(wd, struct WisData, 1);

			// Whether the failure of previous wisp/page transmission (timeout)

			wd->id = ++wisid;
			wd->fd = fd;
			wd->len= RFIFOW(fd,2)-52;
			memcpy(wd->src, RFIFOP(fd, 4), NAME_LENGTH);
			memcpy(wd->dst, RFIFOP(fd,28), NAME_LENGTH);
			memcpy(wd->msg, RFIFOP(fd,52), wd->len);
			wd->tick = gettick();
			idb_put(wis_db, wd->id, wd);

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 15
// Load account_reg from sql (type=2)
int inter_accreg_fromsql(int account_id,int char_id, int fd, int type)
	char* data;
	size_t len;
	unsigned int plen = 0;

	switch(type) {
		case 3: //Char Reg
			if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle, "SELECT `key`, `index`, `value` FROM `%s` WHERE `char_id`='%d'", char_reg_str_db, char_id) )
		case 2: //account reg
			if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle, "SELECT `key`, `index`, `value` FROM `%s` WHERE `account_id`='%d'", acc_reg_str_db, account_id) )
		case 1: //Account2 Reg
			return 0;
			ShowError(read_message("Source.char.inter_accreg_tosql_s2"), type);
			return 0;
	WFIFOHEAD(fd, 60000 + 300);
	WFIFOW(fd, 0) = 0x3804;
	/* 0x2 = length, set prior to being sent */
	WFIFOL(fd, 4) = account_id;
	WFIFOL(fd, 8) = char_id;
	WFIFOB(fd, 12) = 0;/* var type (only set when all vars have been sent, regardless of type) */
	WFIFOB(fd, 13) = 1;/* is string type */
	WFIFOW(fd, 14) = 0;/* count */
	plen = 16;
	 * Vessel!
	 * str type
	 * { keyLength(B), key(<keyLength>), index(L), valLength(B), val(<valLength>) }
	while ( SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(sql_handle) ) {
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 0, &data, NULL);
		len = strlen(data)+1;
		WFIFOB(fd, plen) = (unsigned char)len;/* won't be higher; the column size is 32 */
		plen += 1;
		safestrncpy((char*)WFIFOP(fd,plen), data, len);
		plen += len;
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 1, &data, NULL);

		WFIFOL(fd, plen) = (unsigned int)atol(data);
		plen += 4;

		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 2, &data, NULL);
		len = strlen(data)+1;

		WFIFOB(fd, plen) = (unsigned char)len;/* won't be higher; the column size is 254 */
		plen += 1;
		safestrncpy((char*)WFIFOP(fd,plen), data, len);
		plen += len;

		WFIFOW(fd, 14) += 1;
		if( plen > 60000 ) {
			WFIFOW(fd, 2) = plen;
			WFIFOSET(fd, plen);
			/* prepare follow up */
			WFIFOHEAD(fd, 60000 + 300);
			WFIFOW(fd, 0) = 0x3804;
			/* 0x2 = length, set prior to being sent */
			WFIFOL(fd, 4) = account_id;
			WFIFOL(fd, 8) = char_id;
			WFIFOB(fd, 12) = 0;/* var type (only set when all vars have been sent, regardless of type) */
			WFIFOB(fd, 13) = 1;/* is string type */
			WFIFOW(fd, 14) = 0;/* count */
			plen = 16;
	/* mark & go. */
	WFIFOW(fd, 2) = plen;
	WFIFOSET(fd, plen);

	switch( type ) {
		case 3: //char reg
			if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle, "SELECT `key`, `index`, `value` FROM `%s` WHERE `char_id`='%d'", char_reg_num_db, char_id) )
		case 2: //account reg
			if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle, "SELECT `key`, `index`, `value` FROM `%s` WHERE `account_id`='%d'", acc_reg_num_db, account_id) )
		case 1: //account2 reg
			return 0;

	WFIFOHEAD(fd, 60000 + 300);
	WFIFOW(fd, 0) = 0x3804;
	/* 0x2 = length, set prior to being sent */
	WFIFOL(fd, 4) = account_id;
	WFIFOL(fd, 8) = char_id;
	WFIFOB(fd, 12) = 0;/* var type (only set when all vars have been sent, regardless of type) */
	WFIFOB(fd, 13) = 0;/* is int type */
	WFIFOW(fd, 14) = 0;/* count */
	plen = 16;
	 * Vessel!
	 * int type
	 * { keyLength(B), key(<keyLength>), index(L), value(L) }
	while ( SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(sql_handle) ) {
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 0, &data, NULL);
		len = strlen(data)+1;
		WFIFOB(fd, plen) = (unsigned char)len;/* won't be higher; the column size is 32 */
		plen += 1;

		safestrncpy((char*)WFIFOP(fd,plen), data, len);
		plen += len;

		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 1, &data, NULL);

		WFIFOL(fd, plen) = (unsigned int)atol(data);
		plen += 4;

		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 2, &data, NULL);

		WFIFOL(fd, plen) = atoi(data);
		plen += 4;
		WFIFOW(fd, 14) += 1;

		if( plen > 60000 ) {
			WFIFOW(fd, 2) = plen;
			WFIFOSET(fd, plen);

			/* prepare follow up */
			WFIFOHEAD(fd, 60000 + 300);
			WFIFOW(fd, 0) = 0x3804;
			/* 0x2 = length, set prior to being sent */
			WFIFOL(fd, 4) = account_id;
			WFIFOL(fd, 8) = char_id;
			WFIFOB(fd, 12) = 0;/* var type (only set when all vars have been sent, regardless of type) */
			WFIFOB(fd, 13) = 0;/* is int type */
			WFIFOW(fd, 14) = 0;/* count */
			plen = 16;
	/* mark as complete & go. */
	WFIFOB(fd, 12) = type;
	WFIFOW(fd, 2) = plen;
	WFIFOSET(fd, plen);

	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 * ZI 0x3056 <char_id>.L <account_id>.L <guild_id>.W
 * Pulls guild bound items for offline characters
 * @author [Akinari]
int mapif_parse_itembound_retrieve(int fd)
	StringBuf buf;
	SqlStmt *stmt;
	unsigned short i = 0, count = 0;
	struct item item, items[MAX_INVENTORY];
	int j, guild_id = RFIFOW(fd,10);
	uint32 char_id = RFIFOL(fd,2), account_id = RFIFOL(fd,6);


	//Get bound items from player's inventory
	StringBuf_AppendStr(&buf, "SELECT `id`, `nameid`, `amount`, `equip`, `identify`, `refine`, `attribute`, `expire_time`, `bound`");
	for( j = 0; j < MAX_SLOTS; ++j )
		StringBuf_Printf(&buf, ", `card%d`", j);
	StringBuf_Printf(&buf, " FROM `%s` WHERE `char_id`='%d' AND `bound` = %d", inventory_db, char_id, BOUND_GUILD);

	stmt = SqlStmt_Malloc(sql_handle);
	if( SQL_ERROR == SqlStmt_PrepareStr(stmt, StringBuf_Value(&buf)) ||
		SQL_ERROR == SqlStmt_Execute(stmt) )
		mapif_itembound_ack(fd, account_id, guild_id);
		return 1;

