Ejemplo n.º 1
mod_export int
getbyte(long do_keytmout, int *timeout)
    char cc;
    unsigned int ret;
    int die = 0, r, icnt = 0;
    int old_errno = errno, obreaks = breaks;

    if (timeout)
	*timeout = 0;

     * Reading a single byte always invalidates the status
     * of lastchar_wide.  We may fix this up in getrestchar
     * if this is the last byte of a wide character.
    lastchar_wide_valid = 0;

    if (kungetct)
	ret = STOUC(kungetbuf[--kungetct]);
    else {
	for (;;) {
	    int q = queue_signal_level();
	    r = raw_getbyte(do_keytmout, &cc);
	    if (r == -2) {
		/* timeout */
		if (timeout)
		    *timeout = 1;
		return lastchar = EOF;
	    if (r == 1)
	    if (r == 0) {
		/* The test for IGNOREEOF was added to make zsh ignore ^Ds
		   that were typed while commands are running.  Unfortuantely
		   this caused trouble under at least one system (SunOS 4.1).
		   Here shells that lost their xterm (e.g. if it was killed
		   with -9) didn't fail to read from the terminal but instead
		   happily continued to read EOFs, so that the above read
		   returned with 0, and, with IGNOREEOF set, this caused
		   an infinite loop.  The simple way around this was to add
		   the counter (icnt) so that this happens 20 times and than
		   the shell gives up (yes, this is a bit dirty...). */
		if ((zlereadflags & ZLRF_IGNOREEOF) && icnt++ < 20)
		stopmsg = 1;
		zexit(1, 0);
	    icnt = 0;
	    if (errno == EINTR) {
		die = 0;
		if (!errflag && !retflag && !breaks && !exit_pending)
		errflag &= ~ERRFLAG_ERROR;
		breaks = obreaks;
		errno = old_errno;
		return lastchar = EOF;
	    } else if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK) {
		fcntl(0, F_SETFL, 0);
	    } else if (errno == EIO && !die) {
		ret = opts[MONITOR];
		opts[MONITOR] = 1;
		zrefresh();	/* kludge! */
		opts[MONITOR] = ret;
		die = 1;
	    } else if (errno != 0) {
		zerr("error on TTY read: %e", errno);
		stopmsg = 1;
		zexit(1, 0);
	if (cc == '\r')		/* undo the exchange of \n and \r determined by */
	    cc = '\n';		/* zsetterm() */
	else if (cc == '\n')
	    cc = '\r';

	ret = STOUC(cc);
     * vichgbuf is raw bytes, not wide characters, so is dealt
     * with here.
    if (vichgflag) {
	if (vichgbufptr == vichgbufsz)
	    vichgbuf = realloc(vichgbuf, vichgbufsz *= 2);
	vichgbuf[vichgbufptr++] = ret;
    errno = old_errno;
    return lastchar = ret;
Ejemplo n.º 2
mod_export void
    struct ttyinfo ti;

    if (fetchttyinfo) {
	 * User requested terminal to be returned to normal use,
	 * so remember the terminal settings if not frozen.
	if (!ttyfrozen)
	fetchttyinfo = 0;

/* sanitize the tty */
#ifdef HAS_TIO
    shttyinfo.tio.c_lflag |= ICANON | ECHO;
# ifdef FLUSHO
    shttyinfo.tio.c_lflag &= ~FLUSHO;
# endif
#else				/* not HAS_TIO */
    shttyinfo.sgttyb.sg_flags = (shttyinfo.sgttyb.sg_flags & ~CBREAK) | ECHO;
    shttyinfo.lmodes &= ~LFLUSHO;

    ti = shttyinfo;
#ifdef HAS_TIO
    if (unset(FLOWCONTROL))
	ti.tio.c_iflag &= ~IXON;
    ti.tio.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO
# ifdef FLUSHO
# endif
# ifdef TAB3
    ti.tio.c_oflag &= ~TAB3;
# else
#  ifdef OXTABS
    ti.tio.c_oflag &= ~OXTABS;
#  else
#   ifdef XTABS
    ti.tio.c_oflag &= ~XTABS;
#   endif
#  endif
# endif
#ifdef ONLCR
    ti.tio.c_oflag |= ONLCR;
    ti.tio.c_cc[VQUIT] =
# ifdef VDISCARD
	ti.tio.c_cc[VDISCARD] =
# endif
# ifdef VSUSP
	ti.tio.c_cc[VSUSP] =
# endif
# ifdef VDSUSP
	ti.tio.c_cc[VDSUSP] =
# endif
# ifdef VSWTCH
	ti.tio.c_cc[VSWTCH] =
# endif
# ifdef VLNEXT
	ti.tio.c_cc[VLNEXT] =
# endif
# if defined(VSTART) && defined(VSTOP)
    if (unset(FLOWCONTROL))
	ti.tio.c_cc[VSTART] = ti.tio.c_cc[VSTOP] = VDISABLEVAL;
# endif
    eofchar = ti.tio.c_cc[VEOF];
    ti.tio.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;
    ti.tio.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
    ti.tio.c_iflag |= (INLCR | ICRNL);
 /* this line exchanges \n and \r; it's changed back in getbyte
	so that the net effect is no change at all inside the shell.
	This double swap is to allow typeahead in common cases, eg.

