Ejemplo n.º 1
void bli_ger_unb_var2( obj_t*  alpha,
                       obj_t*  x,
                       obj_t*  y,
                       obj_t*  a,
                       cntx_t* cntx,
                       ger_t*  cntl )
	num_t     dt_x      = bli_obj_datatype( *x );
	num_t     dt_y      = bli_obj_datatype( *y );
	num_t     dt_a      = bli_obj_datatype( *a );

	conj_t    conjx     = bli_obj_conj_status( *x );
	conj_t    conjy     = bli_obj_conj_status( *y );

	dim_t     m         = bli_obj_length( *a );
	dim_t     n         = bli_obj_width( *a );

	void*     buf_x     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *x );
	inc_t     incx      = bli_obj_vector_inc( *x );

	void*     buf_y     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *y );
	inc_t     incy      = bli_obj_vector_inc( *y );

	void*     buf_a     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *a );
	inc_t     rs_a      = bli_obj_row_stride( *a );
	inc_t     cs_a      = bli_obj_col_stride( *a );

	num_t     dt_alpha;
	void*     buf_alpha;


	// The datatype of alpha MUST be the type union of x and y. This is to
	// prevent any unnecessary loss of information during computation.
	dt_alpha  = bli_datatype_union( dt_x, dt_y );
	buf_alpha = bli_obj_buffer_for_1x1( dt_alpha, *alpha );

	// Index into the type combination array to extract the correct
	// function pointer.
	f = ftypes[dt_a];

	// Invoke the function.
	f( conjx,
	   buf_x, incx,
	   buf_y, incy,
	   buf_a, rs_a, cs_a,
       cntx );
Ejemplo n.º 2
void bli_dotaxpyv_kernel( obj_t*  alpha,
                          obj_t*  xt,
                          obj_t*  x,
                          obj_t*  y,
                          obj_t*  rho,
                          obj_t*  z )
	num_t     dt_x      = bli_obj_datatype( *x );
	num_t     dt_y      = bli_obj_datatype( *y );
	num_t     dt_z      = bli_obj_datatype( *z );

	conj_t    conjxt    = bli_obj_conj_status( *xt );
	conj_t    conjx     = bli_obj_conj_status( *x );
	conj_t    conjy     = bli_obj_conj_status( *y );
	dim_t     n         = bli_obj_vector_dim( *x );

	inc_t     inc_x     = bli_obj_vector_inc( *x );
	void*     buf_x     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *x );

	inc_t     inc_y     = bli_obj_vector_inc( *y );
	void*     buf_y     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *y );

	inc_t     inc_z     = bli_obj_vector_inc( *z );
	void*     buf_z     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *z );

	void*     buf_rho   = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *rho );

	num_t     dt_alpha;
	void*     buf_alpha;


	// If alpha is a scalar constant, use dt_x to extract the address of the
	// corresponding constant value; otherwise, use the datatype encoded
	// within the alpha object and extract the buffer at the alpha offset.
	bli_set_scalar_dt_buffer( alpha, dt_x, dt_alpha, buf_alpha );

	// Index into the type combination array to extract the correct
	// function pointer.
	f = ftypes[dt_x][dt_y][dt_z];

	// Invoke the function.
	f( conjxt,
	   buf_x, inc_x,
	   buf_y, inc_y,
	   buf_z, inc_z );
Ejemplo n.º 3
void bli_her2_unb_var2( conj_t  conjh,
                        obj_t*  alpha,
                        obj_t*  alpha_conj,
                        obj_t*  x,
                        obj_t*  y,
                        obj_t*  c,
                        her2_t* cntl )
	num_t     dt_x      = bli_obj_datatype( *x );
	num_t     dt_y      = bli_obj_datatype( *y );
	num_t     dt_c      = bli_obj_datatype( *c );

	uplo_t    uplo      = bli_obj_uplo( *c );
	conj_t    conjx     = bli_obj_conj_status( *x );
	conj_t    conjy     = bli_obj_conj_status( *y );

	dim_t     m         = bli_obj_length( *c );

	void*     buf_x     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *x );
	inc_t     incx      = bli_obj_vector_inc( *x );

	void*     buf_y     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *y );
	inc_t     incy      = bli_obj_vector_inc( *y );

	void*     buf_c     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *c );
	inc_t     rs_c      = bli_obj_row_stride( *c );
	inc_t     cs_c      = bli_obj_col_stride( *c );

	num_t     dt_alpha;
	void*     buf_alpha;


	// The datatype of alpha MUST be the type union of the datatypes of x and y.
	dt_alpha  = bli_datatype_union( dt_x, dt_y );
	buf_alpha = bli_obj_buffer_for_1x1( dt_alpha, *alpha );

	// Index into the type combination array to extract the correct
	// function pointer.
	f = ftypes[dt_x][dt_y][dt_c];

	// Invoke the function.
	f( uplo,
	   buf_x, incx,
	   buf_y, incy,
	   buf_c, rs_c, cs_c );
Ejemplo n.º 4
void bli_axpyf_kernel( obj_t*  alpha,
                       obj_t*  a,
                       obj_t*  x,
                       obj_t*  y )
	num_t     dt_a      = bli_obj_datatype( *a );
	num_t     dt_x      = bli_obj_datatype( *x );
	num_t     dt_y      = bli_obj_datatype( *y );

	conj_t    conja     = bli_obj_conj_status( *a );
	conj_t    conjx     = bli_obj_conj_status( *x );

	dim_t     m         = bli_obj_vector_dim( *y );
	dim_t     b_n       = bli_obj_vector_dim( *x );

	void*     buf_a     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *a );
	inc_t     rs_a      = bli_obj_row_stride( *a );
	inc_t     cs_a      = bli_obj_col_stride( *a );

	inc_t     inc_x     = bli_obj_vector_inc( *x );
	void*     buf_x     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *x );

	inc_t     inc_y     = bli_obj_vector_inc( *y );
	void*     buf_y     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *y );

	num_t     dt_alpha;
	void*     buf_alpha;


