int main() { ull i,x,s,m; ull f41[10]; f41[0] =1; for(i=1;i<=9;i++) f41[i] = f41[i-1]*41; fact[0] = fact2[0] = 1; for(i=1;i<=max;i++) fact[i] = ( ( ( fact[i-1] * (4*i-2) ) % mod4 ) * minv(i,mod4) ) % mod4; for(i=1;i<=2*max;i++) { x = i; while(!(x%41)) x/=41; fact2[i] = (fact2[i-1]*x)%mod6; } ncr[0] = 1; for(i=1;i<=max;i++) { s = minv(fact2[i],mod6); s = (s*s)%mod6; x = (fact2[2*i]*s)%mod6; m = pow_fact(2*i) - 2*pow_fact(i); x = (x*f41[m])%mod6; ncr[i] = crt(fact[i],x); } return 0; }
/** * Recombine les racines modulo mod1 et mod2 pour trouver les racines finales. * rac_modi[0]contient les valeurs en x des racines et rac_modi[1] celles en y. * @param rac_mod1 tableau des couples (x, y) de racines modulo mod1 * @param rac_mod2 tableau des couples (x, y) de racines modulo mod2 * @param nb1 nombre de racines (x, y) dans rac_mod1 * @param nb2 nombre de racines (x, y) dans rac_mod2 */ void find_roots(mpz_t *rac_mod1[2], mpz_t *rac_mod2[2], int nb1, int nb2, mpz_t mod1, mpz_t mod2, mpz_t **PY, mpz_t **QY, int *degres_PY, int *degresQY, int deg_P, int deg_Q, mpz_t mod){ int i, j, nb_racines=0; mpz_t rx, ry, isroot; mpz_inits(rx, ry, isroot, NULL); for(i=0; i<nb1; i++){ for(j=0; j<nb2; j++){ /* crt sur la i eme racine mod1 et la j eme mod2 */ crt(rx, rac_mod1[0][i], rac_mod2[0][j], mod1, mod2); crt(ry, rac_mod1[1][i], rac_mod2[1][j], mod1, mod2); /* on evalue en le resultat (rx, ry) trouve */ eval_bivXY(isroot, rx, ry, PY, degres_PY, deg_P, mod); /* on teste si le resultat est bien racine */ if (!mpz_cmp_si(isroot, 0)){ printf("(%ld, %ld) est racine\n", mpz_get_si(rx), mpz_get_si(ry)); nb_racines++; } } } printf("%d racines au total\n", nb_racines); }
void PAlgebraModDerived<type>::embedInSlots(RX& H, const vector<RX>& alphas, const MappingData<type>& mappingData) const { long nSlots = zMStar.getNSlots(); assert(lsize(alphas) == nSlots); for (long i = 0; i < nSlots; i++) assert(deg(alphas[i]) < mappingData.degG); vector<RX> crt(nSlots); // alloate space for CRT components // The i'th CRT component is (H mod F_t) = alphas[i](maps[i]) mod F_t, // where with t=T[i]. if (IsX(mappingData.G)) { // special need for CompMod, which is // is not optimized for zero for (long i=0; i<nSlots; i++) // crt[i] = alpha(maps[i]) mod Ft crt[i] = ConstTerm(alphas[i]); } else { // general case... for (long i=0; i<nSlots; i++) // crt[i] = alpha(maps[i]) mod Ft CompMod(crt[i], alphas[i], mappingData.maps[i], factors[i]); } CRT_reconstruct(H,crt); // interpolate to get p }
HRESULT tabular_rowset::Execute(DBPARAMS * /*pParams*/, DBROWCOUNT* pcRowsAffected) { IExtendCommand* pIExtCommand = NULL; HRESULT hr = m_spUnkSite->QueryInterface( __uuidof( IExtendCommand ), ( void**) &pIExtCommand ); if FAILED( hr ) return hr; pIExtCommand->GetConnectionHandler( (void**)&mConnectionHandler ); pIExtCommand->Release(); const int row_count = mConnectionHandler->access_tab_data().row_count(); const int data_size = mConnectionHandler->access_tab_data().data_size(); if ( (NULL != pcRowsAffected) && (NULL != mConnectionHandler) ) { *pcRowsAffected = row_count-1; } for ( int i = 1; i < row_count; ++i ) { tabular_row_data crt(data_size); mConnectionHandler->access_tab_data().load_at( i, (wchar_t*)&crt ); m_rgRowData.Add( crt ); } return S_OK; }
