Ejemplo n.º 1
/* this function set proper values to *gp based on s; in case it returns
 * gp->code == UNI_EXTRA_STRING then the caller is responsible for freeing
 * gp->unicode_seq too */
static void set_glyph_unicode(char *s, glyph_unicode_entry * gp)
    char buf[SMALL_BUF_SIZE], buf2[SMALL_BUF_SIZE], *p;
    long code;
    boolean last_component;
    glyph_unicode_entry tmp, *ptmp;

    /* skip dummy entries */
    if (s == NULL || s == notdef)

    /* strip everything after the first dot */
    p = strchr(s, '.');
    if (p != NULL) {
        *buf = 0;
        strncat(buf, s, p - s);
        s = buf;

    if (strlen(s) == 0)

    /* check for case of multiple components separated by '_' */
    p = strchr(s, '_');
    if (p != NULL) {
        assert(strlen(s) < sizeof(buf));
        if (s != buf) {
            strcpy(buf, s);
            p = strchr(buf, '_');
            s = buf;
        *buf2 = 0;
        last_component = false;
        for (;;) {
            *p = 0;
            tmp.code = UNI_UNDEF;
            set_glyph_unicode(s, &tmp);
            switch (tmp.code) {
            case UNI_UNDEF:    /* not found, do nothing */
            case UNI_STRING:   /* s matched an entry with string value in the database */
                assert(tmp.unicode_seq != NULL);
                assert(strlen(buf2) + strlen(tmp.unicode_seq) < sizeof(buf2));
                strcat(buf2, tmp.unicode_seq);
            case UNI_EXTRA_STRING:     /* s is a multiple value of form "uniXXXX" */
                assert(strlen(buf2) + strlen(tmp.unicode_seq) < sizeof(buf2));
                strcat(buf2, tmp.unicode_seq);
            default:           /* s matched an entry with numeric value in the
                                   database, or a value derived from "uXXXX" */
                assert(tmp.code >= 0);
                strcat(buf2, utf16be_str(tmp.code));
            if (last_component)
            s = p + 1;
            p = strchr(s, '_');
            if (p == NULL) {
                p = strend(s);
                last_component = true;
        gp->code = UNI_EXTRA_STRING;
        gp->unicode_seq = xstrdup(buf2);

    /* lookup for glyph name in the database */
    tmp.name = s;
    tmp.code = UNI_UNDEF;
    ptmp = (glyph_unicode_entry *) avl_find(glyph_unicode_tree, &tmp);
    if (ptmp != NULL) {
        gp->code = ptmp->code;
        gp->unicode_seq = ptmp->unicode_seq;

    /* check for case of "uniXXXX" (multiple 4-hex-digit values allowed) */
    if (str_prefix(s, "uni")) {
        p = s + strlen("uni");
        code = check_unicode_value(p, true);
        if (code != UNI_UNDEF) {
            if (strlen(p) == 4) /* single value */
                gp->code = code;
            else {              /* multiple value */
                gp->code = UNI_EXTRA_STRING;
                gp->unicode_seq = xstrdup(p);
        return;                 /* since the last case cannot happen */

    /* check for case of "uXXXX" (single value up to 6 hex digits) */
    if (str_prefix(s, "u")) {
        p = s + strlen("u");
        code = check_unicode_value(p, false);
        if (code != UNI_UNDEF) {
            assert(code >= 0);
            gp->code = code;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* this function writes /ToUnicode data to *gp based on glyph name s and
 * taking into account tfmname; in case it returns
 * gp->code == UNI_EXTRA_STRING then the caller is responsible for freeing
 * gp->unicode_seq too */
static void set_glyph_unicode(const char *s, const char* tfmname, 
                              glyph_unicode_entry *gp)
    char buf[SMALL_BUF_SIZE], buf2[SMALL_BUF_SIZE], *p;
    const char *p2; /* p2 points in s; p above points in writable copies */
    long code;
    boolean last_component;
    glyph_unicode_entry tmp, *ptmp;

    /* skip dummy entries */
    if (s == NULL || s == notdef)

