Ejemplo n.º 1
    XBSetVisual - set the visual class for a window and colormap

    Input Parameters:
.   nc - number of colors.  Use the maximum of the visual if
    nc == 0.  Use nc = 2 for black and white displays.
int XBSetVisual( XBWindow *XBWin, int q_default_visual, Colormap cmap, int nc ){
	if (q_default_visual) {
		XBWin->vis    = DefaultVisual( XBWin->disp, XBWin->screen );
		XBWin->depth  = DefaultDepth(XBWin->disp,XBWin->screen);
    		if (!cmap)
			XBWin->cmap  = DefaultColormap( XBWin->disp, XBWin->screen );
        	XBWin->cmap  = cmap;
    	} else {
    		/* Try to match to some popular types */
    		XVisualInfo vinfo;	
		if (XMatchVisualInfo( XBWin->disp, XBWin->screen, 24, DirectColor, &vinfo)) {
			XBWin->vis    = vinfo.visual;
			XBWin->depth  = 24;
		} else if (XMatchVisualInfo( XBWin->disp, XBWin->screen, 8, PseudoColor, &vinfo)) {
			XBWin->vis    = vinfo.visual;
			XBWin->depth  = 8;
		}  else if (XMatchVisualInfo( XBWin->disp, XBWin->screen,  DefaultDepth(XBWin->disp,XBWin->screen), PseudoColor, &vinfo)) {
			XBWin->vis    = vinfo.visual;
			XBWin->depth  = DefaultDepth(XBWin->disp,XBWin->screen);
		}  else {
			XBWin->vis    = DefaultVisual( XBWin->disp, XBWin->screen );
			XBWin->depth  = DefaultDepth(XBWin->disp,XBWin->screen);
		/* There are other types; perhaps this routine should accept a 
		       "hint" on which types to look for. */
		XBWin->cmap = (Colormap) 0;

	/* reset the number of colors from info on the display, the colormap */
	XBInitColors( XBWin, cmap, nc );
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static      vmResult
	XVisualInfo *vinfo;
	int         nvinfo;
	XVisualInfo vtmp;
	static int  desired_classes[] = {
		PseudoColor, DirectColor, GrayScale, TrueColor, StaticColor,
	int         cl;

	static char *classes[] = {

	if (x11_dpy == NULL)
		return vmNotAvailable;

	vtmp.screen = x11_screen;

	x11_depth = DefaultDepth(x11_dpy, x11_screen);

	// most optimistic cases first
	for (cl = 0; cl < 6; cl++) {
		x11_class = desired_classes[cl];
		if (XMatchVisualInfo(x11_dpy, x11_screen, 8,
							 x11_class, &vtmp) ||
			XMatchVisualInfo(x11_dpy, x11_screen, x11_depth,
							 x11_class, &vtmp)) break;

	if (cl >= 6) {
		module_logger(&X_Video, _L|LOG_ERROR | LOG_USER,
			 _("no compatible color classes found, cannot display\n"));
		return vmNotAvailable;

	x11_depth = vtmp.depth;

	if (x11_depth <= 4) {
		module_logger(&X_Video, _L|LOG_ERROR | LOG_USER,
			 _("video_X:  Cannot use visual with only %d colors.\n"),
			 1 << (x11_depth - 1));
//		return vmNotAvailable;

	x11_visual = vtmp.visual;

	module_logger(&X_Video, _L|L_0, _("color class = %s\n"), classes[x11_class]);

	module_logger(&X_Video, _L|LOG_USER, _("Detected X Window System...\n"));
	return vmOk;
void SWRenderDisplayWindowProvider::create(DisplayWindowSite *new_site, const DisplayWindowDescription &description)
	site = new_site;
	flip_timer_set = false;

	refresh_rate = description.get_refresh_rate();
	if (!refresh_rate)	// Default the refresh rate to 100 if not defined
		refresh_rate = 100;
	swap_interval = description.get_swap_interval();

#ifdef WIN32
	window.create(site, description);
#elif !defined(__APPLE__)
	::Display *disp = window.get_display();

	int bpp = 24;
	XVisualInfo visual_info;
	int screen =  DefaultScreen(disp); //RootWindow(disp,  0);

	if (XMatchVisualInfo(disp, screen, 24, TrueColor, &visual_info)) {bpp = 24;} 
	else if (XMatchVisualInfo(disp, screen, 16, TrueColor, &visual_info)) {bpp = 16;}
	else if (XMatchVisualInfo(disp, screen, 15, TrueColor, &visual_info)) {bpp = 15;}
	else if (XMatchVisualInfo(disp, screen, 32, TrueColor, &visual_info)) {bpp = 32;}
	else if (XMatchVisualInfo(disp, screen, 8, PseudoColor, &visual_info)) {bpp = 8;}
	else if (XMatchVisualInfo(disp, screen, 8, GrayScale, &visual_info)) {bpp = 8;}
	else if (XMatchVisualInfo(disp, screen, 8, StaticGray, &visual_info)) {bpp = 8;}
	else if (XMatchVisualInfo(disp, screen, 1, StaticGray, &visual_info)) {bpp = 1;}
	else { throw Exception("Cannot match visual info"); }

