Ejemplo n.º 1
void test_getspell_school(CuTest * tc)
  spell *sp;
  struct unit * u;
  struct faction * f;
  struct region * r;
  struct locale * lang;
  struct spellbook * book;

  r = findregion(0, 0);
  f = test_create_faction(0);
  f->magiegebiet = M_TYBIED;
  u = test_create_unit(f, r);
  create_mage(u, f->magiegebiet);
  skill_enabled[SK_MAGIC] = 1;
  set_level(u, SK_MAGIC, 1);

  lang = find_locale("de");
  sp = create_spell("testspell", 0);
  locale_setstring(lang, mkname("spell", sp->sname), "Herp-a-derp");

  CuAssertPtrEquals(tc, 0, unit_getspell(u, "Herp-a-derp", lang));

  book = faction_get_spellbook(f);
  CuAssertPtrNotNull(tc, book);
  spellbook_add(book, sp, 1);
  CuAssertPtrEquals(tc, sp, unit_getspell(u, "Herp-a-derp", lang));
Ejemplo n.º 2
void test_change_resource(CuTest * tc)
  struct unit * u;
  struct faction * f;
  struct region * r;
  const char * names[] = { "money", "aura", "permaura", "horse", "hp", 0 };
  int i;

  skill_enabled[SK_MAGIC] = 1;

  r = findregion(0, 0);
  f = test_create_faction(0);
  u = test_create_unit(f, r);
  CuAssertPtrNotNull(tc, u);
  set_level(u, SK_MAGIC, 5);
  create_mage(u, M_DRAIG);

  for (i=0;names[i];++i) {
    const struct resource_type *rtype = rt_find(names[i]);
    int have = get_resource(u, rtype);
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, have+1, change_resource(u, rtype, 1));
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, have+1, get_resource(u, rtype));
Ejemplo n.º 3
void test_getspell_unit(CuTest * tc)
  spell *sp;
  struct unit * u;
  struct faction * f;
  struct region * r;
  struct locale * lang;

  r = findregion(0, 0);
  f = test_create_faction(0);
  u = test_create_unit(f, r);
  create_mage(u, M_GRAY);
  skill_enabled[SK_MAGIC] = 1;

  set_level(u, SK_MAGIC, 1);

  lang = find_locale("de");
  sp = create_spell("testspell", 0);
  locale_setstring(lang, mkname("spell", sp->sname), "Herp-a-derp");

  CuAssertPtrEquals(tc, 0, unit_getspell(u, "Herp-a-derp", lang));

  unit_add_spell(u, 0, sp, 1);
  CuAssertPtrNotNull(tc, unit_getspell(u, "Herp-a-derp", lang));
Ejemplo n.º 4
/** callback to initialize a familiar from lua. */
static int lua_initfamiliar(unit * u)
    lua_State *L = (lua_State *)global.vm_state;
    char fname[64];
    int result = -1;

    strlcpy(fname, "initfamiliar_", sizeof(fname));
    strlcat(fname, u_race(u)->_name, sizeof(fname));

    lua_getglobal(L, fname);
    if (lua_isfunction(L, -1)) {
        tolua_pushusertype(L, u, TOLUA_CAST "unit");

        if (lua_pcall(L, 1, 1, 0) != 0) {
            const char *error = lua_tostring(L, -1);
            log_error("familiar(%s) calling '%s': %s.\n", unitname(u), fname, error);
            lua_pop(L, 1);
        else {
            result = (int)lua_tonumber(L, -1);
            lua_pop(L, 1);
    else {
        log_warning("familiar(%s) calling '%s': not a function.\n", unitname(u), fname);
        lua_pop(L, 1);

    create_mage(u, M_GRAY);

    strlcpy(fname, u_race(u)->_name, sizeof(fname));
    strlcat(fname, "_familiar", sizeof(fname));
    equip_unit(u, get_equipment(fname));
    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 5
static void test_all_spy_message(CuTest *tc) {
    spy_fixture fix;


    enable_skill(SK_MAGIC, true);
    set_level(fix.victim, SK_MINING, 2);
    set_level(fix.victim, SK_MAGIC, 2);
    create_mage(fix.victim, M_DRAIG);
    set_factionstealth(fix.victim, fix.spy->faction);

    item_type *itype;
    itype = it_get_or_create(rt_get_or_create("sword"));
    new_weapontype(itype, 0, 0.0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, SK_MELEE, 2);
    i_change(&fix.victim->items, itype, 1);

    spy_message(99, fix.spy, fix.victim);

