Ejemplo n.º 1
static void get_strand_normal(Material *ma, const float surfnor[3], float surfdist, float nor[3])
	float cross[3], nstrand[3], vnor[3], blend;

	if (!((ma->mode & MA_STR_SURFDIFF) || (ma->strand_surfnor > 0.0f)))

	if (ma->mode & MA_STR_SURFDIFF) {
		cross_v3_v3v3(cross, surfnor, nor);
		cross_v3_v3v3(nstrand, nor, cross);

		blend = dot_v3v3(nstrand, surfnor);
		CLAMP(blend, 0.0f, 1.0f);

		interp_v3_v3v3(vnor, nstrand, surfnor, blend);
	else {
		copy_v3_v3(vnor, nor);

	if (ma->strand_surfnor > 0.0f) {
		if (ma->strand_surfnor > surfdist) {
			blend = (ma->strand_surfnor - surfdist) / ma->strand_surfnor;
			interp_v3_v3v3(vnor, vnor, surfnor, blend);

	copy_v3_v3(nor, vnor);
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* our own triangle intersection, so we can fully control the epsilons and
 * prevent corner case from going wrong*/
static int meshdeform_tri_intersect(const float orig[3], const float end[3], const float vert0[3],
                                    const float vert1[3], const float vert2[3],
                                    float r_isectco[3], float r_uvw[3])
	float edge1[3], edge2[3], tvec[3], pvec[3], qvec[3];
	float det, inv_det, u, v, dir[3], isectdir[3];

	sub_v3_v3v3(dir, end, orig);

	/* find vectors for two edges sharing vert0 */
	sub_v3_v3v3(edge1, vert1, vert0);
	sub_v3_v3v3(edge2, vert2, vert0);

	/* begin calculating determinant - also used to calculate U parameter */
	cross_v3_v3v3(pvec, dir, edge2);

	/* if determinant is near zero, ray lies in plane of triangle */
	det = dot_v3v3(edge1, pvec);

	if (UNLIKELY(det == 0.0f)) {
		return 0;

	inv_det = 1.0f / det;

	/* calculate distance from vert0 to ray origin */
	sub_v3_v3v3(tvec, orig, vert0);

	/* calculate U parameter and test bounds */
	u = dot_v3v3(tvec, pvec) * inv_det;
	if (u < -EPSILON || u > 1.0f + EPSILON)
		return 0;

	/* prepare to test V parameter */
	cross_v3_v3v3(qvec, tvec, edge1);

	/* calculate V parameter and test bounds */
	v = dot_v3v3(dir, qvec) * inv_det;
	if (v < -EPSILON || u + v > 1.0f + EPSILON)
		return 0;

	r_isectco[0] = (1.0f - u - v) * vert0[0] + u * vert1[0] + v * vert2[0];
	r_isectco[1] = (1.0f - u - v) * vert0[1] + u * vert1[1] + v * vert2[1];
	r_isectco[2] = (1.0f - u - v) * vert0[2] + u * vert1[2] + v * vert2[2];

	r_uvw[0] = 1.0f - u - v;
	r_uvw[1] = u;
	r_uvw[2] = v;

	/* check if it is within the length of the line segment */
	sub_v3_v3v3(isectdir, r_isectco, orig);

	if (dot_v3v3(dir, isectdir) < -EPSILON)
		return 0;
	if (dot_v3v3(dir, dir) + EPSILON < dot_v3v3(isectdir, isectdir))
		return 0;

	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Add randomness to stroke
 * \param gps: Stroke data
 * \param brush: Brush data
void gp_randomize_stroke(bGPDstroke *gps, bGPDbrush *brush)
	bGPDspoint *pt1, *pt2, *pt3;
	float v1[3];
	float v2[3];
	if (gps->totpoints < 3) {

	/* get two vectors using 3 points */
	pt1 = &gps->points[0];
	pt2 = &gps->points[1];
	pt3 = &gps->points[(int)(gps->totpoints * 0.75)];

	sub_v3_v3v3(v1, &pt2->x, &pt1->x);
	sub_v3_v3v3(v2, &pt3->x, &pt2->x);

	/* get normal vector to plane created by two vectors */
	float normal[3];
	cross_v3_v3v3(normal, v1, v2);

	/* get orthogonal vector to plane to rotate random effect */
	float ortho[3];
	cross_v3_v3v3(ortho, v1, normal);

	/* Read all points and apply shift vector (first and last point not modified) */
	for (int i = 1; i < gps->totpoints - 1; ++i) {
		bGPDspoint *pt = &gps->points[i];
		/* get vector with shift (apply a division because random is too sensitive */
		const float fac = BLI_frand() * (brush->draw_random_sub / 10.0f);
		float svec[3];
		copy_v3_v3(svec, ortho);
		if (BLI_frand() > 0.5f) {
			mul_v3_fl(svec, -fac);
		else {
			mul_v3_fl(svec, fac);

		/* apply shift */
		add_v3_v3(&pt->x, svec);

Ejemplo n.º 4
float angle_signed_on_axis_v3v3v3_v3(const float v1[3], const float v2[3], const float v3[3], const float axis[3])
	float v1_proj[3], v2_proj[3], tproj[3];
	float angle;

	sub_v3_v3v3(v1_proj, v1, v2);
	sub_v3_v3v3(v2_proj, v3, v2);

	/* project the vectors onto the axis */
	project_v3_v3v3(tproj, v1_proj, axis);
	sub_v3_v3(v1_proj, tproj);

	project_v3_v3v3(tproj, v2_proj, axis);
	sub_v3_v3(v2_proj, tproj);

	angle = angle_v3v3(v1_proj, v2_proj);

	/* calculate the sign (reuse 'tproj') */
	cross_v3_v3v3(tproj, v2_proj, v1_proj);
	if (dot_v3v3(tproj, axis) < 0.0f) {
		angle = ((float)(M_PI * 2.0)) - angle;

	return angle;
Ejemplo n.º 5
/* adjust bone roll to align Z axis with vector
 * vec is in local space and is normalized
float ED_rollBoneToVector(EditBone *bone, const float align_axis[3], const short axis_only)
	float mat[3][3], nor[3];

	sub_v3_v3v3(nor, bone->tail, bone->head);
	vec_roll_to_mat3(nor, 0.0f, mat);
	/* check the bone isn't aligned with the axis */
	if (!is_zero_v3(align_axis) && angle_v3v3(align_axis, mat[2]) > FLT_EPSILON) {
		float vec[3], align_axis_proj[3], roll;
		/* project the new_up_axis along the normal */
		project_v3_v3v3(vec, align_axis, nor);
		sub_v3_v3v3(align_axis_proj, align_axis, vec);
		if (axis_only) {
			if (angle_v3v3(align_axis_proj, mat[2]) > (float)(M_PI / 2.0)) {
		roll = angle_v3v3(align_axis_proj, mat[2]);
		cross_v3_v3v3(vec, mat[2], align_axis_proj);
		if (dot_v3v3(vec, nor) < 0) {
			roll = -roll;
		return roll;

	return 0.0f;
 * finalize after accumulation.
static void calc_tangent_ortho(float ts[3][3])
	float v_tan_a[3], v_tan_b[3];
	float t_vec_a[3], t_vec_b[3];


	copy_v3_v3(v_tan_a, ts[0]);
	copy_v3_v3(v_tan_b, ts[1]);

	cross_v3_v3v3(ts[1], ts[2], v_tan_a);
	mul_v3_fl(ts[1], dot_v3v3(ts[1], v_tan_b) < 0.0f ? -1.0f : 1.0f);

