Ejemplo n.º 1
void ijkmp_inc_ref(IjkMediaPlayer *mp)
    __sync_fetch_and_add(&mp->ref_count, 1);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void __cilkrts_obj_metadata_add_task(
    __cilkrts_pending_frame *t, __cilkrts_obj_metadata *meta,
    __cilkrts_task_list_node *tags, int g) {
    // Set pointer to task in argument's tags storage
    tags->st_task_and_last = t;

    // Fully mutual exclusion to avoid races
    spin_mutex_lock( &meta->mutex );

    // Optimized version. This is called only if the task is already running,
    // by stealing the parent of an un-issued ready task. In this case,
    // joins=1, pushg=0 and ready=1, so only need to set num_gens=1,
    // youngest_group=g and oldest_num_tasks++ without further ado.
    if( !t ) {
	meta->num_gens = 1;
	meta->youngest_group = g;
	spin_mutex_unlock( &meta->mutex );

    // printf( "%d-%p: add_task begin t=%p meta=%p {yg=%d, ng=%d, ont=%d} tags=%p g=%d\n", __cilkrts_get_tls_worker()->self, (void*)0, t, meta, meta->youngest_group, meta->num_gens, meta-> oldest_num_tasks, tags, g );

    int joins = ( meta->youngest_group & ((g | CILK_OBJ_GROUP_EMPTY)
					  & CILK_OBJ_GROUP_NOT_WRITE ) ) != 0;
    int pushg = ( g
		  & ( meta->youngest_group & CILK_OBJ_GROUP_NOT_WRITE ) ) == 0;
    int ready = joins & ( meta->num_gens <= 1 );

    // push_generation( pushg );
    // TODO: in CS, so non-atomic suffices?
    // __sync_fetch_and_add( &meta->num_gens, (uint32_t)pushg );
    meta->num_gens += (uint32_t)pushg;
    meta->oldest_num_tasks += ready;
    meta->youngest_group = g;
    if( !ready ) {
	// t->add_incoming();
	__sync_fetch_and_add( &t->incoming_count, 1 );

	// We avoid branches by using a sentinel node in tasks (pointer
	// retrieved is always meaningful) and by unconditionally storing
	// a value
	__cilkrts_task_list_node * old_tail = meta->tasks.tail;
	tags->it_next = 0;
	old_tail->it_next = tags;
	// old_tail->set_last_in_generation( pushg );
	// TODO: the bit should not be set, should it? Remove "& ~1" part
	old_tail->st_task_and_last =
	    (__cilkrts_pending_frame *)
	    ( ( (uintptr_t)old_tail->st_task_and_last & ~(uintptr_t)1 )
	      | (uintptr_t)pushg );
	meta->tasks.tail = tags;

    __CILKRTS_ASSERT( (meta->num_gens <= 1) == (meta->tasks.head.it_next == 0) );
    __CILKRTS_ASSERT( meta->num_gens > 0 );

    // printf( "%d-%p: add_task end t=%p meta=%p {yg=%d, ng=%d, ont=%d} tags=%p g=%d\n", __cilkrts_get_tls_worker()->self, (void*)0, t, meta, meta->youngest_group, meta->num_gens, meta-> oldest_num_tasks, tags, g );

    spin_mutex_unlock( &meta->mutex );
Ejemplo n.º 3
void __cilkrts_obj_payload_del_ref( __cilkrts_obj_payload *pl ) {
    if( __sync_fetch_and_add( &pl->refcnt, -1 ) == 1 )
	__cilkrts_obj_payload_destroy( pl );
Ejemplo n.º 4
static int
globalHookHandler(TSCont contp, TSEvent event ATS_UNUSED, void *edata)
    TSHttpTxn txnp = (TSHttpTxn)edata;

    TSMBuffer bufp;
    TSMLoc hdr_loc;
    TSMLoc url_loc;

    int ret;
    uint64_t req_id;
    TSCont txn_contp;

    lua_State *l;

    ts_lua_main_ctx *main_ctx;
    ts_lua_http_ctx *http_ctx;
    ts_lua_cont_info *ci;

    ts_lua_instance_conf *conf = (ts_lua_instance_conf *)TSContDataGet(contp);

    req_id = __sync_fetch_and_add(&ts_lua_g_http_next_id, 1);

    main_ctx = &ts_lua_g_main_ctx_array[req_id % TS_LUA_MAX_STATE_COUNT];

    TSDebug(TS_LUA_DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] req_id: %" PRId64, __FUNCTION__, req_id);

    http_ctx           = ts_lua_create_http_ctx(main_ctx, conf);
    http_ctx->txnp     = txnp;
    http_ctx->rri      = NULL;
    http_ctx->has_hook = 0;

    if (!http_ctx->client_request_bufp) {
        if (TSHttpTxnClientReqGet(txnp, &bufp, &hdr_loc) == TS_SUCCESS) {
            http_ctx->client_request_bufp = bufp;
            http_ctx->client_request_hdrp = hdr_loc;

            if (TSHttpHdrUrlGet(bufp, hdr_loc, &url_loc) == TS_SUCCESS) {
                http_ctx->client_request_url = url_loc;

    if (!http_ctx->client_request_hdrp) {

        TSHttpTxnReenable(txnp, TS_EVENT_HTTP_CONTINUE);
        return 0;

    txn_contp = TSContCreate(ts_lua_http_cont_handler, NULL);
    TSContDataSet(txn_contp, http_ctx);

    ci        = &http_ctx->cinfo;
    ci->contp = txn_contp;
    ci->mutex = TSContMutexGet((TSCont)txnp);

    l = ci->routine.lua;

    switch (event) {
        lua_getglobal(l, TS_LUA_FUNCTION_G_READ_REQUEST);

        lua_getglobal(l, TS_LUA_FUNCTION_G_SEND_REQUEST);

        lua_getglobal(l, TS_LUA_FUNCTION_G_READ_RESPONSE);