	// The datatype of alpha MUST be the type union of a and x. This is to
	// prevent any unnecessary loss of information during computation.
	dt_alpha  = bli_datatype_union( dt_a, dt_x );
	buf_alpha = bli_obj_buffer_for_1x1( dt_alpha, *alpha );

	// Index into the type combination array to extract the correct
	// function pointer.
	f = ftypes[dt_a][dt_x][dt_y];

	// Invoke the function.
	f( conja,
	   buf_a, rs_a, cs_a,
	   buf_x, inc_x,
	   buf_y, inc_y );
Ejemplo n.º 5
// Define object-based interface.
void bli_scalv( obj_t*  alpha,
                obj_t*  x )
	num_t     dt        = bli_obj_datatype( *x );

	dim_t     n         = bli_obj_vector_dim( *x );

	inc_t     inc_x     = bli_obj_vector_inc( *x );
	void*     buf_x     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *x );

	obj_t     alpha_local;
	void*     buf_alpha;

	FUNCPTR_T f         = ftypes[dt];

	if ( bli_error_checking_is_enabled() )
	    bli_scalv_check( alpha, x );

	// Create a local copy-cast of alpha (and apply internal conjugation
	// if needed).
	bli_obj_scalar_init_detached_copy_of( dt,
	                                      &alpha_local );

	// Extract the scalar buffer.
	buf_alpha = bli_obj_buffer_for_1x1( dt, alpha_local );

	// Invoke the void pointer-based function.
	f( BLIS_NO_CONJUGATE, // conjugation applied during copy-cast.
	   buf_x, inc_x );
Ejemplo n.º 6
void bli_sumsqv_unb_var1( obj_t*  x,
                          obj_t*  scale,
                          obj_t*  sumsq )
	num_t     dt_x      = bli_obj_datatype( *x );
	//num_t     dt_s      = bli_obj_datatype( *scale );

	dim_t     n         = bli_obj_vector_dim( *x );

	inc_t     inc_x     = bli_obj_vector_inc( *x );
	void*     buf_x     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *x );

	void*     buf_scale = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *scale );

	void*     buf_sumsq = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *sumsq );


	// Index into the type combination array to extract the correct
	// function pointer.
	f = ftypes[dt_x]; //[dt_s];

	// Invoke the function.
	f( n,
	   buf_x, inc_x,
	   buf_sumsq );
Ejemplo n.º 7
void bli_axpy2v_ker( obj_t*  alpha1,
                     obj_t*  alpha2,
                     obj_t*  x,
                     obj_t*  y,
                     obj_t*  z )
	num_t     dt        = bli_obj_datatype( *z );

	conj_t    conjx     = bli_obj_conj_status( *x );
	conj_t    conjy     = bli_obj_conj_status( *y );
	dim_t     n         = bli_obj_vector_dim( *x );

	inc_t     inc_x     = bli_obj_vector_inc( *x );
	void*     buf_x     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *x );

	inc_t     inc_y     = bli_obj_vector_inc( *y );
	void*     buf_y     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *y );

	inc_t     inc_z     = bli_obj_vector_inc( *z );
	void*     buf_z     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *z );

	void*     buf_alpha1 = bli_obj_buffer_for_1x1( dt, *alpha1 );

	void*     buf_alpha2 = bli_obj_buffer_for_1x1( dt, *alpha2 );


	// Index into the type combination array to extract the correct
	// function pointer.
	f = ftypes[dt];

	// Invoke the function.
	f( conjx,
	   buf_x, inc_x,
	   buf_y, inc_y,
	   buf_z, inc_z );
Ejemplo n.º 8
void bli_scal2v_unb_var1( obj_t*  beta,
                          obj_t*  x,
                          obj_t*  y )
	num_t     dt_x      = bli_obj_datatype( *x );
	num_t     dt_y      = bli_obj_datatype( *y );

	conj_t    conjx     = bli_obj_conj_status( *x );
	dim_t     n         = bli_obj_vector_dim( *x );

	inc_t     inc_x     = bli_obj_vector_inc( *x );
	void*     buf_x     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *x );

	inc_t     inc_y     = bli_obj_vector_inc( *y );
	void*     buf_y     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *y );

	num_t     dt_beta;
	void*     buf_beta;


	// If beta is a scalar constant, use dt_x to extract the address of the
	// corresponding constant value; otherwise, use the datatype encoded
	// within the beta object and extract the buffer at the beta offset.
	bli_set_scalar_dt_buffer( beta, dt_x, dt_beta, buf_beta );

	// Index into the type combination array to extract the correct
	// function pointer.
	f = ftypes[dt_beta][dt_x][dt_y];

	// Invoke the function.
	f( conjx,
	   buf_x, inc_x,
	   buf_y, inc_y );
Ejemplo n.º 9
void bli_trmv_unf_var2( obj_t*  alpha,
                        obj_t*  a,
                        obj_t*  x,
                        cntx_t* cntx,
                        trmv_t* cntl )
	num_t     dt_a      = bli_obj_datatype( *a );
	num_t     dt_x      = bli_obj_datatype( *x );

	uplo_t    uplo      = bli_obj_uplo( *a );
	trans_t   trans     = bli_obj_conjtrans_status( *a );
	diag_t    diag      = bli_obj_diag( *a );

	dim_t     m         = bli_obj_length( *a );

	void*     buf_a     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *a );
	inc_t     rs_a      = bli_obj_row_stride( *a );
	inc_t     cs_a      = bli_obj_col_stride( *a );

	void*     buf_x     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *x );
	inc_t     incx      = bli_obj_vector_inc( *x );

	num_t     dt_alpha;
	void*     buf_alpha;


