Ejemplo n.º 1
 * \brief Implementation of text_surface:get_rendering_mode().
 * \param l the Lua context that is calling this function
 * \return number of values to return to Lua
int LuaContext::text_surface_api_get_rendering_mode(lua_State* l) {

  TextSurface& text_surface = check_text_surface(l, 1);

  TextSurface::RenderingMode mode = text_surface.get_rendering_mode();

  push_string(l, rendering_mode_names[mode]);
  return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * \brief Implementation of text_surface:get_vertical_alignment().
 * \param l the Lua context that is calling this function
 * \return number of values to return to Lua
int LuaContext::text_surface_api_get_vertical_alignment(lua_State* l) {

  TextSurface& text_surface = check_text_surface(l, 1);

  TextSurface::VerticalAlignment alignment = text_surface.get_vertical_alignment();

  push_string(l, vertical_alignment_names[alignment]);
  return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * \brief Implementation of text_surface:get_color().
 * \param l the Lua context that is calling this function
 * \return number of values to return to Lua
int LuaContext::text_surface_api_get_color(lua_State* l) {

  TextSurface& text_surface = check_text_surface(l, 1);

  const Color& color = text_surface.get_text_color();

  push_color(l, color);
  return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * \brief Implementation of text_surface:set_color().
 * \param l the Lua context that is calling this function
 * \return number of values to return to Lua
int LuaContext::text_surface_api_set_color(lua_State* l) {

  TextSurface& text_surface = check_text_surface(l, 1);
  const Color& color = LuaTools::check_color(l, 2);


  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * \brief Implementation of text_surface:get_text().
 * \param l the Lua context that is calling this function
 * \return number of values to return to Lua
int LuaContext::text_surface_api_get_text(lua_State* l) {

  TextSurface& text_surface = check_text_surface(l, 1);

  const std::string& text = text_surface.get_text();

  push_string(l, text);
  return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * \brief Implementation of text_surface:get_font_size().
 * \param l the Lua context that is calling this function
 * \return number of values to return to Lua
int LuaContext::text_surface_api_get_font_size(lua_State* l) {

  return LuaTools::exception_boundary_handle(l, [&] {
    const TextSurface& text_surface = *check_text_surface(l, 1);

    lua_pushinteger(l, text_surface.get_font_size());
    return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 * \brief Implementation of text_surface:get_size().
 * \param l the Lua context that is calling this function
 * \return number of values to return to Lua
int LuaContext::text_surface_api_get_size(lua_State* l) {

  TextSurface& text_surface = check_text_surface(l, 1);

  lua_pushinteger(l, text_surface.get_width());
  lua_pushinteger(l, text_surface.get_height());

  return 2;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * \brief Implementation of text_surface:set_vertical_alignment().
 * \param l the Lua context that is calling this function
 * \return number of values to return to Lua
int LuaContext::text_surface_api_set_vertical_alignment(lua_State* l) {

  TextSurface& text_surface = check_text_surface(l, 1);
  TextSurface::VerticalAlignment alignment = check_enum<TextSurface::VerticalAlignment>(
      l, 1, vertical_alignment_names);


  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 * \brief Implementation of text_surface:set_rendering_mode().
 * \param l the Lua context that is calling this function
 * \return number of values to return to Lua
int LuaContext::text_surface_api_set_rendering_mode(lua_State* l) {

  TextSurface& text_surface = check_text_surface(l, 1);
  TextSurface::RenderingMode mode = LuaTools::check_enum<TextSurface::RenderingMode>(
      l, 1, rendering_mode_names);


  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 * \brief Implementation of text_surface:set_font_size().
 * \param l the Lua context that is calling this function
 * \return number of values to return to Lua
int LuaContext::text_surface_api_set_font_size(lua_State* l) {

  return LuaTools::exception_boundary_handle(l, [&] {
    TextSurface& text_surface = *check_text_surface(l, 1);
    int font_size = LuaTools::check_int(l, 2);


    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 * \brief Implementation of text_surface:get_rendering_mode().
 * \param l the Lua context that is calling this function
 * \return number of values to return to Lua
int LuaContext::text_surface_api_get_rendering_mode(lua_State* l) {

  return LuaTools::exception_boundary_handle(l, [&] {
    const TextSurface& text_surface = *check_text_surface(l, 1);

    TextSurface::RenderingMode mode = text_surface.get_rendering_mode();

    push_string(l, rendering_mode_names.find(mode)->second);
    return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 * \brief Implementation of text_surface:get_text().
 * \param l the Lua context that is calling this function
 * \return number of values to return to Lua
int LuaContext::text_surface_api_get_text(lua_State* l) {

  return LuaTools::exception_boundary_handle(l, [&] {
    const TextSurface& text_surface = *check_text_surface(l, 1);

    const std::string& text = text_surface.get_text();

    push_string(l, text);
    return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 * \brief Implementation of text_surface:set_text().
 * \param l the Lua context that is calling this function
 * \return number of values to return to Lua
int LuaContext::text_surface_api_set_text(lua_State* l) {

  TextSurface& text_surface = check_text_surface(l, 1);
  std::string text;
  if (lua_gettop(l) >= 2 && !lua_isnil(l, 2)) {
    text = luaL_checkstring(l, 2);