	SqlStmt_BindColumn(stmt, 0, SQLDT_INT,       &item.id,          0, NULL, NULL);
	SqlStmt_BindColumn(stmt, 1, SQLDT_USHORT,    &item.nameid,      0, NULL, NULL);
	SqlStmt_BindColumn(stmt, 2, SQLDT_SHORT,     &item.amount,      0, NULL, NULL);
	SqlStmt_BindColumn(stmt, 3, SQLDT_USHORT,    &item.equip,       0, NULL, NULL);
	SqlStmt_BindColumn(stmt, 4, SQLDT_CHAR,      &item.identify,    0, NULL, NULL);
	SqlStmt_BindColumn(stmt, 5, SQLDT_CHAR,      &item.refine,      0, NULL, NULL);
	SqlStmt_BindColumn(stmt, 6, SQLDT_CHAR,      &item.attribute,   0, NULL, NULL);
	SqlStmt_BindColumn(stmt, 7, SQLDT_UINT,      &item.expire_time, 0, NULL, NULL);
	SqlStmt_BindColumn(stmt, 8, SQLDT_UINT,      &item.bound,       0, NULL, NULL);
	for( j = 0; j < MAX_SLOTS; ++j )
		SqlStmt_BindColumn(stmt, 9 + j, SQLDT_SHORT, &item.card[j], 0, NULL, NULL);

	memset(&items, 0, sizeof(items));
	while( SQL_SUCCESS == SqlStmt_NextRow(stmt) )
		memcpy(&items[count++], &item, sizeof(struct item));

	ShowInfo("Found '"CL_WHITE"%d"CL_RESET"' guild bound item(s) from CID = "CL_WHITE"%d"CL_RESET", AID = %d, Guild ID = "CL_WHITE"%d"CL_RESET".\n", count, char_id, account_id, guild_id);
	if( !count ) { //No items found - No need to continue
		mapif_itembound_ack(fd, account_id, guild_id);
		return 1;

	set_session_flag(account_id, 1);

	//Delete bound items from player's inventory
	StringBuf_Printf(&buf, "DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE `bound` = %d", inventory_db, BOUND_GUILD);
	if( SQL_ERROR == SqlStmt_PrepareStr(stmt, StringBuf_Value(&buf)) ||
		SQL_ERROR == SqlStmt_Execute(stmt) )
		mapif_itembound_ack(fd, account_id, guild_id);
		return 1;

	//Send the deleted items to map-server to store them in guild storage [Cydh]
	mapif_itembound_store2gstorage(fd, guild_id, items, count);

	//Verifies equip bitmasks (see item.equip) and handles the sql statement
#define CHECK_REMOVE(var, mask, token, num) {\
	if( (var)&(mask) && !(j&(num)) ) {\
		if( j )\
			StringBuf_AppendStr(&buf, ",");\
		StringBuf_AppendStr(&buf, "`"#token"`='0'");\
		j |= (1<<num);\

	j = 0;
	for( i = 0; i < count && i < MAX_INVENTORY; i++ ) {
		if( !&items[i] || !items[i].equip )
		//Equips can be at more than one slot at the same time
		CHECK_REMOVE(items[i].equip, EQP_HAND_R, weapon, 0);
		CHECK_REMOVE(items[i].equip, EQP_HAND_L, shield, 1);
		CHECK_REMOVE(items[i].equip, EQP_HEAD_TOP|EQP_COSTUME_HEAD_TOP, head_top, 2);
		CHECK_REMOVE(items[i].equip, EQP_HEAD_MID|EQP_COSTUME_HEAD_MID, head_mid, 3);
		CHECK_REMOVE(items[i].equip, EQP_HEAD_LOW|EQP_COSTUME_HEAD_LOW, head_bottom, 4);


	//Update player's view
	if( j ) {
		StringBuf buf2;
		StringBuf_Printf(&buf2, "UPDATE `%s` SET %s WHERE `char_id`='%d'", char_db, StringBuf_Value(&buf), char_id);

		if( SQL_ERROR == SqlStmt_PrepareStr(stmt, StringBuf_Value(&buf)) ||
			SQL_ERROR == SqlStmt_Execute(stmt) )
			mapif_itembound_ack(fd, account_id, guild_id);
			return 1;



	unset_session_flag(account_id, 1);
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 17
* Initializing autotraders from table
void do_init_buyingstore_autotrade( void ) {
	if(battle_config.feature_autotrade) {
		if (Sql_Query(mmysql_handle,
			"SELECT `id`, `account_id`, `char_id`, `sex`, `title`, `limit`, `body_direction`, `head_direction`, `sit` "
			"FROM `%s` "
			"WHERE `autotrade` = 1 AND `limit` > 0 AND (SELECT COUNT(`buyingstore_id`) FROM `%s` WHERE `buyingstore_id` = `id`) > 0 "
			"ORDER BY `id`;",
			buyingstores_table, buyingstore_items_table ) != SQL_SUCCESS )

		if( Sql_NumRows(mmysql_handle) > 0 ) {
			uint16 items = 0;
			DBIterator *iter = NULL;
			struct s_autotrader *at = NULL;

			// Init each autotrader data
			while (SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(mmysql_handle)) {
				size_t len;
				char* data;

				at = NULL;
				CREATE(at, struct s_autotrader, 1);
				Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 0, &data, NULL); at->id = atoi(data);
				Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 1, &data, NULL); at->account_id = atoi(data);
				Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 2, &data, NULL); at->char_id = atoi(data);
				Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 3, &data, NULL); at->sex = (data[0] == 'F') ? 0 : 1;
				Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 4, &data, &len); safestrncpy(at->title, data, zmin(len + 1, MESSAGE_SIZE));
				Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 5, &data, NULL); at->limit = atoi(data);
				Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 6, &data, NULL); at->dir = atoi(data);
				Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 7, &data, NULL); at->head_dir = atoi(data);
				Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 8, &data, NULL); at->sit = atoi(data);
				at->count = 0;

				if (battle_config.feature_autotrade_direction >= 0)
					at->dir = battle_config.feature_autotrade_direction;
				if (battle_config.feature_autotrade_head_direction >= 0)
					at->head_dir = battle_config.feature_autotrade_head_direction;
				if (battle_config.feature_autotrade_sit >= 0)
					at->sit = battle_config.feature_autotrade_sit;

				// initialize player
				CREATE(at->sd, struct map_session_data, 1);
				pc_setnewpc(at->sd, at->account_id, at->char_id, 0, gettick(), at->sex, 0);
				at->sd->state.autotrade = 1|4;
				at->sd->state.monster_ignore = (battle_config.autotrade_monsterignore);
				chrif_authreq(at->sd, true);
				uidb_put(buyingstore_autotrader_db, at->char_id, at);
			// Init items for each autotraders
			iter = db_iterator(buyingstore_autotrader_db);
			for (at = (struct s_autotrader *)dbi_first(iter); dbi_exists(iter); at = (struct s_autotrader *)dbi_next(iter)) {
				uint16 j = 0;

				if (SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(mmysql_handle,
					"SELECT `item_id`, `amount`, `price` "
					"FROM `%s` "
					"WHERE `buyingstore_id` = %d "
					"ORDER BY `index` ASC;",
					buyingstore_items_table, at->id ) )

				if (!(at->count = (uint16)Sql_NumRows(mmysql_handle))) {
					buyingstore_autotrader_remove(at, true);
				//Init the list
				CREATE(at->entries, struct s_autotrade_entry *,at->count);

				//Add the item into list
				j = 0;
				while (SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(mmysql_handle) && j < at->count) {
					char *data;
					CREATE(at->entries[j], struct s_autotrade_entry, 1);
					Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 0, &data, NULL); at->entries[j]->item_id = atoi(data);
					Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 1, &data, NULL); at->entries[j]->amount = atoi(data);
					Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 2, &data, NULL); at->entries[j]->price = atoi(data);
				items += j;

			ShowStatus("Done loading '"CL_WHITE"%d"CL_RESET"' buyingstore autotraders with '"CL_WHITE"%d"CL_RESET"' items.\n", db_size(buyingstore_autotrader_db), items);
Ejemplo n.º 18
/* [Dekamaster/Nightroad] */
void mapif_parse_accinfo (int fd)
	int u_fd = RFIFOL (fd, 2), aid = RFIFOL (fd, 6), castergroup = RFIFOL (fd, 10);
	char query[NAME_LENGTH], query_esq[NAME_LENGTH * 2 + 1];
	int account_id;
	char *data;
	safestrncpy (query, (char *) RFIFOP (fd, 14), NAME_LENGTH);
	Sql_EscapeString (sql_handle, query_esq, query);
	account_id = atoi (query);

	if (account_id < START_ACCOUNT_NUM) {	// is string
		if (SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query (sql_handle, "SELECT `account_id`,`name`,`class`,`base_level`,`job_level`,`online` FROM `char` WHERE `name` LIKE '%s' LIMIT 10", query_esq)
				|| Sql_NumRows (sql_handle) == 0) {
			if (Sql_NumRows (sql_handle) == 0) {
				inter_to_fd (fd, u_fd, aid, "Não foram encontrados resultados para seu critério, '%s'", query);
			} else {
				Sql_ShowDebug (sql_handle);
				inter_to_fd (fd, u_fd, aid, "Um erro ocorreu, incomode seu administrador sobre isso.");

