Ejemplo n.º 1
int main()
  _gotoxy(10, 10); //Does not compile
  _textcolor(YELLOW); //Does not compile
  _textbackground(BLUE); //Does not compile
Ejemplo n.º 2
void horzLine(int x, int y, int length, char sym, int color)    	/* horzLine() definition */
	int i;
	_gotoxy(x, y);		   /* _gotoxy() function puts cursor and specific x and y coordinates on output screen */
	_textcolor(color);	/* _textcolor() changes the color of text on output screen based on numbers 0 - 15 */
	for (i = 0; i < length; ++i)
	fflush(stdout);		/* fflush(stdout) forces characters on the output screen (like a refresh for placeholders) */
Ejemplo n.º 3
void vertLine(int x, int y, int length, char sym, int color)    	/* vertLine() definition */
	int i;

	for (i = 0; i < length; ++i)
		_gotoxy(x, i + y);
Ejemplo n.º 4
int main(void)
	int b;
	horzLine (5, 1, 10, '*', RED);    			/* horzLine() function call */
	vertLine (1, 1, 5, '#', GREEN);    			/* vertLine() function call */
	boxFilled (18, 1, 5, 4, '=', MAGENTA);		/* boxFilled() function call */ 
	boxOpen (30, 1, 5, 4, '+', BLUE);			/* boxOpen() function call */ 

			/* business drawing section */	
	vertLine (5, 10, 14, '|', WHITE);
	horzLine (5, 23, 70, '_', WHITE);
	for (b = 0; b < 13; b = 2 + b)
		horzLine (4, 21 - b, 1, '_', WHITE);
	for (b = 0; b < 13; b = 2 + b)
		horzLine (3, 21 - b, 1, '$', WHITE);
	for (b = 0; b < 68; b = 2 + b)
		vertLine (73 - b, 24, 1, '|', WHITE);
	boxFilled (6, 10, 69, 13, '.', BLUE);
	boxOpen (5, 6, 70, 3, '*', BLUE);
	printf("----------------------------STOCK CHART-----------------------------");

	horzLine (6, 20, 10, '_', YELLOW);
	vertLine (16, 16, 5, '|', YELLOW);
	horzLine (17, 15, 5, '_', YELLOW);
	vertLine (22, 16, 2, '|', YELLOW);
	horzLine (23, 17, 10, '_', YELLOW);
	vertLine (33, 18, 4, '|', YELLOW);
	horzLine (34, 21, 10, '_', YELLOW);
	vertLine (44, 17, 5, '|', YELLOW);
	horzLine (45, 16, 20, '_', YELLOW);
	for (b = 0; b < 5; ++b)									      /*************************/
	horzLine (66 + 2 * b - 1, 15 - b, 1, '_', YELLOW);		/*                       */ 
															            /* draws a diagonal line */	
	for (b = 0; b < 6; ++b)									      /*                       */
	vertLine(65 + 2 * b - 1, 16 - b, 1, '|', YELLOW);		/*************************/
	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
int main () {

	_textcolor (12);
	srand (time (0));
	int cell [2] [80];
	int switcher = 0;
	int line = 1;
	int sum;
	int i;
	char input;

	_clrscr ();
	switcher = 0;
	line = 1;

	for (i = 0; i < 80; ++i) {
		cell [0] [i] = 0;
		cell [1] [i] = 0;

	_gotoxy (1, line);
	for (i = 0; i < 80; ++i) {
		cell [switcher] [i] = rand () % 2;
		if (cell [switcher] [i] == 1) {
			printf ("%c", OUTPUT);
		else {
			printf (" ");

	while (1) {
		sleepx (500);

		switcher = !switcher;
		_gotoxy (1, line);

		for (i = 0; i < 80; ++i) {
			sum = cell [!switcher] [(i-2) % 80] + cell [!switcher] [(i-1) % 80] + cell [!switcher] [(i+1) % 80] + cell [!switcher] [(i+2) % 80];

			if (sum == PLUS1 || sum == PLUS2) {
				cell [switcher] [i] = 1;
				printf ("%c", OUTPUT);
			else {
				cell [switcher] [i] = 0;
				printf (" ");


		if (_kbhit()) {
			input = _getch ();

			if (input == ' ') 
				_getch ();

			else if (input == 27)

			else if (input == '\r')
				goto start;

	_getch ();
	return 0;