	window.create(&visual_info, site, description);
	gc = GraphicContext(new SWRenderGraphicContextProvider(this));
Ejemplo n.º 4
NativeWindowType X11Windowing::createNativeWindow(NativeDisplayType _dpy, int width, int height)
    Display *dpy = (Display *) _dpy;

    long defaultScreen = DefaultScreen( dpy );
    Window rootWindow = RootWindow(dpy, defaultScreen);
    int depth = DefaultDepth(dpy, defaultScreen);
    XVisualInfo *visualInfo = new XVisualInfo;

    XMatchVisualInfo(dpy, defaultScreen, depth, TrueColor, visualInfo);
    if (visualInfo == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "couldn't find matching visual\n");
        return NULL;

    Colormap x11Colormap = XCreateColormap(dpy, rootWindow, visualInfo->visual, AllocNone);
    XSetWindowAttributes sWA;
    sWA.colormap = x11Colormap;
    sWA.event_mask = StructureNotifyMask | ExposureMask;
    sWA.background_pixel = 0;
    sWA.border_pixel = 0;
    unsigned int attributes_mask = CWBackPixel | CWBorderPixel | CWEventMask | CWColormap;

    Window win = XCreateWindow( dpy,
                                0, 0, width, height,
                                0, CopyFromParent, InputOutput,
                                CopyFromParent, attributes_mask, &sWA);

    XMapWindow(dpy, win);
    return NativeWindowType(win);
Ejemplo n.º 5
static gboolean
gst_gl_context_egl_choose_format (GstGLContext * context, GError ** error)
  if (GST_GL_IS_WINDOW_X11 (context->window)) {
    GstGLWindow *window = gst_gl_context_get_window (context);
    GstGLWindowX11 *window_x11 = GST_GL_WINDOW_X11 (window);
    gint ret;

    window_x11->visual_info = g_new0 (XVisualInfo, 1);
    ret = XMatchVisualInfo (window_x11->device, window_x11->screen_num,
        window_x11->depth, TrueColor, window_x11->visual_info);

    gst_object_unref (window);

    if (ret == 0) {
      g_set_error (error, GST_GL_CONTEXT_ERROR,
          GST_GL_CONTEXT_ERROR_WRONG_CONFIG, "Failed to match XVisualInfo");
      return FALSE;

  return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 6
PetscErrorCode PetscDrawXiSetVisualClass(PetscDraw_X *XiWin)
  XVisualInfo vinfo;

  if (XMatchVisualInfo(XiWin->disp,XiWin->screen,24,DirectColor,&vinfo)) {
    XiWin->vis = vinfo.visual;
  } else if (XMatchVisualInfo(XiWin->disp,XiWin->screen,8,PseudoColor,&vinfo)) {
    XiWin->vis = vinfo.visual;
  } else if (XMatchVisualInfo(XiWin->disp,XiWin->screen,DefaultDepth(XiWin->disp,XiWin->screen),PseudoColor,&vinfo)) {
    XiWin->vis = vinfo.visual;
  } else {
    XiWin->vis = DefaultVisual(XiWin->disp,XiWin->screen);
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: main.cpp Proyecto: nyaxt/dmix
  XWin() {
    // Initializes the display and screen
    m_x11Display = XOpenDisplay(nullptr);
    if (!m_x11Display) throw std::runtime_error("Unable to open X display");
    m_x11Screen = XDefaultScreen(m_x11Display);

    // Gets the window parameters
    Window sRootWindow = RootWindow(m_x11Display, m_x11Screen);
    int depth = DefaultDepth(m_x11Display, m_x11Screen);
    XMatchVisualInfo(m_x11Display, m_x11Screen, depth, TrueColor, &m_x11Visual);
    m_x11Colormap = XCreateColormap(m_x11Display, sRootWindow,
                                    m_x11Visual.visual, AllocNone);

    XSetWindowAttributes attrs;
    attrs.colormap = m_x11Colormap;
    attrs.event_mask = StructureNotifyMask | ExposureMask | ButtonPressMask |
                       ButtonReleaseMask | KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask;