	% bindkey -s '^J' 'echo foo^M'
	% sleep 10
	echo foo<return>  <--- typed before sleep returns

	The shell sees \n instead of \r, since it was changed by the kernel
	while zsh wasn't looking. Then in getbyte() \n is changed back to \r,
	and it sees "echo foo<accept line>", as expected. Without the double
	swap the shell would see "echo foo\n", which is translated to
	"echo fooecho foo<accept line>" because of the binding.
	Note that if you type <line-feed> during the sleep the shell just sees
	\n, which is translated to \r in getbyte(), and you just get another
	prompt. For type-ahead to work in ALL cases you have to use
	stty inlcr.

	Unfortunately it's IMPOSSIBLE to have a general solution if both
	<return> and <line-feed> are mapped to the same character. The shell
	could check if there is input and read it before setting it's own
	terminal modes but if we get a \n we don't know whether to keep it or
	change to \r :-(

#else				/* not HAS_TIO */
    ti.sgttyb.sg_flags = (ti.sgttyb.sg_flags | CBREAK) & ~ECHO & ~XTABS;
    ti.lmodes &= ~LFLUSHO;
    eofchar = ti.tchars.t_eofc;
    ti.tchars.t_quitc =
	ti.ltchars.t_suspc =
	ti.ltchars.t_flushc =
	ti.ltchars.t_dsuspc = ti.ltchars.t_lnextc = -1;

#if defined(TIOCOUTQ) && defined(HAVE_SELECT)
    if (baud) {			/**/
	int n = 0;

	while ((ioctl(SHTTY, TIOCOUTQ, (char *)&n) >= 0) && n) {
	    struct timeval tv;

	    tv.tv_sec = n / baud;
	    tv.tv_usec = ((n % baud) * 1000000) / baud;
	    select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &tv);

Ejemplo n.º 3
mod_export void
    struct ttyinfo ti;
#if defined(FIONREAD)
    int val;

    if (fetchttyinfo) {
	 * User requested terminal to be returned to normal use,
	 * so remember the terminal settings if not frozen.
	if (!ttyfrozen)
	fetchttyinfo = 0;

#if defined(FIONREAD)
    ioctl(SHTTY, FIONREAD, (char *)&val);
    if (val) {
	 * Problems can occur on some systems when switching from
	 * canonical to non-canonical input.  The former is usually
	 * set while running programmes, but the latter is necessary
	 * for zle.  If there is input in canonical mode, then we
	 * need to read it without setting up the terminal.  Furthermore,
	 * while that input gets processed there may be more input
	 * being typed (i.e. further typeahead).  This means that
	 * we can't set up the terminal for zle *at all* until
	 * we are sure there is no more typeahead to come.  So
	 * if there is typeahead, we set the flag delayzsetterm.
	 * Then getbyte() performs another FIONREAD call; if that is
	 * 0, we have finally used up all the typeahead, and it is
	 * safe to alter the terminal, which we do at that point.
	delayzsetterm = 1;
    } else
	delayzsetterm = 0;

/* sanitize the tty */
#ifdef HAS_TIO
    shttyinfo.tio.c_lflag |= ICANON | ECHO;
# ifdef FLUSHO
    shttyinfo.tio.c_lflag &= ~FLUSHO;
# endif
#else				/* not HAS_TIO */
    shttyinfo.sgttyb.sg_flags = (shttyinfo.sgttyb.sg_flags & ~CBREAK) | ECHO;
    shttyinfo.lmodes &= ~LFLUSHO;