	/* orthognalise tangent */
	mul_v3_v3fl(t_vec_a, ts[2], dot_v3v3(ts[2], v_tan_a));
	sub_v3_v3v3(ts[0], v_tan_a, t_vec_a);

	/* orthognalise bitangent */
	mul_v3_v3fl(t_vec_a, ts[2], dot_v3v3(ts[2], ts[1]));
	mul_v3_v3fl(t_vec_b, ts[0], dot_v3v3(ts[0], ts[1]) / dot_v3v3(v_tan_a, v_tan_a));
	sub_v3_v3(ts[1], t_vec_a);
	sub_v3_v3(ts[1], t_vec_b);

Ejemplo n.º 7
/* adjust bone roll to align Z axis with vector
 * vec is in local space and is normalized
float ED_armature_ebone_roll_to_vector(const EditBone *bone, const float align_axis[3], const bool axis_only)
	float mat[3][3], nor[3];
	float vec[3], align_axis_proj[3], roll = 0.0f;


	sub_v3_v3v3(nor, bone->tail, bone->head);

	/* If tail == head or the bone is aligned with the axis... */
	if (normalize_v3(nor) <= FLT_EPSILON || (fabsf(dot_v3v3(align_axis, nor)) >= (1.0f - FLT_EPSILON))) {
		return roll;

	vec_roll_to_mat3_normalized(nor, 0.0f, mat);

	/* project the new_up_axis along the normal */
	project_v3_v3v3_normalized(vec, align_axis, nor);
	sub_v3_v3v3(align_axis_proj, align_axis, vec);

	if (axis_only) {
		if (angle_v3v3(align_axis_proj, mat[2]) > (float)(M_PI_2)) {

	roll = angle_v3v3(align_axis_proj, mat[2]);

	cross_v3_v3v3(vec, mat[2], align_axis_proj);

	if (dot_v3v3(vec, nor) < 0.0f) {
		return -roll;
	return roll;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * Return true if the 2x axis are both aligned when projected into the view.
 * In this case, we can't usefully project the cursor onto the plane.
static bool isPlaneProjectionViewAligned(const TransInfo *t)
  const float eps = 0.001f;
  const float *constraint_vector[2];
  int n = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    if (t->con.mode & (CON_AXIS0 << i)) {
      constraint_vector[n++] = t->con.mtx[i];
      if (n == 2) {
  BLI_assert(n == 2);

  float view_to_plane[3], plane_normal[3];

  getViewVector(t, t->center_global, view_to_plane);

  cross_v3_v3v3(plane_normal, constraint_vector[0], constraint_vector[1]);

  float factor = dot_v3v3(plane_normal, view_to_plane);
  return fabsf(factor) < eps;
Ejemplo n.º 9
void view3d_align_axis_to_vector(View3D *v3d, RegionView3D *rv3d, int axisidx, float vec[3])
	float alignaxis[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
	float norm[3], axis[3], angle, new_quat[4];
	if(axisidx > 0) alignaxis[axisidx-1]= 1.0;
	else alignaxis[-axisidx-1]= -1.0;

	normalize_v3_v3(norm, vec);

	angle= (float)acos(dot_v3v3(alignaxis, norm));
	cross_v3_v3v3(axis, alignaxis, norm);
	axis_angle_to_quat( new_quat,axis, -angle);
	rv3d->view= RV3D_VIEW_USER;
	if (rv3d->persp==RV3D_CAMOB && v3d->camera) {
		/* switch out of camera view */
		float orig_ofs[3];
		float orig_dist= rv3d->dist;
		float orig_lens= v3d->lens;
		copy_v3_v3(orig_ofs, rv3d->ofs);
		rv3d->persp= RV3D_PERSP;
		rv3d->dist= 0.0;
		ED_view3d_from_object(v3d->camera, rv3d->ofs, NULL, NULL, &v3d->lens);
		smooth_view(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, orig_ofs, new_quat, &orig_dist, &orig_lens); // XXX
	} else {
		if (rv3d->persp==RV3D_CAMOB) rv3d->persp= RV3D_PERSP; /* switch out of camera mode */
		smooth_view(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, new_quat, NULL, NULL); // XXX
Ejemplo n.º 10
static void testAxialSymmetry(BGraph *graph, BNode *root_node, BNode *node1, BNode *node2, BArc *arc1, BArc *arc2, float axis[3], float limit, int group)
	const float limit_sq = limit * limit;
	float nor[3], vec[3], p[3];

	sub_v3_v3v3(p, node1->p, root_node->p);
	cross_v3_v3v3(nor, p, axis);

	sub_v3_v3v3(p, root_node->p, node2->p);
	cross_v3_v3v3(vec, p, axis);
	add_v3_v3(vec, nor);
	cross_v3_v3v3(nor, vec, axis);
	if (fabsf(nor[0]) > fabsf(nor[1]) && fabsf(nor[0]) > fabsf(nor[2]) && nor[0] < 0) {
	else if (fabsf(nor[1]) > fabsf(nor[0]) && fabsf(nor[1]) > fabsf(nor[2]) && nor[1] < 0) {
	else if (fabsf(nor[2]) > fabsf(nor[1]) && fabsf(nor[2]) > fabsf(nor[0]) && nor[2] < 0) {
	/* mirror node2 along axis */
	copy_v3_v3(p, node2->p);
	BLI_mirrorAlongAxis(p, root_node->p, nor);
	/* check if it's within limit before continuing */
	if (len_squared_v3v3(node1->p, p) <= limit_sq) {
		/* mark node as symmetric physically */
		copy_v3_v3(root_node->symmetry_axis, nor);
		root_node->symmetry_flag |= SYM_PHYSICAL;
		root_node->symmetry_flag |= SYM_AXIAL;

		/* flag side on arcs */
		flagAxialSymmetry(root_node, node1, arc1, group);
		flagAxialSymmetry(root_node, node2, arc2, group);
		if (graph->axial_symmetry) {
			graph->axial_symmetry(root_node, node1, node2, arc1, arc2);
	else {
Ejemplo n.º 11
static bool convex(const float p0[3], const float up[3], const float a[3], const float b[3])
	/* Vec3 va = a-p0, vb = b-p0; */
	float va[3], vb[3], tmp[3];
	sub_v3_v3v3(va, a, p0);
	sub_v3_v3v3(vb, b, p0);
	cross_v3_v3v3(tmp, va, vb);
	return dot_v3v3(up, tmp) >= 0;
Ejemplo n.º 12
static int convex(float *p0, float *up, float *a, float *b)
	// Vec3 va = a-p0, vb = b-p0;
	float va[3], vb[3], tmp[3];
	sub_v3_v3v3(va, a, p0);
	sub_v3_v3v3(vb, b, p0);
	cross_v3_v3v3(tmp, va, vb);
	return dot_v3v3(up, tmp) >= 0;
Ejemplo n.º 13
static bool depth_read_normal(
        const ViewContext *vc, const bglMats *mats, const int mval[2],
        float r_normal[3])
	/* pixels surrounding */
	bool  depths_valid[9] = {false};
	float coords[9][3] = {{0}};