    // Creates the X11 window
    m_x11Window = XCreateWindow(
        m_x11Display, RootWindow(m_x11Display, m_x11Screen), 0, 0, 800, 480, 0,
        CopyFromParent, InputOutput, CopyFromParent,
        CWBackPixel | CWBorderPixel | CWEventMask | CWColormap, &attrs);
    XMapWindow(m_x11Display, m_x11Window);
Ejemplo n.º 8
    This routine gets the visual class (PseudoColor, etc) and returns
    it.  It finds the default visual.  Possible returns are
int XBSetVisualClass( XBWindow *XBWin ){
	XVisualInfo vinfo;
	if (XMatchVisualInfo( XBWin->disp, XBWin->screen,  24, DirectColor, &vinfo)) {
		XBWin->vis    = vinfo.visual;
		return 0;
    	if (XMatchVisualInfo( XBWin->disp, XBWin->screen, 8, PseudoColor, &vinfo)) {
		XBWin->vis    = vinfo.visual;
		return 0;
	if (XMatchVisualInfo( XBWin->disp, XBWin->screen, DefaultDepth(XBWin->disp,XBWin->screen), PseudoColor, &vinfo)) {
		XBWin->vis    = vinfo.visual;
		return 0;
    	XBWin->vis    = DefaultVisual( XBWin->disp, XBWin->screen );
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 9
Archivo: glx.c Proyecto: ssvb/glshim
XVisualInfo *glXGetVisualFromFBConfig(Display *display, GLXFBConfig config) {
    if (xDisplay == NULL) {
        xDisplay = display;
    XVisualInfo *visual = (XVisualInfo *)malloc(sizeof(XVisualInfo));
    XMatchVisualInfo(display, 0, 16, TrueColor, visual); 
    return visual;
Ejemplo n.º 10
// ######################################################################
AutomateXWin::AutomateXWin(const char* win_name) :

  char *dispName = XDisplayName(NULL);
  unsigned num_tries;
  int event_base, error_base;
  int major_version, minor_version;

  itsDisplay = XOpenDisplay(dispName);
    LFATAL("XOpenDisplay(%s) failed\n", dispName);

  if (!XTestQueryExtension (itsDisplay, &event_base, &error_base, &major_version, &minor_version)) {
    LFATAL("XTest extension not supported on server");

  LINFO("XTestQueryExtension passed.");
  LINFO("XTest information for server \"%s\":", DisplayString(itsDisplay));
  LINFO("  Major version:       %d", major_version);
  LINFO("  Minor version:       %d", minor_version);
  LINFO("  First event number:  %d", event_base);
  LINFO("  First error number:  %d", error_base);

  itsScreen = DefaultScreen(itsDisplay);

  itsRootWin = RootWindow(itsDisplay, itsScreen);

    itsWindow = XWindowByName(itsDisplay, itsRootWin, win_name);
    if(itsWindow) break;
    if(++num_tries == 100)

  XSync(itsDisplay, False);
#ifdef USE_SHM

  if(!XMatchVisualInfo(itsDisplay, itsScreen, itsDepth, DirectColor, &itsVInfo))

static Window createWindow(JNIEnv* env, Display *disp, int screen, jint window_mode, X11PeerInfo *peer_info, int x, int y, int width, int height, jboolean undecorated, long parent_handle, jboolean resizable) {
	Window parent = (Window)parent_handle;
	Window win;
	XSetWindowAttributes attribs;
	unsigned int attribmask;

    XVisualInfo vis_info;
    if ( !XMatchVisualInfo(disp, screen, DefaultDepth(disp, screen), TrueColor, &vis_info) ) {
        throwException(env, "Failed to acquire X visual.");
        return false;

	cmap = XCreateColormap(disp, parent, vis_info.visual, AllocNone);
	if (!checkXError(env, disp)) {
		return false;
	attribs.colormap = cmap;
	attribs.border_pixel = 0;
	attribs.event_mask = ExposureMask | FocusChangeMask | VisibilityChangeMask | StructureNotifyMask | KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | PointerMotionMask;
	attribmask = CWColormap | CWEventMask | CWBorderPixel | CWBackPixel;
	if (isLegacyFullscreen(window_mode)) {
		attribmask |= CWOverrideRedirect;
		attribs.override_redirect = True;
	win = XCreateWindow(disp, parent, x, y, width, height, 0, vis_info.depth, InputOutput, vis_info.visual, attribmask, &attribs);

	current_depth = vis_info.depth;
	current_visual = vis_info.visual;

	if (!checkXError(env, disp)) {
		XFreeColormap(disp, cmap);
		return false;
	if (undecorated) {
		// Use Motif decoration hint property and hope the window manager respects them
		setDecorations(disp, win, 0);

	if (RootWindow(disp, screen) == parent_handle) { // only set hints when Display.setParent isn't used
		updateWindowBounds(disp, win, x, y, width, height, JNI_TRUE, resizable);
		updateWindowHints(env, disp, win);

