Ejemplo n.º 1
int send_done_and_pr_msgs(double total_time, double t_page)
  int exit_code1 =0;
  int exit_code2 =0;
  int exit_code3 =0;


  /* exit_code1 !=0 if there are files that were not delivered due to change or skipped */  
  exit_code1 = pr_missing_pages();

  fprintf(stderr, "Total time spent = %6.2f (min) ~ %6.2f (min/GB)\n\n", 
	  total_time, total_time / ((double)real_total_bytes/1.0e9));
  fprintf(stderr, "Send pages time  = %6.2f (min) ~ %6.2f (min/GB)\n\n", 
	  t_page, t_page / ((double)real_total_bytes/1.0e9));

  exit_code2 = choose_print_machines(bad_machines, 
				     "Not synced for bad machines:[ ");

  if (quitWithOneBad && nBadMachines() >=1) {
    fprintf(stderr, "We choose to exit when at least one target is bad\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "All files following the current one did not get delivered\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "If resend cmd(CLOSE_FILE), then the current file may have been delivered to non-bad targets\n\n");

  if (current_entry() < total_entries()) { /* if we exit prematurely */
    exit_code3 = choose_print_machines(machine_status, 
				       NOT_READY, "\nNot-ready machines:[  ");

  if (verbose>=1) pr_rtt_hist();
  return (exit_code1+exit_code3); /* 200807 removed exit_code2 because bad machines case has been dealt with 
                                     by -q.  If no -q, then the bad machines are considered 'harmless' */
Ejemplo n.º 2
    DictionaryValue* DictionaryValue::DeepCopy() const
        DictionaryValue* result = new DictionaryValue;

        for(ValueMap::const_iterator current_entry(dictionary_.begin());
            current_entry!=dictionary_.end(); ++current_entry)

        return result;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int read_handle_complaint(int cmd)
     cmd = cmd_code -- each cmd expects different 'response' (complaints)
     return 1  for complaint handled
     return 0  for irrelevant complaint 
     return -1 for time-out
  int mid_v, code_v, file_v, npage_v, bytes_read;

  if (readable(complaint_fd)) {
    /* There is a complaint */
    bytes_read = recvfrom(complaint_fd, flow_buff, FLOW_BUFFSIZE, 0, NULL, NULL);

    /* 20060323 deal with big- vs little-endian issue
       convert incoming integers into host representation */

    mid_v = ntohl(*mid_ptr);
    if ((bytes_read < FLOW_HEAD_SIZE) || (mid_v < 0 ) ||
	(mid_v >= (unsigned int) nMachines)  || /* boundary check for mid_v for safety */
	(bad_machines[mid_v] == BAD_MACHINE)) { /* ignore complaint from a bad machine*/
      return 0; 

    code_v  = ntohl(*code_ptr); 
    file_v  = ntohl(*file_ptr);
    npage_v = ntohl(*npage_ptr);

    /* check if the complaint is for the current file */
    if (code_v != MONITOR_OK && file_v != current_entry()) return 0; 
    /* out of seq will be ignored */
    if (code_v != MISSING_PAGE && code_v != MISSING_TOTAL) { /********* MISSING_TOTAL ? *************/
      if (npage_v <= last_seq[mid_v]) return 0;
      else last_seq[mid_v] = npage_v;

    switch (code_v) {
    case PAGE_RECV:
      /********  check if machineID is the one we have set. */
      /*if (verbose>=2) fprintf(stderr, "mid_ptr-> %d, monitorid = %d\n", mid_v, monitorID);*/
      if (cmd == SENDING_DATA && mid_v == monitorID)
	return 1;
	return 0;

    case MONITOR_OK:
      /*********  check if machineID is the one we have set. */
      if (verbose>=2) fprintf(stderr, "mid_ptr-> %d, monitorid = %d\n", mid_v, monitorID);
      if (cmd == SELECT_MONITOR_CMD && mid_v == monitorID)
	return 1;
	return 0;

    case OPEN_OK :
      if (cmd == OPEN_FILE_CMD) {
	machine_status[mid_v] = MACHINE_OK;
	return 1;
      } else {
	return 0;

    case CLOSE_OK :
      if (cmd == CLOSE_FILE_CMD || cmd == CLOSE_ABORT_CMD) {
	machine_status[mid_v] = MACHINE_OK;
	return 1;
      } else {
	return 0;

    case EOF_OK :
      if (cmd == EOF_CMD  && file_received[mid_v]==NOT_RECV) {
	machine_status[mid_v] = MACHINE_OK;
	file_received[mid_v] = FILE_RECV;
	return 1;
      } else {
	return 0;

    case MISSING_PAGE :
      if (cmd != EOF_CMD || file_received[mid_v]==FILE_RECV) return 0;
      if (npage_v > nPages) return 0; 
	int i, *pi, page_v;
	pi = pArray_ptr;
	for (i = 0; i<npage_v; ++i) {
	  page_v = ntohl(pi[i]);
          if (page_v<1 || page_v > nPages) continue; /*** make sure page_v starts with 1*/
	  missing_page_flag[page_v-1] = MISSING;
      missing_pages[mid_v] += npage_v;	
      return 1;

      if (cmd != EOF_CMD || file_received[mid_v]==FILE_RECV ||  machine_status[mid_v] == MACHINE_OK) 
	return 0;
      /* Consider to add: if npage_v >missing_pages[mid_v], ask to resend 
	 [ likely no big gain ] */
      total_missing_page[mid_v] += npage_v;
      set_has_missing();                     /* store the info about missing info */      
      machine_status[mid_v] = MACHINE_OK;    /* machine_status serves as ack only */      
      return 1;

    case SIT_OUT :
      if (cmd != EOF_CMD || file_received[mid_v]==FILE_RECV) return 0;      
      fprintf(stderr, "*** %s sits-out-receiving %s\n", 
	      id2name(mid_v), getFilename());
      machine_status[mid_v] = MACHINE_OK;

      if (!has_sick) ++skip_count;
      return 1;

    default :
      if (verbose>=2) fprintf(stderr, "Unknown complaint: code = %d\n", code_v);
      return 0;
    } /* end of switch */
  } /* end of if(readable) */

  /* time out of readable() */
  return -1;