    CuAssertPtrNotNull(tc, test_find_messagetype(fix.spy->faction->msgs, "spyreport"));
    CuAssertPtrNotNull(tc, test_find_messagetype(fix.spy->faction->msgs, "spyreport_mage"));
    CuAssertPtrNotNull(tc, test_find_messagetype(fix.spy->faction->msgs, "spyreport_skills"));
    CuAssertPtrNotNull(tc, test_find_messagetype(fix.spy->faction->msgs, "spyreport_faction"));
    CuAssertPtrNotNull(tc, test_find_messagetype(fix.spy->faction->msgs, "spyreport_items"));

Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: races.c Proyecto: hochl/server
static void oldfamiliars(unit * u)
  char fname[64];
  /* these familiars have no special skills.
  _snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "%s_familiar", u_race(u)->_name);
  create_mage(u, M_GRAY);
  equip_unit(u, get_equipment(fname));
Ejemplo n.º 7
void unit_add_spell(unit * u, sc_mage * m, struct spell * sp, int level)
  sc_mage *mage = m ? m : get_mage(u);

  if (!mage) {
    log_debug("adding new spell %s to a previously non-mage unit %s\n", sp->sname, unitname(u));
    mage = create_mage(u, u->faction?u->faction->magiegebiet:M_GRAY);
  if (!mage->spellbook) {
    mage->spellbook = create_spellbook(0);
  spellbook_add(mage->spellbook, sp, level);
Ejemplo n.º 8
static void test_shock_low(CuTest *tc) {
    unit *u;
    trigger *tt;

    u = test_create_unit(test_create_faction(0), test_create_region(0, 0, 0));
    create_mage(u, M_GRAY);
    set_level(u, SK_MAGIC, 5);
    set_spellpoints(u, 1);
    u->hp = 1;
    tt = trigger_shock(u);
    tt->type->handle(tt, u);
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, 1, u->hp);
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, 1, get_spellpoints(u));
Ejemplo n.º 9
static void test_shock(CuTest *tc) {
    unit *u;
    trigger *tt;

    u = test_create_unit(test_create_faction(0), test_create_region(0, 0, 0));
    create_mage(u, M_GRAY);
    set_level(u, SK_MAGIC, 5);
    set_spellpoints(u, 10);
    u->hp = 10;
    tt = trigger_shock(u);
    tt->type->handle(tt, u);
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, 2, u->hp);
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, 2, get_spellpoints(u));
    CuAssertPtrNotNull(tc, test_find_messagetype(u->faction->msgs, "shock"));
Ejemplo n.º 10
int study_cmd(unit * u, order * ord)
    region *r = u->region;
    int p;
    int l;
    int studycost, days;
    double multi = 1.0;
    attrib *a = NULL;
    teaching_info *teach = NULL;
    int money = 0;
    skill_t sk;
    int maxalchemy = 0;
    int speed_rule = (study_rule_t)config_get_int("study.speedup", 0);
    static const race *rc_snotling;
    static int rc_cache;

    if (rc_changed(&rc_cache)) {
        rc_snotling = get_race(RC_SNOTLING);

    (void)init_order(ord, u->faction->locale);
    sk = getskill(u->faction->locale);

    if (!check_student(u, ord, sk)) {
        return -1;

    /* snotlings koennen Talente nur bis T8 lernen */
    if (u_race(u) == rc_snotling) {
        if (get_level(u, sk) >= 8) {
            cmistake(u, ord, 308, MSG_EVENT);
            return -1;

    p = studycost = study_cost(u, sk);
    a = a_find(u->attribs, &at_learning);
    if (a != NULL) {
        teach = (teaching_info *)a->data.v;