    ti = shttyinfo;
#ifdef HAS_TIO
    if (unset(FLOWCONTROL))
	ti.tio.c_iflag &= ~IXON;
    ti.tio.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO
# ifdef FLUSHO
# endif
# ifdef TAB3
    ti.tio.c_oflag &= ~TAB3;
# else
#  ifdef OXTABS
    ti.tio.c_oflag &= ~OXTABS;
#  else
#   ifdef XTABS
    ti.tio.c_oflag &= ~XTABS;
#   endif
#  endif
# endif
#ifdef ONLCR
    ti.tio.c_oflag |= ONLCR;
    ti.tio.c_cc[VQUIT] =
# ifdef VDISCARD
	ti.tio.c_cc[VDISCARD] =
# endif
# ifdef VSUSP
	ti.tio.c_cc[VSUSP] =
# endif
# ifdef VDSUSP
	ti.tio.c_cc[VDSUSP] =
# endif
# ifdef VSWTCH
	ti.tio.c_cc[VSWTCH] =
# endif
# ifdef VLNEXT
	ti.tio.c_cc[VLNEXT] =
# endif
# if defined(VSTART) && defined(VSTOP)
    if (unset(FLOWCONTROL))
	ti.tio.c_cc[VSTART] = ti.tio.c_cc[VSTOP] = VDISABLEVAL;
# endif
    eofchar = ti.tio.c_cc[VEOF];
    ti.tio.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;
    ti.tio.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
    ti.tio.c_iflag |= (INLCR | ICRNL);
 /* this line exchanges \n and \r; it's changed back in getbyte
	so that the net effect is no change at all inside the shell.
	This double swap is to allow typeahead in common cases, eg.

	% bindkey -s '^J' 'echo foo^M'
	% sleep 10
	echo foo<return>  <--- typed before sleep returns

	The shell sees \n instead of \r, since it was changed by the kernel
	while zsh wasn't looking. Then in getbyte() \n is changed back to \r,
	and it sees "echo foo<accept line>", as expected. Without the double
	swap the shell would see "echo foo\n", which is translated to
	"echo fooecho foo<accept line>" because of the binding.
	Note that if you type <line-feed> during the sleep the shell just sees
	\n, which is translated to \r in getbyte(), and you just get another
	prompt. For type-ahead to work in ALL cases you have to use
	stty inlcr.

	Unfortunately it's IMPOSSIBLE to have a general solution if both
	<return> and <line-feed> are mapped to the same character. The shell
	could check if there is input and read it before setting it's own
	terminal modes but if we get a \n we don't know whether to keep it or
	change to \r :-(

#else				/* not HAS_TIO */
    ti.sgttyb.sg_flags = (ti.sgttyb.sg_flags | CBREAK) & ~ECHO & ~XTABS;
    ti.lmodes &= ~LFLUSHO;
    eofchar = ti.tchars.t_eofc;
    ti.tchars.t_quitc =
	ti.ltchars.t_suspc =
	ti.ltchars.t_flushc =
	ti.ltchars.t_dsuspc = ti.ltchars.t_lnextc = -1;

#if defined(TTY_NEEDS_DRAINING) && defined(TIOCOUTQ) && defined(HAVE_SELECT)
    if (baud) {			/**/
	int n = 0;

	while ((ioctl(SHTTY, TIOCOUTQ, (char *)&n) >= 0) && n) {
	    struct timeval tv;

	    tv.tv_sec = n / baud;
	    tv.tv_usec = ((n % baud) * 1000000) / baud;
	    select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &tv);

Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: zpty.c Proyecto: zsh-users/zsh
static int
newptycmd(char *nam, char *pname, char **args, int echo, int nblock)
    Ptycmd p;
    int master, slave, pid, oineval = ineval, ret;
    char *oscriptname = scriptname, syncch;
    Eprog prog;

    /* code borrowed from bin_eval() */
    ineval = !isset(EVALLINENO);
    if (!ineval)
	scriptname = "(zpty)";

    prog = parse_string(zjoin(args, ' ', 1), 0);
    if (!prog) {
	errflag &= ~ERRFLAG_ERROR;
	scriptname = oscriptname;
	ineval = oineval;
	return 1;

    if (get_pty(1, &master)) {
	zwarnnam(nam, "can't open pseudo terminal: %e", errno);
	scriptname = oscriptname;
	ineval = oineval;
	return 1;
    if ((pid = fork()) == -1) {
	zwarnnam(nam, "can't create pty command %s: %e", pname, errno);
	scriptname = oscriptname;
	ineval = oineval;
	return 1;
    } else if (!pid) {
	/* This code copied from the clone module, except for getting *
	 * the descriptor from get_pty() and duplicating it to 0/1/2. */