#define NUM_ATOMS 1
	Atom protocol_atoms[NUM_ATOMS] = {XInternAtom(disp, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", False)/*, XInternAtom(disp, "WM_TAKE_FOCUS", False)*/};
	XSetWMProtocols(disp, win, protocol_atoms, NUM_ATOMS);
	if (window_mode == org_lwjgl_opengl_LinuxDisplay_FULLSCREEN_NETWM) {
		Atom fullscreen_atom = XInternAtom(disp, "_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN", False);
		XChangeProperty(disp, win, XInternAtom(disp, "_NET_WM_STATE", False),
						XInternAtom(disp, "ATOM", False), 32, PropModeReplace, (const unsigned char*)&fullscreen_atom, 1);
	if (!checkXError(env, disp)) {
		destroyWindow(env, disp, win);
		return 0;
	return win;
Ejemplo n.º 12
enum Display_color_type get_visual(void)
  int i, default_depth;
  Visual *default_visual;
  XVisualInfo visual_info; 

  /* Try to allocate colors for PseudoColor, TrueColor,
   * DirectColor, and StaticColor; use black and white
   * for StaticGray and GrayScale */
  default_depth = DefaultDepth(display, screen_number);
  default_visual = DefaultVisual(display, screen_number);

  if (default_depth == 1) { 
    /* Must be StaticGray, use black and white */
    log_verbose("found B/W display.");
    return BW_DISPLAY;

  while(!XMatchVisualInfo(display, screen_number, 
			  default_depth, i--, &visual_info));

  log_verbose("Found a %s class visual at default depth.",
  if(i < StaticColor) { /* Color visual classes are 2 to 5 */
    /* No color visual available at default depth;
     * some applications might call XMatchVisualInfo
     * here to try for a GrayScale visual if they
     * can use gray to advantage, before giving up
     * and using black and white */
    log_verbose("found grayscale(?) display.");

   /* Otherwise, got a color visual at default depth */
   /* The visual we found is not necessarily the default
    * visual, and therefore it is not necessarily the one
    * we used to create our window; however, we now know
    * for sure that color is supported, so the following
    * code will work (or fail in a controlled way) */
   /* Let's check just out of curiosity: */
  if (visual_info.visual != default_visual) {
/*    log_verbose("Found: %s class visual at default depth",
                  visual_class[i]); */

  log_verbose("color system booted ok.");

Ejemplo n.º 13
static int tc_x11source_init_shm(TCX11Source *handle)
    Status ret;

    ret = XMatchVisualInfo(handle->dpy, handle->screen, handle->depth,
                           DirectColor, &handle->vis_info);
    if (!ret) {
        tc_log_error(__FILE__, "Can't match visual information");
        goto xshm_failed;
    handle->image = XShmCreateImage(handle->dpy, handle->vis_info.visual,
                                    handle->depth, ZPixmap,
                                    NULL, &handle->shm_info,
                                    handle->width, handle->height);
    if (handle->image == NULL) {
        tc_log_error(__FILE__, "XShmCreateImage failed.");
        goto xshm_failed_image;
    handle->shm_info.shmid = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE,
                                    handle->image->bytes_per_line * handle->image->height,
                                    IPC_CREAT | 0777);
    if (handle->shm_info.shmid < 0) {
        tc_log_error(__FILE__, "failed to create shared memory segment");
        goto xshm_failed_image;
    handle->shm_info.shmaddr = shmat(handle->shm_info.shmid, NULL, 0);
    if (handle->shm_info.shmaddr == (void*)-1) {
        tc_log_error(__FILE__, "failed to attach shared memory segment");
        goto xshm_failed_image;
    shmctl(handle->shm_info.shmid, IPC_RMID, 0); /* XXX */

    handle->image->data = handle->shm_info.shmaddr;
    handle->shm_info.readOnly = False;

    ret = XShmAttach(handle->dpy, &handle->shm_info);
    if (!ret) {
        tc_log_error(__FILE__, "failed to attach SHM to Xserver");
        goto xshm_failed_image;

    XSync(handle->dpy, False);
    handle->mode = TC_X11_MODE_SHM;
    handle->acquire_image = tc_x11source_acquire_image_shm;
    handle->fini = tc_x11source_fini_shm;

    return 0;

    handle->image = NULL;
    return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 14
static Visual* I_FindMode(int screen)
  XVisualInfo	X_visualinfo;
  int i;
  const int nice_depths[]={ 8, 16, 15, 32, 24, 0}; // 0 terminated

  XPixmapFormatValues *pfv;
  int npfv;

  fprintf(stderr, "I_FindMode: ");
  for (i=0; nice_depths[i]!=0; i++) {
    dest_bpp = nice_depths[i];
    if (I_QueryImageTranslation()) {
      if (XMatchVisualInfo(X_display, screen, dest_bpp, 
			   true_color ? TrueColor : PseudoColor, 
      if (devparm) I_PrintMode("no visual like:");
    } else 
      if (devparm) I_PrintMode("no translation to:");
  if (nice_depths[i] == 0)
    I_Error("Unable to find supported visual settings");