	// The datatype of alpha MUST be the type union of a and x. This is to
	// prevent any unnecessary loss of information during computation.
	dt_alpha  = bli_datatype_union( dt_a, dt_x );
	buf_alpha = bli_obj_buffer_for_1x1( dt_alpha, *alpha );

	// Index into the type combination array to extract the correct
	// function pointer.
	f = ftypes[dt_a][dt_x];

	// Invoke the function.
	f( uplo,
	   buf_a, rs_a, cs_a,
	   buf_x, incx );
Ejemplo n.º 10
void bli_invertv_kernel( obj_t* x )
	num_t     dt_x      = bli_obj_datatype( *x );

	dim_t     n         = bli_obj_vector_dim( *x );

	inc_t     inc_x     = bli_obj_vector_inc( *x );
	void*     buf_x     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *x );


	// Index into the type combination array to extract the correct
	// function pointer.
	f = ftypes[dt_x];

	// Invoke the function.
	f( n,
	   buf_x, inc_x );
Ejemplo n.º 11
void bli_normfv_unb_var1( obj_t*  x,
                          obj_t*  norm )
	num_t     dt_x      = bli_obj_datatype( *x );

	dim_t     m         = bli_obj_vector_dim( *x );

	inc_t     incx      = bli_obj_vector_inc( *x );
	void*     buf_x     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *x );

	void*     buf_norm  = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *norm );


	// Index into the type combination array to extract the correct
	// function pointer.
	f = ftypes[dt_x];

	// Invoke the function.
	f( m,
	   buf_x, incx,
	   buf_norm );
Ejemplo n.º 12
void bli_fprintv( FILE* file, char* s1, obj_t* x, char* format, char* s2 )
	num_t     dt_x      = bli_obj_datatype( *x );

	dim_t     n         = bli_obj_vector_dim( *x );

	inc_t     inc_x     = bli_obj_vector_inc( *x );
	void*     buf_x     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *x );


	// Index into the type combination array to extract the correct
	// function pointer.
	f = ftypes[dt_x];

	// Invoke the function.
	f( file,
	   buf_x, inc_x,
	   s2 );
Ejemplo n.º 13
void bli_hemv_unb_var1( conj_t  conjh,
                        obj_t*  alpha,
                        obj_t*  a,
                        obj_t*  x,
                        obj_t*  beta,
                        obj_t*  y,
                        cntx_t* cntx,
                        hemv_t* cntl )
	num_t     dt_a      = bli_obj_datatype( *a );
	num_t     dt_x      = bli_obj_datatype( *x );
	num_t     dt_y      = bli_obj_datatype( *y );

	uplo_t    uplo      = bli_obj_uplo( *a );
	conj_t    conja     = bli_obj_conj_status( *a );
	conj_t    conjx     = bli_obj_conj_status( *x );

	dim_t     m         = bli_obj_length( *a );

	void*     buf_a     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *a );
	inc_t     rs_a      = bli_obj_row_stride( *a );
	inc_t     cs_a      = bli_obj_col_stride( *a );

	void*     buf_x     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *x );
	inc_t     incx      = bli_obj_vector_inc( *x );

	void*     buf_y     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *y );
	inc_t     incy      = bli_obj_vector_inc( *y );

	num_t     dt_alpha;
	void*     buf_alpha;

	num_t     dt_beta;
	void*     buf_beta;


	// The datatype of alpha MUST be the type union of a and x. This is to
	// prevent any unnecessary loss of information during computation.
	dt_alpha  = bli_datatype_union( dt_a, dt_x );
	buf_alpha = bli_obj_buffer_for_1x1( dt_alpha, *alpha );

	// The datatype of beta MUST be the same as the datatype of y.
	dt_beta   = dt_y;
	buf_beta  = bli_obj_buffer_for_1x1( dt_beta, *beta );

	// Index into the type combination array to extract the correct
	// function pointer.
	f = ftypes[dt_a];

	// Invoke the function.
	f( uplo,
	   buf_a, rs_a, cs_a,
	   buf_x, incx,
	   buf_y, incy );
Ejemplo n.º 14
void bli_syr2_front
       obj_t*  alpha,
       obj_t*  x,
       obj_t*  y,
       obj_t*  c,
       cntx_t* cntx
	her2_t* her2_cntl;
	num_t   dt_targ_x;
	num_t   dt_targ_y;
	//num_t   dt_targ_c;
	bool_t  x_has_unit_inc;
	bool_t  y_has_unit_inc;
	bool_t  c_has_unit_inc;
	obj_t   alpha_local;
	num_t   dt_alpha;

	// Check parameters.
	if ( bli_error_checking_is_enabled() )
		bli_syr2_check( alpha, x, y, c );

	// Query the target datatypes of each object.
	dt_targ_x = bli_obj_target_dt( x );
	dt_targ_y = bli_obj_target_dt( y );
	//dt_targ_c = bli_obj_target_dt( c );

	// Determine whether each operand with unit stride.
	x_has_unit_inc = ( bli_obj_vector_inc( x ) == 1 );
	y_has_unit_inc = ( bli_obj_vector_inc( y ) == 1 );
	c_has_unit_inc = ( bli_obj_is_row_stored( c ) ||
	                   bli_obj_is_col_stored( c ) );