void PAlgebraModDerived<type>::embedInAllSlots(RX& H, const RX& alpha, const MappingData<type>& mappingData) const { if (isDryRun()) { H = RX::zero(); return; } FHE_TIMER_START; long nSlots = zMStar.getNSlots(); vector<RX> crt(nSlots); // alloate space for CRT components // The i'th CRT component is (H mod F_t) = alpha(maps[i]) mod F_t, // where with t=T[i]. if (IsX(mappingData.G) || deg(alpha) <= 0) { // special need for CompMod, which is // is not optimized for this case for (long i=0; i<nSlots; i++) // crt[i] = alpha(maps[i]) mod Ft crt[i] = ConstTerm(alpha); } else { // general case... for (long i=0; i<nSlots; i++) // crt[i] = alpha(maps[i]) mod Ft CompMod(crt[i], alpha, mappingData.maps[i], factors[i]); } CRT_reconstruct(H,crt); // interpolate to get H FHE_TIMER_STOP; }
void pollard(big id,big dl) { int i; long iter; big_chinese bc; big w,Q,R,m,n,q; char stack_mem[mr_big_reserve(6,50)]; memset(stack_mem,0,mr_big_reserve(6,50)); w=mirvar_mem(stack_mem,0); Q=mirvar_mem(stack_mem,1); R=mirvar_mem(stack_mem,2); m=mirvar_mem(stack_mem,3); n=mirvar_mem(stack_mem,4); q=mirvar_mem(stack_mem,5); copy(id,q); crt_init(&bc,np,pp); for (i=0;i<np;i++) { /* accumulate solutions for each pp */ copy(p1,w); divide(w,pp[i],w); powmod(q,w,p,Q); powltr(PROOT,w,p,R); copy(pp[i],order); iter=rho(Q,R,m,n); xgcd(m,order,w,w,w); mad(w,n,n,order,order,rem[i]); printf("%9ld iterations needed\n",iter); } crt(&bc,rem,dl); /* apply chinese remainder thereom */ crt_end(&bc); }
Big Crt::eval(Big *u) { Big x; big *b=(big *)mr_alloc(bc.NP,sizeof(big)); for (int i=0;i<bc.NP;i++) b[i]=u[i].getbig(); crt(&bc,b,x.getbig()); mr_free(b); return x; }
void httplus::App::load(kul::hash::map::S2T<std::shared_ptr<http::Server>>& http, kul::hash::map::S2T<std::shared_ptr<https::Server>>& https, Sites& sites) throw(httplus::Exception){ std::shared_ptr<http::Conf> defHttp; if(config.root()["http"]) for(const YAML::Node& c : config.root()["http"]){ if(defHttp && !c["host"]) KEXCEPTION("Only one http allowed without 'host' parameter"); const std::string& port(c["port"] ? c["port"].Scalar() : "80"); kul::Dir d(c["root"].Scalar()); if(!d) KEXCEPTION("Directory does not exist: " + c["root"].Scalar()); kul::Dir p("pub", d); if(!p && ! KEXCEPTION("Invalid access on directory: " + d.real()); http::Server* ser = {0}; std::string home(c["home"] ? c["home"].Scalar() : ""); const std::string txt(c["text"] ? c["text"].Scalar() : ""); if(!c["host"]){ defHttp = std::make_shared<http::Conf>(c["root"].Scalar(), home, txt); }else if(sites.count(std::to_string(std::hash<std::string>()(d.real())))){ const Pages& pages((*sites.find(std::to_string(std::hash<std::string>()(d.real())))).second); http.insert(port, std::make_shared<http::Server>(kul::String::UINT16(port), pages)); ser = http[port].get(); ser->confs.insert(c["host"].Scalar(), std::make_shared<http::Conf>(c["root"].Scalar(), home, txt)); }else KERR << "WARN: NO GENERATORS FOR HTTP ROOT: " << d; } for(const