    /* keine kostenpflichtigen Talente fuer Migranten. Vertraute sind
     * keine Migranten, wird in is_migrant abgefangen. Vorsicht,
     * studycost darf hier noch nicht durch Akademie erhoeht sein */
    if (studycost > 0 && !ExpensiveMigrants() && is_migrant(u)) {
        ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_feedback(u, ord, "error_migrants_nolearn",
        return -1;
    /* Akademie: */
    if (active_building(u, bt_find("academy"))) {
        studycost = studycost * 2;
        if (studycost < 50) studycost = 50;

    if (sk == SK_MAGIC) {
        magic_t mtype;
        if (u->number > 1) {
            cmistake(u, ord, 106, MSG_MAGIC);
            return -1;
        if (is_familiar(u)) {
            /* Vertraute zaehlen nicht zu den Magiern einer Partei,
             * koennen aber nur Graue Magie lernen */
            mtype = M_GRAY;
        else if (!has_skill(u, SK_MAGIC)) {
            int mmax = faction_skill_limit(u->faction, SK_MAGIC);
            /* Die Einheit ist noch kein Magier */
            if (faction_count_skill(u->faction, SK_MAGIC) + u->number > mmax) {
                ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_feedback(u, ord, "error_max_magicians",
                    "amount", mmax));
                return -1;
            mtype = getmagicskill(u->faction->locale);
            if (mtype == M_NONE || mtype == M_GRAY) {
                /* wurde kein Magiegebiet angegeben, wird davon
                 * ausgegangen, dass das normal gelernt werden soll */
                if (u->faction->magiegebiet != 0) {
                    mtype = u->faction->magiegebiet;
                else {
                    /* Es wurde kein Magiegebiet angegeben und die Partei
                     * hat noch keins gewaehlt. */
                    mtype = getmagicskill(u->faction->locale);
                    if (mtype == M_NONE) {
                        cmistake(u, ord, 178, MSG_MAGIC);
                        return -1;
            if (mtype != u->faction->magiegebiet) {
                /* Es wurde versucht, ein anderes Magiegebiet zu lernen
                 * als das der Partei */
                if (u->faction->magiegebiet != 0) {
                    cmistake(u, ord, 179, MSG_MAGIC);
                    return -1;
                else {
                    /* Lernt zum ersten mal Magie und legt damit das
                     * Magiegebiet der Partei fest */
                    u->faction->magiegebiet = mtype;
            create_mage(u, mtype);
        else {
            /* ist schon ein Magier und kein Vertrauter */
            if (u->faction->magiegebiet == 0) {
                /* die Partei hat noch kein Magiegebiet gewaehlt. */
                mtype = getmagicskill(u->faction->locale);
                if (mtype == M_NONE) {
                    mtype = getmagicskill(u->faction->locale);
                    if (mtype == M_NONE) {
                        cmistake(u, ord, 178, MSG_MAGIC);
                        return -1;
                /* Legt damit das Magiegebiet der Partei fest */
                u->faction->magiegebiet = mtype;
    if (sk == SK_ALCHEMY) {
        maxalchemy = effskill(u, SK_ALCHEMY, NULL);
        if (!has_skill(u, SK_ALCHEMY)) {
            int amax = faction_skill_limit(u->faction, SK_ALCHEMY);
            if (faction_count_skill(u->faction, SK_ALCHEMY) + u->number > amax) {
                ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_feedback(u, ord, "error_max_alchemists",
                    "amount", amax));
                return -1;
    if (studycost) {
        int cost = studycost * u->number;
        money = get_pooled(u, get_resourcetype(R_SILVER), GET_DEFAULT, cost);
        if (money > cost) money = cost;
    if (money < studycost * u->number) {
        studycost = p;              /* Ohne Univertreurung */
        if (money > studycost) money = studycost;
        if (p > 0 && money < studycost * u->number) {
            cmistake(u, ord, 65, MSG_EVENT);
            multi = money / (double)(studycost * u->number);