	// Create an object to hold a copy-cast of alpha. Notice that we use
	// the type union of the datatypes of x and y.
	dt_alpha = bli_dt_union( dt_targ_x, dt_targ_y );
	bli_obj_scalar_init_detached_copy_of( dt_alpha,
	                                      &alpha_local );

	// If all operands have unit stride, we choose a control tree for calling
	// the unblocked implementation directly without any blocking.
	if ( x_has_unit_inc &&
	     y_has_unit_inc &&
	     c_has_unit_inc )
		// We use two control trees to handle the four cases corresponding to
		// combinations of upper/lower triangular storage and row/column-storage.
		// The row-stored lower triangular and column-stored upper triangular
		// trees are identical. Same for the remaining two trees.
		if ( bli_obj_is_lower( c ) )
			if ( bli_obj_is_row_stored( c ) ) her2_cntl = her2_cntl_bs_ke_lrow_ucol;
			else                               her2_cntl = her2_cntl_bs_ke_lcol_urow;
		else // if ( bli_obj_is_upper( c ) )
			if ( bli_obj_is_row_stored( c ) ) her2_cntl = her2_cntl_bs_ke_lcol_urow;
			else                               her2_cntl = her2_cntl_bs_ke_lrow_ucol;
		// Mark objects with unit stride as already being packed. This prevents
		// unnecessary packing from happening within the blocked algorithm.
		if ( x_has_unit_inc ) bli_obj_set_pack_schema( BLIS_PACKED_VECTOR, x );
		if ( y_has_unit_inc ) bli_obj_set_pack_schema( BLIS_PACKED_VECTOR, y );
		if ( c_has_unit_inc ) bli_obj_set_pack_schema( BLIS_PACKED_UNSPEC, c );

		// Here, we make a similar choice as above, except that (1) we look
		// at storage tilt, and (2) we choose a tree that performs blocking.
		if ( bli_obj_is_lower( c ) )
			if ( bli_obj_is_row_stored( c ) ) her2_cntl = her2_cntl_ge_lrow_ucol;
			else                               her2_cntl = her2_cntl_ge_lcol_urow;
		else // if ( bli_obj_is_upper( c ) )
			if ( bli_obj_is_row_stored( c ) ) her2_cntl = her2_cntl_ge_lcol_urow;
			else                               her2_cntl = her2_cntl_ge_lrow_ucol;

	// Invoke the internal back-end with the copy-cast scalar and the
	// chosen control tree. Set conjh to BLIS_NO_CONJUGATE to invoke the
	// symmetric (and not Hermitian) algorithms.
	bli_her2_int( BLIS_NO_CONJUGATE,
	              her2_cntl );
Ejemplo n.º 15
void bli_trmv( obj_t*  alpha,
               obj_t*  a,
               obj_t*  x )
	trmv_t* trmv_cntl;
	num_t   dt_targ_a;
	num_t   dt_targ_x;
	bool_t  a_is_contig;
	bool_t  x_is_contig;
	obj_t   alpha_local;
	num_t   dt_alpha;

	// Check parameters.
	if ( bli_error_checking_is_enabled() )
		bli_trmv_check( alpha, a, x );

	// Query the target datatypes of each object.
	dt_targ_a = bli_obj_target_datatype( *a );
	dt_targ_x = bli_obj_target_datatype( *x );

	// Determine whether each operand is stored contiguously.
	a_is_contig = ( bli_obj_is_row_stored( *a ) ||
	                bli_obj_is_col_stored( *a ) );
	x_is_contig = ( bli_obj_vector_inc( *x ) == 1 );

	// Create an object to hold a copy-cast of alpha. Notice that we use
	// the type union of the target datatypes of a and x to prevent any
	// unnecessary loss of information during the computation.
	dt_alpha = bli_datatype_union( dt_targ_a, dt_targ_x );
	bli_obj_init_scalar_copy_of( dt_alpha,
	                             &alpha_local );

	// If all operands are contiguous, we choose a control tree for calling
	// the unblocked implementation directly without any blocking.
	if ( a_is_contig &&
	     x_is_contig )
		// We use two control trees to handle the four cases corresponding to
		// combinations of transposition and row/column-storage.
		// The row-stored without transpose and column-stored with transpose
		// trees are identical. Same for the remaining two trees.
		if ( bli_obj_has_notrans( *a ) )
			if ( bli_obj_is_row_stored( *a ) ) trmv_cntl = trmv_cntl_bs_ke_nrow_tcol;
			else                               trmv_cntl = trmv_cntl_bs_ke_ncol_trow;
		else // if ( bli_obj_has_trans( *a ) )
			if ( bli_obj_is_row_stored( *a ) ) trmv_cntl = trmv_cntl_bs_ke_ncol_trow;
			else                               trmv_cntl = trmv_cntl_bs_ke_nrow_tcol;
		// Mark objects with unit stride as already being packed. This prevents
		// unnecessary packing from happening within the blocked algorithm.
		if ( a_is_contig ) bli_obj_set_pack_schema( BLIS_PACKED_UNSPEC, *a );
		if ( x_is_contig ) bli_obj_set_pack_schema( BLIS_PACKED_VECTOR, *x );

		// Here, we make a similar choice as above, except that (1) we look
		// at storage tilt, and (2) we choose a tree that performs blocking.
		if ( bli_obj_has_notrans( *a ) )
			if ( bli_obj_is_row_tilted( *a ) ) trmv_cntl = trmv_cntl_ge_nrow_tcol;
			else                               trmv_cntl = trmv_cntl_ge_ncol_trow;
		else // if ( bli_obj_has_trans( *a ) )
			if ( bli_obj_is_row_tilted( *a ) ) trmv_cntl = trmv_cntl_ge_ncol_trow;
			else                               trmv_cntl = trmv_cntl_ge_nrow_tcol;