  X_bpp = dest_bpp;
  if ((dest_bpp == 24) && (X_opt & 2)) dest_bpp = 32; // kludge for 24bpp
  /* find out whether depth 24 is sparse or packed */
  if(pfv) {
	if(pfv[i].depth==dest_bpp) break;
     if(i<npfv) {
	fprintf(stderr,"(Depth %d / %d BPP) ",X_bpp,dest_bpp);
	fprintf(stderr,"(Depth %d: no pixfmt?) ",dest_bpp);


  if (true_color) {
    // Set up colour shifts
    I_SetColourShift(X_visualinfo.red_mask, &redshift);
    I_SetColourShift(X_visualinfo.green_mask, &greenshift);
    I_SetColourShift(X_visualinfo.blue_mask, &blueshift);


  return X_visualinfo.visual;
Ejemplo n.º 15
      , warn_bad_pitch(true)
      , num_adaptors(0)
      , ximage(NULL)
      , gc(NULL)
      , pixfmt(VideoFormat::Format_Invalid)
#ifndef _XSHM_H_
        use_shm = false;
#endif //_XSHM_H_
        char* dispName = XDisplayName(NULL);
        qDebug("X11 open display: %s", dispName);
        display = XOpenDisplay(dispName);
        if (!display) {
            available = false;
            qWarning("Open X11 display error");
        XWindowAttributes attribs;
        XGetWindowAttributes(display, DefaultRootWindow(display), &attribs);
        depth = attribs.depth;
        if (!XMatchVisualInfo(display, DefaultScreen(display), depth, TrueColor, &vinfo)) {
            qWarning("XMatchVisualInfo error");
            available = false;
        XImage *ximg = NULL;
        if (depth != 15 && depth != 16 && depth != 24 && depth != 32) { //??
            Visual *vs;
            //depth = //find_depth_from_visuals
        } else {
            ximg = XGetImage(display, DefaultRootWindow(display), 0, 0, 1, 1, AllPlanes, ZPixmap);
        int ximage_depth = depth;
        unsigned int mask = 0;
        if (ximg) {
            bpp = ximg->bits_per_pixel;
            if ((ximage_depth+7)/8 != (bpp+7)/8) //24bpp use 32 depth
                ximage_depth = bpp;
            mask = ximg->red_mask | ximg->green_mask | ximg->blue_mask;
            qDebug("color mask: %X R:%1X G:%1X B:%1X", mask, ximg->red_mask, ximg->green_mask, ximg->blue_mask);
        if (((ximage_depth + 7) / 8) == 2) {
            if (mask == 0x7FFF)
                ximage_depth = 15;
            else if (mask == 0xFFFF)
                ximage_depth = 16;
Ejemplo n.º 16
PetscErrorCode PetscDrawSetUpColormap_X(Display *display,int screen,Visual *visual,Colormap colormap)
  PetscErrorCode ierr;
  PetscBool      sharedcolormap = PETSC_FALSE;
  XVisualInfo    vinfo;

  ierr = PetscOptionsGetBool(NULL,NULL,"-draw_x_shared_colormap",&sharedcolormap,NULL);CHKERRQ(ierr);
        Need to determine if window supports allocating a private colormap,
  if (XMatchVisualInfo(display,screen,24,StaticColor,&vinfo) ||
      XMatchVisualInfo(display,screen,24,TrueColor,&vinfo)   ||
      XMatchVisualInfo(display,screen,16,StaticColor,&vinfo) ||
      XMatchVisualInfo(display,screen,16,TrueColor,&vinfo)   ||
      XMatchVisualInfo(display,screen,15,StaticColor,&vinfo) ||
      XMatchVisualInfo(display,screen,15,TrueColor,&vinfo)) sharedcolormap = PETSC_TRUE;

  /* generate the X color map object */
  if (sharedcolormap) {
    ierr = PetscDrawSetUpColormap_Shared(display,screen,visual,colormap);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  } else {
    ierr = PetscDrawSetUpColormap_Private(display,screen,visual,colormap);CHKERRQ(ierr);
Ejemplo n.º 17
int XvGrabber::getgrabber()
	Tk_Window tk = Tcl::instance().tkmain();
	Display* dpy = Tk_Display(tk);

	int majop, eventbase, errbase;
	if (XQueryExtension(dpy, "XVideo", &majop,
			    &eventbase, &errbase) == False)
		return (-1);

	Window root = DefaultRootWindow(dpy);
	u_int ngrabbers=0;
	XvAdaptorInfo* grabbers;
	if (XvQueryAdaptors(dpy, root, &ngrabbers, &grabbers) != Success)
	  return (-1);
	if (ngrabbers > 1)
	  fprintf(stderr, "XVgrabber: warning: more than one frame grabber\n");
        for (int i=2; i<ngrabbers; i++) {
          //if ((grabbers[i].type)&XvOutputMask) {
          if ((grabbers[i].type)&XvInputMask) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "Xv %d grabber: %s\n",i,grabbers[i].name);
	    strncpy(grabber_name, grabbers[i].name, sizeof(grabber_name));
	    grabID_ = grabbers[i].base_id;
        if (!grabID_) return (-1);