	ARegion *ar = vc->ar;
	const ViewDepths *depths = vc->rv3d->depths;

	for (int x = 0, i = 0; x < 2; x++) {
		for (int y = 0; y < 2; y++) {
			const int mval_ofs[2] = {mval[0] + (x - 1), mval[1] + (y - 1)};

			const double depth = (double)depth_read_zbuf(vc, mval_ofs[0], mval_ofs[1]);
			if ((depth > depths->depth_range[0]) && (depth < depths->depth_range[1])) {
				if (depth_unproject(ar, mats, mval_ofs, depth, coords[i])) {
					depths_valid[i] = true;

	const int edges[2][6][2] = {
	    /* x edges */
	    {{0, 1}, {1, 2},
	     {3, 4}, {4, 5},
	     {6, 7}, {7, 8}},
	    /* y edges */
	    {{0, 3}, {3, 6},
	     {1, 4}, {4, 7},
	     {2, 5}, {5, 8}},

	float cross[2][3] = {{0.0f}};

	for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
		for (int axis = 0; axis < 2; axis++) {
			if (depths_valid[edges[axis][i][0]] && depths_valid[edges[axis][i][1]]) {
				float delta[3];
				sub_v3_v3v3(delta, coords[edges[axis][i][0]], coords[edges[axis][i][1]]);
				add_v3_v3(cross[axis], delta);

	cross_v3_v3v3(r_normal, cross[0], cross[1]);

	if (normalize_v3(r_normal) != 0.0f) {
		return true;
	else {
		return false;
Ejemplo n.º 14
static void flush_pixel(const MResolvePixelData *data, const int x, const int y)
	float st[2] = {(x + 0.5f) / data->w, (y + 0.5f) / data->h};
	float *st0, *st1, *st2;
	float *tang0, *tang1, *tang2;
	float no0[3], no1[3], no2[3];
	float fUV[2], from_tang[3][3], to_tang[3][3];
	float u, v, w, sign;
	int r;

	const int i0 = data->i0;
	const int i1 = data->i1;
	const int i2 = data->i2;

	st0 = data->mtface[data->face_index].uv[i0];
	st1 = data->mtface[data->face_index].uv[i1];
	st2 = data->mtface[data->face_index].uv[i2];

	multiresbake_get_normal(data, no0, data->face_index, i0);   /* can optimize these 3 into one call */
	multiresbake_get_normal(data, no1, data->face_index, i1);
	multiresbake_get_normal(data, no2, data->face_index, i2);

	resolve_tri_uv(fUV, st, st0, st1, st2);

	u = fUV[0];
	v = fUV[1];
	w = 1 - u - v;

	if (data->pvtangent) {
		tang0 = data->pvtangent + data->face_index * 16 + i0 * 4;
		tang1 = data->pvtangent + data->face_index * 16 + i1 * 4;
		tang2 = data->pvtangent + data->face_index * 16 + i2 * 4;

		/* the sign is the same at all face vertices for any non degenerate face.
		 * Just in case we clamp the interpolated value though. */
		sign = (tang0[3] * u + tang1[3] * v + tang2[3] * w) < 0 ? (-1.0f) : 1.0f;

		/* this sequence of math is designed specifically as is with great care
		 * to be compatible with our shader. Please don't change without good reason. */
		for (r = 0; r < 3; r++) {
			from_tang[0][r] = tang0[r] * u + tang1[r] * v + tang2[r] * w;
			from_tang[2][r] = no0[r] * u + no1[r] * v + no2[r] * w;

		cross_v3_v3v3(from_tang[1], from_tang[2], from_tang[0]);  /* B = sign * cross(N, T)  */
		mul_v3_fl(from_tang[1], sign);
		invert_m3_m3(to_tang, from_tang);
	else {

	data->pass_data(data->lores_dm, data->hires_dm, data->bake_data,
	                data->ibuf, data->face_index, data->lvl, st, to_tang, x, y);
Ejemplo n.º 15
 * accumulate edge-vectors from all polys.
static void calc_tangent_loop_accum(const float v_dir_prev[3],
                                    const float v_dir_next[3],
                                    float r_tspace[3][3])
  add_v3_v3v3(r_tspace[1], v_dir_prev, v_dir_next);

  if (compare_v3v3(v_dir_prev, v_dir_next, FLT_EPSILON * 10.0f) == false) {
    const float weight = fabsf(acosf(dot_v3v3(v_dir_next, v_dir_prev)));
    float nor[3];

    cross_v3_v3v3(nor, v_dir_prev, v_dir_next);

    cross_v3_v3v3(r_tspace[0], r_tspace[1], nor);

    mul_v3_fl(nor, weight);
    /* accumulate weighted normals */
    add_v3_v3(r_tspace[2], nor);
Ejemplo n.º 16
/* builds an X and a Y axis from the given Z axis */
static void build_coordinate_frame(float axisX[3], float axisY[3], const float axisZ[3])
	const float faX = fabsf(axisZ[0]);
	const float faY = fabsf(axisZ[1]);
	const float faZ = fabsf(axisZ[2]);

	if (faX <= faY && faX <= faZ) {
		const float len = sqrtf(axisZ[1] * axisZ[1] + axisZ[2] * axisZ[2]);
		axisY[0] = 0; axisY[1] = axisZ[2] / len; axisY[2] = -axisZ[1] / len;
		cross_v3_v3v3(axisX, axisY, axisZ);
	else if (faY <= faZ) {
		const float len = sqrtf(axisZ[0] * axisZ[0] + axisZ[2] * axisZ[2]);
		axisX[0] = axisZ[2] / len; axisX[1] = 0; axisX[2] = -axisZ[0] / len;
		cross_v3_v3v3(axisY, axisZ, axisX);
	else {
		const float len = sqrtf(axisZ[0] * axisZ[0] + axisZ[1] * axisZ[1]);
		axisX[0] = axisZ[1] / len; axisX[1] = -axisZ[0] / len; axisX[2] = 0;
		cross_v3_v3v3(axisY, axisZ, axisX);
Ejemplo n.º 17
static void do_kink_spiral_deform(ParticleKey *state, const float dir[3], const float kink[3],
                                  float time, float freq, float shape, float amplitude,
                                  const float spiral_start[3])
	float result[3];

	CLAMP(time, 0.f, 1.f);

	copy_v3_v3(result, state->co);

		/* Creates a logarithmic spiral:
		 *   r(theta) = a * exp(b * theta)
		 * The "density" parameter b is defined by the shape parameter
		 * and goes up to the Golden Spiral for 1.0
		 * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_spiral
		const float b = shape * (1.0f + sqrtf(5.0f)) / (float)M_PI * 0.25f;
		/* angle of the spiral against the curve (rotated opposite to make a smooth transition) */
		const float start_angle = ((b != 0.0f) ? atanf(1.0f / b) :
		                           (float)-M_PI_2) + (b > 0.0f ? -(float)M_PI_2 : (float)M_PI_2);

		float spiral_axis[3], rot[3][3];
		float vec[3];

		float theta = freq * time * 2.0f * (float)M_PI;
		float radius = amplitude * expf(b * theta);

