Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Creates a new ODE_UniversalJoint.
 * @param body1 the first body to connect the joint to.
 * @param body2 the second body to connect the joint to.
 * @return the new ODE_UniversalJoint.
dJointID ODE_UniversalJoint::createJoint(dBodyID body1, dBodyID body2) {

		|| mJointAxis2Point1->get().equals(mJointAxis2Point2->get())) {
		Core::log("Invalid axes for ODE_UniversalJoint.");
		return 0;

	//if one of the bodyIDs is null, the joint is connected to a static object.
	dJointID newJoint = dJointCreateUniversal(mWorldID, mGeneralJointGroup);
	dJointAttach(newJoint, body1, body2);
	Vector3D anchor = mAnchorPoint->get() ;
	Vector3D axis1;
	Vector3D axis2;
	axis1.set(mJointAxis1Point2->getX() - mJointAxis1Point1->getX(), 
			  mJointAxis1Point2->getY() - mJointAxis1Point1->getY(), 
			  mJointAxis1Point2->getZ() - mJointAxis1Point1->getZ());

	axis2.set(mJointAxis2Point2->getX() - mJointAxis2Point1->getX(), 
			  mJointAxis2Point2->getY() - mJointAxis2Point1->getY(), 
			  mJointAxis2Point2->getZ() - mJointAxis2Point1->getZ());
	dJointSetUniversalAnchor(newJoint, anchor.getX(), anchor.getY(), anchor.getZ());
	dJointSetUniversalAxis1(newJoint, axis1.getX(), axis1.getY(), axis1.getZ());
	dJointSetUniversalAxis2(newJoint, axis2.getX(), axis2.getY(), axis2.getZ());

	return newJoint; 
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void _soy_joints_universal_axis2_set (soyjointsUniversal* self, soyatomsAxis* value) {
	soyatomsAxis* _tmp0_;
	soyatomsAxis* _tmp1_;
	soyatomsAxis* axis2;
	soyscenesScene* _tmp2_;
	struct dxJoint* _tmp3_;
	gfloat _tmp4_;
	gfloat _tmp5_;
	gfloat _tmp6_;
	gfloat _tmp7_;
	gfloat _tmp8_;
	gfloat _tmp9_;
	soyscenesScene* _tmp10_;
	g_return_if_fail (self != NULL);
	g_return_if_fail (value != NULL);
	_tmp0_ = value;
	_tmp1_ = soy_atoms_axis_new_normalize (_tmp0_);
	axis2 = _tmp1_;
	_tmp2_ = ((soyjointsJoint*) self)->scene;
	g_rw_lock_writer_lock (&_tmp2_->stepLock);
	_tmp3_ = ((soyjointsJoint*) self)->joint;
	_tmp4_ = soy_atoms_axis_get_x (axis2);
	_tmp5_ = _tmp4_;
	_tmp6_ = soy_atoms_axis_get_y (axis2);
	_tmp7_ = _tmp6_;
	_tmp8_ = soy_atoms_axis_get_z (axis2);
	_tmp9_ = _tmp8_;
	dJointSetUniversalAxis2 ((struct dxJoint*) _tmp3_, (dReal) _tmp5_, (dReal) _tmp7_, (dReal) _tmp9_);
	_tmp10_ = ((soyjointsJoint*) self)->scene;
	g_rw_lock_writer_unlock (&_tmp10_->stepLock);
	_g_object_unref0 (axis2);
Ejemplo n.º 3
OscUniversalODE::OscUniversalODE(dWorldID odeWorld, dSpaceID odeSpace,
                                 const char *name, OscBase *parent,
                                 OscObject *object1, OscObject *object2,
                                 double x, double y, double z, double a1x,
                                 double a1y, double a1z, double a2x,
                                 double a2y, double a2z)
    : OscUniversal(name, parent, object1, object2, x, y, z,
                   a1x, a1y, a1z, a2x, a2y, a2z)
    m_response = new OscResponse("response",this);

    dJointID odeJoint = dJointCreateUniversal(odeWorld,0);

    m_pSpecial = new ODEConstraint(this, odeJoint, odeWorld, odeSpace,
                                   object1, object2);

    dJointSetUniversalAnchor(odeJoint, x, y, z);
    dJointSetUniversalAxis1(odeJoint, a1x, a1y, a1z);
    dJointSetUniversalAxis2(odeJoint, a2x, a2y, a2z);

    printf("[%s] Universal joint created between %s and %s at (%f, %f, %f) for axes (%f, %f, %f) and (%f,%f,%f)\n",
           object1->c_name(), object2?object2->c_name():"world",
           x, y, z, a1x, a1y, a1z, a2x, a2y, a2z);
Ejemplo n.º 4
static void set_phys_joint_axis_2(dJointID j, const float v[3])
    switch (dJointGetType(j))
    case dJointTypeHinge2:
        dJointSetHinge2Axis2   (j, v[0], v[1], v[2]); break;
    case dJointTypeUniversal:
        dJointSetUniversalAxis2(j, v[0], v[1], v[2]); break;
    default: break;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void CUniversalJoint::UpdateTransform(const matrix44& Tfm)
	vector3 p = Tfm * Anchor;
	dJointSetUniversalAnchor(ODEJointID, p.x, p.y, p.z);

	matrix33 m33(Tfm.x_component(), Tfm.y_component(), Tfm.z_component());
	vector3 a0 = m33 * AxisParams[0].Axis;
	vector3 a1 = m33 * AxisParams[1].Axis;
	dJointSetUniversalAxis1(ODEJointID, a0.x, a0.y, a0.z);
	dJointSetUniversalAxis2(ODEJointID, a1.x, a1.y, a1.z);
Ejemplo n.º 6