			Sql_FreeResult (sql_handle);
		} else {
			if (Sql_NumRows (sql_handle) == 1) {//we found a perfect match
				Sql_NextRow (sql_handle);
				Sql_GetData (sql_handle, 0, &data, NULL); account_id = atoi (data);
				Sql_FreeResult (sql_handle);
			} else {// more than one, listing... [Dekamaster/Nightroad]
				inter_to_fd (fd, u_fd, aid, "Sua requisição retornou %d resultados, seja mais específico...", (int) Sql_NumRows (sql_handle));

				while (SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow (sql_handle)) {
					int class_;
					short base_level, job_level, online;
					char name[NAME_LENGTH];
					Sql_GetData (sql_handle, 0, &data, NULL); account_id = atoi (data);
					Sql_GetData (sql_handle, 1, &data, NULL); safestrncpy (name, data, sizeof (name));
					Sql_GetData (sql_handle, 2, &data, NULL); class_ = atoi (data);
					Sql_GetData (sql_handle, 3, &data, NULL); base_level = atoi (data);
					Sql_GetData (sql_handle, 4, &data, NULL); job_level = atoi (data);
					Sql_GetData (sql_handle, 5, &data, NULL); online = atoi (data);
					inter_to_fd (fd, u_fd, aid, "[AID: %d] %s | %s | Nível: %d/%d | %s", account_id, name, job_name (class_), base_level, job_level, online ? "Online" : "Offline");

				Sql_FreeResult (sql_handle);

	/* it will only get here if we have a single match */
	if (account_id) {
		char userid[NAME_LENGTH], user_pass[NAME_LENGTH], email[40], last_ip[20], lastlogin[30];
		short level = -1;
		int logincount = 0, state = 0;

		if (SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query (sql_handle, "SELECT `userid`, `user_pass`, `email`, `last_ip`, `group_id`, `lastlogin`, `logincount`, `state` FROM `login` WHERE `account_id` = '%d' LIMIT 1", account_id)
				|| Sql_NumRows (sql_handle) == 0) {
			if (Sql_NumRows (sql_handle) == 0) {
				inter_to_fd (fd, u_fd, aid,  "Nenhuma conta de ID '%d' foi encontrada.", account_id);
			} else {
				inter_to_fd (fd, u_fd, aid, "Um erro ocorreu, incomode seu administrador sobre isso.");
				Sql_ShowDebug (sql_handle);
		} else {
			Sql_NextRow (sql_handle);
			Sql_GetData (sql_handle, 0, &data, NULL); safestrncpy (userid, data, sizeof (userid));
			Sql_GetData (sql_handle, 1, &data, NULL); safestrncpy (user_pass, data, sizeof (user_pass));
			Sql_GetData (sql_handle, 2, &data, NULL); safestrncpy (email, data, sizeof (email));
			Sql_GetData (sql_handle, 3, &data, NULL); safestrncpy (last_ip, data, sizeof (last_ip));
			Sql_GetData (sql_handle, 4, &data, NULL); level = atoi (data);
			Sql_GetData (sql_handle, 5, &data, NULL); safestrncpy (lastlogin, data, sizeof (lastlogin));
			Sql_GetData (sql_handle, 6, &data, NULL); logincount = atoi (data);
			Sql_GetData (sql_handle, 7, &data, NULL); state = atoi (data);

		Sql_FreeResult (sql_handle);

		if (level == -1)

		inter_to_fd (fd, u_fd, aid, "-- Conta %d --", account_id);
		inter_to_fd (fd, u_fd, aid, "Usuário: %s | Grupo de GM: %d | Estado: %d", userid, level, state);

		if (level < castergroup) /* only show pass if your gm level is greater than the one you're searching for */
			inter_to_fd (fd, u_fd, aid, "Senha: %s", user_pass);

		inter_to_fd (fd, u_fd, aid, "Conta de email: %s", email);
		inter_to_fd (fd, u_fd, aid, "Último IP: %s (%s)", last_ip, geoip_getcountry (str2ip (last_ip)));
		inter_to_fd (fd, u_fd, aid, "Este usuário logou %d vezes, a última vez foi em %s", logincount, lastlogin);
		inter_to_fd (fd, u_fd, aid, "-- Detalhes do personagem --");

		if (SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query (sql_handle, "SELECT `char_id`, `name`, `char_num`, `class`, `base_level`, `job_level`, `online` FROM `char` WHERE `account_id` = '%d' ORDER BY `char_num` LIMIT %d", account_id, MAX_CHARS)
				|| Sql_NumRows (sql_handle) == 0) {
			if (Sql_NumRows (sql_handle) == 0)
				inter_to_fd (fd, u_fd, aid, "Esta conta não tem personagens.");
			else {
				inter_to_fd (fd, u_fd, aid, "Um erro ocorreu, fale com seu administrador sobre isso.");
				Sql_ShowDebug (sql_handle);
		} else {
			while (SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow (sql_handle)) {
				int char_id, class_;
				short char_num, base_level, job_level, online;
				char name[NAME_LENGTH];
				Sql_GetData (sql_handle, 0, &data, NULL); char_id = atoi (data);
				Sql_GetData (sql_handle, 1, &data, NULL); safestrncpy (name, data, sizeof (name));
				Sql_GetData (sql_handle, 2, &data, NULL); char_num = atoi (data);
				Sql_GetData (sql_handle, 3, &data, NULL); class_ = atoi (data);
				Sql_GetData (sql_handle, 4, &data, NULL); base_level = atoi (data);
				Sql_GetData (sql_handle, 5, &data, NULL); job_level = atoi (data);
				Sql_GetData (sql_handle, 6, &data, NULL); online = atoi (data);
				inter_to_fd (fd, u_fd, aid, "[Slot/CID: %d/%d] %s | %s | Nível: %d/%d | %s", char_num, char_id, name, job_name (class_), base_level, job_level, online ? "On" : "Off");

		Sql_FreeResult (sql_handle);

Ejemplo n.º 19
// Load account_reg from sql (type=2)
int inter_accreg_fromsql(uint32 account_id, uint32 char_id, int fd, int type)
	char* data;
	size_t len;
	unsigned int plen = 0;

	switch( type ) {
		case 3: //char reg
			if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle, "SELECT `key`, `index`, `value` FROM `%s` WHERE `char_id`='%d'", schema_config.char_reg_str_table, char_id) )
		case 2: //account reg
			if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle, "SELECT `key`, `index`, `value` FROM `%s` WHERE `account_id`='%d'", schema_config.acc_reg_str_table, account_id) )
		case 1: //account2 reg
			ShowError("inter_accreg_fromsql: Char server shouldn't handle type 1 registry values (##). That is the login server's job!\n");
			return 0;
			ShowError("inter_accreg_fromsql: Invalid type %d\n", type);
			return 0;

	WFIFOHEAD(fd, 60000 + 300);
	WFIFOW(fd, 0) = 0x3804;
	// 0x2 = length, set prior to being sent
	WFIFOL(fd, 4) = account_id;
	WFIFOL(fd, 8) = char_id;
	WFIFOB(fd, 12) = 0; // var type (only set when all vars have been sent, regardless of type)
	WFIFOB(fd, 13) = 1; // is string type
	WFIFOW(fd, 14) = 0; // count
	plen = 16;