		/* a bit more intuitive than using negative frequency for this */
		if (amplitude < 0.0f)
			theta = -theta;

		cross_v3_v3v3(spiral_axis, dir, kink);

		mul_v3_v3fl(vec, kink, -radius);

		axis_angle_normalized_to_mat3(rot, spiral_axis, theta);
		mul_m3_v3(rot, vec);

		madd_v3_v3fl(vec, kink, amplitude);

		axis_angle_normalized_to_mat3(rot, spiral_axis, -start_angle);
		mul_m3_v3(rot, vec);

		add_v3_v3v3(result, spiral_start, vec);

	copy_v3_v3(state->co, result);
Ejemplo n.º 18
static float BME_bevel_get_angle(BME_Mesh *UNUSED(bm), BME_Edge *e, BME_Vert *v) {
	BME_Vert *v1, *v2;
	BME_Loop *l1, *l2;
	float vec1[3], vec2[3], vec3[3], vec4[3];

	l1 = e->loop;
	l2 = e->loop->radial.next->data;
	if (l1->v == v) {
		v1 = l1->prev->v;
		v2 = l1->next->v;
	else {
		v1 = l1->next->next->v;
		v2 = l1->v;

	l1 = l2;
	if (l1->v == v) {
		v1 = l1->prev->v;
		v2 = l1->next->v;
	else {
		v1 = l1->next->next->v;
		v2 = l1->v;


	return dot_v3v3(vec3,vec4);
Ejemplo n.º 19
static float RotationBetween(TransInfo *t, const float p1[3], const float p2[3])
	float angle, start[3], end[3];

	sub_v3_v3v3(start, p1, t->center_global);
	sub_v3_v3v3(end,   p2, t->center_global);
	// Angle around a constraint axis (error prone, will need debug)
	if (t->con.applyRot != NULL && (t->con.mode & CON_APPLY)) {
		float axis[3], tmp[3];
		t->con.applyRot(t, NULL, axis, NULL);

		project_v3_v3v3(tmp, end, axis);
		sub_v3_v3v3(end, end, tmp);
		project_v3_v3v3(tmp, start, axis);
		sub_v3_v3v3(start, start, tmp);
		cross_v3_v3v3(tmp, start, end);
		if (dot_v3v3(tmp, axis) < 0.0f)
			angle = -acosf(dot_v3v3(start, end));
			angle = acosf(dot_v3v3(start, end));
	else {
		float mtx[3][3];
		copy_m3_m4(mtx, t->viewmat);

		mul_m3_v3(mtx, end);
		mul_m3_v3(mtx, start);
		angle = atan2f(start[1], start[0]) - atan2f(end[1], end[0]);
	if (angle > (float)M_PI) {
		angle = angle - 2 * (float)M_PI;
	else if (angle < -((float)M_PI)) {
		angle = 2.0f * (float)M_PI + angle;
	return angle;
Ejemplo n.º 20
/* "Projects" a vector perpendicular to vec2 against vec1, such that
 * the projected vec1 + vec2 has a min distance of 1 from the "edge" defined by vec2.
 * note: the direction, is_forward, is used in conjunction with up_vec to determine
 * whether this is a convex or concave corner. If it is a concave corner, it will
 * be projected "backwards." If vec1 is before vec2, is_forward should be 0 (we are projecting backwards).
 * vec1 is the vector to project onto (expected to be normalized)
 * vec2 is the direction of projection (pointing away from vec1)
 * up_vec is used for orientation (expected to be normalized)
 * returns the length of the projected vector that lies along vec1 */
static float BME_bevel_project_vec(float *vec1, float *vec2, float *up_vec, int is_forward, BME_TransData_Head *UNUSED(td)) {
	float factor, vec3[3], tmp[3],c1,c2;

	factor = dot_v3v3(up_vec,tmp);
	if ((factor > 0 && is_forward) || (factor < 0 && !is_forward)) {
		cross_v3_v3v3(vec3,vec2,tmp); /* hmm, maybe up_vec should be used instead of tmp */
	else {
		cross_v3_v3v3(vec3,tmp,vec2); /* hmm, maybe up_vec should be used instead of tmp */
	c1 = dot_v3v3(vec3,vec1);
	c2 = dot_v3v3(vec1,vec1);
	if (fabs(c1) < 0.000001f || fabs(c2) < 0.000001f) {
		factor = 0.0f;
	else {
		factor = c2/c1;

	return factor;
Ejemplo n.º 21
static float cotan_weight(float *v1, float *v2, float *v3)
	float a[3], b[3], c[3], clen;

	sub_v3_v3v3(a, v2, v1);
	sub_v3_v3v3(b, v3, v1);
	cross_v3_v3v3(c, a, b);

	clen = len_v3(c);

	if (clen == 0.0f)
		return 0.0f;
	return dot_v3v3(a, b)/clen;
Ejemplo n.º 22
static float cotan_weight(const float v1[3], const float v2[3], const float v3[3])
	float a[3], b[3], c[3], clen;

	sub_v3_v3v3(a, v2, v1);
	sub_v3_v3v3(b, v3, v1);
	cross_v3_v3v3(c, a, b);

	clen = len_v3(c);

	if (clen > FLT_EPSILON) {
		return dot_v3v3(a, b) / clen;
	else {
		return 0.0f;
Ejemplo n.º 23
static bool mesh_bisect_interactive_calc(
        bContext *C, wmOperator *op,
        BMEditMesh *em,
        float plane_co[3], float plane_no[3])
	wmGesture *gesture = op->customdata;
	BisectData *opdata;

	ARegion *ar = CTX_wm_region(C);
	RegionView3D *rv3d = ar->regiondata;

	int x_start = RNA_int_get(op->ptr, "xstart");
	int y_start = RNA_int_get(op->ptr, "ystart");
	int x_end = RNA_int_get(op->ptr, "xend");
	int y_end = RNA_int_get(op->ptr, "yend");

	/* reference location (some point in front of the view) for finding a point on a plane */
	const float *co_ref = rv3d->ofs;
	float co_a_ss[2] = {x_start, y_start}, co_b_ss[2] = {x_end, y_end}, co_delta_ss[2];
	float co_a[3], co_b[3];
	const float zfac = ED_view3d_calc_zfac(rv3d, co_ref, NULL);

	opdata = gesture->userdata;

	/* view vector */
	ED_view3d_win_to_vector(ar, co_a_ss, co_a);

	/* view delta */
	sub_v2_v2v2(co_delta_ss, co_a_ss, co_b_ss);
	ED_view3d_win_to_delta(ar, co_delta_ss, co_b, zfac);

	/* cross both to get a normal */
	cross_v3_v3v3(plane_no, co_a, co_b);
	normalize_v3(plane_no);  /* not needed but nicer for user */

	/* point on plane, can use either start or endpoint */
	ED_view3d_win_to_3d(ar, co_ref, co_a_ss, plane_co);

	if (opdata->is_first == false)
		EDBM_redo_state_restore(opdata->mesh_backup, em, false);

	opdata->is_first = false;

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 24
static void rotate(float new_co[3], float a, float ax[3], float co[3])
	float para[3];
	float perp[3];
	float cp[3];
	float cos_a = cos(a * 2 * M_PI);
	float sin_a = sin(a * 2 * M_PI);
	// x' = xcosa + n(n.x)(1-cosa) + (x*n)sina
	mul_v3_v3fl(perp, co, cos_a);
	mul_v3_v3fl(para, ax, dot_v3v3(co, ax)*(1 - cos_a));
	cross_v3_v3v3(cp, ax, co);
	mul_v3_fl(cp, sin_a);
	new_co[0] = para[0] + perp[0] + cp[0];
	new_co[1] = para[1] + perp[1] + cp[1];
	new_co[2] = para[2] + perp[2] + cp[2];
Ejemplo n.º 25
 * This function converts an object space normal map to a tangent space normal map for a given low poly mesh
void RE_bake_normal_world_to_tangent(
        const BakePixel pixel_array[], const size_t num_pixels, const int depth,
        float result[], Mesh *me, const BakeNormalSwizzle normal_swizzle[3],
        float mat[4][4])
	size_t i;