        // client response can be changed within a transaction
        // (e.g. due to the follow redirect feature). So, clearing the pointers
        // to allow API(s) to fetch the pointers again when it re-enters the hook
        if (http_ctx->client_response_hdrp != NULL) {
            TSHandleMLocRelease(http_ctx->client_response_bufp, TS_NULL_MLOC, http_ctx->client_response_hdrp);
            http_ctx->client_response_hdrp = NULL;
        lua_getglobal(l, TS_LUA_FUNCTION_G_SEND_RESPONSE);

        lua_getglobal(l, TS_LUA_FUNCTION_G_CACHE_LOOKUP_COMPLETE);

        lua_getglobal(l, TS_LUA_FUNCTION_G_TXN_START);

        lua_getglobal(l, TS_LUA_FUNCTION_G_PRE_REMAP);

        lua_getglobal(l, TS_LUA_FUNCTION_G_POST_REMAP);

        lua_getglobal(l, TS_LUA_FUNCTION_G_SELECT_ALT);

        lua_getglobal(l, TS_LUA_FUNCTION_G_OS_DNS);

        lua_getglobal(l, TS_LUA_FUNCTION_G_READ_CACHE);

        lua_getglobal(l, TS_LUA_FUNCTION_G_TXN_CLOSE);

        TSHttpTxnReenable(txnp, TS_EVENT_HTTP_CONTINUE);
        return 0;

    if (lua_type(l, -1) != LUA_TFUNCTION) {
        lua_pop(l, 1);

        TSHttpTxnReenable(txnp, TS_EVENT_HTTP_CONTINUE);
        return 0;

    ts_lua_set_cont_info(l, NULL);

    if (lua_pcall(l, 0, 1, 0) != 0) {
        TSError("[ts_lua] lua_pcall failed: %s", lua_tostring(l, -1));

    ret = lua_tointeger(l, -1);
    lua_pop(l, 1);

    if (http_ctx->has_hook) {
        // add a hook to release resources for context
        TSDebug(TS_LUA_DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] has txn hook -> adding txn close hook handler to release resources", __FUNCTION__);
        TSHttpTxnHookAdd(txnp, TS_HTTP_TXN_CLOSE_HOOK, txn_contp);
    } else {
        TSDebug(TS_LUA_DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] no txn hook -> release resources now", __FUNCTION__);


    if (ret) {
        TSHttpTxnReenable(txnp, TS_EVENT_HTTP_ERROR);
    } else {
        TSHttpTxnReenable(txnp, TS_EVENT_HTTP_CONTINUE);

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void ia_doer_destroy(iadoer *doer)
	__sync_fetch_and_add(&ioarena.doers_count, -1);
Ejemplo n.º 6
void *Allocate(void *arg) {
  x = (char*)malloc(10);
  __sync_fetch_and_add(&state, 1);
  while (__sync_fetch_and_add(&state, 0) != 3) {}
  return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 7
static void *Worker( void *arg ) {
	TYPE id = (size_t)arg;
	uint64_t entry;

	int other = inv( id );								// int is better than TYPE

#ifdef FAST
	unsigned int cnt = 0, oid = id;
#endif // FAST

	for ( int r = 0; r < RUNS; r += 1 ) {
		entry = 0;
		while ( stop == 0 ) {
			for ( ;; ) {
#ifdef FLICKER
				for ( int i = 0; i < 100; i += 1 ) intents[id] = i % 2; // flicker
#endif // FLICKER
				intents[id] = WantIn;					// declare intent
				// Necessary to prevent the read of intents[other] from floating above the assignment
				// intents[id] = WantIn, when the hardware determines the two subscripts are different.
				Fence();								// force store before more loads
			  if ( FASTPATH( intents[other] == DontWantIn ) ) break;
				if ( last == id ) {
#ifdef FLICKER
					for ( int i = 0; i < 100; i += 1 ) intents[id] = i % 2; // flicker
#endif // FLICKER
					intents[id] = DontWantIn;
					// Optional fence to prevent LD of "last" from being lifted above store of
					// intends[id]=DontWantIn. Because a thread only writes its own id into "last",
					// and because of eventual consistency (writes eventually become visible),
					// the fence is conservative.
					//Fence();							// force store before more loads
					await( last != id );				// low priority busy wait
				} // if
			} // for
			CriticalSection( id );
#ifdef FLICKER
			for ( int i = id; i < 100; i += 1 ) last = i % 2; // flicker
#endif // FLICKER
			last = id;									// exit protocol
#ifdef FLICKER
			for ( int i = 0; i < 100; i += 1 ) intents[id] = i % 2; // flicker
#endif // FLICKER
			intents[id] = DontWantIn;

#ifdef FAST
			id = startpoint( cnt );						// different starting point each experiment
			other = inv( id );
			cnt = cycleUp( cnt, NoStartPoints );
#endif // FAST
			entry += 1;
		} // while
#ifdef FAST
		id = oid;
		other = inv( id );
#endif // FAST
		entries[r][id] = entry;
		__sync_fetch_and_add( &Arrived, 1 );
		while ( stop != 0 ) Pause();
		__sync_fetch_and_add( &Arrived, -1 );
	} // for
	return NULL;
} // Worker
Ejemplo n.º 8
/* command from agent */
static int
vr_flow_set(struct vrouter *router, vr_flow_req *req)
    int ret;
    unsigned int fe_index;
    struct vr_flow_entry *fe = NULL;
    struct vr_flow_table_info *infop = router->vr_flow_table_info;

    router = vrouter_get(req->fr_rid);
    if (!router)
        return -EINVAL;

    fe = vr_get_flow_entry(router, req->fr_index);

    if ((ret = vr_flow_req_is_invalid(router, req, fe)))
        return ret;

    if (fe && (fe->fe_action == VR_FLOW_ACTION_HOLD) &&
            ((req->fr_action != fe->fe_action) ||
             !(req->fr_flags & VR_FLOW_FLAG_ACTIVE)))
        __sync_fetch_and_add(&infop->vfti_action_count, 1);
     * for delete, absence of the requested flow entry is caustic. so
     * handle that case first
    if (!(req->fr_flags & VR_FLOW_FLAG_ACTIVE)) {
        if (!fe)
            return -EINVAL;
        return vr_flow_delete(router, req, fe);