	// Invoke the internal back-end with the copy-cast of alpha and the
	// chosen control tree.
	bli_trmv_int( &alpha_local,
	              trmv_cntl );
Ejemplo n.º 16
void bli_hemv( obj_t*  alpha,
               obj_t*  a,
               obj_t*  x,
               obj_t*  beta,
               obj_t*  y )
	hemv_t* hemv_cntl;
	num_t   dt_targ_a;
	num_t   dt_targ_x;
	num_t   dt_targ_y;
	bool_t  a_has_unit_inc;
	bool_t  x_has_unit_inc;
	bool_t  y_has_unit_inc;
	obj_t   alpha_local;
	obj_t   beta_local;
	num_t   dt_alpha;
	num_t   dt_beta;

	// Check parameters.
	if ( bli_error_checking_is_enabled() )
		bli_hemv_check( alpha, a, x, beta, y );

	// Query the target datatypes of each object.
	dt_targ_a = bli_obj_target_datatype( *a );
	dt_targ_x = bli_obj_target_datatype( *x );
	dt_targ_y = bli_obj_target_datatype( *y );

	// Determine whether each operand with unit stride.
	a_has_unit_inc = ( bli_obj_is_row_stored( *a ) ||
	                   bli_obj_is_col_stored( *a ) );
	x_has_unit_inc = ( bli_obj_vector_inc( *x ) == 1 );
	y_has_unit_inc = ( bli_obj_vector_inc( *y ) == 1 );

	// Create an object to hold a copy-cast of alpha. Notice that we use
	// the type union of the target datatypes of a and x to prevent any
	// unnecessary loss of information during the computation.
	dt_alpha = bli_datatype_union( dt_targ_a, dt_targ_x );
	bli_obj_scalar_init_detached_copy_of( dt_alpha,
	                             &alpha_local );

	// Create an object to hold a copy-cast of beta. Notice that we use
	// the datatype of y. Here's why: If y is real and beta is complex,
	// there is no reason to keep beta_local in the complex domain since
	// the complex part of beta*y will not be stored. If y is complex and
	// beta is real then beta is harmlessly promoted to complex.
	dt_beta = dt_targ_y;
	bli_obj_scalar_init_detached_copy_of( dt_beta,
	                             &beta_local );

	// If all operands have unit stride, we choose a control tree for calling
	// the unblocked implementation directly without any blocking.
	if ( a_has_unit_inc &&
	     x_has_unit_inc &&
	     y_has_unit_inc )
		// We use two control trees to handle the four cases corresponding to
		// combinations of upper/lower triangular storage and row/column-storage.
		// The row-stored lower triangular and column-stored upper triangular
		// trees are identical. Same for the remaining two trees.
		if ( bli_obj_is_lower( *a ) )
			if ( bli_obj_is_row_stored( *a ) ) hemv_cntl = hemv_cntl_bs_ke_lrow_ucol;
			else                               hemv_cntl = hemv_cntl_bs_ke_lcol_urow;
		else // if ( bli_obj_is_upper( *a ) )
			if ( bli_obj_is_row_stored( *a ) ) hemv_cntl = hemv_cntl_bs_ke_lcol_urow;
			else                               hemv_cntl = hemv_cntl_bs_ke_lrow_ucol;
		// Mark objects with unit stride as already being packed. This prevents
		// unnecessary packing from happening within the blocked algorithm.
		if ( a_has_unit_inc ) bli_obj_set_pack_schema( BLIS_PACKED_UNSPEC, *a );
		if ( x_has_unit_inc ) bli_obj_set_pack_schema( BLIS_PACKED_VECTOR, *x );
		if ( y_has_unit_inc ) bli_obj_set_pack_schema( BLIS_PACKED_VECTOR, *y );

		// Here, we make a similar choice as above, except that (1) we look
		// at storage tilt, and (2) we choose a tree that performs blocking.
		if ( bli_obj_is_lower( *a ) )
			if ( bli_obj_is_row_tilted( *a ) ) hemv_cntl = hemv_cntl_ge_lrow_ucol;
			else                               hemv_cntl = hemv_cntl_ge_lcol_urow;
		else // if ( bli_obj_is_upper( *a ) )
			if ( bli_obj_is_row_tilted( *a ) ) hemv_cntl = hemv_cntl_ge_lcol_urow;
			else                               hemv_cntl = hemv_cntl_ge_lrow_ucol;

	// Invoke the internal back-end with the copy-casts of scalars and the
	// chosen control tree. Set conjh to BLIS_CONJUGATE to invoke the
	// Hermitian (and not symmetric) algorithms.
	bli_hemv_int( BLIS_CONJUGATE,
	              hemv_cntl );
Ejemplo n.º 17
int main( int argc, char** argv )
	obj_t a, x, y;
	obj_t a_save;
	obj_t alpha;
	dim_t m, n;
	dim_t p;
	dim_t p_begin, p_end, p_inc;
	int   m_input, n_input;
	num_t dt_a, dt_x, dt_y;
	num_t dt_alpha;
	int   r, n_repeats;

	double dtime;
	double dtime_save;
	double gflops;


	n_repeats = 3;