auto& p : http) p.second->def = defHttp; if(config.root()["https"]) for(const YAML::Node& c : config.root()["https"]){ kul::Dir d(c["root"].Scalar()); if(!d) KEXCEPTION("Directory does not exist: " + c["root"].Scalar()); kul::Dir p("pub", d); if(!p && ! KEXCEPTION("Invalid access on directory: " + d.real()); kul::File crt(c["crt"].Scalar()); kul::File key(c["key"].Scalar()); if(!crt) KEXCEPTION("File does not exist: " + crt.full()); if(!key) KEXCEPTION("File does not exist: " + key.full()); https::Server* ser = {0}; const std::string& port(c["port"] ? c["port"].Scalar() : "443"); const std::string hsh(std::to_string(std::hash<std::string>()(d.real()))); if(!sites.count(hsh)) { KERR << "WARN: NO GENERATORS FOR HTTPS ROOT: " << d; continue; } const Pages& pages((*sites.find(hsh)).second); std::string ssls(c["ssls"] ? c["ssls"].Scalar() : config.root()["ssls"] ? config.root()["ssls"].Scalar() : ""); https.insert(port, std::make_shared<https::Server>(kul::String::UINT16(port), pages, crt, key, ssls)); ser = https[port].get(); ser->init(); if(c["chain"]) ser->setChain(c["chain"].Scalar()); std::string home(c["home"] ? c["home"].Scalar() : ""); const std::string txt(c["text"] ? c["text"].Scalar() : ""); ser->confs.insert(c["host"].Scalar(), std::make_shared<http::Conf>(c["root"].Scalar(), home, txt)); } }
int fd(int l,int r,int k) { int da=0; if(bj!=-1) { push(); crt(); } for(int i=l; i<=r; i++) { da+=(a[i%cs]==k); } return da; }
static void dec(int not) { if (not) inval(); ts.c_cc[VERASE] = '\177'; ts.c_cc[VKILL] = '\25'; ts.c_cc[VINTR] = '\3'; ts.c_iflag &= ~(tcflag_t)IXANY; crt(not); }
int main() { long i,j,k,h,n,m,mx; bool flag; scanf("%d",&n); while (n>0) { mx=0; memset(map,2,sizeof(map)); for (i=1;i<=n;i++) for (j=1;j<=n;j++) scanf("%d",&map[i][j]); for (i=1;i<=n;i++) for (j=1;j<=n;j++) { flag=false; for (k=j;k<=n;k++) { if (map[i][k]!=1) break; } if (k==j) continue; for (h=k+1;h<=2*k-j;h++) if (map[i][h]!=1) { flag=true; break; } if (flag) continue; m=(k-j)*2+1; crt(m); for (k=2;k<=m;k++) { for (h=1;h<=m;h++) if (map[i+k-1][j+h-1]!=tm[k][h]) { flag=true; break; } if (flag) break; } if (flag) break; if (m>mx) mx=m; } if (n>0) printf("%d\n",mx); else printf("No solution"); scanf("%d",&n); } return 0; }
void PAlgebraModTmpl<RX,vec_RX,RXM>::embedInAllSlots(RX& p, const RX& alpha, const vector<RX>& maps) const { unsigned nSlots = zmStar.NSlots(); if (nSlots==0 || maps.size()!=nSlots) { p=RX::zero(); return; } vector<RX> crt(nSlots); // alloate space for CRT components // The i'th CRT component is (p mod F_t) = alpha(maps[i]) mod F_t, // where with t=T[i]. for (unsigned i=0; i<nSlots; i++) // crt[i] = alpha(maps[i]) mod Ft CompMod(crt[i], alpha, maps[i], factors[i]); CRT_reconstruct(p,crt); // interpolate to get p }
void crt(long p,long f,long m,long s) { long i; if ((f+p)>n) return; if (p==0) { nn[0]++; nn[nn[0]]=m; ss[m]=s; } p--; for (i=f;i<n;i++) { crt(p,i+1,m+(1<<i),s+mir[i+1]); } }