	 * Vessel!
	 * str type
	 * { keyLength(B), key(<keyLength>), index(L), valLength(B), val(<valLength>) }
	while ( SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(sql_handle) ) {
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 0, &data, NULL);
		len = strlen(data)+1;

		WFIFOB(fd, plen) = (unsigned char)len; // won't be higher; the column size is 32
		plen += 1;

		safestrncpy(WFIFOCP(fd,plen), data, len);
		plen += len;

		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 1, &data, NULL);

		WFIFOL(fd, plen) = (unsigned int)atol(data);
		plen += 4;

		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 2, &data, NULL);
		len = strlen(data)+1;

		WFIFOB(fd, plen) = (unsigned char)len; // won't be higher; the column size is 254
		plen += 1;

		safestrncpy(WFIFOCP(fd,plen), data, len);
		plen += len;

		WFIFOW(fd, 14) += 1;

		if( plen > 60000 ) {
			WFIFOW(fd, 2) = plen;
			WFIFOSET(fd, plen);

			// prepare follow up
			WFIFOHEAD(fd, 60000 + 300);
			WFIFOW(fd, 0) = 0x3804;
			// 0x2 = length, set prior to being sent
			WFIFOL(fd, 4) = account_id;
			WFIFOL(fd, 8) = char_id;
			WFIFOB(fd, 12) = 0; // var type (only set when all vars have been sent, regardless of type)
			WFIFOB(fd, 13) = 1; // is string type
			WFIFOW(fd, 14) = 0; // count
			plen = 16;

	WFIFOW(fd, 2) = plen;
	WFIFOSET(fd, plen);


	switch( type ) {
		case 3: //char reg
			if (SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle, "SELECT `key`, `index`, `value` FROM `%s` WHERE `char_id`='%d'", schema_config.char_reg_num_table, char_id))
		case 2: //account reg
			if (SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle, "SELECT `key`, `index`, `value` FROM `%s` WHERE `account_id`='%d'", schema_config.acc_reg_num_table, account_id))
#if 0 // This is already checked above.
		case 1: //account2 reg
			ShowError("inter_accreg_fromsql: Char server shouldn't handle type 1 registry values (##). That is the login server's work!\n");
			return 0;
#endif // 0

	WFIFOHEAD(fd, 60000 + 300);
	WFIFOW(fd, 0) = 0x3804;
	// 0x2 = length, set prior to being sent
	WFIFOL(fd, 4) = account_id;
	WFIFOL(fd, 8) = char_id;
	WFIFOB(fd, 12) = 0; // var type (only set when all vars have been sent, regardless of type)
	WFIFOB(fd, 13) = 0; // is int type
	WFIFOW(fd, 14) = 0; // count
	plen = 16;

	 * Vessel!
	 * int type
	 * { keyLength(B), key(<keyLength>), index(L), value(L) }
	while ( SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(sql_handle) ) {
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 0, &data, NULL);
		len = strlen(data)+1;

		WFIFOB(fd, plen) = (unsigned char)len;/* won't be higher; the column size is 32 */
		plen += 1;

		safestrncpy(WFIFOCP(fd,plen), data, len);
		plen += len;

		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 1, &data, NULL);

		WFIFOL(fd, plen) = (unsigned int)atol(data);
		plen += 4;

		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 2, &data, NULL);

		WFIFOL(fd, plen) = atoi(data);
		plen += 4;

		WFIFOW(fd, 14) += 1;

		if( plen > 60000 ) {
			WFIFOW(fd, 2) = plen;
			WFIFOSET(fd, plen);

			/* prepare follow up */
			WFIFOHEAD(fd, 60000 + 300);
			WFIFOW(fd, 0) = 0x3804;
			/* 0x2 = length, set prior to being sent */
			WFIFOL(fd, 4) = account_id;
			WFIFOL(fd, 8) = char_id;
			WFIFOB(fd, 12) = 0;/* var type (only set when all vars have been sent, regardless of type) */
			WFIFOB(fd, 13) = 0;/* is int type */
			WFIFOW(fd, 14) = 0;/* count */
			plen = 16;

	WFIFOB(fd, 12) = type;
	WFIFOW(fd, 2) = plen;
	WFIFOSET(fd, plen);

	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 20
// Load an homunculus
bool mapif_homunculus_load(int homun_id, struct s_homunculus* hd)
	int i;
	char* data;
	size_t len;

	memset(hd, 0, sizeof(*hd));

	if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle, "SELECT `homun_id`,`char_id`,`class`,`prev_class`,`name`,`level`,`exp`,`intimacy`,`hunger`, `str`, `agi`, `vit`, `int`, `dex`, `luk`, `hp`,`max_hp`,`sp`,`max_sp`,`skill_point`,`rename_flag`, `vaporize` FROM `%s` WHERE `homun_id`='%u'", homunculus_db, homun_id) )
		return false;

	if( !Sql_NumRows(sql_handle) )
	{	//No homunculus found.
		return false;
	if( SQL_SUCCESS != Sql_NextRow(sql_handle) )
		return false;

	hd->hom_id = homun_id;
	Sql_GetData(sql_handle,  1, &data, NULL); hd->char_id = atoi(data);
	Sql_GetData(sql_handle,  2, &data, NULL); hd->class_ = atoi(data);
	Sql_GetData(sql_handle,  3, &data, NULL); hd->prev_class = atoi(data);
	Sql_GetData(sql_handle,  4, &data, &len); safestrncpy(hd->name, data, sizeof(hd->name));
	Sql_GetData(sql_handle,  5, &data, NULL); hd->level = atoi(data);
	Sql_GetData(sql_handle,  6, &data, NULL); hd->exp = atoi(data);
	Sql_GetData(sql_handle,  7, &data, NULL); hd->intimacy = (unsigned int)strtoul(data, NULL, 10);
	Sql_GetData(sql_handle,  8, &data, NULL); hd->hunger = atoi(data);
	Sql_GetData(sql_handle,  9, &data, NULL); hd->str = atoi(data);
	Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 10, &data, NULL); hd->agi = atoi(data);
	Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 11, &data, NULL); hd->vit = atoi(data);
	Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 12, &data, NULL); hd->int_ = atoi(data);
	Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 13, &data, NULL); hd->dex = atoi(data);
	Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 14, &data, NULL); hd->luk = atoi(data);
	Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 15, &data, NULL); hd->hp = atoi(data);
	Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 16, &data, NULL); hd->max_hp = atoi(data);
	Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 17, &data, NULL); hd->sp = atoi(data);
	Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 18, &data, NULL); hd->max_sp = atoi(data);
	Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 19, &data, NULL); hd->skillpts = atoi(data);
	Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 20, &data, NULL); hd->rename_flag = atoi(data);
	Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 21, &data, NULL); hd->vaporize = atoi(data);

	hd->intimacy = cap_value(hd->intimacy, 0, 100000);
	hd->hunger = cap_value(hd->hunger, 0, 100);

	// Load Homunculus Skill
	if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle, "SELECT `id`,`lv` FROM `%s` WHERE `homun_id`=%d", skill_homunculus_db, homun_id) )
		return false;
	while( SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(sql_handle) )
		// id
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 0, &data, NULL);
		i = atoi(data);
			continue;// invalid skill id
		i = i - HM_SKILLBASE;
		hd->hskill[i].id = (unsigned short)atoi(data);

		// lv
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 1, &data, NULL);
		hd->hskill[i].lv = (unsigned char)atoi(data);

	if( save_log )
		ShowInfo("Homúnculus carregado (%d - %s).\n", hd->hom_id, hd->name);

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 21
* Initializing autotraders from table
void do_init_vending_autotrade( void ) {
	if (battle_config.feature_autotrade) {
		uint16 i, items = 0;
		autotrader_count = autotrader_loaded_count = 0;