#ifndef PRINT
	p_begin = 40;
	p_end   = 2000;
	p_inc   = 40;

	m_input = -1;
	n_input = -1;
	p_begin = 16;
	p_end   = 16;
	p_inc   = 1;

	m_input = 15;
	n_input = 15;

	dt_alpha = dt_x = dt_y = dt_a = BLIS_DOUBLE;

	for ( p = p_begin; p <= p_end; p += p_inc )

		if ( m_input < 0 ) m = p * ( dim_t )abs(m_input);
		else               m =     ( dim_t )    m_input;
		if ( n_input < 0 ) n = p * ( dim_t )abs(n_input);
		else               n =     ( dim_t )    n_input;

		bli_obj_create( dt_alpha, 1, 1, 0, 0, &alpha );

		bli_obj_create( dt_x, m, 1, 0, 0, &x );
		bli_obj_create( dt_y, n, 1, 0, 0, &y );
		bli_obj_create( dt_a, m, n, 0, 0, &a );
		bli_obj_create( dt_a, m, n, 0, 0, &a_save );

		bli_randm( &x );
		bli_randm( &y );
		bli_randm( &a );

		bli_setsc(  (2.0/1.0), 0.0, &alpha );

		bli_copym( &a, &a_save );
		dtime_save = DBL_MAX;

		for ( r = 0; r < n_repeats; ++r )
			bli_copym( &a_save, &a );

			dtime = bli_clock();

#ifdef PRINT
			bli_printm( "x", &x, "%4.1f", "" );
			bli_printm( "y", &y, "%4.1f", "" );
			bli_printm( "a", &a, "%4.1f", "" );

#ifdef BLIS

			bli_ger( &alpha,
			         &a );

			f77_int  mm     = bli_obj_length( a );
			f77_int  nn     = bli_obj_width( a );
			f77_int  incx   = bli_obj_vector_inc( x );
			f77_int  incy   = bli_obj_vector_inc( y );
			f77_int  lda    = bli_obj_col_stride( a );
			double*  alphap = bli_obj_buffer( alpha );
			double*  xp     = bli_obj_buffer( x );
			double*  yp     = bli_obj_buffer( y );
			double*  ap     = bli_obj_buffer( a );

			dger_( &mm,
			       xp, &incx,
			       yp, &incy,
			       ap, &lda );

#ifdef PRINT
			bli_printm( "a after", &a, "%4.1f", "" );

			dtime_save = bli_clock_min_diff( dtime_save, dtime );

		gflops = ( 2.0 * m * n ) / ( dtime_save * 1.0e9 );

#ifdef BLIS
		printf( "data_ger_blis" );
		printf( "data_ger_%s", BLAS );
		printf( "( %2lu, 1:4 ) = [ %4lu %4lu  %10.3e  %6.3f ];\n",
		        ( unsigned long )(p - p_begin + 1)/p_inc + 1,
		        ( unsigned long )m,
		        ( unsigned long )n, dtime_save, gflops );

		bli_obj_free( &alpha );

		bli_obj_free( &x );
		bli_obj_free( &y );
		bli_obj_free( &a );
		bli_obj_free( &a_save );


	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 18
int main( int argc, char** argv )
	obj_t a, x;
	obj_t x_save;
	obj_t alpha;
	dim_t m;
	dim_t p;
	dim_t p_begin, p_end, p_inc;
	int   m_input;
	num_t dt_a, dt_x;
	num_t dt_alpha;
	int   r, n_repeats;
	uplo_t uplo;

	double dtime;
	double dtime_save;
	double gflops;


	n_repeats = 3;

#ifndef PRINT
	p_begin = 40;
	p_end   = 2000;
	p_inc   = 40;

	m_input = -1;
	p_begin = 16;
	p_end   = 16;
	p_inc   = 1;

	m_input = 15;
	n_input = 15;

	dt_alpha = dt_a = dt_x = BLIS_DOUBLE;

	uplo = BLIS_LOWER;

	// Begin with initializing the last entry to zero so that
	// matlab allocates space for the entire array once up-front.
	for ( p = p_begin; p + p_inc <= p_end; p += p_inc ) ;
#ifdef BLIS
	printf( "data_trsv_blis" );
	printf( "data_trv_%s", BLAS );
	printf( "( %2lu, 1:2 ) = [ %4lu %7.2f ];\n",
	        ( unsigned long )(p - p_begin + 1)/p_inc + 1,
	        ( unsigned long )0, 0.0 );

	for ( p = p_begin; p <= p_end; p += p_inc )

		if ( m_input < 0 ) m = p * ( dim_t )abs(m_input);
		else               m =     ( dim_t )    m_input;

		bli_obj_create( dt_alpha, 1, 1, 0, 0, &alpha );

		bli_obj_create( dt_a, m, m, 0, 0, &a );
		bli_obj_create( dt_x, m, 1, 0, 0, &x );
		bli_obj_create( dt_x, m, 1, 0, 0, &x_save );

		bli_randm( &a );
		bli_randm( &x );

		bli_obj_set_struc( BLIS_TRIANGULAR, &a );
		bli_obj_set_uplo( uplo, &a );
		bli_obj_set_onlytrans( BLIS_NO_TRANSPOSE, &a );
		bli_obj_set_diag( BLIS_NONUNIT_DIAG, &a );

		// Randomize A and zero the unstored triangle to ensure the
		// implementation reads only from the stored region.
		bli_randm( &a );
		bli_mktrim( &a );

		// Load the diagonal of A to make it more likely to be invertible.
		bli_shiftd( &BLIS_TWO, &a );

		bli_setsc(  (1.0/1.0), 0.0, &alpha );

		bli_copym( &x, &x_save );
		dtime_save = DBL_MAX;

		for ( r = 0; r < n_repeats; ++r )
			bli_copym( &x_save, &x );

			dtime = bli_clock();