void PAlgebraModDerived<type>::embedInSlots(RX& H, const vector<RX>& alphas, const MappingData<type>& mappingData) const { if (isDryRun()) { H = RX::zero(); return; } FHE_TIMER_START; long nSlots = zMStar.getNSlots(); assert(lsize(alphas) == nSlots); for (long i = 0; i < nSlots; i++) assert(deg(alphas[i]) < mappingData.degG); vector<RX> crt(nSlots); // alloate space for CRT components // The i'th CRT component is (H mod F_t) = alphas[i](maps[i]) mod F_t, // where with t=T[i]. if (IsX(mappingData.G)) { // special need for CompMod, which is // is not optimized for this case for (long i=0; i<nSlots; i++) // crt[i] = alpha(maps[i]) mod Ft crt[i] = ConstTerm(alphas[i]); } else { // general case...still try to avoid CompMod when possible, // which is the common case for encoding masks for (long i=0; i<nSlots; i++) { // crt[i] = alpha(maps[i]) mod Ft if (deg(alphas[i]) <= 0) crt[i] = alphas[i]; else CompMod(crt[i], alphas[i], mappingData.maps[i], factors[i]); } } CRT_reconstruct(H,crt); // interpolate to get p FHE_TIMER_STOP; }
void freeglut_application::motion_(int x, int y) { screen_pos_t crt(x, y); if ((left_down_ || right_down_ || middle_down_) && ((crt - drag_start_).template lpNorm<1>() > 2)) { if (!dragging_) { if (left_down_) drag_start_left_(drag_start_); if (right_down_) drag_start_right_(drag_start_); if (middle_down_) drag_start_middle_(drag_start_); } dragging_ = true; } if (dragging_) { if (left_down_) drag_left_(crt, crt - last_pos_); if (right_down_) drag_right_(crt, crt - last_pos_); if (middle_down_) drag_middle_(crt, crt - last_pos_); } else { mouse_move_(crt, crt - last_pos_); } last_pos_ = crt; }
int main() { ull i,x,s,m; ull f41[10]; f41[0] = 1; for(i=1;i<=9;i++) f41[i] = f41[i-1]*41; fact[0] = fact2[0] = 1; for(i=1;i<=max+5;i++) fact[i] = ( ( ( fact[i-1] * (4*i-2) ) % mod4 ) * minv(i,mod4) ) % mod4; for(i=1;i<=2*max+5;i++) { x = i; while(!(x%41)) x/=41; fact2[i] = (fact2[i-1]*x)%mod6; } int t,a,b,n=79981; for(a=0;a<100;a++) for(b=0;b<100;b++) { s = minv(fact2[n],mod6); s = (s*s)%mod6; x = (fact2[2*n]*s)%mod6; m = pow_fact(2*n) - 2*pow_fact(n); x = x*f41[m]; ull y = crt(fact[n],x%mod6); if(n==0) y = 1; if (y==0) y = mod3; ull y1 = power(b,y,mod2); if(b==0) y1 = 0; ull z = power(a,y1,mod1); printf("%lld\n",z); } return 0; }
void freeglut_application::mouse_(int button, int state, int x, int y) { screen_pos_t crt(x, y); if (state == GLUT_DOWN) { switch (button) { case GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON: drag_start_ = crt; left_down_ = true; break; case GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON: drag_start_ = crt; right_down_ = true; break; case GLUT_MIDDLE_BUTTON: drag_start_ = crt; middle_down_ = true; break; case 3: scroll_(1); break; case 4: scroll_(-1); break; } } else { if (button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON) { left_down_ = false; if (dragging_) { drag_stop_left_(drag_start_, crt); dragging_ = false; } else { click_left_(drag_start_); } } else if (button == GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON) { right_down_ = false; if (dragging_) { drag_stop_right_(drag_start_, crt); dragging_ = false; } else { click_right_(drag_start_); } } else { middle_down_ = false; if (dragging_) { drag_stop_middle_(drag_start_, crt); dragging_ = false; } else { click_middle_(drag_start_); } } } }