	TriTessFace *triangles;

	DerivedMesh *dm = CDDM_from_mesh(me);

	triangles = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(TriTessFace) * (me->totface * 2), "MVerts Mesh");
	mesh_calc_tri_tessface(triangles, me, true, dm);

	BLI_assert(num_pixels >= 3);

	for (i = 0; i < num_pixels; i++) {
		TriTessFace *triangle;
		float tangents[3][3];
		float normals[3][3];
		float signs[3];
		int j;

		float tangent[3];
		float normal[3];
		float binormal[3];
		float sign;
		float u, v, w;

		float tsm[3][3]; /* tangent space matrix */
		float itsm[3][3];

		size_t offset;
		float nor[3]; /* texture normal */

		bool is_smooth;

		int primitive_id = pixel_array[i].primitive_id;

		offset = i * depth;

		if (primitive_id == -1) {
			copy_v3_fl3(&result[offset], 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f);

		triangle = &triangles[primitive_id];
		is_smooth = triangle->is_smooth;

		for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
			const TSpace *ts;

			if (is_smooth)
				normal_short_to_float_v3(normals[j], triangle->mverts[j]->no);
				normal[j] = triangle->normal[j];

			ts = triangle->tspace[j];
			copy_v3_v3(tangents[j], ts->tangent);
			signs[j] = ts->sign;

		u = pixel_array[i].uv[0];
		v = pixel_array[i].uv[1];
		w = 1.0f - u - v;

		/* normal */
		if (is_smooth)
			interp_barycentric_tri_v3(normals, u, v, normal);

		/* tangent */
		interp_barycentric_tri_v3(tangents, u, v, tangent);

		/* sign */
		/* The sign is the same at all face vertices for any non degenerate face.
		 * Just in case we clamp the interpolated value though. */
		sign = (signs[0]  * u + signs[1]  * v + signs[2] * w) < 0 ? (-1.0f) : 1.0f;

		/* binormal */
		/* B = sign * cross(N, T)  */
		cross_v3_v3v3(binormal, normal, tangent);
		mul_v3_fl(binormal, sign);

		/* populate tangent space matrix */
		copy_v3_v3(tsm[0], tangent);
		copy_v3_v3(tsm[1], binormal);
		copy_v3_v3(tsm[2], normal);

		/* texture values */
		normal_uncompress(nor, &result[offset]);

		/* converts from world space to local space */
		mul_transposed_mat3_m4_v3(mat, nor);

		invert_m3_m3(itsm, tsm);
		mul_m3_v3(itsm, nor);

		/* save back the values */
		normal_compress(&result[offset], nor, normal_swizzle);

	/* garbage collection */

	if (dm)
Ejemplo n.º 26
/* Evaluate spline IK for a given bone */
static void splineik_evaluate_bone(tSplineIK_Tree *tree, Scene *scene, Object *ob, bPoseChannel *pchan,
                                   int index, float ctime)
	bSplineIKConstraint *ikData = tree->ikData;
	float poseHead[3], poseTail[3], poseMat[4][4];
	float splineVec[3], scaleFac, radius = 1.0f;

	/* firstly, calculate the bone matrix the standard way, since this is needed for roll control */
	BKE_pose_where_is_bone(scene, ob, pchan, ctime, 1);

	copy_v3_v3(poseHead, pchan->pose_head);
	copy_v3_v3(poseTail, pchan->pose_tail);

	/* step 1: determine the positions for the endpoints of the bone */
		float vec[4], dir[3], rad;
		float tailBlendFac = 1.0f;

		/* determine if the bone should still be affected by SplineIK */
		if (tree->points[index + 1] >= 1.0f) {
			/* spline doesn't affect the bone anymore, so done... */
			pchan->flag |= POSE_DONE;
		else if ((tree->points[index] >= 1.0f) && (tree->points[index + 1] < 1.0f)) {
			/* blending factor depends on the amount of the bone still left on the chain */
			tailBlendFac = (1.0f - tree->points[index + 1]) / (tree->points[index] - tree->points[index + 1]);

		/* tail endpoint */
		if (where_on_path(ikData->tar, tree->points[index], vec, dir, NULL, &rad, NULL)) {
			/* apply curve's object-mode transforms to the position
			 * unless the option to allow curve to be positioned elsewhere is activated (i.e. no root)
			if ((ikData->flag & CONSTRAINT_SPLINEIK_NO_ROOT) == 0)
				mul_m4_v3(ikData->tar->obmat, vec);

			/* convert the position to pose-space, then store it */
			mul_m4_v3(ob->imat, vec);
			interp_v3_v3v3(poseTail, pchan->pose_tail, vec, tailBlendFac);

			/* set the new radius */
			radius = rad;

		/* head endpoint */
		if (where_on_path(ikData->tar, tree->points[index + 1], vec, dir, NULL, &rad, NULL)) {
			/* apply curve's object-mode transforms to the position
			 * unless the option to allow curve to be positioned elsewhere is activated (i.e. no root)
			if ((ikData->flag & CONSTRAINT_SPLINEIK_NO_ROOT) == 0)
				mul_m4_v3(ikData->tar->obmat, vec);

			/* store the position, and convert it to pose space */
			mul_m4_v3(ob->imat, vec);
			copy_v3_v3(poseHead, vec);

			/* set the new radius (it should be the average value) */
			radius = (radius + rad) / 2;

	/* step 2: determine the implied transform from these endpoints
	 *     - splineVec: the vector direction that the spline applies on the bone
	 *     - scaleFac: the factor that the bone length is scaled by to get the desired amount
	sub_v3_v3v3(splineVec, poseTail, poseHead);
	scaleFac = len_v3(splineVec) / pchan->bone->length;

	/* step 3: compute the shortest rotation needed to map from the bone rotation to the current axis
	 *      - this uses the same method as is used for the Damped Track Constraint (see the code there for details)
		float dmat[3][3], rmat[3][3], tmat[3][3];
		float raxis[3], rangle;

		/* compute the raw rotation matrix from the bone's current matrix by extracting only the
		 * orientation-relevant axes, and normalizing them
		copy_v3_v3(rmat[0], pchan->pose_mat[0]);
		copy_v3_v3(rmat[1], pchan->pose_mat[1]);
		copy_v3_v3(rmat[2], pchan->pose_mat[2]);

		/* also, normalize the orientation imposed by the bone, now that we've extracted the scale factor */

		/* calculate smallest axis-angle rotation necessary for getting from the
		 * current orientation of the bone, to the spline-imposed direction
		cross_v3_v3v3(raxis, rmat[1], splineVec);

		rangle = dot_v3v3(rmat[1], splineVec);
		CLAMP(rangle, -1.0f, 1.0f);
		rangle = acosf(rangle);

		/* multiply the magnitude of the angle by the influence of the constraint to
		 * control the influence of the SplineIK effect
		rangle *= tree->con->enforce;

		/* construct rotation matrix from the axis-angle rotation found above
		 *	- this call takes care to make sure that the axis provided is a unit vector first
		axis_angle_to_mat3(dmat, raxis, rangle);

		/* combine these rotations so that the y-axis of the bone is now aligned as the spline dictates,
		 * while still maintaining roll control from the existing bone animation
		mul_m3_m3m3(tmat, dmat, rmat); /* m1, m3, m2 */
		normalize_m3(tmat); /* attempt to reduce shearing, though I doubt this'll really help too much now... */
		copy_m4_m3(poseMat, tmat);

