Ejemplo n.º 1
void Ski::create(b2World * b2dworld, float x, float y, float w, float h) {
    b2Vec2 center = screenPtToWorldPt(ofVec2f(x,y));
    skiWidth = w;
    skiHeight = h; 
    start = false;
    takeoff = false;
    blow = false;
    wind = 0;
    // Define the body and make it from the shape
    b2BodyDef bd;
    bd.type = b2_dynamicBody;
    bd.position.Set(center.x, center.y);
    b2Body* body = b2dworld->CreateBody(&bd);
    // Define a polygon (this is what we use for a rectangle)
    b2PolygonShape ps;
    ps.SetAsBox(b2dNum(w/2), b2dNum(h/2));
    // Define a fixture
    b2FixtureDef fd;
    fd.shape = &ps;
    // Parameters that affect physics
    fd.density = 20;
    fd.friction = 0.001;
    fd.restitution = 0;
    // attach fixture to body
    // Give it some initial random velocity
    //body.setLinearVelocity(new Vec2(100,0));
    b2Vec2 frontPos = center;
    frontPos.x += b2dNum(skiWidth/2);
    createWheel(b2dworld, frontPos, skiHeight/2);
    b2Vec2 backPos = center;
    backPos.x -= b2dNum(skiWidth/2);
    createWheel(b2dworld, backPos, skiHeight/2);
    createJoint(b2dworld, bodies.at(0), bodies.at(1));
    createJoint(b2dworld, bodies.at(0), bodies.at(2));
    Rendering* const rendering, Wrapper* const wrapper,
    GameStaticData* const gameStaticData, GameDynData* const gameDynData,
    ClientSquad* const squad, const IntCode id, const Coord& coord, Input* const input
) :
    mRendering(rendering), mWrapper(wrapper),
    mGameStaticData(gameStaticData), mGameDynData(gameDynData),
    mSquad(squad), mId(id), mCoord(coord),
    mInput(input), mMode(MODE_PLAYER), mCtrl(MODE_PLAYER),
    mSpeed(100.0f, 100.0f, Math::PI/360.0f, Math::PI/360.0f), mScale(0, 0, 0, 0), mDiff(0, 0.55, 0.46, 0.45), 
    mTarget(0), mAgressor(0), mTargetTime(TIME_TO_PEACE), mAgressorTime(TIME_TO_PEACE), mFireTime(TIME_TO_CHANGE), mMoveTime(TIME_TO_CHANGE),
    mInterfaceInput( squad ? new ClientInputGame(rendering, input) : 0 ),
    mSaladin( squad ? new Saladin(rendering, wrapper) : 0 ),
    mSquadData( squad ? squad->mSquadData : 0 ),
    mLeader( squad ? squad->mLeader : 0 ), maUnit( squad ? squad->maUnit : 0 ),
    maPlayerDynData( squad ? gameDynData->aPlayerDynData : 0 ),
    if (squad) {
        for (IntVal index = 0 ; index < 5 ; ++index) {
            maState[index] = 0;
        for (IntVal index = 0 ; index < MAX_AMMO ; ++index) {
            maBullet[index] = 0;
        mSpeed.x *= (0.60 + (bool)mLeader*0.60);

        NxOgre::RigidBodyDescription    description;
        description.mName               = "Unit";
        description.mMass               = 24500;
        description.mWakeUpCounter      = 1E12;
        description.mMassLocalPose      = Vec3(0.00f, -2.18f, 0.0f);

        mName                           = description.mName;
        mNameHash                       = NxOgre::Strings::hash(mName);
        NxOgre::ShapeDescriptions       vShapes;
        vShapes.push_back(createBox  ( 0.00f,  0.00f,  0.00f,  4.40f,  2.50f,  7.00f));
        vShapes.push_back(createBox  ( 0.10f,  0.70f,  0.70f,  4.40f,  1.50f,  4.40f));
        vShapes.push_back(createBox  (-0.10f,  0.40f,  4.10f,  0.50f,  0.50f,  4.00f));
        vShapes.push_back(createWheel(-2.30f, -2.18f,  3.54f));
        vShapes.push_back(createWheel(-2.29f, -2.18f,  0.50f));
        vShapes.push_back(createWheel(-2.31f, -2.18f, -3.00f));
        vShapes.push_back(createWheel( 2.30f, -2.18f,  3.54f));
        vShapes.push_back(createWheel( 2.29f, -2.18f,  0.50f));
        vShapes.push_back(createWheel( 2.31f, -2.18f, -3.00f));

        this                            ->createDynamic(coord, description, vShapes);
        mSaladin                        ->init(this);

        for (IntVal index = 0 ; index < vShapes.size() ; ++index) {
            delete vShapes[index];
Ejemplo n.º 3
int main( int argc, char** argv )
  btDynamicsWorld* bw = initPhysics();
  osg::Group* root = new osg::Group;

  osg::ref_ptr< osgbInteraction::SaveRestoreHandler > srh = new osgbInteraction::SaveRestoreHandler;

  osg::Matrix m;

