Ejemplo n.º 1
 * @brief
 * @param dbP Happydays DB pointer
 * @param AddrCategory The category of Address to be displayed
 * @param start Start position
 * @return The number of total Item
 * @remarks
 * @endif
UInt16 AddrGetHappyDays(DmOpenRef dbP, UInt16 AddrCategory, DateType start)
    UInt16 totalItems;
    UInt16 recordNum = 0;
    MemHandle recordH = 0;
    LineItemPtr ptr;
    PackedHappyDays* rp;
    HappyDays r;
    DateType converted;          
    UInt16 currindex = 0;
	Int16 age;

    // if exist, free the memory
    if (gTableRowHandle) {
        gTableRowHandle = 0;
    totalItems = DmNumRecordsInCategory(dbP, AddrCategory);
    if (totalItems > 0) {
        gTableRowHandle = MemHandleNew(sizeof(LineItemType)* totalItems);
        ErrFatalDisplayIf(!gTableRowHandle, "Out of memory");
        if ((ptr = MemHandleLock(gTableRowHandle))) {
            for (recordNum = 0; recordNum < totalItems; recordNum++) {
                if ((recordH = DmQueryNextInCategory(dbP, &currindex,
                                                     (UInt16)AddrCategory))) {
                    ptr[recordNum].birthRecordNum = currindex;

                    rp = (PackedHappyDays *) MemHandleLock(recordH);
                     * Build the unpacked structure for an AddressDB
                     * record.  It is just a bunch of pointers into the rp
                     * structure.
                    UnpackHappyDays(&r, rp);

                    // original r(in MainDB) not changed
                    //     local change for LineItemType
					converted = r.date;

                    if (r.flag.bits.nthdays) {
                        int syear, smonth, sday;

                        if (r.flag.bits.lunar || r.flag.bits.lunar_leap) {
                            if  (lunarL2S(lunarRefNum, converted.year + firstYear,
                                          converted.month, converted.day,
                                          r.flag.bits.lunar_leap, &syear, &smonth, &sday) != errNone) {

                            converted.day = sday;
                            converted.month = smonth;
                            converted.year = syear - firstYear;
                        DateAdjust(&converted, r.nth);

                        if (DateToDays(converted) < DateToDays(start)) {

                    else if (r.flag.bits.lunar || r.flag.bits.lunar_leap) {

                        if (!FindNearLunar(&converted, start,
                                           r.flag.bits.lunar_leap)) {
                            // ignore the records
                            converted.year = INVALID_CONV_DATE;
                            // max year(for sorting)
                            //   indicate for invalid date
                    else if (r.flag.bits.solar) {
                        int maxtry = 4;
						DateType dt;

						dt = start;

                        DateToInt(dt) = 
							(DateToInt(dt) > DateToInt(converted))
                            ? DateToInt(dt) : DateToInt(converted);

                        if (converted.month < dt.month ||
                            ( converted.month == dt.month
                              && converted.day < dt.day)) {
                            // birthdate is in last year?
                            while (DaysInMonth(converted.month, ++dt.year) < converted.day
                                   && maxtry-- > 0) 
                        else {
                            while (DaysInMonth(converted.month, dt.year) < converted.day
                                   && maxtry-- >0) {

                        if (maxtry >0) converted.year = dt.year;
                        else {
                            converted.year = INVALID_CONV_DATE;
                            // max year
                            //   indicate for invalid date
					if (converted.year != INVALID_CONV_DATE
                        && !r.flag.bits.nthdays 
						&& r.flag.bits.year 
						&& (age = CalculateAge(converted, r.date, r.flag)) >= 0) {
						// calculate age if year exists
						ptr[recordNum].age = age;
					else {
						ptr[recordNum].age = -1;

                    // save the converted data
                    ptr[recordNum].date = converted;

            // sort the order if sort order is converted date
            if (gPrefsR.sort == 1) {      	// date sort
                SysInsertionSort(ptr, totalItems, sizeof(LineItemType),
                                 (_comparF *)CompareHappyDaysFunc, 1L);
			else if (gPrefsR.sort == 3) {  	// age sort
                SysInsertionSort(ptr, totalItems, sizeof(LineItemType),
                                 (_comparF *)CompareAgeFunc, 1L);
			else if (gPrefsR.sort == 2) {	    // age sort(re)
                SysInsertionSort(ptr, totalItems, sizeof(LineItemType),
                                 (_comparF *)CompareAgeFunc, -1L);
        } else return 0;
    return totalItems;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void OpenTransliterations( void )
    DmSearchStateType   stateInfo;
    Err                 err;
    UInt16              i;
    UInt16              cardNo;
    LocalID             dbID;
    Char                temp[ 100 ];

    XlitEntry*          entry;

    if ( alreadyOpened )

    alreadyOpened = true;

    numXlits    = 0;

    xlitDataList = ListCreate();

    err = DmGetNextDatabaseByTypeCreator( true, &stateInfo,
            (UInt32) XlitDBType, (UInt32) ViewerAppID,
            false, &cardNo, &dbID );

    while ( err == errNone ) {
        ProcessXlitDB( cardNo, dbID );

        err = DmGetNextDatabaseByTypeCreator( false, &stateInfo,
                (UInt32) SkinResourceType, (UInt32) ViewerAppID, false,
                &cardNo, &dbID );

    if ( 0 < numXlits ) {
        xlitData = SafeMemPtrNew( sizeof( XlitEntry ) * numXlits );
        i        = 0;

        entry  = ListFirst( xlitDataList );
        while ( entry != NULL ) {
            xlitData[ i++ ] = *entry;

            SafeMemPtrFree( entry );
            entry = ListNext( xlitDataList, entry );
        SysInsertionSort( xlitData, numXlits, sizeof( XlitEntry ),
            XlitCompare, 0 );
    ListDelete( xlitDataList );

    xlitNames = SafeMemPtrNew( ( numXlits + 1 ) * sizeof( Char* ) );

    SysCopyStringResource( temp, strNoTransliteration );
    xlitNames[ 0 ] = SafeMemPtrNew( 1 + StrLen( temp ) );
    StrCopy( xlitNames[ 0 ], temp );

    for ( i = 1 ; i < numXlits + 1 ; i++ ) {
        Char* name;
        name           = xlitData[ i - 1 ].header->name;
        xlitNames[ i ] = SafeMemPtrNew( 1 + StrLen( name ) );
        StrCopy( xlitNames[ i ], name );