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 * \brief Implementation of text_surface:get_color().
 * \param l the Lua context that is calling this function
 * \return number of values to return to Lua
int LuaContext::text_surface_api_get_color(lua_State* l) {

  return LuaTools::exception_boundary_handle(l, [&] {
    const TextSurface& text_surface = *check_text_surface(l, 1);

    const Color& color = text_surface.get_text_color();

    push_color(l, color);
    return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 * \brief Implementation of text_surface:get_vertical_alignment().
 * \param l the Lua context that is calling this function
 * \return number of values to return to Lua
int LuaContext::text_surface_api_get_vertical_alignment(lua_State* l) {

  return LuaTools::exception_boundary_handle(l, [&] {
    const TextSurface& text_surface = *check_text_surface(l, 1);

    TextSurface::VerticalAlignment alignment = text_surface.get_vertical_alignment();

    push_string(l, vertical_alignment_names.find(alignment)->second);
    return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 * \brief Implementation of text_surface:set_color().
 * \param l the Lua context that is calling this function
 * \return number of values to return to Lua
int LuaContext::text_surface_api_set_color(lua_State* l) {

  return LuaTools::exception_boundary_handle(l, [&] {
    TextSurface& text_surface = *check_text_surface(l, 1);
    const Color& color = LuaTools::check_color(l, 2);


    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 * \brief Implementation of text_surface:set_horizontal_alignment().
 * \param l the Lua context that is calling this function
 * \return number of values to return to Lua
int LuaContext::text_surface_api_set_horizontal_alignment(lua_State* l) {

  TextSurface& text_surface = check_text_surface(l, 1);
  TextSurface::HorizontalAlignment alignment =
          l, 1, horizontal_alignment_names);


  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 * \brief Implementation of text_surface:set_rendering_mode().
 * \param l the Lua context that is calling this function
 * \return number of values to return to Lua
int LuaContext::text_surface_api_set_rendering_mode(lua_State* l) {

  return LuaTools::exception_boundary_handle(l, [&] {
    TextSurface& text_surface = *check_text_surface(l, 1);
    TextSurface::RenderingMode mode = LuaTools::check_enum<TextSurface::RenderingMode>(
        l, 2, rendering_mode_names);


    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 19
 * \brief Implementation of text_surface:set_text().
 * \param l the Lua context that is calling this function
 * \return number of values to return to Lua
int LuaContext::text_surface_api_set_font(lua_State* l) {

  TextSurface& text_surface = check_text_surface(l, 1);
  const std::string& font_id = luaL_checkstring(l, 2);

  if (!TextSurface::has_font(font_id)) {
    LuaTools::arg_error(l, 2, std::string("No such font: '") + font_id + "'");

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 * \brief Implementation of text_surface:set_vertical_alignment().
 * \param l the Lua context that is calling this function
 * \return number of values to return to Lua
int LuaContext::text_surface_api_set_vertical_alignment(lua_State* l) {

  return LuaTools::exception_boundary_handle(l, [&] {
    TextSurface& text_surface = *check_text_surface(l, 1);
    TextSurface::VerticalAlignment alignment =
            l, 2, vertical_alignment_names);


    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 * \brief Implementation of text_surface:set_text().
 * \param l the Lua context that is calling this function
 * \return number of values to return to Lua
int LuaContext::text_surface_api_set_text(lua_State* l) {

  return LuaTools::exception_boundary_handle(l, [&] {
    TextSurface& text_surface = *check_text_surface(l, 1);
    std::string text;
    if (lua_gettop(l) >= 2 && !lua_isnil(l, 2)) {
      text = LuaTools::check_string(l, 2);

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 22
 * \brief Implementation of text_surface:set_text().
 * \param l the Lua context that is calling this function
 * \return number of values to return to Lua
int LuaContext::text_surface_api_set_font(lua_State* l) {

  TextSurface& text_surface = check_text_surface(l, 1);
  const std::string& font_id = luaL_checkstring(l, 2);

  if (!TextSurface::has_font(font_id)) {
    arg_error(l, 2, StringConcat() <<
        "No such font: '" << font_id << "'");

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 23
 * \brief Implementation of text_surface:set_text().
 * \param l the Lua context that is calling this function
 * \return number of values to return to Lua
int LuaContext::text_surface_api_set_font(lua_State* l) {

  return LuaTools::exception_boundary_handle(l, [&] {
    TextSurface& text_surface = *check_text_surface(l, 1);
    const std::string& font_id = LuaTools::check_string(l, 2);

    if (!FontResource::exists(font_id)) {
      LuaTools::arg_error(l, 2, std::string("No such font: '") + font_id + "'");

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 24
 * \brief Implementation of text_surface:set_text_key().
 * \param l the Lua context that is calling this function
 * \return number of values to return to Lua
int LuaContext::text_surface_api_set_text_key(lua_State* l) {

  TextSurface& text_surface = check_text_surface(l, 1);
  const std::string& key = luaL_checkstring(l, 2);

  if (!StringResource::exists(key)) {
    arg_error(l, 2, StringConcat() << "No value with key '" << key
        << "' in strings.dat for language '"
        << FileTools::get_language() << "'");


  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 25
 * \brief Implementation of text_surface:set_text_key().
 * \param l the Lua context that is calling this function
 * \return number of values to return to Lua
int LuaContext::text_surface_api_set_text_key(lua_State* l) {

  return LuaTools::exception_boundary_handle(l, [&] {
    TextSurface& text_surface = *check_text_surface(l, 1);
    const std::string& key = LuaTools::check_string(l, 2);

    if (!CurrentQuest::string_exists(key)) {
      LuaTools::arg_error(l, 2, std::string("No value with key '") + key
          + "' in strings.dat for language '"
          + CurrentQuest::get_language() + "'"


    return 0;