Val _lib7_P_SysDB_getgrnam (Task* task, Val arg) { //====================== // // Mythryl type: String -> (String, Unt, List(String)) // // Get group file entry by name. // // This fn gets bound as getgrname' in: // // src/lib/std/src/posix-1003.1b/posix-etc.pkg struct group* info = getgrnam( HEAP_STRING_AS_C_STRING( arg )); if (info == NULL) return RAISE_SYSERR(task, -1); Val gr_name = make_ascii_string_from_c_string( task, info->gr_name ); Val gr_gid; WORD_ALLOC (task, gr_gid, (Val_Sized_Unt)(info->gr_gid)); Val gr_mem = make_ascii_strings_from_vector_of_c_strings( task, info->gr_mem ); Val result; REC_ALLOC3(task, result, gr_name, gr_gid, gr_mem); return result; }
/* _lib7_win32_PS_system : String -> word32 * command * */ lib7_val_t _lib7_win32_PS_system(lib7_state_t *lib7_state, lib7_val_t arg) { int ret = system(STR_LIB7toC(arg)); lib7_val_t res; WORD_ALLOC(lib7_state, res, (Word_t)ret); return res; }
/* _lib7_P_ProcEnv_getgid: Void -> word * * Return group id */ lib7_val_t _lib7_P_ProcEnv_getgid (lib7_state_t *lib7_state, lib7_val_t arg) { lib7_val_t p; WORD_ALLOC (lib7_state, p, (Word_t)(getgid())); return p; } /* end of _lib7_P_ProcEnv_getgid */
/* _lib7_win32_PS_system : String -> one_word_unt * command * */ Val _lib7_win32_PS_system(Task *task, Val arg) { int ret = system(HEAP_STRING_AS_C_STRING(arg)); Val res; WORD_ALLOC(task, res, (Val_Sized_Unt)ret); return res; }
/* _lib7_win32_PS_create_process : String -> word32 * * Note: This function returns the handle to the created process * This handle will need to be freed before the system releases * the memory associated to the process. * We will take care of this in the wait_for_single_chunk * call. This is for the time being only used by threadkit. * It could also cause problems later on. */ lib7_val_t _lib7_win32_PS_create_process(lib7_state_t *lib7_state, lib7_val_t arg) { char *str = STR_LIB7toC(arg); PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; STARTUPINFO si; lib7_val_t res; BOOL fSuccess; ZeroMemory (&si,sizeof(si)); si.cb = sizeof(si); fSuccess = CreateProcess (NULL,str,NULL,NULL,FALSE,0,NULL,NULL,&si,&pi); if (fSuccess) { HANDLE hProcess = pi.hProcess; CloseHandle (pi.hThread); WORD_ALLOC (lib7_state,res,(Word_t)hProcess); return res; } WORD_ALLOC (lib7_state,res,(Word_t)0); return res; }
/* _lib7_win32_PS_create_process : String -> one_word_unt * * Note: This function returns the handle to the created process * This handle will need to be freed before the system releases * the memory associated to the process. * We will take care of this in the wait_for_single_chunk * call. This is for the time being only used by threadkit. * It could also cause problems later on. */ Val _lib7_win32_PS_create_process(Task *task, Val arg) { char *str = HEAP_STRING_AS_C_STRING(arg); PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; STARTUPINFO si; Val res; BOOL fSuccess; ZeroMemory (&si,sizeof(si)); si.cb = sizeof(si); fSuccess = CreateProcess (NULL,str,NULL,NULL,FALSE,0,NULL,NULL,&si,&pi); if (fSuccess) { HANDLE hProcess = pi.hProcess; CloseHandle (pi.hThread); WORD_ALLOC (task,res,(Val_Sized_Unt)hProcess); return res; } WORD_ALLOC (task,res,(Val_Sized_Unt)0); return res; }
/* _lib7_win32_IO_set_file_pointer: (one_word_unt * one_word_unt * one_word_unt) -> one_word_unt * handle dist how */ Val _lib7_win32_IO_set_file_pointer(Task *task, Val arg) { HANDLE h = (HANDLE) WORD_LIB7toC(GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_VAL(arg,0)); LONG dist = (LONG) WORD_LIB7toC(GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_VAL(arg,1)); DWORD how = (DWORD) WORD_LIB7toC(GET_TUPLE_SLOT_AS_VAL(arg,2)); Val_Sized_Unt w; Val res; w = SetFilePointer(h,dist,NULL,how); WORD_ALLOC(task, res, w); return res; }
/* _lib7_win32_IO_get_std_handle: one_word_unt -> one_word_unt * interface to win32 GetStdHandle */ Val _lib7_win32_IO_get_std_handle(Task *task, Val arg) { Val_Sized_Unt w = WORD_LIB7toC(arg); HANDLE h = GetStdHandle(w); Val res; #ifdef WIN32_DEBUG debug_say("getting std handle for %x as %x\n", w, (unsigned int) h); #endif WORD_ALLOC(task, res, (Val_Sized_Unt)h); return res; }