		// Get autotrader from table. `map`, `x`, and `y`, aren't used here
		// Just read player that has data at vending_items [Cydh]
		if (Sql_Query(mmysql_handle,
			"SELECT `id`, `account_id`, `char_id`, `sex`, `title`, `body_direction`, `head_direction`, `sit` "
			"FROM `%s` "
			"WHERE `autotrade` = 1 AND (SELECT COUNT(`vending_id`) FROM `%s` WHERE `vending_id` = `id`) > 0 "
			"ORDER BY `id`;",
			vendings_db, vending_items_db ) != SQL_SUCCESS )

		if( (autotrader_count = (uint16)Sql_NumRows(mmysql_handle)) > 0 ){
			// Init autotraders
			CREATE(autotraders, struct s_autotrade *, autotrader_count);

			if (autotraders == NULL) { //This is shouldn't happen [Cydh]
				ShowError("Failed to initialize vending autotraders!\n");

			// Init each autotrader data
			i = 0;
			while (SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(mmysql_handle) && i < autotrader_count) {
				size_t len;
				char* data;
				struct s_autotrade *at = NULL;

				CREATE(autotraders[i], struct s_autotrade, 1);
				at = autotraders[i];

				Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 0, &data, NULL); at->vendor_id = atoi(data);
				Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 1, &data, NULL); at->account_id = atoi(data);
				Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 2, &data, NULL); at->char_id = atoi(data);
				Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 3, &data, NULL); at->sex = (data[0] == 'F') ? 0 : 1;
				Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 4, &data, &len); safestrncpy(at->title, data, min(len + 1, MESSAGE_SIZE));
				Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 5, &data, NULL); at->dir = atoi(data);
				Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 6, &data, NULL); at->head_dir = atoi(data);
				Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 7, &data, NULL); at->sit = atoi(data);
				at->count = 0;

				if (battle_config.feature_autotrade_direction >= 0)
					at->dir = battle_config.feature_autotrade_direction;
				if (battle_config.feature_autotrade_head_direction >= 0)
					at->head_dir = battle_config.feature_autotrade_head_direction;
				if (battle_config.feature_autotrade_sit >= 0)
					at->sit = battle_config.feature_autotrade_sit;

				// initialize player
				CREATE(at->sd, struct map_session_data, 1);
				pc_setnewpc(at->sd, at->account_id, at->char_id, 0, gettick(), at->sex, 0);
				at->sd->state.autotrade = 1;
				at->sd->state.monster_ignore = (battle_config.autotrade_monsterignore);
				chrif_authreq(at->sd, true);

			//Init items on vending list each autotrader
			for (i = 0; i < autotrader_count; i++){
				struct s_autotrade *at = NULL;
				uint16 j;

				if ((at = autotraders[i]) == NULL)

				if (SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(mmysql_handle,
					"SELECT `cartinventory_id`, `amount`, `price` "
					"FROM `%s` "
					"WHERE `vending_id` = %d "
					"ORDER BY `index` ASC;",
					vending_items_db, at->vendor_id ) )

				if (!(at->count = (uint16)Sql_NumRows(mmysql_handle))) {
				//Init the list
				CREATE(at->entries, struct s_autotrade_entry *,at->count);

				//Add the item into list
				j = 0;
				while (SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(mmysql_handle) && j < at->count) {
					char* data;
					CREATE(at->entries[j], struct s_autotrade_entry, 1);

					Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 0, &data, NULL); at->entries[j]->cartinventory_id = atoi(data);
					Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 1, &data, NULL); at->entries[j]->amount = atoi(data);
					Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 2, &data, NULL); at->entries[j]->price = atoi(data);
				items += j;

			ShowStatus("Done loading '"CL_WHITE"%d"CL_RESET"' vending autotraders with '"CL_WHITE"%d"CL_RESET"' items.\n", autotrader_count, items);
Ejemplo n.º 22
static int mail_fromsql(int char_id, struct mail_data* md)
	int i, j;
	struct mail_message *msg;
	struct item *item;
	char *data;
	StringBuf buf;

	memset(md, 0, sizeof(struct mail_data));
	md->amount = 0;
	md->full = false;

	StringBuf_AppendStr(&buf, "SELECT `id`,`send_name`,`send_id`,`dest_name`,`dest_id`,`title`,`message`,`time`,`status`,"
		"`zeny`,`amount`,`nameid`,`refine`,`attribute`,`identify`, `serial`");
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_SLOTS; i++)
		StringBuf_Printf(&buf, ",`card%d`", i);

	// I keep the `status` < 3 just in case someone forget to apply the sqlfix
	StringBuf_Printf(&buf, " FROM `%s` WHERE `dest_id`='%d' AND `status` < 3 ORDER BY `id` LIMIT %d",
		mail_db, char_id, MAIL_MAX_INBOX + 1);

	if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle, StringBuf_Value(&buf)) )


	for (i = 0; i < MAIL_MAX_INBOX && SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(sql_handle); ++i )
		msg = &md->msg[i];
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 0, &data, NULL); msg->id = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 1, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(msg->send_name, data, NAME_LENGTH);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 2, &data, NULL); msg->send_id = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 3, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(msg->dest_name, data, NAME_LENGTH);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 4, &data, NULL); msg->dest_id = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 5, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(msg->title, data, MAIL_TITLE_LENGTH);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 6, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(msg->body, data, MAIL_BODY_LENGTH);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 7, &data, NULL); msg->timestamp = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 8, &data, NULL); msg->status = (mail_status)atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 9, &data, NULL); msg->zeny = atoi(data);
		item = &msg->item;
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle,10, &data, NULL); item->amount = (short)atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle,11, &data, NULL); item->nameid = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle,12, &data, NULL); item->refine = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle,13, &data, NULL); item->attribute = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle,14, &data, NULL); item->identify = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle,15, &data, NULL); item->serial = (unsigned int)atol(data);
		item->expire_time = 0;
		item->bound = 0;
		item->favorite = 0;

		for (j = 0; j < MAX_SLOTS; j++)
			Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 16 + j, &data, NULL);
			item->card[j] = atoi(data);

	md->full = ( Sql_NumRows(sql_handle) > MAIL_MAX_INBOX );

	md->amount = i;

	md->unchecked = 0;
	md->unread = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < md->amount; i++)
		msg = &md->msg[i];
		if( msg->status == MAIL_NEW )
			if ( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle, "UPDATE `%s` SET `status` = '%d' WHERE `id` = '%d'", mail_db, MAIL_UNREAD, msg->id) )

			msg->status = MAIL_UNREAD;
		else if ( msg->status == MAIL_UNREAD )

	ShowInfo("mail load complete from DB - id: %d (total: %d)\n", char_id, md->amount);
	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 23
int chlogif_parse_ackchangesex(int fd, struct char_session_data* sd){
	if (RFIFOREST(fd) < 7)
		return 0;
		unsigned char buf[7];

		int acc = RFIFOL(fd,2);
		int sex = RFIFOB(fd,6);

		if( acc > 0 )
		{// TODO: Is this even possible?
			uint32 char_id[MAX_CHARS];
			int class_[MAX_CHARS];
			int guild_id[MAX_CHARS];
			unsigned char num, i;
			char* data;
			DBMap*  auth_db = char_get_authdb();

			struct auth_node* node = (struct auth_node*)idb_get(auth_db, acc);
			if( node != NULL )
				node->sex = sex;