int main() { long i,j,s; memset(dp,1,sizeof(dp)); dp[0]=0; memset(mir,0,sizeof(mir)); memset(c,0,sizeof(c)); memset(nn,0,sizeof(nn)); scanf("%ld",&n); s=0; for (i=1;i<=n;i++) { scanf("%ld",&mir[i]); s+=mir[i]; } for (i=1;i<=n;i++) { crt(i,0,0,0); } c[1]=1+(3<<(n-2)); c[2]=3+(1<<(n-1)); c[3]=7; for (i=4;i<=n;i++) { c[i]=c[i-1]<<1; } nn[0]=0; for (i=0;i<(1<<n);i++) { for (j=1;j<=n;j++) { dp[nn[i]|c[j]]=mn(dp[nn[i]|c[j]],dp[nn[i]]+s-ss[nn[i]|c[j]]); } } printf("%ld\n",dp[nn[(1<<n)-1]]); return 0; }
void pollard(big id,big dl) { int i; long iter; big w,Q,R,m,n,q; big_chinese bc; w=mirvar(0); Q=mirvar(0); R=mirvar(0); m=mirvar(0); n=mirvar(0); q=mirvar(0); copy(id,q); crt_init(&bc,np,pp); for (i=0;i<np;i++) { /* accumulate solutions for each pp */ copy(p1,w); divide(w,pp[i],w); powmod(q,w,p,Q); powltr(PROOT,w,p,R); copy(pp[i],order); iter=rho(Q,R,m,n); xgcd(m,order,w,w,w); mad(w,n,n,order,order,rem[i]); printf("%9ld iterations needed\n",iter); } crt(&bc,rem,dl); /* apply chinese remainder thereom */ crt_end(&bc); mirkill(q); mirkill(n); mirkill(m); mirkill(R); mirkill(Q); mirkill(w); }
long CESdkCtrl::CreateCtrl(CWnd *wnd,SDK_CTRL_TYPE emtype) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); emtype_ = emtype; //<1>创建初始大小按钮 ,加载图标 CString strTitle = _T("eSDKCtrl"); CRect crt(0,0,150,40);//默认控件按钮的大小 button_.Create(strTitle,WS_VISIBLE,crt,wnd,ID_BUTTON); button_.SetOwner(this); //<2>切换按钮的风格为windows7风格 CMFCVisualManager::SetDefaultManager(RUNTIME_CLASS(CMFCVisualManagerWindows)); CMFCButton::EnableWindowsTheming(); if(!IsEspaceInstalled()) { button_.EnableWindow(FALSE); } return SDK_SUCCESS; }
/* Compute analytic dynamics */ void computeAnalyticOutputs(std::map<const std::string, bool> &outs, struct PARAMETERS * p) { // energy spacing in bulk std::complex <double> dE ((p->kBandTop-p->kBandEdge)/(p->Nk-1), 0); // bulk-QD coupling std::complex <double> Vee (p->Vnobridge[0], 0); // rate constant (can be defined also as K/2) std::complex <double> K = std::complex <double> (3.1415926535,0)*pow(Vee,2)/dE; // time std::complex <double> t (0, 0); // energy differences std::complex <double> wnm (0, 0); std::complex <double> wnnp (0, 0); std::complex <double> wnpm (0, 0); // coefficients std::complex <double> cm (0, 0); std::complex <double> cn (0, 0); std::complex <double> cn_term1 (0, 0); std::complex <double> cn_term2 (0, 0); std::complex <double> cn_diag (0, 0); std::complex <double> cn_offdiag (0, 0); double cn_tot; // complex numbers are dumb std::complex <double> C0 (0.0, 0.0); std::complex <double> C1 (1.0, 0.0); std::complex <double> NEGC1 (-1.0, 0.0); std::complex <double> CI (0.0, 1.0); std::complex <double> NEGCI (0.0, -1.0); // unpack params a bit int Nk = p->Nk; int Nc = p->Nc; int Ik = p->Ik; int Ic = p->Ic; int N = p->NEQ; double * energies = &(p->energies[0]); double * startWfn = &(p->startWfn[0]); // Create matrix of energy differences std::vector<std::complex <double>> Elr (Nk*Nc, std::complex <double> (0.0, 0.0)); for (int ii = 0; ii < Nk; ii++) { for (int jj = 0; jj < Nc; jj++) { // array follows convention that first index is for QC state // e.g. Elr[i*Nc + j] = E_{ij} Elr[ii*Nc + jj] = std::complex <double> (energies[Ik + ii] - energies[Ic + jj], 0); } } #ifdef DEBUG_ANALYTIC std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "Energy gaps:" << std::endl; for (int ii = 0; ii < Nc*Nk; ii++) { std::cout << Elr[ii] << " "; } std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; #endif // Create matrix of prefactors for each QC (n) state std::complex <double> pref; std::vector<std::complex <double>> prefQC (Nk*Nc, std::complex <double> (0.0, 0.0)); for (int ii = 0; ii < Nk; ii++) { // V*c_l/(E_{lr} + i\kappa) pref = Vee*(std::complex <double> (startWfn[Ik + ii], startWfn[Ik + N + ii])); std::cout << startWfn[Ik + ii] << "," << pref << " "; for (int jj = 0; jj < Nc; jj++) { prefQC[ii*Nc + jj] = pref/(Elr[ii*Nc + jj] + CI*K); } } #ifdef DEBUG_ANALYTIC std::cout << std::endl; for (int ii = 0; ii < Nc*Nk; ii++) { std::cout << prefQC[ii] << " "; } std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; #endif // calculate wavefunction coefficients on electron-accepting side over time std::vector<std::complex <double>> crt (Nc*p->numOutputSteps, std::complex <double> (0.0, 0.0)); int timeIndex = 0; for (std::complex <double> t = C0; std::real(t) <= p->tout; t += std::complex <double> (p->tout/p->numOutputSteps, 0.0), timeIndex++) { for (int ii = 0; ii < Nc; ii++) { // TODO add bit for multiple state terms for (int jj = 0; jj < Nk; jj++) { crt[timeIndex*Nc + ii] += prefQC[jj]*(exp(NEGCI*Elr[jj*Nc + ii]*t) - exp(NEGC1*K*t)); } } } // calculate populations on electron-accepting side over time std::vector<double> Prt (Nc*p->numOutputSteps, 0.0); for (int ii = 0; ii <= p->numOutputSteps; ii++) { for (int jj = 0; jj < Nc; jj++) { Prt[ii*Nc + jj] = pow(real(crt[ii*Nc + jj]), 2) + pow(imag(crt[ii*Nc + jj]), 2); } } if (isOutput(outs, "analytic_tcprob.out")) { std::ofstream output("analytic_tcprob.out"); for (int ii = 0; ii <= p->numOutputSteps; ii++) { output << p->times[ii]; for (int jj = 0; jj < Nc; jj++) { output << " " << Prt[ii*Nc + jj]; output << " " << real(crt[ii*Nc + jj]) << " " << imag(crt[ii*Nc + jj]); } output << std::endl; } output.close(); } return; }
// Program verifies case l=ell from Theorem 4. // Reads input from stdin about location of files. // Format is: // prime file // prime2 file2 // ... // Where prime, prime2,... represent the moduli of file, file2,... . int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { unsigned long int ell, i, n, num, thisprime, numprimes; unsigned long int three_to_ell, three_to_ellMinusOne, nbound; unsigned long int *a, *m; mpz_t answer; int items; char thisfilename[128]; FILE **datafiles; if( argc < 2 ) { fprintf( stderr, "\nUsage:\n\t%s ell\n", argv[0] ); fprintf( stderr, "Makes sure that the case l=ell is true for Theorem 4 in\n`Parity of 5-regular and 13-regular Partition Functions'"); return 1; } // Parse arguments. ell = strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 10); // Allocate memory for stuff. m = malloc( sizeof(unsigned long) * M_ITEMS ); a = malloc( sizeof(unsigned long) * M_ITEMS ); datafiles = malloc( sizeof(FILE *) * M_ITEMS ); mpz_init(answer); // Set up constants. three_to_ell = 1; three_to_ellMinusOne = 1; for( i=0; i < ell; ++i ) three_to_ell *= 3; for( i=0; i < ell-1; ++i ) three_to_ellMinusOne *= 3; nbound = 7*three_to_ellMinusOne + 3; // Set up primes and files. i = 0; while(1) { items = fscanf( stdin, "%lu %s\n", &thisprime, thisfilename ); if( items == 2 ) { datafiles[i] = fopen( thisfilename, "r" ); m[i] = thisprime; i++; } else break; } // Now we know how many primes we're working with. numprimes = i; for( n=1; n <= nbound; ++n ) { // Set num to number in b_13 fn in thm4. num = three_to_ell*n + (5*three_to_ellMinusOne - 1)/2; // Set up the a[] array. for( i=0; i < numprimes; ++i ) { fseek( datafiles[i], 4L*num, SEEK_SET ); fread( &a[i], 4, 1, datafiles[i] ); } // Get result from chinese remainder thm. crt( answer, a, m, numprimes ); // If it's not zero mod 3...oh shit. if( mpz_mod_ui( answer, answer, (unsigned long)3 ) != 0 ) { printf("Failed case: n=%lu num=%lu b_13(num)=", n, num); mpz_out_str(stdout, 10, answer); printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); exit(1); } } printf("Yay! Case l=%lu is true!\n", ell); // Close all files. for( i = 0; i < numprimes; ++i ) fclose( datafiles[i] ); // Free all memory. free(a); free(m); free(datafiles); return 0; }
int main() { /* decode using private key */ int i; big e,ep[NP],m,ke,kd,p[NP],kp[NP],mn,mx; FILE *ifile; FILE *ofile; char ifname[13],ofname[13]; BOOL flo; big_chinese ch; mip=mirsys(100,0); for (i=0;i<NP;i++) { p[i]=mirvar(0); ep[i]=mirvar(0); kp[i]=mirvar(0); } e=mirvar(0); m=mirvar(0); kd=mirvar(0); ke=mirvar(0); mn=mirvar(0); mx=mirvar(0); mip->IOBASE=60; if ((ifile=fopen("private.key","r"))==NULL) { printf("Unable to open file private.key\n"); return 0; } for (i=0;i<NP;i++) { cinnum(p[i],ifile); } fclose(ifile); /* generate public and private keys */ convert(1,ke); for (i=0;i<NP;i++) { multiply(ke,p[i],ke); } for (i=0;i<NP;i++) { /* kp[i]=(2*(p[i]-1)+1)/3 = 1/3 mod p[i]-1 */ decr(p[i],1,kd); premult(kd,2,kd); incr(kd,1,kd); subdiv(kd,3,kp[i]); } crt_init(&ch,NP,p); nroot(ke,3,mn); multiply(mn,mn,m); multiply(mn,m,mx); subtract(mx,m,mx); do { /* get input file */ printf("file to be decoded = "); gets(ifname); } while (strlen(ifname)==0); strip(ifname); strcat(ifname,".rsa"); printf("output filename = "); gets(ofname); flo=FALSE; if (strlen(ofname)>0) { /* set up output file */ flo=TRUE; ofile=fopen(ofname,"w"); } printf("decoding message\n"); if ((ifile=fopen(ifname,"r"))==NULL) { printf("Unable to open file %s\n",ifname); return 0; } forever { /* decode line by line */ mip->IOBASE=60; cinnum(m,ifile); if (size(m)==0) break; for (i=0;i<NP;i++) powmod(m,kp[i],p[i],ep[i]); crt(&ch,ep,e); /* Chinese remainder thereom */ if (compare(e,mx)>=0) divide(e,mn,mn); mip->IOBASE=128; if (flo) cotnum(e,ofile); cotnum(e,stdout); } crt_end(&ch); fclose(ifile); if (flo) fclose(ofile); printf("message ends\n"); return 0; }
void update(int l,int r,int k) { push(); for(int i=l; i<=r; i++) a[i%cs]=k; crt(); }