     * for non-delete cases, absence of flow entry means addition of a
     * new flow entry with the key specified in the request
    if (!fe) {
        fe = vr_add_flow_req(req, &fe_index);
        if (!fe)
            return -ENOSPC;

    vr_flow_set_mirror(router, req, fe);

    if (req->fr_flags & VR_RFLOW_VALID) {
        fe->fe_rflow = req->fr_rindex;
    } else {
        if (fe->fe_rflow >= 0)
            fe->fe_rflow = -1;

    fe->fe_vrf = req->fr_flow_vrf;
    if (req->fr_flags & VR_FLOW_FLAG_VRFT) 
        fe->fe_dvrf = req->fr_flow_dvrf;

    fe->fe_ecmp_nh_index = req->fr_ecmp_nh_index;
    fe->fe_src_nh_index = req->fr_src_nh_index;
    fe->fe_action = req->fr_action;
    fe->fe_flags = req->fr_flags; 

    return vr_flow_schedule_transition(router, req, fe);
Ejemplo n.º 9
inline void atomic_increment( sp_int32_t * pw )
    __sync_fetch_and_add( pw, 1 );
Ejemplo n.º 10
void *realloc(void *ptr, size_t size)
	struct log_malloc_s *mem;
	sig_atomic_t memuse = 0;
	sig_atomic_t memruse = 0;
	sig_atomic_t memchange = 0;
	size_t       rsize = 0;
	sig_atomic_t memrchange = 0;

		return NULL;

	mem = (ptr != NULL) ? MEM_HEAD(ptr) : NULL;

	//FIXME: not handling foreign memory here (seems not needed)
	if(mem && (mem->size != ~mem->cb))
		assert(mem->size != ~mem->cb);
		return NULL;

	if((mem = real_realloc(mem, size + MEM_OFF)) != NULL)
		memchange = (ptr) ? size - mem->size : size;
		memuse = __sync_add_and_fetch(&g_ctx.mem_used, memchange);

		rsize = malloc_usable_size(mem);

		memrchange = (ptr) ? rsize - mem->rsize : rsize;
		memruse = __sync_add_and_fetch(&g_ctx.mem_rused, memrchange);
	(void)__sync_fetch_and_add(&g_ctx.stat.realloc, 1);

		int s;
		char buf[LOG_BUFSIZE];

		s = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "+ realloc %d %p %p (%zu %zu) [%u:%u]\n",
			memchange, ptr,
			MEM_PTR(mem), (mem ? mem->size : 0), size,
			memuse, memruse);

		log_trace(buf, s, sizeof(buf), 1);

	/* now we can update */
	if(mem != NULL)
		mem->size = size;
		mem->cb = ~mem->size;
		mem->rsize = rsize;
	return MEM_PTR(mem);
Ejemplo n.º 11
void *allocMem(unsigned int size)
	return (void*) __sync_fetch_and_add(&gNextAlloc, (size + 63) & ~63);
Ejemplo n.º 12
VOID_TASK_IMPL_2(sylvan_skiplist_assign_next, sylvan_skiplist_t, l, MTBDD, dd)
    if (dd == mtbdd_false || dd == mtbdd_true) return;

    uint32_t trace[SL_DEPTH];
    uint32_t loc = 0, loc_next = 0, k = SL_DEPTH-1;
    for (;;) {
        /* invariant: [loc].dd < dd */
        /* note: this is always true for loc==0 */
        sl_bucket *e = l->buckets + loc;
        loc_next = (*(volatile uint32_t*)&e->next[k]) & 0x7fffffff;
        if (loc_next != 0 && l->buckets[loc_next].dd == dd) {
            /* found */
        } else if (loc_next != 0 && l->buckets[loc_next].dd < dd) {
            /* go right */
            loc = loc_next;
        } else if (k > 0) {
            /* go down */
            trace[k] = loc;
        } else if (!(e->next[0] & 0x80000000) && cas(&e->next[0], loc_next, loc_next|0x80000000)) {
            /* locked */

    /* claim next item */
    const uint64_t next = __sync_fetch_and_add(&l->next, 1);
    if (next >= l->size) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Out of cheese exception, no more blocks available\n");

    /* fill next item */
    sl_bucket *a = l->buckets + next;
    a->dd = dd;
    a->next[0] = loc_next;
    l->buckets[loc].next[0] = next;

    /* determine height */
    uint64_t h = 1 + __builtin_clz(LACE_TRNG) / 2;
    if (h > SL_DEPTH) h = SL_DEPTH;

    /* go up and create links */
    for (k=1;k<h;k++) {
        loc = trace[k];
        for (;;) {
            sl_bucket *e = l->buckets + loc;
            /* note, at k>0, no locks on edges */
            uint32_t loc_next = *(volatile uint32_t*)&e->next[k];
            if (loc_next != 0 && l->buckets[loc_next].dd < dd) {
                loc = loc_next;
            } else {
                a->next[k] = loc_next;
                if (cas(&e->next[k], loc_next, next)) break;
Ejemplo n.º 13
int dummy; void MFENCE(){ __sync_fetch_and_add (&dummy,0);}
Ejemplo n.º 14
// reap completed writes
// if a write failed, remove the data from the cache.
// NOTE: we assume that only one thread calls this at a time, for a given cache
// always succeeds
void md_cache_complete_writes( struct md_syndicate_cache* cache, md_cache_lru_t* write_lru ) {
   md_cache_completion_buffer_t* completed = NULL;
   // get the current completed buffer, and switch to the other
   md_cache_completed_wlock( cache );
   completed = cache->completed;
   if( cache->completed == cache->completed_1 ) {
      cache->completed = cache->completed_2;
   else {
      cache->completed = cache->completed_1;
   md_cache_completed_unlock( cache );
   // safe to use completed as long as no one else performs the above swap
   int write_count = 0;
   // reap completed writes
   for( md_cache_completion_buffer_t::iterator itr = completed->begin(); itr != completed->end(); itr++ ) {
      struct md_cache_block_future* f = *itr;
      struct md_cache_entry_key* c = &f->key;
      // finished an aio write
      md_cache_ongoing_writes_wlock( cache );
      md_cache_remove_ongoing( cache, f );
      md_cache_ongoing_writes_unlock( cache );
      if( f->aio_rc != 0 ) {
         SG_error("WARN: write aio %" PRIX64 ".%" PRId64 "[%" PRIu64 ".%" PRId64 "] rc = %d\n", c->file_id, c->file_version, c->block_id, c->block_version, f->aio_rc );
         // clean up 
         md_cache_evict_block_internal( cache, c->file_id, c->file_version, c->block_id, c->block_version );
      else if( f->write_rc < 0 ) {
         SG_error("WARN: write %" PRIX64 ".%" PRId64 "[%" PRIu64 ".%" PRId64 "] rc = %d\n", c->file_id, c->file_version, c->block_id, c->block_version, f->write_rc );
         // clean up 
         md_cache_evict_block_internal( cache, c->file_id, c->file_version, c->block_id, c->block_version );
      else {
         // finished!
         if( write_lru ) {
            // log this as written
            write_lru->push_back( *c );
         write_count ++;
      // finalized!
      f->finalized = true;
      bool detached = f->detached;
      // wake up anyone waiting on this
      sem_post( &f->sem_ongoing );
      // are we supposed to reap it?
      if( detached || !cache->running ) {
         md_cache_block_future_free( f );
   // successfully cached blocks
   __sync_fetch_and_add( &cache->num_blocks_written, write_count );
   if( write_count != 0 )
      SG_debug("Cache now has %d blocks\n", cache->num_blocks_written );
 operator long() const
     return __sync_fetch_and_add( &value_, 0 );
Ejemplo n.º 16
inline sp_int32_t atomic_decrement( sp_int32_t * pw )
    return __sync_fetch_and_add( pw, -1 );
Ejemplo n.º 17
static int
transactionStartHookHandler(TSCont contp, TSEvent event ATS_UNUSED, void *edata)
  TSHttpTxn txnp = (TSHttpTxn) edata;