	XvQueryEncodings(dpy, grabID_, &nencodings, &encoding);
#if 1
	printf("Encodings(%d): ", nencodings);
	for (int i=0; i<nencodings; i++)
	  printf("%s %d %d\n", encoding[i].name,
		 encoding[i].width, encoding[i].height);

	XAbrightness = XInternAtom(dpy, "XV_BRIGHTNESS", False);
	XAcontrast = XInternAtom(dpy, "XV_CONTRAST", False);
	XAhue = XInternAtom(dpy, "XV_HUE", False);
	XAsaturation = XInternAtom(dpy, "XV_SATURATION", False);
	XAencoding = XInternAtom(dpy, "XV_ENCODING", False);

	XvGetPortAttribute(dpy, grabID_, XAencoding, (int *)&encodingid_);

	if (!XMatchVisualInfo(dpy, Tk_ScreenNumber(tk), 24, TrueColor, &vinfo_))
		return (-1);

	return (0);
Ejemplo n.º 18
XVisualInfo *glXChooseVisual(Display *display,
                             int screen,
                             int *attributes) {

    // apparently can't trust the Display I'm passed?
    if (g_display == NULL) {
        g_display = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
    int depth = DefaultDepth(g_display, screen);
    XVisualInfo *visual = (XVisualInfo *)malloc(sizeof(XVisualInfo));
    XMatchVisualInfo(g_display, screen, depth, TrueColor, visual);
    return visual;
Ejemplo n.º 19
	Xdisplay = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
	if (!Xdisplay) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't connect to X server\n");
		created = false;
		return ;
	Xscreen = DefaultScreen(Xdisplay);
	Xroot = RootWindow(Xdisplay, Xscreen);
	visual = new XVisualInfo;
	XMatchVisualInfo(Xdisplay, DefaultScreen(Xdisplay), 32, TrueColor, visual);
	cmap = XCreateColormap(Xdisplay, Xroot, visual->visual, AllocNone);
Ejemplo n.º 20
    XVisualInfo * screen::IMPL::get_visual_info()
      if (_vi.visual /* TODO: check _vi.visualid */ )
        return &_vi;

      display::pointer disp( _display.lock() );                 dsI( disp );
      Display * xdisp = disp->_p->_xdisplay;                    dsI( xdisp);

      VisualID vid = 0;
      if (vid) {
        XVisualInfo *vi, temp;
        int n;
        std::memset( &temp, 0, sizeof(temp) );
        temp.visualid = vid;
        if (vi = XGetVisualInfo(xdisp, VisualIDMask, &temp, &n)) {
          _vi = *vi;
          return NULL;

      int screen = this->number();
      int depth = this->depth();

      dsL("screen depth: "<<depth);

      bool useDirectColorVisual = false;
      if ((useDirectColorVisual &&
           XMatchVisualInfo(xdisp, screen, depth, DirectColor, &_vi)) ||
          XMatchVisualInfo(xdisp, screen, depth, TrueColor, &_vi) ||
          XMatchVisualInfo(xdisp, screen, depth, PseudoColor, &_vi) ||
          XMatchVisualInfo(xdisp, screen, depth, StaticColor, &_vi) )
        return &_vi;

      std::memset( &_vi, 0, sizeof(_vi) );
      return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 21
static int get_best_visual (Display *display, int screen, XVisualInfo *vi)
    /* try for a 12 bit visual first, then a 16 bit, then a 24 bit, then 8 bit */
    if (XMatchVisualInfo (display, screen, 12, TrueColor, vi)) {
    } else if (XMatchVisualInfo (display, screen, 15, TrueColor,   vi)) {
    } else if (XMatchVisualInfo (display, screen, 16, TrueColor,   vi)) {
    } else if (XMatchVisualInfo (display, screen, 24, TrueColor,   vi)) {
    } else if (XMatchVisualInfo (display, screen, 32, TrueColor,   vi)) {
    } else if (XMatchVisualInfo (display, screen, 8,  PseudoColor, vi)) {
        /* for our HP boxes */
    } else if (XMatchVisualInfo (display, screen, 8,  GrayScale,   vi)) {
    } else if (XMatchVisualInfo (display, screen, 4,  PseudoColor, vi)) {
        /* VGA16 server. Argh. */
    } else if (XMatchVisualInfo (display, screen, 1,  StaticGray,  vi)) {
        /* Mono server. Yuk */
    } else {
	write_log ("Can't obtain appropriate X visual.\n");
	return 0;
    return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 22
void setup() {
    /* create display and get root window */
    disp = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
    int screen = DefaultScreen(disp);
    Window root = RootWindow(disp, screen);
    /* set to allow transparency */
    XVisualInfo vinfo;
    XMatchVisualInfo(disp, DefaultScreen(disp), 32, TrueColor, &vinfo);
    ulng window_flags =
    wa.colormap =
    wa.border_pixel = 0;
    wa.background_pixel = 0;
    wa.override_redirect = True;
    wa.event_mask = ExposureMask | KeyPressMask | VisibilityChangeMask;
    win = XCreateWindow(disp, root, x, y, width, height, 0,
            vinfo.depth, InputOutput, vinfo.visual, window_flags, &wa);
    gc = XCreateGC(disp, win, 0, NULL);
    depth = vinfo.depth;
    resize(width, height);
    XMapRaised(disp, win);