	deletehookfunc("exit", ptyhook);
	ppid = getppid();
	mypid = getpid();
	if (setsid() != mypid) {
	    zwarnnam(nam, "failed to create new session: %e", errno);
	    if (ioctl(SHTTY, TIOCNOTTY, 0))
		zwarnnam(nam, "%e", errno);
	    setpgrp(0L, mypid);

	if (get_pty(0, &slave))
	SHTTY = slave;
	/* Set the window size before associating with the terminal *
	 * so that we don't get hit with a SIGWINCH.  I'm paranoid. */
	if (interact) {
	    struct ttyinfo info;

	    if (ioctl(slave, TIOCGWINSZ, (char *) &info.winsize) == 0) {
		info.winsize.ws_row = zterm_lines;
		info.winsize.ws_col = zterm_columns;
		ioctl(slave, TIOCSWINSZ, (char *) &info.winsize);
#endif /* TIOCGWINSZ */

	if (!echo) {
	    struct ttyinfo info;

	    if (!ptygettyinfo(slave, &info)) {
		info.tio.c_lflag &= ~ECHO;
		info.tio.c_lflag &= ~ECHO;
		info.tio.lmodes &= ~ECHO; /**** dunno if this is right */
		ptysettyinfo(slave, &info);

	ioctl(slave, TIOCSCTTY, 0);


	dup2(slave, 0);
	dup2(slave, 1);
	dup2(slave, 2);

	closem(FDT_UNUSED, 0);
	setsparam("TTY", ztrdup(ttystrname));

	opts[INTERACTIVE] = 0;

	syncch = 0;
	do {
	    ret = write(1, &syncch, 1);
	} while (ret != 1 && (
	    errno == EWOULDBLOCK ||
#ifdef EAGAIN
	    errno == EAGAIN ||
	    errno == EINTR));

	execode(prog, 1, 0, "zpty");
	stopmsg = 2;
	mypid = 0; /* trick to ensure we _exit() */
	zexit(lastval, 0);
    master = movefd(master);
    if (master == -1) {
	zerrnam(nam, "cannot duplicate fd %d: %e", master, errno);
	scriptname = oscriptname;
	ineval = oineval;
	return 1;

    p = (Ptycmd) zalloc(sizeof(*p));

    p->name = ztrdup(pname);
    p->args = zarrdup(args);
    p->fd = master;
    p->pid = pid;
    p->echo = echo;
    p->nblock = nblock;
    p->fin = 0;
    p->read = -1;
    p->old = NULL;
    p->olen = 0;

    p->next = ptycmds;
    ptycmds = p;

    if (nblock)

    scriptname = oscriptname;
    ineval = oineval;

    do {
	ret = read(master, &syncch, 1);
    } while (ret != 1 && (
	    errno == EWOULDBLOCK ||
#ifdef EAGAIN
	    errno == EAGAIN ||
	    errno == EINTR));

    setiparam_no_convert("REPLY", (zlong)master);

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
    static char termbuf[2048];	/* the termcap buffer */

    if (!*term)
	return termok = TERM_BAD;

    /* unset zle if using zsh under emacs */
    if (!strcmp(term, "emacs"))
	opts[USEZLE] = 0;

    /* If possible, we let tgetent allocate its own termcap buffer */
    if (tgetent(NULL, term) != 1) {
    if (tgetent(termbuf, term) != 1) {

	if (isset(INTERACTIVE))
	    zerr("can't find termcap info for %s", term, 0);
	errflag = 0;
	return termok = TERM_BAD;
    } else {
	char tbuf[1024], *pp;
	int t0;

	termok = TERM_OK;
	for (t0 = 0; t0 != TC_COUNT; t0++) {
	    pp = tbuf;
	/* AIX tgetstr() ignores second argument */
	    if (!(pp = tgetstr(tccapnams[t0], &pp)))
		tcstr[t0] = NULL, tclen[t0] = 0;
	    else {
		tclen[t0] = strlen(pp);
		tcstr[t0] = (char *) zalloc(tclen[t0] + 1);
		memcpy(tcstr[t0], pp, tclen[t0] + 1);

	/* check whether terminal has automargin (wraparound) capability */
	hasam = tgetflag("am");

	/* if there's no termcap entry for cursor up, use single line mode: *
	 * this is flagged by termok which is examined in zle_refresh.c     *
	if (!tccan(TCUP)) {
		tcstr[TCUP] = NULL;
		termok = TERM_NOUP;