  uint64_t req_id;
  TSCont txn_contp;
  TSCont global_contp;

  ts_lua_main_ctx *main_ctx;
  ts_lua_http_ctx *http_ctx;

  ts_lua_instance_conf *conf = (ts_lua_instance_conf *) TSContDataGet(contp);

  req_id = __sync_fetch_and_add(&ts_lua_g_http_next_id, 1);

  main_ctx = &ts_lua_g_main_ctx_array[req_id % TS_LUA_MAX_STATE_COUNT];

  TSDebug(TS_LUA_DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] req_id: %" PRId64, __FUNCTION__, req_id);

  http_ctx = ts_lua_create_http_ctx(main_ctx, conf);
  http_ctx->txnp = txnp;
  http_ctx->remap = 0;

  txn_contp = TSContCreate(ts_lua_http_cont_handler, NULL);
  TSContDataSet(txn_contp, http_ctx);
  http_ctx->main_contp = txn_contp;

  global_contp = TSContCreate(globalHookHandler, NULL);
  TSContDataSet(global_contp, http_ctx);

  //adding hook based on whether the lua global function exists.
  lua_State *l = http_ctx->lua;

  lua_getglobal(l, TS_LUA_FUNCTION_G_SEND_REQUEST);
  if (lua_type(l, -1) == LUA_TFUNCTION) {
    TSHttpTxnHookAdd(txnp, TS_HTTP_SEND_REQUEST_HDR_HOOK, global_contp);
    TSDebug(TS_LUA_DEBUG_TAG, "send_request_hdr_hook added");
  lua_pop(l, 1);

  lua_getglobal(l, TS_LUA_FUNCTION_G_READ_RESPONSE);
  if (lua_type(l, -1) == LUA_TFUNCTION) {
    TSHttpTxnHookAdd(txnp, TS_HTTP_READ_RESPONSE_HDR_HOOK, global_contp);
    TSDebug(TS_LUA_DEBUG_TAG, "read_response_hdr_hook added");
  lua_pop(l, 1);

  lua_getglobal(l, TS_LUA_FUNCTION_G_SEND_RESPONSE);
  if (lua_type(l, -1) == LUA_TFUNCTION) {
    TSHttpTxnHookAdd(txnp, TS_HTTP_SEND_RESPONSE_HDR_HOOK, global_contp);
    TSDebug(TS_LUA_DEBUG_TAG, "send_response_hdr_hook added");
  lua_pop(l, 1);

  if (lua_type(l, -1) == LUA_TFUNCTION) {
    TSHttpTxnHookAdd(txnp, TS_HTTP_CACHE_LOOKUP_COMPLETE_HOOK, global_contp);
    TSDebug(TS_LUA_DEBUG_TAG, "cache_lookup_complete_hook added");
  lua_pop(l, 1);

  lua_getglobal(l, TS_LUA_FUNCTION_G_READ_REQUEST);
  if (lua_type(l, -1) == LUA_TFUNCTION) {
    TSHttpTxnHookAdd(txnp, TS_HTTP_READ_REQUEST_HDR_HOOK, global_contp);
    TSDebug(TS_LUA_DEBUG_TAG, "read_request_hdr_hook added");
  lua_pop(l, 1);

  lua_getglobal(l, TS_LUA_FUNCTION_G_TXN_START);
  if (lua_type(l, -1) == LUA_TFUNCTION) {
    TSHttpTxnHookAdd(txnp, TS_HTTP_TXN_START_HOOK, global_contp);
    TSDebug(TS_LUA_DEBUG_TAG, "txn_start_hook added");
  lua_pop(l, 1);

  lua_getglobal(l, TS_LUA_FUNCTION_G_PRE_REMAP);
  if (lua_type(l, -1) == LUA_TFUNCTION) {
    TSHttpTxnHookAdd(txnp, TS_HTTP_PRE_REMAP_HOOK, global_contp);
    TSDebug(TS_LUA_DEBUG_TAG, "pre_remap_hook added");
  lua_pop(l, 1);

  lua_getglobal(l, TS_LUA_FUNCTION_G_POST_REMAP);
  if (lua_type(l, -1) == LUA_TFUNCTION) {
    TSHttpTxnHookAdd(txnp, TS_HTTP_POST_REMAP_HOOK, global_contp);
    TSDebug(TS_LUA_DEBUG_TAG, "post_remap_hook added");
  lua_pop(l, 1);