    /* set window in dock mode, so that WM wont f**k with it */
    long pval = XInternAtom (disp, "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK", False);
    long prop = XInternAtom (disp, "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE", False);

    /* reserve space on the screen */
    prop = XInternAtom(disp, "_NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL", False);
    long ptyp = XInternAtom(disp, "CARDINAL", False);
    int16_t strut[12] = {0, 0, height+y, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, width, 0, 0};

    /* This is for support with legacy WMs */
    prop = XInternAtom(disp, "_NET_WM_STRUT", False);
    unsigned long strut_s[4] = {0, height, 0, 0};

    /* Appear on all desktops */
    prop = XInternAtom(disp, "_NET_WM_DESKTOP", False);
    long adsk = 0xffffffff;

    XSelectInput(disp, win, ExposureMask);
Ejemplo n.º 23
XVWindow::checkDepth () {
  XWindowAttributes xwattributes;
  XGetWindowAttributes (_display, _rootWindow, &xwattributes);
  _depth = xwattributes.depth;

  if (_depth != 15 && _depth != 16 && _depth != 24 && _depth != 32)
    _depth = 24;

  if (!XMatchVisualInfo (_display, DefaultScreen (_display), _depth, TrueColor, &_XVInfo)) {
    PTRACE(1, "XVideo\tCould not visual with colordepth of " << _depth  << "bits per pixel");
    return false;

  PTRACE(4, "XVideo\tFound visual with colordepth of " << _depth  << "bits per pixel");
  return true;
Ejemplo n.º 24
static void initVisualID(Display *pDisplay, int screen)
    static int foundID = 0;
    if (foundID)

    XVisualInfo info;
    if (!XMatchVisualInfo(pDisplay, screen, 24, TrueColor, &info))
        fprintf(stderr, "initVisualID: No visual to match required\n");

    gXVisual.visualid = info.visualid;
    gXVisInfo.visualid = info.visualid;
    foundID = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 25
Archivo: common.c Proyecto: yesj/J5_A8
int initX11(int *w, int *h)
    long                 screen = 0;
    XVisualInfo          visual;
    Window               rootWin;
    XSetWindowAttributes wa;
    unsigned int         mask;
    int                  depth;
    int                  width;
    int                  height;

    if (!(x11Display = XOpenDisplay(":0"))) {
        printf("Error: Unable to open X display\n");
        return -1;
    screen = XDefaultScreen(x11Display);

    width = DisplayWidth(x11Display, screen);
    height = DisplayHeight(x11Display, screen);
    rootWin = RootWindow(x11Display, screen);
    depth = DefaultDepth(x11Display, screen);

    if (!XMatchVisualInfo(x11Display, screen, depth, TrueColor, &visual)) {
        printf("Error: Unable to acquire visual\n");
        return -1;
    x11Colormap = XCreateColormap(x11Display, rootWin,
                                  visual.visual, AllocNone);
    wa.colormap = x11Colormap;

    wa.event_mask = StructureNotifyMask | ExposureMask;
    mask = CWBackPixel | CWBorderPixel | CWEventMask | CWColormap;

    x11Window = XCreateWindow(x11Display, rootWin,
                              0, 0, width/4*3, height/4*3,
                              0, CopyFromParent, InputOutput,
                              CopyFromParent, mask, &wa);
    XMapWindow(x11Display, x11Window);

    if (w) *w = width;
    if (h) *h = height;

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 26
Archivo: x.c Proyecto: Toqozz/yarn-c
// Map window and return surface for that window.
cairo_surface_t *
cairo_create_x11_surface(int x, int y, int w, int h)
    Display *display;
    Drawable drawable;
    int screen;   // Screen #.
    cairo_surface_t *surface;

    // Error if no open..
    if ((display = XOpenDisplay(NULL)) == NULL)   // Set display though.

    screen = DefaultScreen(display);   // Use primary display.
    XVisualInfo vinfo;
    // Match the display settings.
    XMatchVisualInfo(display, screen, 32, TrueColor, &vinfo);