    if (teach == NULL) {
        a = a_add(&u->attribs, a_new(&at_learning));
        teach = (teaching_info *)a->data.v;
        teach->teachers = NULL;
    if (money > 0) {
        use_pooled(u, get_resourcetype(R_SILVER), GET_DEFAULT, money);
        ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_message("studycost",
            "unit region cost skill", u, u->region, money, sk));

    if (get_effect(u, oldpotiontype[P_WISE])) {
        l = get_effect(u, oldpotiontype[P_WISE]);
        if (l > u->number) l = u->number;
        teach->days += l * EXPERIENCEDAYS;
        change_effect(u, oldpotiontype[P_WISE], -l);
    if (get_effect(u, oldpotiontype[P_FOOL])) {
        l = get_effect(u, oldpotiontype[P_FOOL]);
        if (l > u->number) l = u->number;
        teach->days -= l * STUDYDAYS;
        change_effect(u, oldpotiontype[P_FOOL], -l);

    if (p != studycost) {
        /* ist_in_gebaeude(r, u, BT_UNIVERSITAET) == 1) { */
        /* p ist Kosten ohne Uni, studycost mit; wenn
         * p!=studycost, ist die Einheit zwangsweise
         * in einer Uni */
        teach->days += u->number * EXPERIENCEDAYS;

    if (is_cursed(r->attribs, &ct_badlearn)) {
        teach->days -= u->number * EXPERIENCEDAYS;

    multi *= study_speedup(u, sk, speed_rule);
    days = study_days(u, sk);
    days = (int)((days + teach->days) * multi);

    /* the artacademy currently improves the learning of entertainment
       of all units in the region, to be able to make it cumulative with
       with an academy */

    if (sk == SK_ENTERTAINMENT
        && buildingtype_exists(r, bt_find("artacademy"), false)) {
        days *= 2;

    learn_skill(u, sk, days);
    if (a != NULL) {
        if (teach->teachers) {
            msg_teachers(teach->teachers, u, sk);
        a_remove(&u->attribs, a);
        a = NULL;

    /* Anzeigen neuer Traenke */
    /* Spruchlistenaktualiesierung ist in Regeneration */

    if (sk == SK_ALCHEMY) {
        faction *f = u->faction;
        int skill = effskill(u, SK_ALCHEMY, NULL);
        if (skill > maxalchemy) {
            show_potions(f, skill);
    init_order(NULL, NULL);
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 11
int learn_cmd(unit * u, order * ord)
    region *r = u->region;
    int p;
    magic_t mtyp;
    int l;
    int studycost, days;
    double multi = 1.0;
    attrib *a = NULL;
    teaching_info *teach = NULL;
    int money = 0;
    skill_t sk;
    int maxalchemy = 0;
    int speed_rule = (study_rule_t)get_param_int(global.parameters, "study.speedup", 0);
    static int learn_newskills = -1;
    if (learn_newskills < 0) {
        const char *str = get_param(global.parameters, "study.newskills");
        if (str && strcmp(str, "false") == 0)
            learn_newskills = 0;
            learn_newskills = 1;
    if (!unit_can_study(u)) {
        ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_feedback(u, ord, "error_race_nolearn", "race",
        return 0;

    sk = getskill(u->faction->locale);

    if (sk < 0) {
        cmistake(u, ord, 77, MSG_EVENT);
        return 0;
    if (SkillCap(sk) && SkillCap(sk) <= effskill(u, sk)) {
        cmistake(u, ord, 771, MSG_EVENT);
        return 0;
    /* Hack: Talente mit Malus -99 koennen nicht gelernt werden */
    if (u_race(u)->bonus[sk] == -99) {
        cmistake(u, ord, 771, MSG_EVENT);
        return 0;
    if (learn_newskills == 0) {
        skill *sv = unit_skill(u, sk);
        if (sv == NULL) {
            /* we can only learn skills we already have */
            cmistake(u, ord, 771, MSG_EVENT);
            return 0;