	/* step 4: set the scaling factors for the axes */
		/* only multiply the y-axis by the scaling factor to get nice volume-preservation */
		mul_v3_fl(poseMat[1], scaleFac);

		/* set the scaling factors of the x and z axes from... */
		switch (ikData->xzScaleMode) {
				/* original scales get used */
				float scale;

				/* x-axis scale */
				scale = len_v3(pchan->pose_mat[0]);
				mul_v3_fl(poseMat[0], scale);
				/* z-axis scale */
				scale = len_v3(pchan->pose_mat[2]);
				mul_v3_fl(poseMat[2], scale);
				/* old 'volume preservation' method using the inverse scale */
				float scale;

				/* calculate volume preservation factor which is
				 * basically the inverse of the y-scaling factor
				if (fabsf(scaleFac) != 0.0f) {
					scale = 1.0f / fabsf(scaleFac);

					/* we need to clamp this within sensible values */
					/* NOTE: these should be fine for now, but should get sanitised in future */
					CLAMP(scale, 0.0001f, 100000.0f);
					scale = 1.0f;

				/* apply the scaling */
				mul_v3_fl(poseMat[0], scale);
				mul_v3_fl(poseMat[2], scale);
				/* improved volume preservation based on the Stretch To constraint */
				float final_scale;
				/* as the basis for volume preservation, we use the inverse scale factor... */
				if (fabsf(scaleFac) != 0.0f) {
					/* NOTE: The method here is taken wholesale from the Stretch To constraint */
					float bulge = powf(1.0f / fabsf(scaleFac), ikData->bulge);
					if (bulge > 1.0f) {
						if (ikData->flag & CONSTRAINT_SPLINEIK_USE_BULGE_MAX) {
							float bulge_max = max_ff(ikData->bulge_max, 1.0f);
							float hard = min_ff(bulge, bulge_max);
							float range = bulge_max - 1.0f;
							float scale = (range > 0.0f) ? 1.0f / range : 0.0f;
							float soft = 1.0f + range * atanf((bulge - 1.0f) * scale) / (float)M_PI_2;
							bulge = interpf(soft, hard, ikData->bulge_smooth);
					if (bulge < 1.0f) {
						if (ikData->flag & CONSTRAINT_SPLINEIK_USE_BULGE_MIN) {
							float bulge_min = CLAMPIS(ikData->bulge_min, 0.0f, 1.0f);
							float hard = max_ff(bulge, bulge_min);
							float range = 1.0f - bulge_min;
							float scale = (range > 0.0f) ? 1.0f / range : 0.0f;
							float soft = 1.0f - range * atanf((1.0f - bulge) * scale) / (float)M_PI_2;
							bulge = interpf(soft, hard, ikData->bulge_smooth);
					/* compute scale factor for xz axes from this value */
					final_scale = sqrtf(bulge);
				else {
					/* no scaling, so scale factor is simple */
					final_scale = 1.0f;
				/* apply the scaling (assuming normalised scale) */
				mul_v3_fl(poseMat[0], final_scale);
				mul_v3_fl(poseMat[2], final_scale);

		/* finally, multiply the x and z scaling by the radius of the curve too,
		 * to allow automatic scales to get tweaked still
		if ((ikData->flag & CONSTRAINT_SPLINEIK_NO_CURVERAD) == 0) {
			mul_v3_fl(poseMat[0], radius);
			mul_v3_fl(poseMat[2], radius);

	/* step 5: set the location of the bone in the matrix */
	if (ikData->flag & CONSTRAINT_SPLINEIK_NO_ROOT) {
		/* when the 'no-root' option is affected, the chain can retain
		 * the shape but be moved elsewhere
		copy_v3_v3(poseHead, pchan->pose_head);
	else if (tree->con->enforce < 1.0f) {
		/* when the influence is too low
		 *	- blend the positions for the 'root' bone
		 *	- stick to the parent for any other
		if (pchan->parent) {
			copy_v3_v3(poseHead, pchan->pose_head);
		else {
			/* FIXME: this introduces popping artifacts when we reach 0.0 */
			interp_v3_v3v3(poseHead, pchan->pose_head, poseHead, tree->con->enforce);
	copy_v3_v3(poseMat[3], poseHead);

	/* finally, store the new transform */
	copy_m4_m4(pchan->pose_mat, poseMat);
	copy_v3_v3(pchan->pose_head, poseHead);

	/* recalculate tail, as it's now outdated after the head gets adjusted above! */

	/* done! */
	pchan->flag |= POSE_DONE;
Ejemplo n.º 27
static DerivedMesh * applyModifier(ModifierData *md, Object *ob,
						DerivedMesh *derivedData,
						int UNUSED(useRenderParams),
						int UNUSED(isFinalCalc))
	DerivedMesh *dm = derivedData, *result;
	ParticleInstanceModifierData *pimd= (ParticleInstanceModifierData*) md;
	ParticleSimulationData sim;
	ParticleSystem *psys= NULL;
	ParticleData *pa= NULL, *pars= NULL;
	MFace *mface, *orig_mface;
	MVert *mvert, *orig_mvert;
	int i,totvert, totpart=0, totface, maxvert, maxface, first_particle=0;
	short track=ob->trackflag%3, trackneg, axis = pimd->axis;
	float max_co=0.0, min_co=0.0, temp_co[3], cross[3];
	float *size=NULL;


		pimd->ob= NULL;
		return derivedData;

		psys = BLI_findlink(&pimd->ob->particlesystem,pimd->psys-1);
		if(psys==NULL || psys->totpart==0)
			return derivedData;
	else return derivedData;

	if(pimd->flag & eParticleInstanceFlag_Parents)
	if(pimd->flag & eParticleInstanceFlag_Children){

		return derivedData;

	sim.scene = md->scene;
	sim.ob = pimd->ob;
	sim.psys = psys;
	sim.psmd = psys_get_modifier(pimd->ob, psys);

	if(pimd->flag & eParticleInstanceFlag_UseSize) {
		int p;
		float *si;
		si = size = MEM_callocN(totpart * sizeof(float), "particle size array");

		if(pimd->flag & eParticleInstanceFlag_Parents) {
			for(p=0, pa= psys->particles; p<psys->totpart; p++, pa++, si++)
				*si = pa->size;

		if(pimd->flag & eParticleInstanceFlag_Children) {
			ChildParticle *cpa = psys->child;

			for(p=0; p<psys->totchild; p++, cpa++, si++) {
				*si = psys_get_child_size(psys, cpa, 0.0f, NULL);





	if(psys->flag & (PSYS_HAIR_DONE|PSYS_KEYED) || psys->pointcache->flag & PTCACHE_BAKED){

		float min_r[3], max_r[3];
		INIT_MINMAX(min_r, max_r);
		dm->getMinMax(dm, min_r, max_r);

	result = CDDM_from_template(dm, maxvert,dm->getNumEdges(dm)*totpart,maxface);


	for(i=0; i<maxvert; i++){
		MVert *inMV;
		MVert *mv = mvert + i;
		ParticleKey state;

		inMV = orig_mvert + i%totvert;
		DM_copy_vert_data(dm, result, i%totvert, i, 1);
		*mv = *inMV;