Use parameters to create leg body/geom and attach to body with universal joint

mass is not set
void createUniversalLeg(ODEObject &leg,
	ODEObject &bodyAttachedTo,
	dJointID& joint,
	dReal xPos, dReal yPos, dReal zPos,
	dReal xRot, dReal yRot, dReal zRot,
	dReal radius, dReal length,
	dReal maxAngle,	dReal minAngle,
	dReal anchorXPos, dReal anchorYPos, dReal anchorZPos)
	dMatrix3 legOrient;
	dRFromEulerAngles(legOrient, xRot, yRot, zRot);

	//position and orientation
	leg.Body = dBodyCreate(World);
	dBodySetPosition(leg.Body, xPos, yPos, zPos);
	dBodySetRotation(leg.Body, legOrient);
	dBodySetLinearVel(leg.Body, 0, 0, 0);
	dBodySetData(leg.Body, (void *)0);

	dMass legMass;
	dMassSetCapsule(&legMass, 1, 3, radius, length);
	//dBodySetMass(leg.Body, &legMass);

	leg.Geom = dCreateCapsule(Space, radius, length);
	dGeomSetBody(leg.Geom, leg.Body);

	//universal joint
	joint = dJointCreateUniversal(World, jointgroup);

	//attach and anchor
	dJointAttach(joint, bodyAttachedTo.Body, leg.Body);
	dJointSetUniversalAnchor(joint, anchorXPos, anchorYPos, anchorZPos);

	dJointSetUniversalAxis1(joint, 0, 0, 1);
	dJointSetUniversalAxis2(joint, 0, 1, 0);

	//Max and min angles
	dJointSetUniversalParam(joint, dParamHiStop, maxAngle);
	dJointSetUniversalParam(joint, dParamLoStop, minAngle);
	dJointSetUniversalParam(joint, dParamHiStop2, maxAngle);
	dJointSetUniversalParam(joint, dParamLoStop2, minAngle);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 * This method is called if the joint should be attached.
 * It creates the ODE-joint, calculates the current anchor-position
 * and axis-orientation and attaches the Joint.
 * @param obj1 first ODE-object to attach with
 * @param obj2 second ODE-object to attach with
void UniversalJoint::attachJoint(dBodyID obj1, dBodyID obj2)
	gmtl::Vec3f newAnchor, newAxis1, newAxis2, scaleVec;
	gmtl::Quatf entityRot;
	gmtl::AxisAnglef axAng;
	TransformationData entityTrans;

	joint = dJointCreateUniversal(world, 0);
	dJointAttach(joint, obj1, obj2);

	newAxis1 = axis1;
	newAxis2 = axis2;
	newAnchor = anchor;
	if (mainEntity != NULL)
		entityTrans = mainEntity->getEnvironmentTransformation();
// get the scale values of the mainEntity
// 		scaleVec[0] = mainEntity->getXScale();
// 		scaleVec[1] = mainEntity->getYScale();
// 		scaleVec[2] = mainEntity->getZScale();
		scaleVec = entityTrans.scale;

// scale Anchor-offset by mainEntity-scale value
		newAnchor[0] *= scaleVec[0];
		newAnchor[1] *= scaleVec[1];
		newAnchor[2] *= scaleVec[2];

// scale Axes by mainEntity-scale value because of possible distortion
		newAxis1[0] *= scaleVec[0];
		newAxis1[1] *= scaleVec[1];
		newAxis1[2] *= scaleVec[2];
		newAxis2[0] *= scaleVec[0];
		newAxis2[1] *= scaleVec[1];
		newAxis2[2] *= scaleVec[2];

// get the Rotation of the mainEntity
// 		axAng[0] = mainEntity->getRotAngle();
// 		axAng[1] = mainEntity->getXRot();
// 		axAng[2] = mainEntity->getYRot();
// 		axAng[3] = mainEntity->getZRot();
// 		gmtl::set(entityRot, axAng);
		entityRot = entityTrans.orientation;

// rotate Axes by mainEntity-rotation
		newAxis1 *= entityRot;
		newAxis2 *= entityRot;

// rotate Anchor-offset by mainEntity-rotation
		newAnchor *= entityRot;

// transform new Anchor to world coordinates
// 		newAnchor[0] += mainEntity->getXTrans();
// 		newAnchor[1] += mainEntity->getYTrans();
// 		newAnchor[2] += mainEntity->getZTrans();
		newAnchor += entityTrans.position;