    /* snotlings koennen Talente nur bis T8 lernen */
    if (u_race(u) == get_race(RC_SNOTLING)) {
        if (get_level(u, sk) >= 8) {
            cmistake(u, ord, 308, MSG_EVENT);
            return 0;

    p = studycost = study_cost(u, sk);
    a = a_find(u->attribs, &at_learning);
    if (a != NULL) {
        teach = (teaching_info *)a->data.v;

    /* keine kostenpflichtigen Talente fuer Migranten. Vertraute sind
     * keine Migranten, wird in is_migrant abgefangen. Vorsicht,
     * studycost darf hier noch nicht durch Akademie erhoeht sein */
    if (studycost > 0 && !ExpensiveMigrants() && is_migrant(u)) {
        ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_feedback(u, ord, "error_migrants_nolearn",
        return 0;
    /* Akademie: */
      struct building *b = inside_building(u);
      const struct building_type *btype = b ? b->type : NULL;

      if (btype && btype == bt_find("academy")) {
          studycost = _max(50, studycost * 2);

  if (sk == SK_MAGIC) {
      if (u->number > 1) {
          cmistake(u, ord, 106, MSG_MAGIC);
          return 0;
      if (is_familiar(u)) {
          /* Vertraute zaehlen nicht zu den Magiern einer Partei,
           * koennen aber nur Graue Magie lernen */
          mtyp = M_GRAY;
          if (!is_mage(u))
              create_mage(u, mtyp);
      else if (!has_skill(u, SK_MAGIC)) {
          int mmax = skill_limit(u->faction, SK_MAGIC);
          /* Die Einheit ist noch kein Magier */
          if (count_skill(u->faction, SK_MAGIC) + u->number > mmax) {
              ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_feedback(u, ord, "error_max_magicians",
                  "amount", mmax));
              return 0;
          mtyp = getmagicskill(u->faction->locale);
          if (mtyp == M_NONE || mtyp == M_GRAY) {
              /* wurde kein Magiegebiet angegeben, wird davon
               * ausgegangen, dass das normal gelernt werden soll */
              if (u->faction->magiegebiet != 0) {
                  mtyp = u->faction->magiegebiet;
              else {
                  /* Es wurde kein Magiegebiet angegeben und die Partei
                   * hat noch keins gewaehlt. */
                  mtyp = getmagicskill(u->faction->locale);
                  if (mtyp == M_NONE) {
                      cmistake(u, ord, 178, MSG_MAGIC);
                      return 0;
          if (mtyp != u->faction->magiegebiet) {
              /* Es wurde versucht, ein anderes Magiegebiet zu lernen
               * als das der Partei */
              if (u->faction->magiegebiet != 0) {
                  cmistake(u, ord, 179, MSG_MAGIC);
                  return 0;
              else {
                  /* Lernt zum ersten mal Magie und legt damit das
                   * Magiegebiet der Partei fest */
                  u->faction->magiegebiet = mtyp;
          if (!is_mage(u))
              create_mage(u, mtyp);
      else {
          /* ist schon ein Magier und kein Vertrauter */
          if (u->faction->magiegebiet == 0) {
              /* die Partei hat noch kein Magiegebiet gewaehlt. */
              mtyp = getmagicskill(u->faction->locale);
              if (mtyp == M_NONE) {
                  mtyp = getmagicskill(u->faction->locale);
                  if (mtyp == M_NONE) {
                      cmistake(u, ord, 178, MSG_MAGIC);
                      return 0;
              /* Legt damit das Magiegebiet der Partei fest */
              u->faction->magiegebiet = mtyp;
  if (sk == SK_ALCHEMY) {
      maxalchemy = eff_skill(u, SK_ALCHEMY, r);
      if (!has_skill(u, SK_ALCHEMY)) {
          int amax = skill_limit(u->faction, SK_ALCHEMY);
          if (count_skill(u->faction, SK_ALCHEMY) + u->number > amax) {
              ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_feedback(u, ord, "error_max_alchemists",
                  "amount", amax));
              return 0;
  if (studycost) {
      int cost = studycost * u->number;
      money = get_pooled(u, get_resourcetype(R_SILVER), GET_DEFAULT, cost);
      money = _min(money, cost);
  if (money < studycost * u->number) {
      studycost = p;              /* Ohne Univertreurung */
      money = _min(money, studycost);
      if (p > 0 && money < studycost * u->number) {
          cmistake(u, ord, 65, MSG_EVENT);
          multi = money / (double)(studycost * u->number);