#ifdef PRINT
			bli_printm( "a", &a, "%4.1f", "" );
			bli_printm( "x", &x, "%4.1f", "" );

#ifdef BLIS

			bli_trsv( &BLIS_ONE,
			          &x );


			f77_char uploa  = 'L';
			f77_char transa = 'N';
			f77_char diaga  = 'N';
			f77_int  mm     = bli_obj_length( &a );
			f77_int  lda    = bli_obj_col_stride( &a );
			f77_int  incx   = bli_obj_vector_inc( &x );
			double*  ap     = bli_obj_buffer( &a );
			double*  xp     = bli_obj_buffer( &x );

			dtrsv_( &uploa,
			        ap, &lda,
			        xp, &incx );

#ifdef PRINT
			bli_printm( "x after", &x, "%4.1f", "" );

			dtime_save = bli_clock_min_diff( dtime_save, dtime );

		gflops = ( 1.0 * m * m ) / ( dtime_save * 1.0e9 );

#ifdef BLIS
		printf( "data_trsv_blis" );
		printf( "data_trsv_%s", BLAS );
		printf( "( %2lu, 1:2 ) = [ %4lu %7.2f ];\n",
		        ( unsigned long )(p - p_begin + 1)/p_inc + 1,
		        ( unsigned long )m, gflops );

		bli_obj_free( &alpha );

		bli_obj_free( &a );
		bli_obj_free( &x );
		bli_obj_free( &x_save );


	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 19
int main( int argc, char** argv )
	obj_t a, x;
	obj_t a_save;
	obj_t alpha;
	dim_t m;
	dim_t p;
	dim_t p_begin, p_end, p_inc;
	int   m_input;
	num_t dt_a, dt_x;
	num_t dt_alpha;
	int   r, n_repeats;
	uplo_t uplo;

	double dtime;
	double dtime_save;
	double gflops;


	n_repeats = 3;

#ifndef PRINT
	p_begin = 40;
	p_end   = 2000;
	p_inc   = 40;

	m_input = -1;
	p_begin = 16;
	p_end   = 16;
	p_inc   = 1;

	m_input = 6;

#if 1
	dt_alpha = dt_x = dt_a = BLIS_DOUBLE;
	dt_alpha = dt_x = dt_a = BLIS_DCOMPLEX;

	uplo = BLIS_LOWER;

	// Begin with initializing the last entry to zero so that
	// matlab allocates space for the entire array once up-front.
	for ( p = p_begin; p + p_inc <= p_end; p += p_inc ) ;
#ifdef BLIS
	printf( "data_her_blis" );
	printf( "data_her_%s", BLAS );
	printf( "( %2lu, 1:2 ) = [ %4lu %7.2f ];\n",
	        ( unsigned long )(p - p_begin + 1)/p_inc + 1,
	        ( unsigned long )0, 0.0 );

	for ( p = p_begin; p <= p_end; p += p_inc )

		if ( m_input < 0 ) m = p * ( dim_t )abs(m_input);
		else               m =     ( dim_t )    m_input;

		bli_obj_create( dt_alpha, 1, 1, 0, 0, &alpha );

		bli_obj_create( dt_x, m, 1, 0, 0, &x );
		bli_obj_create( dt_a, m, m, 0, 0, &a );
		bli_obj_create( dt_a, m, m, 0, 0, &a_save );

		bli_randm( &x );
		bli_randm( &a );

		bli_obj_set_struc( BLIS_HERMITIAN, &a );
		//bli_obj_set_struc( BLIS_SYMMETRIC, &a );
		bli_obj_set_uplo( uplo, &a );

		bli_setsc(  (2.0/1.0), 0.0, &alpha );

		bli_copym( &a, &a_save );
		dtime_save = DBL_MAX;

		for ( r = 0; r < n_repeats; ++r )
			bli_copym( &a_save, &a );

			dtime = bli_clock();

#ifdef PRINT
			bli_printm( "x", &x, "%4.1f", "" );
			bli_printm( "a", &a, "%4.1f", "" );

#ifdef BLIS
			//bli_obj_toggle_conj( &x );

			//bli_syr( &alpha,
			bli_her( &alpha,
			         &a );


			f77_char uplo   = 'L';
			f77_int  mm     = bli_obj_length( &a );
			f77_int  incx   = bli_obj_vector_inc( &x );
			f77_int  lda    = bli_obj_col_stride( &a );
			double*  alphap = bli_obj_buffer( &alpha );
			double*  xp     = bli_obj_buffer( &x );
			double*  ap     = bli_obj_buffer( &a );
			dcomplex* xp   = bli_obj_buffer( x );
			dcomplex* ap   = bli_obj_buffer( &a );

			dsyr_( &uplo,
			//zher_( &uplo,
			       xp, &incx,
			       ap, &lda );

#ifdef PRINT
			bli_printm( "a after", &a, "%4.1f", "" );

			dtime_save = bli_clock_min_diff( dtime_save, dtime );

		gflops = ( 1.0 * m * m ) / ( dtime_save * 1.0e9 );

#ifdef BLIS
		printf( "data_her_blis" );
		printf( "data_her_%s", BLAS );
		printf( "( %2lu, 1:2 ) = [ %4lu %7.2f ];\n",
		        ( unsigned long )(p - p_begin + 1)/p_inc + 1,
		        ( unsigned long )m, gflops );

		bli_obj_free( &alpha );

		bli_obj_free( &x );
		bli_obj_free( &a );
		bli_obj_free( &a_save );