	} // if
	dJointSetUniversalAnchor(joint, newAnchor[0], newAnchor[1], newAnchor[2]);
	dJointSetUniversalAxis1(joint, newAxis1[0], newAxis1[1], newAxis1[2]);
	dJointSetUniversalAxis2(joint, newAxis2[0], newAxis2[1], newAxis2[2]);
} // attachJoint
Ejemplo n.º 8
static void soy_joints_universal_real_setup (soyjointsJoint* base, soyatomsPosition* anchor, soyatomsAxis* axis1, soyatomsAxis* axis2) {
	soyjointsUniversal * self;
	struct dxJoint* _tmp0_;
	soyatomsPosition* _tmp1_;
	gfloat _tmp2_;
	gfloat _tmp3_;
	soyatomsPosition* _tmp4_;
	gfloat _tmp5_;
	gfloat _tmp6_;
	soyatomsPosition* _tmp7_;
	gfloat _tmp8_;
	gfloat _tmp9_;
	struct dxJoint* _tmp10_;
	soyatomsAxis* _tmp11_;
	gfloat _tmp12_;
	gfloat _tmp13_;
	soyatomsAxis* _tmp14_;
	gfloat _tmp15_;
	gfloat _tmp16_;
	soyatomsAxis* _tmp17_;
	gfloat _tmp18_;
	gfloat _tmp19_;
	struct dxJoint* _tmp20_;
	soyatomsAxis* _tmp21_;
	gfloat _tmp22_;
	gfloat _tmp23_;
	soyatomsAxis* _tmp24_;
	gfloat _tmp25_;
	gfloat _tmp26_;
	soyatomsAxis* _tmp27_;
	gfloat _tmp28_;
	gfloat _tmp29_;
	self = (soyjointsUniversal*) base;
	_tmp0_ = ((soyjointsJoint*) self)->joint;
	_tmp1_ = anchor;
	_tmp2_ = soy_atoms_position_get_x (_tmp1_);
	_tmp3_ = _tmp2_;
	_tmp4_ = anchor;
	_tmp5_ = soy_atoms_position_get_y (_tmp4_);
	_tmp6_ = _tmp5_;
	_tmp7_ = anchor;
	_tmp8_ = soy_atoms_position_get_z (_tmp7_);
	_tmp9_ = _tmp8_;
	dJointSetUniversalAnchor ((struct dxJoint*) _tmp0_, (dReal) _tmp3_, (dReal) _tmp6_, (dReal) _tmp9_);
	_tmp10_ = ((soyjointsJoint*) self)->joint;
	_tmp11_ = axis1;
	_tmp12_ = soy_atoms_axis_get_x (_tmp11_);
	_tmp13_ = _tmp12_;
	_tmp14_ = axis1;
	_tmp15_ = soy_atoms_axis_get_y (_tmp14_);
	_tmp16_ = _tmp15_;
	_tmp17_ = axis1;
	_tmp18_ = soy_atoms_axis_get_z (_tmp17_);
	_tmp19_ = _tmp18_;
	dJointSetUniversalAxis1 ((struct dxJoint*) _tmp10_, (dReal) _tmp13_, (dReal) _tmp16_, (dReal) _tmp19_);
	_tmp20_ = ((soyjointsJoint*) self)->joint;
	_tmp21_ = axis2;
	_tmp22_ = soy_atoms_axis_get_x (_tmp21_);
	_tmp23_ = _tmp22_;
	_tmp24_ = axis2;
	_tmp25_ = soy_atoms_axis_get_y (_tmp24_);
	_tmp26_ = _tmp25_;
	_tmp27_ = axis2;
	_tmp28_ = soy_atoms_axis_get_z (_tmp27_);
	_tmp29_ = _tmp28_;
	dJointSetUniversalAxis2 ((struct dxJoint*) _tmp20_, (dReal) _tmp23_, (dReal) _tmp26_, (dReal) _tmp29_);
Ejemplo n.º 9
void  makeRobot_Nleg() 
	for(int segment = 0; segment < BODY_SEGMENTS; ++segment) {
		dReal segmentOffsetFromMiddle = segment - MIDDLE_BODY_SEGMENT;
		dReal torso_m = 50.0;                    // Mass of body
		//	torso_m[segment] = 10.0;
		dReal  l1m = 0.005,l2m = 0.5, l3m = 0.5; // Mass of leg segments 
		//for four legs
		//		dReal x[num_legs][num_links] = {{-cx1,-cx1,-cx1},// Position of each link (x coordinate)
		//																		{-cx1,-cx1,-cx1}};
		dReal x[num_legs][num_links] = {{0,0,0},// Position of each link (x coordinate)
		dReal y[num_legs][num_links] = {{ cy1, cy1, cy1},// Position of each link (y coordinate)
		dReal z[num_legs][num_links] = {                                  // Position of each link (z coordinate)
			{c_z[0][0],(c_z[0][0]+c_z[0][2])/2,c_z[0][2]-l3/2} };
		dReal r[num_links]          =  { r1, r2, r3}; // radius of leg segment
		dReal length[num_links]     =  { l1, l2, l3}; // Length of leg segment
		dReal weight[num_links]     =  {l1m,l2m,l3m}; // Mass of leg segment
		//  //for one leg
		//  dReal axis_x[num_legs_pneat][num_links_pneat] = {{ 0,1, 0}};
		//  dReal axis_y[num_legs_pneat][num_links_pneat] = {{ 1,0, 1}};
		//  dReal axis_z[num_legs_pneat][num_links_pneat] = {{ 0,0, 0}};
		//for four legs
		dReal axis_x[num_legs][num_links];
		dReal axis_y[num_legs][num_links];
		dReal axis_z[num_legs][num_links];
		for(int i = 0; i < num_legs; ++i) {
			axis_x[i][0] = 0.0;
			axis_x[i][1] = 1.0;
			axis_x[i][2] = 0.0;
			axis_y[i][0] = 1.0;
			axis_y[i][1] = 0.0;
			axis_y[i][2] = 1.0;
			axis_z[i][0] = 0.0;
			axis_z[i][1] = 0.0;
			axis_z[i][2] = 0.0;
		// For mation of the body
		dMass mass; 
		torso[segment].body  = dBodyCreate(world);
		dMassSetBoxTotal(&mass,torso_m, lx, ly, lz);
		torso[segment].geom = dCreateBox(space,lx, ly, lz); 
		dGeomSetBody(torso[segment].geom, torso[segment].body);
		dBodySetPosition(torso[segment].body, SX+segmentOffsetFromMiddle*(lx+DISTANCE_BETWEEN_SEGMENTS), SY, SZ); 
		// Formation of leg
		dMatrix3 R;                          // Revolution queue
		dRFromAxisAndAngle(R,1,0,0,M_PI/2);  // 90 degrees to turn, parallel with the land
		for (int i = 0; i < num_legs; i++) { 
			for (int j = 0; j < num_links; j++) {
				THETA[segment][i][j] = 0;
				leg[segment][i][j].body = dBodyCreate(world);
				if (j == 0)
				dBodySetPosition(leg[segment][i][j].body, SX+x[i][j]+segmentOffsetFromMiddle*(lx+DISTANCE_BETWEEN_SEGMENTS), SY+y[i][j], SZ+z[i][j]);				
				dBodySetMass(leg[segment][i][j].body, &mass);
				//if(i==1 and j==2)                                         //to set the length of one leg differently