			// get characters
			if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle, "SELECT `char_id`,`class`,`guild_id` FROM `%s` WHERE `account_id` = '%d'", schema_config.char_db, acc) )
			for( i = 0; i < MAX_CHARS && SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(sql_handle); ++i )
				Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 0, &data, NULL); char_id[i] = atoi(data);
				Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 1, &data, NULL); class_[i] = atoi(data);
				Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 2, &data, NULL); guild_id[i] = atoi(data);
			num = i;
			for( i = 0; i < num; ++i )
				if( class_[i] == JOB_BARD || class_[i] == JOB_DANCER ||
					class_[i] == JOB_CLOWN || class_[i] == JOB_GYPSY ||
					class_[i] == JOB_BABY_BARD || class_[i] == JOB_BABY_DANCER ||
					class_[i] == JOB_MINSTREL || class_[i] == JOB_WANDERER ||
					class_[i] == JOB_MINSTREL_T || class_[i] == JOB_WANDERER_T ||
					class_[i] == JOB_BABY_MINSTREL || class_[i] == JOB_BABY_WANDERER ||
					class_[i] == JOB_KAGEROU || class_[i] == JOB_OBORO )
					// job modification
					if( class_[i] == JOB_BARD || class_[i] == JOB_DANCER )
						class_[i] = (sex ? JOB_BARD : JOB_DANCER);
					else if( class_[i] == JOB_CLOWN || class_[i] == JOB_GYPSY )
						class_[i] = (sex ? JOB_CLOWN : JOB_GYPSY);
					else if( class_[i] == JOB_BABY_BARD || class_[i] == JOB_BABY_DANCER )
						class_[i] = (sex ? JOB_BABY_BARD : JOB_BABY_DANCER);
					else if( class_[i] == JOB_MINSTREL || class_[i] == JOB_WANDERER )
						class_[i] = (sex ? JOB_MINSTREL : JOB_WANDERER);
					else if( class_[i] == JOB_MINSTREL_T || class_[i] == JOB_WANDERER_T )
						class_[i] = (sex ? JOB_MINSTREL_T : JOB_WANDERER_T);
					else if( class_[i] == JOB_BABY_MINSTREL || class_[i] == JOB_BABY_WANDERER )
						class_[i] = (sex ? JOB_BABY_MINSTREL : JOB_BABY_WANDERER);
					else if( class_[i] == JOB_KAGEROU || class_[i] == JOB_OBORO )
						class_[i] = (sex ? JOB_KAGEROU : JOB_OBORO);

				if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle, "UPDATE `%s` SET `class`='%d', `weapon`='0', `shield`='0', `head_top`='0', `head_mid`='0', `head_bottom`='0' WHERE `char_id`='%d'", schema_config.char_db, class_[i], char_id[i]) )

				if( guild_id[i] )// If there is a guild, update the guild_member data [Skotlex]
					inter_guild_sex_changed(guild_id[i], acc, char_id[i], sex);

			// disconnect player if online on char-server

		// notify all mapservers about this change
		WBUFW(buf,0) = 0x2b0d;
		WBUFL(buf,2) = acc;
		WBUFB(buf,6) = sex;
		chmapif_sendall(buf, 7);
	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 24
int read_elementaldb(void)
	struct s_elemental_db *db;
	struct status_data *status;
	int count = 0, ele;


	if(SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(dbmysql_handle, "SELECT * FROM `%s`", get_database_name(36))) {
		return -1;

	while(SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(dbmysql_handle) && count < MAX_ELEMENTAL_CLASS) {
		char *row[26];
		int i;

		for(i = 0; i != 26; ++i)
			Sql_GetData(dbmysql_handle, i, &row[i], NULL);

		db = &elemental_db[count];
		db->class_ = atoi(row[0]);
		safestrncpy(db->sprite, row[1], NAME_LENGTH);
		safestrncpy(db->name, row[2], NAME_LENGTH);
		db->lv = atoi(row[3]);

		status = &db->status;
		db->vd.class_ = db->class_;

		status->max_hp = atoi(row[4]);
		status->max_sp = atoi(row[5]);
		status->rhw.range = atoi(row[6]);
		status->rhw.atk = atoi(row[7]);
		status->rhw.atk2 = atoi(row[8]);
		status->def = atoi(row[9]);
		status->mdef = atoi(row[10]);
		status->str = atoi(row[11]);
		status->agi = atoi(row[12]);
		status->vit = atoi(row[13]);
		status->int_ = atoi(row[14]);
		status->dex = atoi(row[15]);
		status->luk = atoi(row[16]);
		db->range2 = atoi(row[17]);
		db->range3 = atoi(row[18]);
		status->size = atoi(row[19]);
		status->race = atoi(row[20]);

		ele = atoi(row[21]);
		status->def_ele = ele%10;
		status->ele_lv = ele/20;

		if(status->def_ele >= ELE_MAX) {
			ShowWarning("Elemental %d tem o tipo de elemento inválido %d (elemento máximo ? %d)\n", db->class_, status->def_ele, ELE_MAX - 1);
			status->def_ele = ELE_NEUTRAL;

		if(status->ele_lv < 1 || status->ele_lv > 4) {
			ShowWarning("Elemental %d tem nível de elemento inválido %d (máximo ? 4)\n", db->class_, status->ele_lv);
			status->ele_lv = 1;

		status->aspd_rate = 1000;
		status->speed = atoi(row[22]);
		status->adelay = atoi(row[23]);
		status->amotion = atoi(row[24]);
		status->dmotion = atoi(row[25]);


	ShowSQL("Leitura de '"CL_WHITE"%lu"CL_RESET"' entradas na tabela '"CL_WHITE"%s"CL_RESET"'.\n", count, get_database_name(36));
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 25
//Guild bound items pull for offline characters [Akinari]
int mapif_parse_itembound_retrieve(int fd)
	StringBuf buf;
	SqlStmt* stmt;
	struct item item;
	int j, i=0, s;
	bool found=false;
	struct item items[MAX_INVENTORY];
	int char_id = RFIFOL(fd,2);
	int aid = RFIFOL(fd,6);
	int guild_id = RFIFOW(fd,10);

	StringBuf_AppendStr(&buf, "SELECT `id`, `nameid`, `amount`, `equip`, `identify`, `refine`, `attribute`, `expire_time`, `bound`");
	for( j = 0; j < MAX_SLOTS; ++j )
		StringBuf_Printf(&buf, ", `card%d`", j);
	StringBuf_Printf(&buf, " FROM `%s` WHERE `char_id`='%d'",inventory_db,char_id);

	stmt = SqlStmt_Malloc(sql_handle);
	if( SQL_ERROR == SqlStmt_PrepareStr(stmt, StringBuf_Value(&buf))
	||  SQL_ERROR == SqlStmt_Execute(stmt) )
		return 1;

	SqlStmt_BindColumn(stmt, 0, SQLDT_INT,       &item.id,          0, NULL, NULL);
	SqlStmt_BindColumn(stmt, 1, SQLDT_SHORT,     &item.nameid,      0, NULL, NULL);
	SqlStmt_BindColumn(stmt, 2, SQLDT_SHORT,     &item.amount,      0, NULL, NULL);
	SqlStmt_BindColumn(stmt, 3, SQLDT_USHORT,    &item.equip,       0, NULL, NULL);
	SqlStmt_BindColumn(stmt, 4, SQLDT_CHAR,      &item.identify,    0, NULL, NULL);
	SqlStmt_BindColumn(stmt, 5, SQLDT_CHAR,      &item.refine,      0, NULL, NULL);
	SqlStmt_BindColumn(stmt, 6, SQLDT_CHAR,      &item.attribute,   0, NULL, NULL);
	SqlStmt_BindColumn(stmt, 7, SQLDT_UINT,      &item.expire_time, 0, NULL, NULL);
	SqlStmt_BindColumn(stmt, 8, SQLDT_UINT,      &item.bound,       0, NULL, NULL);
	for( j = 0; j < MAX_SLOTS; ++j )
		SqlStmt_BindColumn(stmt, 9+j, SQLDT_SHORT, &item.card[j], 0, NULL, NULL);

	while( SQL_SUCCESS == SqlStmt_NextRow(stmt) ) {
		if(item.bound == 2) {
			memcpy(&items[i],&item,sizeof(struct item));

	if(!i) { //No items found - No need to continue
		return 0;