    /* strip everything after the first dot */
#if defined(MIKTEX)
    p = strchr(const_cast<char*>(s), '.');
    p = strchr(s, '.');
    if (p != NULL) {
        *buf = 0;
        strncat(buf, s, p - s);
        s = buf;

    if (strlen(s) == 0)

    /* check for case of multiple components separated by '_' */
#if defined(MIKTEX)
    p = strchr(const_cast<char*>(s), '_');
    p = strchr(s, '_');
    if (p != NULL) {
        assert(strlen(s) < sizeof(buf));
        if (s != buf) {
            strcpy(buf, s);
            p = strchr(buf, '_');
            s = buf;
        *buf2 = 0;
        last_component = false;
        for (;;) {
            *p = 0;
            tmp.code = UNI_UNDEF;
            set_glyph_unicode(s, tfmname, &tmp);
            switch (tmp.code) {
            case UNI_UNDEF:    /* not found, do nothing */
            case UNI_STRING:   /* s matched an entry with string value in the database */
                assert(tmp.unicode_seq != NULL);
                assert(strlen(buf2) + strlen(tmp.unicode_seq) < sizeof(buf2));
                strcat(buf2, tmp.unicode_seq);
            case UNI_EXTRA_STRING:     /* s is a multiple value of form "uniXXXX" */
                assert(strlen(buf2) + strlen(tmp.unicode_seq) < sizeof(buf2));
                strcat(buf2, tmp.unicode_seq);
            default:           /* s matched an entry with numeric value in the
                                   database, or a value derived from "uXXXX" */
                assert(tmp.code >= 0);
                strcat(buf2, utf16be_str(tmp.code));
            if (last_component)
            s = p + 1;
#if defined(MIKTEX)
            p = strchr(const_cast<char*>(s), '_');
            p = strchr(s, '_');
            if (p == NULL) {
#if defined(MIKTEX)
                p = strend(const_cast<char*>(s));
                p = strend(s);
                last_component = true;
        gp->code = UNI_EXTRA_STRING;
        gp->unicode_seq = xstrdup(buf2);

    /* Glyph name search strategy: first look up the glyph name in the
       tfm's namespace, failing that look it up in the main database. */
    /* Note: buf may alias s in the code below, but s and buf2 are
       guaranteed to be distinct because the code changing buf2 above
       always returns before reaching the code below. */

    /* lookup for glyph name in the tfm's namespace */
    snprintf(buf2, SMALL_BUF_SIZE, "tfm:%s/%s", tfmname, s);
    tmp.name = buf2;
    tmp.code = UNI_UNDEF;
    ptmp = (glyph_unicode_entry *) avl_find(glyph_unicode_tree, &tmp);
    if (ptmp != NULL) {
        gp->code = ptmp->code;
        gp->unicode_seq = ptmp->unicode_seq;

    /* lookup for glyph name in the main database */
    snprintf(buf2, SMALL_BUF_SIZE, "%s", s);
    tmp.name = buf2;
    tmp.code = UNI_UNDEF;
    ptmp = (glyph_unicode_entry *) avl_find(glyph_unicode_tree, &tmp);
    if (ptmp != NULL) {
        gp->code = ptmp->code;
        gp->unicode_seq = ptmp->unicode_seq;

    /* check for case of "uniXXXX" (multiple 4-hex-digit values allowed) */
    if (str_prefix(s, "uni")) {
        p2 = s + strlen("uni");
        code = check_unicode_value(p2, true);
        if (code != UNI_UNDEF) {
            if (strlen(p2) == 4) /* single value */
                gp->code = code;
            else {              /* multiple value */
                gp->code = UNI_EXTRA_STRING;
                gp->unicode_seq = xstrdup(p2);
        return;                 /* since the last case cannot happen */

    /* check for case of "uXXXX" (single value up to 6 hex digits) */
    if (str_prefix(s, "u")) {
        p2 = s + strlen("u");
        code = check_unicode_value(p2, false);
        if (code != UNI_UNDEF) {
            assert(code >= 0);
            gp->code = code;