		/*change orientation based on object trackflag*/
		copy_v3_v3(temp_co, mv->co);

		if((psys->flag & (PSYS_HAIR_DONE|PSYS_KEYED) || psys->pointcache->flag & PTCACHE_BAKED) && pimd->flag & eParticleInstanceFlag_Path){
			float ran = 0.0f;
			if(pimd->random_position != 0.0f) {
				BLI_srandom(psys->seed + (i/totvert)%totpart);
				ran = pimd->random_position * BLI_frand();

			if(pimd->flag & eParticleInstanceFlag_KeepShape) {
				state.time = pimd->position * (1.0f - ran);
			else {
				state.time=(mv->co[axis]-min_co)/(max_co-min_co) * pimd->position * (1.0f - ran);


				mv->co[axis] = 0.0;

			psys_get_particle_on_path(&sim, first_particle + i/totvert, &state,1);


			/* TODO: incremental rotations somehow */
			if(state.vel[axis] < -0.9999f || state.vel[axis] > 0.9999f) {
				state.rot[0] = 1;
				state.rot[1] = state.rot[2] = state.rot[3] = 0.0f;
			else {
				float temp[3] = {0.0f,0.0f,0.0f};
				temp[axis] = 1.0f;

				cross_v3_v3v3(cross, temp, state.vel);

				/* state.vel[axis] is the only component surviving from a dot product with the axis */

			psys_get_particle_state(&sim, first_particle + i/totvert, &state,1);

		if(pimd->flag & eParticleInstanceFlag_UseSize)
			mul_v3_fl(mv->co, size[i/totvert]);


	for(i=0; i<maxface; i++){
		MFace *inMF;
		MFace *mf = mface + i;

		if(pimd->flag & eParticleInstanceFlag_Parents){
					pa= NULL;
				pa= NULL;

			if(pa->alive==PARS_UNBORN && (pimd->flag&eParticleInstanceFlag_Unborn)==0) continue;
			if(pa->alive==PARS_ALIVE && (pimd->flag&eParticleInstanceFlag_Alive)==0) continue;
			if(pa->alive==PARS_DEAD && (pimd->flag&eParticleInstanceFlag_Dead)==0) continue;

		inMF = orig_mface + i%totface;
		DM_copy_face_data(dm, result, i%totface, i, 1);
		*mf = *inMF;



		psys->lattice= NULL;


	return result;
Ejemplo n.º 28
static void ruler_info_draw_pixel(const struct bContext *C, ARegion *ar, void *arg)
	Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
	UnitSettings *unit = &scene->unit;
	RulerItem *ruler_item;
	RulerInfo *ruler_info = arg;
	RegionView3D *rv3d = ruler_info->ar->regiondata;
//	ARegion *ar = ruler_info->ar;
	const float cap_size = 4.0f;
	const float bg_margin = 4.0f * U.pixelsize;
	const float bg_radius = 4.0f * U.pixelsize;
	const float arc_size = 64.0f * U.pixelsize;
#define ARC_STEPS 24
	const int arc_steps = ARC_STEPS;
	int i;
	//unsigned int color_act = 0x666600;
	unsigned int color_act = 0xffffff;
	unsigned int color_base = 0x0;
	unsigned char color_back[4] = {0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x80};
	unsigned char color_text[3];
	unsigned char color_wire[3];

	/* anti-aliased lines for more consistent appearance */

	BLF_enable(blf_mono_font, BLF_ROTATION);
	BLF_size(blf_mono_font, 14 * U.pixelsize, U.dpi);
	BLF_rotation(blf_mono_font, 0.0f);

	UI_GetThemeColor3ubv(TH_TEXT, color_text);
	UI_GetThemeColor3ubv(TH_WIRE, color_wire);

	for (ruler_item = ruler_info->items.first, i = 0; ruler_item; ruler_item = ruler_item->next, i++) {
		const bool is_act = (i == ruler_info->item_active);
		float dir_ruler[2];
		float co_ss[3][2];
		int j;

		/* should these be checked? - ok for now not to */
		for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
			ED_view3d_project_float_global(ar, ruler_item->co[j], co_ss[j], V3D_PROJ_TEST_NOP);


		cpack(is_act ? color_act : color_base);

		if (ruler_item->flag & RULERITEM_USE_ANGLE) {
			for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
			for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {

			/* arc */
				float dir_tmp[3];
				float co_tmp[3];
				float arc_ss_coords[ARC_STEPS + 1][2];

				float dir_a[3];
				float dir_b[3];
				float quat[4];
				float axis[3];
				float angle;
				const float px_scale = (ED_view3d_pixel_size(rv3d, ruler_item->co[1]) *
				                                len_v2v2(co_ss[0], co_ss[1]) / 2.0f,
				                                len_v2v2(co_ss[2], co_ss[1]) / 2.0f));

				sub_v3_v3v3(dir_a, ruler_item->co[0], ruler_item->co[1]);
				sub_v3_v3v3(dir_b, ruler_item->co[2], ruler_item->co[1]);

				cross_v3_v3v3(axis, dir_a, dir_b);
				angle = angle_normalized_v3v3(dir_a, dir_b);

				axis_angle_to_quat(quat, axis, angle / arc_steps);

				copy_v3_v3(dir_tmp, dir_a);


				for (j = 0; j <= arc_steps; j++) {
					madd_v3_v3v3fl(co_tmp, ruler_item->co[1], dir_tmp, px_scale);
					ED_view3d_project_float_global(ar, co_tmp, arc_ss_coords[j], V3D_PROJ_TEST_NOP);
					mul_qt_v3(quat, dir_tmp);

				glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, arc_ss_coords);
				glDrawArrays(GL_LINE_STRIP, 0, arc_steps + 1);

			/* text */
				char numstr[256];
				float numstr_size[2];
				float pos[2];
				const int prec = 2;  /* XXX, todo, make optional */

				ruler_item_as_string(ruler_item, unit, numstr, sizeof(numstr), prec);

				BLF_width_and_height(blf_mono_font, numstr, sizeof(numstr), &numstr_size[0], &numstr_size[1]);

				pos[0] = co_ss[1][0] + (cap_size * 2.0f);
				pos[1] = co_ss[1][1] - (numstr_size[1] / 2.0f);

				/* draw text (bg) */
				uiRoundBox(pos[0] - bg_margin,                  pos[1] - bg_margin,
				           pos[0] + bg_margin + numstr_size[0], pos[1] + bg_margin + numstr_size[1],
				/* draw text */
				BLF_position(blf_mono_font, pos[0], pos[1], 0.0f);
				BLF_rotation(blf_mono_font, 0.0f);
				BLF_draw(blf_mono_font, numstr, sizeof(numstr));

			/* capping */
				float rot_90_vec_a[2];
				float rot_90_vec_b[2];
				float cap[2];

				sub_v2_v2v2(dir_ruler, co_ss[0], co_ss[1]);
				rot_90_vec_a[0] = -dir_ruler[1];
				rot_90_vec_a[1] =  dir_ruler[0];

				sub_v2_v2v2(dir_ruler, co_ss[1], co_ss[2]);
				rot_90_vec_b[0] = -dir_ruler[1];
				rot_90_vec_b[1] =  dir_ruler[0];




				madd_v2_v2v2fl(cap, co_ss[0], rot_90_vec_a, cap_size);
				madd_v2_v2v2fl(cap, co_ss[0], rot_90_vec_a, -cap_size);

				madd_v2_v2v2fl(cap, co_ss[2], rot_90_vec_b, cap_size);
				madd_v2_v2v2fl(cap, co_ss[2], rot_90_vec_b, -cap_size);