	//First we delete the character's items
	StringBuf_Printf(&buf, "DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE",inventory_db);
	for(j=0; j<i; j++) {
		if( found )
			StringBuf_AppendStr(&buf, " OR");
			found = true;
		StringBuf_Printf(&buf, " `id`=%d",items[j].id);

	if( SQL_ERROR == SqlStmt_PrepareStr(stmt, StringBuf_Value(&buf))
	||  SQL_ERROR == SqlStmt_Execute(stmt) )
		return 1;

	//Now let's update the guild storage with those deleted items
	found = false;
	StringBuf_Printf(&buf, "INSERT INTO `%s` (`guild_id`, `nameid`, `amount`, `identify`, `refine`, `attribute`, `expire_time`, `bound`", guild_storage_db);
	for( j = 0; j < MAX_SLOTS; ++j )
		StringBuf_Printf(&buf, ", `card%d`", j);
	StringBuf_AppendStr(&buf, ") VALUES ");
	for( j = 0; j < i; ++j ) {
		if( found )
			StringBuf_AppendStr(&buf, ",");
			found = true;

		StringBuf_Printf(&buf, "('%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d'",
			guild_id, items[j].nameid, items[j].amount, items[j].identify, items[j].refine, items[j].attribute, items[j].expire_time, items[j].bound);
		for( s = 0; s < MAX_SLOTS; ++s )
			StringBuf_Printf(&buf, ", '%d'", items[j].card[s]);
		StringBuf_AppendStr(&buf, ")");

	if( SQL_ERROR == SqlStmt_PrepareStr(stmt, StringBuf_Value(&buf))
	||  SQL_ERROR == SqlStmt_Execute(stmt) )
		return 1;


	//Finally reload storage and tell map we're done
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 26
/// Retrieves a single message from the database.
/// Returns true if the operation succeeds (or false if it fails).
bool mail_loadmessage(int mail_id, struct mail_message* msg)
	int i, j;
	StringBuf buf;
	char* data;

	if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle, "SELECT `id`,`send_name`,`send_id`,`dest_name`,`dest_id`,`title`,`message`,`time`,`status`,`zeny`,`type` FROM `%s` WHERE `id` = '%d'", schema_config.mail_db, mail_id )
	||  SQL_SUCCESS != Sql_NextRow(sql_handle) ){
		return false;
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 0, &data, NULL); msg->id = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 1, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(msg->send_name, data, NAME_LENGTH);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 2, &data, NULL); msg->send_id = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 3, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(msg->dest_name, data, NAME_LENGTH);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 4, &data, NULL); msg->dest_id = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 5, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(msg->title, data, MAIL_TITLE_LENGTH);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 6, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(msg->body, data, MAIL_BODY_LENGTH);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 7, &data, NULL); msg->timestamp = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 8, &data, NULL); msg->status = (mail_status)atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 9, &data, NULL); msg->zeny = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle,10, &data, NULL); msg->type = (mail_inbox_type)atoi(data);

		if( msg->type == MAIL_INBOX_NORMAL && charserv_config.mail_return_days > 0 ){
			msg->scheduled_deletion = msg->timestamp + charserv_config.mail_return_days * 24 * 60 * 60;
		}else if( msg->type == MAIL_INBOX_RETURNED && charserv_config.mail_delete_days > 0 ){
			msg->scheduled_deletion = msg->timestamp + charserv_config.mail_delete_days * 24 * 60 * 60;
			msg->scheduled_deletion = 0;


	StringBuf_AppendStr(&buf, "SELECT `amount`,`nameid`,`refine`,`attribute`,`identify`,`unique_id`,`bound`");
	for (j = 0; j < MAX_SLOTS; j++)
		StringBuf_Printf(&buf, ",`card%d`", j);
	for (j = 0; j < MAX_ITEM_RDM_OPT; ++j) {
		StringBuf_Printf(&buf, ", `option_id%d`", j);
		StringBuf_Printf(&buf, ", `option_val%d`", j);
		StringBuf_Printf(&buf, ", `option_parm%d`", j);
	StringBuf_Printf(&buf, " FROM `%s`", schema_config.mail_attachment_db);
	StringBuf_Printf(&buf, " WHERE `id` = '%d'", mail_id);
	StringBuf_AppendStr(&buf, " ORDER BY `index` ASC");
	StringBuf_Printf(&buf, " LIMIT %d", MAIL_MAX_ITEM);

	if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle, StringBuf_Value(&buf)) ){
		return false;

	memset(msg->item, 0, sizeof(struct item) * MAIL_MAX_ITEM);

	for( i = 0; i < MAIL_MAX_ITEM && SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(sql_handle); i++ ){
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle,0, &data, NULL); msg->item[i].amount = (short)atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle,1, &data, NULL); msg->item[i].nameid = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle,2, &data, NULL); msg->item[i].refine = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle,3, &data, NULL); msg->item[i].attribute = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle,4, &data, NULL); msg->item[i].identify = atoi(data);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle,5, &data, NULL); msg->item[i].unique_id = strtoull(data, NULL, 10);
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle,6, &data, NULL); msg->item[i].bound = atoi(data);
		msg->item[i].expire_time = 0;

		for( j = 0; j < MAX_SLOTS; j++ ){
			Sql_GetData(sql_handle,7 + j, &data, NULL); msg->item[i].card[j] = atoi(data);

		for( j = 0; j < MAX_ITEM_RDM_OPT; j++ ){
			Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 7 + MAX_SLOTS + j * 3, &data, NULL); msg->item[i].option[j].id = atoi(data);
			Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 8 + MAX_SLOTS + j * 3, &data, NULL); msg->item[i].option[j].value = atoi(data);
			Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 9 + MAX_SLOTS + j * 3, &data, NULL); msg->item[i].option[j].param = atoi(data);