	/* if there's no termcap entry for cursor left, use \b. */
	if (!tccan(TCLEFT)) {
	    tcstr[TCLEFT] = ztrdup("\b");
	    tclen[TCLEFT] = 1;

	/* if the termcap entry for down is \n, don't use it. */
	if (tccan(TCDOWN) && tcstr[TCDOWN][0] == '\n') {
	    tclen[TCDOWN] = 0;
	    tcstr[TCDOWN] = NULL;

	/* if there's no termcap entry for clear, use ^L. */
	if (!tccan(TCCLEARSCREEN)) {
	    tcstr[TCCLEARSCREEN] = ztrdup("\14");
	    tclen[TCCLEARSCREEN] = 1;
    return termok;

/* Initialize lots of global variables and hash tables */

    struct passwd *pswd;
    struct timezone dummy_tz;
    char *ptr;
    int i;

    noeval = 0;
    curhist = 0;
    histsiz = DEFAULT_HISTSIZE;
    clwords = (char **) zcalloc((clwsize = 16) * sizeof(char *));

    cmdstack = (unsigned char *) zalloc(256);
    cmdsp = 0;

    bangchar = '!';
    hashchar = '#';
    hatchar = '^';
    termok = TERM_BAD;
    curjob = prevjob = coprocin = coprocout = -1;
    gettimeofday(&shtimer, &dummy_tz);	/* init $SECONDS */
    srand((unsigned int)(shtimer.tv_sec + shtimer.tv_usec)); /* seed $RANDOM */

    hostnam     = (char *) zalloc(256);
    gethostname(hostnam, 256);

    /* Set default path */
    path    = (char **) zalloc(sizeof(*path) * 5);
    path[0] = ztrdup("/bin");
    path[1] = ztrdup("/usr/bin");
    path[2] = ztrdup("/usr/ucb");
    path[3] = ztrdup("/usr/local/bin");
    path[4] = NULL;

    cdpath   = mkarray(NULL);
    manpath  = mkarray(NULL);
    fignore  = mkarray(NULL);
    fpath    = mkarray(NULL);
    mailpath = mkarray(NULL);
    watch    = mkarray(NULL);
    psvar    = mkarray(NULL);
#ifdef DYNAMIC
    module_path = mkarray(ztrdup(MODULE_DIR));
    modules = newlinklist();

    /* Set default prompts */
    if (opts[INTERACTIVE]) {
	prompt  = ztrdup("%m%# ");
	prompt2 = ztrdup("%_> ");
    } else {
	prompt = ztrdup("");
	prompt2 = ztrdup("");
    prompt3 = ztrdup("?# ");
    prompt4 = ztrdup("+ ");
    sprompt = ztrdup("zsh: correct '%R' to '%r' [nyae]? ");

    ifs         = ztrdup(DEFAULT_IFS);
    wordchars   = ztrdup(DEFAULT_WORDCHARS);
    postedit    = ztrdup("");
    underscore  = ztrdup("");

    zoptarg = ztrdup("");
    zoptind = 1;
    schedcmds = NULL;

    ppid  = (long) getppid();
    mypid = (long) getpid();
    term  = ztrdup("");

    if (!(columns = shttyinfo.winsize.ws_col))
	columns = 80;
    if (columns < 2)
	opts[USEZLE] = 0;
    if (!(lines = shttyinfo.winsize.ws_row))
	lines = 24;
    if (lines < 2)
    columns = 80;
    lines = 24;

    /* The following variable assignments cause zsh to behave more *
     * like Bourne and Korn shells when invoked as "sh" or "ksh".  *
     * NULLCMD=":" and READNULLCMD=":"                             */

    if (emulation == EMULATE_KSH || emulation == EMULATE_SH) {
	nullcmd     = ztrdup(":");
	readnullcmd = ztrdup(":");
    } else {
	nullcmd     = ztrdup("cat");
	readnullcmd = ztrdup("more");

    /* We cache the uid so we know when to *
     * recheck the info for `USERNAME'     */
    cached_uid = getuid();

    /* Get password entry and set info for `HOME' and `USERNAME' */
    if ((pswd = getpwuid(cached_uid))) {
	home = metafy(pswd->pw_dir, -1, META_DUP);
	cached_username = ztrdup(pswd->pw_name);
    } else {
	home = ztrdup("/");
	cached_username = ztrdup("");