  lua_getglobal(l, TS_LUA_FUNCTION_G_SELECT_ALT);
  if (lua_type(l, -1) == LUA_TFUNCTION) {
    TSHttpTxnHookAdd(txnp, TS_HTTP_SELECT_ALT_HOOK, global_contp);
    TSDebug(TS_LUA_DEBUG_TAG, "select_alt_hook added");
  lua_pop(l, 1);

  lua_getglobal(l, TS_LUA_FUNCTION_G_OS_DNS);
  if (lua_type(l, -1) == LUA_TFUNCTION) {
    TSHttpTxnHookAdd(txnp, TS_HTTP_OS_DNS_HOOK, global_contp);
    TSDebug(TS_LUA_DEBUG_TAG, "os_dns_hook added");
  lua_pop(l, 1);

  lua_getglobal(l, TS_LUA_FUNCTION_G_READ_CACHE);
  if (lua_type(l, -1) == LUA_TFUNCTION) {
    TSHttpTxnHookAdd(txnp, TS_HTTP_READ_CACHE_HDR_HOOK, global_contp);
    TSDebug(TS_LUA_DEBUG_TAG, "read_cache_hdr_hook added");
  lua_pop(l, 1);

  lua_getglobal(l, TS_LUA_FUNCTION_G_TXN_CLOSE);
  if (lua_type(l, -1) == LUA_TFUNCTION) {
    TSHttpTxnHookAdd(txnp, TS_HTTP_TXN_CLOSE_HOOK, global_contp);
    TSDebug(TS_LUA_DEBUG_TAG, "txn_close_hook added");
  lua_pop(l, 1);

  // add a hook to release resources for context
  TSHttpTxnHookAdd(txnp, TS_HTTP_TXN_CLOSE_HOOK, txn_contp);


  TSHttpTxnReenable(txnp, TS_EVENT_HTTP_CONTINUE);
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 18
int32_t cxAtomicAddInt32(int32_t *p, int32_t x)
    return __sync_fetch_and_add(p,x);
Ejemplo n.º 19
void *Deallocate(void *arg) {
  __sync_fetch_and_add(&state, 1);
  while (__sync_fetch_and_add(&state, 0) != 3) {}
  return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 20
void startParallel()
	__sync_fetch_and_add(&gActiveThreadCount, 1);
Ejemplo n.º 21
static TSRemapStatus
ts_lua_remap_plugin_init(void *ih, TSHttpTxn rh, TSRemapRequestInfo *rri)
    int ret;
    uint64_t req_id;

    TSCont contp;
    lua_State *L;

    ts_lua_main_ctx *main_ctx;
    ts_lua_http_ctx *http_ctx;
    ts_lua_cont_info *ci;

    ts_lua_instance_conf *instance_conf;

    int remap     = (rri == NULL ? 0 : 1);
    instance_conf = (ts_lua_instance_conf *)ih;
    req_id        = __sync_fetch_and_add(&ts_lua_http_next_id, 1);

    main_ctx = &ts_lua_main_ctx_array[req_id % TS_LUA_MAX_STATE_COUNT];


    http_ctx = ts_lua_create_http_ctx(main_ctx, instance_conf);

    http_ctx->txnp     = rh;
    http_ctx->has_hook = 0;
    http_ctx->rri      = rri;
    if (rri != NULL) {
        http_ctx->client_request_bufp = rri->requestBufp;
        http_ctx->client_request_hdrp = rri->requestHdrp;
        http_ctx->client_request_url  = rri->requestUrl;

    ci = &http_ctx->cinfo;
    L  = ci->routine.lua;

    contp = TSContCreate(ts_lua_http_cont_handler, NULL);
    TSContDataSet(contp, http_ctx);

    ci->contp = contp;
    ci->mutex = TSContMutexGet((TSCont)rh);

    lua_getglobal(L, (remap ? TS_LUA_FUNCTION_REMAP : TS_LUA_FUNCTION_OS_RESPONSE));
    if (lua_type(L, -1) != LUA_TFUNCTION) {
        return TSREMAP_NO_REMAP;

    ts_lua_set_cont_info(L, NULL);
    if (lua_pcall(L, 0, 1, 0) != 0) {
        TSError("[ts_lua] lua_pcall failed: %s", lua_tostring(L, -1));
        ret = TSREMAP_NO_REMAP;

    } else {
        ret = lua_tointeger(L, -1);

    lua_pop(L, 1);

    if (http_ctx->has_hook) {
        TSDebug(TS_LUA_DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] has txn hook -> adding txn close hook handler to release resources", __FUNCTION__);
        TSHttpTxnHookAdd(rh, TS_HTTP_TXN_CLOSE_HOOK, contp);
    } else {
        TSDebug(TS_LUA_DEBUG_TAG, "[%s] no txn hook -> release resources now", __FUNCTION__);


    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 22
 valtype Inc(volatile valtype &value) {
     return __sync_fetch_and_add(&value, 1);
Ejemplo n.º 23
Archivo: main.cpp Proyecto: CCJY/coliru
void* get(Ref* ref) {
    return __sync_fetch_and_add(&ref->value, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 24
 valtype Add(volatile valtype &value, valtype amt) {
     return __sync_fetch_and_add(&value, amt);
Ejemplo n.º 25
static int32_t mccdaq_callback(uint16_t * d, int32_t max_d)
    #define MAX_DATA 1000000

    static uint16_t data[MAX_DATA];
    static int32_t  max_data;
    static int32_t  idx;
    static uint64_t time_last;
    static uint16_t pulse_threshold = PULSE_THRESHOLD_NOT_SET;
    DEBUG("max_data=%d\n", max_data);

    // keep track of total samples received
    total_samples_rcvd += max_d;

    // if mode is PLOT then plot the value;
    // mode_arg is the number of samples to plot, when this 
    // becomes zero then set mode to IDLE
    if (mode == PLOT) {
        int32_t i;
        for (i = 0; i < max_d; i++) {
            if (mode_arg <= 0) {
                mode_arg = 0;
                mode = IDLE;
            print_plot_str(d[i], PULSE_THRESHOLD_NOT_SET);