				//leg[i][j].geom = dCreateCapsule(space_pneat,r[j],length[j]+.5); //set the length of the leg
				leg[segment][i][j].geom = dCreateCapsule(space,r[j],length[j]); //set the length of the leg
		// Formation of joints (and connecting them up)
		for (int i = 0; i < num_legs; i++) { 
			for (int j = 0; j < num_links; j++) { 
				leg[segment][i][j].joint = dJointCreateHinge(world, 0);
				if (j == 0){ 
					dJointAttach(leg[segment][i][j].joint, torso[segment].body, leg[segment][i][j].body); //connects hip to the environment
					dJointSetHingeParam(leg[segment][i][j].joint, dParamLoStop, -.50*M_PI); //prevent the hip forward-back from going more than 90 degrees
					dJointSetHingeParam(leg[segment][i][j].joint, dParamHiStop,  .50*M_PI);
					dJointAttach(leg[segment][i][j].joint, leg[segment][i][j-1].body, leg[segment][i][j].body);
				dJointSetHingeAnchor(leg[segment][i][j].joint, SX+x[i][j]+segmentOffsetFromMiddle*(lx+DISTANCE_BETWEEN_SEGMENTS), SY+c_y[i][j],SZ+c_z[i][j]);
				dJointSetHingeAxis(leg[segment][i][j].joint, axis_x[i][j], axis_y[i][j],axis_z[i][j]);
	// link torsos
	for(int segment = 0; segment < BODY_SEGMENTS-1; ++segment) {
		dReal segmentOffsetFromMiddle = segment - MIDDLE_BODY_SEGMENT;
		switch (hingeType) {
			case 1: //Hinge Joint, X axis  (back-breaker)
				torso[segment].joint = dJointCreateHinge(world, 0);
				dJointAttach(torso[segment].joint, torso[segment].body, torso[segment+1].body);
				dJointSetHingeAnchor(torso[segment].joint, SX+segmentOffsetFromMiddle*(lx+DISTANCE_BETWEEN_SEGMENTS)+(lx+DISTANCE_BETWEEN_SEGMENTS)/2, SY,SZ);
				dJointSetHingeAxis (torso[segment].joint, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
			case 2: //Hinge Joint, Y axis (???)
				torso[segment].joint = dJointCreateHinge(world, 0);
				dJointAttach(torso[segment].joint, torso[segment].body, torso[segment+1].body);
				dJointSetHingeAnchor(torso[segment].joint, SX+segmentOffsetFromMiddle*(lx+DISTANCE_BETWEEN_SEGMENTS)+(lx+DISTANCE_BETWEEN_SEGMENTS)/2, SY,SZ);
				dJointSetHingeAxis (torso[segment].joint, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
			case 3: //Hinge Joint, Z axis (snake-like)
				torso[segment].joint = dJointCreateHinge(world, 0);
				dJointAttach(torso[segment].joint, torso[segment].body, torso[segment+1].body);
				dJointSetHingeAnchor(torso[segment].joint, SX+segmentOffsetFromMiddle*(lx+DISTANCE_BETWEEN_SEGMENTS)+(lx+DISTANCE_BETWEEN_SEGMENTS)/2, SY,SZ);
				dJointSetHingeAxis (torso[segment].joint, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
			case 4: // Slider, Y axis  (??)
				torso[segment].joint = dJointCreateSlider(world, 0);
				dJointAttach(torso[segment].joint, torso[segment].body, torso[segment+1].body);
				dJointSetSliderAxis (torso[segment].joint, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
			case 5: // Slider, X axis  (extendo)
				torso[segment].joint = dJointCreateSlider(world, 0);
				dJointAttach(torso[segment].joint, torso[segment].body, torso[segment+1].body);
				dJointSetSliderAxis (torso[segment].joint, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);				
			case 6: //Universal Joint
				torso[segment].joint = dJointCreateUniversal(world, 0);
				dJointAttach(torso[segment].joint, torso[segment].body, torso[segment+1].body);
				dJointSetUniversalAnchor(torso[segment].joint, SX+segmentOffsetFromMiddle*(lx+DISTANCE_BETWEEN_SEGMENTS)+(lx+DISTANCE_BETWEEN_SEGMENTS)/2, SY,SZ);
				dJointSetUniversalAxis1(torso[segment].joint, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
				dJointSetUniversalAxis2(torso[segment].joint, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);				
			case 7: //Ball Joint
				torso[segment].joint = dJointCreateBall(world, 0);
				dJointAttach(torso[segment].joint, torso[segment].body, torso[segment+1].body);
				dJointSetBallAnchor(torso[segment].joint, SX+segmentOffsetFromMiddle*(lx+DISTANCE_BETWEEN_SEGMENTS)+(lx+DISTANCE_BETWEEN_SEGMENTS)/2, SY,SZ);
			case 8:  // Fixed
				torso[segment].joint = dJointCreateHinge(world, 0);
				dJointAttach(torso[segment].joint, torso[segment].body, torso[segment+1].body);
				dJointSetHingeAnchor(torso[segment].joint, SX+segmentOffsetFromMiddle*(lx+DISTANCE_BETWEEN_SEGMENTS)+(lx+DISTANCE_BETWEEN_SEGMENTS)/2, SY,SZ);
				dJointSetHingeAxis (torso[segment].joint, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);				
				dJointSetHingeParam(torso[segment].joint, dParamLoStop, -0.00*M_PI); //prevent the hip forward-back from going more than 90 degrees
				dJointSetHingeParam(torso[segment].joint, dParamHiStop,  0.00*M_PI);
				assert(false); // not a valid hinge type
Ejemplo n.º 10
// called by Webots at the beginning of the simulation
void webots_physics_init(dWorldID w, dSpaceID s, dJointGroupID j) {

