Ejemplo n.º 1
static void _Thread_Make_zombie( Thread_Control *the_thread )
  if ( _Thread_Owns_resources( the_thread ) ) {
    _Internal_error( INTERNAL_ERROR_RESOURCE_IN_USE );

    _Objects_Get_information_id( the_thread->Object.id ),

  _Thread_Set_state( the_thread, STATES_ZOMBIE );
  _Thread_queue_Extract_with_proxy( the_thread );
  _Thread_Timer_remove( the_thread );

   * Add the thread to the thread zombie chain before we wake up joining
   * threads, so that they are able to clean up the thread immediately.  This
   * matters for SMP configurations.
  _Thread_Add_to_zombie_chain( the_thread );

  _Thread_Wake_up_joining_threads( the_thread );
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void rtems_libio_init( void )
    uint32_t i;
    rtems_libio_t *iop;
    int eno;

    if (rtems_libio_number_iops > 0)
        iop = rtems_libio_iop_free_head = &rtems_libio_iops[0];
        for (i = 0 ; (i + 1) < rtems_libio_number_iops ; i++, iop++)
          iop->data1 = iop + 1;
        iop->data1 = NULL;
        rtems_libio_iop_free_tail = &iop->data1;

   *  Create the posix key for user environment.
  eno = pthread_key_create(
  if (eno != 0) {
Ejemplo n.º 3
Status_Control _Thread_queue_Enqueue_sticky(
    Thread_queue_Queue            *queue,
    const Thread_queue_Operations *operations,
    Thread_Control                *the_thread,
    Thread_queue_Context          *queue_context
    Per_CPU_Control *cpu_self;

    _Thread_Wait_claim( the_thread, queue );

    if ( !_Thread_queue_Path_acquire_critical( queue, the_thread, queue_context ) ) {
        _Thread_queue_Path_release_critical( queue_context );
        _Thread_Wait_restore_default( the_thread );
        _Thread_queue_Queue_release( queue, &queue_context->Lock_context.Lock_context );
        _Thread_Wait_tranquilize( the_thread );
        ( *queue_context->deadlock_callout )( the_thread );
        return _Thread_Wait_get_status( the_thread );

    _Thread_queue_Context_clear_priority_updates( queue_context );
    _Thread_Wait_claim_finalize( the_thread, operations );
    ( *operations->enqueue )( queue, the_thread, queue_context );

    _Thread_queue_Path_release_critical( queue_context );

    the_thread->Wait.return_code = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL;
    _Thread_Wait_flags_set( the_thread, THREAD_QUEUE_INTEND_TO_BLOCK );
    cpu_self = _Thread_Dispatch_disable_critical(
    _Thread_queue_Queue_release( queue, &queue_context->Lock_context.Lock_context );

    if ( cpu_self->thread_dispatch_disable_level != 1 ) {

    _Thread_queue_Timeout( the_thread, cpu_self, queue_context );
    _Thread_Priority_update( queue_context );
    _Thread_Priority_and_sticky_update( the_thread, 1 );
    _Thread_Dispatch_enable( cpu_self );

    while (
        _Thread_Wait_flags_get_acquire( the_thread ) == THREAD_QUEUE_INTEND_TO_BLOCK
    ) {
        /* Wait */

    _Thread_Wait_tranquilize( the_thread );
    _Thread_Timer_remove( the_thread );
    return _Thread_Wait_get_status( the_thread );
Ejemplo n.º 4
void *_Workspace_Allocate_or_fatal_error(
  size_t      size
  void *memory;

  memory = _Heap_Allocate( &_Workspace_Area, size );
  #if defined(DEBUG_WORKSPACE)
      "Workspace_Allocate_or_fatal_error(%d) from %p/%p -> %p\n",
      __builtin_return_address( 0 ),
      __builtin_return_address( 1 ),

  if ( memory == NULL )

  return memory;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void _Workspace_Handler_initialization(
  Heap_Area *areas,
  size_t area_count,
  Heap_Initialization_or_extend_handler extend
  Heap_Initialization_or_extend_handler init_or_extend = _Heap_Initialize;
  uintptr_t remaining = rtems_configuration_get_work_space_size();
  bool do_zero = rtems_configuration_get_do_zero_of_workspace();
  bool unified = rtems_configuration_get_unified_work_area();
  uintptr_t page_size = CPU_HEAP_ALIGNMENT;
  uintptr_t overhead = _Heap_Area_overhead( page_size );
  uintptr_t tls_size = _TLS_Get_size();
  size_t i;

   * In case we have a non-zero TLS size, then we need a TLS area for each
   * thread.  These areas are allocated from the workspace.  Ensure that the
   * workspace is large enough to fulfill all requests known at configuration
   * time (so excluding the unlimited option).  It is not possible to estimate
   * the TLS size in the configuration at compile-time.  The TLS size is
   * determined at application link-time.
  if ( tls_size > 0 ) {
    uintptr_t tls_align = _TLS_Heap_align_up( (uintptr_t) _TLS_Alignment );
    uintptr_t tls_alloc = _TLS_Get_allocation_size( tls_size, tls_align );