    // copy received data to array large enough for one second of data
    if (max_data + max_d > MAX_DATA) {
        FATAL("too much data %d+%d > %d\n", max_data, max_d, MAX_DATA);
    memcpy(data+max_data, d, max_d*sizeof(uint16_t));
    max_data += max_d;

    // determine pule threshold ...
    // if there is less than 1000 samples of data available for this second then
    //   return because we want 1000 or more samples to determine the pule_threshold
    // else if pulse_threshold is not set then
    //   determine the minimum he3 adc value for the 1000 samples, and
    //   set pulse_threshold to that baseline value plus 8
    // endif
    if (max_data < 1000) {
        return 0;  
    } else if (pulse_threshold == PULSE_THRESHOLD_NOT_SET) {
        int32_t i;
        int32_t baseline = 1000000000;
        for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
            if (data[i] < baseline) {
                baseline = data[i];
        pulse_threshold = baseline + 8;
        DEBUG("pulse_threshold-2048=%d\n", pulse_threshold-2048);

    // search for pulses in the data
    // - when pulse is found determine 
    //   . pulse_start_idx, pulse_end_idx
    //   . pulse_height
    //   . pulse_chan
    //   . pulse_count[MAX_CHANNEL]
    // - if mode is PULSEMON then 
    //      plot the pulse and print pulse height
    //   endif
    bool    in_a_pulse      = false;
    int32_t pulse_start_idx = -1;
    int32_t pulse_end_idx   = -1;
    while (true) {
        // terminate this loop when 
        // - near the end of data and not processing a pulse OR
        // - at the end of data
        if ((!in_a_pulse && idx >= max_data-10) || 
            (idx == max_data))

        // print warning if data out of range
        if (data[idx] > 4095) {
            WARN("data[%d] = %u, is out of range\n", idx, data[idx]);
            data[idx] = 2048;

        // determine the pulse_start_idx and pulse_end_idx
        if (data[idx] >= pulse_threshold && !in_a_pulse) {
            in_a_pulse = true;
            pulse_start_idx = idx;
        } else if (data[idx] < pulse_threshold && in_a_pulse) {
            in_a_pulse = false;
            pulse_end_idx = idx - 1;

        // if a pulse has been located ...
        if (pulse_end_idx != -1) {
            int32_t pulse_height, pulse_channel;
            int32_t i;

            // scan from start to end of pulse to determine pulse_height
            pulse_height = -1;
            for (i = pulse_start_idx; i <= pulse_end_idx; i++) {
                if (data[i] - pulse_threshold > pulse_height) {
                    pulse_height = data[i] - pulse_threshold;
            // determine pulse_channel from pulse_height
            pulse_channel = pulse_height / ((4096 - pulse_threshold) / MAX_CHANNEL);
            if (pulse_channel >= MAX_CHANNEL) {
                WARN("chan being reduced from %d to %d\n", pulse_channel, MAX_CHANNEL-1);
                pulse_channel = MAX_CHANNEL-1;

            // keep track of pulse_count
            __sync_fetch_and_add(&pulse_count[pulse_channel], 1);

            // if mode is PULSEMON then plot this pulse
            if (mode == PULSEMON) {
                char time_str[MAX_TIME_STR];
                printf("%s: pulse: height=%d  channel=%d  threshold-2048=%d\n", 
                       time2str(time_str, get_real_time_us(), false, true, true),
                       pulse_height, pulse_channel, pulse_threshold-2048);
                for (i = pulse_start_idx; i <= pulse_end_idx; i++) {
                    print_plot_str(data[i], pulse_threshold);

            // done with this pulse
            pulse_start_idx = -1;
            pulse_end_idx = -1;

        // move to next data 

    // if time has incremented from last time this code block was run then ...
    uint64_t time_now = time(NULL);
    if (time_now > time_last) {
        int32_t chan;
        // if mode equal INFO then print stats
        if (mode == INFO) {
            int64_t duration_secs = time_now - pulse_time_start;

            printf("time=%d samples=%d  mccdaq_restarts=%d  pulse_threshold-2048=%d\n",

            printf("  counts = ");
            for (chan = 0; chan < MAX_CHANNEL; chan++) {
                printf("%8d ", pulse_count[chan]);

            printf("  cpm    = ");
            for (chan = 0; chan < MAX_CHANNEL; chan++) {
                printf("%8.2f ", pulse_count[chan] / (duration_secs / 60.0));


        // reset for next second of data
        time_last = time_now;
        max_data = 0;
        idx = 0;
        pulse_threshold = PULSE_THRESHOLD_NOT_SET;

    // if sigint then set mode to IDLE
    if (sigint) {
        sigint = false;
        mode = IDLE;
        mode_arg = 0;

    // return 0, so scanning continues
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 26
static bool arch_sanCovParseRaw(honggfuzz_t * hfuzz, fuzzer_t * fuzzer)
    int dataFd = -1;
    uint8_t *dataBuf = NULL;
    off_t dataFileSz = 0, pos = 0;
    bool is32bit = true, ret = false, isSeedFirstRun = false;
    char covFile[PATH_MAX] = { 0 };

    /* Fuzzer local runtime data structs - need free() before exit */
    uint64_t *startMapsIndex = NULL;
    memMap_t *mapsBuf = NULL;

    /* Local counters */
    uint64_t nBBs = 0;          /* Total BB hits found in raw file */
    uint64_t nZeroBBs = 0;      /* Number of non-hit instrumented BBs */
    uint64_t mapsNum = 0;       /* Total number of entries in map file */
    uint64_t noCovMapsNum = 0;  /* Loaded DSOs not compiled with coverage */

    /* File line-by-line read help buffers */
    char *pLine = NULL;
    size_t lineSz = 0;

    /* Coverage data analysis starts by parsing map file listing */
    snprintf(covFile, sizeof(covFile), "%s/%s/%d.sancov.map", hfuzz->workDir, _HF_SANCOV_DIR,
    if (!files_exists(covFile)) {
        LOG_D("sancov map file not found");
        return false;
    FILE *fCovMap = fopen(covFile, "rb");
    if (fCovMap == NULL) {
        PLOG_E("Couldn't open '%s' - R/O mode", covFile);
        goto bail;