  int i;

  // store global objects for later use
  world = w;
  space = s;
  contact_joint_group = j;

  // get floor geometry
  floor_geom = getGeom(floor_name);
  if (!floor_geom)

  // get foot geometry and body id's
  for (i = 0; i < N_FEET; i++) {
    foot_geom[i] = getGeom(foot_name[i]);
    if (!foot_geom[i])
    foot_body[i] = dGeomGetBody(foot_geom[i]);
    if (!foot_body[i])

  // create universal joints for linear actuators
  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    dBodyID upper_piston = getBody(upper_piston_name[i]);
    dBodyID lower_piston = getBody(lower_piston_name[i]);
    dBodyID upper_link = getBody(upper_link_name[i]);
    dBodyID lower_link = getBody(lower_link_name[i]);
    if (!upper_piston || !lower_piston || !upper_link || !lower_link)

    // create a ball and socket joint (3 DOFs) to attach the lower piston body to the lower link 
    // we don't need a universal joint here, because the piston's passive rotation is prevented
    // by the universal joint at its upper end.
    dJointID lower_balljoint = dJointCreateBall(world, 0);
    dJointAttach(lower_balljoint, lower_piston, lower_link);

    // transform attachement point from local to global coordinate system
    // warning: this is a hard-coded translation 
    dVector3 lower_ball;
    dBodyGetRelPointPos(lower_piston, 0, 0, -0.075, lower_ball);

    // set attachement point (anchor)
    dJointSetBallAnchor(lower_balljoint, lower_ball[0], lower_ball[1], lower_ball[2]);
    // create a universal joint (2 DOFs) to attach upper piston body to upper link
    // we need to use a universal joint to prevent the piston from passively rotating around its long axis
    dJointID upper_ujoint = dJointCreateUniversal(world, 0);
    dJointAttach(upper_ujoint, upper_piston, upper_link);

    // transform attachement point from local to global coordinate system
    // warning: this is a hard-coded translation 
    dVector3 upper_ball;
    dBodyGetRelPointPos(upper_piston, 0, 0, 0, upper_ball);

    // set attachement point (anchor)
    dJointSetUniversalAnchor(upper_ujoint, upper_ball[0], upper_ball[1], upper_ball[2]);

    // set the universal joint axes
    dVector3 upper_xaxis;
    dVector3 upper_yaxis;
    dBodyVectorToWorld(upper_piston, 1, 0, 0, upper_xaxis);
    dBodyVectorToWorld(upper_piston, 0, 1, 0, upper_yaxis);
    dJointSetUniversalAxis1(upper_ujoint, upper_xaxis[0], upper_xaxis[1], upper_xaxis[2]);
    dJointSetUniversalAxis2(upper_ujoint, upper_yaxis[0], upper_yaxis[1], upper_yaxis[2]);

Ejemplo n.º 11
int setupTest (int n)
  switch (n) {

  // ********** fixed joint

  case 0: {			// 2 body
    constructWorldForTest (0,2,
			   0.5*SIDE,0.5*SIDE,1, -0.5*SIDE,-0.5*SIDE,1,
			   1,1,0, 1,1,0,
    joint = dJointCreateFixed (world,0);
    dJointAttach (joint,body[0],body[1]);
    dJointSetFixed (joint);
    return 1;

  case 1: {			// 1 body to static env
    constructWorldForTest (0,1,
			   0.5*SIDE,0.5*SIDE,1, 0,0,0,
			   1,0,0, 1,0,0,
    joint = dJointCreateFixed (world,0);
    dJointAttach (joint,body[0],0);
    dJointSetFixed (joint);
    return 1;

  case 2: {			// 2 body with relative rotation
    constructWorldForTest (0,2,
			   0.5*SIDE,0.5*SIDE,1, -0.5*SIDE,-0.5*SIDE,1,
			   1,1,0, 1,1,0,
    joint = dJointCreateFixed (world,0);
    dJointAttach (joint,body[0],body[1]);
    dJointSetFixed (joint);
    return 1;

  case 3: {			// 1 body to static env with relative rotation
    constructWorldForTest (0,1,
			   0.5*SIDE,0.5*SIDE,1, 0,0,0,
			   1,0,0, 1,0,0,
    joint = dJointCreateFixed (world,0);
    dJointAttach (joint,body[0],0);
    dJointSetFixed (joint);
    return 1;