				/* angle vertex */
				glVertex2f(co_ss[1][0] - cap_size, co_ss[1][1] - cap_size);
				glVertex2f(co_ss[1][0] + cap_size, co_ss[1][1] + cap_size);
				glVertex2f(co_ss[1][0] - cap_size, co_ss[1][1] + cap_size);
				glVertex2f(co_ss[1][0] + cap_size, co_ss[1][1] - cap_size);

		else {
			for (j = 0; j < 3; j += 2) {
			for (j = 0; j < 3; j += 2) {

			sub_v2_v2v2(dir_ruler, co_ss[0], co_ss[2]);

			/* text */
				char numstr[256];
				float numstr_size[2];
				const int prec = 6;  /* XXX, todo, make optional */
				float pos[2];

				ruler_item_as_string(ruler_item, unit, numstr, sizeof(numstr), prec);

				BLF_width_and_height(blf_mono_font, numstr, sizeof(numstr), &numstr_size[0], &numstr_size[1]);

				mid_v2_v2v2(pos, co_ss[0], co_ss[2]);

				/* center text */
				pos[0] -= numstr_size[0] / 2.0f;
				pos[1] -= numstr_size[1] / 2.0f;

				/* draw text (bg) */
				uiRoundBox(pos[0] - bg_margin,                  pos[1] - bg_margin,
				           pos[0] + bg_margin + numstr_size[0], pos[1] + bg_margin + numstr_size[1],
				/* draw text */
				BLF_position(blf_mono_font, pos[0], pos[1], 0.0f);
				BLF_draw(blf_mono_font, numstr, sizeof(numstr));

			/* capping */
				float rot_90_vec[2] = {-dir_ruler[1], dir_ruler[0]};
				float cap[2];



				madd_v2_v2v2fl(cap, co_ss[0], rot_90_vec, cap_size);
				madd_v2_v2v2fl(cap, co_ss[0], rot_90_vec, -cap_size);

				madd_v2_v2v2fl(cap, co_ss[2], rot_90_vec, cap_size);
				madd_v2_v2v2fl(cap, co_ss[2], rot_90_vec, -cap_size);



	BLF_disable(blf_mono_font, BLF_ROTATION);

#undef ARC_STEPS

	/* draw snap */
	if ((ruler_info->snap_flag & RULER_SNAP_OK) && (ruler_info->state == RULER_STATE_DRAG)) {
		ruler_item = ruler_item_active_get(ruler_info);
		if (ruler_item) {
			/* size from drawSnapping */
			const float size = 2.5f * UI_GetThemeValuef(TH_VERTEX_SIZE);
			float co_ss[3];
			ED_view3d_project_float_global(ar, ruler_item->co[ruler_item->co_index], co_ss, V3D_PROJ_TEST_NOP);

			circ(co_ss[0], co_ss[1], size * U.pixelsize);

Ejemplo n.º 29
static void axisProjection(TransInfo *t, const float axis[3], const float in[3], float out[3])
	float norm[3], vec[3], factor, angle;
	float t_con_center[3];

	if (is_zero_v3(in)) {

	copy_v3_v3(t_con_center, t->center_global);

	/* checks for center being too close to the view center */
	viewAxisCorrectCenter(t, t_con_center);
	angle = fabsf(angle_v3v3(axis, t->viewinv[2]));
	if (angle > (float)M_PI_2) {
		angle = (float)M_PI - angle;
	angle = RAD2DEGF(angle);

	/* For when view is parallel to constraint... will cause NaNs otherwise
	 * So we take vertical motion in 3D space and apply it to the
	 * constraint axis. Nice for camera grab + MMB */
	if (angle < 5.0f) {
		project_v3_v3v3(vec, in, t->viewinv[1]);
		factor = dot_v3v3(t->viewinv[1], vec) * 2.0f;
		/* since camera distance is quite relative, use quadratic relationship. holding shift can compensate */
		if (factor < 0.0f) factor *= -factor;
		else factor *= factor;

		copy_v3_v3(out, axis);
		mul_v3_fl(out, -factor);  /* -factor makes move down going backwards */
	else {
		float v[3], i1[3], i2[3];
		float v2[3], v4[3];
		float norm_center[3];
		float plane[3];

		getViewVector(t, t_con_center, norm_center);
		cross_v3_v3v3(plane, norm_center, axis);

		project_v3_v3v3(vec, in, plane);
		sub_v3_v3v3(vec, in, vec);
		add_v3_v3v3(v, vec, t_con_center);
		getViewVector(t, v, norm);

		/* give arbitrary large value if projection is impossible */
		factor = dot_v3v3(axis, norm);
		if (1.0f - fabsf(factor) < 0.0002f) {
			copy_v3_v3(out, axis);
			if (factor > 0) {
				mul_v3_fl(out, 1000000000.0f);
			else {
				mul_v3_fl(out, -1000000000.0f);
		else {
			add_v3_v3v3(v2, t_con_center, axis);
			add_v3_v3v3(v4, v, norm);
			isect_line_line_v3(t_con_center, v2, v, v4, i1, i2);
			sub_v3_v3v3(v, i2, v);
			sub_v3_v3v3(out, i1, t_con_center);

			/* possible some values become nan when
			 * viewpoint and object are both zero */
			if (!finite(out[0])) out[0] = 0.0f;
			if (!finite(out[1])) out[1] = 0.0f;
			if (!finite(out[2])) out[2] = 0.0f;
Ejemplo n.º 30
static void testRadialSymmetry(BGraph *graph, BNode* root_node, RadialArc* ring, int total, float axis[3], float limit, int group)
	int symmetric = 1;
	int i;
	/* sort ring by angle */
	for (i = 0; i < total - 1; i++) {
		float minAngle = FLT_MAX;
		int minIndex = -1;
		int j;

		for (j = i + 1; j < total; j++) {
			float angle = dot_v3v3(ring[i].n, ring[j].n);

			/* map negative values to 1..2 */
			if (angle < 0) {
				angle = 1 - angle;

			if (angle < minAngle) {
				minIndex = j;
				minAngle = angle;

		/* swap if needed */
		if (minIndex != i + 1) {
			RadialArc tmp;
			tmp = ring[i + 1];
			ring[i + 1] = ring[minIndex];
			ring[minIndex] = tmp;

	for (i = 0; i < total && symmetric; i++) {
		BNode *node1, *node2;
		float tangent[3];
		float normal[3];
		float p[3];
		int j = (i + 1) % total; /* next arc in the circular list */

		add_v3_v3v3(tangent, ring[i].n, ring[j].n);
		cross_v3_v3v3(normal, tangent, axis);
		node1 = BLI_otherNode(ring[i].arc, root_node);
		node2 = BLI_otherNode(ring[j].arc, root_node);

		copy_v3_v3(p, node2->p);
		BLI_mirrorAlongAxis(p, root_node->p, normal);
		/* check if it's within limit before continuing */
		if (len_v3v3(node1->p, p) > limit) {
			symmetric = 0;


	if (symmetric) {
		/* mark node as symmetric physically */
		copy_v3_v3(root_node->symmetry_axis, axis);
		root_node->symmetry_flag |= SYM_PHYSICAL;
		root_node->symmetry_flag |= SYM_RADIAL;
		for (i = 0; i < total; i++) {
			ring[i].arc->symmetry_group = group;
			ring[i].arc->symmetry_flag = SYM_SIDE_RADIAL + i;

		if (graph->radial_symmetry) {
			graph->radial_symmetry(root_node, ring, total);