  m = osg::Matrix::rotate( .4, 0., 0., 1. ) * osg::Matrix::translate( 16., 0., 10. );
  btRigidBody *rb = createObject(root, m, srh.get());
  m = osg::Matrix::rotate( osg::PI_2, 0, 1, 0 ) * osg::Matrix::translate( 0., 0., 10. );
  bw->addRigidBody(createWheel(root, m, srh.get()));

  m = osg::Matrix::rotate( 0, 0., 0., 1. ) * osg::Matrix::translate( -20., 0., 0. );
  bw->addRigidBody(createCow(root, m, srh.get()));

  root->addChild( osgbDynamics::generateGroundPlane( osg::Vec4( 0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f ), bw ) );

  osgViewer::Viewer viewer;
  viewer.setUpViewInWindow( 30, 30, 768, 480, 1 );
  viewer.setSceneData( root );
  osgGA::TrackballManipulator* tb = new osgGA::TrackballManipulator;
  viewer.setCameraManipulator( tb );


  viewer.addEventHandler(new myEventHandler(rb));
  viewer.addEventHandler( srh.get() );
  viewer.addEventHandler( new osgbInteraction::DragHandler(bw, viewer.getCamera() ) );

  double prevSimTime = 0.;
  while( !viewer.done() )
    const double currSimTime = viewer.getFrameStamp()->getSimulationTime();
    bw->stepSimulation( currSimTime - prevSimTime );
    prevSimTime = currSimTime;

  return( 0 );
Ejemplo n.º 4
void QgsColorWheel::paintEvent( QPaintEvent *event )
  Q_UNUSED( event );
  QPainter painter( this );

  //draw a frame
  QStyleOptionFrameV3 option = QStyleOptionFrameV3();
  option.initFrom( this );
  option.state = this->hasFocus() ? QStyle::State_Active : QStyle::State_None;
  style()->drawPrimitive( QStyle::PE_Frame, &option, &painter );

  if ( !mWidgetImage || !mWheelImage || !mTriangleImage )
    createImages( size() );

  //draw everything in an image
  mWidgetImage->fill( Qt::transparent );
  QPainter imagePainter( mWidgetImage );
  imagePainter.setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing );

  if ( mWheelDirty )
    //need to redraw the wheel image

  //draw wheel centered on widget
  QPointF center = QPointF( width() / 2.0, height() / 2.0 );
  imagePainter.drawImage( QPointF( center.x() - ( mWheelImage->width() / 2.0 ), center.y() - ( mWheelImage->height() / 2.0 ) ), *mWheelImage );

  //draw hue marker
  int h = hue();
  double length = mWheelImage->width() / 2.0;
  QLineF hueMarkerLine = QLineF( center.x(), center.y(), center.x() + length, center.y() );
  hueMarkerLine.setAngle( h );
  //use sourceIn mode for nicer antialiasing
  imagePainter.setCompositionMode( QPainter::CompositionMode_SourceIn );
  QPen pen;
  pen.setWidth( 2 );
  //adapt pen color for hue
  pen.setColor( h > 20 && h < 200 ? Qt::black : Qt::white );
  imagePainter.setPen( pen );
  imagePainter.drawLine( hueMarkerLine );

  //draw triangle
  if ( mTriangleDirty )
  imagePainter.drawImage( QPointF( center.x() - ( mWheelImage->width() / 2.0 ), center.y() - ( mWheelImage->height() / 2.0 ) ), *mTriangleImage );

  //draw current color marker
  double triangleRadius = length - mWheelThickness - 1;

  //adapted from equations at https://github.com/timjb/colortriangle/blob/master/colortriangle.js by Tim Baumann
  double lightness = mCurrentColor.lightnessF();
  double hueRadians = ( h * M_PI / 180.0 );
  double hx = cos( hueRadians ) * triangleRadius;
  double hy = -sin( hueRadians ) * triangleRadius;
  double sx = -cos( -hueRadians + ( M_PI / 3.0 ) ) * triangleRadius;
  double sy = -sin( -hueRadians + ( M_PI / 3.0 ) ) * triangleRadius;
  double vx = -cos( hueRadians + ( M_PI / 3.0 ) ) * triangleRadius;
  double vy = sin( hueRadians + ( M_PI / 3.0 ) ) * triangleRadius;
  double mx = ( sx + vx ) / 2.0;
  double  my = ( sy + vy ) / 2.0;

  double a = ( 1 - 2.0 * fabs( lightness - 0.5 ) ) * mCurrentColor.hslSaturationF();
  double x = sx + ( vx - sx ) * lightness + ( hx - mx ) * a;
  double y = sy + ( vy - sy ) * lightness + ( hy - my ) * a;

  //adapt pen color for lightness
  pen.setColor( lightness > 0.7 ? Qt::black : Qt::white );
  imagePainter.setPen( pen );
  imagePainter.setBrush( Qt::NoBrush );
  imagePainter.drawEllipse( QPointF( x + center.x(), y + center.y() ), 4.0, 4.0 );

  //draw image onto widget
  painter.drawImage( QPoint( 0, 0 ), *mWidgetImage );