  // ********** hinge joint

  case 200:			// 2 body
    constructWorldForTest (0,2,
			   0.5*SIDE,0.5*SIDE,1, -0.5*SIDE,-0.5*SIDE,1,
			   1,1,0, 1,1,0, 0.25*M_PI,0.25*M_PI);
    joint = dJointCreateHinge (world,0);
    dJointAttach (joint,body[0],body[1]);
    dJointSetHingeAnchor (joint,0,0,1);
    dJointSetHingeAxis (joint,1,-1,1.41421356);
    return 1;

  case 220:			// hinge angle polarity test
  case 221:			// hinge angle rate test
    constructWorldForTest (0,2,
			   0.5*SIDE,0.5*SIDE,1, -0.5*SIDE,-0.5*SIDE,1,
			   1,0,0, 1,0,0, 0,0);
    joint = dJointCreateHinge (world,0);
    dJointAttach (joint,body[0],body[1]);
    dJointSetHingeAnchor (joint,0,0,1);
    dJointSetHingeAxis (joint,0,0,1);
    max_iterations = 50;
    return 1;

  case 230:			// hinge motor rate (and polarity) test
  case 231:			// ...with stops
    constructWorldForTest (0,2,
			   0.5*SIDE,0.5*SIDE,1, -0.5*SIDE,-0.5*SIDE,1,
			   1,0,0, 1,0,0, 0,0);
    joint = dJointCreateHinge (world,0);
    dJointAttach (joint,body[0],body[1]);
    dJointSetHingeAnchor (joint,0,0,1);
    dJointSetHingeAxis (joint,0,0,1);
    dJointSetHingeParam (joint,dParamFMax,1);
    if (n==231) {
      dJointSetHingeParam (joint,dParamLoStop,-0.5);
      dJointSetHingeParam (joint,dParamHiStop,0.5);
    return 1;

  case 250:			// limit bounce test (gravity down)
  case 251: {			// ...gravity up
    constructWorldForTest ((n==251) ? 0.1 : -0.1, 2,
			   0.5*SIDE,0,1+0.5*SIDE, -0.5*SIDE,0,1-0.5*SIDE,
			   1,0,0, 1,0,0, 0,0);
    joint = dJointCreateHinge (world,0);
    dJointAttach (joint,body[0],body[1]);
    dJointSetHingeAnchor (joint,0,0,1);
    dJointSetHingeAxis (joint,0,1,0);
    dJointSetHingeParam (joint,dParamLoStop,-0.9);
    dJointSetHingeParam (joint,dParamHiStop,0.7854);
    dJointSetHingeParam (joint,dParamBounce,0.5);
    // anchor 2nd body with a fixed joint
    dJointID j = dJointCreateFixed (world,0);
    dJointAttach (j,body[1],0);
    dJointSetFixed (j);
    return 1;

  // ********** slider

  case 300:			// 2 body
    constructWorldForTest (0,2,
			   0,0,1, 0.2,0.2,1.2,
			   0,0,1, -1,1,0, 0,0.25*M_PI);
    joint = dJointCreateSlider (world,0);
    dJointAttach (joint,body[0],body[1]);
    dJointSetSliderAxis (joint,1,1,1);
    return 1;

  case 320:			// slider angle polarity test
  case 321:			// slider angle rate test
    constructWorldForTest (0,2,
			   0,0,1, 0,0,1.2,
			   1,0,0, 1,0,0, 0,0);
    joint = dJointCreateSlider (world,0);
    dJointAttach (joint,body[0],body[1]);
    dJointSetSliderAxis (joint,0,0,1);
    max_iterations = 50;
    return 1;

  case 330:			// slider motor rate (and polarity) test
  case 331:			// ...with stops
    constructWorldForTest (0, 2,
			   0,0,1, 0,0,1.2,
			   1,0,0, 1,0,0, 0,0);
    joint = dJointCreateSlider (world,0);
    dJointAttach (joint,body[0],body[1]);
    dJointSetSliderAxis (joint,0,0,1);
    dJointSetSliderParam (joint,dParamFMax,100);
    if (n==331) {
      dJointSetSliderParam (joint,dParamLoStop,-0.4);
      dJointSetSliderParam (joint,dParamHiStop,0.4);
    return 1;

  case 350:			// limit bounce tests
  case 351: {
    constructWorldForTest ((n==351) ? 0.1 : -0.1, 2,
			   0,0,1, 0,0,1.2,
			   1,0,0, 1,0,0, 0,0);
    joint = dJointCreateSlider (world,0);
    dJointAttach (joint,body[0],body[1]);
    dJointSetSliderAxis (joint,0,0,1);
    dJointSetSliderParam (joint,dParamLoStop,-0.5);
    dJointSetSliderParam (joint,dParamHiStop,0.5);
    dJointSetSliderParam (joint,dParamBounce,0.5);
    // anchor 2nd body with a fixed joint
    dJointID j = dJointCreateFixed (world,0);
    dJointAttach (j,body[1],0);
    dJointSetFixed (j);
    return 1;

  // ********** hinge-2 joint

  case 420:			// hinge-2 steering angle polarity test
  case 421:			// hinge-2 steering angle rate test
    constructWorldForTest (0,2,
			   0.5*SIDE,0,1, -0.5*SIDE,0,1,
			   1,0,0, 1,0,0, 0,0);
    joint = dJointCreateHinge2 (world,0);
    dJointAttach (joint,body[0],body[1]);
    dJointSetHinge2Anchor (joint,-0.5*SIDE,0,1);
    dJointSetHinge2Axis1 (joint,0,0,1);
    dJointSetHinge2Axis2 (joint,1,0,0);
    max_iterations = 50;
    return 1;

  case 430:			// hinge 2 steering motor rate (+polarity) test
  case 431:			// ...with stops
  case 432:			// hinge 2 wheel motor rate (+polarity) test
    constructWorldForTest (0,2,
			   0.5*SIDE,0,1, -0.5*SIDE,0,1,
			   1,0,0, 1,0,0, 0,0);
    joint = dJointCreateHinge2 (world,0);
    dJointAttach (joint,body[0],body[1]);
    dJointSetHinge2Anchor (joint,-0.5*SIDE,0,1);
    dJointSetHinge2Axis1 (joint,0,0,1);
    dJointSetHinge2Axis2 (joint,1,0,0);
    dJointSetHinge2Param (joint,dParamFMax,1);
    dJointSetHinge2Param (joint,dParamFMax2,1);
    if (n==431) {
      dJointSetHinge2Param (joint,dParamLoStop,-0.5);
      dJointSetHinge2Param (joint,dParamHiStop,0.5);
    return 1;

