Ejemplo n.º 1
bool BaseHTTPProtocol::HandleFixedLengthContent(IOBuffer &buffer) {
	//1. Compute the chunk size that we areg going to read
	//which is how many bytes we have available, but no more than _contentLength
	uint32_t chunkSize = GETAVAILABLEBYTESCOUNT(buffer);
	o_assert(_sessionDecodedBytesCount <= _contentLength);
	uint32_t remaining = _contentLength - _sessionDecodedBytesCount;
	chunkSize = chunkSize > remaining ? remaining : chunkSize;

	//2. Update the session decoded bytes count and decoded bytes count
	_sessionDecodedBytesCount += chunkSize;
	_decodedBytesCount += chunkSize;

	//3. Make the copy and ignore the chunk size
	_inputBuffer.ReadFromBuffer(GETIBPOINTER(buffer), chunkSize);

	//3. Call the near protocol
	if (!_pNearProtocol->SignalInputData(_inputBuffer)) {
		FATAL("Unable to call the next protocol in stack");
		return false;

	//4. reset the state if necessary
	if (TransferCompleted()) {
		_contentLength = 0;
		_chunkedContent = false;
		_lastChunk = false;
		_sessionDecodedBytesCount = 0;

	//5. we are done
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void AsyncUsbReceiver::TransferComplete(struct libusb_transfer *transfer) {
  if (transfer != m_transfer) {
    OLA_WARN << "Mismatched libusb transfer: " << transfer << " != "
             << m_transfer;

  if (transfer->status != LIBUSB_TRANSFER_COMPLETED &&
      transfer->status != LIBUSB_TRANSFER_TIMED_OUT ) {
    OLA_WARN << "Transfer returned " << transfer->status;

  ola::thread::MutexLocker locker(&m_mutex);
  m_transfer_state = (transfer->status == LIBUSB_TRANSFER_NO_DEVICE ?

  if (m_suppress_continuation) {

  if (transfer->status != LIBUSB_TRANSFER_TIMED_OUT) {
    if (TransferCompleted(&m_rx_buffer, transfer->actual_length)) {
      // Input changed
      if (m_receive_callback.get()) {

  // Start next request
Ejemplo n.º 3
string BaseHTTPProtocol::DumpState() {
	string result = "";

	result += format("_chunkedContent: %hhu\n", _chunkedContent);
	result += format("_lastChunk: %hhu\n", _lastChunk);
	result += format("_contentLength: %u\n", _contentLength);
	result += format("_sessionDecodedBytesCount: %u\n", _sessionDecodedBytesCount);
	result += format("_decodedBytesCount: %u\n", _decodedBytesCount);
	result += format("_disconnectAfterTransfer: %hhu\n", _disconnectAfterTransfer);
	result += format("TransferCompleted(): %hhu\n", TransferCompleted());
	result += format("_headers:\n%s\n", STR(_headers.ToString()));
	result += format("_outputBuffer:\n%s\n", STR(_outputBuffer));
	result += format("_inputBuffer:\n%s", STR(_inputBuffer));

	return result;
Ejemplo n.º 4
bool BaseHTTPProtocol::HandleChunkedContent(IOBuffer &buffer) {
	//2. We cycle until we don't have any complete chunks anymore
	//or we hit the 0 bytes chunks (end of chunked content)
	uint8_t *pBuffer = NULL;
	uint32_t chunkSize = 0;
	uint32_t chunkSizeSize = 0;
	while (GETAVAILABLEBYTESCOUNT(buffer) >= 3) {
		//1. Get the raw pointer. We need it almost everywhere
		pBuffer = GETIBPOINTER(buffer);
		//FINEST("%s", STR(buffer));

		chunkSizeSize = 0;
		//3. Read the string which represents the number of bytes in the chunk
		for (uint32_t i = 0; i < GETAVAILABLEBYTESCOUNT(buffer) - 1; i++) {
			//5. Are we at the end of chunk size string?
			if ((pBuffer[i] == 0x0d) && (pBuffer[i + 1] == 0x0a)) {
				chunkSizeSize = i + 2;

			//4. If the chunk size string has more than 10 bytes, we drop it like
			//is hot! Also test each char to be a hex number.
			//This is a bogus request/response
			if (i >= 10 || (!(((pBuffer[i] >= '0') && (pBuffer[i] <= '9'))
					|| ((pBuffer[i] >= 'a') && (pBuffer[i] <= 'f'))
					|| ((pBuffer[i] >= 'A') && (pBuffer[i] <= 'F'))))) {
				FATAL("Unable to read chunk size length:\n%s", STR(buffer));
				return false;
		//7. Test the newly extracted chunk size
		if (chunkSizeSize == 0) {
			return true;

		//8. Get its actual value and test it as well
		chunkSize = strtol((char *) pBuffer, NULL, 16);
		if (chunkSize > HTTP_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE) {
			FATAL("Chunk size too large. Maximum allowed is %" PRIu32 " and we got %" PRIu32,
					(uint32_t) HTTP_MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, chunkSize);
			return false;

		//9. Now, we know the chunk size... do we have enough data?
				chunkSizeSize //length of the chunk size string
				- 2 //substract the 0x particle
				+ 2 //the \r\n that follows the chunk size string
				+ chunkSize //chunk size itself
				+ 2 //the \r\n that follows the data chunk
				) {
			return true;

		//10. Update the session decoded bytes count and decoded bytes count
		_sessionDecodedBytesCount += chunkSize;
		_decodedBytesCount += chunkSize;

		if (chunkSize != 0) {
			//11. Make the copy
			_contentLength += chunkSize;
			_inputBuffer.ReadFromBuffer(GETIBPOINTER(buffer) + chunkSizeSize - 2 + 2, chunkSize);
		} else {
			//12. This was the last chunk (0 bytes size)
			_lastChunk = true;

		//12. Call the near protocol
		if (!_pNearProtocol->SignalInputData(_inputBuffer)) {
			FATAL("Unable to call the next protocol in stack");
			return false;

		//13. Ignore the bytes from the input buffer
		DEBUG_HTTP("available bytes before ignore: %" PRIu32, GETAVAILABLEBYTESCOUNT(buffer));
		//				if (GETAVAILABLEBYTESCOUNT(buffer) == ((uint32_t) chunkSizeSize - 2 + 2 + chunkSize + 2)) {
		//					DEBUG_HTTP("%s", STR(buffer));
		//				}
		buffer.Ignore((uint32_t) chunkSizeSize - 2 + 2 + chunkSize + 2);
		DEBUG_HTTP("available bytes  after ignore: %" PRIu32, GETAVAILABLEBYTESCOUNT(buffer));

		//14. reset the state if necessary
		if (TransferCompleted()) {
			_chunkedContent = false;
			_lastChunk = false;
			_contentLength = 0;
			_sessionDecodedBytesCount = 0;
			return true;
	return true;