/* mkStatRep: * * This makes a representation of the struct stat to be returned * to the SML side. It is a tuple with the following fields: * * file_type : int * mode : word * ino : word * dev : word * nlink : word * uid : word * gid : word * sizehi : word * sizelo : word * atime : * mtime : * ctime : */ PVT ml_val_t mkStatRep (ml_state_t *msp, struct stat *buf) { int ftype; ml_val_t mode, ino, dev, uid, gid, nlink, sr, atime, mtime, ctime, szhi, szlo; #if ((S_IFDIR != 0x4000) || (S_IFCHR != 0x2000) || (S_IFBLK != 0x6000) || (S_IFREG != 0x8000) || (S_IFIFO != 0x1000) || (S_IFLNK != 0xA000) || (S_IFSOCK != 0xC000)) if (S_ISDIR(buf->st_mode)) ftype = 0x4000; else if (S_ISCHR(buf->st_mode)) ftype = 0x2000; else if (S_ISBLK(buf->st_mode)) ftype = 0x6000; else if (S_ISREG(buf->st_mode)) ftype = 0x8000; else if (S_ISFIFO(buf->st_mode)) ftype = 0x1000; #ifdef S_ISLNK else if (S_ISLNK(buf->st_mode)) ftype = 0xA000; #endif #ifdef S_ISSOCK else if (S_ISSOCK(buf->st_mode)) ftype = 0xC000; #endif else ftype = 0; #else ftype = buf->st_mode & 0xF000; #endif WORD_ALLOC (msp, mode, (Word_t)((buf->st_mode) & MODE_BITS)); WORD_ALLOC (msp, ino, (Word_t)(buf->st_ino)); WORD_ALLOC (msp, dev, (Word_t)(buf->st_dev)); WORD_ALLOC (msp, nlink, (Word_t)(buf->st_nlink)); WORD_ALLOC (msp, uid, (Word_t)(buf->st_uid)); WORD_ALLOC (msp, gid, (Word_t)(buf->st_gid)); if (sizeof(buf->st_size)>4) { WORD_ALLOC (msp, szhi, (Word_t)(buf->st_size >> 32)); } else {
Val _lib7_P_ProcEnv_getuid (Task* task, Val arg) { //====================== // // Mythryl type: Void -> Unt // // Return user id. // // This fn gets bound as get_user_id in: // // src/lib/std/src/posix-1003.1b/posix-id.pkg Val result; WORD_ALLOC (task, result, (Val_Sized_Unt) (getuid())); return result; }
/* _ml_P_Dynload_dlsym : Word32.word * string -> Word32.word * * Extract symbol from dynamically loaded library. */ ml_val_t _ml_U_Dynload_dlsym (ml_state_t *msp, ml_val_t arg) { ml_val_t ml_handle = REC_SEL (arg, 0); char *symname = STR_MLtoC (REC_SEL (arg, 1)); void *handle = (void *) (WORD_MLtoC (ml_handle)); void *addr; ml_val_t res; #ifdef OPSYS_WIN32 addr = GetProcAddress (handle, symname); if (addr == NULL && symname != NULL) dlerror_set ("Symbol `%s' not found", symname); #else addr = dlsym (handle, symname); #endif WORD_ALLOC (msp, res, (Word_t) addr); return res; }
static Val mkList (Task* task, int ngrps, gid gidset[]) { // ====== // // Convert array of gid_t into a list of gid_t Val w; // NOTE: We should do something about possible cleaning!!! XXX BUGGO FIXME Val p = LIST_NIL; while (ngrps-- > 0) { // WORD_ALLOC (task, w, (Val_Sized_Unt)(gidset[ngrps])); LIST_CONS(task, p, w, p); } return p; }
lib7_val_t _lib7_win32_PS_wait_for_single_chunk(lib7_state_t *lib7_state, lib7_val_t arg) { HANDLE hProcess = (HANDLE) WORD_LIB7toC (arg); DWORD exit_code; int res; lib7_val_t p,chunk; res = WaitForSingleChunkect (hProcess,0); if (res==WAIT_TIMEOUT || res==WAIT_FAILED) { /* information is not ready, or error */ chunk = OPTION_NONE; } else { /* WAIT_CHUNKECT_0 ... done, finished */ /* get info and return THE(exit_status) */ GetExitCodeProcess (hProcess,&exit_code); CloseHandle (hProcess); /* decrease ref count */ WORD_ALLOC (lib7_state,p,(Word_t)exit_code); OPTION_SOME(lib7_state,chunk,p); } return chunk; }
Val _lib7_win32_PS_wait_for_single_chunk(Task *task, Val arg) { HANDLE hProcess = (HANDLE) WORD_LIB7toC (arg); DWORD exit_code; int res; Val p,chunk; res = WaitForSingleChunkect (hProcess,0); if (res==WAIT_TIMEOUT || res==WAIT_FAILED) { /* information is not ready, or error */ chunk = OPTION_NULL; } else { /* WAIT_CHUNKECT_0 ... done, finished */ /* get info and return THE(exit_status) */ GetExitCodeProcess (hProcess,&exit_code); CloseHandle (hProcess); /* decrease ref count */ WORD_ALLOC (task,p,(Val_Sized_Unt)exit_code); OPTION_THE(task,chunk,p); } return chunk; }
Val _lib7_P_ProcEnv_sysconf (Task* task, Val arg) { //======================= // // Mythryl type: String -> Unt // // Get configurable system variables // // This fn gets bound as sysconf in: // // src/lib/std/src/posix-1003.1b/posix-process.pkg name_val_t* attribute = _lib7_posix_nv_lookup(HEAP_STRING_AS_C_STRING(arg), values, NUMELMS); // if (!attribute) { // errno = EINVAL; return RAISE_SYSERR(task, -1); } long val; errno = 0; // while (((val = sysconf(attribute->val)) == -1) && (errno == EINTR)) { errno = 0; continue; } if (val >= 0) { // Val result; WORD_ALLOC (task, result, val); return result; } if (errno == 0) return RAISE_ERROR(task, "unsupported POSIX feature"); else return RAISE_SYSERR(task, -1); }