Ejemplo n.º 1
bool ParsedProperties::parseBlobPropertyBag(v8::Local<v8::Value> propertyBag, const char* blobClassName, v8::Isolate* isolate)
    ASSERT(m_endings == "transparent");

    V8TRYCATCH_RETURN(Dictionary, dictionary, Dictionary(propertyBag, isolate), false);

    V8TRYCATCH_RETURN(bool, containsEndings, dictionary.get("endings", m_endings), false);
    if (containsEndings) {
        if (m_endings != "transparent" && m_endings != "native") {
            throwTypeError(ExceptionMessages::failedToConstruct(blobClassName, "The \"endings\" property must be either \"transparent\" or \"native\"."), isolate);
            return false;

    V8TRYCATCH_RETURN(bool, containsType, dictionary.get("type", m_contentType), false);
    if (containsType) {
        if (!m_contentType.containsOnlyASCII()) {
            throwError(v8SyntaxError, ExceptionMessages::failedToConstruct(blobClassName, "The \"type\" property must consist of ASCII characters."), isolate);
            return false;
        m_contentType = m_contentType.lower();

    if (!m_hasFileProperties)
        return true;

    v8::Local<v8::Value> lastModified;
    V8TRYCATCH_RETURN(bool, containsLastModified, dictionary.get("lastModified", lastModified), false);
    if (containsLastModified) {
        V8TRYCATCH_RETURN(long long, lastModifiedInt, toInt64(lastModified), false);
        setLastModified(static_cast<double>(lastModifiedInt) / msPerSecond);
    } else {
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool Dictionary::get(const String& key, unsigned long long& value) const
    v8::Local<v8::Value> v8Value;
    if (!getKey(key, v8Value))
        return false;

    V8TRYCATCH_RETURN(v8::Local<v8::Number>, v8Number, v8Value->ToNumber(), false);
    if (v8Number.IsEmpty())
        return false;
    double d = v8Number->Value();
    doubleToInteger(d, value);
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool Dictionary::get(const String& key, double& value, bool& hasValue) const
    v8::Local<v8::Value> v8Value;
    if (!getKey(key, v8Value)) {
        hasValue = false;
        return false;

    hasValue = true;
    V8TRYCATCH_RETURN(v8::Local<v8::Number>, v8Number, v8Value->ToNumber(), false);
    if (v8Number.IsEmpty())
        return false;
    value = v8Number->Value();
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
uint32_t toUInt32(v8::Handle<v8::Value> value, IntegerConversionConfiguration configuration, ExceptionState& exceptionState)
    // Fast case. The value is already a 32-bit unsigned integer.
    if (value->IsUint32())
        return value->Uint32Value();

    // Fast case. The value is a 32-bit signed integer - possibly positive?
    if (value->IsInt32()) {
        int32_t result = value->Int32Value();
        if (result >= 0)
            return result;
        if (configuration == EnforceRange) {
            exceptionState.throwTypeError("Value is outside the 'unsigned long' value range.");
            return 0;
        return result;

    // Can the value be converted to a number?
    V8TRYCATCH_EXCEPTION_RETURN(v8::Local<v8::Number>, numberObject, value->ToNumber(), exceptionState, 0);
    if (numberObject.IsEmpty()) {
        exceptionState.throwTypeError("Not convertible to a number value (of type 'unsigned long'.)");
        return 0;

    if (configuration == EnforceRange)
        return enforceRange(numberObject->Value(), 0, kMaxUInt32, "unsigned long", exceptionState);

    // Does the value convert to nan or to an infinity?
    double numberValue = numberObject->Value();
    if (std::isnan(numberValue) || std::isinf(numberValue))
        return 0;

    if (configuration == Clamp)
        return clampTo<uint32_t>(numberObject->Value());

    V8TRYCATCH_RETURN(uint32_t, result, numberObject->Uint32Value(), 0);
    return result;