    /* First line contains PC length (32/64-bit) */
    if (getline(&pLine, &lineSz, fCovMap) == -1) {
        LOG_E("Invalid map file '%s'", covFile);
        goto bail;
    int pcLen = atoi(pLine);
    if (pcLen == 32) {
        is32bit = true;
    } else if (pcLen == 64) {
        is32bit = false;
    } else {
        LOG_E("Invalid PC length (%d) in map file '%s'", pcLen, covFile);

    /* Interaction with global Trie should mutex wrap to avoid threads races */
        /* If runtime data destroy flag, new seed has been picked so destroy old & create new Trie */
        if (hfuzz->clearCovMetadata == true) {
            /* Since this path is invoked on first run too, destroy old Trie only if exists */
            if (hfuzz->covMetadata != NULL) {
            hfuzz->clearCovMetadata = false;
            isSeedFirstRun = true;

    /* See if #maps is available from previous run to avoid realloc inside loop */
    uint64_t prevMapsNum = __sync_fetch_and_add(&hfuzz->sanCovCnts.dsoCnt, 0UL);
    if (prevMapsNum > 0) {
        if ((mapsBuf = malloc(prevMapsNum * sizeof(memMap_t))) == NULL) {
            PLOG_E("malloc failed (sz=%" PRIu64 ")", prevMapsNum * sizeof(memMap_t));
            /* This will be picked-up later from realloc branch */
            prevMapsNum = 0;

    /* Iterate map entries */
    for (;;) {
        if (getline(&pLine, &lineSz, fCovMap) == -1) {

        /* Trim trailing whitespaces, not sure if needed copied from upstream sancov.py */
        char *lineEnd = pLine + strlen(pLine) - 1;
        while (lineEnd > pLine && isspace(*lineEnd)) {
        *(lineEnd + 1) = 0;

         * Each line has following format:
         * Start    End      Base     bin/DSO name
         * b5843000 b584e6ac b5843000 liblog.so
        memMap_t mapData = {.start = 0 };
        char *savePtr = NULL;
        mapData.start = strtoull(strtok_r(pLine, " ", &savePtr), NULL, 16);
        mapData.end = strtoull(strtok_r(NULL, " ", &savePtr), NULL, 16);
        mapData.base = strtoull(strtok_r(NULL, " ", &savePtr), NULL, 16);
        char *mapName = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &savePtr);
        memcpy(mapData.mapName, mapName, strlen(mapName));

        /* Interaction with global Trie should mutex wrap to avoid threads races */
            /* Add entry to Trie with zero data if not already */
            if (!arch_trieSearch(hfuzz->covMetadata->children, mapData.mapName)) {
                arch_trieAdd(&hfuzz->covMetadata, mapData.mapName);

        /* If not DSO number history (first run) or new DSO loaded, realloc local maps metadata buf */
        if (prevMapsNum == 0 || prevMapsNum < mapsNum) {
            if ((mapsBuf = realloc(mapsBuf, (size_t) (mapsNum + 1) * sizeof(memMap_t))) == NULL) {
                PLOG_E("realloc failed (sz=%" PRIu64 ")", (mapsNum + 1) * sizeof(memMap_t));
                goto bail;

        /* Add entry to local maps metadata array */
        memcpy(&mapsBuf[mapsNum], &mapData, sizeof(memMap_t));

        /* Increase loaded maps counter (includes non-instrumented DSOs too) */

    /* Delete .sancov.map file */

    /* Create a quick index array with maps start addresses */
    startMapsIndex = malloc(mapsNum * sizeof(uint64_t));
    if (startMapsIndex == NULL) {
        PLOG_E("malloc failed (sz=%" PRIu64 ")", mapsNum * sizeof(uint64_t));
        goto bail;

    /* Sort quick maps index */
    qsort(mapsBuf, mapsNum, sizeof(memMap_t), arch_qsortCmp);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < mapsNum; i++) {
        startMapsIndex[i] = mapsBuf[i].start;

    /* mmap() .sancov.raw file */
    snprintf(covFile, sizeof(covFile), "%s/%s/%d.sancov.raw", hfuzz->workDir, _HF_SANCOV_DIR,
    dataBuf = files_mapFile(covFile, &dataFileSz, &dataFd, false);
    if (dataBuf == NULL) {
        LOG_E("Couldn't open and map '%s' in R/O mode", covFile);
        goto bail;

     * Avoid cost of size checks inside raw data read loop by defining the read function
     * & pivot size based on PC length.
    uint64_t(*pReadRawBBAddrFunc) (const uint8_t *) = NULL;
    uint8_t pivot = 0;
    if (is32bit) {
        pReadRawBBAddrFunc = &util_getUINT32;
        pivot = 4;
    } else {
        pReadRawBBAddrFunc = &util_getUINT64;
        pivot = 8;

     * Take advantage of data locality (next processed addr is very likely to belong
     * to same map) to avoid Trie node search for each read entry.
    node_t *curMap = NULL;
    uint64_t prevIndex = 0;

    /* Iterate over data buffer containing list of hit BB addresses */
    while (pos < dataFileSz) {
        uint64_t bbAddr = pReadRawBBAddrFunc(dataBuf + pos);
        pos += pivot;
        /* Don't bother for zero BB addr (inserted checks without hit) */
        if (bbAddr == 0x0) {
        } else {
            /* Find best hit based on start addr & verify range for errors */
            uint64_t bestFit = arch_interpSearch(startMapsIndex, mapsNum, bbAddr);
            if (bbAddr >= mapsBuf[bestFit].start && bbAddr < mapsBuf[bestFit].end) {
                /* Increase exe/DSO total BB counter */

                /* Update current Trie node if map changed */
                if (curMap == NULL || (prevIndex != bestFit)) {
                    prevIndex = bestFit;

                    /* Interaction with global Trie should mutex wrap to avoid threads races */
                        curMap =
                            arch_trieSearch(hfuzz->covMetadata->children, mapsBuf[bestFit].mapName);
                        if (curMap == NULL) {
                            LOG_E("Corrupted Trie - '%s' not found", mapsBuf[bestFit].mapName);