  // ********** angular motor joint

  case 600:			// test euler angle calculations
    constructWorldForTest (0,2,
			   -SIDE*0.5,0,1, SIDE*0.5,0,1,
			   0,0,1, 0,0,1, 0,0);
    joint = dJointCreateAMotor (world,0);
    dJointAttach (joint,body[0],body[1]);

    dJointSetAMotorNumAxes (joint,3);
    dJointSetAMotorAxis (joint,0,1, 0,0,1);
    dJointSetAMotorAxis (joint,2,2, 1,0,0);
    dJointSetAMotorMode (joint,dAMotorEuler);
    max_iterations = 200;
    return 1;

    // ********** universal joint

  case 700:			// 2 body
  case 701:
  case 702:
    constructWorldForTest (0,2,
 			   0.5*SIDE,0.5*SIDE,1, -0.5*SIDE,-0.5*SIDE,1,
 			   1,1,0, 1,1,0, 0.25*M_PI,0.25*M_PI);
    joint = dJointCreateUniversal (world,0);
    dJointAttach (joint,body[0],body[1]);
    dJointSetUniversalAnchor (joint,0,0,1);
    dJointSetUniversalAxis1 (joint, 1, -1, 1.41421356);
    dJointSetUniversalAxis2 (joint, 1, -1, -1.41421356);
    return 1;

  case 720:		// universal transmit torque test
  case 721:
  case 722:
  case 730:		// universal torque about axis 1
  case 731:
  case 732:
  case 740:		// universal torque about axis 2
  case 741:
  case 742:
    constructWorldForTest (0,2,
 			   0.5*SIDE,0.5*SIDE,1, -0.5*SIDE,-0.5*SIDE,1,
 			   1,0,0, 1,0,0, 0,0);
    joint = dJointCreateUniversal (world,0);
    dJointAttach (joint,body[0],body[1]);
    dJointSetUniversalAnchor (joint,0,0,1);
    dJointSetUniversalAxis1 (joint,0,0,1);
    dJointSetUniversalAxis2 (joint, 1, -1,0);
    max_iterations = 100;
    return 1;
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 12
void UniversalJoint::createJointPhysics()
  physicalJoint = dJointCreateUniversal(*simulation->getPhysicalWorld(), 0);
  PhysicalObject* o1 = getPhysicalParentObject();
  PhysicalObject* o2 = getPhysicalChildObject(this);
  assert (o1 && o2);

  dJointAttach(physicalJoint, *(o2->getBody()), *(o1->getBody()));

  //set joint parameter
  dJointSetUniversalAnchor(physicalJoint, dReal(anchorPoint.v[0]), dReal(anchorPoint.v[1]), dReal(anchorPoint.v[2]));
  Vector3d physAxis(axis1->direction);
  dJointSetUniversalAxis1(physicalJoint, dReal(physAxis.v[0]), dReal(physAxis.v[1]), dReal(physAxis.v[2]));
  physAxis = axis2->direction;
  dJointSetUniversalAxis2(physicalJoint, dReal(physAxis.v[0]), dReal(physAxis.v[1]), dReal(physAxis.v[2]));

  if(axis1->cfm != -1.0)
    dJointSetUniversalParam(physicalJoint, dParamCFM, dReal(axis1->cfm));
  if(axis2->cfm != -1.0)
    dJointSetUniversalParam(physicalJoint, dParamCFM2, dReal(axis2->cfm));

  if(axis1->limited || (axis1->motor != 0 && axis1->motor->getMotorType() == ANGULAR))
    double minAxisLimit(Functions::toRad(axis1->minValue));
    double maxAxisLimit(Functions::toRad(axis1->maxValue));
    //Set physical limits to higher values (+10%) to avoid strange hinge effects.
    //Otherwise, sometimes the motor exceeds the limits.
    assert(maxAxisLimit >= minAxisLimit);
    double totalAxisRange(maxAxisLimit - minAxisLimit);
    double internalTolerance(totalAxisRange / 10);
    minAxisLimit -= internalTolerance;
    maxAxisLimit += internalTolerance;
    dJointSetUniversalParam(physicalJoint, dParamLoStop, dReal(minAxisLimit));
    dJointSetUniversalParam(physicalJoint, dParamHiStop, dReal(maxAxisLimit));
    // this has to be done due to the way ODE sets joint stops
    dJointSetUniversalParam(physicalJoint, dParamLoStop, dReal(minAxisLimit));
    if(axis1->fullScaleDeflectionCFM != -1.0)
      dJointSetUniversalParam(physicalJoint, dParamStopCFM, dReal(axis1->fullScaleDeflectionCFM));
    if(axis1->fullScaleDeflectionERP != -1.0)
      dJointSetUniversalParam(physicalJoint, dParamStopERP, dReal(axis1->fullScaleDeflectionERP));
  if(axis2->limited || (axis2->motor != 0 && axis2->motor->getMotorType() == ANGULAR))
    double minAxisLimit(Functions::toRad(axis2->minValue));
    double maxAxisLimit(Functions::toRad(axis2->maxValue));
    //Set physical limits to higher values (+10%) to avoid strange hinge effects.
    //Otherwise, sometimes the motor exceeds the limits.
    assert(maxAxisLimit >= minAxisLimit);
    double totalAxisRange(maxAxisLimit - minAxisLimit);
    double internalTolerance(totalAxisRange / 10);
    minAxisLimit -= internalTolerance;
    maxAxisLimit += internalTolerance;
    dJointSetUniversalParam(physicalJoint, dParamLoStop2, dReal(minAxisLimit));
    dJointSetUniversalParam(physicalJoint, dParamHiStop2, dReal(maxAxisLimit));
    // this has to be done due to the way ODE sets joint stops
    dJointSetUniversalParam(physicalJoint, dParamLoStop2, dReal(minAxisLimit));
    if(axis2->fullScaleDeflectionCFM != -1.0)
      dJointSetUniversalParam(physicalJoint, dParamStopCFM2, dReal(axis2->fullScaleDeflectionCFM));
    if(axis2->fullScaleDeflectionERP != -1.0)
      dJointSetUniversalParam(physicalJoint, dParamStopERP2, dReal(axis2->fullScaleDeflectionERP));
dJointID ODE_U_FrictionTorqueMotorModel::createJoint(dBodyID body1, dBodyID body2) {