	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 20
// Define object-based interface.
void bli_dotxf( obj_t*  alpha,
                obj_t*  a,
                obj_t*  x,
                obj_t*  beta,
                obj_t*  y )
	num_t     dt        = bli_obj_datatype( *x );

	conj_t    conja     = bli_obj_conj_status( *a );
	conj_t    conjx     = bli_obj_conj_status( *x );

	dim_t     m         = bli_obj_vector_dim( *y );
	dim_t     b_n       = bli_obj_vector_dim( *x );

	void*     buf_a     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *a );
	inc_t     rs_a      = bli_obj_row_stride( *a );
	inc_t     cs_a      = bli_obj_col_stride( *a );

	void*     buf_x     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *x );
	inc_t     inc_x     = bli_obj_vector_inc( *x );

	void*     buf_y     = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *y );
	inc_t     inc_y     = bli_obj_vector_inc( *y );

	obj_t     alpha_local;
	void*     buf_alpha;

	obj_t     beta_local;
	void*     buf_beta;

	FUNCPTR_T f         = ftypes[dt];

	if ( bli_error_checking_is_enabled() )
	    bli_dotxf_check( alpha, a, x, beta, y );

	// Create local copy-casts of the scalars (and apply internal conjugation
	// if needed).
	bli_obj_scalar_init_detached_copy_of( dt,
	                                      &alpha_local );
	bli_obj_scalar_init_detached_copy_of( dt,
	                                      &beta_local );

	// Extract the scalar buffers.
	buf_alpha = bli_obj_buffer_for_1x1( dt, alpha_local );
	buf_beta  = bli_obj_buffer_for_1x1( dt, beta_local );

	// Support cases where matrix A requires a transposition.
	if ( bli_obj_has_trans( *a ) ) { bli_swap_incs( rs_a, cs_a ); }

	// Invoke the void pointer-based function.
	f( conja,
	   buf_a, rs_a, cs_a,
	   buf_x, inc_x,
	   buf_y, inc_y );
Ejemplo n.º 21
void libblis_test_setv_check( obj_t*  beta,
                              obj_t*  x,
                              double* resid )
	num_t dt_x     = bli_obj_datatype( *x );
	dim_t m_x      = bli_obj_vector_dim( *x );
	inc_t inc_x    = bli_obj_vector_inc( *x );
	void* buf_x    = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *x );
	void* buf_beta = bli_obj_buffer_for_1x1( dt_x, *beta );
	dim_t i;

	*resid = 0.0;

	// The easiest way to check that setv was successful is to confirm
	// that each element of x is equal to beta.

	if      ( bli_obj_is_float( *x ) )
		float*    chi1      = buf_x;
		float*    beta_cast = buf_beta;

		for ( i = 0; i < m_x; ++i )
			if ( !bli_seq( *chi1, *beta_cast ) ) { *resid = 1.0; return; }
			chi1 += inc_x;
	else if ( bli_obj_is_double( *x ) )
		double*   chi1      = buf_x;
		double*   beta_cast = buf_beta;

		for ( i = 0; i < m_x; ++i )
			if ( !bli_deq( *chi1, *beta_cast ) ) { *resid = 1.0; return; }
			chi1 += inc_x;
	else if ( bli_obj_is_scomplex( *x ) )
		scomplex* chi1      = buf_x;
		scomplex* beta_cast = buf_beta;

		for ( i = 0; i < m_x; ++i )
			if ( !bli_ceq( *chi1, *beta_cast ) ) { *resid = 1.0; return; }
			chi1 += inc_x;
	else // if ( bli_obj_is_dcomplex( *x ) )
		dcomplex* chi1      = buf_x;
		dcomplex* beta_cast = buf_beta;

		for ( i = 0; i < m_x; ++i )
			if ( !bli_zeq( *chi1, *beta_cast ) ) { *resid = 1.0; return; }
			chi1 += inc_x;
Ejemplo n.º 22
void libblis_test_randv_check( obj_t*  x,
                               double* resid )
	dim_t m_x   = bli_obj_vector_dim( *x );
	inc_t inc_x = bli_obj_vector_inc( *x );
	void* buf_x = bli_obj_buffer_at_off( *x );

	*resid = 0.0;

	// The two most likely ways that randv would fail is if all elements
	// were zero, or if all elements were greater than or equal to one.
	// We check both of these conditions by computing the sum of the
	// absolute values of the elements of x.

	if      ( bli_obj_is_float( *x ) )
		float  sum_x;

		bli_sabsumv( m_x,
		             buf_x, inc_x,
		             &sum_x );

		if      ( sum_x == *bli_s0   ) *resid = 1.0;
		else if ( sum_x >= 1.0 * m_x ) *resid = 2.0;
	else if ( bli_obj_is_double( *x ) )
		double sum_x;

		bli_dabsumv( m_x,
		             buf_x, inc_x,
		             &sum_x );

		if      ( sum_x == *bli_d0   ) *resid = 1.0;
		else if ( sum_x >= 1.0 * m_x ) *resid = 2.0;
	else if ( bli_obj_is_scomplex( *x ) )
		float  sum_x;

		bli_cabsumv( m_x,
		             buf_x, inc_x,
		             &sum_x );

		if      ( sum_x == *bli_s0   ) *resid = 1.0;
		else if ( sum_x >= 2.0 * m_x ) *resid = 2.0;
	else // if ( bli_obj_is_dcomplex( *x ) )
		double sum_x;

		bli_zabsumv( m_x,
		             buf_x, inc_x,
		             &sum_x );

		if      ( sum_x == *bli_d0   ) *resid = 1.0;
		else if ( sum_x >= 2.0 * m_x ) *resid = 2.0;