                        /* Maintain bitmaps only for exec/DSOs with coverage enabled - allocate on first use */
                        if (curMap->data.pBM == NULL) {
                            LOG_D("Allocating bitmap for map '%s'", mapsBuf[bestFit].mapName);
                            curMap->data.pBM = arch_newBitmap(_HF_BITMAP_SIZE);

                             * If bitmap allocation failed, unset cached Trie node ptr
                             * to execute this selection branch again.
                            if (curMap->data.pBM == NULL) {
                                curMap = NULL;

                /* If new relative BB addr update DSO's bitmap */
                uint32_t relAddr = (uint32_t) (bbAddr - mapsBuf[bestFit].base);
                if (!arch_queryBitmap(curMap->data.pBM, relAddr)) {

                    /* Interaction with global Trie should mutex wrap to avoid threads races */
                        arch_setBitmap(curMap->data.pBM, relAddr);

                    /* Also increase new BBs counter at worker's thread runtime data */
            } else {
                 * Normally this should never get executed. If hit, sanitizer
                 * coverage data collection come across some kind of bug.
                LOG_E("Invalid BB addr (%" PRIx64 ") at offset %ld", bbAddr, pos);

    /* Finally iterate over all instrumented maps to sum-up the number of newly met BB addresses */
    for (uint64_t i = 0; i < mapsNum; i++) {
        if (mapsBuf[i].bbCnt > 0 && !isSeedFirstRun) {
            fuzzer->sanCovCnts.newBBCnt += mapsBuf[i].newBBCnt;
        } else {

    /* Successful parsing - update fuzzer worker's counters */
    fuzzer->sanCovCnts.hitBBCnt = nBBs;
    fuzzer->sanCovCnts.totalBBCnt = nBBs + nZeroBBs;
    fuzzer->sanCovCnts.dsoCnt = mapsNum;
    fuzzer->sanCovCnts.iDsoCnt = mapsNum - noCovMapsNum;        /* Instrumented DSOs */
    ret = true;

    if (dataBuf) {
        munmap(dataBuf, dataFileSz);
    if (dataFd != -1) {
    if (mapsBuf) {
    if (startMapsIndex) {
    if (pLine) {
    return ret;

static bool arch_sanCovParse(honggfuzz_t * hfuzz, fuzzer_t * fuzzer)
    int dataFd = -1;
    uint8_t *dataBuf = NULL;
    off_t dataFileSz = 0, pos = 0;
    bool is32bit = true;
    char covFile[PATH_MAX] = { 0 };
    DIR *pSanCovDir = NULL;
    bool ret = false;

    snprintf(covFile, sizeof(covFile), "%s/%s/%s.%d.sancov", hfuzz->workDir, _HF_SANCOV_DIR,
             files_basename(hfuzz->cmdline[0]), fuzzer->pid);
    if (!files_exists(covFile)) {
        LOG_D("Target sancov file not found");
        return false;

    /* Local cache file suffix to use for file search of worker pid data */
    char pidFSuffix[13] = { 0 };
    snprintf(pidFSuffix, sizeof(pidFSuffix), "%d.sancov", fuzzer->pid);

    /* Total BBs counter summarizes all DSOs */
    uint64_t nBBs = 0;

    /* Iterate sancov dir for files generated against fuzzer pid */
    snprintf(covFile, sizeof(covFile), "%s/%s", hfuzz->workDir, _HF_SANCOV_DIR);
    pSanCovDir = opendir(covFile);
    struct dirent *pDir = NULL;
    while ((pDir = readdir(pSanCovDir)) != NULL) {
        /* Parse files with worker's PID */
        if (strstr(pDir->d_name, pidFSuffix)) {
            snprintf(covFile, sizeof(covFile), "%s/%s/%s", hfuzz->workDir, _HF_SANCOV_DIR,
            dataBuf = files_mapFile(covFile, &dataFileSz, &dataFd, false);
            if (dataBuf == NULL) {
                LOG_E("Couldn't open and map '%s' in R/O mode", covFile);
                goto bail;

            if (dataFileSz < 8) {
                LOG_E("Coverage data file too short");
                goto bail;

            /* Check magic values & derive PC length */
            uint64_t magic = util_getUINT64(dataBuf);
            if (magic == kMagic32) {
                is32bit = true;
            } else if (magic == kMagic64) {
                is32bit = false;
            } else {
                LOG_E("Invalid coverage data file");
                goto bail;
            pos += 8;

             * Avoid cost of size checks inside raw data read loop by defining the read function
             * & pivot size based on PC length.
            uint64_t(*pReadRawBBAddrFunc) (const uint8_t *) = NULL;
            uint8_t pivot = 0;
            if (is32bit) {
                pReadRawBBAddrFunc = &util_getUINT32;
                pivot = 4;
            } else {
                pReadRawBBAddrFunc = &util_getUINT64;
                pivot = 8;

            while (pos < dataFileSz) {
                uint32_t bbAddr = pReadRawBBAddrFunc(dataBuf + pos);
                pos += pivot;
                if (bbAddr == 0x0) {

    /* Successful parsing - update fuzzer worker counters */
    fuzzer->sanCovCnts.hitBBCnt = nBBs;
    ret = true;

    if (dataBuf) {
        munmap(dataBuf, dataFileSz);
    if (dataFd != -1) {
    if (pSanCovDir) {
    return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 27
void __cilkrts_obj_payload_add_ref( __cilkrts_obj_payload *pl ) {
    __sync_fetch_and_add( &pl->refcnt, 1 );
Ejemplo n.º 28
  static uint64_t
gen_counter(struct GenInfo * const gi)
  const uint64_t v = __sync_fetch_and_add(&(gi->gen.counter.counter), 1lu);
  return v;
Ejemplo n.º 29
void __cilkrts_obj_version_del_ref( __cilkrts_obj_version *v ) {
    // printf( "%d-%p: version_del_ref v=%p refcnt before=%d\n", __cilkrts_get_tls_worker()->self, (void*)0, v, v->refcnt );
    if( __sync_fetch_and_add( &v->refcnt, -1 ) == 1 )
	__cilkrts_obj_version_destroy( v );
Ejemplo n.º 30
static uint64_t db_aquire_mtid(struct DB *const db) {
    return __sync_fetch_and_add(&(db->next_mtid), 1);