     * Memory allocated with an alignment constraint is allocated from the end
     * of a free block.  The last allocation may need one free block of minimum
     * size.
    remaining += _Heap_Min_block_size( page_size );

    remaining += _Get_maximum_thread_count()
      * _Heap_Size_with_overhead( page_size, tls_alloc, tls_align );

  for (i = 0; i < area_count; ++i) {
    Heap_Area *area = &areas [i];

    if ( do_zero ) {
      memset( area->begin, 0, area->size );

    if ( area->size > overhead ) {
      uintptr_t space_available;
      uintptr_t size;

      if ( unified ) {
        size = area->size;
      } else {
        if ( remaining > 0 ) {
          size = remaining < area->size - overhead ?
            remaining + overhead : area->size;
        } else {
          size = 0;

      space_available = (*init_or_extend)(

      area->begin = (char *) area->begin + size;
      area->size -= size;

      if ( space_available < remaining ) {
        remaining -= space_available;
      } else {
        remaining = 0;

      init_or_extend = extend;

  if ( remaining > 0 ) {

  _Heap_Protection_set_delayed_free_fraction( &_Workspace_Area, 1 );
Ejemplo n.º 6
void _Thread_Handler( void )
    Thread_Control  *executing;
    ISR_Level        level;
    Per_CPU_Control *cpu_self;

     * Some CPUs need to tinker with the call frame or registers when the
     * thread actually begins to execute for the first time.  This is a
     * hook point where the port gets a shot at doing whatever it requires.
    executing = _Thread_Executing;

     * have to put level into a register for those cpu's that use
     * inline asm here
    level = executing->Start.isr_level;
    _ISR_Set_level( level );

     * Initialize the floating point context because we do not come
     * through _Thread_Dispatch on our first invocation. So the normal
     * code path for performing the FP context switch is not hit.
    _Thread_Restore_fp( executing );

     * Do not use the level of the thread control block, since it has a
     * different format.
    _ISR_Local_disable( level );

     *  At this point, the dispatch disable level BETTER be 1.
    cpu_self = _Per_CPU_Get();
    _Assert( cpu_self->thread_dispatch_disable_level == 1 );

     * Make sure we lose no thread dispatch necessary update and execute the
     * post-switch actions.  As a side-effect change the thread dispatch level
     * from one to zero.  Do not use _Thread_Enable_dispatch() since there is no
     * valid thread dispatch necessary indicator in this context.
    _Thread_Do_dispatch( cpu_self, level );

     * Invoke the thread begin extensions in the context of the thread entry
     * function with thread dispatching enabled.  This enables use of dynamic
     * memory allocation, creation of POSIX keys and use of C++ thread local
     * storage.  Blocking synchronization primitives are allowed also.
    _User_extensions_Thread_begin( executing );

     *  RTEMS supports multiple APIs and each API can define a different
     *  thread/task prototype. The following code supports invoking the
     *  user thread entry point using the prototype expected.
    ( *executing->Start.Entry.adaptor )( executing );

     *  In the call above, the return code from the user thread body which return
     *  something was placed in return_argument.  This assumed that if it
     *  returned anything (which is not supporting in all APIs), then it would be
     *  able to fit in a (void *).

    _User_extensions_Thread_exitted( executing );

Ejemplo n.º 7
void _Thread_queue_Deadlock_fatal( Thread_Control *the_thread )
Ejemplo n.º 8
void _Objects_Do_initialize_information(
  Objects_Information *information,
  Objects_APIs         the_api,
  uint16_t             the_class,
  uint32_t             maximum,
  uint16_t             size,
  bool                 is_string,
  uint32_t             maximum_name_length
  Objects_Thread_queue_Extract_callout extract
  static Objects_Control *null_local_table = NULL;
  uint32_t                minimum_index;
  Objects_Maximum         maximum_per_allocation;

  information->the_api            = the_api;
  information->the_class          = the_class;
  information->size               = size;
  information->local_table        = 0;
  information->inactive_per_block = 0;
  information->object_blocks      = 0;
  information->inactive           = 0;
    information->is_string        = is_string;

   *  Set the maximum value to 0. It will be updated when objects are
   *  added to the inactive set from _Objects_Extend_information()
  information->maximum = 0;

   *  Register this Object Class in the Object Information Table.
  _Objects_Information_table[ the_api ][ the_class ] = information;

   *  Are we operating in limited or unlimited (e.g. auto-extend) mode.
  information->auto_extend = _Objects_Is_unlimited( maximum );
  maximum_per_allocation = _Objects_Maximum_per_allocation( maximum );

   *  Unlimited and maximum of zero is illogical.
  if ( information->auto_extend && maximum_per_allocation == 0) {

   *  The allocation unit is the maximum value
  information->allocation_size = maximum_per_allocation;

   *  Provide a null local table entry for the case of any empty table.
  information->local_table = &null_local_table;

   *  Calculate minimum and maximum Id's
  minimum_index = (maximum_per_allocation == 0) ? 0 : 1;
  information->minimum_id =
    _Objects_Build_id( the_api, the_class, _Objects_Local_node, minimum_index );

   *  Calculate the maximum name length
   *  NOTE: Either 4 bytes for Classic API names or an arbitrary
   *        number for POSIX names which are strings that may be
   *        an odd number of bytes.

  information->name_length = maximum_name_length;

  _Chain_Initialize_empty( &information->Inactive );

   *  Initialize objects .. if there are any
  if ( maximum_per_allocation ) {
     *  Always have the maximum size available so the current performance
     *  figures are create are met.  If the user moves past the maximum
     *  number then a performance hit is taken.
    _Objects_Extend_information( information );

   *  Take care of multiprocessing
    information->extract = extract;
    _RBTree_Initialize_empty( &information->Global_by_id );
    _RBTree_Initialize_empty( &information->Global_by_name );