    XSetWindowAttributes attr;
    // We need all 3 of these attributes, or BadMatch: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3645632/how-to-create-a-window-with-a-bit-depth-of-32
    attr.colormap = XCreateColormap(display, DefaultRootWindow(display), vinfo.visual, AllocNone);
    attr.border_pixel = 0;
    attr.background_pixel = 0;

    drawable = XCreateWindow(display, DefaultRootWindow(display),  // Returns a window (a drawable place).
            x,y,     // Position on screen.
            w,h,     // Width, Height.
            0,       // Border width.
            vinfo.depth, InputOutput, vinfo.visual,   // Depth, Class, Visual type.
            CWColormap | CWBorderPixel | CWBackPixel, // Overwritten attributes.

    // Apply the Atoms to the new window.
    // Request that the X server report these events.
    x_set_wm(drawable, display);
    XSelectInput(display, drawable, ExposureMask | ButtonPressMask | KeyPressMask);
    XMapWindow(display, drawable);

    // Finally create a surface from the window.
    surface = cairo_xlib_surface_create(display, drawable,
            vinfo.visual, w, h);
    //cairo_xlib_surface_set_size(surface, w, h);

    return surface;
Ejemplo n.º 27
void create_visual_and_colormap ( Display *display )
    int screen = DefaultScreen ( display );
    // Try to create TrueColor map
    if ( XMatchVisualInfo ( display, screen, 32, TrueColor, &vinfo ) ) {
        // Visual found, lets try to create map.
        map       = XCreateColormap ( display, DefaultRootWindow ( display ), vinfo.visual, AllocNone );
        truecolor = TRUE;
    // Failed to create map.
    // Use the defaults then.
    if ( map == None ) {
        truecolor = FALSE;
        // Two fields we use.
        vinfo.visual = DefaultVisual ( display, screen );
        vinfo.depth  = DefaultDepth ( display, screen );
        map          = DefaultColormap ( display, screen );
Ejemplo n.º 28
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    Display* display = XOpenDisplay(NULL);

    XVisualInfo vinfo;
    XMatchVisualInfo(display, DefaultScreen(display), 32, TrueColor, &vinfo);

    XSetWindowAttributes attr;
    attr.colormap = XCreateColormap(display, DefaultRootWindow(display), vinfo.visual, AllocNone);
    attr.border_pixel = 0;
    attr.background_pixel = 0;

    Window win = XCreateWindow(display, DefaultRootWindow(display), 0, 0, 300, 200, 0, vinfo.depth, InputOutput, vinfo.visual, CWColormap | CWBorderPixel | CWBackPixel, &attr);
    XSelectInput(display, win, StructureNotifyMask);
    GC gc = XCreateGC(display, win, 0, 0);

    Atom wm_delete_window = XInternAtom(display, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", 0);
    XSetWMProtocols(display, win, &wm_delete_window, 1);

    XMapWindow(display, win);

    int keep_running = 1;
    XEvent event;

    while (keep_running) {
        XNextEvent(display, &event);

        switch(event.type) {
            case ClientMessage:
                if (event.xclient.message_type == XInternAtom(display, "WM_PROTOCOLS", 1) && (Atom)event.xclient.data.l[0] == XInternAtom(display, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", 1))
                    keep_running = 0;



    XDestroyWindow(display, win);
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 29
Archivo: glx.c Proyecto: ssvb/glshim
XVisualInfo *glXChooseVisual(Display *display,
                             int screen,
                             int *attributes) {

    // apparently can't trust the Display I'm passed?
    if (xDisplay == NULL) {
        xDisplay = display;

    int default_depth = XDefaultDepth(display, screen);
    if (default_depth != 16 && default_depth != 24)
        printf("libGL: unusual desktop color depth %d\n", default_depth);

    XVisualInfo *visual = (XVisualInfo *)malloc(sizeof(XVisualInfo));
    if (!XMatchVisualInfo(display, screen, default_depth, TrueColor, visual)) {
        printf("libGL: XMatchVisualInfo failed in glXChooseVisual\n");
        return NULL;

    return visual;
Ejemplo n.º 30
static XVisualInfo*  dummyChooseVisual          (Display *dpy,
                                                 int screen,
                                                 int *attrib_list)
    XVisualInfo *ret_visual;
    XVisualInfo matched_visual;

    // XXX Just get a visual which can be used to open a window.
    // Ignore the attribs; we're not going to be doing
    // any actual rendering in this test.
    if (XMatchVisualInfo(dpy, screen,
                         DefaultDepth(dpy, screen),
                         &matched_visual) == 0) {
        return NULL;

    ret_visual = malloc(sizeof(XVisualInfo));
    memcpy(ret_visual, &matched_visual, sizeof(XVisualInfo));

    return ret_visual;