	if(mJointAxis1Point1 == 0 || mJointAxis1Point2 == 0
		|| mJointAxis2Point1 == 0 || mJointAxis2Point2 == 0) 
		Core::log("ODE_U_FrictionTorqueMotorModel: Could not find all required parmaeter Values.");
		return 0;

	if(mJointAxis1Point1->get().equals(mJointAxis1Point2->get(), -1)
		|| mJointAxis2Point1->get().equals(mJointAxis2Point2->get(), -1)) 
		Core::log("Invalid axes for ODE_U_FrictionTorqueMotorModel: " + mJointAxis1Point1->getValueAsString() + " "
			+ mJointAxis1Point2->getValueAsString() + " " + mJointAxis2Point1->getValueAsString() + " "
			+ mJointAxis2Point2->getValueAsString());
		return 0;

	Vector3D anchor = mAnchor->get();
	Vector3D axis1 = mJointAxis1Point2->get() - mJointAxis1Point1->get();
	Vector3D axis2 = mJointAxis2Point2->get() - mJointAxis2Point1->get();

	dJointID joint = dJointCreateAMotor(mWorldID, mGeneralJointGroup);
	dJointAttach(joint, body1, body2);

	dJointSetAMotorMode(joint, dAMotorEuler);
	dJointSetAMotorNumAxes(joint, 2);

	dJointSetAMotorParam(joint, dParamVel, 0.0);
	dJointSetAMotorParam(joint, dParamFMax, mDesiredMotorTorqueValue->get());
	dJointSetAMotorParam(joint, dParamCFM, mCFMValue->get());
	dJointSetAMotorParam(joint, dParamStopERP, mStopERPValue->get());
	dJointSetAMotorParam(joint, dParamStopCFM, mStopCFMValue->get());
	dJointSetAMotorParam(joint, dParamBounce, mBounceValue->get());
	dJointSetAMotorParam(joint, dParamFudgeFactor, mFudgeFactorValue->get());


	Vector3D perpedicular1;
	if(axis1.getY() != 0.0 || axis1.getX() != 0.0) {
		perpedicular1.set(-axis1.getY(), axis1.getX(), 0);
	else {
		perpedicular1.set(0, -axis1.getZ(), axis1.getY());


	// If one of the bodies is static, the motor axis need to be defined in a different way. 
	// For different constellations of static and dynamic bodies, the turn direction 
	// of the motor changed, so this had to be added.
	if(body1 == 0) {
		dJointSetAMotorAxis(joint, 0, 0, -axis1.getX(), -axis1.getY(), -axis1.getZ());
	else {
		dJointSetAMotorAxis(joint, 0, 1, axis1.getX(), axis1.getY(), axis1.getZ());
	if(body2 == 0) {
		dJointSetAMotorAxis(joint, 2, 0, -perpedicular1.getX(), -perpedicular1.getY(), 
	else {
		dJointSetAMotorAxis(joint, 2, 2, perpedicular1.getX(), perpedicular1.getY(), 

	mUniversalJoint = dJointCreateUniversal(mWorldID, mGeneralJointGroup);
	dJointAttach(mUniversalJoint, body1, body2);

	dJointSetUniversalAnchor(mUniversalJoint, anchor.getX(), anchor.getY(), anchor.getZ());
	dJointSetUniversalAxis1(mUniversalJoint, axis1.getX(), axis1.getY(), axis1.getZ());
	dJointSetUniversalAxis2(mUniversalJoint, axis2.getX(), axis2.getY(), axis2.getZ());

	double minAngle1 = (mAxis1MinAngle->get() * Math::PI) / 180.0;
	double minAngle2 = (mAxis2MinAngle->get() * Math::PI) / 180.0;
	double maxAngle1 = (mAxis1MaxAngle->get() * Math::PI) / 180.0;
	double maxAngle2 = (mAxis2MaxAngle->get() * Math::PI) / 180.0;

// 	if(body1 == 0) {
// 		double tmp = 
// 		mMinAngle = -1.0 * mMaxAngle;
// 		mMaxAngle = -1.0 * tmp;
// 	}

	dJointSetUniversalParam(mUniversalJoint, dParamLoStop, minAngle1);
	dJointSetUniversalParam(mUniversalJoint, dParamHiStop, maxAngle1);
	dJointSetUniversalParam(mUniversalJoint, dParamLoStop2, minAngle2);
	dJointSetUniversalParam(mUniversalJoint, dParamHiStop2, maxAngle2);

	dJointSetUniversalParam(mUniversalJoint, dParamVel, 0.0);
	dJointSetUniversalParam(mUniversalJoint, dParamVel2, 0.0);

	return joint;