Ejemplo n.º 1
/* Handle subscribe message */
static int web_subscribe(struct mg_connection *conn) {
    char *flag_start = conn->content + 2;
    char *id_start = strchr(flag_start, ' ') + 1;
    int len;
    cx_id id;
    cx_object o = NULL;
    web_wsconnection wc = web_wsconnection(conn->connection_param);

    /* Check if message is correct */
    if ((id_start - conn->content) > (int)conn->content_len) {
        printf("error: message '%.*s' not correctly formatted\n",
            (int)conn->content_len, conn->content);
        goto error;

    /* Copy identifier to buffer */
    len = (int)conn->content_len - (id_start - conn->content);
    memcpy(id, id_start, len);
    id[len] = '\0';

    /* Silence previous subscription */
    if (wc->observing) {
        cx_silence(wc->observing, web_wsconnection_onUpdate_o, wc);
        cx_silence(wc->observing, web_wsconnection_onDelete_o, wc);
    wc->eventCount = 0;

    /* Lookup object */
    o = cx_resolve(NULL, id);
    if (!o) {
        goto error;
    } else if (!cx_checkAttr(o, CX_ATTR_OBSERVABLE)) {
        /* Can't listen if object is not observable, but can send the client the value */
        cx_set(&wc->observing, NULL);
        web_wsconnection_send(wc, o, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE);
    } else {
        /* Configure observer to listen for updates */
        cx_set(&wc->observing, o);
        cx_listen(o, web_wsconnection_onUpdate_o, wc);
        cx_listen(o, web_wsconnection_onDelete_o, wc);
    return 0;
    return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* Serve a Cortex object */
static int web_serveObject(struct mg_connection *conn) {
    cx_object o = NULL;

    /* Resolve object based on URI */
    o = cx_resolve(NULL, (cx_string)conn->uri + 2);

    if (!o) {
        mg_send_status(conn, 404);
        mg_printf_data(conn, "404: resource '%s' not found\n", conn->uri);
    } else {
        char option[6];
        cx_bool value = 0;
        cx_bool meta = 0;
        cx_bool scope = 0;

        /* Set correct content type */
        mg_send_header(conn, "Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");

        /* Determine what to show */
        mg_get_var(conn, "value", option, sizeof(option));
        if (!strcmp(option, "true")) { value = TRUE; }

        mg_get_var(conn, "meta", option, sizeof(option));
        if (!strcmp(option, "true")) { meta = TRUE; }

        mg_get_var(conn, "scope", option, sizeof(option));
        if (!strcmp(option, "true")) { scope = TRUE; }

        if (!(value || meta || scope)) {
            value = TRUE;

            /* Serialize object-value to JSON */
            struct cx_serializer_s serializer = cx_json_ser(CX_PRIVATE, CX_NOT, CX_SERIALIZER_TRACE_NEVER);

            if ((cx_typeof(o)->kind == CX_VOID) && (!meta && !scope)) {
                mg_printf_data(conn, "\n");
            } else {
                mg_printf_data(conn, "[");

                /* Serialize metadata of parents */
                if (meta) {
                    if (web_printParents(conn, cx_parentof(o))) {
                        mg_printf_data(conn, ",");

                /* Serialize value */              
                    cx_json_ser_t jsonData = {NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, meta, value, scope, TRUE};
                    cx_serialize(&serializer, o, &jsonData);
                    mg_printf_data(conn, "%s", jsonData.buffer);
                mg_printf_data(conn, "]\n");


    return MG_TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 3
/* ::cortex::lang::type::resolve(string name) */
cx_object cx_type_resolve(cx_any _this, cx_string name) {
/* $begin(::cortex::lang::type::resolve) */
    return cx_resolve(_this.value, name);
/* $end */