Ejemplo n.º 1
RigidBody::RigidBody( const Vector2s& v, const scalar& omega, const VectorXs& vertices, const VectorXs& masses, const scalar& radius )
: m_M(-1.0)
//, m_masses(masses)
, m_I(-1.0)
, m_vertices(vertices)
, m_r(radius)
, m_X(-1.0,-1.0)
, m_theta(0.0)
, m_V(v)
, m_omega(omega)
// theta == 0 => identity matrix
, m_R(Matrix2s::Identity())
, m_F(0.0,0.0)
, m_tau(0.0)
  m_M = computeTotalMass(masses);
  m_X = computeCenterOfMass(vertices,masses);
  m_I = computeMomentOfInertia(vertices,masses);
  assert( (masses.array()>0.0).all() );
  assert( m_M > 0.0 );
  assert( m_I > 0.0 );
  assert( m_vertices.size() >= 2 );
  assert( m_r >= 0.0 );

  // Translate the rigid body so the body space center of mass is the origin
  for( int i = 0; i < m_vertices.size()/2; ++i ) m_vertices.segment<2>(2*i) -= m_X;
Ejemplo n.º 2
scalar RigidBody::computeMomentOfInertia( const VectorXs& vertices, const VectorXs& masses ) const
  assert( vertices.size()%2 == 0 );
  assert( 2*masses.size() == vertices.size() );

  // TODO: By using a partial reduction from Eigen, we could make this a single line of vectorized code :). 
  Vector2s cm = computeCenterOfMass(vertices,masses);
  scalar I = 0.0;
  for( int i = 0; i < masses.size(); ++i ) I += masses(i)*(vertices.segment<2>(2*i)-cm).squaredNorm();
  return I;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void Destructulon::update(int elapsedTime) {

	// ==================

	// Step 1.1: Compute the COM in world coordinate system
	btVector3 comInWorld = computeCenterOfMass();
	m_positionCOM = comInWorld;
	if (m_showCOM) { // Visualize COM
		btTransform transform;

	// Step 1.2: Update pose only if Destructulon did not fall
	if (m_hasFallen) {
		if (((btHingeConstraint*)m_joints[Destructulon::JOINT_ANKLE])->getEnableAngularMotor()) { // ragdoll is fallen

			for(int i = 0; i < Destructulon::JOINT_COUNT; i++)

	if (elapsedTime - lastChange > 10) { // Update balance control only every 10 ms
		lastChange = elapsedTime;

		btVector3 COM, COA;
		COA = m_bodies[BODYPART_FOOT]->getCenterOfMassPosition();
		COM = computeCenterOfMass();

		btTransform trFoot = m_bodies[Destructulon::BODYPART_FOOT]->getWorldTransform();
		btQuaternion fRot = trFoot.getRotation();
		btScalar mag = sqrt(fRot.w()*fRot.w() + fRot.y()*fRot.y());
		btScalar yaw = 2*acos(fRot.w()/mag); //... I think...

		btTransform yawRot; yawRot.setIdentity();
		yawRot = yawRot.inverse();

		COM = yawRot * COM;
		COA = yawRot * COA;

		((btHingeConstraint*)m_joints[Destructulon::JOINT_ANKLE])->setMotorTarget( btScalar( COM.z() - COA.z() ) * 20.0f );
		((btHingeConstraint*)m_joints[Destructulon::JOINT_KNEE])->setMotorTarget( btScalar( COA.x() - COM.x() ) * 25.0f );

		//=================== TODO ===================//

		// Step 2: Describe the ground projected CSP in world coordinate system

		// ANKLE
		// -----

		// Step 3.1: Describe the ground projected CSP in foot coordinate system
		// Step 3.2: Describe the ground projected COM in foot coordinate system
		// Step 3.3: Calculate the balance error solveable by an ankle rotation (inverted pendulum model)
		// Step 3.4: Feed the error to the PD controller and apply resulting 'torque' (here angular motor velocity)
		// (Conversion between error to torque/motor velocity done by gains in PD controller)

		// KNEE
		// ----

		// Step 4.1: Describe the ground projected CSP in lower leg coordinate system
		// Step 4.2: Describe the ground projected COM in lower leg coordinate system
		// Step 4.3: Calculate the balance error solveable by a knee rotation (inverted pendulum model)
		// Step 4.4: Feed the error to the PD controller and apply resulting 'torque' (here angular motor velocity)
		// (Conversion between error to torque/motor velocity done by gains in PD controller)