	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 27
/* [Dekamaster/Nightroad] */
void mapif_parse_accinfo(int fd) {
	int u_fd = RFIFOL(fd,2), aid = RFIFOL(fd,6), castergroup = RFIFOL(fd,10);
	char query[NAME_LENGTH], query_esq[NAME_LENGTH*2+1];
	int account_id;
	char *data;
	safestrncpy(query, (char*) RFIFOP(fd,14), NAME_LENGTH);
	Sql_EscapeString(sql_handle, query_esq, query);
	account_id = atoi(query);
	if (account_id < START_ACCOUNT_NUM) {	// is string
		if ( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle, "SELECT `account_id`,`name`,`class`,`base_level`,`job_level`,`online` FROM `char` WHERE `name` LIKE '%s' LIMIT 10", query_esq)
				|| Sql_NumRows(sql_handle) == 0 ) {
			if( Sql_NumRows(sql_handle) == 0 ) {
				inter_to_fd(fd, u_fd, aid, "No matches were found for your criteria, '%s'",query);
			} else {
				inter_to_fd(fd, u_fd, aid, "An error occured, bother your admin about it.");
		} else {
			if( Sql_NumRows(sql_handle) == 1 ) {//we found a perfect match
				Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 0, &data, NULL); account_id = atoi(data);
			} else {// more than one, listing... [Dekamaster/Nightroad]
				inter_to_fd(fd, u_fd, aid, "Your query returned the following %d results, please be more specific...",(int)Sql_NumRows(sql_handle));
				while ( SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(sql_handle) ) {
					int class_;
					short base_level, job_level, online;
					char name[NAME_LENGTH];
					Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 0, &data, NULL); account_id = atoi(data);
					Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 1, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(name, data, sizeof(name));
					Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 2, &data, NULL); class_ = atoi(data);
					Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 3, &data, NULL); base_level = atoi(data);
					Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 4, &data, NULL); job_level = atoi(data);
					Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 5, &data, NULL); online = atoi(data);
					inter_to_fd(fd, u_fd, aid, "[AID: %d] %s | %s | Level: %d/%d | %s", account_id, name, job_name(class_), base_level, job_level, online?"Online":"Offline");
	/* it will only get here if we have a single match */
	if( account_id ) {
		char userid[NAME_LENGTH], user_pass[NAME_LENGTH], email[40], last_ip[20], lastlogin[30];
		short level = -1;
		int logincount = 0,state = 0;
		if ( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle, "SELECT `userid`, `user_pass`, `email`, `last_ip`, `group_id`, `lastlogin`, `logincount`, `state` FROM `login` WHERE `account_id` = '%d' LIMIT 1", account_id)
			|| Sql_NumRows(sql_handle) == 0 ) {
			if( Sql_NumRows(sql_handle) == 0 ) {
				inter_to_fd(fd, u_fd, aid,  "No account with ID '%d' was found.", account_id );
			} else {
				inter_to_fd(fd, u_fd, aid, "An error occured, bother your admin about it.");
		} else {
			Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 0, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(userid, data, sizeof(userid));
			Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 1, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(user_pass, data, sizeof(user_pass));
			Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 2, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(email, data, sizeof(email));
			Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 3, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(last_ip, data, sizeof(last_ip));
			Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 4, &data, NULL); level = atoi(data);
			Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 5, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(lastlogin, data, sizeof(lastlogin));
			Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 6, &data, NULL); logincount = atoi(data);
			Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 7, &data, NULL); state = atoi(data);
		if (level == -1)
		inter_to_fd(fd, u_fd, aid, "-- Account %d --", account_id );
		inter_to_fd(fd, u_fd, aid, "User: %s | GM Group: %d | State: %d", userid, level, state );
		if (level < castergroup) /* only show pass if your gm level is greater than the one you're searching for */
			inter_to_fd(fd, u_fd, aid, "Password: %s", user_pass );
		inter_to_fd(fd, u_fd, aid, "Account e-mail: %s", email);
		inter_to_fd(fd, u_fd, aid, "Last IP: %s (%s)", last_ip, geoip_getcountry(str2ip(last_ip)) );
		inter_to_fd(fd, u_fd, aid, "This user has logged %d times, the last time were at %s", logincount, lastlogin );
		inter_to_fd(fd, u_fd, aid, "-- Character Details --" );
		if ( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle, "SELECT `char_id`, `name`, `char_num`, `class`, `base_level`, `job_level`, `online` FROM `char` WHERE `account_id` = '%d' ORDER BY `char_num` LIMIT %d", account_id, MAX_CHARS)
				|| Sql_NumRows(sql_handle) == 0 ) {
				if( Sql_NumRows(sql_handle) == 0 )
					inter_to_fd(fd, u_fd, aid,"This account doesn't have characters.");
				else {
					inter_to_fd(fd, u_fd, aid,"An error occured, bother your admin about it.");
		} else {
			while ( SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(sql_handle) ) {
				int char_id, class_;
				short char_num, base_level, job_level, online;
				char name[NAME_LENGTH];
				Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 0, &data, NULL); char_id = atoi(data);
				Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 1, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(name, data, sizeof(name));
				Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 2, &data, NULL); char_num = atoi(data);
				Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 3, &data, NULL); class_ = atoi(data);
				Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 4, &data, NULL); base_level = atoi(data);
				Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 5, &data, NULL); job_level = atoi(data);
				Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 6, &data, NULL); online = atoi(data);
				inter_to_fd(fd, u_fd, aid, "[Slot/CID: %d/%d] %s | %s | Level: %d/%d | %s", char_num, char_id, name, job_name(class_), base_level, job_level, online?"On":"Off");
Ejemplo n.º 28
void mmo_send_global_accreg(AccountDB* self, int fd, int account_id, int char_id) {
	Sql* sql_handle = ((AccountDB_SQL*)self)->accounts;
	AccountDB_SQL* db = (AccountDB_SQL*)self;
	char* data;
	int plen = 0;
	size_t len;

	if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle, "SELECT `key`, `index`, `value` FROM `%s` WHERE `account_id`='%d'", db->global_acc_reg_str_table, account_id) )

	WFIFOHEAD(fd, 60000 + 300);
	WFIFOW(fd, 0) = 0x2726;
	// 0x2 = length, set prior to being sent
	WFIFOL(fd, 4) = account_id;
	WFIFOL(fd, 8) = char_id;
	WFIFOB(fd, 12) = 0; // var type (only set when all vars have been sent, regardless of type)
	WFIFOB(fd, 13) = 1; // is string type
	WFIFOW(fd, 14) = 0; // count
	plen = 16;

	 * Vessel!
	 * str type
	 * { keyLength(B), key(<keyLength>), index(L), valLength(B), val(<valLength>) }
	while ( SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(sql_handle) ) {
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 0, &data, NULL);
		len = strlen(data)+1;

		WFIFOB(fd, plen) = (unsigned char)len; // won't be higher; the column size is 32
		plen += 1;

		safestrncpy(WFIFOCP(fd,plen), data, len);
		plen += len;

		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 1, &data, NULL);

		WFIFOL(fd, plen) = (unsigned int)atol(data);
		plen += 4;

		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 2, &data, NULL);
		len = strlen(data)+1;

		WFIFOB(fd, plen) = (unsigned char)len; // won't be higher; the column size is 254
		plen += 1;

		safestrncpy(WFIFOCP(fd,plen), data, len);
		plen += len;

		WFIFOW(fd, 14) += 1;

		if( plen > 60000 ) {
			WFIFOW(fd, 2) = plen;
			WFIFOSET(fd, plen);

			// prepare follow up
			WFIFOHEAD(fd, 60000 + 300);
			WFIFOW(fd, 0) = 0x2726;
			// 0x2 = length, set prior to being sent
			WFIFOL(fd, 4) = account_id;
			WFIFOL(fd, 8) = char_id;
			WFIFOB(fd, 12) = 0; // var type (only set when all vars have been sent, regardless of type)
			WFIFOB(fd, 13) = 1; // is string type
			WFIFOW(fd, 14) = 0; // count
			plen = 16;

	WFIFOW(fd, 2) = plen;
	WFIFOSET(fd, plen);


	if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle, "SELECT `key`, `index`, `value` FROM `%s` WHERE `account_id`='%d'", db->global_acc_reg_num_table, account_id) )

	WFIFOHEAD(fd, 60000 + 300);
	WFIFOW(fd, 0) = 0x2726;
	// 0x2 = length, set prior to being sent
	WFIFOL(fd, 4) = account_id;
	WFIFOL(fd, 8) = char_id;
	WFIFOB(fd, 12) = 0; // var type (only set when all vars have been sent, regardless of type)
	WFIFOB(fd, 13) = 0; // is int type
	WFIFOW(fd, 14) = 0; // count
	plen = 16;

	 * Vessel!
	 * int type
	 * { keyLength(B), key(<keyLength>), index(L), value(L) }
	while ( SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(sql_handle) ) {
		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 0, &data, NULL);
		len = strlen(data)+1;

		WFIFOB(fd, plen) = (unsigned char)len; // won't be higher; the column size is 32
		plen += 1;

		safestrncpy(WFIFOCP(fd,plen), data, len);
		plen += len;

		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 1, &data, NULL);

		WFIFOL(fd, plen) = (unsigned int)atol(data);
		plen += 4;

		Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 2, &data, NULL);

		WFIFOL(fd, plen) = atoi(data);
		plen += 4;

		WFIFOW(fd, 14) += 1;

		if( plen > 60000 ) {
			WFIFOW(fd, 2) = plen;
			WFIFOSET(fd, plen);

			// prepare follow up
			WFIFOHEAD(fd, 60000 + 300);
			WFIFOW(fd, 0) = 0x2726;
			// 0x2 = length, set prior to being sent
			WFIFOL(fd, 4) = account_id;
			WFIFOL(fd, 8) = char_id;
			WFIFOB(fd, 12) = 0; // var type (only set when all vars have been sent, regardless of type)
			WFIFOB(fd, 13) = 0; // is int type
			WFIFOW(fd, 14) = 0; // count

			plen = 16;

	WFIFOB(fd, 12) = 1;
	WFIFOW(fd, 2) = plen;
	WFIFOSET(fd, plen);