    /* Try a cheap test to see if we can *
     * initialize `PWD' from `HOME'      */
    if (ispwd(home))
	pwd = ztrdup(home);
    else if ((ptr = zgetenv("PWD")) && ispwd(ptr))
	pwd = ztrdup(ptr);
	pwd = metafy(zgetcwd(), -1, META_REALLOC);

    oldpwd = ztrdup(pwd);  /* initialize `OLDPWD' = `PWD' */
#ifdef __EMX__
    *cdrive = _getdrive();

    inittyptab();     /* initialize the ztypes table */
    initlextabs();    /* initialize lexing tables    */

    createreswdtable();     /* create hash table for reserved words    */
    createaliastable();     /* create hash table for aliases           */
    createcmdnamtable();    /* create hash table for external commands */
    createshfunctable();    /* create hash table for shell functions   */
    createbuiltintable();   /* create hash table for builtin commands  */
    createnameddirtable();  /* create hash table for named directories */
    createparamtable();     /* create paramater hash table             */

    add_dep("compctl", "zle");
    addbuiltin("bindkey", 0, NULL, 0, -1, "zle");
    addbuiltin("vared", 0, NULL, 1, 7, "zle");
    addbuiltin("compctl", 0, NULL, 0, -1, "compctl");

    for (i = 0; i != RLIM_NLIMITS; i++) {
	getrlimit(i, current_limits + i);
	limits[i] = current_limits[i];

    breaks = loops = 0;
    lastmailcheck = time(NULL);
    locallist = NULL;
    locallevel = sourcelevel = 0;
    trapreturn = 0;
    noerrexit = 0;
    nohistsave = 1;
    dirstack = newlinklist();
    bufstack = newlinklist();
    hsubl = hsubr = NULL;
    lastpid = 0;
    bshin = SHIN ? fdopen(SHIN, "r") : stdin;
    if (isset(SHINSTDIN) && !SHIN && unset(INTERACTIVE)) {
#ifdef _IONBF
	setvbuf(stdin, NULL, _IONBF, 0);


/* Initialize signal handling */


#ifndef QDEBUG

    if (interact) {
    if (jobbing) {
	long ttypgrp;

#ifndef __EMX__
	while ((ttypgrp = gettygrp()) != -1 && ttypgrp != mypgrp)
	    kill(0, SIGTTIN);
	if (ttypgrp == -1) {
	    opts[MONITOR] = 0;
	} else {
#ifndef __EMX__
    if (islogin) {
    } else if (interact) {
	sigset_t set;

	sigaddset(&set, SIGINT);
	sigaddset(&set, SIGQUIT);
Ejemplo n.º 6
    long ttpgrp;
    static char outbuf[BUFSIZ], errbuf[BUFSIZ];

    int i;

/* stdout, stderr fully buffered */
#ifdef _IOFBF
    setvbuf(stdout, outbuf, _IOFBF, BUFSIZ);
    setvbuf(stderr, errbuf, _IOFBF, BUFSIZ);
    setbuffer(stdout, outbuf, BUFSIZ);
    setbuffer(stderr, errbuf, BUFSIZ);

/* This works around a bug in some versions of in.rshd. *
 * Currently this is not defined by default.            */
    if (cmd) {
	for (i = 3; i < 10; i++)

    if (shout) {
	shout = 0;
    if (SHTTY != -1) {
	SHTTY = -1;

    /* Make sure the tty is opened read/write. */
    if (isatty(0)) {
	if ((ttystrname = ztrdup(ttyname(0))))
	    SHTTY = movefd(open(ttystrname, O_RDWR));
    if (SHTTY == -1 && (SHTTY = movefd(open("/dev/tty", O_RDWR))) != -1) {
	ttystrname = ztrdup("/dev/tty");
    if (SHTTY == -1) {
	ttystrname = ztrdup("");

    /* We will only use zle if shell is interactive, *
     * SHTTY != -1, and shout != 0                   */
    if (interact && SHTTY != -1) {
	    opts[USEZLE] = 0;
    } else
	opts[USEZLE] = 0;

    /* If interactive, make the shell the foreground process */
    if (opts[MONITOR] && interact && (SHTTY != -1)) {
	if ((mypgrp = GETPGRP()) > 0) {
	    while ((ttpgrp = gettygrp()) != -1 && ttpgrp != mypgrp) {
		mypgrp = GETPGRP();
		if (mypgrp == gettygrp())
#ifndef __EMX__
		killpg(mypgrp, SIGTTIN);
		mypgrp = GETPGRP();
	} else
	    opts[MONITOR] = 0;
    } else
	opts[MONITOR] = 0;
    opts[MONITOR] = 0;