Ejemplo n.º 1
// Add a video frame to the file
void AddFrame (CScreen *pScreen_)
    DWORD size;

    // Ignore if we're not recording or we're expecting audio
    if (!f || !fWantVideo)

    // Old-style AVI has a 2GB size limit, so restart if we're within 1MB of that
    if (ftell(f) >= 0x7ff00000)

        // Restart for a continuation volume
        if (!Start(fHalfSize))

    // Start of file?
    if (ftell(f) == 0)
        // Store the dimensions, and allocate+invalidate the frame copy
        width = pScreen_->GetPitch() >> (fHalfSize?1:0);
        height = pScreen_->GetHeight() >> (fHalfSize?1:0);
        size = (DWORD)width * (DWORD)height;
        pbCurr = new BYTE[size];
        memset(pbCurr, 0xff, size);

        // Write the placeholder file headers
Ejemplo n.º 2
void Stop ()
    // Ignore if we're not recording
    if (!f)

    // Silence the sound in case index generation is slow

    // Complete the movi chunk, add the index, and complete the RIFF
    WriteChunkEnd(f, lMoviPos);
    WriteChunkEnd(f, lRiffPos);

    // Write the completed file headers

    // Seek to end before closing
    if (fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END) != 0)
        TRACE("!!! AVI::Stop(): Failed to seek to end of recording\n");

    // Close the recording
    f = nullptr;

    // Free current frame data
    delete[] pbCurr, pbCurr = nullptr;

    // Free resample buffer
    delete[] pbResample, pbResample = nullptr;

    Frame::SetStatus("Saved %s", pszFile);
// Description:
// Arguments:
// Return:
bool CVisualLog::OpenLogs()
	m_sFormat = m_pCVVisualLogImageFormat->GetString();
	m_eFormat = GetFormatType( m_sFormat );
	m_sLogFolder = m_pCVVisualLogFolder->GetString();
	int iLogFolderLen = m_sLogFolder.length();

	// Check we have good params to use
	if ( m_eFormat == EVLF_NONE || iLogFolderLen == 0 )
		GameWarning( "[VisualLog] File format or log folder value invalid" );
		return false;

	// Create base directory if necessary
	CryCreateDirectory( m_sLogFolder );

	// Figure out next number in sequence m_sLogFolderName/m_sLogFolderNameXXXX, where XXXX is 0000, 0001, etc.
	int iSeqNum = 0;
	__finddata64_t fd;
	intptr_t handle = _findfirst64( PathUtil::Make( m_sLogFolder , "*.*" ), &fd );
	if ( handle != -1 )
			// Is it a directory with our base name as a prefix?
			if ( fd.attrib & _A_SUBDIR && fd.name[0]!='.' && 
					 !_strnicmp( m_sLogFolder, fd.name, iLogFolderLen ) )
				iSeqNum = max( iSeqNum, atoi( fd.name + iLogFolderLen ) + 1 );
		while (0 == _findnext64 (handle, &fd));

	// Now create directory
	char sLogPath[256];
	_snprintf( sLogPath, sizeof(sLogPath), "%s\\%s%04d", m_sLogFolder.c_str(), m_sLogFolder.c_str(), iSeqNum );
	if ( !CryCreateDirectory( sLogPath ) )
		GameWarning( "[VisualLog] Unable to create directory for log files: %s", sLogPath );
		return false;

	m_sLogPath = sLogPath;
	m_iLogFolderNum = iSeqNum;
	char sLogFileName[256];
	_snprintf( sLogFileName, sizeof(sLogFileName), "%s\\%s%04d.log", m_sLogPath.c_str(), m_sLogFolder.c_str(), m_iLogFolderNum );	
	char sLogParamsFileName[256];
	_snprintf( sLogParamsFileName, sizeof(sLogParamsFileName), "%s\\%s%04d_params.log", m_sLogPath.c_str(), m_sLogFolder.c_str(), m_iLogFolderNum );	

	// Open Log Files
	m_fLogFile = fxopen(sLogFileName, "w");
	m_fLogParamsFile = fxopen(sLogParamsFileName, "w");
	if ( !m_fLogFile || !m_fLogParamsFile )
		GameWarning( "[VisualLog] Unable to open log files [%s] [%s]", sLogFileName, sLogParamsFileName );
		return false;

	WriteFileHeaders( sLogFileName, sLogParamsFileName );

	return true;