  if (teach == NULL) {
      a = a_add(&u->attribs, a_new(&at_learning));
      teach = (teaching_info *)a->data.v;
      teach->teachers[0] = 0;
  if (money > 0) {
      use_pooled(u, get_resourcetype(R_SILVER), GET_DEFAULT, money);
      ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_message("studycost",
          "unit region cost skill", u, u->region, money, sk));

  if (get_effect(u, oldpotiontype[P_WISE])) {
      l = _min(u->number, get_effect(u, oldpotiontype[P_WISE]));
      teach->value += l * 10;
      change_effect(u, oldpotiontype[P_WISE], -l);
  if (get_effect(u, oldpotiontype[P_FOOL])) {
      l = _min(u->number, get_effect(u, oldpotiontype[P_FOOL]));
      teach->value -= l * 30;
      change_effect(u, oldpotiontype[P_FOOL], -l);

  if (p != studycost) {
      /* ist_in_gebaeude(r, u, BT_UNIVERSITAET) == 1) { */
      /* p ist Kosten ohne Uni, studycost mit; wenn
       * p!=studycost, ist die Einheit zwangsweise
       * in einer Uni */
      teach->value += u->number * 10;

  if (is_cursed(r->attribs, C_BADLEARN, 0)) {
      teach->value -= u->number * 10;

  multi *= study_speedup(u, sk, speed_rule);
  days = study_days(u, sk);
  days = (int)((days + teach->value) * multi);

  /* the artacademy currently improves the learning of entertainment
     of all units in the region, to be able to make it cumulative with
     with an academy */

      && buildingtype_exists(r, bt_find("artacademy"), false)) {
      days *= 2;

  if (fval(u, UFL_HUNGER))
      days /= 2;

  while (days) {
      if (days >= u->number * 30) {
          learn_skill(u, sk, 1.0);
          days -= u->number * 30;
      else {
          double chance = (double)days / u->number / 30;
          learn_skill(u, sk, chance);
          days = 0;
  if (a != NULL) {
      if (teach != NULL) {
          int index = 0;
          while (teach->teachers[index] && index != MAXTEACHERS) {
              unit *teacher = teach->teachers[index++];
              if (teacher->faction != u->faction) {
                  bool feedback = alliedunit(u, teacher->faction, HELP_GUARD);
                  if (feedback) {
                      ADDMSG(&teacher->faction->msgs, msg_message("teach_teacher",
                          "teacher student skill level", teacher, u, sk,
                          effskill(u, sk)));
                  ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_message("teach_student",
                      "teacher student skill", teacher, u, sk));
      a_remove(&u->attribs, a);
      a = NULL;

  /* Anzeigen neuer Traenke */
  /* Spruchlistenaktualiesierung ist in Regeneration */

  if (sk == SK_ALCHEMY) {
      const potion_type *ptype;
      faction *f = u->faction;
      int skill = eff_skill(u, SK_ALCHEMY, r);
      if (skill > maxalchemy) {
          for (ptype = potiontypes; ptype; ptype = ptype->next) {
              if (skill == ptype->level * 2) {
                  attrib *a = a_find(f->attribs, &at_showitem);
                  while (a && a->type == &at_showitem && a->data.v != ptype)
                      a = a->next;
                  if (a == NULL || a->type != &at_showitem) {
                      a = a_add(&f->attribs, a_new(&at_showitem));
                      a->data.v = (void *)ptype->itype;
  else if (sk == SK_MAGIC) {
      sc_mage *mage = get_mage(u);
      if (!mage) {
          mage = create_mage(u, u->faction->magiegebiet);

  return 0;