Ejemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  int arg_count ;
  pid_t my_process_id ;
  unsigned long outer, middle, inner, total ;
  unsigned long long cycles ;
  unsigned int cpu_speed ;
  double elapsed = 0 ;
  int d_flag,h_flag, v_flag;
#ifdef _DEBUG
  d_flag = 1 ;
  // Parse any command line arguments. Use simple one character
  // option names preceded by a '-' character.
  for (arg_count = 1 ; arg_count < argc ; arg_count++)
    if( argv[arg_count][0] == '-' )
      switch( argv[arg_count][1] )
      case 'c' :
          // Measure data cache behavior
          c_flag = 1 ;
          break ;
      case 'd' :
          // Enable debug output
          d_flag = 1 ;
          break ;
      case 'h' :
          // Display usage information
          //display_usage_info(argv[0], usage_strings) ;
          h_flag = 1 ;
          break ;
      case 'i' :
          // Measure IPC
          i_flag = 1 ;
          break ;
      case 'm' :
          // Set matrix size
          fprintf(stderr, "*warning* -m is unimplemented\n") ;
          m_flag = 1 ;
          arg_count++ ;
          if (arg_count < argc)
            matrix_size = atoi(argv[arg_count]) ;
            if ((matrix_size <= 0) || (matrix_size > MAX_MSIZE)) {
              fprintf(stderr, "*warning* Matrix size is limited to %d\n",
                      MAX_MSIZE) ;
              matrix_size = MSIZE ;
          break ;
      case 't' :
          // Measure TLB behavior
          t_flag = 1 ;
          break ;
      case 'v' :
          v_flag = 1 ;
          break ;
          printf("Illegal option: %c\n", argv[arg_count][1]) ;
          break ;

  if (create_result_file(RESULT_FILE_NAME) == 0) {

    exit( EXIT_FAILURE ) ;
  if (c_flag) {
    // Measure cache behavior
    // measure_cache() ;
  else if (t_flag) {
    // Measure TLB behavior
    // measure_tlb() ;
  else if (i_flag) {
    // Measure IPC (by default)
    //measure_cpi() ;
  } else {
    // Don't measurement any events
    run_no_events() ;
  // print_heading("Naive matrix multiplication") ;
  // print_system_info() ;
  // Number of ARM instructions in the loop nest
//  outer = 8 * MSIZE ;
//  middle = 9 * MSIZE * MSIZE ;
//  inner = 9 * MSIZE * MSIZE * MSIZE ;
//  total = outer + middle + inner ;
  /* fprintf(result_file, "Run information\n") ; */
  /* fprintf(result_file, "  Outer loop instructions:  %lu\n", outer) ; */
  /* fprintf(result_file, "  Middle loop instructions: %lu\n", middle) ; */
  /* fprintf(result_file, "  Inner loop instructions:  %lu\n", inner) ; */
  /* fprintf(result_file, "  Total instructions:       %lu\n", total) ; */
  /* elapsed = get_elapsed_time() ; */
  /* cpu_speed = get_cpu_speed() ; // MHz */
  /* cycles = (long long int)(elapsed * 1000000.0 * (double)cpu_speed) ; */
  /* fprintf(result_file, "  Estimated cycles:         %llu\n", cycles) ; */
  /* fprintf(result_file, "  Cycles (scaled by 64):    %llu\n", cycles / 64) ; */
  /* if (c_flag || i_flag || t_flag) { */
  /*   fprintf(result_file,"Performance Monitor events\n") ; */
  /*   print_counts(result_file) ; */
  /* } */
  /* fprintf(result_file, "\nRun execution summary\n") ; */
  /* print_process_times() ; */
  /* print_elapsed_time() ; */
  /* close_result_file() ;  */
  return( EXIT_SUCCESS ) ;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

   int floatingPoint = 0;
   int integer = 0;
   int trials = 0;
   int arrLength = 0;
   int range = 0;
   char* endptr;
   struct timespec start, stop;

   int opt;
   while ((opt = getopt( argc, argv, "fin:a:r:")) != -1) {
      switch (opt) {
         case 'f':
            floatingPoint = 1;
         case 'i':
            integer = 1;
         case 'n':
            trials = strtol( optarg, &endptr, 10);
         case 'a':
            arrLength = strtol( optarg, &endptr, 10);
         case 'r':
            range = strtol( optarg, &endptr, 10);
         case '?':
//   printf( "float: %u, int: %u, trials: %u, array length: %u\n", floatingPoint, integer, trials, arrLength);

   int k = 0;
   int i = 0;

   if( integer == 1) {
      int a[arrLength];
      int b[arrLength];
      int c[arrLength];


      for( i = 0; i < arrLength; i++) {
         a[i] = rand() % range;
         b[i] = rand() % range; 

      //"Warm-up" to remove initial memory-acces overhead
      intAdd( a, b, c, arrLength);

      //clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &start);
      //start_counting(ARMV6_EVENT_DTLB_MISS, ARMV6_EVENT_MAIN_TLB_MISS) ;

      for( k = trials; k > 0; k--) {
         intAdd( a, b, c, arrLength);

      stop_counting() ;

      if (create_result_file("output.dat") == 0) {
        printf ("Error cannot create file");
        exit( EXIT_FAILURE ) ;

      fprintf(result_file,"Performance Monitor events\n") ;
      print_counts(result_file) ;

      //clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &stop);

      double diff = ( stop.tv_sec - start.tv_sec ) + ( stop.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec ) / 1E9;
      printf( "%u, %u, %lf\n", trials, arrLength, diff);

   }else if ( floatingPoint == 1) {
      double a[arrLength];
      double b[arrLength];
      double c[arrLength];

      for( i = 0; i < arrLength; i++) {
         a[i] = (double)rand() / (double)(RAND_MAX/range);
         b[i] = (double)rand() / (double)(RAND_MAX/range);

      /*"Warm-up" to remove initial memory-acces overhead
      fpAdd( a, b, c, arrLength);
      clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &start);

      for( k = trials; k > 0; k--) {
         fpAdd( a, b, c, arrLength);

      clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &stop);

      double diff = ( stop.tv_sec - start.tv_sec ) + ( stop.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec ) / 1E9;
      printf( "%u, %u, %lf\n", trials, arrLength, diff);
return 0;